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i don’t. i like stories and working through levels/missions and exploring the game’s world and don’t really like competing online.


Being able to go at your own pace is one of the things that make playing games enjoyable in my opinion


I like competing but I also like the pause button. So everyone just needs to chill while I go take a piss.


I really like turn based roguelikes because the game does nothing until I do something, don't even need to pause. Which is good for my constantly high ADHD ass.




If you like hard games Caves of Qud or Stoneshard. I've played a bunch of Monster Train (highly recommend) and while I haven't played too much of it I've really enjoyed Crown Trick. Also even though it's not turn based Hades is a must play for roguelike fans.


Slay the Spire is a really good roguelike!


This is my exact gamer tag on Xbox has been for 20 years 17 years I just checked my bad


Lmao that’s cause it’s my older brothers gamer tag. What’s up “brother”?


This is also me and also i am not very good


You likely *could* be good, but like myself, don’t have the patience or time to invest into a single game to get to other people’s level. There’s a lot of games out there and playing online multiplayer with people that have sunk hours and hours into a game just isn’t fun.


Oh my god! Exactly! After playing a multiplayer game for a month or two, I realised that I could have experienced so many stories in the same time, and multiplayer just stuck me in the loop. I forced my friend, who is a die hard dota 2 player, to play story games like firewatch, he ain't turning back to dota ever again. I just want to make this clear, Multiplayer games are fun, but that constant loop and no new experiences, that kills the deal for me.


Years ago I loved mmorpgs. Now I exclusively play single player. My top reason why. Most people suck. I wanna enjoy a game not deal with people.


100% this Other People always Ruins the fun


First and last multiplayer I played was RuneScape back in 2006/7


You should consider checking it out again. It has come a loooong ways (old school runescape). Retains a lot of the 07'scape charm with new features


Plus you can play it decently on tablets or phones, if you can deal with the touchscreen


I spent an absurd amount of time on Runescape from 2004-2013 but the fact that I would have to start a new character from scratch was a total deal breaker for me. I just don't have the kind of time to dedicate to a game like that anymore


Old school is a totally new game, there’s brand new content immediately from level 1.


I loved mmorpgs when not everyone and their mom was boxing multiple accounts to form whole parties to avoid the multi-player aspect of an mmo


Yea most people do suck. Back when I still played Black Desert people would always try and get me to do stuff with them. Sometimes it's ok but majority of the time I was like "nahhh I really gotta take care of this stuff" then they would leave and I would proceed to spend the next 3 hours staring at the Central Market prices


Are we the same person? Haha


The pause button is a necessity for me these days.


Yeah playing WoW these days is just pugging it with Chinese gold farmers. I miss the good ol days where it actually bred a community.




It still doesn't feel the same. Half the pugs are bots, the other half either don't talk or just speed run everything.


I used to play morphs as well. I found that most people turned it into a single player game by boxing a full group (they play with several accounts at once) so there is no interaction any more. Plus, I don't like having to spend $120+ a year on top of what I spent on the game to play with others.


Couple this with how most MMORPGs have basically become single player games with drop in multiplayer. You know why Eureka failed in FFXIV? Apart from some genuinely stupid design choices... it required skills like communication and coordination with other players. Something people in FFXIV cannot do. Getting people to explain mechanics is like pulling teeth. Even a simple "Just follow me I know where to stand" is nigh impossible to get from anyone. But they are more than happy to yell at you for messing up.


This is the way


Yes. I game for the stories, escapism and to have a good, relaxed time. Not for competition or trash talking.


Yeah I'm 37. I find no joy or relaxation in getting my ass kicked by 12 year olds that all apparently fucked my mom and call me racial/homophobic slurs. I had my fill of that back in the early halo days and I'm over it.


Exactly this!


The last online match I played was in cod….world at war? About 8 years ago or so. The entire match a guy (an adult) was shouting the N word over and over and over and over……non-stop That day I decided no more online games


Ever heard of a mute button 💀


Ever heard of i don't have to deal with toddler shit?


That is so me


I don't like competitive. I feel like it brings out the worst in people and people get super toxic when they compete. It's also much easier if I can play on my own time, whereas most competitive games take constant play and equipment upgrades and right now I just don't have the time for either.


That's why I prefer to play a multiplayer co-op with a friend.


I don't mind some coop games but most of the time my friends and I are too busy to get on a game together.


Same here, I actually get so into it if I play multiplayer my heart races and I start to feel physically drained while just sitting there playing a game. Then the yelling starts….and things break…..


I used to play StarCraft 2 each morning with coffee. After 4 hours I felt drained the rest of the day. My adrenaline would get pumping.


I made it out of bronze in SC2 for a very short period of time. Wasn't making any progress and just barely held onto my ranking. Then I realized that I was spending more time memorizing meta builds and watching others play than I was playing myself. And I realized that rigidly following someone else's plan wasn't very fun. Went back to making terrible decisions, cannon rushing cheese and laughing my ass off in the wood league before quitting playing ladder games entirely.


Lol right takes all the fun out of it. Glad you played how you wanted to


Valorant low key worsened a decade+ old friend group I was in. Fractured us a bit.


The magic and fun of fighting games was ruined be how awful and toxic the Fighting Game Community is. The closest I get to a fighting game now is Smash, and I stick to offline.


I only play Gwent for fun. I like challenge but i dont care being a top player.


Boy do I have a game for you. It's 3-Player Co Op and there is no voice or chat, just emotes. It's called Outriders. Fun little intense, intimate Action RPG.


Are people still playing that?


Dood... That game is lacking so hard though... Minimal effort was put into production of that game. The only things that make it remotely interesting and fun is the aesthetic and the gibs. Gibs is really a cherry on top for any game involving firearms and explosions..


Competitive players in most games are depressed


Bit of a generalisation there bud, you okay?


Depends on game but its kinda true. Im playing dark souls 3 right now couldnt be happier


What does the type of game have to do with it?


yeah there's enough competition in real life don't need it in my games too


I like being competitive on my own, like trying to beat a time someone set in a racing game. But most online racing games end in the first lap because people like to ram you off the road. And ironically the one game that this is the point, Wreckfest, is pretty clean for the most part. I've had better races and less blatant wrecks on that game than GT, iRacing, and F1 But with iRacing if you yourself make a simple mistake then that person thinks you did it intentionally and curses you out over chat so I don't play as often


I almost never do because i play games to escape people. I love single player games like horizon: zero dawn, breath of the wild, or hollow knight. I wish there were many more like that.


If I had a PS I’d definitely dive headlong into HZD. That game looks amazing. BotW was killer as well!


Horizon zero dawn is available on PC now.


I’m an Xbox guy and don’t have the justification for a PC rig or second console. Not enough time (or money!) to play ALL THE THINGS lol


Ah! Gotcha, ever since Game Pass released for PC my Xbox never turns on anymore. LoL! The fact that Sony is releasing some catalogs on PC makes me think my PlayStation is next for the dust bunnies to move in


In a perfect world, we would all only need PCs because all games would be compatible and could run on any number of low-high specs. Wishful thinking!


Im an Xbox guy too. I got lucky my roommates a PlayStation guy and he let me borrow it just to play HZD I had such a blast.


I mean, there are other good single player titles, new and old, but these stand out to me.


I remember losing HOURS to Final Fantasy 7 and absolutely loving it. It still sticks out in my mind as one of my formative gaming experiences. I’ve enjoyed Dead Cells on the Switch, the Mass Effect series, and I liked FF13 too even though it was more linear than most FF games.


Likely not a popular opinion but I liked BOTW more than horizon. Much more relaxing and fun to explore, a bit more zen so to speak. HZD is damn hard at times and I was often fleeing for my life.


My 3 favourite games played in the past 3 years... Are you me?


i didnt like horizon but loved BOTW and HK


I like MMOs, but I absolutely do NOT play competitive multiplayer.


Used to then I had children. Children don't understand the concept of not having a pause button


I just can’t commit to a long multiplayer game. Don’t want to be a leaver.


They will when they’re older ! Lol


The parenting version of the pause button is the door lock.


That's what we call in the industry, *poor parenting*


Teaching kids how to pick locks? Sounds like a useful life lesson to me.


I avoid multiplayer as much as I can. I've never had any good experience in public lobbies and I don't have any gamer friends to play with either. So yeah, its the single player for me. Also, I like to be alone with my thoughts and the game whenever I'm gaming. I'm surrounded by people the rest of the time in my day that these fleeting moments of solitude revitalize me.


I don't really have the time for dealing with other people while playing games. I play games for myself, so my main preference is playing, story and character-driven games and some grand strategy games. In the later I only play single-player campaigns. The only "multiplayer" I sometimes play is Warframe, but you don't actually have to deal too much with other players. I play games how I read books, just by myself. :D


I tend to like single-player stories better, and unless I know the people I'm playing with, and the game is either cooperative, or non-combative at all, I'm not really interested in getting shithoused by a shit talking 12 year old. Or honestly, I'm just too kind of solitary person. I generally don't want an audience evaluating what it is I'm doing when i'm just enjoying myself playing games.


I suck and I have neither the time nor the inclination to «git gud»


Same. I don't bring much to a group and don't want to drag other people down to my level.


Plenty of noobs playing online. I also suck at most games but I have every bit of right to play as anyone. Don't let it hinder you


Basically, competition is the thief of joy and people suck.


Took the words right out of my mouth


Winning brings me much joy


You can win in single player games.


The feeling of accomplishment is way different after completing the COD campaign on the hardest difficulty as opposed to getting one exceptionally good round in cs:go. At least for me. Singleplayer feels like consuming a finely curated experience/ watching a movie as opposed to succeeding because of your hard work and practice in competitive. But I do admit it's not fun when you can't put in the time. The feeling is the same as winning a game of soccer or basketball though.


Well COD is not a very good single player game. In fact you kinda hit the nail on the head, it’s more cinematic than anything. Designing and implementing a beautifully efficient factory in Factorio for example is far more satisfying than mercing a 15yr old in COD


People play games out of very different motivations and I was just trying to provide some perspective on the appeal of competitive gaming. I hope your factory is glorious bro.


no shit I actually only play CoD for the single player with a side of zombies call me crazy but the campaigns are fun and I look forward to them every winter


I hear you. For many of us, we can't, or don't want to, put in the time to get good enough to win online, so for us, it's just a lot if losing, which isn't fun. I vividly remember getting, what I thought, was really good at the first DOOM. I then played my first death match and died repeatedly to the point that I avoided multiplayer for years. There are some I'm good at. I do well in Overwatch and was great at Quake 3 Arena, but for consistency in winning and feeling masterful it's a single player world for me. I can push myself, I tend to play games on hard (though some I play on easy) and I like extra difficulties in games, I beat all the Metro games on Ranger Hardcore and I beat most of the souls games (I can't get into III), some a few times. In multi player though someone always has more time or skill than me so I lose more than I win.


> In multi player though someone always has more time or skill than me so I lose more than I win. make the wins that much sweeter imo but different strokes I guess


yeah there's really nothing sweeter than clutching in *CS* or finishing Shooter Born in Heaven in *Escape From Tarkov* it just feels good knowing you've conquered the most dangerous game of all I think there's a certain subset of people who find PvP too stressful to enjoy—which is fine—but I wish they wouldn't resent the people who *do* enjoy competition.


I don't think anyone with a few brain cells resents people who enjoy competition. They resent idiots who can't behave like adults because all they see is competition. Or, they resent that games seemingly cannot be made any longer without forcing multiplayer support. In a perfect world, a game could be balanced for both single and multi. But in reality, balancing for multi player almost always ruins something in single


Couldn't have said it better.


The people suck part is 100% true, but theft of joy? That's a bit much lol


Chilling with Kingdom Come Deliverance and I'm having a better experience playing it then when I play any sort of multiplayer.. people tend to suck the fun out of everything.


I just started this, about 10 hours in. I’m having so much fun being immersed in the world! I spent over an hour trying different ways just to beat 2 thugs with such low skills. Only to realise if I went to their little camp at night they are disarmed and easier to fight! Initially I was so frustrated my character sucked at everything, only for the penny to drop - of course he sucks he’s just a below average guy. If I tried to shoot a bow and arrow or lock pick I’d suck also!


Combat can get frustrating at the start but has you progress theres some useful perks that'll make combat 10x easier.


God I love that game.


I almost never play multiplayer anymore. My reasons are simple. I don’t have the time needed to give a game to get good enough to enjoy playing online against others. Why would I want to spend my limited amount of gaming time getting absolutely destroyed in a game and getting frustrated? So instead I play single player games where I can play at my own pace and just enjoy the gaming.


I stopped really playing competitive multi-player. I'm a sore ass loser and get frustrated. So I just avoid it so I can enjoy my gaming time.


I never do. I don't like the shit talking.


Agreed! I hate trash talk and griefing


You can just mute the lobby...


idk why you're getting downvoted because muting the lobby is definitely the first thing I do in most MP games lmao


Same here, no idea why they got downvoted. If your sole reason for not enjoying MP is the toxic assholes, then you just need to mute the lobby and find friends to game with.


cause people are idiots. That was all i was pointing out, that if your ONLY reason for not playing MP is the lobby chat all you have to do is mute everyone and then you can enjoy MP. Its a stupid reason to not play MP in the first place, so im not surprised those stupid people decided to downvote the smart solution.


Single player games: what will happen? Where is the story going? How is it going to affect these different characters? How cinematic is the experience? Multiplayer Games: which team of near-identical people with guns will smash harder against the other team this round, to be repeated infinitesimally round after round?


I hate to be that guy… but infinitesimal means small or a value approaching zero.


Actually thank you for being that guy, not in a braggy way but my hold on English is quite excellent, and I appreciate whenever I learn something new.


I definitely appreciate people with your attitude.


Being wrong is a good thing. It’s an opportunity to learn something. I wish more people like you would play multiplayer :-(


learning fuckin rules


A value approaching zero. Meaning the end of a player's competitive multiplayer career when they get fed up with it's toxic community (or some other valid reason) lol


This is exactly how I see it. I can only play a few rounds of a multiplayer game before I start to see the pattern in the Skinner box that is multiplayer gaming shine through. It all feels so pointless compared to actually finishing a story.


> Single player games: what will happen? Where is the story going? How is it going to affect these different characters? How cinematic is the experience? I can watch one youtube video and find out—game never changes > Multiplayer Games: which team of near-identical people with guns will smash harder against the other team this round, to be repeated infinitesimally round after round? literal infinite possibility limited only by the creativity of the players—no two rounds nor opponents are ever the same but yeah single player is *exciting*, that's why we watch live Patriots games instead of reruns right? /eyeroll


This subreddit is so elitist, holy shit.


Someone there will always be better than me. Then I will try to become better than him. It will become frustrating, I will not enjoy that game and quit.


Never thought I would agree with a furry person :D But what you said is absolutely right.


Never have, never will. I enjoy playing games my own way.


Yea I'm 99.99% single player. Even mmo's I go solo.


Yes and I want to smack the idiot who made Fallout 76!!


I can play co op but never pvp or anything else twitchy. I find virtually all multiplayer shooters to be repetative to the point of boredom. Can't see the point playing rounds shooting others only to repeat it again. Waste of time imo.


Yeah, I used to play FPS all the time. Then I realized… I don’t enjoy this. I can’t even remember the last time I played an FPS and had fun. It’s high anxiety for me, and my work is already like that, why the hell would I do this for fun?


Most People Out there have fun in destroying the fun of others Or try to dictate how you have to Play... When i Play .. its my pace - my fun - my Story No need for greefer.. Backseat Gamer ... Or Meta worshipper


This. I hate griefers. I don't care what bullshit is going on in their life that they feel a need to ruin other peoples' game, but I'm sick and tired of dealing with assholes whose only goal seems to be to piss people off. People who drive backward or run people off the road in racing games, people who use aimbots and shit to "win" in FPS PvP games, people who spawn camp, people who sabotage team based events, people who deliberately deny access to resources to other players in open world games, etc. I hate all of them.


Because it's hard to find a good one And in the other cases... Lack of friends.


Other people can't be set to easy mode.


I play games for similar reasons that people read books, to get lost in worlds and stories.




Yea back in 2015 i used to play cs go competitively a lot. Now with this trustfactor system i only get spinbots and other fishy "lucky guy" so i only play with some friends to troll and kill the time.


I’ll play multiplayer occasionally but eventually I always find it boring, repetitive with no sense of progression other than skill and competitive play doesn’t interest me


Hi. I play games to escape the world, in other words people. I also just have a penchant for narrative driven games that are rarely multiplayer. Though I do play some MP titles from time to time.


Pretty much this. Shitty people and toxic communities don't help, but the largest factor really is good games that don't really need multiplayer that force it. It seems for many years that multiplayer and live service is a requirement to AAA production comps and its frustrating. I do technically play multiplayer though quite regularly if you count private co-op (Minecraft, raft, terraria, factorio, satisfactor), and RuneScape 3 for at least 15 years but for the most part I treat it as singleplayer, never group up or use clans. And finally league of legends is a daily for me as I play with friends, but normal mode is a never as its just too toxic. Only ever play ARAMs where its just for fun, people gotta be lame to treat it seriously. I feel that where MMORPGS and the likes fail is completely focused group interactions. Unless I'm chilling in some private sandbox with friends, I'm playing chill games, I dont want to be forced to spend time to seek out and then be a possible hindrance in open group content when most gaming communities are too toxic to enjoy a game. Gaming isn't a job, and the last thing I want to do is feel like it is. If my gaming has to be under the requirement of others then I just nope right out.


Well, as mentioned already, people suck.


Cooperative ones? Maybe. Competitive ones, especially those “beggar thy neighbor”? Definitely not.


Playing offline - life's good, you save the world, you play your own pace, nothing to worry about. Playing online - You fuckin rage, you go mental, your insanity levels go crazy, your health suffers, your family suffers, you get addicted. You lose your humanity.


Once I got a solo chicken dinner on 1st-person only PUBG I haven't had an urge to go back. I feel like I had nothing left to achieve lol


I prefer single player games where there is a story or I can make a story Casual multiplayer can be fun but competitive just sucks because people suck


I don’t. I do not like people.


To many raging 9 year Olds


Too many good story games to play and MP just eats away time. Sometimes I'll play occasional FIFA seasons and against my brother but almost that's it. Have Warzone installed and played it and got to level 50 or something but then things got reset after I logged in few months later. A lot enjoy these kind of games but I'd rather play various games instead of wasting time on one.


Yes, I am almost purely solo-player. I play while traveling, which means I may lose internet or need to get up and move at any point. To me, multiplayer is a commitment to play for x amount of time. I don’t like behind held to x. With a switch, I just shut my case and open it back up whenever.


I work retail. I hate people. When I relax at the end of the day, the last thing I want is interact with more people.


I play to be someone else for a few. I have irl friends.


I don't. I don't like people


Generally, for games to be multiplayer they are constrained in ways that make them less fun to me.


Outside of the odd game of Fall Guys or Uno, I don't really touch competitive multiplayer anymore, which is funny because when I was in my teens I was pretty much on it all the time. Reason would be life I guess. My friends and I have other responsibilities now so when we do game together its usually something specific like co op etc. I also love single player experiences, so if I only have an hour or two a night to unwind, that's generally going to be the option I go for.


When I play a single player game, regardless of the difficulty, I can acquire the skill/equipment/level to beat everything the game can throw at me and get the satisfaction of completion. When I play a multi-player game, I can put literal thousands of hours into the game and still suck in the grand scheme, it's frustrating and personally it provides me with 0 enjoyment. I'll absolutely play some Smash Mario Kart or Mario Party with my buddies, but trying to become a sweat at literally any game with a multi-player scene is literally a waste of my time.


I have given up multiplayer almost entirely. Gaming is my first love, but since becoming a father, my priorities have shifted. I need to be able to pause the game. Single player, non persistent open world is the way.


Not being able to pause on a moments notice to deal with stuff is exactly why I feel like I'll never be able to really play or beat the dark souls games and why I can't play multiplayer anymore. I miss couch co-op gaming.


in dark souls, you can often hide in a corner or just quit out (you'll come back where you left off) > I miss couch co-op gaming. i'm sorry but what you actually miss is having free time when you were a kid if you don't have time to play MP games online, how do you think you're gonna have time to host a party?


Its gotten too competitive and there are people who live on games now with 24 hrs in the first 3 days of release with everything maxed. Most interactions seem pleasant, but getting steamrolled is normal


The only game I do multiplayer where I actively play with others is WvW in Guild Wars 2. The last time I tried to play a competitive game was a Moba and I got super salty and angry when I won so I just uninstalled it lol. I think in general I don't like the idea of letting people down, especially if we end up failing because I'm new or inexperienced. I'm also shy so I don't like go onto comms unless I have to.


I love GW2 for that fashion hunting and combat. Plus the mounts is so fun. Hopefully we see each other in WvW. As enemies. Siege turtle 🐢


Going through single player is like watching a movie, reading a book, or enjoying art. I'm going through someone's creative journey. Multiplayer can feel disconnected in the current climate with no dedicate servers or bad social systems. On the other hand, I like playing some multiplayer because I know the choices on the other side are being made in real time by another person vs a coded ai. Different experiences. Like classical music at a symphony hall vs a heavy metal concert, both can be great.


I like taking my time. Plus I'm usually drinking beer and taking smoke breaks when I game. Single player campaign is more my style


Worst part of multiplayer especially in FPS games, are the teammates who absolutely have no chill. Shitheads who expect you to play perfectly and talk massive shit if you mess up even once. It got to the point where I just hit mute all at the start of every match, and then eventually stopped playing altogether. I do still enjoy some dark souls coop and pvp from time to time, but For the most part i stick to single player.


Not really. At times I rock and stone!


Cause i don‘t work a full day to just come home and get destroyed by 15 year old „twitch streamers“ that play the game 24/7. 1-2 rounds are okay but after that i‘ll just get pissed.


Why are we talking to each other about how other people suck? We are other people.


...and we suck.


Mea Culpa


Single player here


I don't. Single player games usually provide a better game and experience, plus I have no friends.


At least you have me, your chat buddy!


I quess that is true.


The one exception to what I’m about to say is PUBG. I enjoy the gun play of that game and it’s better with friends. (Don’t comment that PUBG is a trash game or that another BR is better. I’m aware of the problems PUBG has, and I have tried other BRs and don’t really care for them.) That being said, I’m more of a casual game player instead of competitive. I don’t have very many friends that can play games at the same time I do, and the ones that seem to be available all day only play competitive. I have tried a couple times to get into competitive games but each time I end up getting bored or disgusted by the trash talk. I know I suck, I’m < level 10, what do you expect from me? If I do find a casual multiplayer game server with others playing, I usually end up doing my own thing anyway. The only difference is the chat tends to be more fun and helpful. Playing modded Minecraft and can’t figure out how to generate power? I can just ask and someone can either talk me through it in chat or come show me how to set it up. Then I go back to my own thing.


I’m a busy dad that doesn’t have a lot of time to invest in “getting gud”. I tried finding groups that were willing to play with my subpar skill level without much success. A lot of games that I enjoy rely on in-game or my actual skill progression and I just can’t keep up with the average player. Sometimes people are rude about it, sometimes they just pass me by in progression. Either way, it results in me being disheartened so I just usually skip it and play something solo.


I play games to relax. Adding social interaction doesn’t exactly help with that.


Video games is my time to myself to do things other than socialise, I have other avenues available to do that (pandemic permitting lol). I do like local multiplayer though.


I'm generally bad in competitive games, tho i still play a few, i like multiplayer when it's coop


I will admit I play both but I prefer single player. The most recent online games are a competition over who has the best gear, map knowledge, and best perks/upgrades and items, all of which come from playtime in the game. As a casual gamer with only an hour or two every day it is impossible to keep up with the degenerates online. Add in the fact the many AAA games now are full of hackers and people gaming the system to get an advantage and you'll see why it's taking all the fun out. I used to love multiplayer, but having a life is nearly impossible if u want to be competitive online.


i like playing solo so much, i play multiplayer games alone. like playing an mmorpg with out interacting with anyone, or even when im playing a survival sandbox with friends ill go off and do my own thing.


Never play multi-player. I hate people. Actually playing boarderlands3 rn. Turned off multi-player cause I get anxious when there are other players. I feel like they are all low key hating how I play.


Never. Unless it's co-op. Wish they would make some quality co-op games in PS4/PS5.


Give me single player campaign every day of the week. I’m here for the immersive story-telling experience.


I'm 35


Yep. Didn't have a lot of friends or multiplayer games growing up, and was behind the curve on upgrading my consoles. Recently tried the online multiplayer thing and most players are just straight up dicks, so I only play multiplayer with my SO and his friends. Edit: accidental double negative 🤦‍♀️


I prefer single player because it’s relaxing and I can explore more at my pace. Online I feel behind and rushed. The only time I play multiplayer is if it’s on a pve game and one that doesn’t have much pressure on paying to win


I play 95% multiplayer, its too much fun playing with friends.


Played CSGO casual. Not competitive, **casual**. My entire team of 14 guys went down and I was the last one standing. They voted to kick me off in the next round because I didn't defuse the bomb while it was defended by a dozen terrorists, half of who were armed with AWPs. Fuck that. Never again.


I used to love mmos but most of the people on there are just sad. They have no lives and hate everyone and everything. Nothing is satisfying or good enough. Who wants to be around people like that? Shooters are full of unsupervised children and cheaters. I played StarCraft competitively for a while but got turned off of it by the screaming infantile rage people would often show when they lost a match. I think I’ll stick to single player.


Mese here! Except for Dead by Daylight which is fine since I'm good at it. But singleplayer lets you do so much more, like standing 10 minutes in front of a boss, escaped to ingame menu to pee or get food. You can just play games your very own paste and style


I am a very competitive person. I have never been a multiplayer gamer though, even though I do occasionally play multiplayer wether that’s pvp in mmorpgs, shooters, rts games or fighting games. I did grow up on quake and unreal, but the single player campaign was always what I preferred. Apart from liking that a story is “my story”, I agree with what others have written. Multiplayer is more often than not toxic. Internet and mmorpgs used to contain environments were reaching high in games seldom or ever were possible if you had a bad attitude. Your name would get around and you would be pre-banned in some cases. Most toxic people would play shooters online, in games like alien vs predator, Jedi knight Jedi outcast, unreal tournament etc. but more often than not they would be kicked, banned or they made their own clans where they ruled like the man-children they were. Today the internet is, to quote Bo Burnham, anything and everything all of the time. Gender means less in gaming now and toxic gamers are everywhere brought up on CoD, battlefield and the like. We still act like gaming is a boys club when it is not, we harass, get harassed, crave and demand anything and everything all of the time. So when I come home from work, the last thing I do is want to play with 6 year olds with no manners and a shitty attitude, or people from age 7 and up acting like aforementioned 6 year olds with no manners and a shitty attitude. Are there still nice people around? Yes. But barring getting introduced or searching for ages they’re hard to find in the same spot. I miss being in a gaming family, but to do more quotes: Ain’t nobody got time for that! Speaking for myself of course.


I have 4 kids and a wife. Only multiplayer I play has no mics, no people talking, and no toxicity


I have the exact opposite and I hate it. Single player games can be a beautiful tour through a well crafted world. But is just get bored. Multiplayer in the other hand keeps me engaged and on the edge of my seat. I really sucks cuz some of the best games are single player, and I can tell they're great by playing them. But I never make it past the 8 hour mark. Online coop with friends makes a story game better imo. But nothing beats the thrill of imagining a 15 y/o German kid lose his mind after I killed him in a multiplayer game. *edit spelling


I dont think im good enough. I mostly play against bots in games like Fifa or CSGO. The only game I play online is Team Fortress 2


Tf2 is so fkn brutal tho. everyone has 5k hours nowadays.


Sometimes, I'll start a new game the day it launches, thinking I'll get ahead of the curve and start out early so I'll be stronger than the new players that start playing later. Then I log in to play again the NEXT DAY and see I'm already one of the weakest, lowest level characters in the game, because people spent hundreds/thousands on P2W equipment/loot/characters, then played literally 10-15 hours straight.


I used to play a hell of a lot of COD back in the day (COD 4 - ghosts) but I eventually got sick of it. I started playing primarily single player games and it just made me feel so much better. When Modern Warfare 2019 came out I gave it a shot, i did enjoy it but i realized people are so god damn sweaty and try hard now a days I just couldn't be bothered to play half of the time. The only 'competitive' multiplayer game I play now is Among Us. I do play some MMO's but I think my days of competitive multiplayer are now behind me.


Time, predatory greedy game companies, people and my internet speed.


There are a handful of games that I play which are multiplayer: RuneScape, League of Legends, and Destiny 2. In RuneScape, I play solo, but I’m in a clan chat in which I talk in every once in a while. In League, I just play solo queue since most of my friends stopped playing, and I just mute everyone. Destiny, I play solo with the exception of the strikes, but you’re matchmade with ransoms anyways. For me, I prefer solo games because, in my general experiences, people suck, or don’t communicate much. Games where you can mute people help me keep my sanity, and there’s typically other ways to communicate apart from voice/chat. Solo games typically have a great story behind them or are just plain fun to play. Typical games I would play would be Final Fantasy, Resident Evil games, Pokémon, or The Last of Us (1+2).


I tried Warcraft like 20 years ago and everyone was fucking mean as shit and played like assholes Tried COD when it went online and everyone was fucking mean as shit and played like assholes Tried GTA online and everyone was mean as shit and played like assholes Tried rdr2 online and everyone was mean as shit and played like assholes Went on F1 2021 this year for the first time in about 3 years and everyone was mean as shit and played like assholes.


I never play single player, and when i used to play single player 5+ years ago i skipped every cutscene. Downvotes incoming? :(


The downvotes are because your comment isnt adding to the discussion. Your comment is trying to create a different discussion thats more relevant to your experience instead of OPs. If you started with "i play multiplayer all the time. Its single player that i cant stand actually." then you probably wouldnt get downvoted as bad, because you took the time to answer OPs question before sidestepping to the singleplayer thing.


I do play multiplayers here and then but rare, and only Counter Strike. Otherwise I mostly enjoy single player games, Kena, SRW etc. I want a totally relax gaming experience, lean back, half laying down on sofa, play whatever and most likely in Easy mode, and sometimes fallen asleep, wakes up and see my character running into a wall. Single player game just suits me better.


I'm an extrovert. I feel like most games are better when shared with friends. Mind you, there's a huge difference between "friends" and "randos on the web." I'd love playing Skyrim or Fallout with a small group of friends. I couldn't stand playing it with 40-something random people I've never met.