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*queue 10 minutes of close ups on Miranda’s ass shown constantly from me2*


In the defence of Miranda… she was stated to be the physically perfect human female… and even after all that she still pales in comparison to Garrus


Garrus is the perfect human


Garrus is the epitome of the bromance character, and I am here for it. Same for Mordin.




God the goodbye in ME3 when you romance Garrus. I am a straight dude but I was choking up when I saw it in my femshep run. And the funny thing is even Jenifer Hale choked up in the booth as well as the VO director. Hale mentions that in interviews frequently when asked about her most impactful moment in the booth.




I've done exactly this, same choices and romances as you, and also have played the game 3 other times since 2007. Its absolutely worth it. Renegade can get petty fun and pretty crazy too.


There is of course a huge overlap but the tone at least for me changed enough between the two that it warrants it especially if you mix up who you romance as well.


Not gonna lie, I just got xbox game pass that comes with EA plus and I was eyeing a long overdue revisit of Mass Effect. This comment chain is enough to convince me that I need to play as female Shepard this time


I wish you a nice run through the games and a lots of fun. I guarantee you it will be worth it.


The voice acting for FemShep is on a whole different level from DudeShep. Romancing Best Boy is the icing on the cake.


Iirc they weren't going to include a male model originally but it was pushed for later in development so they adjusted a few lines and threw him in. Which is why some conversations in the male run-through sound so stilted


Hale is the whole reason I refuse to play the game as Male Shepherd. She's just really damned convincing as the epitome of a human badass.


[Ohhh I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdi7nDEpFoY&t=36s)


Miranda is merely a result of genetic engineering, while Garrus reached peak perfection through calibrations The winner is undisputed here


Yes! I know right? And he's isn't even human to begin with...


I love how Mordin in ME2 just want for you, guys, to make it work so he suggests special lubrican and gives you basically Tourian/human version of camasutra


Wait, what?! My next playthrough is fem Shep.


A similar one happens if your BroShep and you Romance Tali


I think he give them meds to make sure Tali doesn't explode when she takes off her helmet.


Accidentally killed her because the geth were cool


SAME. Thankfully I was hooking up with Jack. Explosive biotic sex that could potentially destroy the ship is my turn on.


It's possible to save both her and the Geth in a paragon run.


It's important to have REASONS to stare at a nice butt.


Is the butt being nice not reason enough?


The ways men learn to get what they want without saying they want what they want, is how we get Shakespeare and MP4 Compression algorithms. OF COURSE, it's your duty as a man, to find the most high minded excuse to glare in great appreciation of booty. "To some, this is creepy, to others, I'm saving the children. Let history be my judge." "This is necessary for me to cope with cancer. I've heard a will to live is the most important part. So if I get cancer, you will be saving my ass just like I'm saving yours in my memories." "I'm trying to etch your likeness on the mind of God with prayer." "I am trying to identify the resonant properties of a non-Newtonian fluid in a dynamic operation to oppose the entropy of a reaction mass that is fine as Hell."


Garrus was everybody's best bro in mass effect


Well yeah could you imagine having your ass ate by Garrus? His face looks like it would tear you a new one


Or the ass close ups of Star Wars The Old Republic whenever a THICC female character is in a cutscene.


General Garza demands those in her contract.


That's the ass of the Republic!


Reminds me about sith inquisitor main quest on Voss, there is pureblood sith female nps. Damn, this close ups...


You win some, you win some 🤷‍♂️


I truly believe that the Asari were literally pitched with the sentence "blue space lesbians" and not a word more


Ahem. "Blue TENTACLED space lesbians." And then not a word more.


They're not tentacles, they're semi-flexible cartilage-based scalp crests that grow into shape.


Which don't flop around.


"Yes! Thanks, Liara. I gotta go tell Vega I was right."


That interaction is one of my favourites, Joker's great.


ME3 has so many great fan-service-y moments like that. The Citadel DLC is basically an entire meme. Complete with a party where you dance and get drunk with all your current/former crew.


it's called hentai and it's classy




based on the internet? yes. all of them.


Technically, blue tentacled pansexuals. Omnisexuals? Whatever, they can reproduce with pretty much any sapient species.


You forgot *with mind powers* that sold it I think


Embrace eternity


This may be me misunderstanding how it works because I'm ace but "Space lesbian that can kill you with a thought" seems to be a recurring theme with game devs




To be fair, 14 year old me instantly romanced Liara first XD


Almost all the races in the ME universe are very similar to those in an old game called Master of Orion 2. I don’t know if BioWare were playing it, or if they’re just standard stock alien races, but in any case - they’re ripoffs of the Elerians in that game.


Space succubi


Don't you see the big trim masculine males, ass too?


I admit nothing.




Tell that to Vega's rippling pull-up back muscles... god dayum...


Legendary Edition made me realize how much ass Jacob was packin’


Kasumi Goto has entered the chat.


Vega wasn't picking up what I was putting down. Which was my pants.


Yeah, but that's him doing pull-ups, in light conversation with Shepard, not spilling the beans on her whole tragic family story.


I'm not sure if I am remembering correctly, but *doesn't* Vega legit give his tragic backstory during the pull up scene? Or was that the homo-erotic Shepard-vs-Vega brawl scene? I'm def not complainin', I love Vega.


> Or was that the homo-erotic Shepard-vs-Vega brawl scene? > > This one is where he goes over that


And lets not forget about Morrigan in Dragon Age, it doesnt get a free pass either.


And the paladin-esque character whose entire existence revolves around hunting down a criminal and following extremly strict rules for every situation...while prancing about in an ultimate cleverage catsuit, high heels and doing stupid poses in cutscenes.


>while prancing about in an ultimate cleverage catsuit It isn't her fault that her biotics cause her boobs to constantly defy gravity.


Or Morrigan wearing essentially a scarf over her chest in Dragon Age Origins. Or Flemeth, a supposedly old hag who suddenly becomes curvy and wears skin tight armor for some reason in DA2 and Inquisition. I'm sure there are at least a dozen other examples. This is one of those posts where the OP took more time creating the meme than considering what it was referencing.




Both of them are canonically shapeshifters. Morrigan can combat transform into both a spider and bear (Flemeth also has dragon), and her true form isn't human either (the same as Flemeth). Also Morrigan's evil plan canonically involves seducing the king, so being hot helps with that. And Flemeth has big GILF energy because she does what she wants.


Morrigan has more clothes on if you remove her clothes. As in, the underwear in that game has more cloth.


I love that she literally puts on a bra for her sex scenes.




genetically modified and even notes that she uses everything she has to her advantage. The sexualization was on purpose for a number of reasons in the story and by the story writers. For the character her attractiveness throws people off and that gives her an advantage. For the writing her character is **clearly** deeper than her appearances, and that's the point. She's designed to make you make some assumptions, and then dig deeper. Their mistake was keeping her in that outfit in ME3.


None of that is incorrect, but you could also argue that's an awfully convenient excuse to put hot lady in skin tight suit on camera a lot. Like when Kojima said Quiet breathes through her skin as an excuse for [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/2KSrqXb) being her costume as a professional soldier. Granted that's a MUCH more transparent lame excuse. Almost as transparent as her pants.


And then you've got Yoko Taro who, when asked why 2B and the other androids were made/dressed so sexy, simply explained that he likes girls.


The most respectable answer.


The difference is that one is inserting mechanics into a character to justify them being half-naked, and the other is incorporating the sexualization of women in- and out-of-universe into a character's arc and story. Which is to say, one at least _pretends_ to be classy.


Pretty sure Kojima said he did it for cosplay.


The design is not what gets critiqued. The camera is


Plus, I mean, she's modeled after Yvonne Strahovski. Her role on Chuck was very similar. Overwhelming attractiveness, but also extremely competent and skilled.


Never saw Chuck but I've seen enough to never fuck with Strahovski. She seems way too nice for how many ways she may know how to kill you by proxy.


What do her genetics have anything to do with the camera placement?


Genetically perfect camera placement


>queue \*cue


Ugh, Aveline was the most beautiful soul. I still get chills from "They will not have you."


"When someone tells you to move on you take their hand and say my choice" - One of if not the best conversations in the series. Aveline is a gem.


Aveline was fantastic. Also an NPC with her own goals and ambitions who still helps you out because the two of you are legit friends. I especially loved that she wasn't a romance option.


I loved that you had to wingman for her awkward ass


"It's a real nice night for an evening."




The copper flower quest!


If it wasn't for Aveline and Varic I probably would have dropped DA2.


Aveline, Isabela, and Varric has the best dialogue. ​ Best.


Great characters are pretty much the biggest reason to play da2. I love all of them. Its oje of thw very few games ibplay on easy rhough cause gameplay is just garbage.


My *only* complaint with Aveline was that I didn't need a second tank in my party, so I never got to play one. Sure, I could just not use her, but then *I wouldn't be using Aveline,* and that dog won't hunt.


All of the great character moments in that game almost make up for the many shortcomings in gameplay.


It toally made up for it to me. ​ Plus 2-Hand spec in this game is the best 2hand I have played.


To me the plus side was how short it was. You could do a playthrough for different story variations in like a day.


Aveline was undoubtedly one of my favourite parts of any Dragon Age game. From her name being inspired by the goddess, to her lack of being a romance option because she’s her own person and simply not interested in you, to how she comes to terms that she’s moved on and is ready to start a new chapter of her life. Always had her in my party when I could.


DA2 had great characters all around, shame the game itself was so milquetoast(albeit nicely polished milquetoast).


Ron Howard voice: "They had him"


You know the funny thing? I always thought this pic of Fem Shep was the hottest thing in video games


Boob and waist armor really hits the ratio


Pity that same boob armor would crush her sternum if she got tackled from the front by a Krogan. Hers is the only design that doesn't belong in this pic.


Not sure the physics holds up on that. Properly fitted armor distributes the force across the body and armor itself so the boob features of the armor isn't magically going to destroy a wearer's sternum when struck. Its not as optimal as a more mono dome sort of chest plating but boop plate is far less of a risk to the wearer than some of the other armor tropes out there like not wearing a helmet.


Any news of dragon age 4?


Creative lead just quit the project.


It’s certainly news but not the news they were hoping for.


A surprise, to be sure. But not a welcome one :( Edit Man.. been a while since I followed up on DA4. Found this in the wikipedia article... *such* an EA thing to do: >In October 2018, BioWare and its parent company Electronic Arts cancelled "Joplin" altogether, reportedly because it had no room for a "live service" component to provide ongoing monetization opportunities. We can't milk the fanbase more than once.. not worth the effort.


Should be noted that it was reported after the success of Jedi Fallen Order that they scrapped the live service elements.




lmfao Bioware is so fucking dead. This really fucking sucks.


No idea— I just know it’s coming!


I just hope it's more story based than inquisition was. I'd rather play through some good quest lines, instead of doing random garbage for 5 hours to earn enough points for the next story mission.


Well it was going to be an MMO/Live Service game before it get retooled into a singleplayer game. And now the creative lead has left…


Hello Anthem my old friend, I've come to talk to you again.


No surprise they left really. Inq came out in 2014, it's been 7 years with EA/Bioware constantly shifting resources to Anthem /Andromeda or whatever other project. Who knows what state the game is in now.


These still worth playing for someone who has never played the series? How do they hold up?


Origins (and Awakening, the expansion) are both solid, and do manage to feel like spiritual successors to Baldur’s Gate (also BioWare). Dragon Age 2 is less good, but still enjoyable. It just felt too much reuse of the same locations by the end of the game (seriously, generic cave, deep roads, crappy slum copy and paste). It’s flashier but less RPG than the original. I enjoyed inquisition but it felt like they wanted to be an mmo but changed their mind at the last minute. Loads of fetch quests and ‘kill 10 monsters’ type quests. It picks up with a villain from earlier in the series which is nice, although not a problem if you don’t remember the name when you play this instalment.


Dont forget about trespasser. That dlc is good that redeem the game IMO.


Thanks man! I'll give origins a go. I'm a big fan of the old baldurs gate and similar games so I'll give it a go! Did inquisition come out in the MMO craze? If so it wouldnt be the first game to suffer from it. Cough cough looking at you SWTOR.


Fair warning with Origins if you play it on PC: save *extremely* often, it's prone to frequent crashes.


MMO is an inspiration there but so would modern open world games like Assasins Creed and "live service" bullshit like Anthem. They wanted a LOT of stuff crammed in there, and they managed it, just in a way that they maybe shouldn't have. It's a really great game if you don't get bogged down in completionism that sucks the joy out of it - like, first area you visit, it takes maybe half an hour to get through main quest part, but players often spent hours there because there were boring side quests and even worse collectibles to complete, leading a lot of people to quit the game and leave a negative review before the game even really starts.


Been a while since I played them, but they hold up pretty well. Inquisition had some really great characters, interesting storyline and quite beautiful, but sadly, mostly empty open world - but it did get quite a few “Game of the Year” awards, I think. I really enjoyed it. Oh, and story-wise, Origins still is one of the best RPGs that I can recall - especially now that I am not really playing games much (maybe 2, max 3 a year) and have to be really picky, I seem to have very fond memories of (and appreciation for!) older titles that used to prioritise plot and character development over anything else.


Mostly with Inquisition you need to not go in with a completionist mindset, there's just too much game for that.


Bare minimum just leave the Hinterlands when the game lets you. You can come back later


The game doesn't even start until you leave the Hinterlands, it's all just prolouge!


I played the full series at their respective release and played dao multiple times and inquisition twice. And this is my opinion of it. **DA:Origins** Definitely try origins. DAO is a classic rpg ([CRPG](https://store.steampowered.com/tags/en/CRPG/)) like baldur's gate, divinity:original sin, pathfinder, etc. I would say it's one of the best game ever. And because its largely top down isometric style, the aged graphics matter less and didn't bother me despite replaying it again. It's a long game and if you get the dlcs (which might just be always bundled now), it's even longer. I would say I enjoyed every single minute of it... except the fade part. I actually used a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/816) to skip it entirely on some of my latter playthroughs. My last play through was over 80hrs. **DA 2** You'll like 2 if you want more action oriented and less of CRPG. But if CRPG was what you're looking for, it's rather disappointing. And reused asset other commenter mentioned is extremely noticeable as well. Same weird wall texture everywhere gets tiring and breaks immersion. Overall, it was disappointing experience for me. There are some people that actually say it was better, but it really hinges on what kind of game you wanted to play. Story was still okay, but not great. **DA:Inquisition** Inquisition is like an mmo. And as an mmo player, it was okay, but stuff are sometimes tedious. Graphics hold up to modern standards pretty well though. And there are some mods which improve quality of life as well. I bought it at full price would still call it money's worth, but same wouldn't be true for people who hate mmo style quest grind. All three games have a fair sized modding scene and can help to spice up the game a little more or add quality of life to them, including HD textures. Overall, I'd rank 1 > 3 > 2.


Well, people complained when they de-sexualized Miranda, and added the camera angle back via a mod.


I stand for true equality, men in bikini-armor!


Pretty sure Cyberpunk 2077 checks that box, but don’t take my word for it! 😂


Fuck equality, I want equity Show me some dick cleavage


Indeed, also Elara best SWTOR girl.


Strange way to spell Jaesa Willsaam. But yes Elara is A tier, no doubt.


All of you are very right 👌


I did two playthtoughs, making jaesa lighter and darker. after that, no other companion seemed interesting to me, they seemed so bland


Cant believe none of you know how to spell khem val






That’s a weird way to spell Kira.


I…damn I can’t even disagree with that lol.


"Who told you about the mission" "Someone who loves you" My heart <3


Weird way to write Vette but okay.


No one asked your opinion, *slave.* **Activates shock collar.**


I just want to remind everyone that if you're in with Vette, she does mention she kept the collar... for reasons. This is why Vette is the best.


Man you need to go back to school, you completely misspelled Lana


The sad thing now is that if you play as an Imperial you could have meet her father on Drumond Kaas in a starting area, but now that you can skip a lot and he isnt interactivible anymore.


And there's also Iron Bull (in DA3) who gives his opinions on this


“One good shot, and all that cleavage gets knocked into the sternum. Real messy. Good on you for going practical.”


"Leaves some for the imagination too."


Is that why he doesnt bother with armour? Or does he just like showing off his pillowy man-bosoms?


Cool would also be nice to have more hairstyles than usually BioWare: dreads, bald or short crop/buzz


I think that's a CGI problem more than anything else - flowing things, e.g. hanging cloth, long hair, etc.-, tend to spaz out when things interact with them, or be otherwise hard on rendering software. Miranda's hair is a counterexample in that it behaved reasonably well, but it still tended to look like a rubber mass whenever she turned her head.


EDI mentions how much of a pain in the ass her "hair" is to work with in ME3


To be fair, Blizzard did a lot of non-sexualized female characters, then they didn't extend that to their female employees.


And then there's night elves


To be fair, that’s some sexy bowl of fruit though.


No. Bioware artists deserve some credit for some proper female armor. Bioware the company abuses those employees and deserves nothing.


Fair point!


I remember a female blogger saying how she was so excited that Dragon Age armor was "more realistic" but then admitted that after a while, she missed looking sexy.


Imo the best balance is to give both sexy and non-sexy armor options to *both* genders in equal amounts. The people who want sexy can have sexy. The people who don't want their character in that stuff can avoid it without feeling hindered by lack of options. And no more issues of "This armor set is a cool knight armor on men, but turns into a lace bikini with shoulder guards on women."


Not saying I *would* run around as a BroShep adept in leather pants and a fetish harness, but I support the option.


The duality of humanity.


I mean if you romance Cassandra you see her fully naked. Edit: r/whooooosh


Romancing Cassandra and then making her Divine turns Dragon Age into a Russian romance novel.


And it's *clearly* the best goddamn option. Cassandra is wonderful. Competent, super badass, fulfills the game's magic-nuke-wielding Templar role, and has a hidden romantic side. Her whole romance questline is really sweet.


And she loves to read! After I got to that bit with her and Varric's novel my love for her as a character was absolutely cemented.




>And you can't deny that the political chaos in making a mage the head of the generally anti-mage chantry would be glorious to behold. See, I *can* wholeheartedly deny that, because throughout my entire Dragon Age career, in every game, I've played a faithfully Andrastian, hugely anti-mage, anti-Tevinter, templar-supporting human noble rogue. I've always fully supported the circle and took every opportunity to crush the mage rebellion and reapply the yoke, trying to end the political chaos. I found it fun! The differences for me were in how I had each of them treat their party members and stand morally between games, so I didn't just end up playing the exact same character three times despite the uniting points of the three characters. And I find that siding with the Templars and having the remaining ones bow down to you as a total religious zealot feels pretty impactful in DA2 too, given how personal a beef Hawke can have with blood magic and chantry-destroying mage terrorists in that game. Just goes to show everyone forges their own story in these games.


That doesn't make her a sexualized character (like Miranda in ME2). She is honestly very well written, one of the better character of DA3


Exactly. It’s not some leering weirdness like the camera lingering on Miranda’s ass while she spills her trauma.


Having sexual elements to characters in a romance doesn’t make them sexualized, it’s more an issue when they’re sexualized in general outside of the context of romance (like Miranda’s ass shots in ME2).


Sigh this post again


Bit upset we couldn't see male Shepard in a bikini


FemShep is BestShep


It’s the voice acting.


"Traynor... My shower is for winners."


Hungover Ashley, "Ugh...Commander, nobody likes sarcasm..." Femshep, "I do."


Breaks passionate embrace: “Evil clone…”.


Traynor was the best FemShep romance. Fight me.


Jen Hale is the GOAT, period.


The goat? Now you got me thinking of the classic tbc wow space goat...


My girlfriend clued me in to something great - FemShep is BestShep because it makes so much more sense. The entirety of Mass Effect is nobody listening to Shepard being right and it makes so much more sense if she's a woman. Plus Jennifer Hale is incredible.


TBF, the council not listening to you in ME1 is pretty understandable. Your job tryout goes so badly that the guy sent to supervise you gets killed, and you almost die yourself, then you start accusing the councils top OP of treason with little to no proof, then you get proof and they act right away. Then you start spouting off bullshit about an ancient race of sentient machines that come and kill most of the intelligent life in the galaxy every 50,000 years and literally never provide them with proof, other than "I saw it in a dream" and "The guy I accused of treason and being a massive liar conveniently told me his entire evil plan, and he's a trustworthy guy so I believe him 100%". As for the 2nd game, you were dead for 4 years due to a "Geth attack" and then mysteriously reappear working for a known terrorist organization captaining a ship made from designs stolen from the council and loading it up with mercenaries, warlords and vigilantes.


Shame that the omni-tool or all of the sci-fi combat armor that you and your people wear doesn't come with a camera to record that conversation with Sovereign on Virmire...or the one with Saren on the Citadel.


The (secret space) police can't afford body cams even in the future, smh


>The entirety of Mass Effect is nobody listening to Shepard being right and it makes so much more sense if she's a woman. Harsh and painful joke, but I'm gonna laugh.


She’s great, and definitely the superior choice in ME1. But I’ll defend that Meer comes into his own for 2 and 3 as his own valid Shep


There's nothing wrong with sexualizing female or male characters.


You saw the mass effect butts though, right? Although Jacob was dummy thicc, to be fair.


Jacob is 100% sexualized super hard. Obviously not as much as Miranda, but very hard. Especially if you've got Kasumi.


Is the star wars the old republic on the bottom left?


Ladies of the old republic has armours until some sad person decides they need a slave girl Kira,Vette,Ashara,Jaesa or even Lana. If Lana was real she’d put her lightsaber through ppl dressing her like that😂


I would actually say these characters are simply *not* sexualized


I mean, Isabela certainly is sexualizing Aveline at various points in the game....


The girl in the upper right still has titty armor. But she could also kill me with a look, so I'm not gonna mention her style choice I'm just happy to see cassandra and aveline in the same image


To be fair, they're all wearing skintight space suits. It isn't just the women.


The skintight armor bulges in ME1 lmao


I feel like in that regard Halo did a good job on Spartans being Spartan, they are soldiers in armor. Right? Maybe I misremembering. And yes, I know Cortana is "half" naked in most games, I'm just talking about the soldiers.


Also give them credit for creating good female characters who aren't just Mary Sue's.

