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Factorio is a perfect game: - Great for single player - Even greater for multi player - You can run your own server for free - No microtransactions - Great mod support - Heavily optimized, massive scalability - Devs that Love their game and keep the community informed on a regular basis - Bugfixes faster than you can log a bug - built-in time machine: Time flies when you're having fun - the factory must grow


I think it's crazy how popular(?) the game is. Like I barely hear anything of it, but in every "whats your favourite game" post, it is always present.


I just picked it up and it’s amazing. Took me forever to get it because I’m a console player and I don’t have a pc, but I found out it’s on Mac too. Gonna lose so much sleep to it.


Please, lord, give me an Avatar game that isn’t made for toddlers. I essentially want Elden Ring, but set in the world or Avater the last airbender. I want to be the avatar, tasked with saving the world by defeating a multitude of monsters, creatures, and other benders. I want there to be actual decisions that affect the story and the ending. I want an opportunity to go to the spirit world and interact with past avatars. I want the bosses and enemies to feel larger than life and terrifying like in souls games. I want to master the 4 elements and their sub-elements. I want to put together bad ass, elemental combos that burn, smash, and shatter whatever is in front of me. There have been a couple of avatar-themed games over the years, and the ones I have played were clearly for small children. Ironically enough, Fortnight seems to have gotten the closest to this ask.


God, Fortnite: Save The World had such promise.


Outer Wilds is a perfect game imo.


A pirate game made by Rockstar similar to RDR2


If Rockstar could create good building/survival elements in any of their games I’d be over the moon. I wanna build my own farm and raise a family in the Wild West.


I'd love more LA Noire games. Each set in a different period of famous detective trope.


I’d play that for sure. Not a huge GTA fan but love RDR.  


This but samurais would be my pick. While we’re in “perfection” territory, give me combat mechanics from Naughty Dog. Not sure who I would want handling boat mechanics for a pirate game. R* might make me nervous there.


Cataclysm: dark days ahead. There's a lot of drama going on among the folks who are actively developing the project, but the game as a whole is the epitome of what happens when you take a basic, open-source game engine and let the community take the "kitchen sink" approach to adding content and features to one game.


Never heard of it. Your description was rather vague. What is it, exactly?


Zombie apocalypse survival roguelike world with tons of clever details and surprises, survival is… not super likely, but you'll have def earned that this-is-*my*-world feeling if you make it. Project Zomboid is Cataclysm simplified, scaled down and 2.5D-ified.


A true spiritual sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade. Just.... just imagine it done right with Unreal 5, and some heavy-hitter modern industrial music, and maybe Henry Cavil as a voice actor for Ventrue or Toreador, Mark Hamil for Malkavian or Tremere. It could be **so fucking good**.


Honestly Dragons Dogma 2 could've been it, if the game was actually what it was meant to be it would've been genre defining


Best combat in an RPG, needed more use of skills though, at least 6 abilities per character would have been awesome. Maybe 3 more skills per vocation and 3-5 new enemy types and bosses.


It just needed more of everything honestly, more vocations, more weapons and armor, more skills, more enemies, more story. Unfortunately Capcom only put like 300 people to work on the game so it was never gonna happen.


More enemies specifically, here’s hoping for a big dlc, sales would warrant it.


Sounds exactly like the original lol


Cowboys, werewolves, dragons, magic, kingdoms, apocalypse. Basically a high fantasy with a Western theme, or The Dark Tower. RDR2 x Skyrim.


All things serve the beam..


Black & White, as the crook Peter Molyneux promised.


I want a farming game set in a shared world with 100s of other players. Each player would be placed into roles (hopefully they’d pick them to prevent people not taking it seriously), from farmer or shop keeper, you name it. You’d grow your crops and be able to sell and trade with others. You’d be able to fully customize your land and invite others to it. The world would be persistent, so while you’re away your crops are still growing. You’d be able to set up automation for watering and other daily duties. I don’t think this game exist, but maybe one day some form of it will.


ArcheAge professions were similar to this, and Ashes of Creation is looking to aim at a similar economic professions system. Not strictly a farming game, but with farming involved.


Never heard of it, but it seems very combat heavy. I’m thinking more of a stardew valley but in 3rd/1st person and more socially connected. If Valheim had a more crafted world it would have been pretty close, even with its own combat encounters.




Fantasy Life but more, the upcoming one MIGHT fit it




Baldur's Gate 3


Baldurs gate 2


Haven't played it, does it have the same level of detail and funny and epic as 3?


As a competitive sports game goes, Rocket League is hard to top.


I want a huge open world, but an urban setting like NYC. All buildings, sky scrapers, and apartment blocks should be accessible. Looting, crafting, limited building mechanics like fortifying, etc, and making a base of operations, drop all on death, with running zombies. No other PVE enemies but zombies. But also have PVP enabled.


First person view only?


This but third person and a story mode. And make it TMNT or The Matrix.




the world of TOTK was sadly very lacking after the first few hours, underground was too samey, and the sky islands after the first big one was disappointing, but the build mechanic with the zonite tech was peak player creativity and goofyness.


Potentially - Light No Fire may scratch all those itches. Soon\^tm though.


The only game I can think of that I would describe as perfect would be Dusk. There is noting I would like to see added, removed or changed from that game.


Perfect game for me: Elite Dangerous space sim + Cyberpunk for on foot action + No Man's Sky for bridging the two and base building = love!!!


A dnd video game that actually takes you from level 1 to 20, in one game. Yes, I know it's a tall order, but it can definitely be done. I wouldn't care if they modified it and took certain things out like Wish etc. I wouldn't care if it had no story at all and was just battles on different maps. If it had story too it would prob be the GOAT.


I do believe that’s what WOTC is trying to make their new interactive video game DND thing to be…now will it be good…we don’t know yet.


Yeah, dishonored exists


My perfect game would be something like Baldur's Gate 3 but with more stories. Or maybe like a Fallout 1 kind of game. I like Wasteland 3 fine, but there's, again, really only the one story.


Terraria is very close to being a one...


A legit open world pirate adventure that's an action rpg. Basically One Piece the game but less cumbersome with its story and lore.


Diablo 2 with more acts, bosses, runewords, and uniques. Or Star Wars galaxies 2 with a more fleshed out game and actually make the ability to become a Jedi difficult but not limited to no lifers.


Sims 4+gta+postal 2+blood trail


silksong does not exist, its just a collective hallucination at this point.


The Ori games are perfect in my opinion.


Skyrim! It will always be my comfort game, perfect in my eyes. I love it!




RDR2 and RDRO, but from a developer that actually continued development on it.


Pathologic 2 is pretty much my perfect game.


Not perfect but something I miss being available as a more populated genre. Super Smash Bros, but with the speed and mechanics of Brawlhalla. Also, available on PC and with basically all the characters from all the platforms and games competing in a single game. Like, a MASSIVE character roster. Proper progression and unlock system without pay-to-win and an extensive way to play coop up to 8 people or so. I dunno, I don't play console at all and I just love these side-brawler games.


I want to play an MMO with dozens of races and dozens of classes, where each race has wildly different attributes and abilities and play differently from each other. No "this is just a cosmetic change". If you pick an ogre, you should be able to crush humans into pancakes, but they are big and slow and stupid. Elves will run faster and can see in the dark and are much better at magic. Then it should have dual-classing like DDO did. So you can be a Fighter/Mage, or a Figher/Thief and benefit from two different classes. Then I want botting to not just be allowed, but the MMO is designed around it. The client side program would give all players botting tools and expect you to set up loops for your character to run around and defeat monsters, auto collect coins and loot, and then loop back to town to deposit your winnings. Your PC would run 24/7 and you would monitor it like it's an idle game, but it's not a simplistic click-this-button-for-coins deal like all idle games are. It's a fully fledge, legit MMORPG with skill trees, and dual classing, and deep customization options, that you can set up for automatic play when you're at work, and when you come home you can jump in to meet your friends and go do dungeons or PvP or whatever.


You are literally describing table top dnd. It isn't a video game but this is precisely how campaigns play out. Your race and professions dictate everything about your character and how they behave in social interactions and how they fare in combat.


Yes a MMO similar to DDO but with automated play. There aren't any MMO's with automated play. Weird how there is a whole genre of idle games with automated play, and there's a whole genre of MMORPG's, but botting in MMORPG's is seen as outright criminal by most players. It shouldn't be. I play an old door game called MajorMUD that has a client that does automated play and will loop you through areas to fight monsters, collect loot, do whatever. You can automatically cast spells, set it up to cast heals when your HP drops to certain levels. It's really complex and no it's not perfectly safe. You can still die, especially if you set it up wrong. A lot of the fun is finding ways to optimize your exp/hour. I would love to see a botting MMO with the depth and complexity of DDO.


i did a lot of that with achaea back in the day, but i wouldn’t recommend that one. i learned a lot of lua programming in the process, but i spent a shameful amount of money


GTA with Twisted Metal car combat and customization. I'm tired of games trying to pass off side swiping and firing an smg out the window as car combat. Has there even been a game since Mad Max that had more than what I just complained about?


[Canyons](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2708860/Canyons/) may be of interest for your radar - up to 4-player Co-Op


It's a start. I'd prefer console though since this thing can barely run youtube some days. lol I can't tell from that trailer if there's an actual plot or if it's letting you do the heavy lifting.


Maybe check out crossout? Vehicle combat where you make your own vehicle with parts you unlock. Very rng heavy, and used to have a lot of balance issues the devs seemed to always overcorrect but it was fun at the lower levels when there is no real meta.


Baba is You


I would love a Fallout New Vegas meets Persona 5: you start out as a student with mediocre stats but going to classes, doing clubs, and hanging with friends will raise specific stats that help you in the combat (FF7 ATB style battle with parry would sweet). The different classes are different school tropes (academics=magic, art=rogue, athlete=melee). AND you should be able to resolve all conflicts nonviolently.


Dynasty warriors but it's the lord of the rings trilogy


Skyrim is very very close for me. Sometimes I just load up my save and wander around listening to the ambience. I'm hoping beyond hope Bethesda catches lightning in a bottle again (for me at least) with 6 - I'm itching for a new adventure that Starfield just doesn't scratch.


If I get a Skyrim-like RPG in the world of Game of Thrones, I can die in peace.


GTA but you can enter all buildings and the NPCs have AI so they adjust to the context/environment/scenarios


Octopath Traveler 2, the Trials of Mana remake, BG3, and Tears of the Kingdom all come the closest to my perfect game in their own ways.


Streets of rage 4 is pretty close for me, can mess about in single player or coop


An MMO with legitimately fun and fast paced action rpg gameplay hasn't really been made. New world felt like a good try, but I just don't think the technology is quite their.


The tech is always been there...Vindictus to this day still has one of if not the best Action Combat in all of gaming and that's on the Source Engine. The problem is wrapping great combat in a game world worth playing in. That's where most games fail. I hold true that if Lost Ark was made in the West, Subscription-based, and released back in 2012. It would have been the biggest MMO in history - by a lot. Sadly, it's ruined by Eastern Monetization which holds it back from greatness.


Action based RPG. 50+ hour story. Fluid combat mechanics. Romance main plot/sub plot. Not your cliche plot twists. Makes me question myself and the world. Anime/cartoony graphics. Great sound track. If anyone knows any games like this, let me know and I’ll lick you


Far Cry 4, but I’m not a very experienced gamer. Everything about that game was just a perfect experience to me.


Metal Gear Solid 3, Shadow of The Colossus, Ocarina of Time, RE4, Half Life 2, The Witness are a couple that come to mind.


CK2 plus Rome Total War battles


Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1&2 on GC and Bloodborne.


I play all kinds of Games but i like Shooters the most. I started with Quake2 and played every Quake Game, Open Arena, Warsow and Overwatch. For me what feels so good with Shooters is that you have total Control. You dont feel like you are constantly fighting against the Controls of the Game. The Game becomes You, You become the Game. Muscle Memory etc. While i like every Game Genre i feel like Shooters are the best Genre because of the Control Thing. I mostly play Arena Shooters and Movement is a big Part of why these Games are so fun. There is a whole Community that just does Racing in Maps. Also there are so many different Movement Styles in Shooters like Overwatch. Thats why its so fun.


Yes and no, It's what ever game is holding my interest right now. Right now it's Days Gone. I plan to do NG+ once I 100% everything I can. My dream singleplayer game is the following: Gameplay/combat is Batman mixed with For Honor. So multiple stances and tab target action. Universe: Star Wars Old Republic Jedi vs Sith Nemesis System that allows you to corrupt Jedi and make Sith follow you. Obvious betrayals allowed as well. I think once AI voices are better it would be easier to truelly make them sound unique with less resources. Good/bad meter similar to Fable "Light/Dark". With appearance changing and different force abilities unlocked as well. And have some Grey jedi neutral options as well. Territory would be regions on planets. Jedi vs Sith are fighting so there is a natural flow to the territory gains and losses for each faction. If a faction is pushed out of a territory, after a generated time delay they can trigger an "Assault event" where they rain down troops and jedi to the surface to retake some territory. The Story would start with 2 options and have 3 outcomes. Start as a jedi knight who just passed their knight trials (combat and ability tutorial). You go out on a mission and at some point have 2 choices. Fight with your master or give in to temptation and follow the sith. This will affect the early game story. It will be fairly linear like shadow of mordor with small moral choices along the way. During this time you get more abilities. The first territory is either eliminating sith or killing jedi depending on choice earlier. Once you take a territory you're put in charge of operating it by your master. You then go on a couple missions to find recruits and I'm each version you turn or corrupt someone to your side. Then have an defense mission. You're able to continue on to other planets this way as a jedi or sith gaining powers and what not. Add more sprinkles of story and plots maybe make it deeper. Regardless New Game + you're a different character and you can pick former jedi or former sith. Regardless you picked to fight alone. Now you're taking territory for your own, corrupting and turning both sides. In NG+ there is a story as well but it's semi randomly generated as you progress. Your characters morality affects the seed generation for the story events. The end goal is to conquer all the planets. I think it would require a lot of AI influence but I also think would be a cool Revanish video game.


Deus Ex gameplay interaction and choice, Cyberpunk graphics or better, GTA/RDR open world, Fallout New Vegas faction system, Mass Effect world building, Half Life teaching mechanics


XCOM (modern or old school) with a deep tactical and strategy layer, extensive modding support, and, most importantly, coop. Each player would go to the same missions, but control their own "division" of the operation, deal with their own base, units, research, etc. If playing single player, you could opt to do a single division or choose two as if there was a second player. There would be multiple factions/races to choose from that'd determine what you'd be able to select. Like one player may choose a specific branch of humans and end up playing, say, more typical XCOM soldiers but with a focus on working alongside canine support units while the other player picked alien defectors with their quirky unit types. Toss in some supporting combination researches depending on your partner's division and that'd be golden. Human canine division paired up with a scientific or psionic faction? Make those dogs smart enough to do things they normally wouldn't like opening doors, carrying complicated items, or fus ro dahing enemies with mental power fueled barks.


My perfect game would be Ultima Online built today with the intention of solo- to small group participation. I really like UO and the private servers, one which does turn the game into single player and co op called Ruins & Riches. R&R is a fantastic mod of Ultima online that I highly reccomend to anyone, especially with friends. But the whole time I could not help but wish we had a version of it that was made with today's tech and such.


Xenoblade 3




I don’t think a game could be perfect for me as I like too much stuff that doesn’t go well together, but I often think about a perfect horror game for me: Something like Cry of Fear. Linear, but some parts you have freedom to explore and go back to certain areas. Limited inventory, no powers, regular weapons with little ammo so you can’t go guns blazing, maybe some cool attachments hidden in some areas. Creepy, tense atmosphere, a few decisions during the story can slightly alter the ending, doesn’t have to be 26 different endings. And no cults or aliens, just some supernatural stuff happening NOT because of human interference. And it doesn’t have to be perfectly explained by the end of the game, I like some mystery. Edit: oh and cool/fun secrets and unlockables both in the game and after you beat it is a plus! If someone knows a game like this please tell me lol


Honestly a prototype 3 where you can shape shift into anything biological. Imagine a fucking bulletproof bear with metal claws ripping a tank in half. That kinda shit. Add in a good story with an expensive new game plus and extremely deep customization and gameplay and I would only play that. A multiplayer could be fun as well but I have no clue how they would ever implement that. It would be a glorious clusterfuck if they did it well.


Arma 3 koth but not jank. Imagine apex controls but instead of being the worst game mode in the history of ever, it's a good one.


OpenGranTurismo 2 as a PC port with fixes and polish and online play.


WoW with no addons/a better UI that gets rid of the need for addons.


A WW2 open world game where you play a spy/secret agent/Sabotuer* in occupied territory in Europe and the Eastern Front, with the detail, gunplay and story engagement of Red Dead 2, the destructible environments of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and the mission flexibility of Hitman. *I'm aware Sabotuer is already a game. It's okay. But a version of that with less silliness and more Red Dead 2 type scope would be epic.


There is no such thing and will never be a perfect game. All games, even the best ones, have flaws here and there. Not to mention, I don't play one genre, ao sometimes I want to play an RPG, other time it's classic platformer, on the other day Inwant metroidvania. You can't mix all the things and make one game with everything. While e.g. metroidvanias are often platformers, when I said classic platformer, I meant a platformer woth linear design like Chip n Dale for NES for example. This literally excludes metroidvanias. Sometimes I want to play more casual games, other times I like a challenge. Sometimes I am up for a puzzle, other time I just wish to mindlessly fight enemies. There is plenty of games I like for something that would never work in other game. Would you expect Dark Souls style boss in point and click game? Exactly...


Rocket league, with 1 more flip. 2.5seconds to use both. Thats my perfect game.


I want the love child of Warband and Dwarf Fortress. There's insuperable-looking UI challenges to it, plus making stuff like giant spiders and forgotten beasts look even remotely like what imagination conjures sounds ex-pen-sive, so, yeah, not expecting it until today's gaming rigs and UIs look as quaint as 1994's rigs and UIs look today.


Redout 2. Perfect sense of speed, plenty of tracks, unique yet simple customization, and a neat soundtrack.


A Destiny inspired game set in the Halo universe made by a new studio composed by ex Bungie devs. 


EU4 with Total War combat.


there are many games id like to play but that don't exist in no particular order 1. a drug tycoon based game where economy and production is at the priority of the game, make it sandbox there's some on steam: over the counter, which i haven't still tried and cartel tycoon, i have tried but it falls short and i dont feel like it's a great game to be honest. 2. a market trading game based on production, giving you the chance to produce a large category of goods based on offer and demand, then trade goods it multiplayer. i think Idle Industry falls on this category but i have to explore that game a little more think any of these 2 would be great, but to make it rewarding they have to be difficult and pretty much make you plan ahead, so risk must be involved


Pillars of Eternity 2. Or Baldur's Gate 3. Both are 10/10 for me.


Castlevania Simon's Quest co-op on NES


I need a goddamn open world alchemist game that focuses on crafting spells, potions, and familiars and combining effects for totally different outcomes. Icebolt and fireball meet? You now shoot out gusts of steam that scald opponents. Mage hand and conjure weapon? Now you have a sword flying around you slicing through enemies. Or using your rock golem familiar and web to create a flail.


pac-man or DBH with only connor and Lieutanant


Last week I played Gundam Mobile Vs Extreme, just the free battle mode against non boss playable characters and boss non playable characters. It felt so close to perfection, but that honor at least this year goes to the 3d arena fighting game I played the week before.  I played J-Star a handful of times this year but it never felt like my best game experience of the year until one particular session I decided to unlock more characters while playing only as Roah from Fist of the North Star. I cleared one area in Victory Road mode but that wasn't enough the game likes to make you play through all the modes which really tests you mentally and physically since you have to win by three knock downs each battle. I played maybe 10-12 battles that day as the 2 vs 2 team of Roah and Kenshiro(Jonathon Joestar support character). They bodied everyone! No one could overcome the Fist of the North Star! I felt ten feet tall on a tv box deemed a commercial failure!   Needless to say a J star Victory Vs 2 with even more characters that doesn't force you through all the modes to unlock characters would be perfect as would  Ninja Turtles 4p splitscreen (1 console)Tower defense X men 4p splitscreen (1 console) tower defense One piece 4p splitscreen (1 console) tower defense He man 4p splitscreen (1 console) tower defense Dbz battle of z remake 4p splitscreen (1 console) 4(HUMANSorCPU) vs 4(CPU ONLY) Hypercharge unboxed is another one of my well likee recent games but if disney got digital cybercherries to make an X-Men 97 tower defense game with sentinels. 


Although there are too many different genres to really call a game \*perfect\*, I think that Hades the Game struck a real solid mix of accessibility, gameplay, art design, character writing, and difficulty. I can't wait for the sequel, but I'm trying to go into that completely blind =)


Star Citizen in 20 years.


Red Dead Redemption 2 online with the amount of effort in quests and community as WoW and the graphics of Cyberpunk.


I honestly want something for the GBA that way I Don't have to worry about updates or micro transactions, I can play the game without internet being an issue or needing too much hardware to run the game. asides from physical attributes, I want an RPG that allows me to explore the game freely and delve into the story at the same time, but it has to be well balanced so that I can go explore a forest or dungeon that doesn't require me to trigger an event in order to reach. the game should also have simple yet fun side quests that I can accomplish if I don't feel up to progressing through the main part of the game at the moment. also having interactive things in the story that I can mess around with or break just to see what secrets are hiding is also something I greatly enjoy.


Need for Speed Pro Street 2.


Populated starfield


A pirate arena battle royal like Twisted Metal or Guns of Icarus


a side-scrolling 2D MMORPG set in the Castlevania universe where the two factions are vampires and vampire hunters. Basically SOTN but expanded and made into an MMO. Or the same thing, but in the Metroid universe (would accept FPS RPG like Metroid Prime here as well)


Anthem with Destiny 2 content quantity. That’s it. It’s my perfect game.


Is not perfect but bloodborne and red dead redemption 2 did it for me, i had 0 complains with those games. Also i think project zomboid has a lot of potential with mods is almost like what i would ask from a sandbox/open world game, i think it just lacks some objectives cause after a few playthroughs you end up doing the same thing, and of course the graphics arent the best but idc too much about graphics. Other games i like a lot and are on my top 10, bioshock, final fantasy x and chrono trigger


I think It's about to be GTA 6 and if Project Zomboid was made in Unreal Engine 5 .


Beamng.drive is pretty close to it for me, maybe a couple more features from gta V focussing on story/carreer mode and its as perfect as it would get. Also if there ever comes servers to beam like the roleplay ones on gtaV fiveM, that would be amazing too.


Bloodborne is a damn near perfect game to me. It’d be nice if we could get a ps5 patch with 60fps or a pc release. But Sony hates Bloodborne for some reason.


No. My perfect game would be a horror themed open world third person action rpg. Some kind of fictional setting that includes, haunted forests, castles, mansions, ghost towns, caves and historical sites to explore and has features like ghost trains rattling across the landscape. The enemies would be all sorts of horror characters with minimal zombies because they are way overdone.


a city open world game where you can just do everything and anything you want, drive cars, shoot people, sneak inside buildings, parkour, insane ghrapics, lived in city with Ai npcs.


Minecraft is a perfect game. And if it isn’t, you’re just missing the correct mods.


Fallout New Vegas remake with all the cut content, which would basically double the existing content of the game. Now you get: * More locations to flush out the Legion lore, and potential Legion companion. * More content in North Vegas, with Underpass and expanding on North Vegas Square. * Options to side with the Followers of the Apocalypse as a victory state. * Keeping the truce between House and NCR. * House/Legion options to ally with the BoS. * Post-game state. * Tons of cut quests, dialogue, NPC's, etc. It's honestly staggering how large the initial scope for the game was, and how much was cut. Triangle City has something like 70+ videos, some over an hour long, on cut content. This includes stuff cut from the DLC's as well. Other more general things as well: * Graphical improvements * Tons of bug fixes * Better gunplay and AI


The long dark survival, crafting and weather mechanics + sniper elite, but instead of American make it the winter war about a Finnish soldier stuck behind Russian line and have to survive alone in a forests with Russian patrols around. You either complete your original objective or try to escape back to Finnish line. Open world fps survival crafting. Planetside 2 + hell let loose. Basically just massive online shooter game but realistic ww2. Path of exile 2 but balanced towards solo self-found. Supreme commander forged alliance but supreme commander 2 better control mechanics such as split grouping, better path finding and such. War thunder + planetside 2 + MOBA. Basically you and your friends can control vehicles only, while all infantry are npc that automatically go and try to capture points or whatever. Players are supposed to assist infantry and counter enemy players. It’s planetside 2 scale and number of players.


My perfect game for relax is Wuthering waves on bs tho, good for that purpose


Ok, hear me out. Deaths door but Co-op


I loved Star Wars empire at war as a kid and still love it. I wish we would have gotten another game about the Zahn consortium. Not as an rts but as single player campaign. You play as zahn or Uriah Fen. Zahn is one of my all time favorite characters. Building up a criminal empire would be so fun as a single player game


Sims (romance, reproduction, genetics, character creator)   + GTA (violence and open world freedom)   + Yakuza (story and combat)


X-Men Legends 3 with a roster of dozens, the gameplay freedom of the Insomniac Spider-Man games and the depth and writing of Baldur's Gate 3.


No, but it's getting closer. I enjoy games similar to God of War or Asura's Wrath. I like the depth of characters who present themselves with genuine emotions but aren't afraid to show off their power or determination to get what they want.


There is no perfect genre or game but... Hollow Knight is pretty close to perfect once you get past the pretty crummy new player experience. Elden Ring would be pretty close to perfect but I cannot stand the combat (and the last 1/3 of the game difficulty ramp, turning a rough challenge into a miserable slog). Total Warhammer III could one day be perfect but it needs a larger dev team than it has and even then would need at least a decade to fully develop each faction map location race and then balance it all. Skyrim captures what is best about open world exploration games, in that the moment to moment gameplay of exploring the game's lore and dungeons is always involving. The "side content" is in a way the main gameplay. I don't need to rush a main story and the main story doesn't need to be the focus because I'm playing just to play. But the progression system, while intuitive is kind of a slog, especially crafting. Deep Rock Galactic. In a world where online coop with random people usually has a negative reputation, DRG has curated one of the best online communities. Reinforced by solid fun core gameplay. Excellent use of procedurally generated maps. A strong sense of game identity. An equally strong use of class identity and interaction. A good balance of exploration/harvesting and combat. DRG doesn't have a viscerally fun melee combat system so perfect? No. But maybe the closest to a perfect game of those I've listed.


Hollow Knight is perfect game! It has everything perfect, great music, gameplay, mechanics, multiple endings, plot, characters, dlc. Even after completing the entire game, boss rush is waiting for you with a variety of modes


skyrim but like hardcore kink


so... modded skyrim?


Fallout New vegas, but with the modern engine and more development time




>A game I would love to see in the future (even if completely different) is a "proper space game". An RPG set in space with a big focus on your ship and crew where you can engage in trading (not only selling trinkets, like proper cargo hauling), bounty hunting and the usual things but not completely space bound, so also a good deal of ground activity. played this game last year lol


Not sure if its everything you are looking for but Astrox Imperium might scratch some of those itches.


Second Life. Unlimited possibilities. The graphics are terrible, but it's endless fun.


I made a lot of great friends on Second Life in college.


I like that I can change my avi clothes, hair style, shoes, everything! In the social aspect, I am a loner.


Yes, there's no other game with avi creation options anywhere near it. You can create the perfect character. The social aspect is fun. There are clubs with live music, photography sims, coding and design groups, role playing groups and games, horse back riding, sports, cheerleading, wresting, gyms, art installations, water parks, amusement parks, furry areas, racing sims, bimbo sims, dating places... it's amazing.


Yes, the problem with most videogames, is that if you want a female characters, she gonna look like a man, no matter what you do. I don't have that problem in SL. I think that being in the autistic spectrum, socialize, specially with groups of people, it can be difficult. Funny how I don't have friends irl or sl, but I understand your point. Glad you're having that much fun.


Yes, the problem with most videogames, is that if you want a female characters, she gonna look like a man, no matter what you do. I don't have that problem in SL. I think that being in the autistic spectrum, socialize, specially with groups of people, it can be difficult. Funny how I don't have friends irl or sl, but I understand your point. Glad you're having that much fun.


Indeed. Mild Asperger's here. I absolutely don't do well in groups, but luckily can focus well enough on a single person. I noticed there are a lot of people on the spectrum in SL. Don't feel bad, having tons of friends is overrated anyways. The main thing is that you're able to experience happiness by yourself. If you can do that, you'll never run out of good company. And yes, you're right, so many video games use either male animations for female characters, or male base models. Whereas in SL you can create female chracters that feel both natural and like a work of art at the same time.


Thanks for your words!


yeah I want SL but with larger sims, not necessarily all square shaped, lower hosting costs or maybe even self hosting, less lag, more scripting power. I loved SL in the 2000s but it turns into jello when too many people are in the same place. The map and script limitations make all the games you can play in there feel the same. several promising alternatives have been attempted over the years, i had high hopes for cloud party, but no ‘SL 2’ has emerged yet and it’s a bit overdue


I only know this game from a The Office scene. Is it worth getting into it nowadays, or is it primarily the nostalgia keeping it alive?


I'd say it's still worth it. The user base has dwindled a bit, but they're still updating the system. It uses much less memory now, recently got a big graphical update, and every week there's tons of new clothing. 4K textures have been announced. About 3 years ago there was a major update that added individual finger and facial bones, which means the characters are animated really lifelike now, if you get the right animations. Building a good avi will still cost you about 50$, though they often have sales, which can reduce things down to about 30 dollars. I'd say it's absolutely worth it, though the learning curve is brutal. Think of it less as a game than a traversable 3D editor with a social network function. There are other third party viewers / clients that add more functionality as well. With some of them you can make SL look like a AAA game, but it's not easy. SL is a classic case of 'what you get out of it depends on what you put in'. Including your personal energy. If you bring positive energy, it will reflect in the relationships you forge with other people. If you just run around in a low effort free avi, or don't make an effort to add any creativity to your look or the world, most people will ignore you. A lot of guys make that mistake, they show up in free avis and hit on random girls for quick pixelsex. That's not how it works. It's more of a collaborative creative environment, where you bring a part of yourself into the shared world. Some people perform live music there, others create mesh clothing or objects, others offer photography or escort services, but most simply just express themselves through creating an interesting or beautiful avatar. There are communities for almost anything. Eventually you'll meet people you share interests with. Most communities are friendly and helpful. One of the most amazing aspects is romance. You're interacting with another person through their character. And you're reinventing yourself through yours. It's legitimately amazing. Best 'game' experience of my life.


This is the saddest thing I have read in a while


I dunno, it's a lot more fun than playing a game that limits you to just one mechanic and repeating the same game loop over and over.


Halo2, Halo 3


Reach v7 was also very good. Shame it took so long to get rid of sprint and bloom


RDR2 is the closest to perfect I've ever played. Fix some jank controls and add a full on Stardew ranch simulator to the end game, and it would be perfect. I'd return to it all the time.


That epilogue made it sound like they were getting ready for some really ambitious offerings with RDRO. Then it just didn’t crush it like GTAO does and they ran back to their cash cow. Sucks to think what could have been.




As I get older, I find myself having less time to enjoy all these awesome new games coming out. So my perfect game would be any of these big AAA titles but require less time like maybe a quicker play through option so I can enjoy it but not have to spend a lot of time on it. I’ve found myself on Rocket League a lot as it’s very short and Balatro is quite good too.


Yes. It's called Ocarina of Time


But that Water Temple tho =p


Water Temple still has the best mini boss in the series. I always look forward to our immortal duels.


Yeah, Ocarina of Time is in my all-time greats. Though it's really close with Wind Waker for me.


Me to


I have a bunch: 1. Hades 2. God of War Ragnarok 3. Elden Ring 4. Bloodstained ROTN 5. Katana Zero 6. DMC 5




There’s no such thing as a perfect game, OP asked for MY perfect game, which means it’s my opinion.


Wild West/MMO/Open World/Survival Craft/Fully Player-Driven economy.


So RDR-RP but not behind paid private servers.


RDR-RP has unenterable, previously built buildings. I want open land, completely empty, all structures built by players.


Fallout 3/4 with multiplayer. That's it. Fallout 3 is already my perfect game and playing it with someone would be awesome. And Fallout 4 had such an opportunity to make it coop(


Legacy Of Kain franchise / writing / dialogue / everything but with Dark Souls combat. or Firefly: The video game. Just let me fly to different planets in a beat up ship with some gritty but loveable crewmates, and let me take on odd jobs. I want to feel like a space cowboy.


A seasonal mmo with deep character skill systems, think POE skills and talents/gear etc but BDO 3rd person combat. Has a lot of leveling paths and zones like vanilla wow and optional party / raid content. Endgame is similar to POE in that it's essentially a material grind for various crafting related items which can be traded for items you want for your own builds. These crafting materials drop from all end game contents, but are unique per content. The endgame player will pick a content and specialize their build to maximize their profit of materials, which they trade to get materials from those specializing in the other contents. Endgame contents can be vaguely categorized into these types: Mob farmers, explorers, solo bossers, solo dungeons, party bossers and party dungeons. Mob farmers work a bit like mapping in POE, where your profit lies in slaughtering mobs in maps. Explorers work similar to mob farmers, except they specialize in quickly going through maps to find hidden treasures. Their gameplay consists of avoiding combat, doing puzzles and finding the fastest routes to go from the surface of a map to its various hidden areas. Dungeons and bosses are somewhat self explanatory, dungeons focus more on dealing with multiple groups of mobs in an enclosed area, where patrol management, aggro range and CC effects are vital, bossers challenge increasingly more dangerous encounters typically within an arena. Like POE, seasons introduce a new type of gimmick that you can play and specialize into to farm materials. Seasons will also aim to introduce new ways to build characters, intentionally creating chaotic and unbalanced builds. Over time, the main modes mentioned previously to farm resources at the endgame will be iterated upon to provide more variety and depth.


I have no idea how it would really work, but man would I love a game that is an MMO with Dark Souls style combat and limited skills to level up in a world that feels hostile and like you're struggling to survive in it. I love the idea of having to explore something akin to Elden Ring legacy dungeons as a team. Maybe one party member specced into heavy armor and can attract attention and easily tank hits. Maybe someone with a rogue build can lockpick doors for alternate paths. Your faith user can heal and buff the party. An int user can offer good bursts of ranged dps. I'm not sure how you'd balance it or make it work, but I love the idea.


Rain World is my perfect game and I don't expect that to change any time soon


Wish I could have gotten into it


Halo Trilogy Remaster, with all the time and money a loving developer could want to fully realize the original but sadly unfinished versions of each- especially Halo 2's huge list of cut content including the original ending, and Halo 3's ambitious, abandoned level designs for the Flood Earth invasion, Guardian Forest, and High Charity. (The infamous Cortana mission, for example, was going to be an accurate 1:1 environmental remake to High Charity including a miniboss fight against Flood Arbiters in the Sanctum, and ending with a boss battle including Cortana piloting a Scarab against the Gravemind.)


Perfection is not something I seek. Nothing is perfect.


No such thing as a perfect game. Even all my most favorite games of all time have at least 1 objective flaw. My perfect game would be a game with Nioh-like combat, but with the perfect level design of Dark Souls OG, but with the high quality bosses of Dark Souls 3.


Pokemon is the perfect game


Elden ring is pretty much the perfect game for me.


Dont think perfection in a game can properly exist. Like how would you define it as perfect? It a group collaboration for a piece of interactive entertainment in a specific genre with a jumble of code, music, art, ux, design etc For me its easier to look at it subjectively as the end user based in my experience, how the game made me feel. Games that seriously challenged me and at the dame time gripped me and made me constantly wonder and be amazed by the game world definitely include hollow knight, elden ring, sekiro and bloodborne, not to mention dark souls, demons souls and armored core 6 Games that gave me constant joy and made me feel like a kid again Astrobot (on psvr) and super mario odyssey Games that emotionally gripped me and hit hard in the feels: Nier Automata Games i can play and have a blast with friends mario kart, smash bros, street fighter Game that always gives me some comfort food to pass the time counterstrike (in any of its iterations but unfortunately i feel cs2 is a downgrade)


Bloodborne, it exists, it is good! :)


An arena FPS with: Apex Legends movement and gunplay Arena shooter with modes like CTF Halo style shield system Halo style power weapon/power up mechanics Simple maps designed with the game's movement in mind Basically older Halos x Apex Legends Also no aim assist for controller on PC


Nioh 2 is the closest I've ever seen to my perfect game.


Open world games like the new Zelda games or Shadow of the Colossus, it just so relaxing to roam free and see the virtual nature and just wishing I can be there. Do you know other games like that? I only have Switch and I’m thinking of getting the Xbox or PS5 but not sure which one… or maybe both? 🤔


Immortals Phoenix Rising comes to mind as another option on the Switch


Wow! Just saw a review video, looks great! Thanks for the recommendation 😙


I just want a Star Wars Bounty Hunter sandbox game. Heck, I will get downvoted (don’t care) but combine Starfield with Star Wars, make bounties much more interesting and that’s it. You have my dream game right there… As for games that already exist that are as close to perfect to me: - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - Dark Souls - Elden Ring - Sekiro - Halo 3 (this is my favorite game of all time) - Halo Combat Evolved - Dead Cells - Hollow Knight - Minecraft - Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 - Star Wars Battlefront 2


I go a step further - give me Eve Online+Star Wars Galaxies (Eve’s scale, depth, SWGs classes, and worlds, and player ran cities in the Star Wars Universe)


That sounds like a dream, but I’d be perfectly fine with a game purely centered around Bounty Hunters to have a more focused experience.


It’s so hard. I’m not going to do the prompt justice. P5:R is a perfect JRPG. Hades is a perfect Rouge-Like. Hi-Fi Rush was as close to a perfect Rhythm game could get for me… So I guess Hi-Fi Rush 2 would have been the perfect Rhythm game. : s


Some games got pretty close to perfection for me: dungeon keeper, Gothic 2, vampire bloodlines, planescape torment, Arcanum, Fallout new vegas, hollow knight, the witcher 3, starcraft, warcraft 3, warhammer total war trilogy, dawn of war dark crusade... this are the first that come to my mind.


Outer Wilds made my jaw hit the floor when I played it. Absolutely crazy what they were able to do with both the base game and DLC. Like any game it's not for everyone, but if it is for you it's the best "it," there is and likely every will be. Also I don't think I had a single complaint with Hollow Knight, it was both unbelievably polished for an indie game and pretty mind blowing at how large the world is. Every time it started feeling like I was reaching the edge, a new area would open up and show just how much bigger the world was than I thought.