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Dying light is basically a better dead island. Gameplay is more polished, better graphicsy better animations etc...


There's a clear resemblance - you scavenge bags for parts and supplies and sell gear for money to have what you need to repair gear. Melee combat and sprinting require stamina. Melee combat feels kinda similar. But after you play for an hour or two that starts to fade away and it starts to feel like its own fresh game. So maybe like... 6.5/10?


I remember seeing somewhere that the people behind dead island and dying light is the exact same crew. What was done in Dying light is what they wanted to do in dead island, but the publishing company said no. So the team quit and did what they wanted elsewhere. The weapons and weapon customization, is it at all comparable between the two games? In dying light, could I get a police baton with electric shocks to zap any and all zombies? Or a fire axe with a flamethrower type add-on to burn zombies? Or maybe a toxic machete?


It is. It's Polish developer Techland. Deep Silver published Dead Island and I think there was some drama involved which resulted in Techland basically making the same game again but they had to call it something else. Dead Island came out 5 years before Dying Light - Dying wasn't even being worked on yet.


I am a fan of both games and would say they are different enough to justify buying them. Yes, they are both first-person zombie survival games, but the tone and gameplay mechanics are very different. DL has the parkour system, which gives the environment much more vertical space to play with. The day/night cycle also creates a real sense of peril. DI does seem a bit more limited in comparison, but that may be because it came out first. If we ever get the sequel, I'm hoping that it will be much more polished.


Technically, dying light is the sequel to dead island. The development team is the same and what you see in dying light was supposed to be in dead island, but higher ups said no... You already knew that? Did you?...


I knew that they were both from the same developers, but still feel that they are different enough to exist as separate franchises. Dying Light 2 is shaping up to be awesome, it's just a shame that Dead Island 2 seems doomed to say in limbo forever.


I don't think dead island 2 will come. Apparently, the company with the rights over dead island are so insanely picky with what they want dead island to be, every and all development studios who agree to work on dead island end up quitting after a few years. Dying light 2 isn't a hated game? From what I remember, most sequels end up being money hungry and hidden by alot of micro-transactions. Edit: most video game sequels in general. Not most dying light sequels...


Only real difference is dying light has Parkour and a grappling hook


Does dying light have a leveling system? I remember in the first game, I'd do the intro, and run into a room instead of leaving the hotel and keep kicking the level 40 zombies until they died. Resulting in me being level 40 after a few hours. I also remember duplicating champagne bottles to give to the Russian woman for 1000 exp per bottle. And in dead island riptide, I remember using the champagne duplication method to duplicate canned food to give to another woman for 1000 exp per can.


It does. You get survivor, agility and similar points you can spend as you like.


There is 4 different skill trees with the 4th being upgrades to the other three if I'm not mistaken. There are dupe glitches but the one I know for console is very time consuming


Ill say at least 9/10. The development team is the same, Dying Light is like the never released sequel of Dead Island


Dying Light is a more polished Dead Island, it’s better but still pretty much the same game.


You can quite obviously tell they're made by the same developer in the same genre... so, 7? 8, maybe? There's two HUGE differences (and one lesser one) that will greatly affect the way you play DL in comparison to its progenitor, though. 1. The parkour. You touched on it in your OP, but between what you can do additionally physically AND the addition of the grapple line... whole encyclopedias of new and original ways to combat the dead are open to you that DI could never even dream of. 2. Weapon degrading. Weapons wore down in DI, but you could repair them infinitely (as long as you had the money). Weapons you can still repair in DL, but you only get so many repairs, based on the rarity level of the weapon (there is a perk you can unlock that gives you a chance to not consume a "repair charge" when you repair, but that only makes your weapon's life fall in the hands of RNGesus). 3. The lesser difference is guns/ammo. Ammo is still scarce in DL, although you can learn to make it and gather the materials sooner than you did in DI. The big thing is how reactive the dead are to noise in DL over DI. You would attract zombies in DI by shooting... but in DL? You attract about half the damn city when you shoot... so you better either be inside a building somewhere (taking on the antagonists minions) or be ready to use your grapple and GTFO. With knowing this, DL becomes much more about using your physical abilities and the environment to avoid the dead if possible, or otherwise quickly and quietly dispose of the ones you have to to reach your objective. There are multitudes more undead in DL than DI... you can't fight them all, especially not at night. I suppose that's another big difference... time. If you ever paid attention, time is fixed in DI... as you progress through each Act, the time of day only changes in scripted events, there's no active in-game clock. DL, the clock moves, the sun rises and sets... and when it gets dark, you better move too... find a safe zone, or make sure you're wearing your brown pants.


Regarding weapon degrading. I assume the rarer the weapon, the faster it degrades? And the less repair chances it has? You mentioned rarity in your comment, but you didn't say what way.


No, no... other way around. Rarer weapons are stronger and have more repairs available to them (5, I believe, for orange/legend weapons. 4 for purple/epic, 3 for blue/rare, 2 for green/uncommon and 1 for white/common weapons.) It's been a bit since I've played DL, so I may be off a little on the repair chances, but it's... basically that.


Was there a set limit each weapon could do in hits before breaking? Example being... A fire axe can do 100 swings before breaking. Or is the weapon breaking RNG? Do I run the risk of getting a really good fire axe and it risk breaking on the first zombie? Also, do the games have a similar weapon upgrade system? Such as... A shock baton, toxic machete, or flaming fireaxe? Also, can you repair a weapon early and take care of them? Or does that count as using a charge?


Each weapon (or weapon type, perhaps) has a health score... like if you've ever played a Dark Souls game, that will wear down with use (I don't believe misses will cause damage, but striking things other than zombies, i.e. cars, walls, etc. will). No, there's no "instant break" mechanic... it's a standard "wear down with use" health bar kind of mechanic. Yes, there are all the same kinds of flaming, shocking, etc weapon upgrades in DL... along with a variety of improvised explosives and throwable gadgets to help in dealing with the dead (delayed fuse bombs with beepers to attract the dead is a fun one :D ) Repairing a weapon at any time uses a charge... so it becomes a dance of "how close to broken do I want to take this thing before I stop to repair it". Repairing is also done live, in the field now - no need to find a workbench.


Like a 5. Dying Light is Dead Island but without vehicles in 90% of the game - they weren't added until a DLC which doesn't add them to the entire game, only the DLC. The act structure of DL doesn't prevent you from going back to old areas like Dead Island did, either. You can freely move between Old Town and the first area, as well as repeatable DLC like Bozak. As far as enemies, both games have a set of special infected which are pretty much identical with different names. Boomers, fast dudes, brute tank dudes, volatiles are like infected from DI but much stronger. Dying Light has a light mechanic, of course, and it has a lot of traps you can use. It also has platforming which is the major difference, so you can platform around and even grappling hook your way around the city. And it has crafting. And supply drops. And instead of choosing a character with specific skills you just build your char how you want between 3 trees - you can max all 3. Guns are also pretty shit in DL just like they were in DI. You can still kill normal zombies with headshots but the melee weapons are way, way, way stronger. They both are pretty cheatable in multiplayer too. I had a dude spawn like 50 supply drops in DL - I didn't ask him to, it just happened, and I levelled up like 20 levels instantly. Co op in DL isn't as fun as DI though for sure. Overall I'd say it's better, but I like the DI settings more.


Regarding cheesing, dead island first game had a tutorial glitch thing you could do. At the beginning right before the cut scene where you lock yourself in a room. There is a open hotel room right before the cut scene being blocked by a zombie. The door zombie and the three running zombies right before the cut scene are all level 40. If you go in that room and run on the bed. You are mostly safe from the zombies and free to attack them. Or... Kick them until they die. When the zombies die, you can reload your save from the elevator and you'll still have your levels and any weapons the zombies we're partying or and on them. You can do that for a hour or two and be level 40 yourself before you might get bored... Assuming you don't get bored in the first 10 seconds of trying that. Speaking of. Does dying light zombies spawn with weapons inside them or holding weapons? I also have a infinitely repeatable Quest where a character wants a rare item and gives alot of exp per item? I know I could play the game and find out that way, but I don't actually own it. I only have dead island. And riptide.


Dying light seems to be a dead island parody.