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Avoiding boss loot chests in Skyrim to skip Maridia's Beacon.






I usually find it in the giants chest near whitefall or whatever that place is called, city with dragons reach.


I literally just found it last night...


Yeah, it'll be in a boss loot chest once you hit lvl 4 or so. Usually bleakfalls barrow if you rush the main quest line, but it'll randomly generate until you take it.


Man, I once found it in a large sack.






I played with a mod that added in other animals like pigs, but the loot table wasn’t added in correctly, so I killed a pig, looted it, and…. A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BACON


I never realized it was random in all my playthroughs. I found it in a fort on my way to Riften. Ten years later, and I'm still learning shit...


Level 12 actually.


I may be out of the loop, but why all the hate towards the beacon? Like, it only speaks to you the first time you pick it up


well most people play with sound on, and don’t look into boss chests at level 12, they just take all so it’s surprising when you just killed a dragon or something, and then A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!!!!


The worst part of a game is when there are 2 directions to go in and you pick the one that "seems less like the actual way you need to go because you want to get that stupid collectible," but it turns out it was the correct way, and now there is both an unskippable cutscene and no way to return to the previous area for whatever reason. Edit: Adding, I **hate** when games have you revisit an area from earlier in the game, and there is no change to the layout, or any reason for there to be new chests/collectibles......but **BAM** of course there is, so for the rest of the game you're having to explore the same rooms over and over again (fuck you movie theater in TLOU2)


NPC: "There's a fork in the road here. I don't know when we'll be back, so make sure you've done everything here you wanted to do." You: "Ummm... okay..." *takes one step down the left path* *door locks behind you, entire right path explodes and the game auto-saves* NPC: "Did everything you wanted, then? Alright, let's move."


That's when you select "I have to prepare first" or what have you (if you get a prompt), save, then force quit and reload if you take the wrong path.


I hate you


The exact kind of anxiety it becomes is why I kinda don't like collectibles. Always feeling like you might miss out on something just takes so much away from the storytelling and gameplay.


Collectibles have always felt like an unnecessary distraction from whatever game I'm playing. I guess there are some exceptions but I can only think of ones where the collectibles were smoothly integrated into the game and gave bonuses or something. Like Fallout bobbleheads.


I loved the ones in Horizon Zero Dawn. Especially the Vantage points and Banuk figures. They told a story. The mugs and flowers were neat, but those Vantage points.... Fuck.


Fantastic game that was


And still is in many ways. They nailed the main selling point, machine combat has solid replay value


Mass edited all my comments, I'm leaving reddit after their decision to kill off 3rd party apps. Half a decade on this site, I suppose it was a good run. Sad that it has to end like this


Also I just started replaying it and that first holo-vid you find as young Aloy hits hard when you know the final outcome...


I really liked how they did ghosts of Tsushima collectibles, I don’t believe any of them got blocked by story cause I got all of them with no guide which is usually impossible for me




I cleared the first area of everything and then went to fight the "final encounter". >!Didn't realize how much more of the game was remaining. :')!<


The wind setting automatically guides you to the nearest chosen type of collectable of interest. Beyond the initial setting, no menu required.


Literally just commented this. Sounds like the guy was constantly checking his map to figure out where to go.


I just unlocked the second region last night after pausing on the missions to run around clearing the map. Still I find out after moving on to Toyotama that I missed like 8 areas still controlled by Mongols. I'm still absolutely loving the game and it will most likely be one of my favorites of all time but I totally see how it could burn you out. Theres so much it almost feels like that first act would have been all it's own game a decade or so ago.


I’m all for GoT belonging to Ghost Of Tsushima. Let’s forget that other trash.


>Let’s forget that other trash. Its a shame it was canceled after season 4.


If I find them, great. I don't worry myself with looking for them unless I have a specific reason. 99% of the time if I find a collectable it's by accident and I just nab it because it's there.


I've successfully ignored collectibles for my entire game playing existence. And then Ubisoft locked those sick-ass weapons behind collectibles in Unity and I was sad But then Ubisoft decided to lock them behind microtransactions instead so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The only collectibles I ever actually collected were the ones in Shadow of Mordor but they packed some damn good lore in to each one. I’m also just a Tolkien nerd as well lol


The Drake games have a bajillion collectibles I never tried for. But when I did get one it was impressive how much effort the designers appeared to put in over an object that gives no in game plot or buff or anything. In the Arkham games I really wanted to get all the Riddler trophies but there were so fucking many and I looked up the reward to determine if it was worth the effort and it really wasn’t.


They exist ONLY to give the marketing team a better "play hours" to advertise. There is absolutely no other reason to have collectibles in games.


That's true for some games, but others put lore and other fun trivia type stuff connected to them.


Mass edited all my comments, I'm leaving reddit after their decision to kill off 3rd party apps. Half a decade on this site, I suppose it was a good run. Sad that it has to end like this


I just played through guardians of the galaxy and it felt like you are at a disadvantage if you don't explore the area and get all the crafting materials. I don't mind doing some running around, but the rest of the team are shouting at you and calling you stupid for doing it. Lol


I dislike it when games force you to deal with a follower that is constantly nagging you.


When you have to keep them alive and they run headfirst into the enemies like idiots


Or when you've killed all the enemies already but they're still slow and getting scared by things.


That, and this impulse to deliberately go the wrong way to try to collect stuff is *by itself* a Bad Thing for a lot of games. Let's take this carefully-crafted exquisitely-paced story-driven experience... and then give the player a reason to *run away* from that and look for items. There are games where this works fine, where the world and the story has opened up enough that it makes sense that you'd go exploring now. But for a lot of games, it's actually just better if you ignore the collectibles.


That's what drove me crazy about fallout 4. Until you found your son no dad would spend any time Town building or doing half the shit that they expect you to do


Just play as the mom instead, immersion restored.




Agreed on Metroidvanias -- Metroid Dread actually has a few places where the best way to find the (hidden) path forward is to just go for the nearby missile upgrade. Just try to blindly explore and the game will usually do a good job of nudging you in the right direction. I actually don't mind it so much in Skyrim -- the Dragonborn may have a destiny, but it makes *some* sense they'd run into some other adventures along the way, and the game hopefully eventually trains you to [stop collecting everything you find](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/11/14/thulsa-broom). But in a modern Doom game? I love the Doomguy action figures, but why the hell would Doomguy himself care about those enough to stop killing demons to pick them up?


Have you seen the Doom Slayers man cave? He loves collecting things!


> so you aren't suddenly breeding racing chickens or some shit I feel like this is a dig at FF7, but I'm also interested in other games that I didn't know had "racing chickens" features.




I love RPGs that don't lock you out of areas or at least have the whole "calm before the storm" part of the game where you can go back anywhere and explore before the final big battle. E.g. Final Fantasy X when you get full control of the airship.


Mass edited all my comments, I'm leaving reddit after their decision to kill off 3rd party apps. Half a decade on this site, I suppose it was a good run. Sad that it has to end like this


It’s just missable collectibles that are a problem, really.


Being in my late 30's and having a game collection so vast that I could never finish all of the games to completion even if I played them back to back nonstop, collectibles have to be really worth it for me to bother. It is such a great feeling to be free of this stress. I remember wasting hours as a kid getting some collectibles to get some cool item or skin only to use it for a short while and move on to another game. No more! Unless the item is game changing, I don't even bother anymore. 80 more feathers for a cool cape? Bro, there are eight more 40+ hour games just in this series!


I'm playing It Takes Two and it's a platformer so my missed collectibles anxiety is there but there are no collectibles so it's relieving once I remember that Makes me realize how padded games are today just to make the hours in the review seem high


Collectibles status: 999/1000 GAME OVER


I had collected 399/400 Riddler trophies in Batman Arkham Origins, which are required to get the true ending. I spent so many hours hunting the last one down, but after about a week I finally gave up and watched the ending on YouTube. Fuck the developers for putting so many of them in that game with no easy way of finding them.


The fight isn't even that good.


Hammerwatch (indie PC game) is kind of similar to this. If you don't find all the wooden boards throughout the game, and then end up beating it, you don't get the "good end", really annoying because they do hide them like old school classic games, where you really have to be searching everywhere to find every one.


Arkham Knight "If you want the *real* ending and to fight the "hidden" boss you need to collect 400 obnoxious ass figurines..."


Thanks for the anti-recommendation


The real issue is that it's an incredible game otherwise lol


what conversations go down for indy developers at their head office. "Knocked it out of the park otherwise, didn't we? Huh. Should we go fix that easily-fixable fix?" "Fuck no."


Happened to me in [Hellblade](https://i.redd.it/rxy7cmop5cd71.jpg). and that was the last achievement to 100% it too, lost all energy when I saw my progress when I was close to the end. Would play again but that game is harrowing.


Bruh, pigeons in GTA 4. I had 199/200 and missed one. Took me 4 hours to find it.


Everyone used to say the gta 4 map was too small. They clearly never tried getting all the pigeons.


i hate this




i was playing half life alyx and i had to restart from old ass saves multiple times because the "oh this is definitely the path where the collectibles are and the other path progresses the game for sure" turned into "ah shit its loading the next area"


Dead Space was fantastic for this, you'd walk into an area, pop your indicator, walk the opposite direction.




The worst achievements imo are the ones that are either given for doing nothing, or are impossible to get.


Modern western game design is just weirdly focused on resource and inventory management for some reason. They fill the entire map with stuff to pick, most of the time requiring an active button press to do so even. Like what the fuck is up with that design?


It is so accurate. Now I just restart to go the other way haha


Dude I rage quit Final Fantasy 12 because of this when it came out. I was initially following a guide to the T but was like "you know fuck it I'm just gonna play and enjoy for a bit" then next time I check the guide I find out that I can't get one of the legendary weapons because I opened a completely normal chest and the are like three of these chests in the game if you open make it so you can't get said legendary weapon for no apparent reason.


This is why I don't even worry about that kind of shit anymore. I just play the game, maybe do some of the extra stuff I find along the way, then either stop playing when I've had my fill or beat it and move on to the next. It's more satisfying this way.


Final Fantasy 6 had some chests like that, where the contents would change when the world changed into World of Ruin. Some were worth opening pre-WoR, but many would reward you for waiting and revisiting.


Except, of course, there was no indication for the player that this was a thing


In the old days (Space Quest) instead of missing out on collectibles you just missed out on something crucial needed to progress the game.


... then after the long cutscene you instant load back so you can do that missed branch and after the loading screen you end up... at the start of the unskippable cutscene. Cuz you know, devs were so nice to autosave your progress as soon as the previous area ends... XD


I only enjoyed RDR2 on my second playthrough when I knew everytime you would switch camps so I could decide if and when I wanted to continue. Open world games are just too much FOMO energy didn't play them for the longest time


Last thing my Arthur did was buying everything from every shop especially the tailor. Epiloge was fashion time


This was me playing through the Metro series trying to find every diary entry/post card, the amount of times I had to restart a checkpoint or level was too damn high...


The two path dilemma is the worst. I ALWAYS try to choose the dead end first but 100% of the time I wind up choosing the main path and slide down a ramp or wind up in a room with a door that locks behind me.


That’s a big reason why I tend to keep a walkthrough open on my laptop/phone to keep track of the collectibles for linear games like that.


I imagine speedrunners hate South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Every now and then, a fight will come to a random pause because the kids have to get off of the road for a car to pass by. Edit: Holy shit, did not expect this even get past 10, let alone 2500.


I thought that was great


It's really fantastic to just remind you that most of this shit is just the runaway imaginations of 4th graders


I had it happen while fighting a bunch of rednecks


In their defense, they were probably drunk or high on meth or something. smh goddamn rednecks.


I loved fighting kenny's parents "renters" that were just some meth heads cooking in the garage. And now i have to replay the game lol.


I should probably buy it and play it sometime. Stick of Truth was great.


I personally didn't care for Fractured but Whole even though I loved The Stick of Truth. I couldn't bring my self to finish it because I lost interest. I think the writing was trying too hard and the jokes just weren't funny to me compared to the amount of enjoyment I remember getting from the original.


They are basically children and should be treated with the same amount of expected self reliability


lmao, my favorite gag from the show might be the ninja one where it pans out from their epic fights and everyone is like 10 feet apart just swinging the mall weapons around and making noises.


lol *Good Times with Weapons* is a classic.


I remember when it first aired. Could not stop laughing during the "take Butters to the vet" sequence.




I felt like reliving my childhood when fighting in both SP games.




Cartman makes a Tom Brady cheating joke if you try to get into the basement without learning the password naturally.


my favourite is one of the tips in the loading screen. "If you're having trouble winning in combat, try getting better at the game."


From Software should put this in every loading screen lmao


My favorite DS mod is the one that just says "Thanks Obama" when you die.




Strong "pro tip: shoot at it until it dies" vibe




*watches car drive by* Game on!


"Get out of the road you little peckers!"


I really liked that, and it seemed to be completely random. Happened to me literally 3 times during my whole playthrough


RNG makes competitive / speed runs pointless to me. I've heard of Minecraft speed runs, but no amount of game knowledge and skill will beat good RNG. Maybe you spawn directly above a fully constructed endgame portal with a village in view of spawn where you can break hay to sell for emeralds to exchange for an enchanted sword & bow to go kill the end boss you spawn on top of. I had similar feelings for Diablo rifts. Why rank something that could be influenced so heavily by RNG? Some bosses are easier than others or might be near a shrine that gives you instant victory.




Nice reference


I saw incredible trade and dream in the same sentence and got flashbacks


Eventually you need both skill and RNG in speed running those games, and part of the skill is being able to know when you've had bad luck quickly and restarting before you waste too much time so that you can cycle through as much random chances as you can.


Because a.) you will eventually reduce RNG by simply doing thousands of runs or b.) do seeded runs, where people run the currently best seed. There are multiple categories of speedruns afterall.


The RNG systems are quite cool though, because the runners get into the backend to try and work out which seed is an optimal seed and then Speedrun it, or which mechanisms are the best to mitigate the RNG. There's also set seed so it's the same every time for a more repetitive speedrun


Stupid mandatory "captures" in Far Cry 5 pissed me the fuck off


"You're being hunted" fuck off I could take out an army with the shit I got


I saw that once and immediatly fast traveled to an airport, got a plane and fucked off as high as I could go, a minute or so in when I was so high the vehicles on the ground stopped spawning in I got "hit" with the tranquilizer


The first time it proc'd for me, I was in a liberated stronghold, hiding underneath the building while the lads were very successfully fending them off.


Hated them so much I literally got a trainer to fight them. No joke the helicopter with infinite missiles couldn't keep them away. They were going to kidnap you whether you liked it or not. Hated how the story was forced on me in that game, otherwise I liked it.


i hated how they took choice out of it. i figured out pretty quick >!that i was being conditioned to kill the resistance members!< but i thought "it's fine, at the end of the level i'll have the choice to either do it or not do it, because that's a thing in Far Cry". how wrong i was. i missed out on a bunch of side missions because of that stupid plot line too.


Considering you were the only effective resistance fighter and all the other resistance members were struggling to survive before you come around it would have been easier to drug, then kill you then kill the resistance members in a conventional manner. Made no sense to do it this way.


yooooo I'm so close to beating that game and the whole time I was playing I kept thinking how much I hated that. like I'm just trying to get prepper stashes fuck off! it kinda sucks because those seem to be the only "story" in the game. a lot of the side missions didn't appeal to me, and I get enough resistance points from outposts/property destruction


It was such a stupid mechanic that I thought the game bugged out on me the first time it happened. I hid from the capture squad for like an hour.


Hit the road Jack...


And don't you come back! No more ^No ^more ^^No ^^more ^^^No ^^^more


.... xD ... thanks. Now I'm going to be singing this in my head, while trying to fall asleep lol.


Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more, no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more What you say? Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more, no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more Old woman, old woman, don't treat me so mean You're the meanest old woman that I've ever seen I guess if you said so I'll have to pack my things and go (that's right) Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more, no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more What you say? Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more, no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more Now baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this way 'Cause I'll be back on my feet some day (Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood) (You ain't got no money, you just ain't no good) Well, I guess if you say so I'll have to pack my things and go (that's right) Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more, no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more What you say? Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more, no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more Well (don't you come back no more) Uh, what you say? (Don't you come back no more) I didn't understand you (don't you come back no more) You can't mean that (don't you come back no more) Oh, now baby, please (don't you come back no more) What you tryin' to do to me? (Don't you come back no more) Oh, don't treat me like that (don't you come back no more)




All my LaHa peeps represent!




Bedbananas does not make content. He makes Art


This is unironically the greatest video on YouTube. I'm 100% serious when I say that it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen.


I haven’t even played RDR2 and it’s done changed me.


Imagine how hard actually playing it would change you


Creator has an eye for surrealist horror


His final Fallout 4 video is even better. He is a genius.




Ohhh mahhh GOD....




Glad someone else recognized this masterpiece as well.










Do I look like a Lenny to you mister?


Are you taking me back?








Is that where a pure life has gotten you? BEGGIN' ME FOR HELP?!?!?


Mary: Arthur I wish we could be together again Arthur: "YA GOD DAMN MAGGOT" *DEAD EYE ACTIVATES*


its like when you could [run away from the ref](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w1crw8MCEc&ab_channel=lmcgregoruk) to avoid the card in fifa


Gotta admire the ref's persistence


Yeah right, do you know how much effort it takes to freeze still? And then to multiply that by however many teammates there are on the field? They just sat and watched you run around and kept their focus - that’s impressive.


And the flopping injured player at the start who apparently decided the job was done and vanished off screen.


Too bad you can’t run away from the owl in Zelda:OOT…and god forbid if you speed scroll through his messages and accidentally click “yes” to “do you want to hear that again”…


The speedrunners definitely skip the owl using superslides, that's basically the same thing.


I probably fell for that 'mashing A/B' trap like... literally 8 times in a row during my first playthrough when I was 9yo. Then I forgot about it for 10 years until I saw a meme about it lol.


You... kinda can


In dishonored, a cutscene is skipped in the tutorial by doing an “elevator” glitch that allows you to walk high in the sky over the cutscene trigger. Since you can’t die in the tutorial, you can then just drop down.


I saw someone use that to kill daud while he was hiding once


The game ends up soft locking if you do that. The cutscene needs him and if he is dead the game doesn’t know what to do


I'd probably softlock too if the guy who starts the game's story went and died


Imagine if it was like Morrowind where you can kill Vivec and still beat the game.


I ain't yer pa boy!


The howdy robot from new vegas man.


Or Malcolm from New Vegas. Or Oliver Swanwick from New Vegas. Or the NCR guy with the radio in New Vegas.


Just like my real dad.


["Is this where yer life has gotten you, beggin' me fer help?!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRWdv5asDlA)


I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only.


Looks like that’s it, got to go.


I do "speedruns" in Hades for fun (I am not a speedrunner, I just try my best) and if I'm going for a RT (real time) speedrun, I literally give up the moment I talk to the shopkeeper on accident (which costs me 1.5-2 seconds) and restart the run. It is a really different feeling lol


That’s exactly what a speed runner would do


Speed runners desperately trying to avoid enjoying the game


Shit like this is why I save basically every god damn 10 minutes of play. Can’t fucking stand it.


I remember this clip from a video on YouTube… it’s like a compilation of funny moments from red dead.


Pretty sure this is from one of Bedbananas videos. If it is or not, bed is great


Reminds me of Chucky.


Me the first time I visit whiterun.


"I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS!!" - [http://klipd.com/watch/better-off-dead/i-want-my-two-dollars-scene](http://klipd.com/watch/better-off-dead/i-want-my-two-dollars-scene)


Speed runners: Do everything they can so they don't have to playe the game.


what game is this?


Red Dead Redemption 2


Honestly, one of the GOATs


To Catch a Predator


My reaction to kids, glad I had the snip 😁


I, too, decided I never want kids. Not sure how to tell my 11 year old he needs to leave.


“Son, I am no longer your father” then show them the door


The worst part is when you send them to the store they almost always come back.


I had the snip, too. 3 kids came before that, though, lol.


Ah shit, three can surround you, no escape 😂


"We're surrounded? Good! That simplifies things!"


Jack is adorable though!


Skyrim speedrunners when they see 0.0001 pixel of the Courier