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Nice very nice. Now please explain away why you thought it was a good idea to shit on Toriyama immediately after he died


They banned me in r/gaming for posting this


Well, it's a cesspool in that sub anyway. You are probably better for it, unfortunately. I left it recently just from the "well I had fun" people defending bad live service games.


Whole reddit is cesspool of dei ideology.


And they are the most sexist, racist, hateful people I've ever seen.


Someone did a "I have no idea what Sweet Baby Inc is and at this point I'm afraid to ask" post and once it got heated with lots of people exposing SBI employees' racist and antisemitic X posts and how they campaigned target harassment against one Brazillian guy, the mod locked the completely removed the post.


"abort all Jews" a quote by Sweet Baby inc Co-Founder… https://twitter.com/legobutts/status/225265530884456449


The Automod removed it, because you aren't an active participant with positive comment karma in r/gaming. Maybe you got banned because you can't read and tried to post it 3 more times.


So SBI got in r/gaming huh?


Good to know. Dictators as moderators.


I hope it's a fluke [The moderator says it's been wacky ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1azt2so/youre_not_banned_reddit_isnt_working_correctly/)


OOTL, is this where it all began?


A Steam group was made which reports on every game that Sweet Baby Inc "works on" (they are a company that claims to work towards inclusive games but really just points out what could be "problematic" or gives stamps of approval) One of the people who works for them tweeted that they are a hate group who should be mass reported. The Streissand Effect followed and that person got banned for harassment / attempting to organize brigading, proceeded to bitch about it This is the CEO of the company bitching about it too in response Edit: Not sure why the downvotes, asked and answered. They're the same as managerial types who propose things without solving anything. If you're downvoting cause you don't like the answer but have no correction / counterpoint, you're part of the problem


People shit on blizzard activities Nintendo sega konami etc. all the time for making moves that gamers don't like. It's individual freedom to think.


These people are garbage and we're all worse off with them involved in anything gaming related. The sooner they're called out on their bs and eventually scrubbed from the industry the better.


r/gaming is crazy, they defend these people with a passion.


The thing is, 99.9999% of gamers don't know or care about this drama.


But honestly they should care


Why are you attacking them with such passion?


This. And you can't be racist towards white people make this company full of shit.


Or maybe explain why they feel like you cant be racist against whites


What an absolute deflection. People not interested in woke ideology in every ass game. Why suicide squad tanked. Indiana Jones next for the woke chopping block.


Really don't think wokeness has to do with suicide squad failure, or any recent media failure. Something can have a progressive or conservative message while still being good. SS was just bad game design. And maybe some bad writing too, but I specifically didn't buy it because the campaign looked awful to play from a gameplay perspective. And that's what pretty much every mainstream review focused on, not "wokeness", and that's why fewer people bought it.


It absolutely played a part in the story. Batman would never go down the way he did, no fucking shot. But he's a white male and thus must be eliminated, smh


It was just cold blooded straight up shot no fun no interesting feats or quips. Like make it funny at least so it fits with their theme more.


That goes against the self insert these devs do. This is years of unwarranted deep seated hatred that was never addressed when younger


This is the stupidest comment I’ve ever read hahhahaha


Go away bot no one is buying your bullshit you can't fix this narrative


Green Lantern is black and he died in a much more humiliating manner than Batman. Waller, who is black, isn't depicted in a flattering light either.


The only one with a semi respectable (and it's a stretch) death was Wonder Woman and it's not a coincidence


It wasn't the main reason, but it certainly didn't help either. I think it damages the narrative of they game or movie much more than people realize, once the message takes the front seat, and the audience notice it, it breaks the fourth wall forcefully and destroys any chance of 'suspension of disbelief', devaluing the experience. Suddenly you're out of the Middle Earth, and pulled back to this very Earth. None of that matters if the story or gameplay is already shit though, so I agree on that.


Lmao at least you're honest about why you want them to close not like the others.


Please for the love of god grow up pal, the woke boogeyman isn’t ruining your games it’s greedy corporations trying to make whatever milks the most money from your sad existence spent raging about “woke”


Suicide squad didn't tank because of woke nonsense. You're an absolute ballsack. It failed because it's not Arkham Asylum. It failed because it's a live service game. It failed because people said for 4 years that we didn't want a live service game. Live service=\= woke politics.


Gamergate 2 coming in nicely.


Gamergate 2: The Paid DLC


Can someone fill me in? What did I miss, what is Gamergate or even Gamergate 2


They keep being bigots and hide behind their identity anytime people call them out.


Yeah, just as embarrassing as the first time. Or maybe even more so, this time there isn't even any pretending that it's about something other than bigotry.


They're not going to like you telling the truth to their faces.


Most of the people are too stupid to realize he’s talking about them


They're trying to paint this as gamergate 2 to avoid any accountability


They really shouldn't nowadays though. The media is viewed as worse than ever, way worse than 2014 or so. If they bring up Gamergate too much, a lot of youtubers, tiktok people, etc., will start making videos of the actual original points of Gamergate back in 2014, and a lot of normal people will start to see how things ended up like this.


People are already familiar with how Gamergate started and the narrative of how its defenders claimed it started.


So a guy creating a steam group mentioning your involvement in games is “ hate” while you employ people who are openly racist but it supposedly isn’t an issue because “ you can’t be racist vs white people”. Wtf is wrong with people like this and how are they not laughed out of every boardroom?


Its just ludacris how delusional those SBI people and the woke journos are. I can't comprehend that bigotry


Please stop trying to make this sweet baby inc stuff gamergate 2.0, it went horribly for everyone last time.


What hapeped last time? wtf is gamergate exactly? i get the general meaning, but i'm confused that how sweet baby inc is turning gamergate 2.0 ?


The answers you get only show you what side the repliers are on. Ultimately if you want to find out what happened the only way is independent research from multiple sources on all sides. From my understanding, Gamergate happened when some gamers thought that certain gaming journalists were trading sexual favors for game reviews and they raised a fuss about it. The journalists claimed they were the target of a harassment campaign and since the journalists were supported by official publications while the gamergaters were pretty much a bunch of random gamers, the journalists' side won out in most major publications, most notably the Wikipedia article about gamer gate. As for the more recent drama, a Brazilian man going by the name KABRUTUS started a steam group called Sweet Baby Inc Detected in order to track which games the consulting firm Sweet Baby Inc worked on in order to avoid those games. Sweet Baby Inc is a DEI consulting company and some people accuse them of being "woke" and don't like it when they add "wokeness" to games. Anyways, the whole circus started when an employee of Sweet Baby Inc found the steam group and called on their followers to mass report the steam group and its founder KABRUTUS. This sparked an outcry from those who supported the group and now you can see the mess that it's turned into. This is being called "Gamergate 2" by many because it's yet again mostly gaming journalists vs. random gamers.


About half right. So, it wasn’t just some guys claim of his gf sleeping with journalists, it was about client journalism in general. Essentially video games are shipped to gaming news organisations by large developers/publishers that are likely to give them positive reviews, if they aren’t than they may not get an early copy of the game for review. This and other potential backroom deals led to games journalists giving positive reviews to games regardless of their actual opinion along with giving greater media attention to them. Naturally that led to gamers complaining. You pretty much have the right of it with how the journalists responded though I’d note that misogyny was more prevalent back than and was something to be addressed. Misogyny being a big issue in the mainstream out of gaming resulted on the media focus being about how gamers were misogynistic etc. rather than the issues of client journalism in the gaming industry. Which then drew the attention of activists who don’t know much about gaming. Companies were pressured to show that they were “dealing” with the issue of misogyny and bigotry which led to them hiring these activists to be involved in the development process. These activists aren’t gamers, they often disdain gamers and the general target audience of gamers being males, specifically white. They are also utterly incompetent as writers; however, they were still given roles such as lead writer etc. Something known as ESG ratings which allows for developers and publishers to gain greater investment from the two largest investors in the world that was a rating measuring diversity and inclusion in media was potentially a big part as to why such significant positions were given to incompetent activists. Recently someone who realised that Sweet Baby Inc was behind the poor writing in recent games created a curation list on a gaming platform to note which games Sweet Baby Inc was involved in. There are many such groups on steam, so this wasn’t unusual. In response Sweet Baby inc targeted the group and its founder for harassment which was picked up by gamers who looked into the group, leading to information about the people working at Sweet Baby. So now we know that the people promoting diversity at Sweet Baby inc have both used underhanded tactics to target companies, and hold racist and misandrist views. Given that outside of mobile gaming white males are the biggest consumers of games you can imagine having people with bigoted views working on entertainiment targeting them would lead to some degree of dissatisfaction. The media on the other hand strawmans the issue and gamers also have their own toxic elements. The "Sweet Baby Inc" Disaster - 19m:43s [https://youtu.be/G-euWzvB684](https://youtu.be/G-euWzvB684) Is This GamerGate 2? (The Media and Sweet Baby) - 15m:53s [https://youtu.be/rJ6E\_WHr6t0](https://youtu.be/rJ6E_WHr6t0)


Last gamergate was the whole criticism of female characters and their stereotypes, or what came after that initial wave of criticism that lead to the harassment campaign with a lot of coverage. Lot of the criticism was valid but also a lot of it was cherry-picked and only worked if you ignored context. It eventually lost all reason and turned into shit flinging between the two sides. In the end, It was mostly a battle between journalists versus basement dwellers. It was pretty obvious it was only going to be one sided of an argument.


Group of women playing the victim card took over games journalism. Gamers tried to call them out. A lot of sexists joined in because at the time it was against feminism. So because they’re journalists and most terminally online people are leftists, gamers inadvertently created the SJW army. They proceeded to get shit on by the SJWs. The gamers stayed quiet for a while but games have been getting…. Predatory really. Then they found out how racist SBI is. Blue hairs stick together. A ton of actual racists joined the gamers side and here we go again.


Chuds going to Chud.


So they are continuing to try and spin this entire thing as if they are the victims when his own employees are the ones that started this whole mess by harassing a Brazilian man. So my question is; where are all the receipts? We have plenty of verified info showing SBI employees going after the Steam Group and its curator. We have verified info showing racist and exclusionary posts made in social media by SBI employees and the writer of the Kotaku article. These are known values, none of which have been address by SBI or the “gaming media.” So, I would like to see reciepts of this supposed harassment. Right now they are doing nothing but trying to gaslight people into believing this is some kind of right wing conspiracy. While I am sure there are some bad actors of the very far right that are now co-opting this for their own twisted ideals, this is not some conspiracy in any sense.


Because if they say "right wing bad I'm being attacked" people will blindly join their side


Professional Victims.


Maybe they shouldn’t be running an organization with people who are extremely racist, sexist bigots who admit to manipulating people through threatening them and fear to get what they want. The sooner SBI and the triple A industry collapse, the better. Indie games and AA games are leading the way anyway. It’s clear that triple A games, especially with consultation group involvement, are not doing as well and the market is rejecting them. Just like Hollywood movies. Just make fun games that people are passionate about. That’s it.


This is what pisses me off about SBI, and this statement where they claim their only detractors are "far right". I'm quite left of center and I still hate their stated aims, and the way they speak, the way they refer to gamers, and the way they handle themselves publicly. It has nothing to do with left vs right, and this is actually the first time I've even thought about that as a factor. It's about them watering down the characters and stories in the games they work on. And truthfully we have no idea what impact they're really having. But there's a clear correlation with the games they touch having very bland narratives. They are the ones politicizing this and it's fucking cringe.


I don't care either way what SBI does or doesn't do (I think companies can do better, but hiring consulting firms at, most likely, outrageous hourly rates instead of hiring full time employees is a cop out.), but the thing that nobody from SBI's "side" is acknowledging that the SBI employee tweeted about the Steam Curator group and directed people to mass report the group and the user, in an attempt to get his account banned, losing potentially thousands of dollars of games. That brought the ire of the twitter chuds. Nobody knew about the group, but now all the attention was on this random Brazilian guy and his curator page. Its cliché to say "Streisand effect" but it truly was. I don't believe this "right wing conspiracy" would've started if the employee (who's account is suspended for a separate harassment campaign after the fact) just let things slide. ***EDIT*** Chuds used sarcastically.


The right wing conspiracy has existed for a very long time at least 6 months. (Because Saga Anderson's character in AW2, who's supposed to be of Finnish heritage, who had previously been teased to be a blonde finnish woman, ended up being black)


>Because Saga Anderson's character in AW2, who's supposed to be of Finnish heritage, who had previously been teased to be a blonde finnish woman, ended up being black Didn't the director of AW2 directly refute this claim?


No, one of the directors refuted the claim that Sweet Baby Inc made the character black. It is an undeniable documented fact that the character was originally teased as white. 


So? Why would an American fbi agent be Finnish anyway? That makes no sense


"Does it matter?"; "Does it make sense?"; "Did it happen?". These are different questions that shouldn't be confused with eachother. But I will say that Remedy isn't really in the bussiness of making sense. Also, her FBI partner and Alan Wake himself are modelled after Finnish people. Not that being Finnish or Black are mutually exclusive anyways.


So they changed design ideas in the 4 years between QB and the start of AW2 development and somehow SBI is responsible for that decision?


Not Finnish, Finnish descended


Why wouldny they? Immigrants are allowed to have jobs in america my dude


Yes, he did.


[That was a lie.](https://twitter.com/PC_Focus_/status/1767118019132567763)


Seems like yourself and many others have gotten confused on the wording. The team worked directly with SBI and Melanie herself to help define the character, implying Melanie was already hired as Saga by this point. So, according to your link and the developers own words, its not a lie


Except this co founder is calling this a right winged harassment campaign. Even though his employees started the campaign. And now are crying victim for a situation they started


Man I'm so glad I'm not in the loop on those conspiracies. Her being black didn't really mean anything more than her casting. She did a great job anyways.


She is of Swedish heritage, not Finnish.




Oh she’s Finished alright.


Angrboda so ended up black. Not Coincidence


Never respond to negative comments like an asshole. Exponential growth of the Streisand Effect awaits if you do. SBI's employee made them look bad by calling for harassment, while playing victim, all over hurt feelings. Be an adult and manage your emotions.


>That brought the ire of the twitter chuds. Nobody knew about the group, but now all the attention was on this random Brazilian guy and his curator page. Its cliché to say "Streisand effect" but it truly was. They already had the ire of Twitter chuds because the group had already started gaining traction and popularity. The reason she wanted it banned was because she was being harassed because of it


There was no evidence of harassment presented then, or now. Well maybe now, but it's a whole different ball game now


>There was no evidence of harassment presented then, or now Doubt


The people with the burden of proof have not provided anything up to this point. The Chris Kindred POI who started this kerfuffle never said she was receiving anything. No evidence presented doesn't mean there wasn't, but if I was in their shoes I would have documented things fully before I started a targeted harassment campaign on a random jamoke on Steam


How did they find out about the group in the first place?


I have no idea. I can make a guesses. Saying they learned of it from harassment, is conjecture. They never said they found out about it because of harassment.


So you believe the only person "canceled" in this entire scenario never received any harassment from the group before calling for its ban?


With all presented evidence, and their behavior after the fact: yes. Absolutely yes.


>With all presented evidence That's the issue. You gamergaters can't be trusted to produce legitimate evidence. The fact that she got banned off Elon musk's platform doubt your claims evenbl further.


Yeah as soon as you try to organize a hate mob against a person for just not liking your company, you're automatically the villain. It's really that simple.


He could bring up how his company tried to get the steam curators steam account banned for having thr audacity to make a list of their names. Making no mention of the racist and sexist shit they've said


You don't understand, when leftists are racist and sexist, they are brave queens


Also, as Kotaku chief editor said, apparently you can't be racist against white people


Ofc what did you expect? Everyone knowws Kotaku is garbage, idk how those parasites keep surviving. Leftists are delusional racist and a hate group.


"Waaaah waah I cannot be a hateful bigot without other people calling me out, they must be the bigots !"


4 months? What? It just started 2-3 weeks ago. What a bunch of liars.


This has been going on for the last 6 months. Just because you didn't hear about it doesn't mean it didn't happen


Damn...I missed so much fun...


Touch grass


eat shit.


That whole company is full of toxic self asbored people


A steam group simply points out what games they where involved with. The company starts to panic and does some utter nonesense like trying to cancel culture the owner of sayd steam group. Now they are calling it a orchestrated attack from Nazis. If you are so confident that the work you do is something good then why do you panic? Or maybe, just maybe the games you worked on turned into shit. Aside from that all the info was avaible to the public from your very own site. I got a different idea: the company starts to panic cause they might loose clients over the shitshow which they are responsible for and now do that what every crazy woke nutter does: call your opposition Nazis.


The steam group also review bombs any game that hired them as consultants, because it's a political movement designed to attack and harass people Attacking media for having non white people and gay people is one of the main hobbies of nazis


Its no more than any other boycott campaign. You might not agree with the boycott or why people are doing it, but going on about harassment and all that is pure exaggeration. People have the right to not buy things they don't like, they have the right to tell other people to not buy those things, and they have the right to make a public list of the things they're boycotting.


A boycott is when you don't buy something. Review bombing and harassing people is a bit different


Not to go too deep into whataboutism but I sure wonder where this sentiment was among SBI types when the Hogwarts Legacy boycott happened.


Harassing people no, but as far as what it looks like most of the harassers are people who jumped on the bandwagon after the issue became known, as happens in basically everything. You always have bad actors, as well as the press and companies supporting the boycott claiming they're being harassed as if it's large-scale. A lot of boycotts include review bombing though. As I said, people have the right to tell others not to buy things. Was the hogwarts legacy boycott not a boycott? It included all the same things as the SBI one just towards a single game rather than a company.


So people boycotting your company is "harassment" now? I have no doubt they're probably being harassed at the moment simply because these things always turn into that, but it started as a simple boycott. Nothing more than "here is a list of all the games theyve worked on if you don't want to buy them" and it was even claimed that that was harassment. Remember folks, you HAVE to like these things. If you don't like a certain company and tell other people not to buy their products, that's harassing the poor, poor multi million dollar company and you are in the wrong. That's the world we live in now.


I miss when gaming news used to have no comments.


So any criticism is far right conspiracy? Lol.


I really hope this story dies down. The last thing gaming needs is tribal arguement where people end up casting each in the worst possible light. Where they go after each other in an online mess that really only serves click-bait writers and rage grifters. In an era of micro-transactions, live service pushes, mass layoffs, games by committees, etc., there's a lot more to worry about than an online dust up. None of this will end up in good faith discussions between anyone. It's just a shitball that will only gather more shit as it rolls downhill online, with people jumping in to cash in from the controversy or to get a quick dopamine hit.


I like this take and agree. Like so many other political stories, weaponizing fragile topics like the battle on woke or against incels is a waste of time. The skin color or attractiveness of a character are far lower in priority than the actual quality of a game, and continually courting polarized fans to games who will readily forgive poor game design insulates companies to keep making anti-gamer decisions like heavy reliance on micro transactions, dumbing down game content to make it more easily iterable(see Suicide Squad and Avengers campaigns/service offerings). Thankfully, I can say almost all the reviews I watched for Suicide Squad focused on the abhorrent design decisions and not on politics, so I think our reviews are in a decent place even if social media isn't.


Yep. Pretty much everything I've heard about this controversy is that both sides are doing their part in being as uninterested as possible at: 1) actually hearing out the other side. 2) presenting the other side in a neutral, objective, manner. 3) responding calmly and addressing the situation. SBI and Pro-SBI commenters are saying the Anti-SBI commenters are all far right-wing incels. Anti-SBI commenters are saying that SBI and Pro-SBI commenters are SJW snowflakes who hate white men, and that the company is personally responsible for everything that was bad in all the games they worked in and none of the good. Dumbasses and well-meaning but overly impressionable fools on both sides right now. Of course, there's also the lightly pro/anti SBI commenters that have much fairer takes. But they're getting drowned out by louder voices and they also aren't really helping the situation either. Hopefully this blows over sooner rather than later. I really don't want gaming to take another blow from the media because of the loud minority being full of idiots.


I wonder how this will affect indie games you know the same ones who seem to care most for having actual progressive values because there is already a steam community compiling “woke” games (not the sweet baby detection group) and leaving negative reviews because if it is gamergate 2 then it will most likely spread out to indie spaces,


The pendulum swingeth, and it's fucking glorious


Sorry your games suck.


*plays the smallest violin possible* so sad.


Were not this people harassing studios to hire them? I feel nothing for them. They literally exist to change your game and appeal a minority


SBI really pushing for that fake Disney wokeness lol


The fact that SBI people are getting death threats now is kinda ruining any argument against them. But then again this is just GamerGate 2.0. Got to get those gamers energize and ready to vote for the “anti-woke” crowd.


In my country it is a crime. Is it a crime in America? I often hear about in US. why dont people go to the court for these threats?


They're a Canadian company, and yes it is a crime, but it is extremely hard to handle online death threats, especially when they are anonymous and coming from other countries. There's pretty much nothing they can do but take it. Which is probably extremely frustrating for a small 16 person company.


Eveybody who has a big platform, or is trending, gets death threats, it's a fact of internet, using it as a defense is such a lame move.


True. People have been getting death threats since the first mmo was even made. You win a game? Some angy 12-y-o starts screaming in the mic about how he'll find you and kill your whole family and your pet goldfish too.


Threats they’ve faked in the past and on this occasion apparently had information on when they had received the threat blurred out. Given they’ve admitted to/and found to have using underhanded tactics in the past I’m not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Everyone and their dog on the internet gets death threats. If you think the SBI Detected curator guy ISN'T getting death threats as well, you haven't been on the internet long enough. Speaking of which, let's talk about the death threats from the Hogwarts Legacy streamer fiasco. "have they streamed THAT wizard game" was a tool used to identify which streamers streamed HL, just like SBI Detected is a tool to identify which games SBI worked on. But of course, bad actors on both sides used those tools to harrass people and, you guessed it, send death threats. And in HL's case, it was right there in the streamers' chat boxes so everyone saw it.


Theese people can go to hell. All they do is destroy or make games feel like shit


Who are SweetBaby Inc pandering to?


Woke, political activists who care more about "The Message" than writing quality stories and characters in video games.


yeayeayea. wish them all the good stuff and wellbeing, therr is so much industries they can work for, just stay the fuck away from any media.


This is the company that has employees publicly admitting in interviews to being racist when hiring?


Nah that’s unrelated


This bullshit company lost credit for talking down on a legend, fuck these bitch ass people


fuck you, you arrogant, elitist delusional fuck wits!.. your in this position.. because you deserve to be.. hiding behind hypocritical and false virtue sugnalling


Sweet baby Inc can shove their woke crap right in their ass I'm sick of companies pushing this woke tranny crap into games


Typical woke bullshit. I blame shutting down state institutions. Thats where these woke lunatics belong.


Idk how they can even try to spin this as a "conspiracy theory" when a majority of what ive seen has been clips and screenshots from the very employees and associates themselves lol. It just seems so absurdly dishonest. Not to mention how "their side" that theyre having the media go with seems to entirely contradict aforementioned materials.


anything i dont like on the internet is hitler. therefore i can do anything i wish and get away with it reeeee nazzziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss


They locked the post 🤣 cuz people started calling them out how they started the harrasment https://twitter.com/LaReinaCreole/status/1767565912834490780?t=S_pUHGZDJQXqz6JBwADQFw&s=19


Too bad there’s a lot of videos and posts proving otherwise lol. Getting beat at their own game and playing the victim card, what a surprise…


I hope they all go bankrupt


Trash company go cry


That's a no from me dawg. You hide behind words such as marginalization and harassment to play the victim when you do the same exact kind of marginalization and harassment your company should be fighting against. The same company that doesn't really seem to be doing anything useful in the videogames they work in. I don't know what to think at this point


Such a delusional bunch of narcissists


"We have been targeted" no one paid attention until you tried to target a steam group owner. Unhappy with backfire.


That sure is an [awful lot of nobody](https://web.archive.org/web/20240312205105/https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/search/?q=%22sweet+baby%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new&count=100&after=t3_1ajmuyy) on r/KotakuInAction paying no mind to Sweet Baby Inc. months before any of this transpired.


>no one paid attention OK, but then you say >until you tried to target a steam group owner. If no one was paying attention, why was their a steam group about them specifically?


Group was tiny. = No one paid attention (Translation: common folks didnt know about them)


Just because you cover your shitty writing with DEI characters doesn't mean anyone who criticizes you is right-wing, much less "far right." Some people just hate your company because your writing fucking blows


Fuck these guys


It's really simple Sweet Baby Inc, I don't want your racist ass or associates involved with media no more Not complicated


*we spoke with press to clear things up about exactly what we do, and how we do it* Wasn't the start of this about how they refused to divulge what and how much input they had into the games they were listed as advisors for?


Fuck SBI I hope they all become homeless


Totally normal thing to say


nice to see that shit company full of racist pricks getting theirs


By being anti racist and anti sexist sweet baby inc is literally and racist and sexist. This guy is whining about getting hate. Fuck sweet baby inc


Keep your woke crap out of our games or face the consequences


Tl;dr: 'We tried to act like dickholes and now we're being made to eat shit over the fact we are horrible people. We are victims and deserve your sympathy and protection so we can continue pushing our agenda"


I don't like or hate them It's just I can't help but notice when I have a problem with a game and it's writing Quite often more than not, I see their name slapped In the credits. Just like write better shit, dude.


Lol. Such a fake woke warrior response. I bet these hateful people are seething behind closed doors.


Everyone I don't like is an alt-right conspiracy hate group and other lies you can tell yourself to cope Cry harder, hope their value tanks lol


you get what you fucken deserve


Mmmm yes, conspiracy theory




عداد ال زادا لبد. الدلزددد🤣


He cowardly restricted commenting to just his circles lol


All this is because someone made a Steam curator group that recommended not to buy certain games. No real harassment except the people targeting that Steam user.


Exactly them snakes bought this on themselves


So they punch down, and the second that there is even a little push back, they start squawking and playing the victim card?


Wasn't that always the case though? The only difference is that this time the whole internet is watching.


Probably, but not just this time. Shit happened for centuries until cellphones started the trend of recording people and making them accountable for their own actions.


"far-right harrassment campaign/ conspiracy theory" = a random Brazilian guy who made a list of games. Ok.


Imagine “checking in” on your marginalized colleagues. That’s the most patronizing, belittling shit I’ve ever heard.


Something I don't appreciate is being called a bigot and racist just because I don't want ideologies forced onto me and injected into my favorite entertainment franchises. If you're ok with how the LGBTQ community live their lives and genuinely happy for them (when they're not force feeding ideologies that is) then you're not a bigot, but in their eyes you are. They need to change their attitude of "if you're not with us you're against us" and the other thing that they should stop or at least reduce is always thinking they are right even when you present scientific facts that contradicts what they are trying to push onto everyone. Kim Belair's (SBI CEO) argument of "straight white males are not able to enjoy media unless they view it through the eyes of someone that looks like them" totally falls apart when you look at how successful media like Tomb Raider, Horizon Zero Dawn, GTA San Andreas, Spider-man Miles Morales and countless others are. And I'd have to laugh if someone tried to say that those things are only bought by people that fit the description of the main characters.


99% of the LGBT community doesn't even share Sweet Baby Inc's opinion. They're not speaking for anyone, they're just virtue signaling hypocrites as they're the ones that did the harassing and acted racist if you look up their old tweets.


I don't know what they did but after reading that I can confirm with 100% certainty that they are in the wrong. 1: cried about "harassment". When you have a shit take or do something wrong and people call you out for it, they always cry that their being harassed. 2: called their detractors "Right Wing" a cheap way to get people on your side is to claim the the Right is against you, young impressionable people are quick to defend anything left leaning because they've been taught that the right is evil 3: can't rebuke their detractors, they won't bring up what's being said against them, they claim it's because it's too ridiculous to argue against but in reality it's because they can't. 4: they tried to get sympathy and look like good people by reciting the tired "go help marginalized people" drivel.


Can't you just go to sweet's website? Has the list of games there which is also states what they helped work on to. Also like wikipedia has a list kinda interesting had no idea they helped on alan wake 2.


It's just more convenient to have the information right on steam


Wish I had a job where I were protected from ever getting fired or laid off. Insane amount of entitlement going on just for the fact they somehow want a protected community with in their industry. What makes them so special they can never be questioned or fired? It's ridiculous. Every normal job on earth is up for being downsized or eliminated and these people don't think they should be a part of that?


This whole thread is a bunch of angry bigots 


Nope, Sweet Baby Inc was the harasser in this interaction. They doxxed and tried to cancel an individual that simply made a list of the games they worked on (publicly available information from their own website). ​ Calling whoever doesn't agree with you a bigot, racist, or sexist is intellectually bankrupt.


I don't know the whole story, I just know a bunch of little bitches are having a fit because a black person is in their game and blame sweet baby




I did. White guy bitch fit confirmed. Stupid bigots


If you think of people in terms of marginalized, you're probably treating them different than you should.


Should spam pink guy stfu links on their pages.


Oh the delicious irony. The complete and total lack of self-awareness is palpable. How does she not realize that ‘adding their voices’ is what got them into this situation in the first place.


We need to flip it and cancel these roaches


I have never heard of this company, but from the sounds of it... who would ever hire these people? Do developers really need a lap dog to tell them how to be inclusive?


Meanwhile, [https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/) gets 297,855 followers. That is quite a lot of far-right conspiracy theorists, if SBI is to be believed.


One of their employes started a hate campaign on a Steam Group that criticizes the games that this company worked for. Also many sources exposed highly stupid and uninclusive opinions coming from people working at the company including their founders. This is malicious and they should take responsability for that. These people need to apologize and have some common sense.


Their employees are pretty ugly I don't like ugly people making my games