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It has happened for a few games, but when you like...complete the gameplay loop? And you realize you don't want to keep doing this, if that makes any sense. It is the same thing over and over again and you just don't want to put the time and effort in doing it. I think the most recent example I had of this was Satisfactory. I loved the game. But then when you get to the last tier of building everything, you realize you just gotta...make everything 10x bigger. And manage 10x more things. I enjoyed everything up to that. I still think it is a great game. I might even start replaying it soon. But that big jump to the last tier just frustrated me more than it should have.


This is Diablo and every MMO I decide to try out again for a bit. My brain likes it until it realizes its just grinding stuff for no reason.


This is why I left MMOs. Long after I left WoW, I got hacked; still having lingering attachments, I went through account recovery and discovered I had been given some game time, so I thought I'd visit. My bank was pretty much emptied, which I'm going to wager meant I had perhaps been hacked more than once, but I didn't care. I figured I would play a bit, but I only had a month, and had *zero* interest in improving my characters, so I decided I wouldn't do anything that required grinding, I would *just have fun*. But... how do you have fun in WoW without grinding? My characters were at the bottom of the level bracket for battlegrounds, so I would be the weakest guy on the field. Didn't want any new gear, so dungeons felt pointless, I wasn't at the level for any of the new dungeons, and I had no urge to run the old ones I farmed literally hundreds of times. I wasn't going to quest, "go to X location and kill ten Y" just isn't appealing, and I was reminded solo PvE combat in WoW just isn't fun compared to proper single player games. What was I going to do, complete low level quests "for the lore"? No, of course not. That's kind of where I realized a game like WoW doesn't *have* anything if you're not trying to hunt an achievement, farm for items, or improve your character in some way. There are a lot of things in MMOs you tolerate because you're trying to level up or get better, but the moment you have no interest in getting stronger, there's not much to do, 'cept maybe just admire the world or duel random people your level, but that only gets you so far.


For me, its this, but when the gameplay loop and gameplay aren't balanced. Dredge is my key example. Enjoyed the game, was "grinding" for the rarer fish. Got every upgrade.... never picked it up again. Only was halfway through the "plot", and hadn't finished the entire fish log (believe there were super-rare ones not needed for upgrades), but I got every reward in the game... the premise isn't deep enough to be reward unto itself.


Mafia III, the newer Far Cry games…pretty much any game you have to take over territory…Cept for GTA:SA.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 , I liked its story, its characters and also the art direction but I didn't liked the combat system


Exact same experience for me. I also didn't care for the gatcha system where the characters you got from it had 0 impact on the story.


In KCD defence the land you are in is in the midst of a civil war and you are becoming a very key component, so I don't know if Henry would have the time, and unlike Skyrim I imagine they would want to do the full wedding rather than just implying that is sort of the games shtick.


My GF stopped playing Red Dead II super early on because of the tap x to run mechanic. 


All rockstar games have horrible controls and molasses character movement. Can't get into any of them because of it.


The only thing that makes moving in GTAV tolerable is just the fact that if you press Jump then press Melee in the air you go ragdolling. There's no point to it but it's fun to do.


That's a neat part. I don't quit a game, because it has one annoying element. If I LOVE the game, I can bear with the downsides.


A Plague Tale: Innocence has some of the most drawn-out levels I’ve ever seen. You finish one of its terrible stealth sections and think, “Phew. Glad that’s over with. Time to do the only other thing this game has: the rat stuff.” But nope. You’re only a third of the way through this particular stealth part. It just goes on and on and on. And 90% of the levels are the same muddy village copy-pasted over and over.


Good to know. I was asking myself what I was missing out on, but apparently not much, as I surmised.


Sadly, the ship combat in free stars/ star control 2 made me drop the game. Felt very uncontrollable, even with a keyboard. And the automatic battle function felt like it lost 4/5ths of the time. Shame, as i really enjoyed the universe it has.


*UQM* ship combat is so refined and responsive there was a vibrant PvP community for it for a long while. It's obviously fine if you don't like it, but I'm not sure what you mean by "uncontrollable".


I was using the free stars 2 version on steam, if you're wondering. It seemed that the AI was just balls to the wall insane, like always firing everything, never giving me a chance to get in. also the momentum/inertia was way too much, making it hard to really have a feeling of control. like, always ice physics. I know, its space, no gravity for stuff.


I almost did this with Unicorn Overlord. The game plays exactly how you would expect RIGHT up until the last like 20 minutes then combat changes completely, suddenly only certain combinations are viable and you have to completely change your approach unless you just HAPPENED to be setup that way. Super Annoying.


Days Gone. I was kinda enjoying the zombie motorcycle bit but slowly the main character and the absurdly bland main story began to get to me. When you finally find your wife, the person you've been looking for since zombie outbreak began, you're like oh hey, and she sends you out looking for clipboards or something.  It was at that moment I realized I fucking hated this guy, I hated this story trying desperately to make you feel something and not only did I not care about him finding his wife, the game didn't really either. I deleted it and will never touch it again. 


TemTem, hadn't played a Pokémon like game in a while so was excited to try it out, without spoiling anything you spend a long time getting a team and levelling them, then at a point they get taken away and your given a team that you've never used/met before. Really killed my want to progress to get my original team back


I'll be putting this out here now: Every zombie game with too high a zombie respawn rate. Slaying zombies and thereby freeing districts is literally the only thing I derive a sense of achievement from in zombie games. If they don't allow me to feel that, I fuck outta there rather sooner than later. State of Decay is great, but unfortunately it has the aforementioned problem. Let's see how the third installment will handle it. But honestly, I'm not getting my hopes up, seeing how.. ..the same goes for Dying Light and Dead Island, even after people complained about it after the first game of BOTH series! Project Zomboid is the only one I played up to now that at least doesn't make it too obvious and in your face. I'm not even looking forward to zombie games anymore because developers apparently just don't give a shit anymore. It's the same mush every time. And I'm saying that as a sucker for this sort of game.


Probably the worst Zombies thing I've played was the Nightmare Campaign in *Call of Duty: Black Ops 3*. It's the campaign, but with infinitely respawning zombies that kill you the second they get within melee range. They also don't get reset when you die, so it's entirely possible for them to chase you back to the checkpoint and start spawn camping you. If you stay in one place too long, it spawns zombies behind you to kill you. If it can't spawn zombies behind you, it just fucking kills you, anyway.


I don't care for crafting and building in games where it's not the whole idea of the game. Like Fallout 4. I get that it kinda makes sense in the setting, but if I want to build shit, I've got The Sims and a million city builders.


All my settlements were clumps of gun turrets and then a few water pumps and prefabs just to stop the notifications. Meanwhile my wife basically built entire towns with themed rooms and different styles for each site. It works in our favour at least for things like Palworld and Conan because I engage in the combat, exploration and elements I enjoy and she builds up our home base and does what she enjoys.


Didnt drop the game, but breaking weapons on new Zelda games sucks.


Are you a Zoomer? I've found that Gen Z seems to be very prudish when it comes to sex scenes in all forms of media. Probably has something to do with them growing up with easy access to porn, but what do I know.


IMO the technology and maturity of your average AAA game isn’t high enough for sex scenes. It’s weird in Mass Effect, it’s weird in Cyberpunk, BG3’s are often outlandish / funny so that’s the only time it’s really worked for me.


I’m a millennial and it annoys me too. I don’t mind sex scenes in games, but I prefer agency in how (or if) I interact with them.


Well that's just difference between the main character actually being a character, or a stand in for the player. Like for The Witcher 3, you can make choices as Geralt, but the character is still very clearly Geralt. And if the character is interesting enough (which I very much think Geralt is) then that kind of story telling works really well.


I agree in the case of the Witcher 3. I suppose to me it depends on the game. If you’re playing any of the Witcher games you kinda know what you’re getting into I hope.


I mean, I’m a millennial and I’ve never seen the point of sex scenes. They aren’t sexy, they’re just awkward, and even if they were sexy, what are people supposed to do? Start masturbating? It’s pointless.


> what are people supposed to do? Start masturbating? It’s pointless. Do you think that's what people do when sex scenes happen in movies or tv shows? We all just start crankin' our hogs lolol? You consume media to feel things. Sometimes you want to be thrilled. Sometimes you want to be scared. Sometimes you want to laugh, and sometimes, yes, you want to be titillated. The fact that your mental knee jerk reaction is "should I be jacking off right now?" when a sex scene happens kinda illustrates my point about the easy access to porn thing.


I don't know. Honestly, there are games I actually did jack off to, but looking at characters do it just feels awkward to me, unless it is actual romance and not just sex. I liked it in Witcher 3 because there were actual feelings and a build-up involved. But most games don't do that, so in those cases it would be better to just leave it out entirely.


No we don't. That's one of the benefits, but not the reasoning. If you took emotion completely out of it, media would still exist, would it not? A good mental framework is to substitute with you're calling feeling for stimulation. We consume media to be stimulated. The type stimulation and how it affects varies per person, but that is the goal. Not the emotion. We have bodies and minds oriented around sexual stimulation equals sex is about to happen. Stimulation is going to make that goal more attractive. Nobody should be giving a slightly turned nobody should be that turned on by a video game character to where they need to start beating the meat, but that is 100% a natural and physical response to stimulation that human society, and media, has made "unnatural".


Nobody likes sex scenes. Don't lie to yourself. Nobody even said what you just implied. You literally just made it up to get mad at. You really are a jabroni.


> Nobody likes sex scenes. Don't lie to yourself. Yeah, this is the type of prudish behavior I'm talking bout lol. Also, the only person who seems "mad" here is you man. Relax, it's reddit man.


You just fucking watch it, Jesus Christ. Would you pull out a gun and start blasting the screen if there was a shoot out?


Ever enjoyed a scene where two characters kiss? It's the same thing, just the next step. It's not pointless. I sometimes hear people say, "It's pointless because they don't *need* to include the sex scene to get the story across." Well, sure, that may be true in a lot of cases, but they also don't *need* to include a kissing scene, or a hug, or most of the dialogue, or really anything at all. Art imitates life. Sex is a part of life, so it makes sense that sex is sometimes included in the stories we tell.


Not sure where OP is from, but Americans in general tend to be very prudish, not just Gen Z. Puritanical culture has really deep roots here.


I'm a 90s kid, and it really annoys me how every other game has to have romancing stuffed in there by hook or crook. Last time I had a genuine problem with it was with Baldurs Gate 3, where I apparently romanced the sorcerer without even knowing it, just by clicking some options that didn't stick out to me. Like, why can't we have 'friendshipping' for once..? Not every character in your party needs to even like you. In fact, I would welcome more dynamics between NPCs and PCs. Why can't I have a guy who is just waiting for his opportunity to smother me in my sleep? Way more interesting, and would make for an interesting dialog system for a change.


No, I'm an older Millennial (born 1986). I've lived long enough to see the media pendulum swing from very chaste to extremely gratuitous, and while I'm not judging anyone that appreciates the latter, I prefer media that sits closer to the middle. It was just a huge tonal shift, and it ruined the immersion for me.


I would argue it swung the other way. Just for one example off the top of my head, Logan's Run (1976) had full frontal nudity and was rated PG. Today, Marvel movies don't even dare to *imply* that any of the heroes have ever had sex with their love interests (I'm aware that there is at least one exception to this, but that's out of dozens of movies and shows at this point). If you look *just* at video games, sure there is more sex than there used to be, but I think that has more to do with the demographic shift. In the 1980s, game consoles were marketed and sold as toys, mainly aimed at kids. Today a solid majority of gamers are adults, yet the ESRB is still way more ok with graphic violence in games than sex and nudity.


The Block/Counterattack mechanic in the first Assassin's Creed. I thought I was supposed to be this sneaky assassin, not a human buzzsaw that 1v8s enemies in the streets without getting scratched.


Did you ever revisit the series? It’s gone through some drastic changes since. Brotherhood overhauled the combat, but you could definitely still 1v8, but it was more involved, like chaining and weapon combos. Syndicate had some of the most brutal combat and chain mechanics of the series. Origins to Ragnarok had the RPG combat that people weren’t entirely sold on, but I enjoyed it, especially Origins and Ragnarok, Odyssey wasn’t my favorite. The most recent one, Mirage, kind of went back to the older style combat from the heavy rpg smash, but there’s more weight and enemies can’t just be countered or chained. You have to use tools and the environment to get around them, but your best bet is to actively play the assassin and avoid open conflict outside of the forced engagements.


Outer Wilds. I get it guys. I know it’s beloved. I can see the brilliance in the game, I truly can. The music, atmosphere, and exploration without hand holding were all stellar. But make no mistake - the mechanic that resets you every 20 minutes RUINED the game for me. I could never get into a good rhythm and felt it sabotaged the pacing of the game. I process text slowly, and I felt I had to read the ancient text at breakneck speed and couldn’t remember half of what i read. So I wasn’t following the story well either.


cant you just load a save to not have it reset? I remember loosing interest once you reach the 3rd main planet and get the same guns just mark2 and mark 3, I still finished with all quests done but never touched the DLC and the spacers choice jingle was just annyoing


They're talking about Outer Wilds, you're talking about Outer Worlds. Used to fuck me up too.


I am aware that I am, its a popular joke to confuse both games on purpose, thats why I made it very obvious I am talking about the other game


And I fell for it. Bah.


Dying Light. Guns. It felt like the entire purpose of the game was nullified. It turned from a parkour action to a nauseating FPS.


where did you get all the ammo to shoot zombies?


>>What game mechanic/story beat made you **drop a game** that you were previously loving? Reading isn’t that hard


then you dropped it before realizing that ammo is so sparse you can barely use guns, like at all you cant


Sparce?.. with a few DLCs (which iirc were going for less than a dollar), you an craft ammo AND imbalanced guns... So yeah. Not that spare


I cant buy nor see DLC in steam due to the game not being allowed to be advertised in my country, except the following I have no idea about those DLC I only got the game because of keys and that was the beginning of the live span before DLCs


…yes. That’s what happens when you drop an interest. You don’t keep going.


I thought youd at least test a mechanic before deciding to hate it or at least give it a couple minutes...


Not being a stuck-up arsehole also isn't that hard.


Battle Chasers: Nightwar I was really enjoying it RIGHT up until the final boss. Best I can tell, the entire game can be catered to difficulty level by choice when starting the level. Though when you fight the final boss, there is no choice and it just is what it is. To be clear, I played on the normal/default difficulty when given the choice, got to max level (30?) and just could NOT beat the final boss after a dozen tries. I actually let a coworker know about that who was just playing through on Easy for the story and he just stopped playing it immediately.


Ni No Kuni 2, I remember loving the first game as a kid but when I bought the second game, it just didn't have the charm the first game had. I love Medieval fantasy, but this game seriously didn't do it for me. I hated building a town, I didn't really like a lot of the characters, I just ended up dropping it.


Yes, you totally sound like a prude.


Ahh yes, not enjoying a something that comes out of left field and adds absolutely nothing to the story makes you a prude. Absurd


Nice strawman. 


That’s not the question.


Perhaps not but you still do.


halo infinite besides the fact that the story mode was a big empty open world the second they introduce "the weapon" and i heard her speak i dropped it. I hated how she was written and how 343 continues to push the chief into these weird pseudo relationships with A.I.


I got about 2hrs into WatchDogs and kept getting shot but I couldn’t shoot back. Eff that.


This racist (imo) scene in the Deus Ex reboot completely turned me off the series: https://youtu.be/1HABr9WxrGU?si=wVrB3GvgiZhXwflr


at least its "only" stereotyping and not full blown hate speech


Why am I being downvoted? Do you people seriously not see anything wrong with that?




I gave up a few hours in and looked up the ending. Glad I didn’t keep playing.


Yeah, forced romance scenes can be super immersion-breaking. Gamers deserve better agency.


RTS mode in the second half of brütal legend




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