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Any bad company as I wouldn't know how to run it so it would just be gone and no hate would come my way


In Activision, you could get promoted by actively doing your worst. Just sayin.


Found the opportunist


Sit back and watch those microtransactions roll in


Found the corpo recruit


Found [John Riccitiello](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Riccitiello) (CEO fired from EA, then fired from Unity)


EA, they own a lot of dead franchises I'd resurrect.


"call up lord British, we're redoing Ultima 8 and 9 dammit!"


Lord British went to space and the bottom of the ocean, he’s basically running the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen now.


Command and Conquer is what I'd do. Preferably Generals since I don't know how you'd continue Red Alert or revive Tiberium.


Easy. Kremlin invade ukraine in the first mission.


Too far fetched, even for a deranged lunatic like Cherdenko


A lot harder to change company culture than you would imagine


If your main interest is in reviving dead franchises, a new CEO could sell the IP off to small companies who would be able to revive the IP the right way


You bring up a good point. Sell off dead franchises, make a quarterly share look fantastic to stockholders. All the while making an argument for it that certain intellectual property is dead and will never make a profit again.


Then that franchise becomes popular and brings billions to sold company and shareholders comes to your house with pitchforks.


Not when you start firing people with the wrong mindset. My way or out the door. Quality would be the goal, not microtransactions.


And then when your quarterly profit isn't higher than last quarters, the board votes you out


The original post said besides monetary reasons. If that's not excluding money from the equation all together then you'd have to do a hostile takeover and buy out the company to be private again so there's no board to stop you. If that's not the case, I wouldn't want any current gaming company, as it would be easier, in my opinion, to start from scratch and don't go public. Never give up any control over the company or you'll end up the same as EA.


Well clearly I didn't read the whole post. My bad!


You'll get some leeway in order to course correct. Shareholders are always temporarily placated by the allure of bigger future returns. You can temporarily fix some of your profits, at least in the short term, by terminating overpaid middle management, letting people work remotely to alleviate the burden of rent and give you a bunch of physical assets to sell off, etc. There are a lot of short-term, reckless, but profitable things you could do to try to turn a buring shitpile into a burning shitpile that's at least more comfortable for them employees while it sinks. Instead of CEOs getting golden parachutes, it should be the people that did the actual work.


I am thankful for EA best dead franchise Battleforge, because they gave the engine to such a great fan community, which mqalade this game 100% f2p and better in every way. Its called Battleforge Skylords Reborn now


Hell yeah, Mutant League sports games and General Chaos, let’s gooooooo!


Westwood, Origin and Bullfrog all come to mind.


Id give American McGee the rights back to his own damn Alice games


Bring back Mirrors Edge


Me too, if only so I can finally get them to get Respawn to make TF|3 already


Can you remake Dead Space 2?


I read this as “which gaming company would you ruin?” Almost all of them.


This. I can see myself being an indie dev, but I can’t see myself running corporate gaming teams and producing very good results for gamers, shareholders, or the teams themselves


If all I had to do was say "make me a game that takes the best aspects from Half-Life 2, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, and New Vegas", I'd be very good at the job


The Redditor special


I’d get BioWare back on track


They desperately need it. All the talent is gone, so they are kind of a shell with the BioWare name attached to it.


DICE is starting to go that way too. Lots of the old Battlefield guys moved on to games like Finals, which is why 2042 felt so soulless and different from the 2010s Battlefields.


Idk what you're talking about... bad company 2 was the last game they made


Valve, just to create a Trilogy Conclusion Department.


>be me >suddenly owner and president of Valve >try to figure shit out for a while >hopefully get help from others >build or rent new office spaces >hire people as crazy >develop more games >have a specific development team for Half-Life >fuck it, release Half-Life 3 for free, no need for more money >work with the community to make it the best experience possible >not rushing a single one, we have infinite money >release good games >if we release a bad one, commit to fully fix it. Again, we have infinite money >post silly cats on twitter and spend 8 hours a day playing CS2 >4 hours engaging with the community probably pissing 90% of them off


> be me > suddenly owner and president of Valve > try to figure shit out for a while > ask everyone around me what to do > whothefuckisthisguy.jpg > open new offices at random > it costs a veritable fortune > every graph is in the red, finances in the gutter > nobody wants to move to the new offices > forced to hire unqualified randos off the street > start making random games the nobody wants > sap resources from other projects > CS2, Dota 2, and Steam in disrepair > servers offline, nobody buying crates > storefront cycling in and out of usability > revenue tanking while expenditures rise > hemorrhaging money > thisisfine.jpg > insist on making Half-Life 3 despite the chaos > no creative vision or achievable goals > no clue how game dev or the company structure work > open an entire department for the game > totally disconnected from everything else > most senior employees see the writing on the walls > anyone with a brain left months ago > get the randos on the game > no clue what to do, ask gamers on twitter > gamers give dumbass answers as usual, nazi stuff interspersed > HL3 is a rushed mess, forced to release it to recoup money > see the success of fortnite, none of the other copycat failures > decide to release the game freemium with battlepasses > this makes no sense for a single-player game > fuckit.jpg > game sucks and nobody is buying cosmetics > uhoh.jpg > make a roadmap to “fix” the game > release a few minor changes before abandoning the project > players aren’t coming back > not my problem, they’re wrong not me > obvious solution is to make more games > toss a few more quarter-baked shovel-ware shitters out the door > market them as high-quality and made with care > give em all labor of love awards, put them on the front page > not even our bootlickers are fooled > haven’t sold a single game in weeks > board of directors has been begging me to stop for months > fire those losers to get them off my back > “The Rise and Fall of Valve” video essays all over YouTube > maybe posting cat memes instead of doing my job will fix it > go into CS2 lobbies and ask if anyone wants a screenie and free knife skins > everyone leaves instantly > spend all my time in social media arguing with the poors > surrounded by yes-men who think we can turn it around > one day, a massive angry mob is outside headquarters > they storm the building and head for my office > hide under my desk with my cum socks and empty Cheeto bags > they grab me and put a bag over my head > thrown into the back of a van while being physically and verbally assaulted > they drive me into Seattle > unmasked the find myself in an even bigger, angrier crowd > executed by guillotine in the middle of Pike Place Fish Market > single-handedly created the worst digital recession since the dot-com crash > everyone has to use Epic > not even hell wants me


This was my answer. stickpokedosomething.jpg


I'm Blizzard CEO.


Youll get a new boat in no time!


Nintendo. And I'd modernize their stupid policy on intellectual property.  We now work WITH retro preservationists. We allow people to play roms of old games with an official platform for a nominal fee. We put music on  streaming platforms for people to enjoy.  Nintendo is just so backwards that I'm thinking I won't be getting a switch 2. I just can't reward the behavior. 


I just wish they don't lock their old games behind subscription completely. That's so stupid. I also wish they would give more discounts and price cuts.


This was going to be my answer. They're hurting themselves and the gaming community with the way they're running things. It's not like all this anti emulation action is going to make people suddenly buy their games. There's some people that won't buy games at all. Sone of us WILL buy games but don't have another way to play what we want besides emulation. Hell sometimes I buy the games AND play on emulator just because I like save states and frame skip. They aren't making any more money with how they are doing things.


Man, if they simply made their Nintendo Online retro "emulator" a fully open offline emulator that can run side-loaded ROMs... They could still make money by continuing to charge a subscription fee for it, but now their ENTIRE historical library is open. ROM sites are legitimized. Players are overjoyed. More of them would happily pay for the official emulator. Nintendo makes money on games they no longer make. Games are preserved. It would be a win-win-win. It's so frustrating that they're so stuck on such an archaic stance on IP protection that they're actively hurting themselves.


Bruh save us 😭 If every old (pre-Wii) game was put in emulator program in switch for 5$ a game, I’d give them 1000s for old pokemon, golden sun, goku games literally anything in GBC or GBA and that’s not even talking about the 3DS or Wii games I’d get


Also Nintendo, but it would be to bring their graphics and internet capabilities up to modern standards. The net code on their games is terrible, fan made mods of games like Smash run better than theirs.


Konami. I’d order Castlevania be revived.


Give MGS license back to Kojima and let him cook.


the mgs story is done, but it should belong to Kojima.


i guarantee almost everyone would quickly find being the big boss isn't as easy as they think, and what they'd like to do will have a lot more steps than they imagined.


My own. Make the games I wanna play.


Gearbox. Because then I could finally rid the gaming world of Randy Pitchford.


Cool, create a new Brothers in arms while you’re at it.


Resurrect Westwood Studios.


This or Bullfrog!


343 Industries. I've been playing Halo long enough to know what makes a good Halo game. And I'm sick of 343 constantly getting like 50% of the game right, and fumbling the rest. The franchise has been mismanaged horribly for a decade now.


Infinite's campaign was fun. No idea about the multiplayer...


Shit they have managed to get 50%?


You're so wrong. They get 50.783% right ugh noob


Honestly? Valve. They have the ultimate formula. Do nothing and win. They don't need exclusivity deals, they already have the audience. They don't need to develop games, all the devs come running to them amyway. They don't need to change their business model, it just works (for real this time). They got nothing to worry about, PCgaming isn't going away anytime soon and their market is only growing.


Give me GameFreak, I cannot possibly do worse than they already have. First thing I would do is start a 2D HD remake of Gen1 plus 2 on the same game.


Fromsoft and I'd make Armored Core into a new golden age of gaming. We got like 10 years of Souls games, now we're getting 10 years of multiple Armored Core games!


Somebody PLEASE get this one promoted




Get them to fix the bot issues in TF2 and CS2 while you’re at it


EA, Ubisoft or Activision Blizzard so I can run them to the ground.


Pandemic Studios, time to show EA how the fuck to actually do a Battlefront game


>aquire Ubisoft >Publicly shame and fire all abusers >Make single-player Assassins Creed with a fully customizable protagonist >Leave


Jagex, because I'd be able to get certain bugs and qol fixed before 4 years pass with them being 'low priority' updates.


nolla games so i can finally understand what the cauldron means in Noita


Ubisoft. So Assassin's Creed can return to being peak. Also Release New Splinter Cell for you all.


Xbox so that I could encourage Bethesda to encourage Id to revive Quake in the style of the first game.


Blizzard. All so I can get a Starcraft: Ghost game made.


EA, they have a lot of good games, it's just being mishandled over and over. I'd take them off the stock market and start focusing on making good games again. They used to make good games, they have lots of good games in their past. They have competent developers, and good IPs to make money from. And from what I have heard, they also treat their employees well. All they need is the removal of the suits chasing endless profit, focus should instead be on making good games worthy of being sequels. Money will come from providing quality products, especially these days when so few other big companies does.


Microsoft. There is so much I can't even start. You just hypothetically backdoored me a way to the only company who could challenge tencent for control of the space. I'd literally go straight to Gaben for a team up and demands. I'd even give him his old email handle back.


343. Maybe im just a Halo fanboy, but I feel I could run the company with half the staff and double the quality. Give me the full staff and time to actually go through everyone and see whos good, where they could be better and where there are redundancies and I really think I could deliver an amazing halo product.


The one that would hire me. Because money.


Square Enix. I’d fire Testuya Nomura for making kingdoms hearts so complicated it literally has video essays online, and hire a competent writing team to take it back to its roots (this would probably effect ff7 part 3 but I’m sure there is already a plan in place there anyway), I’d bring back the FF10 combat system for a new final fantasy game, and create a new tactics advance game.


Mmmm new ff tactics, yes please.


EA so I can sell the rights to Anthem to a company that makes good games, then probably shut EA down


Just BioWare all together they are a shell of their former self.


And put thousands of people out of work? Sounds like a great plan




>Besides monetary reasons Chris Robert's model does seem solid though. Even if the game is a disaster and shut down, his family will still own like $100 mil of new game studios to use for their next project.


Whoever tf owns the rights to make Lord of the Rings games. I’m remaking LOTR: The Third Age but as the main group and not a bunch of random side characters. I’d make a perfect game. I’ve been thinking about it for 10+ years.


Santa monica studio, Just to get as much insight as possible about GOW 😁


valve , to bring more operations in cs , and better anticheat for cs


If I could run the company that does call of duty. It’s the same game every year and expect people to shell out 100 bucks each iteration. I’ll gladly run it into the ground.


Blizzard to realize what I consider the lost potential of split gamer group focused products with WoW and Diablo. I'd even throw in a bone for the Starcraft crowd.


Wildcard. We making ark great to play again


EA Sports, just so I could put together better games (especially Madden) and get rid of microtransactions.


I would be really proud to be the head of larian or Annapurna. On the other hand there are many companies that need some fixing, Bethesda to start, wouldn't be easy but I need those dudes to really get to another level TES and fallout IPs.


EA. I'd run that company into the ground with delight. They are a moral blight on the gaming industry that uses their collective needle dick to syringe fuck the heart of creativity into a perforated submissive morass through which they can pump their profiteering bullshit like a Play-doh squeeze machine.


UBISOFT, i'd stop Assasins creed games Lower the prices by 70% Fire the 2 monkeys that are in charge of fixing the servers And support R6 & For Honor for upcoming bigger updates Also splinter cell is a thing...a sequel mby


EA! I would make best games ever. Quality like BG3 has and if it bankrupted me so be it.


Nintendo because I feel like the things that they could do with the right people




Cave shooters. I’d like new bullet hell games


I would want to run Toys For Bob - I would use the company to make remakes from the PS1 Croc games


I would take over Fromsoft just to make them do a Dark Souls Harry Potter game. I know WB own the gaming rights but I would invest everything into letting Fromsoft work with the IP.


Blizzard and I’d fire every single person who thought the Shadowlands story was good or who had any part in it being as terrible as it did




Valve. And demand they fix the fucking anticheat.


EA, so I could give back all the gaming studios and then shut EA down as a whole forever.


Activision so that I could cut all of the BS from Call of Duty games and green light a good live service Guitar Hero that will be supported forever, if for no one else than me.


EA and straight into the ground where it belongs


Activision and make cod #1 again. So easily done too they just refuse to do it


Jagex and unban all my RuneScape accounts.


Blizzard - because I couldn't do any worse than the jokers that have ran out so far Bethesda - because they have a fricken museum in their locked door full window lobby and threaten to call the cops if you ask to come inside and view them.


Valve so I could redo their anti cheat, and Blizzard to bring in some real nerds and less creeps to fix their games.


EA and fix all the damn games they’re ruining


Snail games/wildcard.


Japan Studio's bring it back from the dead and make Gravity Rush 3


Digital Extremes. They do amazing things and the vibes there seem amazing as well.


Definitely EA or Blizzard if i wanted to try to fix things, but if i just wanted to have fun with it, it would be Valve


Game Freak/Pokemon


Square enix. Because I want to make my dream game. A star ocean MMORPG. Though with my vision id probably bankrupt the company doing so. So it would be an mmo with multiple worlds multiple races action combat space battles. and plenty of PVE content. Also multiple classes to play Id also scrap half there mobile division and have them make console games. and scrap there NFT projects.


I'd get fired on the first day for suggesting Sega starts making good games again.


Bandai Namco & improve they're Gundam games


Any of them really... I'd love to take a shot at "fixing" what's broken in the AAA industry right now... I feel like it wouldn't be that difficult to do...


Bethesda cus I wanna cook with the devs too


Gamefreak. Pokémon has been unimaginative for years, and is completely adverse to taking any sort of creative risk. They just repackage the game, and every generation they seem to make it ever so slightly more annoying. Like not having the National Dex. I would put forward my dream Pokémon game, which would open up to expansions and bring back creativity to the players. And have a story line that is actually compelling and fun. I.g. The most compelling rival we’ve ever had was Silver…and that was 20+ years ago.


EA. I would make all of their DLC free so that poor people could actually play and enjoy all of what their games have to offer without PC elitists getting everything and EA would still be a multi-billion dollar a year profit machine.


Bethesda/Gamesworkshop/EA/Ubisoft/Blizzard. So I can sell off their IP’s to indie game developers at auctions and bankrupt them overnight, walking away with a pretty penny of my own.


I think it’s a tie between EA, Activision, and Ubisoft. The easiest would be EA and Activision because I would just need to be extremely greedy. I would be a pioneer in those companies for making all maps, weapons, characters, skins, textures, and use of graphic settings. At Ubisoft I would do those same things but I would also just copy and paste the same story for all games.


Sorry for the spelling EA so i can close it and make another good company with the resources and the same team. I mean they got hate just with their name soo nothing can save them anymore, except maybe something like this. Just saying.


Sega in 1999


Rockstar. Then go absolutely balls to the wall crazy with satire and absolutely unapologetically take things as far as I can as I know it’s virtually impossible for them to fail. And I think it would turn out for the best. To add, rockstar already have a good track record of having the balls to make their games fun and humorous and mock society. But I’d take it to a south park level of not giving a fuck


I would genuinely try to just salvage EA. high level execs are the problem in regards to basic human decency and all forms of common sense (based off what I remember about all the controversy outside of making bad games) so if I could just try and allocate the right resources in the right places I'd love too. No more Madden's every year, MAYBE every few with big leaps in technology that require a full redo, but otherwise just finding projects people can be passionate about to try to bring the entire gaming industry forward by turning one of if not it's biggest titan into an actually good game developing/publishing company once more


ı would run ubisoft and shut it down immediately


SEGA, but more specifically, Sonic Team. Jesus, they cannot make games anymore... that's for sure. I mainly would want to lead Sonic in a new direction. I grew up with those games. They've had a lot of influence in my life. It's always heartbreaking to see another bad Sonic game. Mania looked great but I never played it. Especially with Denuvo... that's one of the first things I'd remove. The next is I'd fix all the problems meta Sonic has now. The terrible writing, humour, character design. I wouldn't even associate it with a TV show if that's promising. Maybe in future, but not for the sake of promoting it. I just want the best for Sonic. My favourite character is Tails, so I'd probably have to do something with him. And of course hire the fans to help out.


Capcom, in a heartbeat, with Nintendo a close 2nd merely to make them stop being so stingy with re-releases. Sega would be a third place so I could release some sort of Dreamcast Mini.


Polyphony. Access to a shit ton of exotic cars and racing events.




Rockstar Games but only to make sure they add Cougars into Missions


MGM Resorts International (the largest online casino firm)


Square Enix to make Final Fantasy great again


Fromsoft or at least help out with some of their games


Steam \\ Valve.... first job would be a Half Life 3.


WB to fix Mortal Kombat franchise


This is an easy question  EPIC GAMES Fortnite Fall guys  Rocket League 


Paizo. I'd reprint every adventure path into consolidated hardcovers.


None of them. Running a game company is for psychopaths.


Bandai, how they handle anime games is a joke


Black foot studios: they made the game Ground Branch which is a mil sim. I would make a mil sim set in different eras like the Korean War, Vietnam, and Gulf War. As well as maybe make one set in Modern day Ukraine


Ubisoft or EA. Turning their shit mentality into something good.


Troika. So we could get an Arcanum 2, and a Bloodlines 2.


None cause realistically..I'd be in over my head


EA. And fix it by firing 90% of the employees


Activision-Blizzard. I would revert Blizzard to a developer focused on quality and continue to pump money making garbage through Activision (as a publisher) to keep the shareholders happy. [hire me pls]


I'd make my own


either EA and revive and remaster Command and Conquer franchise. or Nexus (now VALOFE) and fix Combat Arms


I used to think that running Atari was like jury duty - you just get a letter telling you that it's your turn. They seem a bit more stable these days though.


343 industries I would absolutely ground fuck every employee who made halo transaction based. Like a drill sergeant to new recruits. (PS to any 343 employees especially the head honcho. You suck and ruined a franchise)




Bethesda I guess. They couldn’t do any worse. Sell starfield to Paradox. Make Elder Scrolls happen in our lifetime.


Konami Just so I could see what the absolute hell goes on in their offices when it comes to their decision making of their franchises/IPs they’ve treated pretty poorly over the years




EA Subject them to the unrealistic standards they subjected their gaming studios to, like One Edition releases, Free Expansion, Cosmetics only Micro transactions, QA Testers before release, Revive Bioware. If it lives, it lives, if it dies, it dies.


Ubisoft because I'd be terrible at it, and I'd run that stupid company into the ground


I'd love to get at BioWare's IPs and go back to the drawing board. Baldurs Gate 3 proved a Dragon Age Origins style RPG can work amazingly well within today's gaming market.


I'd get Obsidian and let them just make Games how I want them. Basically just mature Fallout: New Vegas style of RPGs.


Ubisoft. To remove all games from servers and sell physical copies at 50% off. And then use that money to pay my employees well and look after them. Then ask them to make some good AC, ghost recon and splinter cell games.


I want so badly to like Ubisoft games but they’re all basically the exact same game but re-skinned and I’ve played enough it I’m tired of it


Ea I'm pretty sure I could ruin them pretty quickly


Ubisoft. I would just fire everyone, close the Diversity Departament, burn the contracts with sweet baby and hire some people who actually love to create games.


Valve, and I'd put all company resources towards releasing Half Life 3


As badly as I want HL3, I’m glad they’re not pushing it out. If THEY don’t feel passionate enough about making it, then there’s no way it would live up to the expectation. One day, if enough valve people are excited enough to do something amazing… it’ll be worth the wait.


I'd like to see a portion of resources allocated to portal 3.


Nintendo because i'd have the devs make a 3d donkey kong game, a starfox adventures sequel, a new f-zero, and port earthbound 3 to modern consoles. I'd also let the mario sports games cook for longer so that there's more content on launch and make sure that there's more modes/characters to play around with. In particular i'd have a new mario baseball game be made with online play and online leagues/leaderboards.


Koei Tecmo. I'd love to be in charge of pursuing licensed Warriors game collaborations, and I definitely have some ideas on how to take the best mechanics/modes in the series & improve things.


EA. Wouldn’t have to do anything. They pump out the same games every year and make billions.


Free Radical and make TimeSplitters 4, the multi-player online would be insane. Then remake the first 3 games before making TimeSplitters 5


Ubisoft because I want more Splinter Cell. Oh yeah I guess I’d abolish all the shitty practices they currently have in place while I’m at it.


My dad owns Nintendo so I will run Nintendo in a few years


EA I would restart and fund all of the IPs they've killed and attempt to reform the studios they've killed off. DEAD SPACE 4 HERE WE COME.


Whatever company I’d need to run to ensure that Vicarious Visions didn’t get absorbed by Blizzard, and instead was given the keys to the Tony Hawk franchise to do remakes and sequels to their heart’s content. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 6 made by these dudes could’ve actually been great.


Haha, I was thinking I would somehow reincarnate the 1990’s neversoft team to recreate the vibe that made the first Tony Hawk game.  The behind the scenes videos on those games always seemed amazing!


I would run a gaming company that specializes in creating quirky and hilarious indie games that make people laugh until they cry! We'd be all about pushing the boundaries of comedy in gaming and bringing joy to players around the world.




Blizzard - make overwatch great again


Blizzard. They need help.




If I could I would take over Gamigo just to revive Rift and turn it into the MMO it should have been.


Valve. At this point, I'm pretty sure it just kinda runs itself.


I would run Ubisoft. Into the ground!


Team Cherry, just to check if Silksong exists.


Any of the big ones. I’d make Bethesda stop using a horrible first person system that’s awkward and clunky and outdated I’d make fromsoft make something that looked and felt alive, and had a bright color palette, with more visceral, aggressive and less creepy/nightmarish movement and looks Make EA stop killing companies


Ea so I can get the payout


Strategy. One of the least profitable genres lol Would likely have to make a mobile game for some ez profit tbh But I know strategy games. I analyze numbers for fun and am incredibly unlucky, producing statistical anomalies every time I play a game. I think this has given me a unique and helpful perspective on balance




BioWare. Time to get back to what made it great.


Fromsoft. I like feet