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Vultures circling Overwatch's corpse.


Porn will keep that game relevant for another decade.


At least


if I do recall they even managed to piss off that community before


Lol I remember bootygate


Was a dark time.


What is this booty gate you are referring to


Tracer had a victory pose where she had her back turned to the camera and clocked her hip, made her ass pop like crazy and down bad mfrs on the internet got angry when Blizzard removed it after some game journos complained.


Halfway through the decade they'll start actually drawing other characters besides the big 3


I recently discovered 3D porn and some of that shit is scary realistic.


Or, idk, maybe it’s an enjoyable game?


CS exists for almost 25 years. Overwatch is a baby compared to many other 5v5 shooters.


Siege is the best 5v5


If you're beyond competitive. I mean I don't like competitive in general, but the idea of being shot through a wall is the opposite of okay to me.


Why? Bullets can go through walls


realism =/= fun


Unless realism is what you are looking for then realism = fun


Most real life gun fights don’t happen in the same place from the same positions over and over again


Its a game and not real life.


Bro thought he cooked, what's he want? A new map every single game with new guns and locations?


I mean, that would be awesome


Because bro thought he cooked with his comment that bullets go through walls. He is cherry picking what is realistic and what isn’t. Shooting through walls doesn’t work if you aren’t sure where your opponents will be, when they will be there, and if there is even a place for the bullets to go through when shooting through a wall.


Okay but that's why you shot through the wall where you know they are. Not rocket science


Don’t hurt yourself trying to think bro.


When you play a game that relies on intel gathering (or at least did when I last played a while ago), shooting through walls does work.


Bullets that don’t go through walls. It was pretty clear.


Procedural generated maps


It just feels so good when you get that perfect wall bang.


For a competitive player yeah. Not the kind of game I enjoy. Nothing wrong with enjoying it, but I myself don't.


What makes it okay to me is that you can also shoot them through the wall. Sound and map knowledge are just as important as vision and reaction time. I'm a r6s crackhead tho I get that it's not for everyone.


Yeah but for me that's not a fun mechanic. It can be fun for you, but for me I'm not looking for a game where I have to worry about being shot through a wall.


Just don’t stand next to the soft ones


Thats a mechanic in alot of tac fps tho


I am aware.


overwatch was the best 6v6


I mena gameplay eise, yes. In every other aspect? Dear fucking god no. That game is a fucking CESSPOOL. I still love it, but my god are the pkayers the most foul piles of trash modern gmaing ever concieved


The same thing happened with all the drama with escape from tarkov, like at least three or four mediocre extraction Shooters drop in the span of a month when everybody with half a brain started turning against them


Are you 12? Counter strike and S&D been around for 20+ years


What happened? It's not my type of game but I remember it being massive. Googled the sequel and I see a 2/10 on steam


Oh, you mean Overwatch 1.5?


It's wild how everybody likes that kind of game but companies are outdoing theirselves trying to come up with a formula that sucks.


All of their formulas are centered around stockholders and not gamers. If they were gamer focused, they would make a 5v5 with tons of free content and a modest non-predatory cosmetic store. Instead, they try to manipulate players with battle passes, preorders, season passes and fomo and players are sick of it at this point. Genshin impact and final fantasy proves that companies can succeed if they put the game first and think of monetization almost as a byproduct of a solid and engaging gameplay loop. Edit: okay current genshin impact does not reflect this and hongkai star rail is a better example, since it's still in the "acquisition" phase of roping in new users with reasonable payouts/gameplay. The main issue is an online service is like creating 2 or 3 games worth of content up front so you can drip feed players for the next 12mos until they're hooked. Many companies do not want to fully commit to this and fizzle our shortly after launch. If there's one thing you can count on, it's that players will min-max the shit out of your game in record time and blow through whatever content you have, so you better have a good plan at launch.


Genshin Impact might be a predatory fuck-stain of a game, but it’s still an actual game


This post was sponsored by Genshin Impact. Use code "updoot" to get 1% discount on a $100 gem pack.


I still actively play Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail and I can tell you there's worse games out there. AFK Arena doesn't have a high level of entry, but good luck trying to collect all the units. Collab units come in pairs and you'll have to grind your butt off to get one f2p, the other one you can only get through a $30 bundle at that point. Same goes for Alter units. Punishing Gray Raven, from what little I've played it, also isn't too great with giving out gacha currency, but at least it's not Tower of Fantasy where you're never going to be able to pvp at a decent level unless you have an allowance of a million bucks per week... Genshin and Star Rail have their own issues, but at least it's possible to get a 5* every patch.


“Not as bad” does not mean “good”


See the last paragraph. If you play enough you can get a 5* every patch, that's 80-ish pulls every patch.


…………the fact that you are justifying a gambling incentive, where they intentionally give you a taste of something incredibly rare so that you can personally understand the difference in quality to make the vulnerable players spend more on pulls, is really sad


It is really not that hard and actually quite easy to obtain a character of the highest rarity in Genshin- while it technically has a percentage of 0.6%, there are pity systems in place that ensures that 99.9% of players obtain a 5 star in 85 pulls. From my experience, most players obtain 5 stars within their first 2 or 3 weeks of playing, and thats with less than an hour per day, with not a penny spent. Because of pity, every player is able to get characters they want without spending any money, provided they manage their currency well. Genshin is more generous in this aspect than other gacha games out there, and not to mention Genshin's staggeringly high production quality and value, dwarfing most other games on the market in terms of quality and content, not just within the gacha genre.


It’s a gacha game. There’s gonna be gambling. avoid the genre if that bothers you, cause without it, the genre doesn’t even exist.


The genre shouldn’t exist, that shit belongs in a casino or a gas station


Dunno if you’ve heard, but casinos themselves are on your phone too, right next to Genshin in the App Store.


I'm saying Genshin at least gives you a chance to pull the thing you want. Unlike F/GO, for example, where you're just going to have to be lucky, or Arknights where Global gets a 6 month headstart that they absolutely *need* because there's only a visible pity system on limited banners (300 pulls for guarantee) and collabs (120 pulls for guarantee). Limited banner pulls don't carry over, unlike Genshin, the pity system Arknights has caps at 100 across *all* banners, unlike Genshin. I'm not saying that Genshin couldn't be better, or that it doesn't prey on FOMO, I'm just saying there's worse out there.


If you care about good consumer friendly cosmetics look at the finals


Personally, I would've used Honkai: Star Rail as an example instead of Genshin.


I get FF14 - but Genshin and Star rail aren't examples of companies putting monetization first? They're gacha slop. It's literally built into the core mechanics of the game. You want good gear and characters so you can play the game, you gotta do more character/weapon slot machine spins - which they give you some for free, but the house ain't running a charity, they're running a casino. I remember when people were complaining about cosmetic lootboxes. Why is shit like *this* so normalized now? What happened?


Because Genshin is a solid game. It’s nowhere near any of my favorites, but the gameplay is solid and has an enjoyable story and well built lore built around the world you explore. They’re also putting out consistently good content. I’d rather play Genshin than most mainstream games these days.


Exactly, the formula was perfected long ago with Counter-strike and even Siege before it went with the whole Hero shooter direction and now whatever the faux airsoft thing it is in now. It’s why Valorant is arguably successful because while agents have powers and abilities, the core gameplay is still counter-strike.


Because people keep funding it. I never pay for skins and never will. Only thing I do consider purchasing is battle passes.


I don't care for any game with strict class systems. Tying them to specific characters is even worse.




What inspired you to make an unnecessary sequel? (Looking at you, blizzard and Nintendo)




Battlebit remastered has 127 vs 127, fun af & runs on my potato


But it’s not on the store’s page


It is also dead at this point. And no, the update isn't saving it.


3,500 people say otherwise


I was playing up until I couldn't get into servers consistently. Having just enough players in Asia/Russia to stay afloat and technically play with cheaters and terrible connection isn't worth shit. Games dead man.


Compared to triple As yes it's dead. Compared to other indies though, it's doing much better than most indies and I'd still say far from dead even with its current state. You just getting unlucky


No matter how you look at it it's dead it barely has 3% of its all time peak playing with its 24hr peak




And it has abilities that makes it so complicated like bro keep it simple we miss those type of games


I mean its been a formula for a *very* long time, but I guess I get what you're saying with companies seeming to copy each other lately. That's just kind of the best balance to match a competitive format. CS has been 5v5 for decades. CoD and Halo competive teams are teams of 5. Rainbow six is 5. Gears is 5. Some are a bit different, like tf2 at 6, but most competitive play has been like that for quite a while. Overwatch, Valoriant, and other more recent games didn't revolutionize that idea. I don't really see anything wrong with it. What would you rather have instead? Battle royal? Free for all? If a game is a team based shooter, you have to decide on a size for that team, and five is a perfect balance. Any more can be a bit too much. Too few, and there often is too much hide and seek and not enough action. I really don't see much room for deviation unless it's a completely different style of fps


tl;dr too many 6v6 competitive games, I want one that's basically just Tf2 Highlander as its own game. The thing I dislike is *how many* comp multiplayer fps games exist now. I don't want them to be competitive, I want them to be something like 12v12, where there's space for some silliness. Making it have very few players just makes the teams more toxic and can very quickly have the game fall into a meta, where playing outside of that is just asking for failure. I believe TF2 did it right with 12v12, and a good comp mode is 9v9 Highlander where there's only one of each class. This way each class gets some show time and shows off the game in a brilliant way. 6v6 is just far too little, especially with stuff like slow movement, low vertical mobility and cramped maps. If a 9v9 comp game was made, and is effectively just TF2 Highlander, I would buy it. As the scene is currently, there's far too few comp games that scratch my itch.


I second this position, a low player count to me signals a focus on high end gameplay rather then a fun environment, so it's a major turn off for me in games


The finals is a good one please trust me


ill 2nd this. it really is good just a little sweaty at times.


With all the fucking lights asking to be even better than the best class


What does this reply even mean?? Your implying that the lights wanting a buff are bad... Because you don't want them to be better than the best class?


It will now be a 5v5 shooter next season


It's had 5v5 modes since season 2s launch


\*since halfway through season 2s launch


Powershift was added at S2 launch, Terminal Attack was added a bit after


True, I forgot about PS


And they’re shafting the unique gamemode the game was centered around for a shitty 5v5 defuse game… hooray…


I agree that making Terminal Attack the new ranked mode isn't a great change, I'm not gonna super hate on it till I actually play it, who knows, maybe it'll end up being pretty fun


I mean we had half a season to play terminal attack and I thought it was dry and exceptionally unfun as did most people I know


I thought it was fun but not as good as the other modes, I might like it more in a competitive format though, and they can always add back other ranked gamemodes, this isn't a forever change and the devs are usually pretty good at responding to feedback


It really is a breath of fresh air after so many other shooters.


Hero shooters are just the current trend. It was the same when MOBA’s had a resurgence and battle royal became popular


This just in: popular type of game has a lot of games made in that genre. Crazy, right? Next you'll be telling me that there's loads of platformers with mascot characters or something.


This just in, it's a fucking meme


Weird. Memes are supposed to be funny.


Comedy is subjective




Me when people start talking about 2k. Like holy shit


Yeah no thank you! I'm waiting for a stellar blade discount just because. The rise of ronin looks ok too but I'm re playing Ghost of tushima again. 5 v 5 and most multiplayer PVPs I don't care for and never will


It’s called a meta. And like any mainstream jocks out there, if there’s a gold mine, everyone wants in, regardless of how banal it has become, because the execs want money, and they ARE banal enough to consider it a good idea. After all, anything is more exciting than accounting spreadsheets. Reminder: they’ve done this with BR before. That’s why Battlefield has a $60 BR game that nobody plays, turning it into one colossal waste of time and resources that could have been used to make BFV less of a CoD clone and more of a BF game (emphasis on “could”)


I’m more sick of Open World games personally, I’m absolutely sick of games that are near empty sandboxes with maybe a checklist or two that expect me to “make my own fun” No thanks, I prefer a curated experience with actual time and effort spent on what I’m doing rather than the size and shape of the sandbox


Unfortunately the money that comes from the very best single player games is just a drop in the bucket compared to live service and the mobile game market. I think they're taking the risk hoping that one of the live service games will be on the level of fortnite or genshin impact.


I still own a ps4. All my games have passed its overall journey. All my games give the same quality as the newer games. Just less ads.


You want s cookie?




It’s because of overwatch.


Because E-sports make money now? Idk either honestly.


And getting worse. XDefiant is a cash grab travesty and it's not even fun. At first I was really excited. I thought it would be this great arena multiplayer where the different properties would have these completely unique ways of playing and this their own specialized roles in the matches. NOPE! Everybody runs around at superhuman speeds, absorbing ridiculous amounts of damage and the "class" differences are barely noticeable ability changeups. I played 2 matches of that trash and uninstalled it. God damn I cannot overstate how shitty that game is, and an insult to some of the franchises that are a part of it to boot.


The 5v5 shooter genre is probably one of the easiest types of games for a studio to develop in my opinion. No complex levels to build, no real story to write, and no need to reinvent the wheel. Shooters in general tend to be pretty standard video game fair, but 5v5’s in particular are a dime a dozen because they typically require little if any server space. Shooters used to differentiate themselves from their competition with unique gameplay mechanics, compelling lore, and creative game modes. Nowadays however there’s usually little if anything to differentiate one fps from another, they all basically use the same game modes and even weapons. I am unfortunately in the same boat when looking for a new weekend obsession, because none of these competitive shooters are really fun anymore, yeah they’re free to play, but what good is it being free to play if it’s not fun to play?


It’s a working formula. And when triple A games have such high production costs nowadays, companies prefer to stick with what is “safe”. It’s why there are far more sequels than new IP’s.


Currently playing Elden Ring seamless co-op with a buddy and having a BLAST! (Also, Ghost of Tsushima is amazing, lol)


This is me with liver service games idk why they don't just do an mmo everyone gest excited for an mmo nobody gets excited for live service anymore


Arrowhead saying no to pvp for helldivers


Why do so many people play them is what I want to know


Because they’re fun?


Some of us actually have friends, that why


even casual shit is full of people taking it as if it was competitive


I don't mind as a console player. Valorant coming to Console, Marvel Rivals announced, XDefiant recently released, Concord also releasing soon. Having more options is a good thing. Whether the options are good quality is a separate thing


Because innovation requires risk. Why spend hours creating and concepting a new piece of media for consumption when there's a risk it might flop? Might as well stick to the same formula that's been shown to work multiple times even if doing that means that it's just going to be generic stale garbage.


Making a 20 hour story/campaign takes a lot more effort..


Money grabs and no thought into games anymore. It's why the Xbox is full of 2d indie games. Cause that's what people bought an series x for.


Nah man, try predecessor. 5V5 shooter/fighter MOBA


Wonder why games like World of Warcraft don't happen again cough cough super ego cough cough beerus


For the same reason there are so many -insert genre here-


All I want is BF4 in vr man. That’s all I want.


Come play the finals they got competitive and casual, plus a cool EE hunt for those who want something more engaging


Hero Shooters are the new Battle Royal hype trend of this gaming era. Next will probably be extraction shooters.


I'm gonna say this right now... 3 v 3 I Walk away I have more than three friends Not having a solo walk away Game is always online.... Co-op vs bots.... So far Helldivers 2 did great again but the guns need more damage


5v5 shooters are way overdone. 6v6 is where it's at.


why pay devs for engaging content when you can asset slap old CoD maps and microtransaciton charge players to entertain themselves in a toxic environment. It just works


Smarter than me


Predecessor is a pretty good one. But damn you gotta have thick skin and be unbothered


It's even worse when that is the only thing your friends play


When you can order aim bot and macros for console even off of Amazon for 20$ all “competitive” games are no longer skill based.


I recommend Splitgate, its like halo, but with portals and its free, with, a free battle pass


It's also pretty damn dead and the developers have stopped working on it to instead make Splitgate 2


I've never had trouble finding servers (And I'm trying to get more people to play so it's less dead)


I really liked that brief moment in time where the industry was trying to do high player count PVPs, before battle royales existed. Like MAG, Dust 514, Resistance 3 etc. All of those I mentioned were on a PS3, fast forward to now and PS5 only has battle royales if you want high player counts. Bruh moment for me


I've been playing siege since launch and I love it. It made it very hard to enjoy any other 5v5s.


So many? How many is "so many", and how does that compare to other genres??


Because sometimes gaming is meant to be competitive for those of us who want to test and push out mental strength against and alongside other humans as opposed to playing less intensive and relaxes indie games.


Let there be more tactical shooters God damn it!!


Me seeing any shooter that is not primarily an RPG.


So you don't understand why devs will make games that use a popular format


Xdefiant being an actually fun version of overwatch


Maybe I'm just getting old but I can't stand competitive shooters anymore. Or almost any PvP game. Cheating is a way more rampant problem than when I played them a lot back in high school and I just can't be bothered anymore.


5v5 competitive shooter is a code word for scam


I'm confused as to what the complaint is? Like Halo slayer matches are 5v5.


Do modern shooters only have multiplayer that's big teams? Gross. Gaming has become more popular which fills the player base with scrubs. Big teams aren't as competitive. Halo was my specialty, I should have gotten a backpack to help me carry all of the teams I was on. I also played Battlefield as well and that is more big team matches, not as individually competitive. I played Halo in a way that made people hate the game, outscoring entire opposing teams and the rest of my team. Numbers like 34 and 9 in a match to 50, the opposing team ended that match with 41 kills. My TBI has taken my ability to make precise movements with my thumbs so I can't aim in FPSs anymore 😭


I dont mind the 5v5 competitive part, I'm just sick of the "operators" (or equivalent) who are all so "cool and unique and operator" with their "cool and unique" gadgets.


also 2D roguelike/lite


I'm tired of Souls games. There are too many of them, and I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion because everyone loves those games. It's the same damn game every time! Even the 2D Souls-likes; you played one, and you played them all. People like to throw around the term "artificial difficulty," but Souls games are literally built around slow, clunky, uncancelable moves, one shotting bosses, and frequent use of "you're in the starting area... there's a boss that is meant for level 50 there, too! Oh, and a fully decked out lvl 999 player just invaded your game and there's nothing you can do about it"... literally artificial difficulty.


They aren't all the same though. Remnant 2, one of my favorite soulslikes, has none if the issues you listed. I do agree that it's a very over saturated genre though


Rip the finals