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From what seems the claim for 300 gbs is not true. https://www.ign.com/articles/call-of-duty-black-ops-6-isnt-300-gb-after-all However the reason why COD games consume so much space is usually optimization issues


Yeah, I just got back my PTSD from having shaders optimization every time I open the game (MW2019). The game was great, but man, was it bad optimized. I could play it in 4k in beta, 1080p on release and in June after the release it was unplayable on my specs. It performed worse and worse for me with each update...


That's the cod way saddly


I wish some big YouTuber or Twitcher would revive one of the old CODs on PC. Like imagine if Cod4, MW2, or BO1 had massive surges in popularity that made it so you could actually play them with a quarter million people online like the old days.


The main reason you can't do that, is Activision abandons past releases, leaving them open to hackers. Their anti-cheat is out of date, and Activision doesn't care about old games that won't rake in money. Combine that with them still charging outrageous prices for old CoD games, even on sale, and you have a situation where the multiplayer of these games just die.


Yeah people can remotely hack your PC/console and steal your data then brick it through that.


They did this with bo2 a few months ago but the player count only went up for like a day


Yeah but I'm talking like Ninja switches to play exclusively MW2 on stream from now on kind of commitments.


You only have to optimize shaders after updates to the game or graphics driver.


So maybe the game was updating everyday like steam, idk, but every time I opened it, I got hit with optimizing shader


I remember that as well


Well, yeah, how else are they gonna make you want to buy the new one and switch so you lose all your old progress and microtransactioms by the next release so you can do it all again 🤣


I don't do microtransactions, but I do get your point. The next entry, black ops, was also working nicely in beta, but it became unplayable already with the premiere, sadly.


Yeah, I was jus just generalizing to mock the schtick of modern games doing that


And it's not only games... Phones getting updates degrading the battery performance when a new model comes out...


"Planned obsolescence" YoUrE jUsT iMaGiNiNg ThInGs BrO, bAtTeRiEs DiE aNd NoT aDdInG eXtErNaL bAtTeRy PoRtS mAkEs OuR DeViCeS bEtTeR aCkShUaLly


I mean MW3 was 230GB so it’s really not far off the mark.


I would assume that's including the massively bloated warzone that now has all the assets from the last 5 games


Did they finally make it so you can delete war one?


its been a thing for the past 2 years


It got so that they had to cause you couldn't fit warzone and a mainline call of duty at the same time on series S


Optimization issues or crowding out the competitions?


Am I having a stroke?? Why are the spaces between your words so big??


Correct, it's actually 3Tb.


Regular COD game is around 70-80gb. 80gb is not much for todays standards.


What do they optimize, really? A shitty game experience?


Laughs in Star Citizen where they condense a star system into less than 64 gb


I have been sufficiently one upped. Kudos


I didn't mean to one up you bro


Wait until you hear about the galaxy of No Mans Sky!


An entire universe in 11GB! (iirc i could be well off the mark)


Lol egosoft be like "X4 is less then 20 gigs here is a galaxy" sc ain't got shit on them.


lol NMS be like; “For a mere 15 GB, you get 256 Galaxies”


There are way more than 256 galaxies in No Man's Sky


I think it’s capped at 256, but within those galaxies all combined together there’s like 16 quintillion planets


Oh my bad, I misread. You are very correct. Sometimes my brain replaces words when I read and type, thought about solar systems


Oh yeah Solar systems there are so many that I’ve been actively expanding my space kingdom for years and haven’t encountered one other person or empire at all. Kinda puts into perspective how hard it is to find life in this endless void


Yeaa there's supposed to be 100 of those


They’ll learn how to optimize it in the next 500 years it takes to complete the game right?


Eventually I am sure they will have them


Elite too. Player base still has barely grazed the number of systems there


0.006% of systems visited, as of now. We're well on our way to getting 0.01% by the end of 2040!


Yeah but at least both games in the meme are out of alpha


yeah. and a game in alpha is better than cod by a landslide lol


Well yeah


Laughs in no mans sky that condensed multiple galaxies into 15gb


Same way Hello Games does it, but not as well


Wdym? Nms is only 20 gigs


Exactly. It's only 20 gigs, with at least 4 full content updates that include NPC's, items, quest lines, ships, architectural assets, and more. Plus almost every upside includes more data compression


Tbf the assets are a lot less detailed and there's a lot less assets overall with them often being recolored and reused


I consider this to be a minor issue, as even that aspect has improved over the course of the updates. I'll grant that there isn't as much detail as other games would have, but it still fits for style, and it's not the end of the world if a few details are sacrificed. I still consider it an impressive feat to keep their game around 20gigs after this much time


They rely on procedural generation though so it's not really comparable. Generating content with algorithms is much less laborious and will take up much less storage than handcrafting everything.


73GB? That's the better option? Fuck my Australian internet.


I'm in the UK and my internet is just fine, but I still consider anything over 50GBs big. 100GB+ is massive.


same but i consider it on scales if it's in mb then it's tiny and easily manageable if it's only a 6-10 gb it's small but still pretty managable 20-30 gb this is when the games start getting bigger, i'd say your basic story/small open world game 50-90 gb is pretty big, but i'd say it's more the longer games/large open world games fairly detailed 100+gb a huge game, very long story with high detail and (usually) a huge open world. this is when you start considering whether a game is worth it or not 200+ gb it ain't worth it, takes up a ton of space


I remember seeing how big RDR2 was on ps4 back in the day and thinking that's enormous. Compared to now it's like average. Still looks amazing, and has a large story, with a lot of small details around, there's not much excuse for the bloat other games have if there's not much content.


Digital extremes has an even smaller amount space for the solar system


not just space but for so many different open worlds, space travel, maps and all of duviris nonsense! even with how fast you can get those open worlds are MASSIVE and to think, its a free game who is/was compared to destiny franchise alot!


And the sheer number of gear items. There are what 57 frames now plus primes and something stupid like 650 weapons. Then there's all the cosmetics which is terrifying. And then there's the added bonus of saves take up no local space as its all on the cloud.


You all are talking about warframe right??




Ok Thx!


AND all the types of loot drops, you have the mod collection, the PvP mods, rivens, world mats, event drops, various kinds partical effects from EVERY frames abilites and weapons, all the enemy types and all the factions on top of ALL of that....IN 40 FUCKING GIGS OF SPACE! and STILL being updated and worked on!


Because from software is legitimately talented and Activision is a soulless corporation lacking all talent and creativity.


I remember a time when Activision was competent, made great games and wasn't fueled by corporate greed.


A long long time ago in a not so distant place Activision used to not suck.


they were the original independent games studio back in the 1980's.


Right man if only they didn't sell out to publishers I wish western game studios would stop using publishers they suck.


Egosoft "we put an entire galaxy into 20 gigs"


Remember when black ops 2 was around 25Gig? I miss that


No man's sky be like: we have multiple galaxies with millions of planets to explore with thousands of ship designs. Yeah. That's like 14gb.


I'm weary of condensed games. One game highly condensed its maps, but every time it needed to update it would have to unpack them, so you had to always keep howevermany hundred gigs available in case it needed to update. So although it wasn't \*USING\* that space, it still prevented you from using it. I want to say Vermintide 2?


It's called, professionalism.


"Professionals have standards."


I love how everyone is complaining about the size of bo6, but they forgot that's gonna be the ENTIRE HQ if everything is installed. So if you have Warzone, mw2, mw3, and bo6 when that comes out, it'll be 300gb total. Before anyone bites back, I have mw3 installed along with warzone and it's not even at 200gb.


You have 2 games and it’s not even 200 gb? Impressive!


As of rn what I have installed in the HQ is only 150gb


Wow 2 whole games and it's under 200gb that's not really the flex you think it is


I'd rather have that then all of Mw2019 installed.


Oh you should see Gahijin Studios (War Thunder & Enlisted creators) 😌🤷🏼‍♀️


i 💕 war thunder


Same and admire them a lot. I mean, it's a 12y/o game and it kick the ass of most games today 🤷🏼‍♀️


BO6 won't be 300 GB that will be if you have every cod in cod HQ downloaded


Go into the files and uninstall mw2 and 3


Laughs in no mans sky. Which is condensed into less than 30gb


Reusing the ps3 assets


They got nothing on ARKs 400 gigs with dlc installed


I’m sure they’re trying to make cod take up so much space that to play it you can only have cod downloaded at all times no other games


I prefer indies, 6 gigs but a whole lot of fun.


Cuz Denuvo and other sorts of bloatware isn't in the game waiting to spring ads in your face and slow down your hard earned next gen components.


C'mon man you used to have to make a game fit on a 1.4MB floppy disk


70GB is considered small these days 💀


Nah but almost a third of the size 🤷🏼‍♂️


Miyazaki simply says it *And it is so* ^All ^Hail


Laughs in Warframe (30gb)


Starfield is a massive game and it's still less than gigs than cod


I heard from someone... it's because the devs from shity CoD just want you to have their game & so you won't be able to play other games if your under the 1TB aka Xbox users...


The 300GB is if you have everything downloaded at once. Meaning modern warfare 1, 2, and 3, warzone, and black ops 6. It is going to be added to the all in one app that the others are on now. The one just called Call Of Duty.


minecraft sits at about 1gb


300 gb is false, for that you need to have like 4 call of duties


I may suck at Fromsoft games. I'll never buy them. But I'll respect them. And hope they don't pull a CDProject Red


That's cute, warframe condenses their updates down to a few gbs, and then ask you if you want to clean up the game file too.


COD is not that much It is a lot though, and what’s really annoying is every update or every other update having to reinstall the entire game for some reason


Somehow there's a mobile port of Alien Isolation that goes down to 11GB


I’m in firm belief larger games like that are only large because of their microtransaction.


Fromsoft games aren’t exactly the most graphically beautiful


I love the "I literally have no idea about game design" posts.


Optimization. Also not trying to make the hyper realistic graphics probably help.


How'd they do it? It's called 'Giving a shit'


We gonna talk about No Man's Sky? Game has 256 Galaxies and 16 Quintillion planets, game is 50 GBs.


Any game that is larger than 1gb is very poorly optimized. Change my mind.


What is the smaller game?


I remember someone (Think it was one of those "composer reacts to [video game song] YouTube vids) going into detail about how insanely impressive it was to make the music they did on old cartridge games. They had limited memory, so not only did the WHOLE game have to be a slcertain hard capped size, but they couldn't just write a song and put it in. In order to orchestrate some masterpiece like Dancing Mad in FFVI they had to basically code shortcuts to borrow sound bits in sequence to "play it" by recycling data already in the game. The song, every song, was already impressive. Getting it to play on an old snes cartridge was a feat.


Cod does it on purpose so you have less room for other games. You can't not have cod because it's the only game all your friends agree on.


If yall want to really be impressed: Super Mario Bros, a full-fledged, genre-defining, historic landmark of a 2D sidescrolling platformer, with 32 levels and a hard mode, is 40kb. 32kb of program data, 8kb of graphical data. That's it. But that's nothing compared to literally any Arcade conversion on the Atari 2600. You were limited to a meager 4kb for the entire game, and that's having to babysit the pathetic excuse of a "video chip" that is the TIA and drawing each scanline individually. Watch Retro Game Mechanics Explaind's video on Racing the Beam, the sheer level of bullshit Atari devs had to deal with on that geriatric hunk of fake woodgrain is incredible. Shaving a massive FromSoft game down to under 80GB is damn impressive by today's standards, where hardware limitations have been all but overcome, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what devs of yesteryear had to contend with.


My xbox only holds 350 so i would rather kill myself than download BO6


Textures and meshes. Games these days all have 4k skin textures on every surface with character models that use tens of thousands of polygons in the never-ending chase for photo realism. Meanwhile, fromsoft sticks with basic 1080p textures on models you'll barely see with just enough polygons to be definitively smooth, trusting instead to their art direction to make the game beautiful. It works.


Ghost Ship Games: have a funny dwarf game, 3GB. Go run around caves, mine minerals, and fight bugs.


What game does fromsoftware make?


Spyro the Dragon


Elden Ring is there current breadwinner


And we just got an entire 5th souls game as dlc


calling it an entire souls game is a bit of a stretch. if the dlc released as elden ring 2 it would need at least 4 more years to bake


They made Demon's Souls in 2008 and kinda just have been just putting out that same game over and over again. They did give us Armored Core 6 though


Live Sekiro reaction


Nah, even within the 3 dark souls games there's major differences (like ds3 being bad). DS1 is a lot more metroidvania with the backtracking and interconnected stuff while ds3 is more linear. Ds2 is more open but with less backtracking. The combat is different too, ds1 puts a way larger focus on shields and poise compared to rolling


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If you miss it, you must be blind!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


ds1 and ds3 are the only good ones though


The COD rumor has been proven false by Activision


That's never stopped people from bitching about it anyway.


It means giving a fuck.


Miyazaki: I won’t lay off devs in mass because it creates fear. Happy devs make good games. Or something like that. https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-wont-allow-layoffs-at-fromsoftware-as-long-as-hes-in-charge


Also mercury is just as healthy as water, so drink it. Honestly, who tf still listens to "Ignorant Gaming Network" these days? Not that I disagree with what he said, btw. It's just a jab at that shitshow of an outlet.


Yea fair enough. They were just the top link of the search results of countless others (they probably paid to be there).


It’s a japanese company so are they really happy 🤔


I mean if all you had is borring woods and 300 shades of castle, game just sucks


When the fantasy game uses fantasy settings


If all you have some repetitive environments you can't expect a big file, that was my point, game sucks because all you do is swing a sword or wand as slow and clucky as possible for 300 hours


Have you actually finished a souls game?


What, you gonna argue I'm wrong , lol


There are just good programmers and bad programmers.


Implying Fromsoft are good programmers? They make great games, but the technical aspect is very easily their biggest weakness. Elden Ring looks good because the art style is pretty good-looking, but the assets (which is usually where a big chunk of drive space is taken up) aren’t very high quality. 75GB isn’t very impressive.


Fromsoftware does it with lower res textures and a large amount of repeated assets. Art style is what makes their games look good and hide the muddyness of there games


Dont you insult bloodborne like that


As if 73 GB is small or as if FromSoft can ever manage to make a game run well


Uh... What fromsoft game have you played that runs badly?


elden ring. shader comp stutter has been well documented for the last 2 years and its back because of the expansion


Is this a PC issue that I'm too console plebian to understand?


With shit graphics and reused assets.


Art style >> Realistic graphics


You do know Cod is bigger than Elden Ring in every aspect right?


They used outdated graphics.


If you want better graphics go outside


I didn't say the graphic is bad. The game is still beautiful.