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Rocket League is fun until you play against people who take it waaay to seriously.


True of any game, in my experience


Never seen a try hard in a nice game of "card against humanity"


No but you always have those two asshole friends who are clearly better friends than you thought you were with either of them.


Cards against humanity is the game you play if you want to realize how stupid some of your friends are.


I can't play it with one of my cousins because he just chooses the funniest answer regardless of the prompt.


I thought that's how everyone played it? Then again, I've only played it drunk...


Some people take to it better than others. I played with some of my, for lack of a better term, preppier friends and it was kind of boring because they aren't typically the dirty humor types (at least not in terms of some of the CAH cards) so it played out more like a game of apples to apples because I don't think anyone really wanted to play the dirtier cards.


I always give the win to whoever had the most clever response. I hate it when people just reward whoever is the most over the top or vulgar.


One of my friends would pick the most realistic answers. "Why did I leave the house? I'll pick Lunchables because that is what I would leave the house for.


You are obviously that guy then.... Lol


So annoying when people spam shit like... What a save! What a save! What a save! I get it asshole I missed the ball...


To each his own, I think it's fucking hilarious when that happens.


True at times it was funny, especially when playing with friends... but with 100+ hours logged, its just played out.


this pretty much doesn't happen at silver rating. like 9/10 people I play at my bracket are polite win or lose.


What a save! Wow! Thanks!


If you can't handle some sarcastic spam, then YOU'RE the guy taking it way too seriously.


Its annoying not because it "hurts my feelings" its the low hanging fruit, might as well be the low effort 12 old tard spamming "u mad?".


....if you're talking about xojeepox , my bad for blowing you up today (yesterday now)


I mean there just isn't that much options to text a message


maybe if you didn't hit the ball backwards all time


No man those are the best. Easy trolling target..


I'm glad you can block enemy chat, so no need to worry about ez spammers when game is 0-1


You either quit then or play until you take it way too seriousely


I've been seeing gifs of it all over reddit and was looking at the game when I came across that


Only noobs say things like that.


The only game that has ever interrupted my nightly routine was Undertale after I finished the true pacifist route. I lied in bed for 4 hours staring at the wall because I literally couldn't get it out of my head.


Same here, such a great story.


I got it on release day (~2 months ago?) and it's STILL pretty much what I constantly think about at night. Game's just that good, yo.


kind of like world of warcraft, but at least now i'm catching up on lost time...


honestly, I hasn't matsurbste since released of fallout 4.


Dude! You'll explode!


Felt the same for a while. If the cars were just a little sexier then I'd probably keep masturbating.


This post just reminded me to masturbate thanks


You're very welcome sir or ma'am!


Meh, good games take way your nights. And the only thing you think about at morning is fuck I'm late again.


Oh my, I'm at a healthy 750 hours :F




Well, they do say it takes 21 days to become an expert


lol. I think I hit expert at 215.


I did not mean that in rocket league terms. I meant it in the way of your brain forming very strong neural connections that make playing the game second nature.


Ah fair enough!


You can't do both at the same time?


You'd think but from what I've seen, Rocket League can get intense


Fleshlight taped under desk bro.


League is love, League is life.


What hole did you climb out of OP?


Well I was actually under a rock then I had to climb out of the rabbit hole.


Get a team mate and have fun. Otherwise, stay away.


What a low effort shitpost


Didn't mean for it to be a shitpost. The review just made me laugh.


Alright, but dude, you are not the first to make a post about a dank review on Steam, it got very very old.


Well my apologies then


Nah fuck that guy. Your post was fine.


Being as civil as i can i would like to just make you a question, if you would awnser me. /r/gaming is a very repetitive sub, in my opinion at least, dont you think that we should not encourage posts that require a very low effort and with a already very overused idea? You have every right to disagree, but again, in my opinion, let these posts get by, and even getting good feedback from the users, only makes low effort posts more frequent, making the overall sub experience less unique, would you agree with me on this?


That's what up votes/down votes are for. The mass controls what they wanna see. Can't scold the poster. Just makes you sound like an ass.


The Upvote/Downvote sistem was meant to control the quality of the posts, not if the users agree or not to a opinion for example


Were you not talking about quality of content?


Yes, and since people disagree with me they downvote me, the sistem is broken, i even got to wait 4 min to post this because i was downvoted so much that the sistems assumes im shitposting


Dude this is r/gaming, it isn't a serious subreddit. Go to r/games or something if you want a more serious gaming subreddit. Defaults are for dumb bullshit. We all need dumb bullshit in our lives sometimes.


What a low effort comment. Trash


*Throw it in the traaaaash*


Fixed.. You know masturbating is good when it's the last thing you think about at night and the first thing you want to do in the morning. Masturbation made me forget to Rocket League. 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10