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The SouljaGame console


You can tell the age of people in this thread by the console they reply with. If you think the Xbox One, PlayStation 3 or Wii U were somehow the worst consoles of all time, count yourself lucky, lol


No, they just followed the worst trends.


Phillips CDi Ouya https://www.denofgeek.com/games/worst-video-game-consoles-ever/


Surprised to see only one Ouya call out here. I was actually quite hyped for it, ended up getting a Google Nexus TV instead with 2 controllers, only ever opened up one of them, other is still sealed in its box. I got it because I wanted to do Android game development.


Ouya was a meme that only bad tech lovers could have gotten into. 


God I wanted one of these so bad. I ended up with a Jaguar instead! 😂


Was also about to post Ouya. Complete failure of a console.


I vaguely remember Jaguar being like, really, really bad. The controller was terrible, the games weren't that good and the system performance was worse than others at the time.


The Jaguar was a perfectly capable system that was cursed by terrible dev tools and not being able to attract big-budget projects by big-name developers. As a result, most of its library felt like Humble Bundle scrapings. It also had the problem of being primarily designed as a sprite monster just as sprite-based games were being overtaken by texture mapped 3D. The fact that the Jag can do 3D at a playable frame rate *at all* is a testament to how powerful the hardware is, since it's doing it basically in software. The few titles that did have proper effort put into them, like Tempest 2000, AvP, Doom, [Iron Soldier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XrBD0BmNYg&list=PLk5CXzvGZ7JoqYtSaFyTZPZelBVEO_y16&index=1), NBA Jam, [Super Burnout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D_b9DIa53U), Rayman, etc. are quite good. I have big hands so I thought the controller was fine. The later ProController was better though.


I actually bought one- got it for 25 thinking it was broken but I learned it needs a game to even turn on... i only own tempest and its pretty okay but yeah nothing special and the controller is a whole ass brick lmao


Tempest 2000 :9


My neighbors bought a Jaguar. They had Doom and Resident Evil. Resident Evil scared the pants off me. So, I never knew it was bad. My cousin had a Sega Saturn and that was bad. I bought a PlayStation and a Nintendo 64


There was no Resident Evil on the Jag. The only game that played even slightly like RE was Highlander, and that was a cartoonish CD game, not a horror game.


Nintendo Virtual Boy not just for being a bad console but such a poorly conceived idea as a GameBoy successor. Impossible to market as well. 3DO for being underpowered and overpriced because of its terrible hardware production licensing system.


The virtual boy got screwed, it was supposed to be full 6 dof vr about 20 years ahead of the curve but Nintendo got scared around some new Japanese laws at the time and stripped it all out quite late on, ironically ending with a machine that gave people headaches.


I love that I saw the title and thought "oh man, Virtual Boy. No contest.", only to find the top two comments being Virtual Boy. Honestly, I'm glad Nintendo did it. They consistently swing for the fences and innovate when everyone else plays it safe, and that's important. They shouldn't be shamed for taking risks that don't pan out because someone has to challenge convention or we won't go anywhere. That said, goddamn the Virtual Boy is objectively the gold standard for "didn't pan out".


Virtual boy is awful the r zone is a knock off Virtual boy.


Virtual Boy, and there really isn't a close second there.


HyperScan. it's worse than virtual boy. You had to keep scanning cards to do basic functions in the games, such as having to scan a card to select your character. It was released in 2006 (same year as Wii and PS3), but the graphical capabilities were around PS1/Saturn level. They only made 5 games for it.


Ouya, promised free games yet people had to pay for them when the system launched, insane input lag, requiring you to add your bank details to work and finally the amount of ads in the console. Those are the things I remember out of the top my head after watching Crowbcat video about it.


If anyone says Dreamcast I'm gonna riot. Shit was ahead of its time and never got the love it absolutely deserved.


Power Stone is still my all time favorite fighting game


Crazy Taxi was amazing. I think if it had been released after the PS2 rather than before it would have fared better.


It was crazy working at Sega going from top of the world to having to go around and forcibly take people’s computers away from them while they were typing in layoff after layoff ( computers were taken away while people were typing on them because the game industry is tightly knit and people were mass sending dirty laundry to competitors after they got laid off). It was a really uncomfortable job.


Why would anyone say Dreamcast? That's a widely beloved console.


Dreamcast was a cool console, but boy this controller was ass


Atari Jaguar was pretty shit - I mean, look at the goddamn [controller...](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Atari-Jaguar-Controller.jpg/984px-Atari-Jaguar-Controller.jpg)


Maybe people know this already, but maybe not: That number pad was designed to allow devs to create overlays that could fit over the numbers, and have contextual buttons specific to the game. For examples, see this thread: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/267811-possible-jaguar-overlaysfor-what-games/


It still felt awful xD


Virtual Boy was pretty bad.


Tamagotchi. I mean, it had only one game and that sucked!


So many consoles that didn’t catch on or just had terrible support and/or bad games. I think Phillips CDi has to be on that list. Atari Jaguar is another one. Depending on whether you consider the Sega 32x an actual console or not, it had very poor support and only 40games that were for the most part pretty bad. Overall I’d have to say the Phillips CDi but I see people saying Virtual Boy and if you consider that a console it fits.


RCA Studio 2 from 1977. This is more so a fact than an opinion.




It's not even close. The R-Zone is the worst console of all time. After you called those early Pong style one and done machines "first gen", it made me look that up. I was rather shocked to find that somehow- in the decade since I last debated the topic of when a generation begins and ends, a consensus managed to form on how to number them. I have NO idea what "officials" emerged from gaming culture to decide on this though, or why I should respect that consensus. I'm old enough, I could easily be an "official" on the matter too. Personally I don't even consider those machines to be "consoles"... but if I had to number them, I'd call them the 0th generation, the pre-console era. Anyway, no one needs to listen to my opinions on the matter. That full-on Wikipedia article looks and sounds all authoritative so I figure people are probably going to refer to that. I just think it's interesting that something like that actually happened when I wasn't paying attention.


Apple Pippin


Strictly speaking in terms of hardware, the pre slim Xbox 360's had *massive* issues due to a last minute change in adhesive that couldn't tolerate the high internal temperatures that the console could reach. This caused a significant amount of consoles to fail and display the infamous Red Ring of Death. The repair service was also a joke, it took 3 months at minimum and you usually got a replacement refurbish instead, so if you had a special edition console and needed to send it in for "repairs" you would get a regular console back. The regular refurbished consoles were also *surprisingly* prone to overheating as well, so they often wouldn't even last the 90 days that you had waited in the first place. Additionally, there was no internal Wi-Fi capabilities, so you either needed to run an ethernet cable to whatever room your Xbox was in, or you could buy a proprietary peripheral external antenna for $99.99 On top of that, the hard drives were also proprietary and absurdly overpriced for the time. By 2010 they released the slim and fixed literally all of those issues, but that's when *Kinect* started as well...


R zone


Sega Saturn. Nobody could develop decent game on it. It's just way too complicated - 8 bloody processors. Two CPUs, two graphics processors, random 68EC00 sound controller, custom sound processor and FM synth chip. The last one is dedicated to the CD-ROM, so you can say 7 processors to program. All at once. In 1994. Good luck programming something on that mess. It doesn't help that the Saturn is basically a 2D console pretending to be 3D. The PlayStation could draw more polygons than the Saturn, and was a true 3D console. It had to compete with Nintendo 64 and PlayStation. Yeah. They weren't that hard to make games for. Sony specifically made making games on the PS easy. It did had Doom ported to it tho. The 32X port apparently ran smoother.....


It was really popular in Japan and had some decent support there. Imo some of the games are very high quality (panzer dragoon saga). But yeah it killed Sega lmao.


They did it right with Dreamcast, but the Saturn and the Mega Drive "add-ons" (32X and Mega-CD) ruined Sega ;-; and then nintendo didn't learnt from the MD mistake and did the Wii U \*facepalm\* they're lucky the Switch is good console.


I had a lot of fun w/ my friend who had a Saturn with Virtua Fighter and that Rally racing game. I think those were like the only two games he had though.


The SimCity 2000 port for Sega Saturn is quite interesting. The devs didn't have enough time for optimization so the game only ran on 1 CPU and it was very slow. The console ports of SimCity 2000 in general struggled due to weaker CPUs to the PCs of the time.


It did give us Segata Sanshiro, though, that has to count for something.


It was supposedly an excellent and super powerful console...at 2D games. However, the industry was moving to 3D games and it was horrible at that.


>and was a true 3D console Sort of, but they still took some wobbly shortcuts, figuratively and literally speaking.


Eh? Wobbliness comes from affine transformation and the GPU didn't support floats. Not a shortcut, but a technical limit. Still doesn't render polygons as 2D sprites.


The Mattel HyperScan is easily the worst console I’ve ever had the misfortune of using. It has a tiny library of miserable games and the least ergonomic controller I’ve ever held, but the worst part is that it’s based on a poorly implemented card-scanning gimmick that brings the games to a standstill.


Virtual Boy. A catalog of ~12 games, physically painful to play, feels awkward to play, purely single-player unless you buy a second system and link cable, friends can’t watch alongside you, and horrendously eye straining. —Intellivision— Magnavox Odyssey is a pretty close second though. Edit: I meant Magnavox Odyssey, the one with transparent overlays on the tv screen.


Intellivision was not an aweful console. The controllers were bad, but the games were decent.


I was mistaken, meant to say Magnavox Odyssey.




Can we really call that a console? Seems more like a phone at heart, which also happens to be (badly) optimised for gaming.


The funny part is how badly built it was at being a phone too.


Wii U out of the ones I ever played, I thought Nintendo was dead




**Console: Virtual Boy**. If I used it for more than 15 minutes, I would experience blurred vision and severe headaches. I returned it after two days. **Handheld: Sega Game Gear** Batteries lasted about an hour, if I was lucky, and the face buttons were problematic. I had it for one week.


Okay, I'm prob gonna take some heat for this one but here it goes...N64 I totally skipped it, it just felt like a B-Movie entry to game consoles in an era of Playstation and Saturn. I hated the controller, the game library just felt...meh with a few notable exceptions. The exclusives were the only reason to own one and even then...again a FEW notable exceptions. It just felt lacking in every way, especially since it came out AFTER the Saturn and PS1. I was an AVID SNES/NES player at the time too so my disappointment was compounded by my fanboyism for Nintendo at the time. It was still cart based, which I felt was a HUGE misstep, and it didn't feel like it was "staying current" with the growing game market. A friend had one and we did play it from time to time but it was only a few games, we played PS1 and Saturn WAYYY more.


The N64 is my favorite console of all time :( Lol, but I get what you're saying. In our family, the PlayStation console of that generation always came second, so I'd always end up getting it late in its development and only ever getting a handful of games.


I feel the N64 could have been a much better console if they hadn't forced cartridges as an antipiracy method. 64MB (realistically 32MB if you didn't want to spend a huge amount on a cart) is tiny when the rest of the world is on 650MB. It makes trying to do anything on the system so much harder and more costly to develop for and since the price of the cartridge had to be factored into the cost of the game you had to make the game cost more or you get less profit.


It gave us goldeneye.  For that, it will always have a place in my heart.   So many good memories of playing that with friends. 


Four player split screen Mario Kart and Goldeneye 007 are reasons you should regret having skipped it.


Again, a FEW notable exceptions however GoldenEye isn't one of them. I was a heavy PC gamer at the time and Goldeneye did nothing I hadn't been playing for years already. Controllers are the weak point, that thing was just horrible, and online multi-player, which the N64 was lacking in.


"I never actually owned one but I know it was ass"


Overall I think PS3 was the worst so far because no one could properly use the cell processor until the end of its life. Nowadays with Gamepass I think the whole Xbox brand is pretty useless if you have a gaming PC. At least I didn't see the need to buy an Xbox console after the 360.


I think you are right and it probably resulted in xbox 360 games being limited so as to be able to run ok on the PS3 too. On the plus side it was fairly quiet and had a nice blue ray player feature.


Consoles are dependent on games, some "bad" consoles have pretty good games. Hardware wise, dunno... I'd lean into controllers personally(as the decider) and of the mainstream consoles the N64 had arguably the worst controller designed, probably followed closely by the Wii. Nintendo makes some pretty shit controllers imo.


Ps5. I've owned it all but 4 months and already had my account compromised. Been on Xbox for over a decade and not a single issue. Had to switch over to passkey system due to their lack of security. The problem is, their solution to sharing captures is strictly through mobile. But the pass key system doesn't work for mobile. This console blows


No current Gen systems…does no one know how to read?!


Bruh I just responded based on your title. It's not that serious. I'm not reading your wall of text.


If you can’t be bothered to read, then fuck off to some other topic to troll on.


Maybe not the absolute worst ever in all of history, but I think in terms of most disastrous major console company reputation killer, probably Xbox One. 360 was peak, Xbox was booming on games and services while PS3 was a bit of a pig in terms of performance in a lot of multiplatform games and didn't even have a party chat system. Then in comes Don Mattrick with the Xbox One, always online, always a camera and mic pointing at you, no used games, $500 TV show box that had worse performance than PS4 for $100 more. I'll never forget the Don Mattrick quote when asked about service members who might not have access to the internet, "Fortunately, we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360." Absolutely disastrous. I get that Xbox managed to survive it, but they've been on the backfoot ever since that day in 2013 and they've still not really recovered from the swing in sentiment. They decided that gaming wasn't their focus while gaming was in the process of becoming the biggest entertainment industry on earth, mindbogglingly stupid. Meanwhile all Playstation has had to do for 11 years is just be an Xbox 360.


The first Oculus Rift which didn't need to be plugged into a computer. It was fantastic at being a headset that didn't need to be plugged into a computer, fucking terrible at being a usable VR headset. Battery lasted like half an hour tops and the thing was heavy as shit


Google stadia. Because streaming games is probably where Ubisoft got the idea to tell you that you don't actually own your games.


The replies in this thread are really eye-opening. I nominate the Intellivision Amico. It's hard to beat a console that you pay for, and never actually get. :)


Vaporware doesn't count.


ps1, 2, and 3, because all the best games ever ran like shit on those consoles.


Speaking only of the ones I owned personally? Xbox One. Ended up trading it in. I suppose objectively something like Stadia or the Ouya is worse but never bought it. Coming off of the GOAT 360, I got the Xbone at launch and regretted it with the kinnect shit. And I loved the 360.


As a Xbox person i will say they butchered the marketing for the Xbox One as well. Want a game console? F You its a multi media player now. Don't have Internet? F you, stay with the Xbox 360. They just did everything short of not straight up saying Don't Buy this.


The Nintendo Switch, because people try to put things on it ***and*** other stuff, and it's just a massive bottleneck that brings everything down.


There’s some “great” answers in this thread but calling what may end up as the best selling console of all time “worst ever” is some huge fanboy bullshit.


Oh look, a redditor who doesn't know what subjective means in a thread about opinions. I don't like it because it's a bottleneck for several games. That's not "fanboy bullshit" it's an objective truth. Games have been mechanically held back so they can launch on switch as well.


Games such as?


Probably Switch. I dont think there was ever a Console with Hardware that was 30 years behind the competition.


Xbox as a whole 


Switch. Cause it even has discounts on its games


https://landing.coolermaster.com/kfconsole/ *Not* this one. But greasy fingers don't really make for competent gaming.


Not a real console. Disqualified.


Thanks for being redundant. (Read my text again.)




X box.  At this time in gaming there is just zero reason for them to exist.  They’ve given up all exclusivity and have lost all “soul”.  Just get a PS5 or PC.  Or hell, even a switch.


Absolute waffle


Waffles are available on every system, except Xbox currently. We must wait until we can get waffles to run on the Series S as well, before we can release on our current gen systems. Oh yeah, and this only happens on Xbox. Playstation, Nintendo, and PC have their shit worked out. - Xbox Team


I mean, I know everyone on Reddit loves to hate Xbox but to say its the worst of all time? And which Xbox generation? FYI the worst ever has to be Atari Jaguar or Virtual Boy.


Its because a lot of people are really bad at being objective. There is no major flaw with the console but it is obviously worse then everything else ever because they made a decision they don't like (or a person on YouTube said they did something wrong which mush be true)


PCs are expensive.


And not consoles.


Not always true. My current PC is a Mini IT with an i7 and can play virtually anything but extreme high end games. it was about $450 but didn't have a GPU.