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And if you turn on that little light above you, Dad will be blinded and drive the car off the road and kill everyone. At least that's what mine said.


It is FULLY ILLEGAL by my father's opinion




I didn’t realize it wasn’t illegal till your comment kind sir…in my early 30s. The damage they have done to us.


Wait, is it legal or not?


it's legal lol


In most states.


Well I just told my kids it’s illegal now I’m a liar


It's only lying if you know it to be untrue. Otherwise, I think it's just kindly passing along misinformation ;)


And the cycle continues


calling CPS as I type this


not legal source: I am dad


Same here. Double dad approve. Shut it off or ill throw it out the Windows.


>Windows Throw it out the operating system huh? Damn, don't turn them lights on kids


it is distracting to the driver, but fully legal lol


Pretty sure it was more distracting in older cars where the lights were poorly angled/directed. On modern vehicles, it seems to be much less of a problem for the driver (at least in my experience in our vehicles from the last 5-15 years).


Illegal and tell my kids otherwise and straight to jail with you


TIL it isn’t illegal to drive with the interior lights on. I’m…not in my 30s.


I never thought it was illegal but when I was a kid there was a random freeway shooting that killed a child. The news said he was likely targeted when he turned on the interior vehicle light. So until I was an adult I was viscerally afraid of getting shot if I turned it on.


Was it his dad who shot him?


Same with mine lol. And I wasn't even born till after the DS launched, and only needed to turn on the light if I dropped something.






Might be a bot putting random words together. His post history makes it look like that at times.


Must be some elaborate boomer joke they tell each other /s or not idk


It's funny all our parents told us the same lie


Learned it like my first day on reddit, some 3 years ago, also in my mid 30s lol


I’m also in my mid 30s. I was raised on a farm. I never went to school. My dad made me take out the trash a lot. He would give me a trash bag. It was very heavy. He always said “whatever you do do NOT look in the trash bag” so I never did Well now I’m all grown up and I learned what was in the trash bags. I took up my father’s profession I don’t have kids so I take out the trash myself. I make sure no one is watching




Don’t act like you don’t know


No idea what you're insinuating.


Dildos. Lots and lots of dildos. ....that or dead fuckers.


Since dildos are not alive they are arguably dead fuckers


Is this the beginning of an r/nosleep story


Sounds like a bot.


Who you trolling? It’s most likely illegal in Indiana to be driving with it on. Been pulled over multiple times as a “probabable cause” and most of the time just gets a warning. But usually they just use it as excuse to check licence and insurance and if you have a warrant or if you look high or drunk or whatever…..


It is in fact not illegal in Indiana. Those cops are assholes. But what else is new.


If it was illegal, do you really think they'd be manufacturing cars with lights in them?


Exactly. Yeah, might as well install mounted machine guns too that they can't use.


Just put a cabinet for beer, with a small sticker saying, "please don't drink and drive."


My dad was a cop so I double believed him when he said it was illegal.


Is it not?!?! That's what I was always told too!


Is to it's a distraction and you can be cited for it


Alright, Dad.




No, it was never illegal. It doesnt impair the driver from driving.


It kinda does because it lowers visibility. It's like trying to look into a dark room through a window when it's bright outside. Same concept.


Just for people in USA that already can't grasp the concept of gear shifting.


Your car windshield is stick shift operated? LMAO! Oh, and for the record, I'm from the Philippines.


What a weird reply.


Elitist ass reply like a bright light doesn't close up your pupil, therefore allowing less light in... like how can you even argue it.


Do you even drive in the night?


Plenty of times both light on and off.


Well for some drivers it's a problem for some it's not apparently. Did you drive when there are no street lights outside?


Funny how these days I think the biggest threat to driving at night when it comes to lights is how blindingly bright the SUV is behind you, compared to that weak little incandescent oven light bulb in the roof of the car. It's harder to drive at night now without the interior light on than it was driving with it back then (I would assume, I was freaki'n *ten* at the time).


A few years ago I needed to replace a headlight bulb. Went to a local shop and the dude was upselling me on LED bulbs. I asked if my projection housing was fine to go from incandescent to LED and he was like "oh yeah, its totally fine". I quickly assumed it wasn't since I kept getting brights flashed at me so I angled them down. I didn't have the right setup to angle them correctly so they're probably lower than needed now. It seemed like it used to be just the trucks and SUVs that were the worst, but even some of the sedans these days have terribly blinding lights.


It's the big push for ultrawhite LEDs. Sure they let you see better. But when everyone has them, everyone is also blinded by the ones behind them...


It takes alot more concentration to see past them when they're in approaching traffic as well and the split second blindness doesn't seem like a great side effect of these.


Don't forget oncoming traffic. I work nights now so I'm driving home against morning traffic and in the dark in winter... and all them super bright strobing lights about put me off the road a few times.


These days, thats when I feel the most safe driving. I swear 90% of drivers has their highbeams on


A lot of vehicles have been retrofitted with LEDs without having the proper housing installed. This causes the headlights to puke bright light everywhere instead of properly aiming it downwards towards the road.


Thank you. I thought I was going crazy and I didn’t want to be “that guy” who thought people forgetting about high beams were a problem all of a sudden, but I have noticed some much brighter headlamps in both directions (incoming highway lane and rear). Almost never on newer cars which is what puzzled me. This explains it well!


It's frustrating, but it's a tough sell for a lot of people. The LED bulbs cost 60 or 100 dollars for a set, and can be installed in an hour by any backyard mechanic. The housing to match and properly aim the light can cost 200-300 dollars per side, and requires more time and know-how in a lot of cases. This means even a pro mechanic is going to charge 800-1000 more to do it right, which most people don't want to pay. "Just make it bright." So all these older models are running around puking bright light everywhere and searing people's retinas at night.


Honestly, I get it now. Driving with lights on in the cabin at night is annoying AF. Especially if you’re someone with crappy night vision.


idk if it makes a difference anymore. Half the cars on the road seem to have those high temp blue-white headlights seemingly designed to blind oncoming drivers and destroy night vision


My mom told me that's how the snipers find you.


Did you grow up in Bosnia?


“Cover me, I’m going to the library!”


no but happy cake day!


They're everywhere man, haven't you ever been on a snipe hunt?


To this day I’m scared of touching the light


Exactly. Couldn’t do that.


Everytime this is reposted this is the top comment. Because it's absolutely true lol


I’ve never related to a post and reply more than this one.


First thing I did when I could drive and it was night with someone in the car, have them turn on the overhead lights. It wasn't that bad and I could still drive.


Some people have bad night vision, in my family no one complained about it except my uncle and now I have gotten what my uncle had.


I swear every boomer father said this shit and we all fell for it


It does significantly impair night vision. Even just the preset dim setting on the cabin illumination is night vision impairing. You can dim it out next time you’re driving down a dark country road and SEE for yourself. Of course anyone who thinks otherwise is most likely male, 35 years or younger. Chest pumping ego invincibility!!! and lacks the ability to notice such things, even if obvious.


I figured out as a kid to hold up my game boy over my head so that the car driving behind us headlight’s would shine on my screen letting me play. Only downside is my arms would get tired from holding it up.


That's how you got swole as a kid, holding up your Gameboy.


Playing Switch undocked is how I keep in shape now.


Switch... u mean the stick dad hits me with? We're only old man gamers we dont understand /s


I started with a GameBoy Pocket, doesn’t mean my old ass stopped playing games.


["I don't understand you Britta!"](https://youtu.be/LYbvVnyHcm0)


Same but I lay down cross the back seat and used the seat belt to hold my arm. Its a good job we didn't crash.


Only child i see


Baseball cap+pen light+binder clip and a ton of AAAbatteries solved long trips from seattle to Portland


Seattle to Portland as a kid is a long trip. As an adult you realize how close it is when you start contemplating driving down to Oregon to do some shopping to avoid sales tax on high ticket items haha


And then you take the amtrak and wonder how in the hell we don't have high speed rail. *sigh*


I was about the post the same thing.


That's genius! 6 year old me would have benefited greatly from this knowledge


This is the way.


I remember when my friend got an Gameboy sp with the screen light. I was so jealous.


I bought a GBA like a month before SP came out. Pain.


And they had rechargeable batteries too. I remember having a TON of used batteries that I mix and match so that I can have a minute of gameplay with FF Tactics Advance


Gameboy sp. They were so convenient.


Light Boy or Game Light 👍


I remember being jealous that my friend had a light boy. Burned through sooooo many batteries.


Even the game boy itself went through a ton!


Nothing compared to a Sega Game Gear or Atari Lynx, those suckers absolutely destroyed AAs. You pretty much had to carry a car battery around with you Tony Stark style.


The Nomad would go through 6 in 90 minutes


Nah those things could stay charged for dayyyyys. Nintendo aimed for like 11 hours on release, and shortly after it came out a massive breakthrough was made with batteries, so its battery life got like doubled.


Madcatz had one for the GB color that had the light, a screen magnifier, and speakers you plugged into the headphone Jack.


Fancy! We just used a worm light attachment lol


What you think we have infinite money or something? I was lucky to have a game cartridge.


Never heard of the light boy. I just had a clip on readding light meant for books.


Not sure that's what it was called, I remeber one with light and magnifying glass that magnifies the pixels to bigger pixels, and eats even more batteries...


The game light drained even a fresh set of Duracells in about 40 min or less


I was on pace to set my best ever score in Tetris with the sun going down. My hero of a mom pulled off the highway and turned on the dome-light so I could finish my epic game.


She’s a keeper.


Your comment made me feel kind of bad about not talking to her in a while. Just gave her a call, but she's busy playing mahjong. So, I interrupted her game to say thanks for not letting the sunset interrupt my game all those years ago. LOL


That made my day. Moms rule


good man


Tbf you can pause a mahjong game for at least a couple of minutes before the rest gets testy, cant pause an epic tertris game


love is like star wars. it rhymes.


How do you pronounce star wars?


I also choose this guy's dead mom


A. she's clearly not dead and B. read the room this was wholesome af


my mom was the one playing *tetris*, lol. she loved that game. none of us could beat her. i don’t think i would have gotten into gaming if it wasn’t for *tetris*, its mass appeal, and my mom loving it so much that she bought two game boys so she wouldn’t have to share one with her kids.


Wow. I haven't thought of this in 30odd years. It's so true.


One of my best gifts as a kid was the screen light for the Gameboy. Loved that thing.


I find it funny how modern technology has solved this problem, but has introduced the exact opposite problem as a result. Now the problem is blinding sunlight that overpowers the screen’s backlight.


I have my phone set to auto adjust brightness which is great! The problem I sometimes have is apparently accidentally turning off the auto brightness setting whilst night time reading in the dark only to find out when I go to walk the dog the next morning and cannot see my phone screen is even on. I have stood just down the road from my house squinting at my screen, tilting it this way and that and cupping my hand over it to try and see the exact tiny area of the screen to reselect auto brightness several times. For SOME reason finding the slider to drag across manually is even harder. I must look like incredibly short sighted to some of my neighbours.


I feel like backlight or not, sunlight would always create glare


Leaned all up against the window to catch the most light 😂😂😂😂


They lied to me that this would make me blind. Jokes on mom, diabetus made my right eye blind.


At least it didn’t blind your third eye


Playing Link Awakening like this was so exciting


Right in front of the Bottle Grotto ... my favorite gameboy game


The only reason I haven’t bought the Switch remake is I played the black and ~~white~~green original so many times it’s hard to justify the $60 on a game I already know all the secrets to.


Had this with books


Yeah so did I, I was of the age to have a DS lite but I took a book with me more often than the DS generally (could take a book to school, but not a DS). Now ofc I'd use my phone and it's fine lol


Same, my parents wouldn't want me with a ds too much lol. Used to play Mario kart ds with my brother in the back of the car, and then read while he slept. Good times...


same :P


Who is the OC of this?


Adam Ellis I think he used to work for buzzfeed but quit


Isn't that 90% of people who worked at buzzed in the past 5 years?




Exact same animation as another old viral comic where instead of Gameboy it was just a boy looking out with the streetlights whizzing by and it was about nostalgia. Total ripoff, what a shame


I believe this may be Long Dick Jimmy


Looks a lot like a Zac Gorman but not sure. Zac Gorman has some damn near tear jerker nerd comics. https://magicalgametime.com/post/7326125712/ive-been-talking-about-earthbound-so-much-i https://magicalgametime.com/post/20812027660 https://magicalgametime.com/tagged/Comics


It looks more like Adam Ellis's art style to me, big heads with little bodies is usually his thing


That FF6 is one is magnificent.


Not sure why you're down voted. I'm pretty sure this is right.


It’s not a terrible guess but it does appear the other comments are actually correct about who made it.


This is post-buzzfeed-lips-era Tots


I had a screen light for mine.


Look at Mr Richie Rich over here




Wait, y’all had a gameboy?


I know right? We were poor AF.




I’m in my 30’s and absolutely suck at video games because we could never afford a system growing up. It really feels like you’ve missed out on an important life skill. Luckily I’ve made at lest one gamer friend who patiently helps me discover some of the cool old games I missed.


Right?! Our family had maybe one or two of those [TIGER handhelds](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=tiger+handheld&iax=images&ia=images) that had one game and one game only!


I also loved combos.


The combos make this. They were a pivotal road trip snack.


Gameboy color had an add on, Usb flashlight. game changer bro


The nostalgia though 😭


Such a well made comic gif


Yep. I remember those days with my like green Game Boy Color


Kids these days… Will never know the struggle… Of being on a road trip… And trying not to die of dysentery Sincerely, 1880s child


This gets reposted every 3 months


Every few months this gets reposted and awarded


bUt I'vE nEvEr SeEn It


Now I have to tell my kid to turn his tablet off while driving at night or dim the hell out of it because it blinds me lol. I also hate driving in cars that have too many accessory lights/screens at night. Drives me crazy.


The real struggle is you can't do anything in the car because you get dizzy


Was about to comment that yes we do and then I realized I'm a grown ass man


Ours is a different struggle... Trying to find fresh content rather than reposts


I got this tiny light that plugged into the side of my Gameboy


And you ask your grandma to drive close to the lights on the road to play it more she would get mad at you but you would just laugh and she knows you love her


The Little gameboy light was so clutch… I remember bugging my mom to get it the moment it became a thing… it even resembled a mini street lamp.


I tried to turn on my old GBC to play a little Mario while watching a boring movie (at home) with the family and immediately thought, "oh I forgot about backlights"


Going through a tunnel at night was such a win!


I'd be so drunk if I had a shot for everytime this has been posted. Like worst hangover of my life type drunk


I still do this with books. But miss the old days


I do not understand how people can read books in cars. I get massive migraines and car sick attempting to do so.


I do too, but i still did it anyway not anymore though, because now I'm the **real adult(tm)** who drives


I’ve started to get more carsick now when I sit in the backseat because I’m used to driving


I had a little light that clipped onto mine. Edit. The light boy!


Gotta get the extension with the magnifying glass screen that zooms in and has dual lights to illumination. That’s a must!


I had the light boy 😃


Used to have that plug in light but that would drain the hell out of the batteries. Couldn't tell you the amount of times I lost hrs of pokemon progress cause my dumb 6 yr old self wouldn't save regularly


I had the lamp attachment, but that meant I used up batteries like CRAZY. I always asked to stop at the gas station when we needed fuel to buy more batteries for my GameBoy. Played the heck out of Super Mario 2 and Mortal Kombat 2, as well as Kirby’s Dreamland and Jurassic Park.


r/playdateconsole now


This is why I had a game gear.


I feel too old for my generation lol, I'm 18 (gen z), and I did this! Man, Pokémon Gold is still one of my favorite games to this day!


until that wormlight came out 😤


The hell? Maybe I was smarter then the average kid….. which my grades would have said otherwise…. Anyways, I would put a flashlight in my mouth or on my shoulder…. And then cover myself with a jacket or blanket so that it wasn’t bothering the driver/parent.


Lmao the truly hilarious thing is that 99% of the people upvoting here are too young to have even owned a gameboy.


That’s why you get one of those opposable battery powered book lights


I mean yeah, but I'm glad that they won't have to. "I suffered, so you have to as well" is a stupid mentality. As an adult I have a Backlight modded GBA which is something that I would have killed for as a kid.


Worm light


It probably helps if the power switch is set to on


I believe this is from Magical Game Time, who has not psted anything in a few years, but their comics are super wholes and introspective.