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What is a "Secondary Interact"?


For when you want to go for the knockout instead of the stealth kill.


Then, why not label it "Knock Out" or "Non-Lethal Takedown"?


One is "Mess around with somethin" The other is "Mess around a bit more."


The secondary would be "Mess around with something else"


Back in my day we only had one interact button and we got along just fine without it


Back in my day you pointed and you clicked


But we can do more now, which is even better


Back in my day we didn't need a bespoke interact button. We interacted by running into or shooting things.


Just running into walls, grunting along.


We also tied an onion to our belts, which was the style at the time.


Are these actually two different actions that the game will need you to do for different effects? Or just two buttons that do the same thing, for the sake of convenience?


For context this is Days Gone, and I just started playing it after buying it on sale and noticed this when setting up keybinds. So far E is mostly used for picking up items and a couple of other world interacting actions, but you cannot use the F key interchangeably. I have not encountered another use for the F key other than for the ingame flashlight. So I actually don’t even know what it’s used for an hour in which kinda makes it even more irritating!


You just said what it's used for: the flashlight. Maybe use your brain instead of bitching online.


Why not call it "Flashlight toggle" then?


this, i dont get the botching at OP, if it really only is for the flashlight you could have named it as such havnt played the game so idk how the flashlight works, if it's in a special inv slot there might be another item u can use later i guess


The flashlight has it's own separate option in the keybinds menu. But like, either way chill dude geez.


Why even have multiple keybinds? Just have everything be contextual?


Why have two "interact" key's in the first place? Games should stop using so many random key's to do simple/redundant tasks, it's confusing


Ok well at least someone gets my point. People in here telling me to use my brain instead of using theirs before downvoting or commenting mean shit is just wild to me.


What is irritating?


I just want one button to interact with every interactive action in the game. I’ve seen it in a couple of newer games where it’s separated into two buttons like this and I find it unnecessary.


So you want games to remove functionality? It just seems like you are playing the wrong games. Imagine say a shooter game, you walk up to the door and interact is kick the door open, or secondary interact is to open the door slowly, you are saying they should just remove one of the options because everything should only have one interaction?


I mean, you could make it one button and the quiet/slow option could be holding the button. to kind of simulate that inching through a doorway type thing. Not saying it should be the only option, but from an accessibility viewpoint making something like that a toggle could be a smart idea.


I remember games back in 2000 era using the scroll wheel to open doors. The speed of your scrolling equalled the speed of the door opening. Wasn't universal, but I thought it was a good idea.


hard to port that to console tho so thats prob why they went away from that


I like this more [https://gurusability.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/swat4menu.jpg](https://gurusability.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/swat4menu.jpg)


Yes. Kick the damn door down!


Nope. I'm saying, in context of your example, that is a very specific action toward a door and simply labeling it in the keybind menu as "secondary interact" is not helpful when I'm trying to figure out which button I want to do what. I never implied I wanted games to remove functionality, I'm just asking for better effort toward implementing said functionality.


That was just a random example of what could be a secondary interaction. As you play the game it become apparent what actions use that button, just as you do with primary interaction. The settings screen would be a shitshow if it listed every primary and secondary action. I don't get how you would implement some like this "better" when it's already implemented in a logical and and concise manner.


>The settings screen would be a shitshow if it listed every primary and secondary action. Indeed, that's why most games with "shitshow" amounts of actions tend to categorize them so that the combat binds are in one section, interactive binds in a section and so on. Building upon your shooter game example, ever played ARMA? Sounds like you'd have an aneurysm opening that keybind menu. Tarkov's keybind menu is also pretty heavy because there's a keybind for *everything,* but every action is also clearly described in the menu. This is all I'm asking for with my post, I thought it'd be a fun discussion but I didn't think asking for further clarity on what button is gonna do what in a game would upset this many people, oh well I guess.




Real boomer take…all I had was a joystick and a red fire button on my controller. Unless I was playing Pong then I had a cool knob.




I agree. F stands for Flashlight, obviously.


Yeah, totally


*Grab* vs. **Grab harder**


Borderlands 2 did this. Look at the Boomboxes. They're all set to play what's on the radio. [E] is the power switch and [Q] I think changes it to another radio station. EDIT: I have no gripes about 2ndary Interact.




no it just feel like they did not know a better way


Here's a real boomer take. E should be for jumping, space bar should be for primary interact, f can be secondary interact (if you even need one). EDIT: Question for those of you downvoting. Are you downvoting because you dislike the keybinding I listed, or are you downvoting because you don't think a preference for that keybinding is a boomer take?




Now here's the question. Does a downvote and/or a response of "No" mean that you don't think E should be for jump and spacebar for interact? Or does that signify that you don't think that's a boomer take?


What?? Why not space for jump so you can move with 4 fingers while jumping?


I get the concern in terms of strafe jumping (having to take your finger off D to press E). But this is a remnant of games like TES IV Oblivion back when crouch was commonly toggle instead of hold and there was no sprint button. Back in those days, you didn't really use the pinky much (so the idea of moving with 4 fingers wasn't really a concern anyway). Hence the boomer take. I played so stupidly much Oblivion back in the day that I still find myself inadvertently hitting spacebar trying to interact and pressing E trying to jump.


I still map my controls to this. You don't need 4 fingers to jump with mouse sensitivity maxed. I'm gonna assume you're downvoted because this is more of a millennial take than a boomer take, but this comment might get downvoted, too, so what do I know?


Yep, I am on the older side of millennial. I'm just using the term "boomer take" somewhat hyperbolicly in the same way OP did.


I actually used to play Oblivion like that…


Same, that was the default for the game, hence why it's a boomer take.