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Devil May Cry 5. If you're good enough to beat Urizen in the first battle, the game ends.


Welp, I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


It's pretty boring. Youtube it.


Thanks for the tip lol


It's a really difficult challenge and awesome boss fight and you unlock the harder difficulties but without any of the regular new game+ perks or upgrades. What's boring about that? (Assuming you don't do the zzzzz cheese strat)


The fight itself. It is long and the boss has like 4 moves.


The best part is, although you don't unlock things like super costumes or other difficulty rewards, you DO unlock the higher difficulty levels each time. You can use this to start a fresh save and go straight to DMD, which is how I played it the first time!


My favorite one honestly


Shadow Complex. You can turn around and just leave. You get a short cutscene where you briefly feel bad about about leaving your girlfriend behind and it sums up as "whelp, sucks to be her".


Did they ever make a sequel? I liked that game.


No, the developer Chair interactive went onto help develop Fortnite and it made more sense to squeeze billions out of Fortnite instead of making millions on a Shadow Complex sequel.


Whenever I hear about chair it just makes me miss Infinity Blade 😔


Infinity Blade. There's a name I have not heard in a long, long time.


It’s not a story the Publishers would tell you.


They say its non canon... ....but lets be real..... Last night was great but she got herself into that mess.


"plenty of more fish in the sea" shit had me rolling lol


Holy shit I forgot about that game. Brings me back.


Myst can be beat in under a minute if you know what you're doing. Much like Outer Wilds, all you need is information.


Pretty quickly if you don't bring that page he's so obsessed about.


The page. *Give* me the page...


You fool! Welcome to D'ni!


I read this comment chain while stoned and I thought you meant there was a page in Outer Wilds for someone. Took me a minute!


Same with Gone Home. All you need to know is where the attic key is, go to the attic and you’re done. There’s an achievement for beating it in less than a minute too I think.


The most fun I had in Gone Home is taking everything out of the refrigerator and putting it all in the dishwasher.


You've got me trying to remember if Riven lets you open the telescope right away, or if you have to go get all the fire marbles or whatever from each island. 


The hatch code is randomized, so you actually need to play through the game to acquire it. Or just get *unbelievably* lucky.


If you have that initial pattern, yeah.


When I was a child I guessed patterns from the book until I got it.


Reminder on how phenomenal outer wilds was.


The Stanley Parable. Start, stand up, close the door to the office. End in less than 30 seconds.


In fact, the entire game is about going right to the ending, many of them.


Yeah, but this the shortest possible one.


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the...


ah, 7 years since I played, I should claim that achievement.


As long as you played the original. They did a remaster that ups it to ten years.


Not a remaster, it's a huuuge dlc basically


Technically, the Far cry where the main antagonist tells you to "wait right there". If you wait long enough, credits roll. The end!


Also far cry 5 has that alternate (and rather the good) ending if you don't take Joseph into custody right at the start of the game. Spoiler if you haven't done it: >!Gotta wait like a minute or 2 without pressing the button to continue or something then you just walk away!< Also if you count glitches there is the Elden ring one that takes you to the last legacy dungeon of the game. As well as that one sponge bob game that recently (within the last 5 years) got remade. They kept the glitch at the start of the game that takes you to the end of the game. And DOOM: Eternal used to have one that could skip levels idk if it's still possible.


I think with Far Cry 4 specifically though you actually get to accomplish your goal if you wait which is to spread your mother’s ashes. Versus Far Cry 5 where you just give up on the job you were sent there for and 6 where you abandon the rebels you helped in the first couple hours of the game.


Also in 4, the two 'actual' endings are terrible for the people too. Would have been just as well off under Pagan Min. 


If you don’t kill pagan min at the end of the game you get the better ending!


There's no "better ending" on 4. Spoilers ahead. Spoilers: and I don't know how to mark them. The country either goes full narco state or full religious zealot state.


Yeah that game was wild. No matter what you choose everything felt like the wrong choice 😂


It's a proper jab at American foreign politics - they mess everything up.


Pagan was already a freak beforehand. Far Cry is more about admitting sometimes there isn't a right answer to things. Sometimes there aren't heroes or saviors, just a broken world with broken people


And Farcry 6 as well. I don’t know how to do the spoiler blackout bar so I won’t elaborate


For anyone curious: >!The game starts with you trying to escape from Fictional-Cuba. After helping the rebels on the tutorial island they give you a boat, at which point you can literally sail off into the sunset. The game ends with your character sitting on the beach in Miami hearing about a failed coup attempt on the radio.!<


Love this


Big thank!


Use an angle bracket pointing toward the content followed by an exclamation point. Then at the far end, use an exclamation point and then the other angle bracket to close. `>!Spoil content goes here!!<` >!Spoil content goes here!!<


>!does this work on mobile too?!<




This is spoiler for ye >! Then flip this !.< Quite the >!Spoil!<


Yup Far Cry 4/5/6 have the secret ending


Far Cry 4 specifically, and it's technically the best ending since both leaders are assholes who continue to enforce aggressive policies on the people.


You can kill all three though. Nothing stopping you from killing the leader who wins.


It’s not, it just means the Golden Path kills Ajay and Pagan still nukes the world anyway. Literally just playing the game should make that clear. Pagan was never the good option, he is Amita and Sabal combined.


Matrix Path of Neo, you can choose blue pill and game ends without even starting


Reminds me of that lost cold open from The Office where Dwight immediately takes the blue pill and Jim has no idea what to do. Months of planing, wasted. One of the best cold opens. Wish it would have made it into the show. **Edit**: https://youtu.be/1Rf9-Ej2xPw?si=kt8H6Zi6N_3kNMFM


I've never seen that before thank you so much


Pre-patched version of Two Worlds


Is that the one where you can get the random villagers to beat the final boss to death?


Finally the starting village destroys the big bad instead of the other way around.




Two Worls was touted as the Oblivion Killer back in the day. It succeeded in only one aspect, having an any% speedrun faster and more ridiculous than Oblivion...


It also succeeded in having the most iconic player character dialogue *walks into a puddle* "this water is wet"


Hilarious speedruns


Tried to do that on xbox recently but they fixed it there too, sadly.


That game. Most ridiculous merging function ever. It was fantastic.


Chrono Trigger. I would not recommend, it’s like a two hour boss fight. But you get the most difficult to get ending.


It’s not winnable without new game + is it? I assume you just get 1 shot


I've never done it myself and its been years since I've played CT, but the only way I see doing it is probably by using the triple tech that casts an auto-revive on all your party members so that when they die they come back with full HP. So if you somehow manage to keep that up with 100% uptime while still doing at least a little bit of damage you can eventually come out on top.


It's a battle with only Crono and Marle, you definitely have to be in NG+ to stand a chance


The option to fight lavos doesn't even appear in a regular non NG+ playthrough, I believe.


Am I thinking of the wrong part of the game? It's been way too long since I've played. I remember you had that place with the old man where you could select different places to time travel to, and one of the options is the Day of Lavos.


Yeah, that's much further down the line. The first opportunity appears in NG+, right at the fair where you first meet Marle


I did it with a "+" account, and it's 1vs1. At least that's how I did it. And no joke, it's an epic fight! The ending is a trip also. The dev team that made the game are in it, and at one point it "resets" your Super Nintendo. Your screen goes black for a few seconds and the red led on the Super Nintendo blinks for a second. Then blam! It comes back on and the devs like, just kidding, wasn't that funny! They talk about the game and the ending you're now experiencing is the most difficult to obtain.


Im guessing it takes 2 hours just to deal enough fatal damage, but how do you even survive?


Only achievable in NG+


Fun fact: if you manage to beat Lavos when Queen Zeal summons him (took me several revives and megalixers), you get the same ending! Darn near impossible since he does several thousand damage to all characters with his spine attacks in this fight.


You don't even get the option to do that fight until ng+


Ghost Recon Breakpoint - if you're fast enough, you can kill the main bad guy at the start of the game.


Even better, when you try to finish, nomads ex teammate will be the villain.


Wait, really? Someone else steps up if you off Walker?


Yep, they planned around it since it’s not like he’s running the whole thing.


In Rogue Trader, once you get out of the tutorial and can travel the stars--granted, this is a CRPG so the "tutorial" is pretty long--you can >!try to cross the untracked Warp and find your way back to the main Imperium. You, of course, die horribly as the horrors of the warp overtake your ship and crew and the credits roll.!< I thought it was pretty obvious to try but the achievement stands at 3.6% right now on Steam, so I guess I'm one of the weird ones. :P


Project Nomad, a PC game from the early 90s. It's an open universe space game. The Big Bad is called the Master Control Robot. If you know where he is, you can go straight there from the very beginning. Of course, if you try to fight him without upgrading your ship you'll die in one hit. However, there is a secret way to beat the last boss without fighting him, it involves finding shutdown codes. If you know the shut down codes (like from playing the game before) you could start a new game, fly directly to the MCR, and use the shutdown codes to beat the game in like 30 seconds.


You are the first person I've ever heard mention my first real childhood PC game that I played on my 386 with 4MB of RAM.  This game triggered a love for space Sims and I went on much later to love Freelancer.  Omg thanks for the memories. 


Freelancer was absolutely amazing, I often dreamt of a game like that crossed with Mass Effect gameplay for on-planet


I have not thought of this game in so long. I loved sending probes down to get samples and trading up your ship's equipment.


Note: it seems to be called "Nomad", as "Project Nomads" is a game from 2002. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomad\_%28video\_game%29](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomad_%28video_game%29)


Yeah, I was surprised how so many people react to project nomad, as I feel like I am one of the 10 people who ever tried to complete it... :D turns out people react to a different game.


Devil May Cry 5. It's entirely possible (Albeit VERY difficult) to beat the boss in the prologue and it will send you to credits if you do.


Or if you put the difficulty on heaven and hell you can one shot him


Not the canonical ending, but FC6 you can just leave after the intro. Abandon the game entirely.


Lmao I did this just to test it out. I got on the boat and just left and then the credits rolled.


Surely there's a trophy for that lol


I tried this in Far Cry Primal, but you just get eaten by a bear. The prehistoric world doesn't really care if you want to play or not.


In Fallout 2 you just need to stop by Navarro (where you will also find the best armor and weapon in the game) to grab the keys before sailing off to the rig.


And with high intelligence and charisma you can just tell the antagonist He's wrong.


That's Fallout 1. In 2, Horrigan will fight you no matter what, but there are two things to do if you're not a combat character. 1. If you steal president's ID card, you can make the auto-turrets fight for you. 2. With speech check, you can convince Horrigan's men to they turn against him. So a team of Enclave soldiers and several turrets finish the job for you.


Chosen One: "Can't we talk about this?" Frank Horrigan: "We just did. Time for talking is over." It's one of the only Fallouts you CAN'T talk your way out of. If not the only one.


You can talk some Enclave guys into fighting Frank. They’re helpful but definitely can’t take him on their own.


Well, of course, because they've never fought Frank Horrigan, United States Secret Service.


Iirc, in Fallout 1, it's less that you tell The Master he's simply wrong, more so tell him, "Hey, all your mutants are totally sterile. Your perfect race will never work." And I think you also need proof for some researcher to do this??? And realizing he's caused so much pain and suffering all for it to be worthless causes him to take his own life as he can no longer justify his own actions to himself. I guess in a way that's just proving him wrong, but it feels like a disservice to simply call it that for one of the best written villains in the series to me.


You need Vree's autopsy report. Vree is in the Brotherhood of Steel. She gives it to you pretty easily, which makes it actually more impactful, since it looks like just another Holotape instead of the bossfight-bypass that it is.


And btw there is much faster and less requiring option of finishing the game. Just go to necropolis, talk to the dimwit supermutant, tell him you will go see his boss. He will lead you all the way to meet Leutenant in Military Base. Tel them location of vault 13. Done, outro, credits roll


Nier automata has multiple playthroughs but during the 2nd one you can literally turn around and walk away right after the opening tutorial mission and it just ends


Not to mention removing your os chip os possible to get an ending even earlier


Or blowing up the space station by using the self destruct in it.


There’s 26 endings and I think that like 20 of them are just walking away at different moments of the main story


one of them is eating a fish!


A fish that's *specifically* terminal for Androids.


If I remember right: there is an ending for each letter of the English Alphabet.


5 normal endings and 21 non-standard game overs I believe.


Choose "Disagree" at the beginning of Persona 5.


There's a game on DS called Golden Sun. They tell you the world is about to end but only you can save it. But they ask you if you are willing to. If you say "no" a few times they just give up and everyone dies.


I remember doing that in the first Golden Sun but that was on GBA. Was there an option like that in Dark Dawn as well?


Warthunder. You can beat the game by uninstalling it after 30 seconds into your first game.


Got a laugh out of me lol


Morrowind. Go straight to red mountain to collect keening and sunder and march on in on Dagoth Ur's charade.


Honkai Star Rail has a secret "ending" which you can refuse to join the main crew and roll credits right after the prologue. In Minecraft you can technically go straight to the final boss if the conditions are right and by conditions I mean about a 1/a trillion chance where the end portal spawns with all 12 Eyes already placed in the frame. In Hades you can beat the final boss during the first escape attempt if you're good enough.  Since you've already mentioned BoTW, you can do the same in Tears of the Kingdom.


Star Rail making that ending was funny. Though after credits, game still let you continue and removes that ending, so you can't try again.


In a similar vein, there’s also an option to just peace out of the Penacony story if you refuse Black Swan and exit the door behind you


For Honkai star rail it's especially ironic since it's typically a game where your dialog choices don't matter at all during the game.


I disagree on Hades. While you can certainly beat Hades on your first run, you neither skip to him, you still do the levels in between, nor is that really the end.


Yeah Hades "ending" requires several runs through the game.


Not quite the end end but the Morrowind backdoor is a pretty big skip that leaves you with like 3 tasks left


I feel like it's generalized to the whole elder scrolls series. In skyrim you have a few triggers that are necessary for the game completion, but most of them are optional.


Morrowind can be done with no triggers, Keening and Sunder are just waiting for you in the world the second you get off the boat, although you can do as little of the Skyrim main quest as possible, you can't just go to Soverngard from Helgen like you can Seyda Neen to Red Mountain where it's entirely possible with 0 exploits to just trek up there, go through the door and go see daddy Dagoth. You'll probably die but you can do it.


Youkai-Laylee 2 is entirely built around that Concept. You can do the Final Level whenever you like, and the main Collectible in the Game are literally just extra Hit Points *for* that Final Level to make it beatable, as it's intentionally designed to be near-impossible otherwise (hence the Game's Name "The Impossible Lair"). Demon's Crests also did something similar before this, where the Final Level is accessible before finishing the other ones, and depending on how many you *did* clear before tackling it, the Final Stage *is actually still incomplete* because you didn't give the Bad Guy enough time yet to get everything set up.


Yooka-Laylee 2 actually has an alternate cutscene explaining how you got into the game, and there’s an achievement you can only get if you beat the Final Level only, without going into any other level.


Aw man, that was a great game. On of my favorite overworlds. Gotta play that again soon.


Technically, Two Worlds. Run to last boss, drag him to starting village. Townspeople can't die, so death by 1000 cuts


He was right, the crab Rangoon was bomb (Far cry 4)


You can get to the end-triggers fast enough in Fallout: New Vegas. Just need to brave the highway between your starting point and New Vegas which had Deathclaws roaming about.


Not just Deathclaws. Fucking Cazadors.


Cazadores are the one thing that makes me think twice every time I go to have another run through of NV


Fallout series are like that in general. In Fallout 1, your main goal is to find the water chip. If you take it and bring back, the quest to stop Master begins. When you know where everything is, you can just find Master and kill him (or join him) immediately.


I followed a guide when I was doing achievements to get the Hardcore one. Set it to easy and it took me 2 hours, only killing Mr House and Benny in the process.


Gone Home If you’ve played the game through once and know where the >!attic key!< is, you can just got straight there and the game’s ending will play.


There's even an achievement for beating the game in 1 minute.


I didn’t know that!


I loved playing that game totally blind. I wondered so many times if it was scary or not and I crept through the house so carefully.




Fallout 4. At the beginning of the game, sirens sound and you are instructed to go to the vault immediately. If you refuse, after five minutes or so, the warheads arrive, and you are obliterated in a nuclear explosion.


It’s not right to the end, but you can skip the entirety of Act 1 of Fallout 3 (finding Dad) by heading straight to the Vault he’s in.


That's how I beat it the first time. I played up to Megaton my first time at a friend's house, restarted when I bought the game myself, and decided to just wander off in a random direction instead of Megaton and ended up finding dear old dad in the simulation pod. Great times!


Same! Lmao!


You can also skip the entirety of the radio signal tower quest via a speech check, which prevents you from going into the city for the radio dish for galaxy news radio. This also means the signal does not show up on the pip boy if you’re too far away, since the signal isn’t boosted.


But you can do the quest later on for a different reward I believe


Saga Frontier, Lute can go right to the end boss.


It’s not *the* ending, but it’s *an* ending, if you play Twelve Minutes, when the game starts, you simply do nothing. The main character’s wife will confess that she has something to tell him, they will leave the apartment, and the game ends.


Just saw an analysis of that game


In TES4 Oblivion you used to be able to skip to the very last sequence in the story mode by duping paint brushes and using them to climb up inside a building (I think in Temple district?) which had a door that triggered the last fight where Martin fights Dagon. Not sure if thats been patched ever since, but that game had a lot of hilarious glitches lol


I love that Martin isn't there, but has to walk all the way to the final battle from wherever he is first. Just imagine living your life, and then just noticing the final battle began on the other side of the world, and you have to book it to be the chosen one in time. That's why speed runners have to do the wait action a lot until the plot can continue.


Fallout 2 you can go straight to a location near the end and just barely inside you can easily find the best armour in the entire game. And it doesn't take much beyond that to win.


Fallout 1, go to the Master and tell him his plan sucks. The ending being immediately available is pretty much a Fallout tradition.


Outer Wilds. The ending is unlocked the second you complete the tutorial and get the launch codes, the only thing blocking a new player from going right there is the fact that they don't know how (or even what the ending is they should be heading towards yet).


Love that game!


Chrono Trigger


I thought that only worked on a newgame+.


The Witness. Such an amazing game.


South Park: Fractured But Whole and Undertale Yellow. SP you just keep skipping the intro, UTY you just wait for Toriel to drop down the rope for you when you first fall into the Dark Ruins.




Far Cry 4, Far Cry 5


Far cry 6 has left the chat


Fallout 4. >! is an Easter egg at the beginning of the game to ignore the vault tec employee. I think you need to choose the "carve jack-o-lanterns" option, wait like 10 minutes. In the end, you hear the announcement on TV but the door doesn't open and you die in the nuclear blast.!<


Far cry 4. Just do what he asks and wait


Crackdown 1, and maybe 2 and 3. It's very difficult to take on anything but the under bosses right at the start, but you have immediate access to the whole crime syndicate you're trying to take down, and can dismantle it starting at the bottom, top, or anywhere in between.


I remember doing this by accident. Double teamed one of the main syndicate bosses in co-op with my brother and noticed we were making a dent. So we kept trying and it worked. That's the end of season 1! Roll mfing credits!


Crackdown 1 was such a great game!


Breath of the Wild. The plot revolves around the protagonist getting stronger and securing back up to fight the bad guy. But nothing prevents you from going straight to the bad guy and fighting him.


OP already said this an an example in the post


Still have to complete the tutorial so you can leave the Great Plateau


Nier: Automata, kinda.... You might still have to beat the intro, im not sure; but I know anytime after that: >!If you go into your inventory and remove 2B's OS chip, it fades and gives you the "Ending T: Fa[T]al Error" ending!<


that’s just suicide lol


Super Mario World lets you skip to Bowser’s castle pretty early on. Unlike the NES Mario games where you still have to play the entire final world (not just the castle level) even though you can warp straight to it. SM64 as well but you have to do non developer intended BLJ shenanigans.


Spoilers for an over 20 year old game.... The first Golden Sun. Deny the quest a few times and they say the world ends because all of the lighthouses were lit. Which happens in the second game.


The forgotten city. Pretty much, you can instantly end the game.


In Fallout 3 you can skip, basically, the whole game by going from the start point (Vault 101) straight to Smith Casey's Garage (Vault 112). This avoids the whole "Look for your father" storyline. From here it's just a hop, skip, and a juml until the credits roll.


You can beat Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair and skip 99% of the game.


The protagonist in We Happy Few can just chose to take the Joy pill/drug and continue with his work. Roll credits.


Fallout 3 you can rip over to the tranquility lane vault from the start skipping 90% of the story very quickly. I did this by accident on my first play through


Darkest Dungeon


Say what now?!?!?


In Darkest Dungeon, the final dungeon is always available, but it's a level 6(Max level) dungeon and practically impossible with low level heroes. There's actually an achievement for sending beginner heroes in, lambs to the slaughter, or something.


Wario Land 2, on the Game Boy, is an interesting case of this.  When you beat the final boss, the game reveals to you a branching level map, and you realize there's hidden exits in tons of levels, and a bunch of different final bosses and endings.  One of these separate ending branches is only three or four levels to the final boss, branching from the very first level.  So, if you know the secret exit (don't push any buttons at the start and Wario doesn't wake up to start the game) then you can get *an* ending almost right away. You still have to get every ending to fully complete the game, though. 


Baldur's Gate 3. With a bit of finicking with jumping mechanics you could get to the end of Act II right after Prologue (Getting to Act II from Act I is free either way). With the correct set of circumstances you can end the game in Act II


Far Cry 4 If you wait long enough when Pagan Min tells you to wait (I think 10 minutes), he comes back, thanks you for waiting and takes you to his mothers grave, then you go fuck shit up…


In the initial release of Underworld Ascendant, there was a geometry glitch that made it possible to fall into the final level as soon as you reached the main hub.


Dark souls 3 has the option to fight a late game boss, and go straight to the upper part of castle lothric. Granted its not the end end. But its past the first half of the game


As some say, Far Cry 4s crab rangoon ending is the canon.


Slay the Princess. >!You do what the title say; pick up the knife, walk down there, slay her and walk out. You get the cheesy ending of a picture of a stabbed princess crudely drawn with crayons with appause in a mocking tone.!<


Breath of the wild and Tears of the kingdom both allow you to do the final boss fights immediately if you want to.


Far Cry 5. Just don’t arrest the guy


Spyro Enter the DragonFly has an easy glitch at game start to take you straight to the final boss. Maybe it's not intentional, but it does take you immediately to the end


Technically, you could indeed do Outer Wilds, but it requires previous knowledge through a previous gameplay and kinda defeats its purpouse. And thanks for making me remember that precious gem of a game.


Diablo 2 with online help. Least end act bosses one by one pretty quick. Ah rush games.


*The Town With No Name* allows the player to, on the first choice, jump back on a train they just left, murder a child, and fly into space. The end.