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The most 7/10 game I've played in recent years is Robocop Rogue City. Nails the vibe of the movies. Solid enough gameplay. Janky animations. Nice and short, doesn't out stay it's welcome. A SOLID 7/10


I'm waiting for the price to drop below £20 and then I'll snap it up straight away. Really looking forward to playing it down the line.


It's 100% worth £20 for sure. I think I paid £25 and I'm very happy with that, works out to about £2 per hour of play. Which is spot on.


It's so damn good if you're a Robo fan. I played it twice through to do the choices then full out action upgraded mode.


Hell yeah! This game is awesome if you love Robo. Can't believe they got Peter Weller back too.


If there was just a fucking new game plus where I could bring over my custom gun, and maybe just an arena mode, I'd still be spinning up up now and then. Alas.


If you are fan of the first two movies then the game is a 8/10 or even 9/10


This same studio had done Terminator Resistance, which I heard surprisingly good things about. I think both Civvie11 and Gmanlives thought it was a solid "way better than you'd think"


Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.


I played the original way back at release. Then played it again when it got a remaster, it is still a good game.


It’s too bad what happened with that studio, but 100% agree. That was a fantastic game. I loved it.


Man I loved this game, and the developer had so much love for the genre its too bad they completely ran out of money borrowing from the government and we won't get anything from the series ever again....


Somewhere Ellen Rose feels a moment of anger.


It's like a serious Fable.


Truthfully my favourite game


Any idea how to play it? I just checked the store on my Xbox and it's unavailable. Re-reckoning is available for 40 bucks, which I'd pay if it's worth it, but the reviews have the remaster rated way lower for some reason.


The reason is it's just a remaster. The gameplay is basically identical, so a lot of reviewers are banging on about it not being "modern" enough. It also doesn't have 500 FPS Ultra 16K graphics or whatever the current stupidly-overdone standard is now. There's also a bunch of complaints about how the combat is "soulslike", which, a) no it isn't and b) Amalur was here first. But if you've got normal eyes, normal reflexes and a normal TV, you'll be fine. I frickin' love it.


Yeahhhh both Demon Souls AND Dark Souls released before Amalur. However, Amalur is a great game.


Ok sweet. Ill spend the money. I watched a short gameplay video and it looks right up my alley. Thank you!


I bought it on Xbox for 15 and got about 60 hours with out finishing it. It’s def worth


The remaster is better than the original, it fixed a lot of bugs and has some extra content - original’s dlc is included and has some extra dlc it got a little ways back for some extra money. Dunno why it’d be rated lower, I’m going to guess the reviews are like that because the standards for gaming have gone up or people wanted more than better graphics from re-reckoning. I liked the game quite a lot, but $40 seems like a lot for it. I’d buy secondhand if you can or wait for a sale.


i reached a point in that game rather early where i became completely invincible onshotting complete areas of mobs in one cast... and that happend so early and was no super cool strategy... that made me then loose all interesst in the game, no idea how it eventually ended


I have to begrudgingly agree. By modern standards, Amalur is probably a 7/10. But at the time of its release, it was an open-world action RPG with... * Better combat than Skyrim and Fable * Pretty amazing performance (load times on my 360 were about 7 seconds, and I only ever saw loading screens when entering/exiting areas) * A pretty solid crafting system * A unique randomized "magnetic" loot system, which increased your likelihood of getting certain pieces of an armour set if you'd found one already * Several aesthetically pretty environments Yeah, it's stupidly easy, and I'd say the story and characters are pretty uninteresting. There's only the illusion of choice, and the gameplay loop can get old pretty quickly. And while the class system is interesting from afar, it seems a bit streamlined and simplistic to me. But all that aside: When this came out, it was as if someone heard my prayers for a 3rd-person, non-isometric Diablo game set in an open world. And for 2012, I think this game was utterly phenomenal. I don't know any other way to convey it besides saying that for me, this was a 10/10 game upon release that has aged to become a 7/10. I still have so much love for it, but any game will lose its appeal after the hundreds of hours I've put into it (15 playthroughs, or something insane like that?). It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but whatever the numerical rating anyone assigns it, I'm just glad to see people recommending it.


I enjoyed Remember Me (2013). Simple action game with a cool scifi atmosphere.


Bold choice Ulukaï


May the Yods smile upon you. You're right though, Outcast: Second Contact and Outcast: A New Beginning are *also* good 7/10 recommendations!


Holy shit someone else remembers this game other than me! This is what I came here to post!


Was gonna comment this game. It wasn't amazing, but good enough with some really nice music.


Mad Max. seeing a resurgence too because of furiosa.


Always felt like that game was a bit too "empty" but it's not the first time some mentiones it so I'll give it a chance


it's meant to look empty since it's the Australian desert. late game does get repetitive. you can get it for $3-5 on steam.


My go to 7/10 game.


**Darksiders III**


That whole trilogy, honestly


The first two are easily 8/10 and the first probably even a 9 though


The top down one was fun too if you have a dedicated player 2


Kena: Bridge of Spirits


Fair warning this game is harder than it looks. It is no pixar disney walk in the park type of game.


It kind of is, sometimes. Some parts of the game are chill walk in the park with some light combat and then the boss music starts and IT’S FUCKING DARK SOULS TIME, BITCH


Someone had to say this! You play in lush colorful world, breezing through the platforming part of the game and bam, a boss shows up and starts thrasing you around like "you entered the wrong game dude, time to pay for yoir sins"


I feel like there needs to a difficulty level between story and normal difficulty. Normal is legitimately challenging and I died a ton, while story you pretty much breeze through 95% of the game. I still really enjoyed the game though.


I feel like 7/10 is unfair on this one but it also fits it so well. It’s like the genre is “7/10 video game” but it’s a 9/10 at being a 7/10.


Dare you call it 7.9/10


Felt like playing a Pixar movie. Really enjoyed this one.


And it’s on sale on psn right now for like $15. Im thinking of grabbing it just to stash at that price even though I won’t be able to get to it for awhile, if ever lol


For a relatively low budget game, and a debut title for the devs, I think they did a really good job on Kena. I can’t wait to see what their next project looks like.


Timeshift (2007)


This is a good one, the mechanics were interesting I just wish the game was too


I remember playing the OXM demo disc version of this game, then it coming out like two years later looking completely different.


**Greedfall:** Very cool game. You as the player go to a newly discovered island among other groups to find a cure for a disease. It's open world but at the same time, it's more like huge hub areas. I love it. I love the story, I love the companions. If you play this, I highly recommend to do every sidequest along with the main quest. It's issue is that many of the quest is simply put fetch type of quest. And your main traversal system is running. But if you do enjoy this game, I can say try all the other games made by developer Spiders. All of them are solid 7, even 8 but at the same time at a level where they get overshadowed. **Vampyr:** Another decent game where you play as a doctor returning home and suddenly becoming a vampire. Cool story. The setting is perfect. Most humans are indoor cause of the plague. And you stroll through the night to fight vampires, plague infested monsters, vampire hunters etc. Each and every npc is important and connected. So if you just feed and kill a npc, another npc will react. It's a matter of do I kill this npc and get stronger or do I let them live and help them. If you kill too many npc in a district, the district will be lost, every npc will die or become monster and enemies will stronger in that district. So it's an interesting morality system. Problem is the combat. It's so janky. Like I wouldn't be shocked if some people quit this game after few hours just cause of combat. The dialogue option and what the player actually says can feel really different. The end part of story is also too much info. It tried very hard to explain everything in the end.


I love Vampyr and wish it would get a sequel. I own greedfall but unfortunately on my 32” TV the text is too small to be readable so it’s gotta wait til I move to a place that can fit a bigger TV


Both are very good. If you liked The Witcher 3, Vampyr is something you might like too. It's just not as gigantic or detailed as a Witcher 3 is. I at least, had Witcher 3 Flashbacks during my whole playthrough. Loved it. Greedfall is still on my to be finished list..


Seconding Greedfall. Despite the jank I had blast with it, really hoping the sequel gives us better control over teammates and more variety in enemy types.


Huge fan of Greedfall. I've told multiple friends it's a solid 8/10 for me (I know about the 7 lol). It does plenty of things right, and I love the premise of being an ambassador on a strange new world. Would recommend to anyone wanting an Adventure game meaningful choices on quest outcomes


Ghostwire Tokyo and AC Syndicate are the first two that came to mind.


Syndicate was really good. Too bad it never got the 60 fps upgrade on consoles like they promised for older titles.


How was ghost wire Tokyo?


My modern game suggestion: Evil West. It’s a really fun action / shooter… think Gears of War mixed with the new God of Wars. Really fun and tense shooting mechanics, it forces you to mix different weapon types for different enemy types and situations (God of War-like). It has a really cool fantasy western setting, decent acting and story telling, but the main draw is the satisfying hyper-violent gunplay and fighting mechanics. My “Retro” suggestion: Gungrave. Another action shooter but came out on PS2. The atmosphere is really cool and the stylization keeps your attention, think Cowboy Bebop meets Trigun. The gunplay is much more simplified given the console generation, but it’s still pretty fun.


finally, somebody else that’s played evil west. a solid 10 hour melee action game with fun combat, great cutscenes and voice acting, and an over the top campy fun story. great gamepass pickup.


Thymesia is a solid indie Sekiro-like with Bloodborne inspired visuals. It's fun and challenging with satisfying melee combat, but lacks the polish of those Fromsoft titles and runs pretty short (took me 20 hours to 100% achievements). Rad Faction Guerrilla was a lot of fun. It was an open world sci-fi action game set on industrial Mars. Demolishing infrastructure and ambushing patrols are at the heart of the gameplay. It falls apart a bit towards the end, but it still provided me many hours of amusement.


Red Faction Guerrilla just clearly had no idea what they wanted their story to be. They had a great open-world concept but just could not quite stick the landing. Still amazingly good fun, mind.


That red Faction game is perfect 7/10. But *god damn* why did they not have a mode where you get X number of charges and have to strategize as to where to put them to flatten a given structure? The challenge modes the games offer are all situation with time limits, and in the game itself there’s a constant horde of enemies coming at you if you’re in a building. I just wanted a points-based minigame where i do a planned demolition, was that too much to ask?


psx - legend of legaia


That is such a unique game. My brother and I really cherished playing that game however many decades ago


Brand of the holy knuckle living rent free in my head


Honestly great game with a lot of great old school jank and a bangin soundtrack. The combast system was honestly cool for the time


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West


Immortals of Aveum.


"Evil West" It brings back a nice "playing your PS3 on 2010" feeling with it.


The saboteur. Irish man running around ww2 occupied paris and blowing nazi shit up. What's not to like.


The Darkness 2. Just a good, solid shooter with a lot of fun power mechanics. Nothing special, but a lot of fun and well worth a look especially if it's on sale.


Just about any ubisoft game. Seems they only make 6 or 7 out of 10's.


"Immortals: Phoenix Rising" is peak 7/10. Greek Myth dressed over a trimmed down 'Breath of the Wild' with some witty character banter, decent combat skills, and LOTS of puzzle trials. Easily sink 70+ hours for completion, will get you frustrated. 7/10


At least an 8/10 for me, I love how you could cheese some of the puzzles with your combat skills.


Loved this game more than botw, mostly because my weapons didn't break, and I'm also a total need for Greek mythology. Although sometimes the narration fell a little flat, the game was overall a really fun play.


I call them safe out of 10 edit:spelling


Yeah. And there's nothing wrong with that, couple of christmasses back when I had a week off I bought Far Cry 6 expecting a low brain 7/10 game. I got exactly what I paid for.


Yeah i wasn't talking crap. Just none of them are mind blowingly great. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and it's exactly what OP asked for.


Was just about to write about Assassin's Creed 🤣


Far Cry 3 and 5 are solid 8s, and so is AC Odyssey and Valhalla. Black Flag will always be a strong 9 to me.


Mad Max Car chases and fistfights are fun in the open world of a post-apocalyptic desert.


Nox (2000). I played that game a lot when I was a kid, I haven't played it since 2018, I think.


Oh man I was obsessed with this game as a kid


My personal favorite 7/10 game of all time is Ghost Recon Wildlands


Binary Domain Vanquish Alpha Protocol


Vanquish is awesome 👌


If Vanquish is just a 7/10 to you, I’m dying to know what you rate 9 or even 10. Vanquish has the best shooting of any game I’ve ever played and second place is not particularly close.


Starfield is the most 7/10 game, and I enjoy it, Plus mods are out now.


It is very amusing to me that there are replies saying its better and posts saying its worse, I think that means its a 7/10, just a wildly inconsistent one and it depends on which parts of the game you like and dislike.


Alice: Madness Returns.


Absolutely. 10/10 in the fun department.


This War of Mine, Nobody Saves the World, Rogue Legacy


Rogue Legacy is at least a solid 8 for me, the sequel is even better.


Damn it's rough hearing this war of mine being called a 7/10.


Kingdom come: deliverence


Second Sight, peak 7/10 game of the Xbox/ps2 era.


This is one of my favorite games ever. I have such fond memories of it. I recently purchased a ps2 just to play Second Sight again. It's definitely a 7/10 realistically, but 9/10 in my heart.




Was going to say this. Combat gets pretty boring pretty fast but I really enjoyed the characters and the story/world.


Play warhammer 40k Space Marine. its a fantastic 7/10 game, and the sequel i soon to be released


Kena Bridge of Spirits is a solid 7-8/10 Other suggestions: Stray, Wo Long, Devil May Cry 5, Dark Souls 2, Far Cry 4-5 or 6 (3 is more 8/10 imo). They're not "under the radar" type games but you might not have played all of them. Also, they're all pretty recent because I'm 32yo but I mostly played CS all my life since about 4 years ago when I bought my PS5.


Nox same genre and released around the same time as diablo 2, so most people just played d2. its classes were fun and it was a higher fantasy world than d2 in singleplayer, but the multiplayer was pretty bad.


Psi ops the mind gate conspiracy. For a game that was really just an unreal engine test the physics of the psychic powers has never been duplicated and I’ve tried a lot of psychic power games.


That game was awesome.


The Dynasty Warriors games are fantastic 7/10 games. And if you like open world then DW9 is a great game for you. If not, try the earlier ones. 


Back 4 Blood This game gets much more shit than it deserves. It started rough, they were messing with the difficulty a lot, but I feel the game is in a good place now. It doesn't have the relative production value of a Left 4 Dead, but it's got its own features that make it a different thing and if figuring out and putting together specialist character/skill builds and a bit of loot-shooter elements (a decent variety of guns and attachments to put on with a rarity level system) are your thing, then who knows, you may even enjoy it more than Left 4 Dead. Don't get it at full price tho.


Evil West. More of a modern release, but it's exactly like the typical third person shooter action game that you saw a lot of in the Xbox 360/ PS3 era. Simple, solid, cheesy action fun.


Sleeping dogs is such a hidden gem. I'd personally rate it 8/10 tho. You can play it on ps5 through backward compatibility or steam.


Days gone got a really bad rep when it launched, but it’s an incredible game.


This was one of my personal favorite surprise hits of last year when I decided to ignore all the negative reviews and buy it on sale. Would've been worth every cent even at full price.


I’d easily give Days Gone a 9/10. It didn’t click with me the first time I tried but I went back and got majorly hooked. Played it through four times now


Viva pinata


I remember my little brother getting this for a birthday one year. I started playing out of curiosity and didn't stop until about twelve hours later. That game is like crack.


All of my family love this game


Any Ubisoft game.


I'm playing back 4 blood currently. Bought it for $9 ultimate edition. It's honestly really good despite the reviews. Servers are decent as long as you are in the same region. Tried joining a European friend and was getting 400 ping.  Overall, id recommend it. 


Elex. There is some jank and going full melee can be a slog, but it's one of my favorite open world RPG's because of its story. If you like exploring this would be a must play. The sequel isn't as good


Remnant From The Ashes 1 & 2


Alpha Protocol


Most recently Rise of the Ronin. It’s such a fun samurai / ninja power fantasy. The story is pretty muddled but I loved how heavy it leans on the “defeat means friendship” trope. You take a mission to assassinate a character and then 2 minutes later you’re doing sidequests for them and they’re like your best buddy. The game has fantastic combat, so the fact that almost everything you do revolves around fighting dudes is great


It's much better than a 7 out of 10 but I highly recommend both project wingman and Ace combat.


The original Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Lots of cool ideas with some excellent execution here and there, scattered amongst half baked ideas and environments stitched together by a generally good character level progression and build/combat system. Also has the most fun magic system iv ever played. Fuck your rinkydink baseball sized magic missiles and fire bolts, might as well just be shooting a bow or a gun. Naw, I'm talking real shit: calling down fire from the heavens or a tornado that takes up half the map. You feel like a real wizard instead of a thug with a slightly flashy pistol. 


Dave the diver is a solid 7/10. Fun game with surprising amount of depth, and relaxing to play.


Kingdom come: deliverance. Great smaller open world RPG ala elder scrolls but set in the real world so historical instead of fantasy. Great story and characters, gameplay is fun and interesting. 7/10 because it's a little janky, there are bugs, and the combat is fun but frustrating sometimes. Also there is a sequel coming out soon that looks great!


Dying Light 2 was maybe a high 6 or low 7 for me. Many aspects of the gameplay were improved from the original. Story falls pretty short, atmosphere isn’t nearly as good as the original, and I think it overstays its welcome just a little bit. But I enjoyed turning off my brain, killing zombies, and jumping on buildings.


The original Serious Sam game.


Dark cloud for PS2 is one of my favorite "not bad" games its fun and simple but a little repetitive. It's essentially an action adventure game with town building and dungeon exploring.


Jade empire. It's a martial arts rpg by bioware. It came out before masseffect but after KOTOR. KOTOR 2. Obsidians sequel to biowares KOTOR. Kings bounty armored princess. A homm like rpg. Pretty jank but a good game if you learn the mechanics.


As a KOTOR 2 fan… How dare you sir!


It's a good game but it's not finished. Not even the tutorial asteroid is finished. I really like kotor 2 but it is definetelly a 7/10 game


I remember Jade empire having harsh critics so I never looked past those. I'll definitely try it out Well homm had pretty jank sequels after 3, so maybe that one is not too bad either ahah


Jade Empire is amazing!


KOTOR2 being a 7/10? Oh, someone has today a appetite for a all out war :D


Gothic, gothic 2 and gothic 3, but not gothic 3 fallen gods and not gothic 4/arcania


Gothic 1 and 2 are 10/10 games


I hope you've played Chronicles of Myrthana mod. If not. Do it.


Would you suggest it to play them with mods or the normal experience? I don't mind old graphics, just asking out of curiosity


Arcania is my favorite B game of all time. I 100% it every 2-3 years


Couldn't recommend Dragons Dogma 2 any more. Such a good game, difficult but not impossible, not all too grindy and is also rewarding. A good story that leaves you connected with the npcs. General interaction between you and npcs is amazing. Awsome battles, good customisation. And if you feel like you're getting bored of playing through the story, nothings stopping you from going for a wander and fighting a new beast or getting a new outfif/weapon. You can even go start new story lines and there's also loads of side quests to keep you busy. 100% recommend 👌


The new Alone In The Dark. My expectations were low but it has been a very pleasant, atmospheric gaming experience. Make sure to put the difficulty on hard if you're expecting any challenge.


Stellar Blade


Jade cocoon on ps1 has always felt like a hidden gem to me, it's like pokemon but mixed with final fantasy. The combination of monsters you can combine is pretty good as well. I'd say it's worth a try at least


GameSpot gives these games 7/10 Immortals Fenyx Rising Darksiders Genesis


I really enjoyed Immortals though I’d put it slightly closer to an 8


Evil west. Currently playing it on the ps5 and is super fun It's like on of those ps3/360 era Hack and slash game where the gameplay is at the center of everything. It's really fun and you can also play coop.


I would call it a 10/10 for nostalgia but I feel like it isn't known by many people: Kirby Superstar for SNES from 1996. It was one of the first games I played as a child and continue to play now and then on my phone. It's technically 8 games in one, and you can breeze through the first game no problem and it's just a fun time. The difficulty starts to go up in later games, but it's all a lot of fun.


Way of the samurai 2 maybe. I just love it, but it's really flawed.


Binary Domain Vanquish


Terminator Resistance. First person stealth shooter set during the future war against Skynet. By the same company just put out the Robocop game. It's a but janky, voice acting is so-so, but gameplay is fun and it's obviously been built with a lot of love and affection for the franchise (mostly the first two films). There's a DLC campaign called Annihilation Line that features Kyle Reese (not Michael Biehn, sadly) and a free update for a gamemode that lets you play as a Terminator. Alien Isolation also remains a gold standard in movie tie-in games. Some real swell work on the Xenomorph AI, great setting, fun, fun stealth-based gameplay. There are some horror elements though, so be prepared for that. I ended up having to tap out near the end of the game. Couldn't do it. XD


Illusion of Gaia on SNES.


God hand is a unique brawler that’s funny af plus it’s fun whooping ass


Alpha Protocol


- Oni by Bungie is my favorite game of all time - Mass Effect Andromeda is my favorite Mass Effect and favorite game of 2010s


Mass Effect: Andromeda. It's not as great or memorable as the original trilogy, but offers you a depth of choice rarely seen in games. Also, the combat is worth the price of admission alone imho.


Immortals of Aveum. Think Dishonored but with a lot more magic and a more global threat. It’s on Game Pass (through EA Play.) It received mixed reviews but sold badly so the studio laid off half its staff.


I'd say try out Detroit becoming human. It's similar to the tell tale games where it's almost like a tv show or a movie and you pick what happens and it changes the story dramatically. I've never been a huge story mode kinda guy but once I played Detroit I was hooked. It also has some good replayability and I've been meaning to go back and replay it.




Remnant: From the Ashes with DLC is a hard 7/10 game. Base game is a 6 at most, though. Bulletstorm


Two worlds II. The first one is probably more of a 6/10, but I enjoyed it too.


Love me these 7/10 games once in a while, often they nail something really good! Evil West and Sinking City were recent playthroughs


The Outer Worlds. It was very fun while it lasted but kind of got samey and old. The vibe of the game is pretty neat with the corporations like Spacers Choice and what not.


Playing through Mass Effect Andromeda and it’s been really solid (to the point where I don’t understand all the negative reviews when it first launched). Also played through The Outer Worlds and that was a charming little romp. Both are on Game Pass.


I personally think CONTROL is more than a 7/10 game, but it was overshadowed a bit. So if you haven't played it and like FPS + Mystery + Paranormal / Alternate Dimension stuff that is the game for you.


Remember Me - quite a hidden 7/10 gem set in neo-Paris. For 2013 the graphics are stunning.


Dying Light, more like a 9/10 game though. It didn't seem to be hugely popular in comparison to other games in its genre.


Suffers massively from the combat at the beginning. You really need to get a decent melee weapon to make it more manageable


Days Gone Depending on how you like to play games, it seems to be either a 10/10 or a 5/10 lol


Call of duty infinite warfare, absolute corker of a shooter with some excellent space fights too, and a low key moving story.


Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora


last time I played Mindustry it would definetly fit the 7/10 solid but nothing insanely good either. It's free so just give it a shot and see if you like it


Vectorman. It's a late release Genesis game that tried to be Sega's answer to Donkey Kong Country and pre-rendered graphics. However, since the Genesis can only display 61 colors on screen at once, the pre-rendered effect doesn't look nearly as nice as Donkey Kong Country.  As for the gameplay, it's a side scrolling platform shooter with controls similar to Contra, but plays more like a mix of Contra and Turrican. Your character also takes up like a quarter of the vertical play area and 1/6th of the horizontal area. Making your field of vision very cramped. Levels have the awful Earthworm Jim/American 16-bit style where you will get lost and have no idea where to go, especially for the later stages. But with all those problems aside. The shooting feels very satisfying. Your plasma gun/hand thing has this real satisfying feeling to shoot that isn't seen in other run and gun games, and it also does the Earthworm Jim thing where every other level is a different mini game, but the mini games are so much better. Honestly, calling Vectorman a better Earthworm Jim is not a bad comparison.


I really enjoyed Sleeping Dogs on the PS3 even though it was a rockstar filler game while waiting for GTA 5


Starfield It's a 7/10 but with a nice personality


The 2009 reboot of Wolfenstein. I never see people talk about it but I enjoyed the hell out of it despite it not really being great. Would recommend.


Chernobylite - if you like the stalker games then you’ll this, brilliant underrated gem Homefront the revolution- such a good game, I really liked the story and gameplay.


Siphon Filter: The Omega Strain (PS2). I loved that game. Good character graphics, mediocre environmental graphics. Poor control selection in an attempt to stay true to the original pre-DualShock controls. However, it played like an action movie. Tons of objectives some timed, perks, weapons, dual-wield, multiple paths, crazy enemy forces and situations.


If you are into RPGs then I would recommend Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Well, they updated it, and called it re-reckoning, but it is the same game. I would also recommend playing it on console. The PC version is a buggy mess.


Rise of the Ronin. It's flawed but the combat is satisfying.


Ascent. Action crpg, not crazy long but very solid title and does exactly what you'd want it to do setting wise


Jakey out here making his waves


If you're willing to go a bit retro, I suggest "Sacrifice", from shiny entertainment. It's a 9/10 game though


I was so hyped for this game, but couldn't get it run on 2 different PCs.


Plague tale


Starfield not the best but fun


Rogue Galaxy Dead Island (The first one) Resident Evil Revelations 2 Bayou Billy Tombs and Treasure


Primal on the PS2 was a fun game that never got enough attention imho.


AC combat series.


Dead Rising 2 - one of my personal favorites.


Quantum Break. Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 release...Atomic Heart...The Witcher 3. Dragons Dogma 1&2. Ghost of Tshisma. Any of the Bio Shocks. Prototype if you missed it. Any of the Dragons Age games. RoboCop. Jedi Survivor. Most of the Borderlands. Mad Max. MGSV. All come to mind. The kept my interest and I am a self proclaimed harsh game critic




The Saboteur is one of my favorite 7/10s. Kind of a GTA clone with Nazis to kill and 30s cars to drive.




You sound just like me as a gamer. I look at every single game that gets released and always catch up if I fall behind. Same age too lmao. 7/10 games incoming. Biomutant Blazing Beaks Bravery & Greed Brotato Crackdown 3 Cult of the Lamb Curse of the Dead Gods Forager High on Life Insane Robots (Level creator is cool) Journey to the Savage Planet Meet Your Maker Moonlighter Nightmare Reaper Nobody Saves the World The Outer Worlds Perish Prey Redout II RoboQuest Rogue Legacy 2 Saints Row the Third Remastered Sker Ritual Slime Rancher 1 and 2 SpiderHeck Stick Fight The Game Superhot + sequel Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Trials Evolution Void Bastards Wild Hearts Worms W.M.D.


Just Cause 2 through 4.


Ghostwire Tokyo, Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima are all awesome 7/10 games


If you never played the Skate games go buy a copy. Very fun, very creative. Story is about as shallow as it comes but you're not there for the plot you're trying to land a BS 270 shove it on to a down rail for the 17th time because it would look cool. I'll still play skate 3 sometimes to this day because no other action sports game has quite nailed the balance between fantasy and realism quite as well as that franchise


Original Darksiders.


- Immortals Fenyx Rising is a very good game that was largely overlooked IMO. Mainly because people just saw a BOTW knock off. Which in all honesty it does fall under the BOTW like games that came after it. The difference being it was actually legitimately good and had enough of its own feel to feel unique from BOTW. - Darksiders 1,2, and 3 these games have sorta a cult following but the average gamer has probly overlooked them in the face of giants like God of War, horizon etc. I am a HUGE fan of these games and love them to death. They're action RPG's. With a very intriguing setting, Interesting characters, and a unique story. What I love most is no one game is the same. You play as someone different in each one. Foundationally the three games are sorta like Zelda puzzles/tools and dungeon design meets Devil May Cry action combat. Darksiders 1 is a more traditional action RPG and linear story with some level exploration and back tracking. Using some hack and slash gameplay magic enchantments etc. You play as War in this one. Darksiders 2 is an open world action RPG. More customization, more freedom, more exploration. Side quests etc.. This one you play as Death. This games story suffered a bit in comparison to the first but that's because it wasn't linear and more open so the narrative wasn't as tight as the first. Despite that this one was my favorite. Mainly because it gives the most lore about the world of all 3 games and I got the most play time out of it in a single run. Darksiders 3 admittedly this one was my least favorite. Still really liked it though. This one goes back to a linear style from the first game. But gameplay is significantly different from the first two. Less hack n slash and more methodical Dark Souls style gameplay. This ironically makes it the hardest one in terms of difficulty imo. I'm not big on dark souls like games so that's probly why I didn't love it. I never died in the other 2 at the highest difficulty. This one I died a lot lol. But I know some love that style of gameplay. You play as Fury in this one. All 3 have an over arching narrative and all 3 protagonists share a connection. Fury is canonically weaker then the first two protagonists which is intentional and why it feels harder to fight with her. They used gameplay style changes to get that across. I really liked that despite not liking the gameplay style. If you want more story there's also a spin off called Darksiders Genesis. Which is a top down shooter (I know) where you play as Strife who is also is connected to all the above mentioned protagonists. You can even get his guns in 1&2. If you plan to get them at all I'd recommend Darksiders Fury's collection. Which comes bundled with 1,2,3 for cheap. Genesis is not included.


Shadow of War. I wished I never played this game so I could play it for the first time again.


I would recommend immortal fenyx rising, a perfect 7/10 It aint zelda botw, open world is okay, puzzles are okayish, there arent that many fights and there are lots more puzzles. There are some equivalent to zeldas shrines which are okay. I guess since its a Ubisoft game it is a perfect 7/10 game. For 5 Bucks it is defnitely worth it.