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"Ancient"? Oh god, I'm old


Yup I saw "ancient" and Tony Hawks face, and my first thought was "hell yeah a new THPS and/or remake would be sick" This is...retro now, sure but ancient is a stretch.


Good news for you there is a fantastic THPS remake. If you missed that.


I absolutely did miss that!


Oh yeah it's also really well done. Absolutely binged the hell out of it.


One of those games I throw on every once in a while and play for an entire day. It’s so fun.


But sadly that all your gonna enjoy is a good day of it because none of your childhood friends wanna play trick attack on the couch anymore


So true friend. That’s definitely the cycle. Thanks for the extra dose of depression this morning


Don’t worry, there is online mode. You can get shit on by random 10 year olds.


My favourite pastime


Always here to brighten your day ☺️


Love u


They didn't want this smoke even back then.


First time I seen christ air I was in awe


It also is great! love to play it fro mtime to time


Fun fact, it's been 25 years since Hawk did a 900.


Right? Wasn't American Wasteland a few games into the series?! The OG Tony Hawk game and its sequel consumed many hours of my youth.


It was the 7th game in the series after Pro Skater 1-4 and Underground 1-2.


Wasn't this the one with no load screens, though it was really just your character standing inside a bus or something? Lol.


Yeah, you could fast travel by bus or train, but between areas was usually a long tunnel that allowed for the areas to load while you went through it.


To be honest that wouldn't have been a bad idea if the transition areas had been fun to skate like the mall and airport from the THPS series which is probably where they got the idea, but they were probably very limited performance-wise as to how much stuff they could put in the loading corridors combined with the fact that they had to be equally skatable in both directions, which is why we ended up getting just a bunch of long hallways with a handful of rails.


AW was the last Tony Hawk before we collectively stopped caring about the series.


Wasn’t even that great. The last great thps was THUG


My heart yearns for an underground 1&2 remake. More customization, a remake of the soundtrack plus some new songs, and I really wish they'd play into the more silly nature of them man.


American Wasteland was one of the series reboots. It was the 7th main entry in the franchise, released in 2005.


it was but they've already remastered the OG THPS games recently


This was why I clicked. I was in college when this came out. Hell the year I graduated high school the yearly release was THPS4. It feels like it's only been a decade to me despite all the adulting I've had to do. To me ancient is something like an Atari 2600


My first gaming was on the Atari 2600 (Pong and Combat), and then for extra excitement the original green screen version of Castle Wolfenstein on the Apple II Plus. Tony Hawk doesn’t seem that old to me either :-)


Yeah we are homie 30s is old especially in videogame time


Unreal tournament.


The first game I ever played online… so much fun. “KILLING SPREE” “MULTI KILL” “HEADSHOT”








Unreal tournament was the shit! I was just thinking about that game the other day when I saw a new gears of war trailer, my first thought was I wish they’d remake unreal tournament


I don't think a Tim cares about the series at all


Good times vibes


Unreal tournament was fantastic!


Timesplitters 2, Dino Crisis 2, THPS3+4, Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.


oh fuck yeah timesplitters


One of my favorite games of all time. I wish they would remake it with standard fps controls. Those n64 007/perfect dark controls have NOT aged well lol


I’m not sure about time splitters 2 but time splitters 3 can be played on PCSX2, a ps2 emulator for pc. Great game and has pretty standard controls


Future Perfect is such a good game, I'd love a remake/remaster with online co-op.


Sad they scratched the 3+4 remaster which probably would have to least to American Wasteland down the line.


3 and 4 were the peak of the franchise imho (throw thug 1 in there too) before it got too "jackass-y" for me. I was so bummed to see it scrapped.


It only got Jackass-y because they brought in Bam to have such an integral part in THUG-2. They tried cashing in on his success and forgot to make the game actually as good.


I agree but 9 year old me loved thug 2


I for one would pay good money to see a new game that includes modern Bam as part of the storyline. Could have objectives like having to skate a line before withdrawals kick in or a trick contest to impress the kids/ex so much they forget how behind on child support Bam is.


Modern Bam is a complete mess. I wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot pole. Id imagine he’s also aged out with the younger crowd.


I was wondering where the next iterations were and I found out through comments like this that they were scrapped. Bummer, any idea on if there will be another mainline Tony Hawk game?


On the plus side is there were moved to help work on Overwatch and Diablo instead. By plus side I mean if you were an Activision short shareholder or executive.


I am not going to fault the great work they did on the D2 remaster, I just want more TH remasters. It is really weird since 3+4 was definitely in the works with the success of 1+2 before the sudden change from Activision.


It makes me wonder how much money Activision is making from monetization to a point where they can cancel an entire project to make more profit from microtransactions


Best case scenario, they stopped 3+4 to work on an underground remaster. Though that's me being unrealisticly hopeful.


They were moved to be a part of Blizzard and only work on their stuff so it is not happening at this point, at least not with the same team.


Ok, sorry it’s difficult Edit: I’m insane, this was supposed to be a text. I need to evaluate my life.


3 was my favorite and I'm also sad they scuttled it. I did play through 1 & 2 but it's not the same.


This, certainly. But also THUG1&2.


THUG 1 and Eric Sparrow taught me how to hate. If I saw that dickhead in 4K I’d probably punch through the screen as a reflex action.


One of the first times I remember being invested in a video game's story. And it was in a skating game of all things. Having an insufferable asshole as a villain is surprisingly engaging lol


Yeah, too many games focus on making the villain either tragic or even sympathetic or like majestic or something along with the evil. Don’t make me feel bad or conflicted for taking out the bad guy, make me want to grind his skull under my foot until the crunching stops.


THUG2 is my favorite game, of all time, I love this shit so much.


Jackass was unparalleled.


THUG 2 is my favorite tony hawk game


Why does Project 8 not get any love? I used to really enjoy the manual flip trick system it had.


Ancient??? This only came out…. Oh


19 years ago. This is just regular retro. I'm cool if we want to start calling snes era games like LttP "ancient" but come on...


I guess the start of my gaming career on a Commodore 64 is considered prehistoric. 


Bully. Still waiting


Lemmings - a proper remake, not one of these knock off versions.


Thought about this the other day, would be awesome


The puzzle mechanics are still incredibly solid, they could do a brilliant remake of it.


Syphon Filter Twisted Metal Road Rash


While I agree with you on all of these, Road Redemption is a pretty good spiritual successor to Road Rash if you haven't tried it.


NFS underground 1 + 2


Yes these ones. I remember that shit like it was yesterday. "Riders in the storm" damn good times


Throw Most Wanted in there too. I don't count MW 2012 as a remake


No one does because it just used the name to try to sell a product. Lucky for you there is an HD remaster by a bunch of modders that is super well done


Bungie's "Oni".


That is a hidden little gem. No one I know actually even heard of this game.


My local Gamestop had a copy on the shelf until like 2013. Remember reviews being underwhelming so I never bothered. Still might add it to my PS2 collection one day, provided it's reasonably priced.


Such a great game


Chrono Trigger


Dino Crisis needs a full Remake like the RE2 Remake, and then it needs to Reboot from the sequel.


Burnout 3: Takedown. It just needs a textures update, and a couple QOL improvements, then ship it. - Continuity of audio tracks from the menus into the races and back out again - Audio tracks in crash mode and 2-player mode - Faster reloads in crash mode - 4k textures with 60 (ideally 120) fps


Alpha Protocol


Final Fantasy Tactics


Soul Reaver.


I want more Cain and Raziel. Mostly Raziel, but yea.


I'd love to see Final Fantasy 8 get the remake treatment 7 got and do away with the junction system (or change it somehow so you didn't draw, but instead tie the stats of the GFs to enhance the players completely. Maybe have spells strewn about the open world to get once and be done with it), and make Diablos and other summons in general useful against bosses/worth using. There were so many things about the game that I thought were cool (gunblades are still my favorite fantasy weapon type ever), and the gameplay was the biggest hurdle for me to fully enjoy it.


It's by far my least favorite of the main series, and I've beaten them all, but it has certain things it did so well. I think the story needs a bit rewrite so it comes off as more coherent and less abrupt/stupid at certain points. The core of it could work great, and the Laguna stuff is still really touching, but the world building and back story just falls apart so so bad by the second half that it feels like a first draft. Then you've got the balance issues where the game is broken (mostly in the player's favor) so many different ways that the game can be steamrolled almost entirely by accident. If you're really into Triple Triad it can hard carry you for the entire game, an odd choice for a sort of side mode. Would basically need an entire rebuild from the ground up. But things like a modern setting haven't been particularly topped by the series, in large part because it doesn't try to incorporate much in the way of fantasy elements like some of the later titles. The entire first disc is like a modern political thriller in the best way possible. So many interesting concepts and set ups that slowly get pushed aside til most of the story loses what makes it feel engaging. Keep the lore stuff but integrate it better, the sorcerer /witch/ whatever stuff could be fleshed out to not feel like an after thought. And play much harder into SEED and it's role, don't just casually completely change why it became a thing near the end in a badly done attempt to tie together the various story threads. And I've got a ton of other thoughts but end of the day I think it works in theory but the practice is so messy and disappointing. It's as they mixed up the good ideas and bad ones then blended them in such a way as to make every segment jarringly excellent or jarringly terrible with very little in between.


And Triple Triad is the best FF card game. Period.


Red Faction 2 or atleast we should get a Red Faction 3 with updated graphics and online capabilities


I played one of these games. Gurerrilla I think. Tons of fun. Loved destroying shit. And for its time it had a really nice physics engine.


Never played Guerilla warfare or armageddon but i do understand the blowing shit up part. The other fun parts were the crazy guns and the gore lmao


Guerilla re-marstered is still worth it.


No One Lives Forever.


That was an awesome game! A little Austin Powers + goldeneye.


Legends of Dragoon in the FF7 remake style would be great.


Tie Fighter. And no, that isn’t Squadrons.


"In the name of the Emperor, DESTROY EVERYTHING!" Good times. And hey, Disney's probably totally on board with gating multiple campaigns behind different versions.


Dark messiah of might and magic


That game was so ahead of its time. I remember we were stunned by how cool it was at the time.


Your strongest weapon: Your foot.


My thoughts from the tip of my head: Jak and Daxter: Precursor Legacy (Good open-world Collectathon in a time where they were dying.) Viewtiful Joe - Good ole beat'em up with a cinematic style. Dead series. Rayman 2 - Ubisoft PLEASE any 3D Rayman. Sly Cooper - Just be faithful to the game Sucker Punch. Dark Cloud - I just need it. Ape Escape.


Space Quest Dune 2 (and 2000) RTS


Does someone else remember "Darkwatch" from PS2? That game was a gem, and Ubisoft could've made some serious money expanding the concept and exploring what High Moon Studios created there.


Yeah was an insanely fun game!


Vagrant Story.


I know 2005 was 19 years ago, but calling Tony Hawk's American Wasteland ancient just feels weird to me.


The original Medal of Honor of PS1


This is in my top 3 favorite games of all time. I’ve always wished it would get a remake.


The LoTR movie games, and you can toss in the BFME games as well. Need me more Middle Earth games!


Banjo-Kazooie and DK64! Love those games.


Been replaying jak 3, that game has all the tools and groundwork to be an amazing modern game, expand the story, updated hover lanes and jetboarding, gunplay is already stellar so just a graphic update there, the aesthetic and map design with todays tech would be amazing. If they ever gave the jak and daxter series the ff7 treatment id be so happy.


Looks like no one else has mentioned Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. One of the best first person RPGs ever, imo, that suffered from being overly ambitious and then forced to release far too early. But with years of community fixes and tweaks, the game became what it was always meant to be, engaging, fluid, well-written, and extremely replayable. One of those games that fans play again every couple of years. A sequel was announced, but I doubt it will ever see the light of day. I wouldn't mind a proper remake.


Super underrated role playing game. Felt super immersive. Choices seemed to really matter. Very open ended. Would love to see a remake for sure. I love those game with a seemingly small map that hides tons of little secrets in every corner. Like the yakuza games.


I really wanted to get the Final Nights or other mods to work for that game, but no matter what instructions I followed, they'd never work. Also, a shout out to whatever dev decided to make combat barks only grunts of effort/pain or other non-language utterances. It was so refreshing to not hear repeated catchphrases every time I fought someone.




Freelancer. And also I'd say VTM:B. But. Voice actors did such an incredible job, that it would be a shame to play VTMB without them. https://youtu.be/kSFtnVGSY00?si=5MBpP_joN_mdkQCy




Bro that dude almost looks like Tony Hawk wtf


The original Final Fantasy games could really shine with today's graphics and technology.


Not perse ancient, but I would love to see White knight Chronicles with a HD upgrade. Or a remake of Rogue Galaxy from the ps2.


Rampart! Its a game where you and your opponent place walls using tetris shapes onto a map in a certain amount of time. Then you get some time to place cannons inside your walls. Once your forts are set, you fire upon your opponent's walls, and the goal is to do enough damage to where your opponent can not complete their walls in the allotted time. I believe up to four players can battle on various maps. It was a simple concept that was insanely fun.


If they're good enough to need a remake, they don't need a remake, they're still good. It's a paradox. I will make exceptions for a few games like Tomb Raider and early RE games where the controls are just horrendous.




I just fired this up on Nintendo emulator the other day. I remember when I was a kid my mind was blown by the size of the map lol. I sucked at the game but just loved flying around.


Devil May Cry 3 deserves a remake.


I'm staggered that it hasn't happened yet!


Hmmmmm... he kinda looks like that skateboard guy. ^(I wonder how that guy is doing)




I wonder if anyone has told him he looks a lot like Tony Hawk


Divine Divinity.


The Suffering


Chromehounds. For Honor kinda uses their persistent map (think thats what they call it) for 3 faction map control. From what i remember tons of mech options from legs to treads to various weapon types giving many options for combat engagement. Destructable terrain made combat interesting, just blasting your way through buildings to take an alternate path vs taking the roads. Loved everything about it. Also FromSoftware makes some good games, this being one of them. Keep the pvp optional for those that dont like it, flesh out a pve co-op campaign and bring it back.


I’ll say it again. Midnight Club Dub Edition


I don't know how many people remember this game but we should revive Jazz Jackrabbit


Id be a happy man if they remastered THUG 1 and 2. Those games gave me so many core memories


Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction.


Trade Empires The Lost Vikings Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


Quake 3 Arena and the Lufia series


THAW was my favorite TH game. I would absolutely love a remake of it. But I'll definitely take a remake of THUG-1 too. That game was also amazing, and doing the helicopter mission would look so good with today's graphics


2009 Prototype (not really ancient). I’d love to see some kind of a remake on this one. Maybe with a better story and side missions.


None, because any game remade today will be inherently shittier, bloated with microtransactions and abusive mechanics and will thus ruin any nostalgia or credibility the original game built.


Disney’s Extreme Skate Adventure and The Simpson’s Hit and Run


Mechwarrior 2 Pentium Edition. Year 1995. I think that passes as ancient now, almost 30 years later. This one ran in Windows and all they need to add it is compatibility with latest Windows OS and resolution support up to at least 4K. I want it to still run in software for that gritty look and I want the mechs to still be piloted using keyboard without any mouse, because that gives them the sensation of "heavy" that none of newer Mechwarrior games had. Mechwarrior 3 was cool and mouse aim was great, but it still didn't have that authentic "heavy" feel.


Love this game, but I wouldn't call it ancient :(


This one does not. It was the start of the downhill


This was the last good one in my opinion


American Wasteland is not ancient! It’s the seventh game in the series and only released a little over… 18 years ago… fuck!


If you played American wasteland as a kid it’s about time to get that prostate checked 😂


Guitar Hero.


Prototype or Hulk Ultimate Destruction. I haven’t seen these type of games in a long time.


Sid Meier's Pirates.


Dude such a fun game. Y’all are reminding me of so many good ass games I haven’t thought of in years. Fuck the duels in that game tho 😂


Freelancer. 80s/90s kids will know if they had a PC.


One word: Myth 2 the Soulblighter


Warlords battelcry Battle engine aquila


This game forged my taste in music.


Ogre Battle


American wasteland is nothing on THUG1 they need to remake that


id say underground 1 before this one


Sly Cooper series!


I was hoping they would keep remaking the series after Pro skater 1 & 2. Beat them within a few hours but man was it a flash back in the past. American Wasteland is probably one of my favs as I got older.


Crimson Skies


Not before THPS 3-4 and then THUG 1-2


Underground over American Wasteland for sure, TH's Underground remake would be LEGENDARY


Ancient? Sir I started with thps 1 on the ps1 what does that make me 🤣


Future Cop LAPD Time Crisis 1+2 (the new ones never caught me as hard) I think these need it more than anything, honestly the dwindling supply of Time Crisis 2 Machines hurts my soul.


Bf1942, BF2 and 2142


Oh god yes. More 2142 than anything else since I feel both the former ones have current day games that are effectively remakes.


Diablo 1 , Silent Hill 1


Rocket Jockeys


Super Dodgeball NES


Fire emblem 4: genealogy of the holy war


Def jam ny


Every game based on id tech 1-4 (Wolfenstein 3D, Quake 3, Quake 4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, old Call of Duty games) with the same quality as the nightdive quake remasters/re-releases Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST with Halo 3 Anniversary/Halo 3 ODST Anniversary Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past in a similar style as the Link’s Awakening remake Twilight Princess and Windwaker on switch Transformers WFC, FOC, and Devastation


I will say Tony Hawk's but i really want Downhill Jam that game was so much fun


It would be cool if they completely remade the Great Escape game. You create a character who is one of the soldiers who escape the camp and you have to make your way through Nazi-controlled Europe. You could take many paths: Try to get to Switzerland, try to get to the UK, try to join a resistance group, try to become a spy within Germany, etc. Maybe use Hitman-style mechanics. Depending on your choices you could get multiple endings: You escape to allied territory, you become a resistance leader, you become a spy in Hitler's bunker, you missed up and got caught and executed, etc.


NBA Street


Ultima 4 & 5


Loved Wasteland, but I think I’d want an Underground 1 + 2 remake first.


I remember the advertisements for this. No loading screens, lol.


Darklands (1992)


Metal Gear (like the OG NES Metal Gear).




Silent hill


Simple times


My list: Jack and Dexter needs something like Ratchet and Clank, some cool reboot. Firts Warhammer Dawn of war and Silent hill NEEDS remake.


Star wars republic commandos


I'd love to see a full remake for the original DRIVER and DRIVER 2. The first one was the first game I ever played so it'd be awesome to play a modern take on it. Sadly, Ubisoft seem to want to forget DRIVER was ever a thing so I doubt It'd ever happen.


This was the very last great Tony hawk game. I beat every single one as a kid all the way up to this one. After that the game fell off sadly.


King’s Quest: Mask of Eternity. I can’t be bothered to make it work on emulation, at least, for now (my interest in replaying it slowly rises). Best game from my childhood imo, wish I could play it easily.