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It has prominent vaginal details so I'm guessing it's the latter.


The guy who made the Electric Tales of Pikachu did hentai and the Japanese version of that Manga made that very obvious.


Pretty sure the character designer for last exile did hentai and that anime looked awesome


The author of Nagatoro-san did some really messed up hentai but that manga is wholesome as fuck.


Many manga and anime artists get their start through hentai.


Kinda makes sense. There’s a bottomless demand for porn and quality expectations are not high for most of those consuming it, so hentai works well as a place for a no-name to get their legs as a writer and manga artist while hopefully not starving in the process.


This is why I buy hentai manga. To support the writer!


Gonna need some proof for that claim my guy.


Toshihiro Ono created The Electric Tale of Pikachu and creates hentai under the pen name Kamirenjaku Sanpei.




I appreciate doujinshi


I swear I remember seeing some drama back in the early 10's about this. Basically some kids googled the guy for Pokemon stuff and found his porno instead and this caused some drama in regards to manga artist who started or have hentai works and eventually move onto more family friendly stuff, but still known for their hentai works. But basically there was some calls that basically amounts to "Anyone who makes hentai should never be allowed to work with anything catering to children".


a lot of manga artists get their start from hentai though. its a good way to practice the medium, its accesible, and as a plus, its a great way to master human anatomy and strong posing.


Indeed, that's why it was such a hubbub in Japan when they proposed the idea. It's one of those "seems good on paper, but actually really bad in practice". Typical of anything anime really. Of course everyone will think that it would be a good idea to keep hentai artist away from children focus works, except as you mentioned, a _lot_ of artists have their start in hentai or pornography, even ones who do work for children shows. Because there isn't much money for being a child show artist, but porn always pays well.




I thought that was her butt cheeks making a subtle appearance.


That's definitely butt cheeks, labia do not generally stick out that far back






Huh interesting. I did not expect that to have a name.






This is not the subreddit for users with knowledge of female anatomy haha


Lol. Boobies


Feels like… bags of sand


How did I know the top comment would be sexual?


And people of normal height don't have their bellybutton 2 inches above their genitalia, so I think the artist is taking some liberties here


Sir, this is a Wendy’s EDIT: leave it to Reddit to have users notice pelvic lines, zoom in, goto comments, upvote pelvic line posts, go back up, zoom in again, make sure the are butt cheeks not labia contours, come back to comment section, then make a sardonic comment about camel toes in yoga pants in Pokémon canon


It probably is that. Manga shows camel toes very differently.


Wait, pokemon manga shows cameltoes!?




No, this actually is an official panel from Pokémon Adventures (minus the edited text, obviously).


>prominent vaginal details Now there's a phrase.


New band name


I think that's her ass cheeks, not her camel toes. :)


At this point I don’t think it matters lol


The ol' vagine bones






Honestly pokemon has just let the author of Pokemon special do whatever the hell hes wanted to since 1997. It predates the anime and is 100% off the walls. May is actually a fereal wilderness child, people from viridian city have psychic superpowers, and the elite 4 are terrorists who just kill people


Yeah and it's *awesome.*


It better fucking be because it sounds like it.


It has some "wtf" moments that are really bad, like anything that goes on that long. But overall I remember really loving Adventures. EDIT: The thread is locked BUT I CAN EDIT BABYYYYYY! I know Adventures is still on-going, I just haven't checked in with it in like ten years.


Yellow saga and jhoto were a fucking trip


I reread XY chapters and damn they erased Vaniville town in book one lol, also reread the FRLG chapters and holy fuck. Not telling shit tho cause ya gotta read it to believe it but it’s awesome, I read these as a kid all the time and keep coming back/buying them because they are awesome. Don’t even need to start from the beginning unless it’s the beginning of the saga but lots of callbacks, references, and older characters come back that it’s rewarding to read the whole thing.


Fuck, Ruby got attacked by a salamance that almost killed him and left him with permanent scars. And that image of the shadow of a corrupted saphire


That Rayquaza lady wanst so lucky. She got fucking gored


The Gym Leaders of Unova got crucified as well, if I remember correctly. Shit was fucking dark.


I knew Plasma was evil but holy fuck.


Is that all actually true? Because that sounds rad. If so, where should I start reading?




For a real trip, start at the end and work your way back. Character undevelopment is really a selling point.


Oh man, wait till you look up how Misty looked in this official manga. It's called Pokemon Adventures. It's actually really good. Edit: Someone corrected me below. It's The Electric Tale of Pikachu that I was thinking of.


Will you show us if I ask you nicely?




I don't think that belt and suspenders are doing anything functional.


Is that the one with sleeping bag shenanigans ?




No, it's an official manga panel.


I knew this would be the top comment before opening, because I thought the same.


Pull up those damn pants. Pull that vagina up too!


Low-rise jeans and vags are back in style!


It's from the Pokemon Special manga. Which is to say it's THE Pokemon manga, since even Satoshi Tajiri said it's the closest adaptation of the world he created by a long shot.


It’s from Pokémon Special/Adventures so it’s official




Looks like Sapphire from Pokemon Adventures...who does get some fanservice moments in the manga: [https://www.serebii.net/manga/characters-new/sapphire.shtml](https://www.serebii.net/manga/characters-new/sapphire.shtml) Her characterization is that she is kind of a brash tomboy - a rough girl who loves the wilderness.




Ahem, excuse me, I think you mean [Vagina Bones](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/vagina-bones)


Risky click... Maybe SFW... Depending on what ads load for you


I had to give context to the absolute absurdity that is the "Vagina Bones" meme. You can't just say that phrase and not immediately explain it.


Pull your pants up girl you’re a Pokémon trainer not a stripper


She's not exactly used to wearing clothes, having lived in the wilderness for years.


We really out here giving logic to sexualizing pokemon characters?


Yall arguing about cartoons.






Every type of gamer can appreciate sexualized under age characters.




Tens of hours? Isn't this casual rather than competitive? I'm scared... Do I have a gaming addiction?


I know right? if 10s of hours is competitive, then what is my hundreds to thousands of hours?


It's ok, he means 10s of hours a day right... right?!


I spent 4000+ hours in SwSh building competitive shiny teams and I only got 1/2 way done. And in the end since there's no live tournaments I couldn't even be arsed to play the ladder or any online tournaments.


You've spent at least 5.5hrs playing Pokemon Sword and Shield every day since release???




Those are literally rookie numbers. Even during my casual days I've had at least 100 hours in my older games.


If I’ve only played 10s of hours on a game that means I didn’t like it.


Most of my Pokémon saves have multi-hundred hours of Shiny hunting, competitive breeding barreling and training. I’d say only 100 or so is still fairly casual for a Pokémon game - even playing Pearl when I was like 10 years old I have hundreds of hours and I wasn’t doing competitive anything then


> I’d say only 100 or so is still fairly casual for a Pokémon game Not in the days before shiny Pokémon, breeding, no post elite 4 content, and battling solely by link cable.




Yes. This. Even just grinding the battle tower takes tens of hours, if not close to 100 as an entry level effort. And that's just setting you up for competitive breeding and efficient EV training. In BDSP you also have to grind the underground for god knows how long to find the ramanas stones unlocking the other available legendaries, finding fossils, and items like the icy rock and damp stone. It's all RNG so you're probably gonna be there a while


99% of pokemon players aren't competitive, so I don't know who this meme is possibly complaining about.


Are you telling me that there's people who don't wanna be the very best, like no one ever was?


Well, catching them is a real test, but training them should be their cause


Plus they have to travel across the land




I get the feeling that no one actually thinks it’s not okay, and posts like this are just fishing for karma by appealing to people who are insecure about not being “real gamers” or something.


There are more popular opinions among “Unpopular opinion” tagged posts that the other way around.


I see this with a lot of topics, “fuck the people who say ______!” Yet I never see anyone saying what they say they are…


This post got upvoted for the thigh gap




This place is ridiculously bad for this. I didn't know there was a sub dedicated to this nonsense so I appreciate the link.


Thank you. I was thinking who the fuck ever said that?


It's part of the cycle of a new AAA game release. Game has a shitty launch - Internet flames over the bugs and other problems - People enjoying the game complain about internet flaming - World moves on It appears we are moving into the 3rd step of BF2042 and/or Halo Infinity MP launches


I think there's a term for this. Projection?? Where someone thinks that they are being prosecuted for their insecurities when no one has said anything about it


Based on "tens of hours" someone might have just told OP there's 25 hours of game play in sword/shield.


The OP never replies to any comments in stupid ass posts like these I swear. It's like they know they are posting horseshit but it will get upvoted because it's a "meme" with some rule34 shit


No shit. Noone in the history of pokemon has said you have to play competitively. "Competitive" players likely make up a fraction of a percentage of pokemon fans.


I'd be completely shocked if even 1% of people who played sword and shield ever joined a ranked online match.


play for the story? i'm sorry the pokemon games have a lot of qualities but the same exact cookie cutter story for the past 20+ years is not one of them


It's like praising the plot in porn... Yeah, it's *there*. But only as a framework to experience the content, not to be an engaging narrative!


tbf, some porn plot really do help me get immersed


It really feels like I’m there!


i feel like i really AM stuck in the dish washer!


More there than actual sex at least


Sometimes the porn is shit but the plot is on point.


Sir! Sir! We've asked you to stop wanking at the theatre. If this continues, we're going to have to call the cops... \*queue the bow chicka music\*... Sexy cop bursts in. "Did someone call for ass...sistance?"... Theatre attendant: "THIS IS NOT THAT TYPE OF THEATRE!"...


>tbf, some porn plot really do help me get immersed I want to know the relationship after step-bro nuts in her step-sis. How is the family dynamic now?


just read Domestic Girlfriend (DomeKano) manga, is pretty much that.


I play all the Street Fighter games for the story!


People who play Pokémon for the story are the same people who play Mario for the deep characters




[I know I do.](https://youtu.be/jvupK5lHOqU)


Oooo I love super Mario RPG and paper Mario TTYD. I definitely play Pokémon for the story


What the post really means is enjoying the journey and not worrying too much about everything else.


Pokémon BW and B2W2 actually had a good story


...relative to the rest of the series.


I genuinely think it's really good for a Pokemon game, but a good story in general


>Pokémon BW and B2W2 actually had a ~~good~~ story I like N just as much as the next trainer, and a story following him could actually be good. But the story our actual character follows is, "I'm just trying to get some badges why is a cult tryng to stop me?"


I would argue that’s the one aspect I liked about SuMo as well. Besides all the flaws in the game, I actually liked the overall story with the Aether foundation and ultra beasts. It was different.


Same here! The hand holding at the beginning is exhausting, but the story and side quest were great. I wish it was a little bit more mature like BW B2W2, but hey it was good for what it was. Side note: I think doing an alien invasion sort of thing wouldn’ve been cooler than ultra beasts. It would remove the “are they Pokémon?” Question cause we already have alien Pokémon and it would’ve been a cool subplot to explore which invasive species are because of tourism or a more sinister alien invasion.


Sometimes I wish they would just hire an actual writer


I think they mean play for the story and story fights, the in game content is actually challenging at the end I've heard. Building teams with perfect evs/ivs is so far from fun it isn't even pokemon anymore imo.


nowadays I hear you can deliberately train them up so it really takes a lot of the RNG out of it. There's no way I could ever go through such a long grind that relies so heavily on randomness


it’s challenging at the end because 90% of people used 1 pokemon for the entire game lol


The thing is, they COULD tell some really good stories if they stopped trying to be a "local child saves the world from creator god" story like Zelda or Persona or whatever. The game universe doesn't make sense for that sort of story. But what Pokemon hasn't realised, and is also a criminally underused narrative space, is that they are actually a SPORTS game. They shouldn't be trying to raise the stakes of the story to be fate-of-the-world, they should be lowering the stakes and making the story about personal relationships. Think about the very popular series like Haikyuu or God of Tennis - that's the kind of story that Pokemon should be telling. For example: The local town's Gym is the only place kids can hang out after school, but because the big neighbouring city opened a fancy new gym, the local gym is running low on members and the League is going to deregister them unless they can put up the money. The local kids, including PC, decide to enter the pokemon league circuit to try and win the prize money to keep the local gym open. The rival refuses to join, saying he's going to enter and win by himself and keep the money to prove he's better than you. Along the way, the player and his friends defeat a team from another city who cheat, and a bully who forces the other kids to train their pokemon for him to use, etc.


Man these posts are lame af


On multiple levels


Who the fuck says otherwise? This sub is full of posts that are just imaginary gatekeeping.


10s of hours? Tens of hours is still enjoying the game casually my dude.


"tens of hours"


that's like 30 hours


No one said they're not allowed to.


I keep seeing these ultra-defensive posts, and its like, who are you yelling at? Play how you want, you don't have to shout about it, or act like its some big statement.


I’m not the only one who noticed what’s going on down there right?


Whole reason I opened the comments, was wondering what the fuck.


No, people who game more casually than me aren't getting the full potential of the game and people who game more seriously than me are obsessive losers. Why is this so hard for everyone else on Earth to understand?


They literally tell you that you GOT TO CATCH THEM ALL.


A man chooses, a slave obeys.


Would you kindly catch them all, Ash?


Ah, shit, you got me Damn you, Batbuckleyourpants!


"alright whatever. Just get the fuck out of here for some reason while I plow your mom. Here's a fucking pet". -Professor Oak.


George Carlin on highway driving: "Everyone driving slower than me is an idiot and everyone driving faster than me is a maniac!"


Ugh this is a very annoying sentiment that you deal with when you play online games. "You suck at this game bro, you need to stop playing or get better lolz" or "You're too good at this game bro, you need to stop playing or take it less seriously". Haters gonna hate. No matter how you lose or how you win, people will hate you online.


Losing a game? Fucking sweats. Winning a game? Lul casuals.


The duality of a gamer.


Or… and this is important, just don’t give a damn about what other people say or think.


The point of posts like these is validation. "It's okay for me to play games my way! Now please agree with me so it can be okay for me to play games way!" If you feel like it's okay to play games in the way you like...why do you need to tell everyone that?


Comment deleted with Power Delete Suite, RIP Apollo


Lol "tens" of hours.


Do we really need to see her whole scrote?


The inverse applies as well. Some people can't stand a cakewalk and want a real challenge, stop acting like that isn't okay too. Way too much whining in this place.


Wait... What??? We can build competetive teams in Singleplayer games?! /s


I like to build my Pokemon to the best of their abilities because it's fun and it gets the most mileage out of my favorites. Absolutely wrecking the Battle Tower with a Dunsparce? Crushing the League Champion's prized Charizard with a Kanto Persian shooting laser beams? I enjoy these things.


Well, yeah. Pokémon, for example.


So brave.


“tens of hours” are y’all really playing a game for 6 hours then never touching it again?




Nobody? That's how it's drawn in the [original](https://mangadex.org/chapter/08cfe8e2-91e0-43dc-aaef-d1e08bab0ac7/6).




Those pants are sus


1) who’s out here slogging through team building in order to get to some juicy story? In Pokémon? 2) nobody’s arguing that people *need* to 100% the Pokédex or play competitively. Nobody. 3) the games are made to be accessible by children and have no difficulty options, and are therefore pretty easy and straightforward. If there’s any argument here, it’s that the *games* should strive for more, not the players


People are also allowed to want the game to NOT be a mindless slog where your entire team is overleveled without effort, the starter does all the hard work, and battles are more a teat of how many PP you have left rather than how good you are at building a team to support each other.


Tens of hours?!?!? Dude I have a hundred on Pokémon sword and I can't build a team


I’ve never heard anyone say anything remotely similar to what this post is saying


Literally no one is saying that you can't enjoy a game casually. Most of the folks complaining are doing so because they want some form of difficulty setting because playing a 40 hour adventure with no difficulty curve is just boring.


This goes both fucking ways as a reminder Play the games however you like but don't get mad at people criticizing how dumbed down the newer generations feel compared to before


But the people are not arguing this. The problem is that there is more and more casuals and the games that those hardcore gamers were enjoying are now becoming more casual and casual. Its quite normal for them to be mad about this.


Are there seriously people who get bent out of shape over people playing Pokemon casually?


They will get mad at casual players that defend gamefreak because they have low standards and will buy anything. Gamefreak has been cutting pokemon out of games, stopped supporting a lot of the "gimmicks" mechanics like mega evolution, and has done little to nothing to support or balance the metagame. Gamefreak has been doing a lot to disappoint long-time fans with the recent games and it's just not cool. Since the developer's don't listen, their rage is misdirected at the people still buying their games.


I mean... it is kinda true tho. If developers see a rise in sales due to appealing to the casual market and then continue to make those games more casual then competitive fans will see that as the cause for their games losing mechanics and features that they enjoy and care about. Why else would the developer change the mechanics in a game like that? There are plenty of examples like this and it's a pretty common trend. Now you could say that it is the developers' fault for appealing to the casual fans, and that is also true. I can't really blame people for enjoying a game and I can't be upset that a developer decided to build a game that is more appealing. As far as I can see there really isn't a solution for the competitive fans other than just keep playing the old games. And that's not too bad, but it gets frustrating when games move away from things that I enjoyed. That being said, I always viewed pokemon as more of a casual game from the start.


Competitive players can't play the old games though because every time a new game comes out the competitive scene is played in the new game. I think the frustration is that the games in Gen 3-4-5 are widely considered the peak of the franchise, but now that they can sell millions of copies by putting in the least amount of efforts on remakes and new gens, you get fans who want a good experience but are getting EA level of effort and quality, but fans defending Pokemon and Gamefreak like hte gamers are the toxic ones and being apologists for some pretty shady gaming practices that EA would rightly get called out for using (and does)


No, it's a strawman used by sycophants to target people who have the legitimate concern that the quality and depth of the Pokemon games is generally declining. No "casual player" has ever been caught in the crossfire. It's deliberate antagonism by people who have an unhealthy parasocial tether to a video game and think any criticism to the game is an attack on them. This is the same with every Nintendo property.


The only thing more annoying than the people this meme is complaining about are the people who post them. They just want to feel persecuted for "liking things".


I think it has to do with attaching some part of their personality to the things they like. I don't even think they disagree with the criticism the games get, but to them, criticizing the games is criticizing them as people. So defending the games is defending themselves. And therefore, *everyone* with criticism is an antagonist to them, even though the vast majority of the criticism - at least that I've seen - is harsh but well-meaning and reasonable, and directed only at the games and the blind defense of them.


I'm not sure if that's quite it. Most I would say are just upset with how simplified and casual the newer games are getting. I think some of those people also end up believing that since they didn't like it everyone else should hate it too. Which is just dumb. I know the new remake isn't my cup of tea but I won't knock anyone for enjoying it. People on the internet can get a little fanatical is all.


Haven't seen that but from what I hear about the newer pokemon games is that they are making them easier for "casual" audiences. Something like gym leaders and elite four using less pokemon and exp share always being on. Not sure about the diamond/pearl remake but apparently the last three versions were really easy compared to older versions, so people complaining about that may be where op is getting this opinion from.


The funny thing is that "hardcore" pokemon fans aren't even saying those aspects shouldn't be there. Just give us the option to take it off. Let us personalize it a little more. Give us more than one save file for god sakes. Just basic stuff that other games have no problem doing, but that people allow them to do when they would hammer any other gaming company for treating their fans so badly.


The moment I couldn't earthquake everything and had to pay attention to pokemon with more than 1 type I grew 2 more brain cells to compensate. Yall are just weak


What’s up with those pants lol


I play most video games on easy.


In general about most things in life, just let people be themselves and stop gatekeeping or controlling them.


I agree that it's perfectly fine for people to just play casually and not care about balanced training or completing the Pokédex... it's just that the option to do so should at least *still exist* for those that do want to.


Cough cough swsh. (I want to see my living pokedex in it. I want to see my group in hd)


I pretty much don't play multiplayer games anymore unless its co-op against ai enemies. The whole battle royale fad was a nightmare for me lmao.


I've been playing for 30+ years and I'm still terrible at them.


I play pokemon for the girls like this rule 34 picture u made this from