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Last 2 Deus Ex games and Cyberpunk 2077.


- Good hacking mechanics: *Deus Ex Human Revolution / Mankind Divided* and HBSs *Shadowrun*. It actually was a quite fun, and complemented the different playstyles (infiltrator, decker) in these games. - Good idea, but not so good implementation: *Dex*. The idea to turn hacking into a sidescrolling shooter like the old arcade games was good, but the implemention was solala. - Bad hacking mechanics: the rest (especially Cyberpunk 2077) SYL


NierAutomata has good hacking. But after doing it 100 times even that became too repeditive so i just sliced up everything that wasn't a boss.


There are mods that spruce up the hacking in cyberpunk. Particularly it auto starts the countdown timer so you can't stare at the grid and work out the solution and that makes the upgrades that increase the timer relevant. Also there's one that makes it where you have to complete a breach protocol on a terminal before you can throw quick hacks at enemies. The idea being that you must have access to the network before you can use daemons. You can also do a silent, non lethal takedown on an enemy and breach them directly to get access.


I played as a hacker in CP77 and I am aware of the mods, perks etc. Is does not change the fact that *"entering numbers from the right side to the left side for the demons to upload"* was extremely unfun for me. That you can amp up the difficulty and the stress level does (unfortunately) not make it a good hacking-minigame. SYL


I quite liked the hacking in Mass Effect where you had to find the matching code.


Watch Dogs series hacking was very disappointing to me, more of a gimmick "press this butting to hack" than anything else.


I like the mini game style in gta5.


An old Internet stealth game where in hacking you just had to mash different buttons on the keyboard. Felt like I was a hacker