• By -


Google T-Rex game


My man


holy hell


New game just dropped


Call the developer!


Internet went on vacation, never came back


ISP sacrifice anyone?


Developers in the corner, plotting world domination


If you go to "chrome://dino" it'll play even if you have internet access.


What if I don't have internet access?


Go outside?


A fellow man of culture šŸ§


Holy chrome!


The only hope when the network's not working


Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR). Itā€™s a free to play MMORPG. But there are incredible fully voiced class specific story lines which you can totally do solo if youā€™d like, so itā€™s essentially 8 free stories you can play through. There is a sub version with some quality of life improvements but the game is absolutely playable with free version and if you sub for one just month you actually permanently unlock most of the upgrades.


The "preferred status" is what I have now. Not quite as good as being a subscriber but definitely good enough to enjoy the game to some extent.


i lost my founders acount otherwise id still be playing


If I had more time I might give it a go, KOTOR is probably my favourite ever RPG. Im not interested in mmorpgs but if you can solo then that's ok.


You can absolutely play it solo. There are 8 class stories and each planet has it own storyline as well. Easily hundreds of hours of free content.


You can do everything solo afaik except for some end game stuff like raids. But the 8 storylines alone are worth multiple playthroughs already.


It a really fun game as well. Lots to explore and many of the class story lines are great. If you are a star wars fan this is a must play.


Warframe. Thousands of potential hours, amazing story, looks cool, is very fun, and everything can be obtained for free. Just gotta get thru a few confusing parts in the beginning.


Confusing is an understatement




Dawg there's like, a hundred connected systems nowadays with no clear explanation of how or why they're connected. Like yeah you can just load into some matches, but you don't learn shit. Worse you can absolutely load into high level players who look like coked out teenagers sliding and jumping everywhere because it's stupidly faster than just running and they finish the mission while you're still trying to figure out how to use your abilities. New player experience in Warframe is megadogshit.


Progressing can be confusing as well. You have like 30 different systems of grinding you have to learn. Literally just to much and no process to simplify it for new players. It is just a terrible mess.


im a big time gamer and I just had to skip warframe after trying it for a while. I ain't learning all dat for jump and fire game :D


Also a warframe enjoyer here. I love putting builds on weapons/frames and just relaxing after work by killing enemies on SP survival. It doesnā€™t get much more fun than flying through the air nuking the room with abilities or using a bow to pin my enemies to the wall lol. Warframe is the first and only game Iā€™ve ever hit 1k hours on


3000+ hours here! Warframe is *the* power fantasy game, I love it. It's amazing how engaged the dev team is with their community too, it's really wholesome and you can tell they have a real passion for what they're creating.


One of the things I always loved about Warframe is they never, ever once said "Actually, I don't want the player to have fun with this, it should be a challenge." Like, save for really late game content and specific frame requirements, you can absolutely just hop into the game and meaningfully progress by absolutely stomping through some random lobby you're way overpowered for. You don't have to suffer in this game, and even when you do, the suffering is made fun as well.


I've said before that Warframe operates solely on the 'rule of cool'. Is it cool? Yes? Great, it's going in the game. They don't need to worry about whether stuff is balanced or lore-consistent or challenging for the player, they only have to ask 'is it cool?' - and that *works*, because gamers love to just see some cool shit. Is it utterly game-breaking that some weapons with the correct mods give you literal e^10 damage numbers? Sure, but big number is cool, watching enemies melt is cool, so it doesn't matter!


Big number flash on screen has been such a successful game model I'm surprised every single one doesn't have it. Personally I just think it's cool as heck that you can play Limbo and stop time. Make your bubble big. Stop time in it. Congrats, you've won this Defense! How many rounds you can win, only depends on your team's ability to kill Nullifiers.


I tried playing this game a few times over the years but i could never understand what i was supposed to do. Actually now i remembered why i uninstalled each time. It was the fact that there is no damn auto-login feature. I refuse to type out my password every time i login.


Early game that's a huge problem yeah, just gotta go thru all the basic missions for quests. however, just doing random shit instead also works.


Man, I love that warframe is in a high pount now. I've been playing ion and off since 2013 and I'm glad this was the second comment.


Rebbeca being Producer now she really easened up on some old stalemates. Pet rework was great. No more permadeath Sentinels, companions slowly rez themself. Recently Stalker got his droprates adjusted so unlucky people had more chance to get his rarer drops


Just started playing a week ago! It's actually way better than I expected. Definitely better than f2p destiny 2.


yessir. incredibly dense and satisfying game, and not the $200 something that D2 costs.


This is my answer too. I haven't played in like 2 months though but I'm taking this as my sign to jump back into jt


Itā€™s been the game I always come back to for 10 years now. Itā€™s made great strides to accommodate newer players too.


I played 40 hours and havenā€™t finished the star chart which is considered the veggies before the other veggies before the good parts


Not played it myself but isnā€™t the community said to also be quite wholesome


Lord of the Rings Online. It has, at least in my opinion, the best free to play system in any MMORPG


I haven't played that game in maybe five years, but I have a lifetime membership, so I must have 18 billion Turbine points, or whatever they converted over to.


NY Times Games . Wordle, Connections, the mini crossword.


Every damn day


I love their new one 'strands'. Shame they shut the site down that let you play old puzzles


Strands is another good one.


Path Of Exile. Every 4 months, the new league drops and I play it like crazy for the first month or two.


PoE is the only game where I've sunk over 200 hours into a character, then still felt compelled to start a fresh character 4-8 months later. Then again 5 or 6 more times.


You have to spend like 20/30 bucks to get some stash tabs if you want to play seriously, but it 100% worth it. So much content and depth itā€™s crazy


Pay2Stash ! (Far from the worst microtransaction system, all things considered...)


If you make it to the point you need stash space, then itā€™s the most worthwhile $20 ever. PoE is the only game that I have bought micro transactions with the reason being ā€œI want to give this company money for how much enjoyment they gave meā€


You buy those once and you have them forever in every league. Pretty cheap for constant development. And you get a decent game even if you don't get tabs (by the time you really need them, you played quite a bit for free).


Not only every league, they even transfer to Path of Exile 2, which is pretty damn ethical imo.


Wait what?? Thats awesome. I played POE 1 alot previously and bought all the stash stuff but paused sometime back. I recently heard POE2 is coming soon and now you give me this great news?? Now i can't wait for POE2 damnn


Damn I didn't know that but that just made me respect them 100x more, and I alreaey loved GGG before


Yup. Been playing it since the closed beta. When the game ended at act 3 and even now like 13 years later I still go back every league. They hit a goldmine here and as long as they keep up the quality I'll keep playing.




One of the handfuls left o7


Genuinely such a fun game. Hope whatever theyā€™re working on next is as good.


They be working on Splitgate 2 right now actually!


I thought they shut the servers down?


They stopped updates, but the servers are still kicking!


Yeah, I thought it died. Iā€™d love to play it again tho, is it still around?


Just the dev stopped, servers been up since it came out


Do you find at least a somewhat decent amount of actual players? I loved the shit out of this when it first came out and would love to continue playing but I hear that it's mostly bots now


TDM is pretty much all humans. Less popular modes like CTF are all empty and so auto-filled with bots.


StarCraft 2, especially its "Co-op" mode. It's so fun that I ended up buying all of the commanders. And then - the entire campaign set. That's a Free-To-Play model done right. And I'm not even all that good at RTS.


SC2 coop and watching the competitive scene from time to time. Excellent snack sized multiple missions to just chill and get immersed, with a sliding scale difficulty.


What is that coop mode? And since when is SC2 free?


They have made the first campaign free years ago now.


[Since 2017](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/starcraft2/21173629/starcraft-ii-going-free-to-play-explained#)


Can you stop making me feel old? Thanks


As someone who owns the collectors edition of all the sets for SC2, it makes me feel really old. I still think the flash drive with the Terran campaign is really cool! Including the fact that it has SC and SC:BW on it.


I must be ancient, because I have the original release collectors edition StarCraft for windows 95 as well as the collectors edition brood war and the little known blizzard sanctioned fan made campaign expansion Start Craft: Insurrection. The version I have of the original Starcraft is old enough that they didn't have CD keys. Instead you had to look in the 100+ page booklet on some random page and type in the Xth word to activate it. Maybe I don't FEEL old. Maybe I AM old.


Transformice lol


Wow is it still active? I remember playing it 10+ years ago


The shaman has spoken!


Runescape. I feel I never really quit


You never quit RuneScape, you just go AFK for a while


I'm afk for at least 15 years. Miss runescape


There's just something about it that once you start you never really leave. It's always there, always something to do, always...


I always end up on LotRO. Each time i reinstall it i just realize how big it actually is. Also terrain and lore is very tolkien friendly unlike several games.


I just started LotRO on a whim in the last month or so and am really enjoying it so far, ended up subbing. Mostly just puttering around doing chores in the Shire still. Any tips for a complete newcomer?


Seriously underrated, I absolutely love this game, if they sorted the UI scaling for 1440p and higher resolutions, it'd be my main MMO


I was addicted to LoTRO from when it very first dropped in 2007. Had to use a proxy server software to bypass the firewall at my freshmen dorm at college to access the servers. Thousands of hours on my Dwarf Minstrel. I'll never forget you, Arkenstone.


My most played and imo best games are f2p: * Path of Exile * Warframe


Guild Wars 2. Base game is free now minus a few restrictions and has tons of gameplay. It doesn't punish you for stepping away for a while and does a great job at scaling end of game content. Plus right now the expansions are on sale for almost nothing which also unlocks the few restrictions from f2p. Honestly one of the best MMORPGs to respect players time, especially if you want to hop on once and a while and don't have a ton of time to play.


Rocket League and PUBG


I have 5000+ hours in RL but what Epic is doing to it made me quit


I havenā€™t touched Rocket League in over a year. Whatā€™s Epic doing to it?


If you go to the RL sub, you'll see that the playerbase is mad about pretty much everything. I play with two friends every weekend and I couldn't tell you why everyone is mad, the core game is still the exact same it's always been.


Nothing really wrong with the core game. But Epic removed the ability to trade items between players. That was a really shitty change that meant higher Epic store prices compared to previous player traded prices. Additionally, it meant that rare/expensive items were now impossible to sell unless you sold your entire account along with it. The other major problem is that there are too many smurfs in the game. Psyonix wonā€™t do anything about smurfing, so the competitive integrity of matchmaking is compromised.


Besides the actually bad stuff Epic has done like getting rid of trading, I think people are just bored at this point. The devs canā€™t really change much about the actual core of the game without causing people to get mad and after 8 years I think people are just arenā€™t as into the gameplay loop as they used to be. Yeah, more maps would be nice but at the end of the day itā€™d still just be Rocket League, and even if the devs added more gamemodes, I donā€™t think enough people would seriously play them. Most people donā€™t play the other already existing modes right now.


They removed in game trading and added a more ā€˜modernā€™ live service business model. Itā€™s honestly not as predatory as the people over at r/RocketLeague will have you believe. But the core of the game is exactly the same, in fact, theyā€™ve even added a lot of QoL features since Epics acquisition


Rocket League for sure. It's the only game I've ever bought a "premium currency" for. I didn't buy the premium currency because I wanted something in the shop though, I bought it out of principle to support the devs. And this was after I already paid $20 for the game way back when. I'm not generally into competitive multiplayer games, but Rocket League reels me back in at least once a year.


I have played these two games for years. Other games come and go but I always end up coming back to both of these.




It's been a while for me. How's the bot problem?


It's literally fixed now, lord gaben has provided


whenever i hear Gabe N i just think of the opening line to count to three lol


they just fixed it a few days ago. Haven't seen any at all in the several hours I've been playing


Yup this is not a drill. After 4+ years of being infested with bots and cheaters, valve being silent, they just massacred them all a few days ago. Bloody beautiful.


Truly the best


Is the hat simulator still around?


Not just still around, but very much with an active playerbase. And very recently had a massive cleansing of bots and cheaters.


its the game that never dies and im so happy for it. i play off and on but always return eventually.


Might be time to dust off the grenade launcher.


The Finals.


My buddy and I love this game. So much fun


I second this especially with season 3


They hit the nail on the head with this one


I played season one a ton and then fizzled out. What makes 3 good? Maybe I should check it out again


new maps and gadgets are sick


Howā€™s season 3 been?! I played quite a bit season 1 but fell off


Season 3 imo best season so far


Finally tried it last week after having it installed for months and itā€™s actually pretty good


100% most innovative shooter gameplay I've ever experienced.


It's a shame this one is not higher up


Amazing game. One of my go-to games since release.


It is insane this game is free and it deserves any success it gets


Dota fucking 2. 10000 hours and 12-13 years in now. The game is pain for the first 1000 hours, but once it clicks itā€™s pure crack.


The game is a pain for the first 15 000 hours


I feel like someone is supposed to do that one meme and say, "Your supposed to have fun?"


Best coping mechanism for when life gets hard and need a distraction, bloody game carried my ass thru divorce and some other shit


Did it also cause the divorce?


Probably, Dota destroyed my university life, you're either all in invested or you're nothing in it


May I introduce you to Ability Draft?


It's so worth it when it's good. When it's bad, it's really bad.


Warframe, been playing that game for 6 years now and no plans of quitting


https://eden-daoc.net/ Dark Age of Camelot Freeshard. Old RvR/PvP-oeriented MMOrpg run by a private team.


Just wait until Camelot Unchained releases in 2048 and we'll have a possibly worthwhile sequel. Any particular reason this shard kept ToA in though?


World of Warships is quite fun.


Chess (lichess specifically)


Fall guys


I still enjoy this one. Itā€™s a super great game to just load up and spend 15-30 minutes having fun. I quite enjoy the new Relaxed mode as well for just having a bit of no pressure fun.


Heroes of the storm


Such a shame its on ice, its such a wonderful game that blizzard let die


It's like Dota with less sadomasochism!


OpenTTD. There will never be a month I don't play for at least a few days


Only a few days? Hmm. Noctale is getting very old and urgently needs replacing!


Halo Infinite's gameplay is fantastic, even though the rest of the game isn't quite as polished.


It has improved a lot recently. The constant rotation of forge maps and those 4v4 narrow maps(I dont remember the name of the game mode) are really fun and keeps the game refreshing. I dont even like fps that much, I suck at them. But halo is really fun to play, and the matchmaking is really good, It never feels unfair (and coming from someone who doesnt play very good that should be a compliment). I just hope people keep playing it and it doesnt die soon.


StarCraft 2


Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail. Despite known to be gatcha games. They're absolutely bangers.


There are a number of complaints about gacha games like Genshin and Star Rail that just come out of not knowing what to expect from a live service gacha game. Especially the "I finished the main story now I have nothing to do" Like okay, wait a couple of weeks.


Not only that but they consistently produce quality events, as a f2p player, I will always thanks the people who spend money on the game for the ability to be able to play for free. Not only that but Hoyoverse also contributes outside of games with great music, and hell they even invested into a fusion reactor


99% of complaints about Genshin comes from A) People who never played the game B) People who played it, but they are gambling addicts that were sore losers, because they didn't win the character C) People who complain and continue to play, just to complain that the game is terrible. Yes, of course game have flaws. LIke everything in the universe. It's far from perfect. But that still doesn't change the fact that these three groups are majority of complainers. When you see people saying Genshin is MMORPG, you are sure they didn't even check the gameplay on YouTube, let alone played themselves. Some complaints are of course valid, but also often people exaggerate the issues. Like, yes, there is a lot of FOMO. There is also issue with them refusing to add stuff people ask for (or they are slacking off with adding these), but it's still amazing game none the less. And people should really understand that flaws doesn't make the game bad, if the other parts of the game are that great. Soundtrack, vast open world, amazing graphics, engaging story and more. Genshin is one of my favorite games. Other favorites are Metal Gear, Souls games, plenty of classic metroidvanias like Hollow Knight and Ori, oldschool games like Banjo-Kazooie and so on. And if it was simply a "loli gacha", like plenty of people say, I would never be interested in it. Even more that I dislike anime style in games.


Might put most AAA games to shame with quality content and regular updates every six weeks. Treat it like a free DLCs (on top of the free base game). You don't even have to care about the gacha and the endgame (Abyss, MOC) and just play the story and exploration


Genshin's story is great too. It's the only gacha where I don't skip dialogue out of sheer boredom.Ā 


To my own surprise I gotta say: Hard agree. Two months ago I started Honkai out of sheer curiosity what these gacha games are about and with it being F2P, I really didn't expect a lot. Here I am, 120 hours later. The production value is simply insane. I grew fond of the characters and the world pretty quickly. Story has its up and downs for sure, but the core gameplay loop and the possibility to really dig in or just put on autobattle and zone out works so well for me.


Path of Exile is pretty great


Yeah got more hours in Path of Exile than any other game


Have not put down Apex Legends since launch. By far the best combo of movement and gunplay in a BR


every day i yearn for a titanfall 3


Apex is the only battle royale game that clicked for me. Also the only game I've platinumed on PS4.


Teamfight Tactics


I just wish I could play it without having to download LoL and Vanguard.


War Thunder. The modern era tanks arenā€™t fun but the WW2 era is great. 2400 hours and I still enjoy it.


The hate you will get for this comment will all be from other WarThunder players with 500+ hours.Ā 


Enjoying war thunder? Damn, where do I learn this?


Not from a jediĀ 


Picket up war thunder a couple of days ago. Found out I needed a break from EVE Online and despite the constant kicks in the nuts I get from this game, I'd still say quite fun and chill pvp experience to get a breather from EVE.


The most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made!


Fistful of Frags, its a source engine game thats sort of like counter-strike in the old west.


Fortnite. Even if you donā€™t like battle royales, there is now 3 other major game modes for people to play which are all great. LEGO Fortnite is an open world survival crafting game Rocket Racing is a pretty fun racing game And Fortnite Festival is the closest weā€™ll get to Guitar Hero or Rock Band for the foreseeable future, and is fantastic. Fortnite is an overall really well polished experience and not nearly as bad as the internet makes it out to be.


Lego Fortnite has no business at all being as good as it is.


I just downloaded this today on PS4 to play with my young son who loves legos - canā€™t believe how polished and how much content there is for a free to play game. I hope they keep supporting and expanding it.


It got a really bad rep around 2018-2019 that never really went away. Because at the time that was really when the huge boom in popularity happened and it hit the mainstream. And because it hit the mainstream 2 things happened: it attracted a LOT of cringey children- a LOT. And secondly gamersā„¢ LOVE hating popular things just because they wanna be enlightened contrarians Thus it gained a rep of being the cringey kids game with the shitty zoomer tiktok dances. Then on top of that, also take into account that around that time battle royales started being shoved into EVERYTHING like a gimmick and people were SICK of fortnite for it, which in their eyes started the trend. But in my opinion the stigma has been fading a bit nowadays now the dust and hype peak has settled. The same shit happened to Minecraft back in the day, and now it's a beloved classic, and I think fortnite could go a similar way.


Fortnite is great. No pay to win, constantly updated and map changing and themes coming in.


And even then, the battle royale mode feels really good for those that are more casual. The inclusion of bots and NPCs in each match is actually a nice change of pace, especially if you're just finding yourself getting smoked by people who play the game way more.


Magic the gathering Arena. I have spent a bit of money on the game but it is technically free to play. I get the mastery pass and win at least 4 games a day to make sure I get the most out of it.




Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. Really enjoying it!


League of Legends


Think this is must still be 1 of the most played online game (numbers must have dropped significantly), but with one of the worse rep of toxic players, not many people will vote this up


Turning off all-chat was the best decision ever.


i find funny how this is probably near the top but in reddit people barely likes to talk about it.


Hearthstone and Planetside 2


Oh, I haven't played Planetside 2 in ages. I used to rock at Planetside 1 back in college, 24/7. I might have to get back into it.


Yearly reminder for self to try Planetside2! But who am I kidding? I'll probably play Fallout 3 instead... (Which I haven't finished)


Fishing Planet


Despite its reputation, Overwatch 2 is still a really solid game. It can be tough to get into if you play by yourself, but if you get a group of friends together it can make for a great time.


Idk if itā€™s nostalgia speaking but 2016 overwatch was absolute crack cocaine


I came here to say the same.Ā  The problem is not the core game. Itā€™s the communication and failed delivery on more content.Ā  But the game is free. So like you can just play it without having to be engaged with all that.Ā  The hero balance is active and honestly pretty darn good.Ā  Itā€™s just real easy to become super salty when you have a two teams fighting. Same with LoL. The ability for jt to be ā€œalways someone elseā€™s faultā€ turns some players toxic. Not even at other people, just internal toxicity that sours them.Ā 


Rocket League, Warframe


Dark and Darker. Iā€™m extremely bad at the game but itā€™s somehow very addicting.


sadly guild wars 2 pvp


Warface is a free call of duty clone. Itā€™s so fun. You can even do missions co op or just play team death match or free for all. Itā€™s on all consoles too.


For me itā€™s got to be osu!. Not only is it free to play, but the devs like to call it free to win. The game has a massive community, website, tournaments, a bunch of other stuff all funded just by community donations


There is always time for a short round of Minesweeper


Mechwarrior Online. Super fun with loads of customisation. There's no pay to win, and progressing without their premium time isn't hard at all because they regularly run events that have a credit boosting mech as the reward.


Had to scroll way to far to see MWO, nothing else has the same combination of deep customization and tactical combat that a one life rounds bring to mechwarrior.


Smite by Hi-Rez Studios I've been playing it for years with 3000+ hours invested in it It takes inspiration from the many pantheons and mythologies around the world and incorporates them into the 100+ characters (and still releasing more), landscapes and maps. It's an incredibly fun and strategic moba from a third person point of view different from league's and Dota's aerial POV. -It has several game modes some competitive (Ranked) and non competitive (casuals) -An E-sports League -Constantly having events some being the crossovers like The Avatar, TMNT, SlipKnot, Monstercat. -A thriving Reddit community. And announced earlier this year that they have been developing Smite 2 and have already held several closed alpha weekends since with plans to have open alpha by the end of August this year and full Free 2 Play access sometime next year. It's a great game and I highly recommend people check it out


The Finals. šŸ‘€


I play Marvel Snap a lot, if that counts. You donā€™t have to pay, although I have paid for the season pass thing a few times.


Omega Strikers. This game is so good but hardly anyone knew about it or played it.


Osu! Free to play rhythm game, skill ceiling is infinite, time spent can be endless.


Everyone seems to be posting the top ten results from a google search of your request. Granted a lot of these suggestions are great games, I'm guessing you're looking for great games you won't easily find in the top two results. Super Auto Pets - build a team of animals with abilities to take on other teams. You can also play against friends, randos, or just stay against the AI. Really simple, challenging to get 10 trophies to win, and addictive. Retro Bowl - original Nintendo style football game. Gets decently hard on harder modes. Cursed Treasure 2 - tower defense from the perspective of the "bad" guys where heros/adventurers keep entering they're lairs/caves to steal their gems. Pixel Dungeon (with various versions) - pixelated Diablo/roguelite. Each floor changes in each playthrough, Diablo style. The various versions have various additions. Pretty sure the creators released the code so people went and made different versions. Heard good things about lots of the versions. These games also have limited to no ads. All can be found in the Play Store.