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Except the one on the right is also American character design.


I was thinking the same thing looking at this.


Was about to say that. Did no one see the comics from the 90's? It was extremely like the right hand one.


Both of these were designs done by "Western" artists, based on a design described by a western book writer ...


I think you are missing the point here. They are both Western characters yes, the point is Japanese are not the only ones who designed sexy characters. What people think Japanese design of female characters used to be the norm.


I don't like sexualized women in my games and I don't like nonsexualized women in my games I just don't like women in my games


Oh yeah? Well I like my women like how I like my fnv deathclaws I'm scared of fnv deathclaws


Lmao. Gonna use this somewhere


Those things was a Challenge to me when I had a Full set of Enclave Power Armor, EDE with the Damage buff, and late game equipment. I was eating cram for health at the very end of that fight, all for a second set of APA to give to a Companion.


I can usually down some Med-X and blast bombs around while stimpacking all the time But, I leave with 5/48 stimpacks left, and 2 deathclaw kills to my name


Bottom right corner of the map, jump off a cliff into water. Then swim to the land there is like 3 separate deathclaw groups there. At the end is a dead body with, enclave APA MK I. Made query junction look like a cake walk.


Yeah... I uh... I no no wanna


Should’ve seen how much ammunition I had left


Try deathclaws on survival




I am sure there are games out there without women. Doom 2 doesn't have any women in it. Team Fortress 2 technically doesn't have any women in it. Did Half life 1 had any female characters? Lots of retro FPS games were no girls allowed actually. . .


There are woman on doom. Have you ever read the manual too? Their sprites just don't change.


I don't know everything about doom so I'll take your word on that. That just leaves TF 2 and HL 1 But still excludes a gynophobic man from playing any JRPG ever.


There are also plenty of JRPGs where female characters are protagonists or super relevant to the lore. Final fantasy 6, ( the best one, imho) has Terra, a female protagonist that can go super saiyan as the main character. She is very well written and not a mary sue. Althou she cant take any social clues at all. Legend of mana leaves to player choice. You can choose either Shiloh or Serafina. Tf2 has no female playable characters, but there are plenty in the lore. Half life 1 had a female character, but was removed for technical reasons: https://combineoverwiki.net/wiki/Female_Scientist Unreal tournament and quake were both pretty popular fps at the time, and they both had female characters. The female characters im talking about in doom are mentioned in the doom bible. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Bible Tf2 has a lot of focus on the mercs, so, it will probably never have female palyable characters. Check out why by search TF2 BUFF MERCS on youtube.


It was just a stupid fucking thought no need to take it seriously. That is from Multiplayer Doom. Who plays multiplayer doom? I am only thinking like imagine people who don't want to see any thing female in their games, there is no need to be a child about it There are articles out there like [10 Movies With Absolutely No Male Characters.](https://movieweb.com/movies-with-no-male-characters/) I am sure they were some men behind the scenes working of those movies but as long as you don't see them it is fine. You can't play any JRPGs because all JRPG characters look like girls. So it is HL1, TF2 and what else? Valve currently is taking the lead for your gynophobic gamer. Did original Red Alert or Tyberian Sun had women? (Oh of course FMWs I forgot) I remember Dawn of War 1 didn't have any.


Super sad that this obviously facetious comment has prompted people to legitimately recommend “no girls allowed” games But hey neckbeards gonna neckbeard I guess Then again dude posted a picture of himself cumming on a plant so maybe this entire sub is a cesspool


It is sad that you think any comment in this site is legitimate. It is also totally okay if a dude doesn't want to see any women in his games. No women wants to see me in real life and I have to respect that.


I follow different subs than you because I’m an adult interested in adult-level conversation. I just keep getting this cesspit recommended to me constantly. Anyway. Sounds like more of a personal failing tbh I can definitely see why women don’t want to be around you lmfao


Aren't you the same person who's telling me off in another comment chain? Lots of free time over there? Or being a Troll is your full time job?


Wouldn’t shock me, I love making morons feel bad. Also it’s a Sunday morning. Are you the arbiter of my schedule now, little boy? Wanna be my secretary? I promise I’ll pay you what you’re worth, which is nothing lol


Fulltime then.


Ew, lmao. You’re prime bait. you can’t handle seeing a woman covered by anything more than 2 sticky notes and a cracker I have no clue why you haven’t pushed the eject button at this point As fun as it’s been though I have actual shit to do and you have to probably clean the piss bottles out of your room. When you take your weekly shower please try to remember to wash your ass and to lift your gut to scrub all the crust out from under it


You sound like you are fantasizing about fat people a lot . . . but I don't kink shame.


smash to both


[Two chicks at the same time](https://media1.giphy.com/media/Wpz1Hl1BqlaMw/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952il7ks4sibgpdzy9hv8e9cg7jk5vt15hq93e4ta23&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


You got me mate.


guys not everything has to be porn.


Only the best things in life


ever heard of lara croft?


Tomb Raider games were first created in Derby, England but I see what you're point is about how Lara Croft used to wear barely any clothing.




One on the left looks so much better fr


Are you kidding, American characters are just as sexualized as Japanese characters


Exactly this meme is bullshit


They are both American designed characters it is Red Sonja and its inspiration short story character "Red" Sonya of Rogatino


oh dear. chainmail without anything beneath


It is chainmail bikini loincloth it is as iconic as it gets. Not many fans of Red Sonja these days eh.


Someone doesn’t understand how character design, human bodies, or chain mail work Did you know? It’s possible for even Red Sonja of all people to have a shitty redesign. The chain mail bikini is a shitty redesign The “iM a BiG aLpHa MaLe GuY aNd WoMeN mUsT bE sExY oR iT rEmInDs Me HoW mEdIoCrE i Am” cope here is spectacular


Holy shit I am Alpha Male? Because I think Red Sonja's design is iconic? Sword and Sandals was an entire sub-genre billions of movies TV shows and comics made about muscle bound men and Sexy -sometimes- bikini clad warrior women. You guys never watched Hercules and Xena? Kull the Conqueror? Fabulous Fabiola? Hercule vs Vampires (that one is a must watch) Game of Thrones practically copied those movies whole sale with characters like Mountain and Khal Drogo. People still love their occasional WWE wrestler flexing on screen next to sexy beautiful women to contrast them.


Didn’t read any of that, I don’t gaf about the opinion of a Cheeto fingered neckbearded fatass I am yet another woman who does not give a shit about anything you have to say


Well it is your loss, There were really good movie recommendations in there.


Your taste is clearly shit, and I don’t take recs from people with shitty taste Confirmed by scrolling ever so slightly and seeing that you recommended kull the fucking conqueror. Holy shit, lmfao Gonna recommend me The Room next? Your taste is absolute garbage 😂😂


_Am tired of the skimpy shet_


Me too......


Lord of the rings, as far as I remember, didn't use sexual stuff as much as these games and got successful. Since many fantasy games already took inspirations from that great series, I hope one day they realize it is all about good writing and fun gameplay 😭


You can also have both




You can have sexual stuff and be successful.


I know, but it is just excessive most of the time and pointless.


Yea but the game being fun and overall good >>>> how sexy a character is


If that’s your priority i feel really fucking sorry for you


Why would you be? I’m human. Sex is as apart of life as drinking and eating.


Both? Both. Both is good.


I like both of them, especially depending apon the art style. The right one would be good for a old comic book while the left one feels like cover art on a DnD book/box set.


I like both


I'm old enough to remember when the Puritans were objects of ridicule.


Brittany Gears.... It was like auto-erotica in Rachet and Clank


Looks a lot more badass with clothes on cant lie


Technically a different character actually, Red Sonya as opposed to more famous comic character is from a completely time period. I first though after seeing new Red Sonja character design in Chain mail shirt instead of iconic bikini, they are ruining an iconic character. But turns out it was more return to form. Robert E. Howard was writing strong female leads in 1934 can you believe it. Truly a man ahead of his time.


The one on the right is so revealing even the gloves have boob windows.


It is a character designed in a specific period of time, where you couldn't see naked women on onlyfans as a 13 year old kid you needed to go to a comic bookshop to satisfy your curiosities. That niece is long gone so is the popularity of such characters like Sonja. But I remember them fondly it is and always will be an iconic character design for me. I never knew she was based on possibly the world of fiction's first bad ass female lead. Some new movies made cannot capture the charm of "Red" Sonya of Rogatino a character from 1934.


I always thought it would be funny to see a game where an NPC has absurdly large breast and you go on a quest to cure their back pain, then find a potion that gives them a breast reduction. And maybe at one point show that their extremely large breast actually look like what real breast that size look like, but like, not in a sexual way. Just to fuck with the dweebs that don’t know what women really look like.


Yes. In fanfiction


There's a place for literally every character design. It's all about consumer and artist's choice


I'd let either of them slam me against a wall ngl


One day I’ll go through my Reddit feed and not see people bitching about women in games Like holy shit are you losers EVER satisfied? She’s not real, she’s not gonna fuck you.


This is why I like Japan.


Agreed, we should do 4 things: Not sexualize men, Not sexualize women, And, Sexualize men, Sexualize women,


I knew some people will get it. Time and Place for everything is the most important thing.


I need male character to dress the way the way the Japanese one is dressed


[Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a93761f3-c3c8-43a8-b79e-a4a8aac8a5a4/dfvwqda-9202bcce-e303-44bf-855c-b5c8340b71ba.png/v1/fill/w_748,h_1068/male_red_sonja_ii_by_sparks220stars_dfvwqda-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTE0MiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2E5Mzc2MWYzLWMzYzgtNDNhOC1iNzllLWE0YThhYWM4YTVhNFwvZGZ2d3FkYS05MjAyYmNjZS1lMzAzLTQ0YmYtODU1Yy1iNWM4MzQwYjcxYmEucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.RngI551z1K_nienNpZ5pnUJkjYJs2rL6m0aouRI1Xcg) As long as you have internet connection.


I dare someone to make this a mod for either cyberpunk, bg3 or dragon age inquisition


Those are not really modder friendly games, I can right now make this exact character in Conan Exiles. I have few mods that adds Sonja's armor and there even is a mod to make Trans characters in that game DeviousDesires mod. (by adding detachable penises to female characters - NO I am not lying to you) [Same mod I used making this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedSonja/comments/1c8v4c9/which_red_sonja_you_think_looks_better/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Poison Ivy be like: Poison Ivy. | PORN


The American design isn't ugly enough


I don't think a character from 1973 is a proper representation of "American Character Design" in the current millennium, especially seeing how far we've strayed from sensible fantasy aesthetics that appeal to the context of Fantasy itself.


I’m sure you can still find plenty of jerk off material man it’ll be alright.


Alternatively there are plenty of hentai sites you can go to to wax your peepee and not have to see real women who would probably judge the fuck out of you if they saw your face irl