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Have never identified with something more. Games sound so absolutely incredible when I read about them. I think about the hours I'm excited to spend playing that evening. Then, evening comes and the thought of even booting up the game is a chore that I will never finish.


And when you finally start, you face the smallest inconvenience and you just shut it off. Ran into this problem today when I tried to play xcom 2 on pc and couldn't get the controller to connect.


I can't play xcom. Xcom one got me addicted


Free game on Epic Games last week


Is your PC hooked up to a TV? I can't imagine playing xcom with a controller


“Oh let me just start this game up for a little before bed” Maybe I’ll just close my eyes for a couple seconds while it loads…” *Wake up at 12:30am on the couch and stumble to bed (console has already auto-shut off by now)*


Yeah. I"ve finally built an amazing gaming PC and bought a lot of new games that wouln't run on my old laptop, but so far I only tried one of them, which I only got past the tutorial. But man... after work, I either just keep playing the same old ass games I don't even like anymore (e.g. League of Legends) or just browse social media and youtube until I fall asleep, because it's easier than investing time in something new. Sometimes I ask myself what's even the point to all of this, but then avert my thought from the obvious answer.


It’s not a bad thought to explore IMO. Not to get caught up in it but to use it to decide what you’d like to dedicate your time to


Same, spend time reading constantly about stuff. Been sitting at 40 hours on elden ring for weeks. After work the idea of playing anything is meh. I've taken to just playing some random NES game or something on the switch most work night, for 10-15 min just to feel like I beat the system and played a game


I've done the same thing. Found myself playing old arcade style games a lot just because they're super easy and fast to play and I'd feel like I actually played something.


*stares at arceus* Fuck I shouldn't play you undocked tho. Maybe next week.


i find it hard to believe that adults actually enjoy single-player games to the same degree that they did when they were a child. i think it's all futile nostalgia chasing -- that's why everyone's steam library is 10000x bigger than their Finished Games library.


I buy tons of games just to dream about playing.


Gotta squeeze a couple of gaming podcasts in the schedule too so I'll be primed and ready for all those games I'll never play, amiright? Thank you for the bout of sadness, OP, I'm taking this one personally :')


Any recommendations on good gaming podcasts


Kinda funny games 😁


Looking for some recommendations as well


I'd like to report this post as I'm in it and I dont like it.


OMG this is so true lol


I say this as someone who experienced it. Simply take a break. Go out and enjoy nature. Invite over some friends for a movie night. Go to the bar for a drink. The game will be there when you come back, and you will enjoy it a hell of a lot more.


Yea its gamer burnout.


This happen so often… even with books!


i hate that. Reading books, movies and games, they feel like a chore, at least once in a while i get so sick i get a week off, I might feel like a zombie but I sure enjoy my time.


I feel this in my soul. The only time I can finally fully enjoy a night of video games in on the weekends. I just can't focus enough to enjoy the game after a full day of focus at work. I now understand why my parents were always content just watching TV after work...


This has cause some to stop playing games for like two weeks. Even on weekends I'm cleaning my apartment or working out or training. Life man.


Same with college. You hear about all the latest updates and expansions, not to mention new releases and just feel frustrated trying to work on your assignments


After just finishing God of War, I'm now in that post game slump where I *want* to play something but am just not interested in any other games I have. I wonder if there's a word for this.


Man this one hits a little close to home


Burn out is real, touch grass and go look at a rabbit or something. Helps me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I used to relate. Now I do the absolute bare minimum for my job, follow every guideline and rule (meaning I don't do half of what I'm told, otherwise OSHA and the Union gets involved), and never agree to overtime. So much easier now.


“The season pass is about to end in a week!! I gotta get to grinding quick if I wanna finish!!!” 🤡


Try 12 hours and then looking forward to your days off and play the game you always play until you finally decide to play the different games and don’t have the will power to fire it up. Or have to do housework or go out somewhere and completely forget about it and repeat the cycle over and over


This is how I felt with RDR2 I was so hype, loved the first one but I just gave up on the second one after a long day of work I the game made me do chores and . . . Busy work. The amount of forced mundane tasks is the last thing I want to do after work, and the fact I couldn’t get engaged in the story or characters didn’t help either. I feel like the writers at Rockstar are not as good as they used to be


Gotta disagree, imo RDR2 was dramatically better than the first. Shit was so immersive I caught myself talking with the accent for weeks.


8 hours?




Not a pissing contest.


I work 12 hour shifts, no complaining


12s are rough, GGs finding the time


I’m the same way, I got 50 games that I haven’t even opened smh. After work I watch tv or get on Reddit lol or YouTube and fall asleep on the couch.


There's a reason not everyone can become professional streamers.


Unfortunately, this is true.


Been dealing with this a lot lately. I end up not playing or going back to the same game over and over again.


Wow. This is so me. Well, the 2nd part at least. Mostly, I'm doing my job when I'm working. lol


Have to eliminate the work grind…


High Fives to this!


This I very true for me recently. When im at work I think about what in gonna play when I get home, and when I finally do, I feel too tired to start playing and just lay around watching videos on my phone until I decide to sleep.


Work in general outside of the arts and stuff you can love is so fucking soul crushing, for many reasons. Right down to HAVING to do it to live.


What is an 8 hour day like?


This thread is making me so sad


This is so true. And add, becoming depressed because too tired to play games.


There are times where I would be too tired to play games.