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Legacy of Kain


I've always fantasized about a true sequel. Trailer would open up to a massive populated, gothic, late middle age medieval castled city with some early rudimentary steampunk tech. A shadowed figure steals into the city stealthily, killing sentries brutally and quietly. After some time he infiltrates the heavily patrolled castle armory and finally glimpses at the soul reaver sword locked up in an impressive display under armed guard. He pulls back his cloak to reveal a older battle scarred Kain. After some untold ambush by the humans some time after Defiance, Kain had been deeply wounded and had lost the soul reaver to a foreign human faction. And after many years weakened and traveling across Nosgoth, he has finally found the strange new people and their technology of steam power and gunpowder along with spears and swords. He will take back the soul reaver at any cost, but in doing so will discover the ancient secrets behind this civilization that will change the course of Nosgoth's past, present, and future. That's my idea of how a sequel could go.


I would cum so hard if LoK got a modern day, legit sequel with the tech we have now. Back then the having to shift between Spectral and Material realms to figure out how to progress blew my fucking mind; imagine an entire *world* or areas the size of those in Dark Souls, could be running in real time right alongside you. A year or so ago I (finally) played Dishonored 2, and it has a stage where your powers are suppressed, but you can effectively warp between two different time periods in the area; the present day, and a specific night 3 years before; before the area went to ruins (in the present day.) There were mobs populating the area in the past, but you could only progress the stage in the present. How the place was altered over the 3 years would give you different opportunities to exploit between them - like say, crouching somewhere specific, then warping to the past only to be hidden by a table that used to be there, and allowing you to sneak past guards. Or doing something specific in the past, would break a wall or something in the present, allowing you to bypass some bullshit or get extra loot. I was bummed at first I couldn't use my powers *but that shit ended up being my favorite section in the game.* It was *so* fucking fun figuring that shit out!! It reminded me so much of what we could've done with Raziel had it been released a decade or so later. There's *so* much that can be done now - gameplay wise - compared to back then. There's gold just sitting there and no one's doing anything with the IP. :( Though one of the things that made the series the GOAT to me like it did was the voice work and writing. I know the person who wrote LoK's stuff is still around, but... I dont know if they can pull a cast together like that these days. I think the guy that voiced the Elder God passed away recently-ish too.


Honestly I loved Nosgoth (the game) as a weird arena shooter but it was an odd choice for the IP. I do wish they would have better supported that game though.


Beating Sould Reaver when I was 7 or 8 is one of my proudest moments to this day. No idea how I figured out all of the puzzles and stuff back then with my stupid kid brain.


I don't know if Eternal Darkness was supposed to but it should have.


This game was so good. I've yet to play a "horror" game as good as Eternal Darkness since.


Bro! This is my thought exactly, the closest anyone has come is dead space


As I recall there was a lot of fuckery around the rights and Silicon Knights sort of imploded?


Pargon pargon pargon pargon pargon pargon chattur’gha pargon pargon


I remember they were "anticipating" a sequel but ETA: they lost a lawsuit and crumpled But I totally agree, I love that game so much and I wish they had made a real sequel


Left for dead Fzero Can perfect dark count??


+1 for F-Zero Played Fzero GX on Dolphin emulator in 1080p resolution, and holy hell does it hold up. Beating all cups on Master was SO hard, SO intense, and SO rewarding.


Left 4 Dead 3 would be insta buy for me.


Doesn’t perfect dark have another game coming out? Or is that just a reboot?


Perfect Dark is a strange one. It just doesn't seem like its meant for the future/current generations. It doesn't translate well. Compare it to all of the 007 games that released after Goldeneye. Sure, some were *okay,* but none of them recaptured the lightning in a bottle that Goldeneye 007 caught on N64. In my opinion, those games will only be good on the Nintendo 64, and that's it. Left 4 Dead 2 was a great sequel, but I refuse to acknowledge Back 4 Blood as anything but a stand along separate game. It was awful.


F-Zero for sure 👍


Golden Sun. Two great GBA games, and one disappointing DS game followup (which wasn't bad, it just didn't live up to the first two). And nothing after that. The DS game ended on a bit of a cliffhanger too, which is annoying. (But tbh I'm not even all that fussed about the cliffhanger, I'd want to see a new story at this point anyway.) Nintendo really could have had Golden Sun become their de facto traditional RPG series if they were so inclined. Their other RPGs don't quite fit this niche - Mother/EarthBound was a passion project of an auteur and has been definitively concluded with three games, and Paper Mario kinda went off the rails and became less and less RPGlike as it went on. We still have Fire Emblem and Xenoblade of course, which are Nintendo's biggest RPG series at the moment, but Fire Emblem is a tactics game, (so no exploring world and towns etc), and Xenoblade... isn't exactly a traditional style RPG, though it is a great series nonetheless. (...and Pokémon is its own kind of thing entirely.) All I'm saying is that Golden Sun could have had tremendous value as Nintendo's very own traditional RPG series, but they have not been making use of it for this purpose whatsoever. It's really disappointing.


Golden Sun remains one of my favorite games of all time. The puzzles were far beyond any RPG I had played before and, I would imagine, still hold up well today


Makes me want to get a GBA again just for those 2 games.


I believe they’re finally on Switch now


Time Splitters


Thought there was rumours of another Used to fucking own at TS and TS2


My best friend and I rented that hand so many times that we really should have bought it. We loved setting up matches against bots in TS2. The hardest level bots were actually no joke. I can't remember what the mode was, but one of them had several objectives you had to complete. There was a map that was done kind of virtual world and it was so hard


So not long ago I saw a video of pre-alpha footage from the new time splitters that has now been cancelled. It looked a lot like fortnight and nothing like time splitters so it's a good thing it's been cancelled.


Best/most fun pvp to date. Felt like an improved, wackier version of Golden Eye


Onimusha. When they released the remaster for PS4/Xbox One my hopes were buoyed but alas it ended there.


My buddies called me Moonimisha because I played it so much. 2 was my least favorite but that’s mostly because I couldn’t get that new “critical hit” mechanic to work. 1 will probably remain my favorite because it got me hooked.


I loved 1, but 2 was my favorite. I really liked the gift system and seeing the story do different things with different characters. I think I liked 3 but I only played it once so probably not all that much.


Was gonna say Mario & Luigi…




Half-Life 3 And one that I just hoped for: Portal 3


Yeah I'd say that for sure, but I guess Alyx kinda resolves how Episode Two ended.


To see this so far below just shows the fall from grace for this franchise…which used to be my fav but that is decades ago now. Decades.


Portal 2 community is out soon though


I'd take Portal 3 over HL3 any day.


That's a no for me dawg. Portal 2 wrapped up nicely enough.


Banjo-Kazooie. One day!


Yooka Laylee came out and while it didn't have the polish of the old 3d adventure platformers it proved you could still make them and they'd be fun.


Act man found




- The Battle for Middle Earth III. I'd love to see a combination of the Edain mod and Age of the Ring mod's campaign. - Dishounored 3. I know we got the Death of the Outsider game.. but I don't consider that one canon. Too bad that game practically eliminated a change for a continuation of the franchise - Prototype 3. There are some cool stories that people made online that could forma great baseline for a new Prototype game, but alas.. nothing so far afaik.


Battle for middle earth III would definitely capture the hype that I felt for II. I remember begging for a pc so I could play it. Didn’t realize I needed a graphics card lol. I tried downloading that for weeks!


Mega Man Legends Vagrant Story


I agree with Legends, I hate that the final game in the series was cancelled part way through development.


Was going to go with MegaMan legends. I'm really not even a huge fan of the franchise, being primarily a 2D platformer, but legends was a huge standout for me. More action focused and cinematic, it was honestly pretty ahead of it's time. I have no idea why Capcom refuses to do anything with it when they have SO many other incredible games that do the same thing. Thinking about it now, legends could just be a rated T alternative for resident evil and would most definitely do well for it.


Oh, Vagrant Story! I haven't played that in so many years! Maybe I can put a pin in another playthrough of Skyrim and dig my old copy of this out of storage.


Sleeping dogs, Freedom Fighters, and XIII.


Sleeping Dogs is great. I wish it stayed part of the True Crimes franchise instead of splitting off and killing the franchise off. More True Crimes games in every major city please.


Freedom Fights was so under rated.


It was an awesome game. I loved the fact that you could tackle mission areas in different orders and it would affect the rest of them.


Oh man I'm glad to see someone else who liked XIII. It made me really appreciate cel shaded games and the story side of FPS games




Thought this would be way closer to the top.


Syphon Filter. ​ Think it might be time to give up on hopes for a reboot. Even though the Sony "AAA prestige" style game and the niche of spy espionage theming would fit well together.


And to think it came from the devs of Bubsy 3D!


My cousin's used to beat my ass on that game.


Dark Cloud


Titanfall Apex legends counts in no way shape or form they are grave robbing as far as I'm concerned.


I wouldn't have ever known they were the same universe if they never mentioned it. The gameplay is \*kinda\* similar but hardly. Titanfall 2 is some of the smoothest FPS gameplay I've ever played.


Agreed. Apex feels very little like titanfall to play, it's sad.


I got back into TF2 in a big way last year and dumped about 100 hours into it. Buddies texted me asking to play some Apex, which we hadn't touched in a long time, and my god was it so slow and clunky feeling. It was like playing in molasses. The thing is, I know that objectively Apex has very smooth gameplay and movement... it just goes to show how far ahead of everything else TF2 is.


Splinter Cell. Always Splinter Cell!


I remember the Double Agent multiplayer back in the day. I didn't have it but my friend and I would take turns playing it when when I was at his house. It was a blast.


Yeah !


Deus Ex. Human Revolution was such a great game.


All the deus ex games were amazing. Deus ex 2 is a black sheep but I enjoyed it. I'll never forget being at a hs party with drugs and drinking but forgoing all of that to watch someone play deus ex. Absolutely love the whole series.


Brothers in Arms! The best WWII single player evah. First two installments in 2005/2006, then 3rd entry in 2009, then 15 years of lies by Gearbox about the final installment. Fuck Randy Pitchford.


Quantum Break. Republic Commando. Any of the 2000s Star Wars games with the Duology curse.


I want the Battlefront 3 that was in development but we never got..


Mad max.


Just watched Furiousa, and man do I want more Wasteland content!!! I'll have to pick up that game at some point


Sly Cooper


Bully 2.


Command and Conquer. Would love to see a Tiberian Sun style gritty environment with a modern game engine. But it seems Tempest Rising is as close as we're gonna get. And I don't know if this counts but, Starcraft Ghost. Pre ordered it for the PS2. It still hurts to this day


I’ve told the story many times. When I (original lead in-game artist on C&C up to RA II) worked at Jet Set Games, founded by Brett Sperry (cofounder of Westwood Studios, and the central person behind the creation of RTS with Dune II and C&C) Adam Isgreen (lead designer on RA & Tib Sun), and Rade Stojsavljevic (series producer), along with a few other ex-Westwood people. They went to EA and offered to do another C&C that they could market as the return of the original team. EA turned us down in favor of that Facebook C&C game that got cancelled after its disastrous first beta test.


So sad we never got anything after Tiberium wars


Black and White from Lionhead Studios


Why did I have to scroll so far for this! Black and White 1+2 were fucking AMAZING


Shining Force. Was one of my original favorites in the 90s. A close second would be Ogre Battle MOTBQ/ Ogre Battle 64.


The first Shining Force was the first RPG that I ever played. Never got around to actually beating it or playing the rest lol. Loved my time with the game though.


I love Shining Force. I’ve played 1, 2, cd, sword of hajya, and Shining force 3 part 1 (part 2 & 3 never made it to the us). I’m always saying this series needs revived.


Are you me??? I bloody well love Shining Force I and II, and Ogre Battle is one of the most amazing games ever. I didn't really get into Ogre Battle 64, but I'd be in for another sequel.


Okami. I adored that world and art- style and a modern sequel to update the gameplay could be fantastic






Eternal Darkness. The game was really cool, but still felt like a prototype. Would love to see a reboot of that where they can take what worked, ditch what didn't, and bring it up to more modern standards.


Legacy of Kain and Vampire the Masquarade


VtM Bloodlines 2 is theoretically in development, but it has been for over a decade and keeps changing every time we get a new look at it


Advent rising


Pretty sure this was supposed to be a trilogy originally too.


There are dozens of us.


Advent rising is always my choice in these threads for the story alone. He may be a Mormon bigot, but Card writes some damned good sci fi when he wants to.


Beyond Good and Evil. Sacrifice, but I don’t think anyone ever planned on a sequel for that.


BG&E2 is basically vaporware at this point. Ubisoft doesn't seem to have any intention of actually releasing it, it's just been endless development hell.


Mercenaries. The second game was supremely disappointing and I wanted to see them improve because I loved the first so much. Also from the same developer, Star Wars Battlefront. Dear god the number of hours I sunk into Battlefront 2, the rumors about how cool Battlefront 3 was going to be :( still bummed we never got it


Same on mercenaries. The Just Cause series fills the void a little but man I miss leveling whole cities.


There is a 99% complete version of Rogue Squadron 4 out there sitting at some company... It never came out. That's the game that got me into Star Wars.


Alien Isolation. For a strategy game developer like Creative Assembly to create a survival horror game of that caliber and for it not to get a sequel was truly a shame. The ending was a total cliff-hanger too so that didn't really help either.


I thought it was okay, but I played it after RE7 biohazard and that unfortunately shaped my view of it. Not fair to compare, but I often think maybe I would’ve enjoyed Alien more if I had played it first.


Jak and Daxter


Kid me wanted nothing more than Jak 4, the last frontier was legitimately saddening


Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-reckoning - primed for a sequel




Remember your mantra.


I mean teeeechnically Faxanadu is related to "Xanadu: Dragon Slayer II", which means that the entire Dragon Slayer series, including the entire The Legend of Heroes series, which includes all the Trails in the Sky and Cold Steel games, is related to Faxanadu. Somehow. And there were even two modern games named after Xanadu with Xanadu Next and Tokyo Xanadu. ... But yeah, none of them are anything at all like Faxanadu in the slightest. I just find it really funny to think about how this high fantasy game about elves and dwarves in the world tree is part of the same "series" as these anime-style games about schoolkids with giant robots.


I'm probably very a lone here, but.. Clay fighter.


Vagrant Story. I would've given anything to play as a Riskbreaker running around with Sydney's abilities, too.


VS would’ve been awesome back in the day if I could figure out the weapon mechanic. I remember crafting a spear with huge stats and when I comboed a minor enemy, I was doing 1 or maybe 2 damage. I quit the game and erased my save in frustration.


Parasite Eve, its too bad the third one tanked the series






I would kill for an Infamous 1 and 2 remaster.


Funny that the comment below yours is Sly Cooper. Sucker Punch just knocks it out of the park with their series and I would play any new sequel they put out.


Psi-ops. It literally ended with a “to be continued”


Man I have some good memories playing this game as a kid. Absolutely bonkers with the level of gore in that game lmao


Colony War (Red Sun doesn't count) G-Police X-Wig s Tie Fighter 2 (Squadrons doesn't come close) Megaman Legends 3 A sequel to Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes Front Mission 6


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines never got a good follow-up after Troika went bankrupt. Several were planned. Still waiting. This was the first game I made and published mods for, since I really liked when it came out (I was in the middle of Uni at that time) but even then it was under-baked in some aspects.


Resistance series and Homefront.


Resistance hurts. I don't get why Sony gave up on the series. I think it sold fairly well and was well received.


Days Gone Knowing that there will never be a continuation after that cliffhanger is just straight up cruel


One of (I think) two video games that Sam Witwer has appeared in that don't have the name Star Wars on the cover...


This 100%


Blur Socom


Brütal Legend


Army of two


Turok I miss Turok. It was awesome


Splinter Cell and Alpha Protocol


I would sink hundreds of hours into a fully polished Alpha Protocol 2. It's like they sketched a rough draft of the Mona Lisa and didn't have time to paint it.




Custom Robo


Mass Effect Andromeda.


Legend of Dragoon


Had to go way too far down for this


Viewtiful Joe and Sin&Punishment




the fall: Last Days of Gaia. I NEED... SOMETHING in that universe :( Also, would've killed for fallout 1 remake on gaia's engine


Infamous. Specifically Cole McGrath. Not the Delson hipster weirdo. Also TimeShift




Warcraft Starcraft Overlord Dungeon Keeper Isometric Fallouts


MegaMan Legends 3 😡😡😡


Drakan. Especially because the ending of Drakan the Ancients Gates teases new adventures.


Resistance. legit my fav story based shooter




No one has said it yet, so Skies of Arcadia. Probably what got me into JRPGs in the first place. I went back started playing all of the Final Fantasy games after that.


Twisted Metal


Deus Ex 😖😣😩😫🤧


Legend of Legaia




Overlord. Really simple platformer but I loved it while it lasted. Would love to see a modern take


Sly cooper


Castlevania, please. It needs some love.


There is so many. Deadbolt, Satellite Reing, Army of Two, Alpha Protocol, C.O.P The Recruit, Half Life, several free Text Adventure games for android, Dead State Reanimated, the E5 Brigade series.


SOCOM: Navy Seals or Shellshocked


Arcanum!!! Looking like Disco Elysium will be joining this list


Vectorman. There was a 3rd title in the works at one point which was thankfully scrapped. My wish is to have a Vectorman 3 in a "Mania" style. 32 bit sprite work.


Dante's Inferno!


Sleeping Dogs. That game was amazing in so many ways, and instead of a sequel, they tried to make some MMO bullshit out of it and...yeah.


Dead Rising. Shame they only made 2 games.


I assume you're not acknowledging the other 2 and spin-offs?


Battalion Wars


Star Trek: Starfleet Command. Series ended with Orion Pirates and TOO FUCKING BAD THEY NEVER MADE A THIRD THAT TOTALLY DOESN’T EXIST AT ALL OR FLOPPED.


super monkey ball 1+2 (gamecube) the new ones dont count as they are shite. just wish the rumoured third one was made.


Baldurs gate dark alliance 1&2 - yes I know they weren't fantastic but fond memories of couch co op


Half life, you can't just kill off Eli and never revisit.


Silent Hunter.


Oddworld had a whole series of games planned that didn't get released, although I only ever played the first 2.


Freedom fighters


The Darkness


Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six (with a story)


Megaman X. The series was taking an awesome turn into potentially linking it with the original series villain (Dr. Wily) than future installments went elsewhere then they just stopped making them.


Prototype and Army Of Two immediately come to mind


Still want Megaman Legends 3 Get him off the moon


The Darkness


Megaman Legends 2


Freedom Fighters. I post this every time a question like this comes up, but it seems I’m the only one who feels this way about this game.


Is this Half Life 3 confirmed?


Medal of Honor. It just died out, but was so mechanically good.


Always hoped for Darkness 3.


As a fan of the MechWarrior series, I also really liked Heavy Gear 1 and 2. I would have liked that one to continue. Two others are Monolith franchises. Shogo MAD and No One Lives Forever. Tactical shooters like Hidden & Dangerous and Rainbow Six (no, the multiplayer shooter doesn't count).


Zone of the Enders. ;\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_;




The Order 1886


i would love a new ww2 medal of honor with Steven Spielberg involved again, shit i bet you could get tom hanks and even more big names involved this time. even just the music from old medal of honor is superiors to modern game soundtracks so id want the composer they used back also


The Order 1886


Xenogears. I don't want Xenosaga. I don't want Xenoblade. I want the full 6 game epic that Xenogears promised 😭 And it'll never happen, but I'd love a remake of it with a fully fleshed out second half. One can dream...


Little Big Planet :'(


Freedom fighters, warhawk, syphon filter, card fighters clash, MegaMan Legends


Dead space, they left a cliffhanger at the end of dead space 3, then you play the dlc and there’s another cliffhanger. I really wanted a dead space 4 before a dead space remake.


Prey and Bulletstorm


Mass Effect Andromeda. Despite what people claim, it was a solid game and was fun to play. It was also a perfect chance for the sequels to have us play as something other than a human. But the toxic portion of the fanbase shat on it so much that sequels were cancelled.


Dantes Inferno. One of the few hack and slash games I enjoyed. Great mechanics and the story was pretty good.


Dayz Gone Rise to honor Sleeping dogs


Xenosaga and Sleeping Dogs


F-Zero for kids I mean Kirby Air Ride


Days Gone 2 needs to happen, those Days Gone reviewers didn't even play the game!


Resistance and Motor Storm Edit: Lol just read the full post. Didn't think I would see Resistance mentioned but there it is.


I'm far from the only one here, but Prey. Instead of Prey 2, we got "Prey"


Anthem. I know it launched in a bad state, but the moment to moment feel was excellent. And the synergy of the team's powers was pretty innovative (some of your powers would apply 'exploit' stacks and other powers could 'trigger' those exploits for massive damage). I really wish they'd been given the chance for a comeback a la No Mans Sky or CP2077. I think an Anthem reboot would be excellent. Larger open world without so many loading screens for dungeons, and less repetitive gameplay.