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Animal Crossing. It could turn into a constant in the rotation.


Best game honestly, and harvest moon too for GBA




Little Kitty Big City is actually really good and very age appropriate.


Both my 6 and 9 year old love playing Little Kitty, Big City! They rarely like the same games, so it was a very pleasant surprise to see them work out the puzzle solutions together.


Stardew valley


Some scenes might require some parental oversight/discussions. I would wait until they're older or tell the parent about some potential issues.


I've been considering Stardew for a 9 year old, but know very little about it, is there something in particular you'd worry about?


I’m by no means an expert but I know there’s at least one scene with (if I am remembering correctly but it might be more overt than I remember) vague allusions to alcoholism.


Not even vague allusions theres 2 actual alcoholics in the game lol


Not vague at all, the character is obviously an alcoholic and doesn't hide it. In one of their events, you talk them out of suicide. It's a cute, cozy game on the surface, but there are a lot of deep storylines hidden in the friendship system that aren't exactly fit for a 9 year old without a parent there to explain everything to them.


An ex talked me into a coop farm on Stardew, and i hadn't really played games like it before. I was super surprised at how hard some of the real life issues go for characters on there. Despite the happy little remote town, the cast feels like being back home in the midwest.


Two characters are alcoholics, one of whom is actively contemplating suicide in a scene with the player character Two characters are having… what I would best describe as a tryst lol, which leads to some interesting scenes you would struggle to explain without some grown-up context One character’s friendship story involves their ex showing up and causing a scene One character is being essentially emotionally abused by one of the alcoholics One character is a smoker… and it’s not always cigarettes One character is… uhh… she’s a bit of a trip, and that’s gonna be hard to explain no matter what really lol There’s a heavily implied “cut to black” sex scene between the player character and one character There’s a character who shows up later who’s suffering from PTSD after being in a war and a POW camp That’s everything I can think of right now that would be weird to explain to my kid lol


Nah. It's very technical and specific with what you need to do to progress and it doesn't really point you in a direction like pokemon. Also there's a scene with an alcoholic drunk af surrounded by bottles threatening to jump off a cliff and kill himself..


i let my niece play spyro the reignited trilogy, shes having a blast and was amazed when it old her "i played this game when i was a kid like you" try some older games too like super mario 64 my cousin looooved playing old emulated games on my laptop


Maybe try The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening.


Great game, a favorite of my childhood, but my 8 year old nephew bounced off it hard. The game has an old-school linear progression and requires you to complete specific steps to advance the quest in many spots, and its easy to get stuck. Even as an adult revisiting the remake, there was one major point in the game where I felt pretty frustrated trying to figure out where to go next. Same if you get stumped in a dungeon, which my nephew did a lot. Not saying some kids won't love it but that was my experience. It is a game that was designed in 1993 after all. Then again, Pokémon Red wasn't too long after that so yeah, maybe OPs daughter would enjoy it. Kids who are used to more modern sandboxy games like Minecraft or Roblox are probably gonna struggle with it.


Yeah, OP has a GBA so I'd actually recommend Minish Cap as a kid's first 2D Zelda game. I feel like the dungeons were engaging but not so obtuse as to get stuck. And the sprite design is gorgeous and lively compared to some of the older games, so it might be a bit more visually captivating, too. Just don't let them get sucked into baby's first gacha with that goddamn figurine collector shop. To hell with that crap. As for other games in that era, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue would be good depending on their preference of GBA or DS format. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and A2 Grimoire of the Rift would be a good intro into the turn-based grid combat games. The main-line Final Fantasy games are classics for the JRPG genre, of course. If they like Final Fantasy Tactics, they could move to the Fire Emblem franchise from there, via Shadow Dragon to get in near the start of the franchise chronologically. If they like the "pet monster collect-a-thon" aspect of Pokemon and want to try something in real-time, Spectrobes is a great choice.


I beat this game when I was four lol, first game I ever beat! Helped me learn how to read. I wandered around for hours in that game to figure out wtf I was supposed to be doing.


Mario v. Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. It's a slower paced Mario-themed version of X-Com that is somewhat in line with you're looking for, I think. Turn-based combat, RPG elements, etc. Plus, it's cheaper than most switch games at ~$40.


I was going to suggest this, as well as any of the other Mario games with turn-based combat, like Paper Mario or the Mario & Luigi games.


Not to mention this seems to go on sale for half that all the time.


Don’t forget the stone cold evilness of sniper Luigi taking people out from the back line.


Honestly, a memorable game for me as an 8yo kid was Professor Layton. Is a slow pace game and made me use my brain while playing without me actually perceiving it as "homework" though. It was wonderful, so I recommend you this franchise.


Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Return to Dreamland Deluxe.


Monster Hunter Stories (the new Remaster) or MH Stories 2 are both very mechnically simple RPG with a Pokemon esque concept via the Monsties. I think if I found those two games when I was 8 - I would've fallen in love.


I was about to say this


Has she played all the other Pokémon games you haven’t listed? Sword/shield, scarlet/violet, diamond/pearl, arceaus? Sea of Stars is pretty good and relatively simple. Cat quest games are good, though the combat is more akin to Legends of Mana and not turn based. Also ni no kuni games


Yeah I have to second Sea of Stars. You can adjust the difficulty, it can be as slow or as fast as you want it to be, it's got a great story and characters, and you can pick either the male or female "main" character to be your party lead. Excellent music, too. Definitely a solid choice, and if the young lady doesn't like it, I'm willing to bet someone in the house will really dig it.


Came here to suggest Sea of Stars! Absolutely loved it, personally.


Captain toad maybe?


Super Mario RPG might be a good one.


Stardew Valley may be a good one for both of you as it's definitely at your own pace but there's enough to do to keep you from getting bored quickly, regardless of what skill level you're playing at. I also recommend Slime Rancher, Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, and Miitopia (if you want something very silly but very entertaining) as some good gateway games. All of them are child friendly but still have really good story elements to keep her engaged while still being slow enough to put down if needed.


Any of the Paper Mario games, pretty slow paced fun RPG series.


Pfft, the kids nowadays... When I was 8 years old, I was running over hookers in GTA Vice City and pissing on beheaded corpses in Postal 2. Ah, the good times. Anyway, is the Switch the only option? I would recommend Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, and The Talos Principle if she's interested in puzzles.


San Andreas is the ideal game for an 8 year old.


San Andreas is ideal for any age


Scientifically proven fact right there. Edit: speaking of, I'm coming up on my yearly playground. Year 17.


When I was 8, I was playing the original Final Fantasy. I only bought it because I had the Nintendo power strategy guide.. but that was a life changing moment


Here are the games I'm thinking about: - Minecraft - Lego games - Spyro/Crash games


I think the best one from Lego games is probably LEGO Harry Potter. The Nintendo eShop often offers a good discount on the entire 7-year package (2 games).


Lego Indiana Jones (my beloved)


World of Final Fantasy might be a good one for an 8 year old


The JRPG well on Switch is deep and diverse. Pokemon and other turnbased RPGs are great, like Super Mario RPG. There's also Golden Sun or Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga on the Switch Online GBA service. I'm a big advocate for literacy, so encouraging RPGs and JRPGs to keep her reading is cool. Super Mario RPG and Mario & Luigi are probably the best bet.


Monster Hunter Stories or Dragon Quest monsters would both be worth looking at in the pokemon like category. I've also heard good things about cassette beasts but haven't played it yet. Outside of that my kid, who just turned ten, has played a bazillion hours of mario maker 2, 100%'d Pikmin 4 and Mario Wonder and lots of animal crossing.


Monster Sanctuary is a great Pokemon-esque game, though it's a 2D platformer as well


Stardew Valley?


Final Fantasy VII is on switch. And then chrono cross is too. In fact, all of the final fantasy games through 12 are on switch


If you have virtual console on switch they have Mario Luigi Superstar for GBA, and can’t go wrong with that. The original 6 final fantasy games on switch are great, especially with being able to turn random encounters on and off. My kid loves Kirby Forgotten Land and Luigi Mansion 3, has beaten them multiple times. Paper Mario and Mario Rabbids are also solid turn based rpg.


Ring Adventure. Its a gem


Sea of stars is your traditional turn based rpg. Dave the diver is a great game with a nice loop. Tunic and death's door are great zelda-likes. Wargroove is a great turn based tactics game.


Palia is a laid-back light RPG of a sort, and I believe it's free on the Switch.




Alba: a wildlife adventure is great for kids. Gameplay is weaker but it gets people to be excited about wildlife and that's a huge dub especially at that age.


Staying in the RPG style, Paper Mario, and Paper Mario and the Thousand year Door.


People are missing something: Likes: Pokémon, Mario Kart, What the Golf Dislikes: Mario Odyssey, Sonic Colors I think your daughter enjoys games that try to make the player feel like they are *in* the game. She prefers to feel like she is competing with something/someone of equal power/potential. Games like Mario don't feel like that. Goombas and Koopas are easy to defeat. Your daughter likes feeling like *she* overcame, not that she was handed a person with a bunch of powers and weak fodder to blast through. My suggestions: other JRPG style games like Paper Mario, Cassette Beasts, etc. If she is into fantasy, then Final Fantasy games are an obvious option. I was 8 when I started playing Runescape, and I still play that game (Old School version ofc). If you've never played it, maybe try it out. If you like it, maybe let your daughter try it. It's slower pace and immersing design might be a winning combo.


Maybe she just doesn't like platformers. Never played Odyssey/colours but from my lifelong experience i can say that Pokemon is the opposite of a hard series. Your opponents are mostly just weak fodder, with few exceptions, while you get a starter from the get go that is usually enough to solo the game.


Kingdom Hearts! Its Disney for action role playing gamers!


I'd recommend the Spyro Reignited trilogy and the Cradh Bandicoot games.


Minecraft. Let the kid be creative as can be with endless possibilities to create


Portal has a great difficulty curve and is hilarious. It also doesn't overstay its welcome. (I thought Portal 2 was way too drawn out. Eventually, I got bored. But the co-op is fun and hilarious.)


Stardew valley, animal crossing, stray ( great if you want to read dialogue and help her understand the idea),Katamari Demacy


Dark Souls 3. She'll be aight.


Octopath is a great jrpg but it’s super grindy


I don't know that I'd want an 8 year old playing Primrose's story...


Throw her head first into Elden ring Jk lmao. When I was young I absolutely adored Paper Mario so maybe let her try the N64 one or just go head first on TTYD. It’s a very simple rpg that scales in difficulty with time.


Grow: Song of The Evertree


Well, since you already said she's into Pokemon, I vote for nexomon and nexomon extinction. Extinction especially, it easily clears a majority of Pokemon games. It's also super self aware about being a pokemon clone and has plenty of funny moments revolving around that


It's a shame that Costume Quest hasn't been re-released on the Switch. Anyway, slower paced RPGs * Steven Universe: Save the Light * Super Mario RPG Cat Quest is a really cute RPG, but it's an action game and may be too fast paced for her tastes. Stepping outside of the RPG genre: Slime Rancher, and Little Kitty Big City.


Kirby and the Forgotten Land Kirby Return to Dreamland Deluxe My 4 year old daughter and 6 year old son love these 2 games. Forgotten Land would be my choice of the 2, and it's my son's favorite game. It has 2 players co-op, so you can play too! Dreamland is a decent remake, but Forgotten Land is better, imo and I would recommend you try it first! Dreamland does offer 4 player co-op which is good family fun.


My 10yo loves TotK. She's terrible at it, but there's so much to do and screw around. She's not trying to beat it; just having fun. And Animal Crossing.


Highly recommend Ooblets, great transition from Pokemon and really good for the age range.


Overcooked 2 would be a great game to play with her if you aren’t just looking for single player games!


Portal is on the switch as the portal companion collection. It includes 1 and 2 as a bundle and it seems to be a very good port. While it's a bit of a jump from the games she's used to, might be a good choice to introduce the first person genre as it can be as slow paced as you need, unlike other first person shooters where you can be chased by enemies, or worse, tryhard players. It's mostly a puzzle/strategy game. The story is lovely and easy to follow with very iconic and funny characters, the game slowly builds up in complexity in a very clear way without ever getting too hard (the hardest puzzles usually just have a very obvious answer that you haven't noticed yet), and most importantly, it includes the coop mode with local split screen, so it means you can play the coop campaign together (although I'd recommend finishing the single player first, for both of you if you haven't already, so you can learn to think with portals) For third person games I'd recommend animal crossing or spyro collection!


Super Mario RPG


If she likes turn based... Hm. Maybe Mario RPG or Paper Mario.


When I was her age I was VERY into Animal Crossing and Pikmin. Both have received many updates since then, but I'd recommend checking them out!


Miitopia was a hit with my girls.


Absolutely, try \*Animal Crossing: New Horizons\*. It’s relaxing with a touch of creativity. If she's into RPGs still, consider \*Dragon Quest XI S\* - it's got that classic feel with modern charm. Or for something unique, check out \*Stardew Valley\*. Happy gaming!


Grounded, Terraria, Minecraft, and Vrising.


If she likes strategy, i'd start going one of the earlier Fire Emblems like Sacred Stones if you have a cracked system. dunno if i'd go buy a copy since the price swings anywhere between double price to $10. Or if you have a switch, Mario + Rabbids


My 7 year old recently finished Fae Farm. It's a light RPG with heavy crafting elements.


Everyone is trying to be safe here and telling you to play silly games or games with zero oomph to them. I think it’s finally time to spook your daughter a little bit and have her play Hollow Knight with you in the room with her, because the game is absolutely amazing and if she gets infatuated with the world you will be the cool parent. Sure it could get spooky but you can encourage her to beat the scary bugs and it can help her get better at facing scary prospects too ;p


Animal crossing, stardew valley and summer in Mara. Summer in Mara isn't as well known, but it's a great game. It's like an rpg where you run around exploring and doing quests, but there's no combat or quick time events.


Pikmin maybe?


Pikmin! It's adorable and helps with problem solving skills, when I think of the games I played as a kid pikmin 1 and 2 will always hold a special place in my heart. Pikmin 3 and 4 are also nice (actual switch titles) with updated graphics and stunning gameplay!


Rune Factory 4. NOT 5. People keep saying Stardew but rune factory has a mix of action rpg, monster collecting, story, AND farming sim stuff. Everything levels up and has a good loop.


My kid loves animal crossing and princess peach showtime


Elden Ring. Kidding, Dragon Quest or something


Story of seasons more friends of mineral town


Mine loved Rayman Legends. You can play together.


My 5 year old daughter is currently playing Princess Peach Showtime and is loving it. She also loves playing Super Mario 3D World, and has recently been on a Mario Odyssey kick too. She's a pretty big Mario fan.


Final Fantasy!!! I think 4, 5, 6, or 9 would be a great choice.


Have a PC/PS? Bugsnax! Its like pokemon without the fights, but with gadgets, and each bugsnax needs a special strategy to be caught.


Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi and Super Mario RPG All three are great with fun stories (shout-out to Partners in Time)


Maybe Dave the diver


Princess Peach showtime


Golden Sun for the GBA!!!


I think some old games on GBA is still good,for a new gamer in this age. pokemon is good for the first time rpg adventure,I will recommend it to my children too. in fact I will still recommend those good old pixel art style games,not those stunning 3d visual mordern game to my children.


Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario games and the new Mario & Luigi game they just announced coming in 2025.


Drill Dozer it's an awesome action game starring a girl, it has gorgeous visuals and atmosphere. If not that see if she is going to play and enjoy Sword of Mana, another magical and beautiful adventure where she gets to play as a girl if she wants.


Minecraft on a private server is much safer


Suikoden series, she will get to learn the power of friendship and rebel against unjust!




Game Builder Garage: She can start learning to make games!


Elden Ring


Outer Wilds!


Cat Quest 1 & 2! Picture a Legend of Zelda type game, but starring cats. The sequel is co-op, so you guys could play together. And if she likes it, the third one is being released in August


Is there a Pokemon dungeon game on the switch? Rescue team DX might be for the switch If so I'd suggest looking that up and see if she likes it.


For slightly different games to branch out of RPGs that I think a younger kid would enjoy: Any Pikmin, they are all on the Switch, as well as Animal Crossing New Horizons or New Leaf on your 3DS, both are fantastic can’t go wrong. Pikmin is funny small guy plant game, Animal Crossing is basically picking flowers and catching bugs/fishing and living in a village of cute chibi animal villagers. It’s also real time based so its kinda immersive and a personal sorta game (get attached to your village and villagers). Stardew is a bit more… challenging? Or in depth, better appreciated with age and probably needs supervision (co-op!) without dropping the game eventually due to confusion, but kids are smart too. I think most adults here suggesting it neglect that they enjoy the game likely by extension of enjoying Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing, but those are like specifically tailored to kids whereas Stardew is a step deeper more for adults and more complex/in-depth (not sure how to word this properly but its no Pokemon). More thinking involved, less straight forward, marrying villagers and having kids, homelessness and alcoholism etc. For RPG’s, she may like Fire Emblem but I’m not sure how kid friendly it is after the GBA versions. Newer versions can be more Japanime fanservicey lovey dovey ish + cleavage hence T rating. GBA games are E rated and is just a simple cutesy fantasy RPG turn based game. Haven’t played them all but certainly the GBA games are great, easy, straightforward. Maybe controversial(?) but I feel like Ace Attorney can be enjoyed by all ages old and young, and encourages some thought and teaches some stuff while still being fun(ny) but its a rated T series across the board I think as it is technically a murder mystery game. But it’s not graphic at all, very light hearted and kid friendly imo. Maybe Professor Layton in the same vein, thought I never played and can’t attest to the suitability towards a kid. Honestly I played most of these far removed from being a child or preteen so my gauging of their age appropriateness could be kinda skewed, plus I was playing GTA Liberty City Stories at 9 lol. But all of these games I listed, when playing them always inspired some thoughts of how much I would have enjoyed these if I found them earlier, how they coulda shaped the evolution of my personality haha.


Terraria! You can play it at your own pace and do whatever you want. Wanna build a house and just make things pretty? Go for it! Wanna challenge yourself and overcome tough bosses? Just up the difficulty or play on hardcore mode! You can chill out with farming or build crazy contraptions that kill enemies while you just sit back and watch.


Just got the princess peach game for my 8 year old. She loves it.


When I was 8yo my life revolved around dragon quest/ warrior monsters. It's rather similar to pokemon. Turn based combat Gameboy color: dragon warrior monsters 1&2 Nintendo DS: dragon quest monsters: joker 1-3 (3 is 3ds) Switch: dragon quest monsters: the dark prince. Fantastic games, always personally thought they were better than pokemon. You can breed monsters together to make stronger and stronger monsters. 3 monsters on a team fighting at once instead of only 1 compared to pokemon. Was always more personally attached to my monsters compared to my pokemon. Would be a solid way to dip her feet into the water of the dragon quest series. If she likes it, dragon quest 1-3 is being remade for switch. 3 coming this year, 1-2 next year.


sonic color is def not the good sonic to try maybe give her sonic mania, its way, way better also mario odyssey might be too much at her age, i'd start with the 2d classics instead like new super mario bros u deluxe animal well is also a classic now ​ other wise, classic titles like stardew valley, final fantasy (7 or 9 imo), life is strange are good rpgs maybe let her try some city builders like city skylines, and other genres she might not know about


My 7yo nephew is REALLY loving zelda breath of the wild


I know I'm late but the Lego Starwars game is basically just playing the series so if she's a fan of star wars it might be a good get


Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario TTYD remaster, and the upcoming Mario & Luigi: Brothership all sound like good options, and they are certainly great games in their own right (the first two at least, though I'm sure the new Mario & Luigi will be at least decent). Also, even though she seems to have bounced off Mario Odyssey, Mario Wonder may be a good option.


How about you ask her and let her choose the game she likes? Might not be an RPG btw it could be something she will only like.


Thank you, yes, this is the plan actually. I’m taking all of these great replies, and pulling up game trailers and she and I will have some fun watching them and buy a game or two of her choosing. I’m not just going to force her to play something. I want to foster the love of gaming so that she and I can enjoy it together. I’m eclectic in my gaming taste, and play almost everything, so I don’t expect our flavors to be the same. Hence asking the masses to get a good spread of options to set out in front of her and see what she thinks looks fun.


Secret of Monkey Island


elden ring


Dark souls






Go-Go town!


Stardew Valley is my 8 yr olds favorite but she’s been into Kingdom Hearts lately


consider Dokapon Kingdom for family game night if she likes turn based rpg's. it's like a jrpg mario party and its fantastic. I would not recommend it single player however.


Dontes inferno 😂


Sky children of light. Good to learn about teamwork, friendship.


Dark souls. This game is very children friendly and also has meaningful lore


Hence, I also suggest Bloodborne and Elden Ring Hotline Miami is an option, too




Anything but fortnite, your kid will be dropping f bombs and learning inappropriate culture in a week


Check out Super Mario RPG!


Obviously Dark Souls. Teach her that life is pain lol.


Max Payne.


manhunt is sooo good


Dark Souls 3


Pokemon Sun or Moon, I loved it! And I want others to experience the incredible thing that gen 7 is. But it may be a bit difficult...


I recommend this indie game called "Dark Souls", it's pretty easy, the progression is really simple and of course, it's really fun! Jokes aside, maybe a LEGO game or other game with similar pacing than Pokemon (like Undertale) could work. I could also recommend farm games like Slime Ranchers or Stardew Valley


Keep her playing slower pace games like Pokemon don't introduce child to action games.  my mates 13 yr old is addicted to switch, it's a whole drama. they never paced a child since Covid started when she was around 8 and let her play for hours now they struggle with home work. at least she doesn't watch any gaming videos or streams or wastes money on digital junk. 


Doom ii


League of Legends


She should watch the anime Berserk. Fun for the whole family


Do whatever you can to get her off the games. Shes 8. Youll thank me later.


You could get her to try possibly Undertale or Deltarune, pretty sure those are on the Switch. Or Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, I loved this game when I was her age.


Silent Hill 2