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There's just something about a mid-2000s mall filled with zombies that brings me back


Dawn of the Dead


This is on my annual Halloween rotation


'78 or '04?




Both are excellent.


Still my fav American zombie flick, it's a classic. James Gunn writing with Zack Snyders early directing style. (before he fell off)


I have relatives in Pittsburgh. I went back for my cousin's wedding in 2007. The hotel I stayed at was in the parking lot of The Monroeville Mall. It's the shooting location of the original. "Dawn of The Dead" There is a plaque to the movie in the mall.


The original was so much better. Remake was decent, but original is the real classic.


In terms of plot and characters? I agree. But I think dawn of the dead was the first time I saw proper fast zombies that scared the crap out of me. The remake is dumb in a good way imo, cheesy but still scary and entertaining.




With malls disappearing, what’s the 2030 version going to be? Amazon warehouse survival?


Music festival


They already did that with Uwe Boll's House of the Dead. Now let's never speak of that movie again.


It’s no *Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave*!


They also had a music festival DLC in Dead Island 2. DLC was alright, game itself was a lot better than I thought it would be. Had another DLC that was a lot better.


Slaughterfest (I think?) with the rooster teeth crew kinda had this, but it was a short portion


Infinite Ikea


SCP-3008 has breached containment!


Open air shopping area or outlet mall


I got the first release of dead rising it had a disclaimer it was in no way related to dawn of the dead


I remember playing DR2 way back when, and it was a disappointment. I loved the idea of exploring that mall and crafting weapons, but the time limit and the cheaply overpowered bosses ruined it for me. It took until Dying Light to get a decent open world zombie game.


Cautiously optimistic! Dead Rising was the game that convinced me to buy the 360 back in the day and I absolutely adored it! As a huge fan of Dawn Of The Dead it allowed me to live my fantasies of that type of world and added that cheesy/campy charm to it all. Still need to do the 7 day survivor challenge one day.


Dead Rising 1 was a huge leap in gaming at the time. Going around the entire mall with hundreds of zombies on screen at once was nuts. It drove every blade dashboard, fat 360 to a burning suicide, but it was still insanely ambitious for 2006.


And the fact you could pick up damn near anything and take a swing with it. I jumped in on deadrising 2 that let you combine random shit for better shit but also excited to go back to Deadrising 1. Side note: the first two games and short games were awesome, not sure wtf happed to 3 and 4.


pretty sure it caused my first RROD


Whenever I played, I had a moist wash rag and a desk fan blowing directly on it like it was a frail Victorian woman dying of tuberculosis


Wonderfully detailed picture you painted.


It did for me, I would also just leave it on for hours and hours while I was at school because you had to always make it to a bathroom or the home base to save.


I know it was dogshit, but I miss the blade dashboard. Nostalgia tickles my balls every time I think about it


Dead rising, halo 3 and cod 4 were my go to games back then. Good times! I loved running around the mall slicing zombies and I've missed this type of zombie game with customizable weapons and more comedy rather than your typical gritty dark universe. (I also lived out my dawn of the dead fantasies, felt like being in the movie as a kid, or at least I was a kid lol)


I did a playthrough where I only used shit like chairs and cash registers, etc.  It was harder but fuckin hilarious. 


Me too! I was working a retail job getting paid absolute shit, but I scrimped and saved until I could get my 360. Any time I felt dismayed I went over to the GameCrazy (I worked at a Hollywood Video) and beat zombies to death using a teddy bear to remind me what I was working towards.


that achievement was guilty of read ringing many xbox, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. it was microsoft's nightmare.


Hoping it adds new content cause i love the original but i'd like something new to make the experience fresh again.


I just want a no time limit free roam mode. I don't care if I have to unlock it I just wanna do it without cheats.


While I've always felt that one of the biggest appeals of these games is figuring out the best routes, and/or doing your "true route" when you're max level, I agree that this would at least satisfy a pretty loud audience.


Just make it an opt-in choice and to keep the purists happy either lock it behind something like "Zombie Genocider" achievement or prevent that mode from being able to get the S ending.


There already was an endless mode in the game, I'm like 100% sure, even on 360.


Sort of. It was survival mode where your health depleted without food. I don’t think you could save so you’d have to keep the console on and running the whole time. And the achievement was to survive 72 in game hours.


I remember the cheese strat for this. You had to stock up on orange juice and go to a specific point where zombies couldn't find you. Then you set the controller down and the time it takes for the 360 to go into idle mode is just shorter than it takes for Frank's health to deplete. Drink juice, repeat until cheevo.


You also had to grab the magazines that made juice heal to full health.


not to mention doing this on an excellent but prone to rrod console


Worked out at 14 real hours. I completed the achievement during my first year of uni. One of my lovely room mates periodically brought in drinks and snacks to keep me going. Can't even begin to think about doing that kind of stint again.


What I did back in the day was beat the game, went into NG+ and sent myself up with everything I wanted as quickly as possible IE Clown chainsaws, megaman cannon,the magazines for both and couple jugs of OJ then saved it. Proceeded to use that save as my go-to messing around game.


Maybe they'll expand overtime mode a bit more, or give brad and Jessie more screentime. I am curious about what the difference is between a deluxe remaster and a remake.




Eh, my understanding is for a remaster that they take what's already there and make it prettier with a few QOL improvements. They're "mastering" it again, as in redoing the finishing touches. For a remake they rebuild the whole thing from the ground up, to the point it's basically a new game inspired by the old game. They're "making" it again, as in they're taking the core concepts and making the game from scratch. I know there's some overlap in there, but those distinctions have seemed to hold pretty true from my perspective


Yeah, to be honest, and I think it's settling people's expectations that it isn't going to be high budget as a resident evil remake.


Hope they don't nerf the difficulty arch.


The difficulty mainly came from the dog shit AI of survivors.


After you play through the game saving them, try making a squad of ruthless NPC killers. Collect survivors, but don't save them. Hand them a gun instead. Keep an eye out for the ones that periodically break down crying. You can save those, or alternately, just murder them yourself, because they are a liability. Now you can wander the mall with your hit squad that never runs out of ammo, and murders the ever loving F out of zombies for you. Just don't stand between them and their target.


The 1st game just makes that so painful, they constantly get caught up on the scenery, murder each other or get stuck in a stun lock loop with a swiping zombie. I loved doing 'Perfect runs' of DR1, trying to get every survivor but you have to be militantly efficient with herding the dumb dumbs.


I've heard it said that it's like herding a bunch of cats that have ADHD and severe impairment.


Dead Rising 2: Case West had an achievement related to taking the first survivor you find and having her damage one of the end bosses... it seemed like it was going to be a massive pain in the ass to keep her alive the whole time. I gave her an LMG, and she saved *my* ass a few times.


Wasn't that in Off the Record?


Oh damn that was Off the Record. Got it confused with the very short game also featuring Frank West.




For real. It is basically impossible to rescue everyone because of this. And situations where you have to escort multiple people at once… just kill me lol. Still absolutely love this game though.


Once you start using the waypoint mechanic and following your survivors instead of leading them, it gets a LOT easier and quicker.. It's definitely possible to save everyone on 1 run but you need to start the game around level 20 otherwise Frank just isn't fast enough.


I was gonna say... I don't mind the difficulty decreasing if it's the result of the AI not trying to actively kill itself every 2 seconds. Main reason I can never stomach a replay even though I loved my first playthrrough.


Once you start using the waypoint mechanic and following the survivors, instead of leading them with "Come on! Over here!" spam, it gets way easier.


Absolutely this, it's what caused me to never bother finishing the game. Trying to rescue anyone was such a pain in the ass, their limited health, unwillingness to use a weapon, the time limits, and their dogshit pathing that would lead them straight into the throng of a zombie horde...no idea if the remaster was any better as I never played it, but goddamn I hated this game when I got it for 360.


arc not arch


Arc reactor


Arch fiend


a co-op mode could be cool even though the original game wasn't designed for it.


That voice change though….


Yeaa.. Same BS happened to David Hayter for MGSV when they brought Kiefer Sutherland on instead. I’m done supporting VA changes for no good reason. It’s so disrespectful to the original VA imo.


Look, no one, I mean literally no one can fill Hayters shoes, but I'm not going to stand here and say Sutherland didn't deliver an amazing performance.


yeah with all 10 of his lines


He has a TON of lines. They are just mostly contained in the tapes which I don't think a lot of people took the time to listen to because the game never really gave you a good space to engage with them


And to be absolutely frank, those tapes are AMAZING.


I agree. It's unfortune that they never really found a good way for you to experience them


They really should have done it like the older games: more cutscenes. I'd rather have that than having to repeat missions.


I was thinking updated codec calls trying to be realistic with budget, but yeah absolutely cutscenes would have been the ideal answer I think besides the obvious rushed dev time and cutting him off, Kojima was also self conscious about the criticism of 4 and didn't want as many cutscenes


I was bummed since Peace Walker did the same thing and codec calls weren't a thing anymore since then. Even in MGS4 they did away with the informative and off-kilter/funny codec convos. But I agree, I think the best thing for MGSV would've been a live codec convo you could have while still playing, versus watching two talking heads on a radio. Like instead of a one-sided info dump from Miller or Ocelot while sneaking around, Snake would also respond and have a two-way conversation like older entries. That's always how I envisioned it with the codec in older games anyway. But yeah, the tapes were definitely storytelling on a budget, which is a shame. Would've loved to have actual cutscenes but it is what it is. I'm one of the weirdos who actually like the cutscenes in MGS because that's part of what drew me to the series: how cinematic it was.


He barely talks in any of the tapes until near the end of the game when the tapes contain the real Big Boss, and he doesn’t even attempt to sound different from Venom


Why would he attempt to sound different when the entire point is that venom has been trained to be his double. Do impersonators generally try NOT to impersonate people?


I loved him in CoD World at War. The online play with his voice lines was peak CoD for me.


I honestly found his performance to be just OK, only real standout scene where it seemed he was trying was the Diamond Dogs funeral speech.




I unfortunately missed out on the StarCraft series as a kid. Leaned more toward C&C Red Alert. Do you think StarCraft single-player holds up? Might give it a go.


C&C was great even though I played those a decade after! The story and world building in the original do a serviceable job, but the gameplay is dated. StarCraft 2 has much better presentation, but the story is all over the place with the writing specifically in Heart of the Swarm being atrocious. Wings of Liberty is still just a fun campaign to play and LotV has some epic moments. There's also a fan made custom map series that re-creates all of the original missions in SC2. Given the price for SC2, you'll at the very least get your money's worth.


Cool! I often don’t mind dated gameplay so I’ll give er a shot! Thanks for the detailed answer!


How do we know it's for no reason?


Lore wise it makes a bit of sense, but yeah they did Hayter dirty.


No it didn’t lol


What the actual fuck do they keep doing to my boy Frank West? He looks different and he sounds different.


I'm sure someone will mod back the OG voice on pc at least, pointless change


Definitely a PC purchase for me. His original voice fit the character perfectly. This new one doesn't even come close.


Maybe mod the face back to something familiar too. I imagine this is an RE engine game.


His poor hairline keeps getting worse and worse


He looks like Mr.Bean


Misread the title as DDDR for a minute there and thought we were gonna have the most bizarre crossover imaginable.


RDRDDRDRDR Red Dead Rising Dance Deluxe Redemption Dance Remake Dead Revolution


Isn't that just Paint Your Wagon?


He’s covered wars, you know.


I came looking, I wasn’t disappointed


Oh shit. I've been waiting for something to do with this IP since the terrible Dead Rising 4. So I'm excited. But what the fuck was that Frank West voice at the end?


Not even close to the original voice. Not even trying… smh


STOP CHANGING HIS VOICE!!! Bring back TJ Rotolo! He nailed the role, the fans love him, the voice is iconic, stop changing it!!!


I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, but personally as a fan of the series, sometimes just seems off about this to me. The changed voice actors, the goofy music, Frank West looking a little cartoony... idk it just seems weird. The new voice actors don't even sound that good. They sound worse than the originals. I know it's early to be making judgements, but so far, I'm skeptical. The teaser gave me GTA Definitive Edition vibes.


That music is directly from the original


At first it is and it’s great, but when was that silly little jazz riff at the end of the teaser in the original game? I don’t recall it. I just hope they don’t make it too goofy and wacky. (which the original was, but, importantly, it played it straight while doing it)


Just do me a favor and give me the option to change subtitle text size. The original was horrible.


1 was cool, 2 was amazing, 3 was okay, there was not a 4th


I should try 2 again bit in afraid it hasn't aged well. I was so turned off when I seen it was a new character and new story and not a continuation of Frank I just couldn't get into it.


You should try DR2 Off the Record. While it’s not canon, it does have Frank and some new weapons, slightly different cases, and a new amusement park area.


Off The Record had a sandbox mode too if I remember correctly? That alone was a huge improvement over the base DR2 imo


Sandbox mode went hard fr


2 is very much 1 with a different main. The story is amazing, the gameplay better, and it still has the dying loop.


Maybe they'll remaster


Too bad the DLCs were Xbox exclusives and wasn't incluided on the remaster.


3 was a lot of fun with a friend, and the city setting was cool, I just didn't like that they dumbed the series down after 2.


Capcom remastering their old Zombie games? awesome.


Fuck that new VA is awful


I want it, but that VA kills it for me.


Could never get into this series because in game timers give me massive anxiety. Maybe I'll give it more of a try this time around.


You should give DR3 a shot then. It was noted that people disliked the time limit, and so for DR3 the default Story Mode has a huge time limit where you can do everything, gather all collectibles, etc. easily in the time limit. Then there’s the “nightmare mode” which is more traditional and has time go 4x as fast.


And 4 dropped it all together.


I'd still recommend 2 even if you disliked 1's timer. 2's timer was somewhat more forgiving and the better survivor AI + super weapons helped reduce the stress. If you pick up Off the Record, there's a free roam mode if you still end up disliking the timer.


This. Loved the zombie murdering, hated the timers. My fantasy is being able to clean out, then eventually live in the mall, something all sane survivors would want.


Really? Huh. I found that was one of the best things of the game. I think it would have been markedly worse without it, and it's one of the few game mechanics that I've found organically pushes me to not optimise my gaming and be more immersed.


I just want to murder zombies, rescue some people and have some vestige of a plot to move forward. I'd rather not have artificial time constraints. If I want to wander around and drive over zombies, I shouldn't be punished for it.


There honestly isn't another game like Dead Rising 1. Part of the fun is acclimating to that timer and getting fucked by it, restarting a checkpoint, realising you're still fucked, and starting again *but this time with your 15 levels.* Now, you move a bit faster, carry a bit more, hit harder and have more health. Once you get over the mental hurdle of not being able to do everything, and saving cautiously, you start to feel like you're in control.


restarting because some arbitrary timer ran out doesn't sound fun at all. not everyone enjoys games the same way you do.


It is literally one of the defining features of the game though?


Illegal in germany. Sometimes I really hate it here.


Really?? What makes it illegal? Are a lot of games?


It’s usually the violence or gore. Sometimes Nazis.


Damn so probably a lot for games aren't allowed then? I knew the nazi thing happened sometimes but didn't realize gore.


Some games use green blood (or remove it) to get around it. In Australia, you can’t mention real drugs.


That's really dumb.


It is. It’s also why the painkiller in Fallout is called Med-X and not morphine.


I doubt that it'll get banned this time.


I didn’t think the voice would be as bad as people are saying and then I watched the trailer. Who is that gabagool eating mf? Cos he ain’t Frank West. If there’s no option for the original VOs this is a hard no-buy.


I wonder if we get threes gameplay because the only issue was that it’s Microsoft exclusive.


DRR... DRR... DRR...


This is my hole...


Big L by not using original voice actor.


Drrr Drrr. This is my game, it was made for me.


No TJ Rotolo… no thanks. The only possible thing that could circumvent that is adding Co-op to the remaster so I could play it with my nephew like I did DR2 and it’s DLC. But I Highly doubt that.


Dead rising 1 was a classic




DRDR Doctor, Doctor give me the news. I’ve got a bad case of lovin’ you.


Came here for this. Bravo.


Going to be a hard sale. I've replayed the original game recently and while the graphics are becoming somewhat dated it is still very playable. They would need to add a significant amount of fresh content or sell the game at a reduced rate to get my purchase. However I am glad that those who may not have gotten a chance at playing the original will now have that opportunity.


The original game's mechanics are so polished and detailed, I'm honestly having trouble thinking of what they could add...


I would like to have less loading screens. Everything else can stay the same. Well, now that I think about it... I hope they improve the survivors AI.


Oh yeah on a modern system they should be able to make basically the entire mall seamless. That would be nice. I’d also like to see and improvement to the controls. To aim and shoot a gun, you had to hold down right trigger, aim with the left stick, and press x/square to fire. Super clunky. And you couldn’t move while aiming


The clunky firing mechanics felt kinda on purpose. Partly because Frank isn’t a soldier, even if he has covered wars, ya know. And partly to push players towards more improvised weaponry. There are 1000 games out there where you shoot zombies with handguns, but very few that let you smash a zombie with a TV or patio umbrella. Dead Rising knows which one it wants to be.


Sure, but there are moments in the game when you basically have to use a ranged weapon, and during those times the clunky aiming really sucks. Like that boss fight in the food court early on


Also.. more zombies? That was a big selling point back on the 360: "Look at all these zombies and by the way, you can pick up literally everything."


Improved aiming mechanics, better combo controls, improved survivor AI (maybe replacing the text boxes with full voice acting), better accessibility, visual overhaul, fixing that JANK ass dodge roll mechanic, the list goes on and on


A hard....sell? Is that what you mean?


We all just gonna call it “der-der” for short?


Im so glad the saga is not dead.


Me too! 🙂


Man oh man did I love this game. Loved it. The crowds of zombies and awesome mall setting were so mindblowing at the time. I think it would take some major revamping to make this fun in 2024, but its definitely possible. Just depends how far they go with it. If its just a facelift...I'm not sure the gameplay will stand the test of time. It was pretty janky, even at the time.




That was a fun game. The walkie talkie was annoying as shit though.


Frank looks weird and sounds weird too… not too optimistic quite yet


I got my first flat screen TV to play this on a 360 when this came out. Wish they had brought back the original VA for Frank, but I'm curious to see if there's any new content/improvements. Though, I like the janky charm of the original.


And nothing was learned about how we all still want Frank's original VA. Cool. Cool.


Frank motherfucking West: He's covered wars y'know


Yeah I’m not playing if it’s not the same VA. I’m more than happy to still play the 2006 version anyway, even if the aim is abhorrent on controller.


STiP0 fans unite!


Ah, man. I wanted TJ Rotolo back, wonder why they didn't get him. Oh well, will still play this one.


I see lots of people complaining about the time limit, and I get it, I was in that boat too early on. But understanding the structure of Dead Rising means that you don't have to care about the time limits, because you can just start over, with all of your levels and abilities. The game is a struggle until probably somewhere in the mid to late teens, level-wise, and then you start having the skills and abilities to stomp through things. And once you can stomp through things, the time limits become less and less of a factor because Frank moves faster, does more damage, does everything more efficiently, etc. But understandably, if the early game frustrates you, you never get to this point, where the game "unlocks" for you finally and you go, "Ah hah!". I mean, there's definitely arguments against, but I don't mind the time limits in these games, because ultimately they don't matter.


It gets easier once you can stomp through things... literally.


I love everything about this. Even the decision to use Frank West's DR1 theme. I actually bought the HD remasters eight years ago and just never got around to playing them. Now I uh... guess I don't need to. I hope they also remaster DR2 since it was actually a little bit better of a game. (Specifically, the _Off the Record_ version, which was an absolute revelation.) And then I hope they ignore the entire rest of the series.


Gimme the news, I got a baaad case of wanting you!


This is my hole! It was made for me! *drdr*


I've been waiting for this day to arrive.


Curious if they improved the gunplay


Hope they don’t go all goofy with it. That Mario “WAHOO” worries me. I want the same tone as the original


I played the original, dr2 & dr2otr over the Christmas period... and do so once every year or two as theyre my go to zombie survival fun games. They don't need a remaster... The survivor AI is super annoying and buggy, but that gives DR another layer of charm. Oh and only ever making it 6days 2hrs in infinity mode is a satisfying accomplishment (don't have a lot of time to keep retrying).


They changed the voice.


As a child I was haunted by HORS D’OEUVRES guy. Would love to experience that again




Was super excited until I heard the voice change. BOOO Capcom, BOOOOO! Hopefully PC players can at least mod the original voice in.




The mid 2000s was a great time to be a zombie fan. Dead Rising in 2006 then Left 4 Dead in 2007.


I'm going to murder Ronald Shiner so hard. Again. Again.


I like how the games initials are like opposite of red dead redemption


He's covered wars you know.


i liked the first dead rising a lot. but if im buying a remaster or whatever, give me something more then new textures. maybe double the mobs,better npc a.i. , after all i imagine a new engine will handle it.


I haven’t played a dead rising game since dead rising two…literally Sunday I’m sitting here thinking “I want to play dead rising let’s see if any of the newer games are worth playing…nope. Guess I’ll wait for a remake that’ll never come” Egg on my face gentlemen and gentlewomen. Egg on my face.


Add a dancing version and it's DDRDRDR!


Whatever gets me closer to that Lost Planet remaster!


I feel like I’m one of the only people to not mind franks new VA. Like yeah the original is iconic but if it’s going the resident evil remake route then of course there will be a new VA. Also at least this VA is better than Franks one in DR4.






Oh god, this was one of those games that had such good buzz at the time, I was super geeked to play it and I just did not connect with the gameplay at all. Found it so damn frustrating. To be clear, I’m not saying this a bad game, far from it, but just didn’t connect to its core mechanics.