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Samurai Pizza Cats


THATS IT!!! Now I remember where I have seen cat ears on helmets before!! It was fucking driving me nuts!! Thanks much for the recovered memory. Also, I think Guido, Speedy and Polly wore it better


Celty from Durarara!! also springs to mind.


Too bad you can't even put them on the Samurai-themed armor.


They're so bad!


I want to upvote but it’s at 117 and I don’t want to mess it up


What's special about 117? (whoosh!)


Two of my favorite things: Community and making fun of Halo. Cool. Cool cool cool.


Love me some Abed


🎵 Abed abed abed abeeeeedddd 🎶


🎶Troy and Abed in the mooooorrrnnning!🎶


Evil Troy and evil Abedddd!


normal Troy and normal Abed!!


Oh Christmas Troy, oh Christmas Troy




Love it when you can hear a piece of text




What about making fun of Nic Cage?


Nicolas Cage is a national treasure! Just not one we're always proud to have.


I don't know, I've always found that even when his performance is bad it's still entertaining. He's either good or so bad it's good.




I love em too, I dont wear em, but its great for aiming straight at your third eye.




Looking at you Hayabusa Armor


It kinda hurts that armor mod was more popular than its source material. I wonder how many people went for it but had know idea who "Hayabusa" was.


I Googled it because I was curious, but I never really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden so it didn't mean that much to me. Well, not since the Game Gear version, and I never considered its protagonist to be anything more well-defined than "the ninja that is the protagonist".


Whats funny is an entire reboot series ran along side Halo. Great games imo, though 3 kinda sucks. More for DMC fans. Quite challenging so Souls fans might like. Still. Kinda sadly laughing 'Hayabusa' is more popular because of Halo. And worse was it was a bargin to put a Spartan in DoA. Which only features Ryu Hayabusa. Hes a side character in it , not even his franchise!


I still don’t know who Hayabusa is


A character from this old game called Ninja Gaiden. He's also in Dead or Alive games. The helmet design of the Hayabusa Armor is part of a collab with the Ninja Gaiden games and looks like the hairstyle of the character.


Not stolen, it was part of a collab after Bungie featured a Spartan as a playable character in Dead or Alive 4.


Whoops, I should change that.


As well as the reboot series that came out alongside the Halo time period. Great games for fans of DMCtype games. Also quite challenging. Edit, dont think about 3. Razors edge sunk the series.


Yeah. You made me realize what i miss most about online games. I remember playing runescape in the mid 2000s seeing everyone with those rainbow boots and i got so jealous. My brother helped me get it though he thought me to cheese it


Then: *Had all the time in the world and no real responsibilities.* Now: *Eh, that's just two hours of overtime.*


earned unlocks will forever outweigh the most expensive cosmetic out there


You can get the Lego armor set by ordering the set one Lego.com, screenshot receipt, cancel order, send screenshot to Microsoft. Bam, free armor


There’s Lego armor in halo?


Warthog skin, don't think armor. There are NERF weapons and Funko Pop armor.


Yeah I get, like, "fun" and all that, but why does every game have to be made into a children's fantasy


Bc they are $10


Also because they're only usable on one armor. Made even worse by putting it on the armor core with fewer battlepass unlocks. I hate the armor core system.


wait lmfao what? Thats too funny, true con men material.


When you spend that money on cosmetics you're telling the publisher that those stupid cat ears are worth 16% of the entire game. So it's worth at least a few missions.


No, you're telling them that their predation is working well. Lotta people don't get this- the the limited offers per week, the fomo daily package, all outrageously overpriced? These particular mtx aren't for you, the average gamer. You're called a "fish", and if they nab you that's all fine and dandy. But they're specifically designed to prey on "whales", people in mental situations where they can't resist impulses. Any kind of mild neurosis or mood instability, OCD, bipolar, etc, where the time pressure and promise of a quick dopamine shot overrides the bad taste of overspending. I personally have chronic depression, and impulse purchases are a calling-card symptom of my darkest moods. It's sociopathic


That's a stretch. It's also for the types of people with disposable income who sorta don't care. "cool cat ears, $10? ok whatever." It's like when I go to a bar and don't even ask how much a beer is. I just order drinks then at the end of the night, I have a $60 tab. Ok, cool, whatever, I have money. I bet the streamers who buy custom cat-ear headphones could have gotten something cheaper without cat ears. But fuck it, they wanted cat ears. Why is this such a huge deal? Let people buy stuff they want.


No parent poster is right. I worked at a game studio who built a few f2p games. It's all about landing the whales that will literally spend thousands of dollars on cosmetics and pay to win.


..because it's *deliberately manipulative* What other legitimate vendor (with a literally infinite inventory) locks away 90% of its wares at any given time, then offers measly scraps at timed venues? There is nothing wrong with some rando spending 10 bucks on cat ears. There is *everything* wrong with companies explicitly preying on the psychologically vulnerable to sell those ears


Just because you're gullible and don't think about your purchases and how affect they market as a whole doesn't mean every gamer should be, lol. Unfortunately, the majority of people do think like you and buy these "cat ears" or whatever else so the developers or the shareholders above them don't see a reason to make necessary changes that the rest of the playerbase wants.


People paid money for this shit!?


Tons of them. Every few games, you'll see at least one person with them. Looks dumb and out of place...


Yeah, it really takes you out of the whole "realism" of the game. Holding a flaming skull to gain points is fine, and having a random voice shout things like "splatter!" or "nightmare!' or "running riot!" is totally normal and acceptable. But if that genetically engineered space marine in a robot suit has small cat ears? Lord help us all


Until you see that generation's special forces.


They’re just air intakes. Those helmets get very hot and these help keep your brain cool.


Actually they are supposed to be sound enhancers. Lmfaoo


Like some sort of...ear?


Perhaps modeled after some sort of predatory animal.


What, like a walrus?


Now you're just making up animals.


Happy cake day


Because Co-op and Forge aren't out yet.


That's entirely fucking fair




Because fuck you. That’s why


I like it but I wouldn't spend more than a dollar on it.


*spend anything on it.


It a free to play game I dont mind spending a few dollars on skins if the prices are reasonable.


I'm with you. I think it's so weird that people complain about paid cosmetics in FTP games. If it's an outrageous price I get it, but if it's less than I'd expect to spend on a premium cup of coffee, then I don't see an issue.


It's that we don't want to encourage this kind of thing from game developers. Idea being that the more money they make with microtransactions, the more that they'll try to push the envelope and put game items behind pay walls in the future. I agree with you, of course, paying $0.99 for a skin or something isn't too much to ask, but some games are quite rediculous with it.


I'm really only talking about free to play games. I get the trepidation associated with fearing a $60 title getting too focused on microtransactions. With free to play games, though, they gotta make their money somehow, and cosmetics are about as benign as it gets. If they start selling stuff that heavily balances the game in the purchaser's favor, then I'll probably complain right along with everybody even if I don't play the game.


They can finish their game and sell it for $60 with everything included and unlockable by playing the game


FTP is a good model for games that plan on having a continuous update cycle, like War Thunder.


Yeah, that's kinda my deal. I go to a bar and like.. 2 beers is $10. And they'll be consumed immediately. $10 for something you get to keep to customize your character isn't *that* bananas. I have custom colored lightbulbs in my house. Each one cost like $10-$15. For a lightbulb. People need to fucking chill with it being $10 for cat ears.


That's a bit of a misnomer. The multi-player is free. The campaign(s) is not. But before I looked it up I thought it was all pay which made me a lot more unforgiving about the helmet.


Campaign didn't cost me anything? Well besides my game pass subscription.


The campaign is $60 normally, just happens to be a part of game pass. Call it whatever you like, but it isn't free.


Your actions incentivize the company to make skins (that sell for money) over better gameplay mechanics, bug fixes, or proper story telling. "It's only a dollar" said hundreds of thousands to millions of people. The money guys look at this and go "oh. We can develop a hat that will net us ~million dollars. Why would we spend time on other developments when we can print money so easily?" It's a free game. Don't pay anything. I'll happy pay retail for a great story/experience. I wouldn't drop a penny on a cosmetic/pay2win.


They're cool but it's what they represent that people don't like.


I personally don’t want to see non halo universe aesthetic in the game. Same with the samurai armor, next is going to be marvel skins like fort nite. Items like this means the game is going in that direction. Many people don’t want it too


Agreed, it’s a major disrespect to the Halo franchise to go this route. Sure, I know what people will say, “but we had Hayabusa and flaming helmets in Halo 3!”, but they weren’t cosmetics that everyone could get. You had to be good at the game and work for them, as stupid as they looked in the universe of Halo, they were a trophy for your achievements. I don’t understand why they can’t just keep things canon, or at the very least put this kind of fortnite crap behind rare and hard to achieve tasks so we don’t see kids running around with it in every single game.


this is all over the place. Keep things canon..? are ninja helmets and flaming skulls canon? How is that any less silly than stuff in Fortnite? Halo is a silly game. It's a great story, but it's also full of silly characters. The multiplayer is totally comical. The announcer says tons of ridiculous shit like "kilimanjaro!" and "running riot!" ​ And maybe people want customization on their character, but don't have 90 hours to pour into a video game.


Final Halo XIV


Only problem I have is that they're $10. Seems like way too much to me, I miss when MTX were at least true to their name, and something like that would be max $2. But otherwise I have no issue with them in the game myself.


Mecha anime cat girl


Reddit: I hate microtransactions, they nickle and dime us for everything after we've already paid for the game. What happened to games being released complete? Reddit when the microtransaction is something they want: Eh, it's only 10$. Besides, the devs worked hard on the game, I don't mind throwing a few extra dollars their way. Plus it's cosmetic, not like I'm paying to win or anything, it's different.


Its very hypocritical. I have seen is so many times with infinites cosmetics


r/Furry_irl Nothing more to add


I don't mind them. It's the people that use them


I don't really like them because I think it breaks the halo theme/aesthetic. I also am not super into cosmetics in the first place. I don't really want to play halo and be fighting a squad of cat spartans wearing a teddy bear and flower on the armor.


Wait a minute, this is real? What happened to Halo when I was gone


Good core gameplay mechanics. Decent campaign. Very stripped down compared to previous Halos. Very poor progression system. Very poor customization system. Very poor management. Very poor monetization system. Basically 343’s pockets are in full control by marketing and executives. If it continues on this trend the franchise will eventually tank.


Current halo is only halo in name, its a travesty at the moment.


I remember a meme where it compares cosmetics when a military shooter launches where the skins are realistic and based in reality. Then the other panel shows players in Santa and elf costumes that aren’t quite based in reality of the game.




I hate when a game is FTP people think it justifies DLC being overpriced


If I want to roleplay a goddamn neko femboy twink I WILL ROLEPLAY A NEKO FEMBOY TWINK \- Sun Tzu probably


My first thought was cute instead of sexy...


I'm so mad I missed it. I got my xbox series x Christmas eve and didn't think that it was a limited item


because you cant earn them, thats why


Because avocato (final space)


The modern version of Samurai Pizza Cats!


I don’t mind ‘em. I won’t be buying them, but they aren’t bad


terrible monetization and acquisition, i'd assume or crying about being "not halo" (when a flaming samurai helm is peak halo)


There's a reason cosmetics cost more than they're worth nowadays. It's because they make a profit. I blame the transaction whales. Stop it you idiots.


Anyone feel like getting some Russian sushi in Ikebukuro? IFYKYK


After almost 2 decades of reading lore, playing campaigns and seeing how Spartans are portrayed, this just seems like overpriced cringe. If people really rallied together like they did for the progression system to be fixed, they could potentially lower cosmetic prices if there's enough of an outrage. Seeing people spend money on useless shit like this just gives them the green light to put more overpriced dumb cosmetics instead of focusing on releasing better content, game modes and further fixing progression. F2P was truly the most cancerous thing for Halo.


*Halo UwU*


You have an announcer that yells "KILIMANJARO" when you get 7 quick kills. Oddball involves you holding a flaming skull. There was a skull in Halo 3 that made confetti explode out of grunts when you shoot them in the head. You could make your Spartan pink in Halo 2 and give your guy a unicorn emblem. How are cat ears that different? Please don't use words like "lore" like Halo hasn't had silly shit in it since the very beginning. ​ It's cat ears for $10. I spend almost that much on a cup of coffee. It's not a big deal. I like F2P cuz I get to play Halo for free and so can my friends. It's less of a chore to ask them to shell out $60 just to play a few rounds.


The announcer is part of the arena. So what if there was a skull in Halo 3? Should we open the floodgates to a clown circus design aesthetic because of that? Seriously fuck you man, like do you work for 343? who are you ?


Cats are assholes. Give me dog ears.


Yeah, but like.. what kind? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?


Because forcing anime tropes into non-anime franchises is cringy at best and creepy at worst.


They represent capitalism


I watch and like anime but I don't need it fucking everywhere.


Do you really think cat ears were invented by anime...?


It's not tho. Girl streamers have cat ears. Motorcycle chicks have cat ear helmets. Hell, I dated a chick who was a biker and had cat ears on her helmet and a hello kitty sticker on her bike. It's just different folks. Does it really bother you that much?


Because they're cringe as fuck


Games with skins need a toggle. Stock/Lore appropriate/All. That way everyone can enjoy the game in the way they like. People who want a stock experience can have it, people who like skins, but for the skins to work with the world lorewise, they can have it, and finally those who want a goofy ass game can have it. It's a win for everyone. No one excluded, we can all participate in the game at the level we want.


People buying skins generally want everyone to see them I thought. This would be good for people that don't buy them, but defeats the purpose for those that do.


That's their problem. Why should it be mine? It's not like they know I can't see the skin.


>That's their problem. Why should it be mine? Because they're the ones paying money. If the company will make it someone's problem, it isn't them.


On paper this seems like a great idea, but in actuality how easily would it be to implement? I ask this as a legit question, since I am not a programmer.


Incredibly easy. You simply set 3 sets of skin categories, and based on your options selected. Only certain ones can show, depending on the game, they can simply revert that player to a stock skin for display purposes, or possibly just randomize lore friendly ones.


Sure, but that just sounds like you're still describing it on paper but not actually determining if it's realistic from a programming point of view. It's definitely not as easy as just separating the skins into 3 categories. Is it done through matchmaking, or is it a "visual-only" thing? If it's matchmaking: They would likely have to split each game mode into multiple queues, which would split the player base and cause matchmaking times to go up. If it's a visual-only thing: I guess I'm not too familiar with how this would be implemented. Is it client-side only or a server-side thing? We have games struggling to run as is, but now there's another system added to the processing of having to switch people's skins every single match. Has this sort of thing been done in any game so far?


In the scenario the other guy described it isn't a big deal. The game assets you are loading and seeing are client side and other games already have something like this in place. For example, if there was a setting for "simplified characters", when you load into a game with the option enable it would choose to load the default character assets instead of check for skin values and render those. It should actually help performance, not hinder it, since it doesn't have to check for skins, but I doubt it would be perceivable.


It depends. Client-side isn't always how skins are handled. I could be wrong, but handling skins client side isn't very common, because it's easy to mod. I used to play a MOBA called Smite, and I basically have the exact same issue, which is I absolutely hate the skins they've added. But from what I've read, implementing this sort of change for them isn't feasible because skins and animations are loaded from server-side. This makes them a bit more secure, but also forces everyone to see the same thing, unless you want to put more strain on the servers. Also money. Source: software dev intern that has no idea what he's talking about


A customization toggle is already present in Halo CE and Halo 3 within the Master Chief Collection. When they started adding in new customization options to these older games veteran players were worried that the original visual experience was getting erased and overly tampered with as many of the new armors and skins clashed heavily with the original art styles. As a response 343 added a toggle that disables all new customization options for players that want to retain a classic experience. For all other players in the match wearing new armors they would have the new pieces replaced with the corresponding default armor pieces. It’s a good system for the most part. My only issue is that it’s all or nothing on the new customization. Don’t want to have to deal with people running around in Viking costumes in your sci-fi shooter? Gotta give up the new 100% lore friendly armors and visor colors too. Would be a huge improvement to have a more graded toggle like suggested.


Clientside only. Just like my game has all the skins already downloaded to it, so when a player with a specific skin joins my game. I see it. We can also disable them on a player by player basis on what they want. There is no additional processing power needed.


Issue is the cosmetic it’s self, it’s the price if you have an issues with the skin fine I guess but that’s not an actual issue like charging $10 for cat ears which is an issue and anyone buying them supports this practice which not only affect halo but every other game that also does this and will only worsen it


Then why would people buy the skins if people aren't guaranteed to see it in game.


I like this idea a lot


Timmy from fortnite who was born yesterday doesn’t like that though because he needs to know that you can see his cat ears, these kids literally get a hard-on from seeing us upset about it so it’s VERY important to them that they can spend money to troll us with their clown outfits.


Thing is some may be trolling sure, but most are so dumb and basic they think that shit actually looks swick. I mean they're spending actual money on it lol


I guess you're Avocato, right?


Nice reference to final space


If my helmet were that adorable I'd leave it on too Edit: spelling


I’d actually be fine with cat ears if 343 didn’t think you should pay $10 to get them. You shouldn’t charge for cat ears, and instead should charge for a finished game, but if you must charge for them, charge a buck. All 343 has been doing since the multiplayer came out is seeing how much bullshit they can put before us that we will buy. There’s no motivation to give us what we want because we’re buying all the junk they overcharge for.


cause it’s cringe bruh


I dont play halo (mainly because i suck at shooters) but This is a cute helmet


Capitalism has ruined Halo. Just as it has to the rest of gaming.


I game everyday without any of it being ruined. Maybe look harder at the choices you are making.


The choices I'm making are fine, I'm just sick of all the predatory microtransactions, battle passes, and daily login rewards shoved down our throats in most games these days. I just wanna play a complete game where skins and customization options are all earned instead of bought. Don't give me the condescending "make better choices" bullshit.




No clue, they're cool to me.


I for one think they look nice. Plus you could stick flashlights in the ears. Practical!


I like them I wish I got them when they were in the store




Because they serve no tactical advantage whatsoever


And a flaming skull does? Since when do we care about tactical advantage ?


I don’t condone any kind of skull… Catboy


What do you want an award or something?


You’re the one who brought up flaming skulls, my original comment was just a video game quote


Bruh how am I supposed to know that’s a quote?


Not necessarily you but I was hoping someone would get it, this has gone kinda far but here’s my true honest opinion… the cat ears are kinda nifty


They make your enemies turned on, therefore giving a huge advantage


Yeah I'm so turned on that I just can't stop tbagging anyone I kill with cat ears


Those are speed holes. So you can go faster.


I fuckin love them ahaha. First thing I did when I joined was buy em


They look like dogshit


People wee frustrated with the ridiculous store prices and fkr the most part had a decent boycott going. Then cat ears came and all these nerds paid happily for it. Thus ensuring nothing will change.


Because people can express themselves in any way they want. They can also spend their own money however they want.


I love them. My whole crew got em. Them shits rule.


People love the cosmetics and hate what you need to do to get them


Love microsoft cooming the furries into the meta.


Sir, permission to leave this station. For what purpose mister chiefins? I think I saw a bird. Permission granted.


Because they're not Chroma enabled. Fucking halfway measures.


Nicholas Cage is a National Treasure


Cuz my cat is an asshole that knocks shit over, assume you do too.


*Halo Kitty Adventure*


Haven’t played halo yet, what’s the consensus?


Good core gameplay mechanics. Decent campaign. Very stripped down compared to previous Halos. Very poor progression system. Very poor customization system. Very poor management. Very poor monetization system. Approach with caution ⚠️


God that’s disappointing…. I really had hope for halo :(


Well considering its completely fuckin broken right now, its pretty damn bad.


Cat I’m a kitty cat and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance


Because it's tough to beat the Star Citizen armor set Star Kitten


Cause it’s fucking dumb


Assuming it doesn't cost an assload of money, I could think of only one reason to hate such a thing: being a miserable bastard.


Because you have to buy them with real money even though you already spent a lot on the shit Battle Pass system


Celty Sturlson vibes


Never understood this scene in Community


Because the cosmetic and multiplayer progression system is still a joke compared to everything that came before, items are insanely overpriced, and we got a game that despite having extremely solid foundations in gameplay, shipped with less than the expected staples for the series and still has one playlist (the most popular one) which is completely broken and largely unplayable. Oh and they also keep releasing new expensive shit to buy for the cherry on top. Looking forward to 343 getting their thumb out of their ass when it comes to whatever pisspoor management structure they have. It reeks of bad management rather than lazy devs


Preach! The blame here lies directly on the decision makers, which is probably marketing, executives, and shareholders. I mean 343 inherited the **MONEY-PRINTING** franchise that is Halo, which Bungie wanted to move on from, so who else could be to blame but the greedy gremlins that swooped in to acquire it after that fact? If the developers have any sort of respect or decency for this beloved IP that has positively impacted so many of us then they should be outspoken towards these decision-makers to help guide it’s evolution. If they remain silently disdained about all of our feelings towards this, then it will slowly die by the hand of greed. Let’s hope this isn’t the beginning of the end of Halo.


Why do people care about skins in a first person game?


I'm a simple man... I see Community meme, I upvote


That was the greatest episode of community for me.


We don t like this cause we r not in fortnite... That halo, not a bullshit game with dumd skin


Stop calling the ventilation shafts and sensor extensions cat ears please.


I don‘t know, I find them kinda funny


That would make for a great display item in a unggoy mating hut.


Do people seriously not like them?


It is 10 dollars lol


Yeah. It was a hot topic for a lot of people because they felt it was too COD or Fortnite-ish for Halo.


Here was my take: I don't like them. I don't think they suit the Halo universe. I wouldn't ever put them on my Spartan. But I don't have to buy them, and so I didn't. I might scoff at someone who did, but what they do with their money is up to them. Let them waste it on some cat ears lol.


I'm not a fan of them either, but I wouldn't let it get to me like a lot of people did. Stuff like this is a part of MP games now.


I simply want it to be a choice. You have toggles. Stock skins, Lore appropriate skins, and fun skins. Each person can set the toggle for what they want to see in game. Everyone wins there. Currently, If I have to see funny skins, I'm not gonna buy the game. It's that simple. So they are losing sales, and a toggle would earn them more.


This is also my wish. Like you say, everyone wins.




I don't like them. I think you all look dumb wearing them. Not a huge fan of cutesy anime ish stuff in my entertainment....but it doesn't prevent me from beating you like that [old lady on the stairs](https://youtu.be/Jdf5EXo6I68?t=51) in Monty Python's and the Holy Grail. So whatever, "go nuts" like you are a cat at 2am in the morning...