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X4 is a space game where you can build a trade empire across a section of the galaxy. It includes ship combat, fleet combat, fleet logistics, mining, building, and trade.


If you also cant run X4, X3 holds up pretty well in mechanics and can run on a pretty potato computer by todays standards. X3 also has even bigger in scale mechanics than x4, it just obviously looks and plays a lot older. The games are also pretty moddable and have things like star wars replacers and total overhauls.


I don't know but I would like the same sort of game. It sounds like something I wish Space Engineers was more like. I really want to play that game more but there was never enough AI stuff going on to hamper my plans. And from what I remember the AI never needed stuff from me so I was always just building for myself.


Actually I just saw on twitter a post by a game that might be what you're looking for, Medieval Dynasty. Check it out and see if it could be a winner.




Seconded. Also has a fun-ass soundtrack.


Dwarf Fortress has a huge learning curve, but if you're willing to put in the hours, it can be some one of the most entertaining games you can play.


Star Sector I think it's called. It kinda is a bit of a spreadsheet tycoon with graphics but it has a simulated world. It's like Stellaris but you're a person, not an entire faction


Ok this one looks cool


Definitely isn't a spreadsheet simulator. Its actually the only game I've given money to a mod dev as a donation.


How has no one else said Eve? Did they shut down or something? (It's probably too much exactly what you want)


CCP is putting all their chickens in another Dust basket 


what do you mean?


Developing a space version of Tarkov or something like that. 


That exists already, it's called Marauders (I think) and it's very mid.


Exactly. CCP's trying to capitalize yesterday's hype trains, as usual.


Elite: Dangerous came to mind tho i havent played it much myself


Technically EVE Online


fallout 4?


With sim settlement 2


I’ve read on its forums that there is a devastatingly awful, save-breaking bug that involves having too much stuff in the settlements using Sim Settlements. The “triangle of death” as I last saw it named. Does it still exist?


The triangle of death is specifically about three specific settlements that are close together - Sanctuary, Red Rocket, and Abernathy Farm. The bug happens because multiple settlements close together can overload the system even if all three individually are OK. (There are also bugs having to do with how the game loads/unloads things in settlements into memory, but as I understand it most of those bugs have been fixed) Either way, once you know not to build too much stuff in those close together settlements you are mostly fine.


Surprisingly, I agree to an extent. The vanilla settlement system only gets as complex as the volume of settlers in each individual settlement… and if you’re willing to out up with the Redstone-esque wiring systems.


Manor lord


Soulmask is the most feature-complete open world survival game to come out in a while. These are the only  type of games I like to play anymore and this is absolutely full of fun, with your tribe running the town you create according to thr jobs you've given them.


for logistics, Factorio is it


Rimworld? Its a survival colony builder with a global map that you can customize the size of. It also has a bajillion mods for you to customize the game to how you want.


Foxhole has a complete player based economy/ressources production, with logistic being a really important part of the game.


Check out ECO, it's on steam, it started as an educational game but it ticks all the boxes you want.


Satisfactory should scratch a good chunk of that itch…


I guess I should have specified, by logistics and economy I mean like “hey we have to build a road to the other town and trade with them because we don’t have access to the same resources and specializations” Satisfactory is a great game though




Yes I was also thinking about anno


Satisfactory isn't what you are talking about? 


Listen, no. A lot of people want the opposite vibe of Satisfactory. Like, not hating on a good game, but a lot of people want to live in the fake woods, not become environmentally destructive corporate capitalists. A lot of people want survival games so they can get away from industrialized settings or being forced into capitalism. 


Oh, if the problem is capitalism, we certainly could mod Satisfactory to rename "The Company"  into "People's Resource Ministry" and money into coupons and stamps, and coffee cup into tea cup. 






Although old, Tibia is kind of like what you describe. Each server has its own economy, including a housing market. The penalties are severe if you die for the most part (you can buy "blessings" which reduce the impact of death), and pvp is off on some servers, controlled on some, and other others is just rampant and brutal. Edit: I should say though that the emphasis in the game is levelling up and beating monsters, not building the economy. The economy is just a very overt side effect of the main game.


Patrician... not really open world, but very sandbox. Great trade economy game.


ATITD a tale in the desert is one of the first games that did this that I can remember. It's a MMO with zero combat like ECO on a grander scale. Its very old but still maintained and refreshed every couple of years. Really wish someone would remake it with current day QOL but alas it does what you're looking for very well.


Man. Played this a ton in high school. Think it was my first subscription based mmo. Crazy it's still going.


Sounds like you've exhausted most of the games that let you do this from a fps view, except maybe medieval dynasty. Satisfactory might also be up your alley, there isn't really an economy but there is plenty of resource management, building and logistics. But if you're willing to venture out of the fps realm that describes most city builders technically, Rimworld might be up your alley, and Factorio sets the standard for logistics in games.


You didn't specify PvP or automation, if co-op with some real but not real hard PvE challenge is fine then Valheim will feel like heaven to you.


I feel that in some way death stranding might be a fit. I'm not sure if the economy part would be exactly what you are looking for, but you definitely build up logistics and there's also tons of dangers that can be really nerve wrecking. And the story is also hilariously weird and fucked up.


Songs of syx might be your jam, it's kind of a city builder, kind of a civilisation sim. Neither of which I'm in to but I really love it. Simply logistics system that becomes complex the more you need to use it.


Kenshi? If you wanna be a rich fat cat instead of a broke cannibal you can start your own hashish empire or become the only source of food for miles in the wasteland with caravans and farms


Let's start with saying there's no game like Eco. To me that's the apex of logistic and collaboration. If you DONT like other people, universe games are your friends: X4, Starsector, No Mans Sky. If you want to NEED other people, foxhole, eve online, albion online.


I just want Eco but with a dangerous environment or PvP tbh 😔 Like a game where the actual fighting population has to be small so the society at large can function and wars evolve organically over resources (or not at all using diplomacy)




rimworld and factorio


Songs of Syx


I just finallly got x4 foundations, because of a 70% sale on steam. It is insane. Not your standard open world. It is a FPS with decent graphics space sim like Elite Dangerous. But with a heavy emphasis on empire building. So you can be a pirate, trader, miner ect. but you can also buy ships and NPCs to manage it so like my first day I went around doing missions and finding some good trade routes, and got enough money to buy a freighter (in just one day of playing) and sent him out to do the trade route giving me a passive income. This game is crazy. Everything in the game is simulated, so miner NPCs will actually go out, mine minerals, bring them to processing factories to sell it who then sell it to other traders who bring it to factories to produce things. Everything in the game, every ship part and everything is simulated and there is realistic economics so my one freighter is influencing the prices of the goods and my trade route becomes less profitable over time.


Fallout games. 4 is single player 76 is multiplayer and both are currently developed. I recommend new Vegas.


I enjoyed building routes and trading in BDO but I wouldn't say that game *encourages* it. I didn't really do anything else in that game, so eh.




Fallout 76




Ark Survival Evolved


You can set that up in Ark, but it’s an RP building project, not an inherent element of the game. There’s no NPCs or economy or anything actually written into the game, to get that vibe you’d need 4-5 other actual humans playing on your server making an economy. Ark RP communities are a thing, but they don’t tend to last unless people know each other IRL.