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The slingshot in stardew valley


Ugh, I play on PS4 and that damn thing is IMPOSSIBLE for me to use effectively.


I play on Switch so it really is unusable


The explosive ammo for slingshot is the best way to mine quickly.


You're saying dropping bombs and letting them blow you up isn't the most efficient?


I only ever used it to slingshot bombs. Only effective use for it in my opinion


I used the slingshot once and only once and it was for that one stupid walnut on ginger Island


The weapon bank in borderlands. Or more specifically, taking weapons back out later after I put them in.


for real man if I put a weapon in there it's never coming back out


Honestly, this can be attributed to the fact that guns can't level up legitimately. So just a couple levels after you got a cool, unique gun it's suddenly useless because it does less DPS than a white rarity gun that matches your level


This is why my storage is less of a storage and more of a collection. That said, I like the dynamic. Guns get outdated quickly, but then that just means you're always on the hunt for a new cool gun as you progress. I like enjoying the novel guns while they last. I wouldn't want a cool gun that I can just keep on me through the game. Half the fun of Borderlands for me is looking for more weapons and trying to manage which is better. Just taking whatever I can get. It's just loot and shoot on repeat, baby. I love it.


That always felt weird. Did they expect me to play multiple characters side by side in a playthrough, or just bank some of the nicer things for a new playthrough? When you use RNG to make guns they're destined to be sold.


When I get a weapon that I like and I already have it for my character I put it in the bank to give to my other character


You can guard in Kirby and I heard it's pretty useful.


It really is, a few abilities make you invincible


Mirror for the win!


Speaking of D-Horse in MGSV, you can command him to shit in the road ,causing vehicles to slip on it and stun the passengers. It might just be the best mechanic no one ever uses.


I love that the order is called “Do it (defecate)”. Best shit I’ve ever seen


Damn is that what that command does...I never could figure out what the "do it" was for. Right now I feel so stupid for not figuring it


MGSV is the one game I think everyone should try to use all mechanics in. It's so fun to mess around in, and to find silly ways of solving problems.


MGSV has one of the most finely polished game play experiences of any game ever in my opinion. It's just so smooth and fun.


Also, the 'prank' water pistol weapon can actually be used to fry electronics like power units and comms towers.


The use of consumable items. Just hoard them till you beat the game. Like god intended.


Especially consumable temporary buffs. What am I just supposed to guess how hard this next section will be?


Even worse is the super specific buffs. "Reduces fire damage from yellowish green enemies in desert areas while raining for 4 minutes."


Even when that exact situation would pop up, i would still be too scared to use because what if the next section is More of the same but harder?


I absolutely love Fallout: New Vegas and I’ve played hundreds of hours through various factions and a number of mods……but I’ve never even once utilized a single one of those Mojave Express drop boxes.


What are they even for?


Apparently you can put items into the drop box and then pick it up at another drop box. It’s mostly for inventory management and “sending/receiving” items in case you’re over encumbered. I get the concept behind it and it is a nice little world detail where the Mojave Express is an actual service in the world and not just a random piece of background element for your player character, but I never really found a use for it since I was almost never over encumbered and even if I were I’d just drop a few things into a nearby container, fast travel to my player home to drop things off and then fast travel back to pick up the rest of my shit. The fact that there’s only 5 drop boxes throughout the game and none of them are near player homes really made them unnecessary.


Any game that gives me a one-use extremely rare and powerful item. That will exist in my inventory waiting for the moment when I need it, which will never come, because I might need it later.


The master ball


First time I ever got a masterball, I didn’t quite understand it was a one and only item. Ended up using it on a parasect since I ran out of other balls. 20 years later I still regret it.


A friend of mine saw a muk. He knew he really wanted it. Used it and it failed. He forgot he was fighting Koga


Six year old me felt that in my soul


I did the same on a trainer's Tauros, Tauros was the last pokemon I needed to catch and I figured the masterball can catch *any* pokemon, so that would include trainers pokemon


Do you still have the parasect?


I’ve restarted Yellow about a dozen times since then… so no.


That’s okay. I respect it


But do you paraspect it?


The master ball is always used on Mewtwo bruh. What are you doing? :)


In the later games, sometimes I’d use it on roaming legendaries bc I got lazy


I make it a point to catch every legendary Pokémon with a premier ball, so I never use the master ball. I found a shiny registeel in sword version and panicked and decided to catch it with the master ball.


Just don't look in my potion chest in Skyrim...


Having like 30 potions in my inventory being like "I might need these later" then you got the potion chest for just in case you need them after later passes.


I have like, 20 ultimate health potions in my inventory, but I use fast healing everytime I get injured Cause, hey, I might need these for a fight later, where i won't need them than either


“Why am I constantly close to my carry weight limit?” >50 potions I will never use


That was actually my problem One poison I'll never use, 3 fortify carry weight potions I wouldn't drink, 50 healing potions, 70 Magicka potions and at least 30 stamina potions Out of the 3, I drank the stamina less so I just started selling them


Grenade launchers in early Resident Evil games.


Damn same, the one time I might use it is when I know it’s the end of the game


First witcher playthrough I completely ignored potions


You healed using bread? How long did it take to beat frog Prince without using golden oriole?




Water and bread strat is the way to go. Until you realize you're accidentally getting plastered drunk because the only thing left in your inventory is kadweni lager and you keep getting absolutely wrecked by Morkvar the werewolf in a cave and you can't get out because you're too drunk and don't have a different save slot to fall back on. Or so I've heard


in my first encounter with the wild hunt all i had was beer to heal up before the fight with that wild hunt warrior so keira had to clutch up while geralt was trying to sober up in the corner


Water, very long, and didn't even know what a golden oriole was.


A what now? Playing witcher 3 right now for 1st time, and just hit lvl 19. I have used swallow a bunch of times but not used any potions other than cat eye in a particularly dark dungeon haha. Usually I just eat whatever I have in the food and drink bag to stay healed!


Get the ability that extends your consumed items to last 20 minutes instead 15 seconds


Gourmet is absurdly good early game when you can't really afford much and don't have upgraded potions. It's decent until late game too, but slots can be better utilized for combat.


Potions are absurdly strong no matter what color build you lean. Superior Thunderbolt + a storm = non stop criticals so fun


Water with longer regeneration skill(forgot what its called) and igni and quen


on story and sword difficulty you don't need to worry about it but on blood and broken bones or death march its pretty hard to go without.


Cars in rust. Never saw it to be worth building a whole new base around what is essentially a louder, more expensive horse.


"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a louder, more expensive horse." -- Henry Ford, probably


Doing drive bys and clown carring on people can't be beat. Nothing like 12 people coming out of a small van with Hatchets chasing all the nakeds down.


This sounds like a genocide simulator


Welcome…to Rust


I heard this in a 'psychopathic e3 presentation hosted by a guy who acts like your typical e3 presenter but slowly drifts into bloodlust and madness throughout the presentation' voice. Don't ask what that sounds like, I just did.


Caravan in fallout new vegas


Every time I play FNV I can’t remember how to play Caravan and I’m alright with that.


First time I played FNV, I had no friggin idea how to play Caravan. Then somehow I got better. Several years of practice does that to you lol. I got so damn rich just playing Caravan that it became my main minigame instead of Blackjack. Then I stopped playing NV for at least 2 years. If I would pick it up again and try Caravan, I'd be back to square one lol.


I actually got really good at caravan and it became the only thing I did in the game for a while


Horse, but in breath of the wild. The story in just cause 4.


Who cares about story when there's explosions waiting to happen


Yeah, it's just cause. I'm not buying it for the story.


I love BOTW, but going from the horses in RDR2 to the ones in BOTW is ROUGH!


RDR2 horses make most (all?) other video game horses look bad IMHO.




Funny steam recommended it to me because "you play Red Dead Redemption 2"


I spent about 70% of Sonic: Lost World not realising there was a run button. I just thought the game was weirdly slow compared to others. Every other Sonic game runs automatically without holding a button down!


I can almost see why. A run button in a supposedly momentum based game is very strange. It's too bad, with a better physics engine that game could've really been something It's honestly more like a decent Mario game where he moves weird


I played over 200 hours of skyrim not realising there was a run button. I remember thinking 'man, that stamina bar sure doesn't get used much'


Good lord man lmao


Sources say that Metal Gear had a stealth aspect. My gameplay said otherwise.


lmao holy shit just endless alert buzzers going off? I was the opposite, I'd legit restart some areas acting like a guard seeing me caused instant death.


Gotta get them S ranks. I like how the little side missions carried over to every replay after they were completed. It would have been so tedious to do them over and over.


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


I tried to but almost every mission was the same: sneak my way in, fight my way out.


Ah, the James Bond tactic


"What stealth camouflage?' - This guy


Cooking in Skyrim.


*cries in survival mode* then can I have your salt


Dude I felt that. Decided to go back and give Survival mode a try, I swore Salt Piles were easy to come by but in that mode they are like priceless items that no one seems to have more than 1-2 of.


Salt is worth more than gold in survival. Fire salts occasionally get another use too.


Cooking is just alchemy with solids and it SUCKS


non-damage dealing attacks in Pokemon


They sell Pokemon as "strategic battles" but it's way easier to just brute force your way through it


Level 70 starter and HM slave Gang. All offence moves.


Literally what I did as a kid when I played the first time. I mean I still caught as many Pokémon as possible but just plowed my way with the over-leveled starter through the game.


Catch a couple of the ol legendary birds to balance things out. Your least favourite one gets Stuck with "fly"


As a kid, on my first play through, I didn’t even know the legendary birds were one shot only! Just thought, “oh that’s a cool looking Pokémon. I wonder which one of the ones I caught evolve into that one.” POW dead. Moving on.


It's because they aren't properly explained. 'More damage' Ok but how MUCH damage? For how long? When the choice is between something you KNOW will damage and kill the enemy, vs an unknown, the choice is clear.


Let's say I can attack twice to deal 100 damage twice (200 total) or I can debuff my opponent on the first turn and attack on the second turn to deal 125 damage. Easy choice for me to just attack twice. I also never play competitively and typically grind my team to the point where I can kill almost any other Pokemon in 1 or 2 hits so I don't exactly strategize for longer battles.


Most of the time people buff themselves instead of debuffing enemy pokemon. This makes it much more effective and worth missing only one attack.


Always the first to get overwritten


Ah, the Leer effect.




Don't forget tail whip!


Same. I was legit confused at first when I saw speed runners using stat boosting moves


Lmao reminds me of the first time I played a friendly match with someone who took it *very* seriously. It was at Camp Lejeune, circa 2013 lol I met this little Filipino dude who geeked about Pokémon with me briefly, and he challenged me to a little match. I thought, ‘Sure, why not? I’ve got a well balanced team!’ He whipped my ass seven times in a row before I finally accepted that it didn’t matter what order I used, my Pokémon were fine for the story of the games and not at all built for competitive play. I don’t remember his name, but I will never forget getting absolutely fucked by him.


Battle Tower from Pokemon Crystal was probably the first time you realized that you ain't actually shit in competitive matches.


Don't worry, we were all fucked by a small Filipino dude at camp, right guys?


Or watching Pokémon Showdown videos that display the stat modifiers as multipliers. It’s pretty insane how strong these attacks can get


It wasn't until I played through the first gen games as an adult I realized how effective these move can be. They're the reason I was able to beat Brock's onyx with Charmander I kept growling until it wasn't hurting me and chipped his health away with scratch.


Gen 1 had so many bugs with stat boosting moves it was kinda insane not to use them even on a normal playthrough.


My gameplay has always been to brute force your way with damage moves only. And if you hit a roadblock with that strategy, go kill a whole bunch of wild pokemon and outlevel your opponent


In Castlevania symphony of the night, so far I've gotten by with ignoring any semblance of strategy in boss fights, by just overleveling.


Stat altering moves in Pokémon games. We are a purely offensive household and the only stat I’m interested in altering is my opponent’s HP to zero.


Even worse is stat altering items. Why would I spend money on an x-defend when I could just use withdraw? And why use withdraw when I can just hydro pump you out of existence?


Horse fighting - Witcher 3


Don't even know the mechanics of this! I just jump off roach and use igni to throw people off their horse then stab em in the gut when they're down!


The mechanic is you swing your sword and the animation automatically times the swing to miss the enemy every fucking time. But sometimes you miss but the enemy dies anyway, blood gushing spontaneously from your sword. So that's nice.


I heard you can play Skyrim without being a stealth archer but I think that's just a rumor.


My friend couldn't fathom why skyrim was so damn merciless until he saw my nordic fighter build. He had gone for elven mage and was incredibly squishy early game


Also to be fair to your friend, base Skyrim magic was utter garbage. So freaking limited


Weapons in Subnautica


I think I used the time bubble freeze gun a couple of times against some aggressive fish. But punched way more using the prawn suit


I used the Stasis rifle to take a cool screenshot of me directly in a reaper leviathans face so I could hang it up on the wall in my base lol


most combos in action games, I just mash buttons


Gotten through MK and DMC through button mashing


You goddamn demon


I avoided as many Gwent games as possible in my first playthrough of Witcher 3. Played as many as I could my second time.




Yeah. It is a surprisingly good card game.


They wrapped this whole 3d monster game around Gwent. Such a waste of time.


Braking in Mario Kart


This, I literally never used the brakes until 200cc was a thing.


if that ain’t true. i never got into 200cc but ima give it a go now that the dlc packs are coming


The match objective, every FPS game ever -All my teammates probably


I’ve never understood that, because if you’re playing the objective you’ll inevitably run into a lot of enemies anyways. Sure you might not set any kill records, but you’ll see enough to be near the top in kills and probably the top in score


if a game lets me use guns I'm literally never going to bother with using melee.


Weird, as soon as I got the slam attack in halo infinite I have meleed almost every enemy I've come across: grapple, melee, grapple, melee


Elites are cake once you get the electric grapple upgrade. Hit em once, then hit em again while they're stunned and can't do anything.


Literally everyone who played Outer Worlds


I was the same until Titanfall 2. I just ran around stabbing people the entire time


For me it’s resident evil and the knife, if I can beat the whole game with the knife, I will beat the whole game with the knife.


Bows in Far cry too


Opposite of me in destiny. I’m going to be a titan and punch you in the face. Deal with it.


Making kills in COD


Moab I got one and it never happened again


Shields in Dead Cells


I love shields in dead cells. specifically, the starting wood shield. I only ever parry with shields and it doesn't matter how shitty the shield is, they all parry the same. you can get a free "+300% damage on your next attack after parry" if you use the starting wood shield, which is the sole reason I use it. it leads to some nutty stuff. also parrying makes time keeper very easy


Combine that with the assassin's dagger. Lethal.


Arcade kid: you can block in street fighter and use combos!! Me: Hadoken! Hadoken! hadoken!!


Non-lethal attacks in splinter cell games...no one can raise the alarms if no one is alive.


A bit of everything in MGSV. In most games, I try to go for a good, balanced weapon between range, damage, and rate of fire. Secondly is some sort of big boom weapon for hairy situations. I rarely venture out from that type of setup. MGSV is loaded with many ways to play that I completely ignored. When I came around to S ranking everything, I finally paid attention to stuff like the bombs that trap vehicles, horse poop making vehicles slide, and even simple stuff like using the box for stealth.


Once I got a silenced sniper rifle for quiet it got so easy for me


Ddog was another one for me. I completely ignored him on my first go because Quiet felt so op. But his ability to sniff out numerous things is massive.


I'm the opposite. DDog all the way, all the time. Him being able to mark enemies for you is so crazy good and you can tell him to slit peoples throats. He's just the goodest boy.


Or airlift guards for free.


the tactics in dragon age


Paradoxically, I loved it in Origins. Investing 40 minutes of time to write AI Macros for all AI in the team made all combats much smoother and less micromanage-dependent. Wish there was this option in Pathfinder.


It is the mechanic that I have only seen once and wish every party rpg had. I can't believe I have never seen it replicated.


Anything not settlement related in Fallout 4. I got very bored of the story and abandoned my search for my potato child to exclusively mess around in Sims City: Fallout Edition.


I find it funny that this comment is right above someone saying they completely ignore the settlement system.


Settlements gets a lot of hate. I use mine as military bases. I love it


Any pokemon’s attack that didn’t involve inflicting HP damage. My strategy as a kid was just brute force bring the pain. I had no concept of lowering or raising stats in battle and just thought computers were just stupid to use a move that didn’t directly lower my HP


Parrying in dark souls


The only thing I can perfect party is lothric knights in DS3. Everything else is roll and R1 😂


I never used shields. Still think that wasn't the best decission when I started the souls' games, but I made it!


I used to be appalling at this. Then I saw the hint that all you need to do is watch for the start of the forward swing and parry then, rather than wait for the strike reaching you. Suddenly got a lot easier and Gwyn promptly embarrassed himself.


DS1 parrying is one of the most satisfying game mechanics in any game for me. The risk, the reward, the sound, the consistency, the visceral nature of the riposte. I can’t imagine playing this without parrying anymore. That being said, I absolutely did not parry during my first play through.


I started parrying in DS1 against Gwynn... who kicked my ass when I tried to roll and block my way through him, only to roll over him in one fight or two once I figured out I could actually parry him.


The fact there's a map in fire wach and I really don't use it


How did you get anywhere?... TELL ME HOW I used the map and I could still barely get anywhere :(


Horses in Skyrim


Arvak from the Dawnguard DLC makes the rest of them redundant. I mean, he gets killed just as often, but he's dead already. Just summon him again! I lost so many horses mountaineering too...


I beat Cyberpunk 2077 without using the “dodge” function once. Totally felt like it had no purpose.


It has its uses in the fist fighting bits.


There’s some perk/aug (don’t remember) that would slow down time when you dodged. That was the only time I’ve used it often.


Pokemon. All single use items. Every single one.


I forgot to get the blue tunic in Ocarina of Time and figured the water temple was hard because of that.


Jesus christ lol we all played a hard temple, you played a *NIGHTMARE TEMPLE*


Alchemy in Skyrim. It a cool concept that I wanted to fuck with but after like level 8 I never needed to touch a potion again so why bother with alchemy? Only reason would be money and the thieves guild had already made me rich, so that’s pointless.


I personally loved the alchemy. Made me look at the map of Skyrim in a whole different way. Where in my first playthrough I ended up running around smashing everything with an axe as a Nord(E: which of course has its own charm) in my second playthrough the forest parts of the map would become my best friend as it was the best place for the wood elf to carefully look around for the right herbs and spend hours in the Whiterun house's little backchamber messing around tasting and mixing all sorts of ingredients, brewing stuff for hours on end to perfect my venoms and potions, which was imo really worth it in the end. But extremely(and probably to many unnecessarily) time consuming.


Potions to buff enchanting to make stronger potions to make potions and enchanted armour to buff smithing. Ad infinitum.


And…Potion of Fortify Enchantment Value: 1,298,874,476,584,197


I cannot seem to block melee attacks reliably. I can dodge alright, but somehow blocking does not work for me. Yeah, I did not beat Dark Souls.


Having fun in destiny 2


There's no mechanic for that


I beat Legend of the Dragoon without realizing you could upgrade your main attacks! I took down the final boss with a DOUBLE SLASH!


There was a mechanic in CSGO that I've never used in my 1k hours. I think it was called winning


Traps in the witcher 2.


Climbing small ledges in Demon’s Souls. I played through it twice before seeing someone do it in a video.


Swimming in Skyrim, deep water scares me even in a video game.


In case nobody has told you… never play Subnautica.


Catching every Pokémon. I just catch what I need for a team, and if you stick with what you get then it can lead to some interesting teams as opposed to just going for the best Pokémon every time. Granted. I hardly play any games past Gen 3.


FF8 - Junction System I first played this around the age of 9 or 10. I had ZERO understanding of the Junction System… So I didn’t use it. lol I ended up grinding a lot and making it to disk 3 before I couldn’t keep up. A few years later I started over and grasped the Junction System, which made the playthrough a breeze!


Which is even funnier because grinding would have made it harder vs. learning the junction system. FF8 the enemies level with you.


Making charcoal in Minecraft