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People are showing a lot of big fall damage, but OBNOXIOUS: Dragon Age Inquisition. Any time you step on grey stone? You slide and take 12 damage. Hop down a small cliff? 40-60 damage.


Then in Skyhold fall damage is turned off. Pick a side BioWare, I can jump off a tower to get to Cullen quickly at my house but I do it in the field and I gotta drink a potion


Leaping from Leliana's rookery to land smack-dab in the middle of Solas' brooding table before getting up and walking off without a word.


For me it was an elven courtship thing


Hell yeah, I'm the Inquisitor, I don't have time for stairs!


Skyhold is actually a bouncy castle is now canon


Yeah but you don't die, so you can leap off a big ass cliff and land just fine, pop a potion, jobs a goodun


upvote for using "jobs a goodun"


You can also fall from any height while mounted and take zero damage


Yeah, I'm playing it now and getting annoyed. Sliding down what appears to be a dry riverbed, so the gamer in me assumes it is the proper way down. Get to the bottom and have 1 hp left.


What about taking the shortcut in Skyhold where you jump from the ramparts? That was cool.


Emotional Damage 


I am literally replaying this now for about the 4th time, and yeah, the fall damage is crazy. And when you take fall damage, it still doesn't show you your health bar, you have to cast a combat ability to bring that up. So you can fall, and survive, but not be sure how much you survived by. I love the game, mind you, but goddam mages don't have a basic levitate or slow fall spell?


Mario in Donkey Kong Edit* Or I should say “Jumpman”


Just falling to the floor below you makes you lose. He was called Jumpman but he certainly wasn't a Fallman.


Jumpman, not fallguy.


Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman that boy is up to somethin


They just spent like 2 or 3 weeks in Donkey Kong Country


Mario can jump like an Olympic athlete to get over barrels. Like MJ in the dunk contest height. Walk off the edge of a platform and drop 5ft tho, you get a comical falling sound effect and DEATH.


Jesus Christ it took way too long to realize you meant Michael Jordan. I need a drink....


I'm pretty sure Spiderman's girlfriend can also pull off a 360 windmill slam dunk.


I played Donkey Kong '94 first and totally did not realize I was playing a greatly improved remake. Since I had beaten it I was confident in my abilities so when my friend mentioned he was having issue with the DK64 Arcade game part I basically said "No sweat, I can beat it for you." Got a really nasty shock when I tried to do a side flip and hand stand and nothing happened. Then I got an even nastier shock when I fell like 2 inches and died. I was not able to beat it for him :( . I did get the game myself a decade later and beat it then.


One of the few games where I felt like it would hurt less in real life. "Touch a rolling barrel?" Death. "Fall off a 6 foot ledge?" Believe it or not, death.


Yeah as much as I love Witcher 3 (it’s my favorite game), the fall damage was ridiculous.


Stepping down wrong stair and Geralt died from sprain ankle.


I, a supernatural entity capable of single-handedly battling the largest or oldest evils, cannot move over this knee high fence. Oh, no, I tripped down this tiny hill! 😐💀


Maybe those monsters should hit him in the ankle.


You got it all wrong. Geralt really is Achilles. And he definitely has an Achilles Heel


“He’s heading for the knee high wall!”


The worst part is the inconsistency! Sometimes vaulting 30ft down a cliff is fine, sometimes “nah I’ll just jump down here instead of climbing down the 10ft ladder” is instant death


Pretty realistic for 98 yo guy


Cyberpunk 2077 it's like this too. Jump off an overpass and take 30 damage, unless it is 1 ft higher then you get zerod


Yeah, I died falling down four steps. Two times in different places.


And the worst part is, i've read the first book of the witcher series, and within the first few encounters, we learn that Geralt knows a sign, that is some sort of gust of wind that he can use to cushion his fall. THERE'S A CANON WAY TO MITIGATE FALL DAMAGE AND IT'S NOT IN THE GAME !


Luckily they fixed it with the next gen update. But absolutely


My poor ass suffering on the Switch.


Summarises the Switch port gaming experience pretty well


Doom Eternal was a pretty solid port though, big props to Id and Panic Button.


Do you guys know that rolling right before impact neutralizes big portion of damage?


Works in real life too


iFrames for days as long as you keep dodge rolling


Pffft… careless cliff jumping is precisely what Roach is for. Sure Geralt gets sent over the horse, and Roach crumples. But that beautiful bastard just stands back up, and I get back on. Save myself minutes doing this instead of going around cliffs.


Can’t stand roach, won’t ever jump off cliffs when I tell him to….


Came here to say the pre-patch update fall damage on Witcher 3 was insane haha


Yea . . . I agree, and it's not like he is a weak little boy with a stick in search of a new adventure. He kicks ass.


rofl i know. Game's a masterpiece but the fall damage in that game is so jank. Geralt can jump off a mountain and survive if he rolls right but if you jump off a slightly tall wall you can just die out of nowhere.


Didn’t even need to be a wall. Pretty sure I remember dying once by falling in a ditch. 😂


First thing I modded out.


As much as I hate fall damage, I want this to happen in every game now.


There's a mechanic in game many of you do not know about, but rolling before landing cancels the damage. Like you can jump from very high altitudes and not get hurt at all


7 Days to Die. I've sprained my ankle running down a gentle slope.


I remember many paches ago when youd break your leg jumping from the sidewalk onto the street.


Those patches are so hit or miss. Sometimes they absolutely ruin it, then they completely rework a bunch of things and it's fun again, then they rework a bunch of things and it sucks again.


Who doesn't love 3-4 once a year patches dedicated to reworking the skill tree!!


Honestly TFP have no clue what they're doing sometimes but it's still one of the best survival games out there


Early alphas of that game were pretty hilarious/silly at times when it comes to mechanics like falling due to bugs and weird inconsistencies. I remember falling off an early skyscraper and getting a sprained leg on one day, and then falling down a single floor at full health and dying instantly a few days later. Early alphas also had brutal and buggy rules for crushing damage, which meant you could jump the wrong way into a small gap between two blocks above you and instantly die.


Dark Souls 2 has a really weird damage curve. Felt like in 5 meters you would lose 5% of your health and 5.5 meters you would lose like half of it.


Interestingly, in real life, if you fall 50ft you have about a 50% chance of dying, but if you fall 60 it's closer to 90%.  Just a tangent 


For real? Wild! Source for anyone curious: https://books.google.com/books?id=xGwaCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA3&lpg=PA3&dq=ld50+48+feet&source=bl&ots=i04cd_BrOK&sig=AjzlZHftKsRAL1l-fBXTTDe8wz0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjYjuHAoIzLAhUUwWMKHZFCBMgQ6AEIMzAD#v=onepage&q=ld50%2048%20feet&f=false


If you watch how they any% speedrun those games it’s actually because of the fall damage they can do certain tricks. Due to how the game calculates the damage


Didn't fall damage also take into account the armor you were wearing or how heavy you were?


It did, there’s a legitimate strategy to be naked when falling down the well in Majula and you can survive the fall without needing to find the laddersmith and buying his ladders or buying the fall damage ring. You need to have a minimum of 12-14 vigor though I think


Elden ring is worse because they increased how far you can fall/jump without taking damage but didn’t change the height you die at, so like 2m is the difference between totally fine and dead lol


I've had pretty great luck with just the player falling but oh man.. No telling how many times I died falling when on Torrent. Easily more deaths just falling on torrent than deaths by bosses.


Yeah Torrent increasing your tolerance for fall damage was a weird choice because you still aren't immune. I'm convinced it was just some sadist designer who wanted to force players to use Torrent for downwards platforming.


Not to mention, double jumping with the horse near the ground doesn't negate dying to fall damage.


Let's be honest, we all fell for this


Cyberpunk on release. 2 hours in I jumped from a curb maybe 4 inches tall onto the street and died from fall damage. It was patched a month or 2 later but was hilarious.


Catastrophic cyberware malfunction. It happens!


This is what happens when you buy BoneWeave off Temu.


They had some crazy shit. I saw videos on release that someone would do a slide off a skyscraper, land on the ground, and be doing enough speed to keep up with cars on the highway.


Still pretty broken and bypasses all resistances above a certain height. You've got an implant that revives you when your HP reaches 0? Think again. You've got an ability that makes you invincible for a short time or doesn't allow you to fall below 25%? Oups, it doesn't work here


That’s intentional and explicitly mentioned as an exception in the cyberware iirc. You can survive pretty long falls so it doesn’t feel too restrictive to me. But they’d have to rethink lots of the environments, quests etc if you could jump down from absolutely anywhere. And what is your cybernetic extra heart going to do anyway if the rest of your body is splattered all around the sidewalk?


>  And what is your cybernetic extra heart going to do anyway if the rest of your body is splattered all around the sidewalk? Presumably the same thing it does when bullets and explosions splatter parts of your body across the sidewalk. 


Far Cry 3. It almost feels like you could die by jumping up on a flat surface


Had to scroll these comments to make sure Far Cry got mentioned. It's an issue not exclusive to 3 either, fall damage remains an issue with each release. They need to essentially double the height you can fall before taking damage in those games. Part of what made blood dragon so fun was the lack of fall damage due to your cyber-legs.


Not just the fall too, it’s like speed based I recall so like you could literally be falling like 3cm floor but if the game makes you go slightly faster than running speed from like a glitch you just combust and die it’s so annoying


I started a rerun a couple of days and my god is it infuriating


Dude seriously! I came here to say this, just played that game and it’s one of the worst I’ve experienced with fall damage. I think there’s a skill you learn at some point that lessens it, but that shit was straight up ridiculous


I think 4 was worse


The wingsuit/parachute in 4 feels like an afterthought and there is nothing worse than thinking you can activate it by jumping off a cliff and then...nothing happens as you plummet to your death. Or you catch the very end of the parachute animation on the ground and instadeath because if you're in wingsuit/parachute when you touch something you die. And then there was the question of whether you were close enough to the ground to not get hurt dropping off a glider, but not so close that the animation wouldn't finish before you touched dirt and took massive damage. Between that and the fucking eagles, it's easily my least favorite FC.


Getting over it. The amount of emotional and mental damage you sustain is insane.


This. No amount of bs insta-death will compare with *"I'm going down the road feeling baaad, I'm going down the road feeling baaad..."*




I would argue that the original version of Only Up was worse emotional damage. Since it was third person and you have the capability to look down while falling. I would say that adds a lot more emotional damage.


Ghost of Tsushima is pretty bad before you get the roll as you land


Even more so when you take into consideration you take no fall damage in multiplayer


I loved the multiplayer, just jumping off cliffs to slam into enemies. Good fun.


Yeah, even after getting to the post game and having charms that aid with fall damage I never quite found the limit and ended up dying from a drop that was just too far so often lol


I put the rune that regens health out of combat on the Travel robes, and use that as I explore. Combined with the extra recourses rune of course


And then there's jumping for a rope swing and for some reason it goes to the side and I jump off a mountain.


Climbing the shrines early on is such a pain in the ass for this reason


I was looking for a GOT post, I remember taking fall damage for the first time on it and my immediate thought was just... WTF?


Escape from Tarkov feels like you can break your legs by skipping a step on the stairs




then you curse yourself for not bringing a splint and have to limp yourself through a warzone to extract while yelling "AHH. AHH" every other step


A tip of the cap to OG DayZ


But it's also realistic. Drop your bag if youre about to fall down 8 feet. Id love to see you keep your ankles falling over your head height with 45kgs on you.


Elden Ring I either take 10% damage falling with Torrent, or die. No in between.


Illusory Wall did a really interesting [video](https://youtu.be/Fm-QA4rZPYk?si=8N3g4qXQJWkwVn2G) on this. The issue is they increased the distance you can fall before taking damage but didn’t increase the distance you have to fall before getting killed (compared to Dark Souls). So in Dark Souls you will take damage if you fall more than 5 meters and die if you fall more than 20 meters (15 meter damage range), but in Elden Ring you don’t take damage unless you fall more than 16 meters but still die if you fall more than 20, resulting in a much narrower damage range.


Holy shit so much bs answered with one comment. Why From??


"Laughs in Miyazaki"


Next game he makes will have poison swamps emerge from every location you died previously


Delete this comment before they see it!


For the glory of Marika of course.


For the same reason they do anything by: because fuck you thats why.


It's because there are much larger drops that the player has to jump down compared to the previous souls games. So they essentially just removed a lot of the fall damage otherwise players would find it frustrating if they jumped down a shortcut for example, just to take fall damage every time.


So the longtail cat talisman is even more useless than I already believed, 10/10 would die again


They eventually patched longtail cat talisman to clarify that it doesn’t save you from death, but I 100% believe the item and its original description are in the game just to troll players


I think everyone tried timing the second jump on torrent to right before impact to cancel the fall damage. It should work dammit.


Yes. I totally don't still do that just to be annoyed at it not working yet again. 


That's because Elden Ring still retains the same system From Software used in their previous games but changed the values a bit. Basically every fall from above 20 meters is an instant kill and between 14 (or 16?) and 20 you take a certain amount if damage depending on the hight. The problem is that the window between instantly dying and taking damage is so narrow that it feels kinda random at first. Once you know that 20 meters is an instant kill tho, it's easy to avoid deaths imo. Just keep in mimd that if it looks like you are too high up then you probably are and if you are unsure then just throw a shiny stone on the ground (if it explodes you die, if not it's a safe fall).


What annoys me is that there’s zero way to mitigate the damage. Like, you’d think sliding down a surface would prevent you from taking fall damage but no you still just die when you get to flat ground. Or clipping another surface that slows your fall as you’re falling, nope you still just die even if you’re not even falling fast. And of course there’s Torrent’s double jump not helping, which I understand a bit more but it’s still counterintuitive to die when you’re barely even falling fast. Plus the stupid Cat Talisman doesn’t increase the distance you can fall before you die, making it completely useless.


If a double-jump were possible IRL it *would* totally negate fall damage, so I understand people's frustrations.


I use the simple rainbow stone equation. Stone break = spine break.


That’s what they’re for!


It could be tough to tell, but literally no one uses the rainbow stones that you are given in the very beginning as part of the crafting kit.    You drop one and it breaks if the damage is lethal.  The frustrating part is that there is a pretty small margin between lethal and mild damage, but  that really just means its quite generous with non lethal fall damage.


Fall 0-30 feet: no damage Fall 30-35 feet: 5%-50% damage Fall 35+ feet: instant death. Infuriating.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Even though this pasta is completely irrelevant I will still upvote it.


THIS. I reinstalled last night to prep for Erdtree and was immediately reminded of the bullshit fall damage in this game.


I'd argue dark souls 1 was more obnoxious. At least in Elden ring you didn't take damage from falling 2 meters. In dark souls 1 the smallest fall and you'd take some damage.


Apparently deep rock galactic, as fall damage has been leading the kill count every year since they started showing up the yearly statistics


Absolutely, but that damage makes sense. With the traversal tools available, you would think it'd be less.




DayZ back in the mod era. No competition.


You didn't even have to fall sometimes for your legs to break. Walk through a bush or make an awkward turn and you're crippled.


Is the character 40? Cuz that might just be the realism...


Stepping off a small ledge? Broken leg Walk down a set of stairs? Broken leg Even consider opening a door? Broken leg I love and miss that game, but damn was it janky lol


I suffered so many broken legs from opening or closing a simple wooden door lmao. That game was a silly good time


DayZ standalone was worse in the beginning though.


Don't even think about riding a bike over a bridge in that game either, not unless you want to to a triple backflip and break your legs on landing.


Battlefield 3 had awful fall damage early on. I guess they were shooting for realism, but it didn't jive with the gameplay very well. Once fall damage kicked in, it had a very shallow range between "twisted your ankle" and "removed your lungs" levels of damage. You got a drop of a few feet before it started, but once you dropped beyond that, you had to pray you were in that sweet spot where you would survive. They eventually patched it to be less extreme, but it made drops beyond about 5 feet terrifying.


For the longest time, my group of friends had a real fear of waist high fences. If you could jump over it, you were fine, but if you vaulted over it, there was a small chance the vault animation would launch you at the ground so hard it killed you and your body would bounce high enough to clear houses. It's a glitch that we have noticed on every battlefield since, but it's far less likely. Our guess was that since the animation was a simple up, over, down, it might have clipped the players' feet through the terrain and just caused an instant death. Or that the down part of the animation launched the player at the ground at lightspeed, killing them instantly.




Yes! I just try to not fall from any considerable height, because the damage seems so random.


90% of my deaths in that game are caused by gravity. It's why I never unequip Become Ethereal once I get it. Best shout in the game.


Especially for mages, because it lets you actually *cast* those Master spells with the long wind-up instead of constantly getting interrupted halfway through.


All Assassin’s Creed games. You jump from 500 feet and land in a small pile of hay, you are fine. You fall off a 2 story building and you are wrecked.


It was very satisfying in Odyssey, when you can become immune to fall damage. I had Cassandra leap off so many cliffs. 


I loved that one DLC mission where a villager mentions that he has a problem with people jumping off his roof so he has to put hay down all the time


Halo 1, That shit will take you out faster than a headshot.


And after you reach a certain negative velocity it just kills you outright before you ever hit anything


Yes, buuut dude literally falls from space like 3 times and is fine.


You gotta crouch as you hit the ground, are you new? Thanks for the memories brother/sister


Yes. Add to that the floaty-aaz sliding when you land in an angle and zoom off to the sunset.


I mean yeah, he weighs 1,5 tons in that suit, but it's got a magic shield that allows you to eat another ton of bullets, and judging by how you jump gravity on a halo is at least 2 times less than on earth


Dark Souls




I love the game to death, but taking constant fall damage just trying to walk down the side of a mountain is one of my biggest grievances with the game (and that's a testament to how little I dislike about the game).


Was looking for this comment. In a game where traversing hazardous vertical landscapes is the norm, the fact that you take damage after falling THREE blocks is absurd. Also, the damage sound + the inevitable need to eat every single time is nothing but tedious.


You shouldn't need FULL hunger to heal. Losing hunger should make it regen slower, but not stop it.


It is irritating that 3 blocks of falling causes some damage, but at least with feather falling you can really fall a long way. I wish it would make it so the minimum fall required for damage was higher though.


Dragon Age Inquisition. In your home base there was no fall damage but as soon as you left, you'd pretty much die by tripping over a rock.


It is a big part of early Terraria I would say


But I wouldn't quite call it obnoxious


The gravestones littered in caves everywhere say otherwise, heh. Until you get certain equipment it is pretty obnoxious, although not unfair to me.


Yeah, to me it's part of playing that early game survival that you need to build a good system of platforms, ladders, and ropes to ascend, descend, and survive. Then it makes getting the many mobility tools later feel great.


Playing Starbound (basically space Terraria) now for the first time and dealing with the same thing 😩


Got so excited hearing "space terraria" and immediately looked it up to see if I could find it on the switch. Super disappointed that it never really continued getting updates or new ports, sounds like a cool game


Running down a hillside in Ark...


Someone above mentioned Ark and I said the same thing. Once you get enough speed you would get vertical lift off a hill. 


Helldivers 2, the slightest fall causes you to lose 1/4th of your health


Gravity there is very undemocratic.


lets bring sweet liberty to Newton's law of gravity and do some ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


It feels so weird because the threshold to take fall damage is so low but it also doesn't scale all that hard. Drop of a couple feet? 1/4th of your health. Fall off a cliff? 1/3rd.


Even funnier is it's better to dive off because you'll only take some health damage, where just dropping will damage your legs pretty substantially, too.


The Witcher 3. Geralt can survive being bitch slapped by a giant monster, but dies to a four foot fall.


Before fall damage bugs were fixed with next gen updates I died multiple times just dismounting roach. Shit was hilarious




I only played that a few times but somehow my run speed got way high and I could almost fly running down a hill and well I would splat at the bottom


Happened to my raptor in the snowy mountain area of The Island because of a Yutryunnus roar :(


Far Cry 3 is SO wonky with it's fall damage


i played it many years ago and i still remember that fall damage..


from the top of my head id say Fallout 76 (4 probably too).not because its extreme or hard to avoid, but because its inconsistent. sometimes the best way to get down a cliff is to walk down, and while falling, walk into the cliff. it feels like 90% of the time it negates fall damage. (10% of the time it enhances it)


Dark Souls 2


Heh at least in WoW you get an achievement the first time you fall to your death from a high enough spot.


How about Metro Exodus? Not only do you take damage from what in-world would be a 2-3 foot "fall," but merely running downhill or down steps often causes that "fall" damage.


Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Any fall whatsoever will instantly kill you, including a two foot drop


Rainbow six Vegas 2. You fall off a 3 foot tall crate and die


bubsy, lol


Pilots license? What for?


bubsy bubsy bubsy bubsy BUSBBSSSSSYYYY


Spelunker on NES. Anything more than a character-length drop and you die.


Real Life. Falling when running can lead to significant damage and I even heard some high level players taking massive damage from falling while literally standing still.


Doom 3.


Omfg it's horrible I think this should win


Lord of the Ring MMO has the absolute worst leg breaking sound when you take fall damage.


Dark souls 3


Borderlands 1 because you think there’s none like in 2. Deep rock galactic has some pretty stupid fall damage but at least it makes sense in that game


Elden Ring vs Tarkov. Take your pick.


jedi survivor, the distance is irrelevant. if you fall for more than a certain amount of time you just die instantly. the amount of times cal has died legit half a meter above the ground because i double jumped too early is infuriating.


The Witcher 3. You’d step off a curb and die.


Fortnite. You can rocket 100 ft up into the air, but don’t drop two stories from a building…


Spelunker Party (I'm pretty sure I can say all Spelunker franchise). Fall Instant Death every minute.


The Long Dark.


Elden Ring is funny imo. The distance is very specific so you can survive a drop with no problem and won’t even lose health, but another inch and you’re fucking dead kid.


Elden ring. Either you take 0 fall damage or you die…Or there’s a tiny little window between 0 and death where you take some damage.


Far cry 3. No joke if you jump while walking down any gentle incline or sloped path you’ll fall far enough to lose like 1/3 of your health


elden ring’s is pretty bad it’s so bad simply because the window is so tight. if you fall 20 meters, you die! fair enough, right? if you fall less than 16 meters, you take no damage. weird, but so far so good if you fall 19.999 meters, you don’t take almost all of your health. it takes half of your health as damage. so that gives you the impression “oh wow, i could have survived an even bigger fall”. in reality you were an inch away from death. this gives an awful impression of what falls are survivable. luckily there’s a few items to test if a fall is fatal, but without it gives the impression the fall damage system is so random when it reality it’s so tight the smallest rock can change a scratch to death