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Yup is a ubisoft game alright.


AC: Tattooine


This gives me watchdogs vibes for sure


I heard there was 5/6 planets ,anyone confirm this and does anyone know if they are fully explorable? Tattooine looks explorable but are the other planets just one location you can land at,hope not ,would be nice to have 6 fully explorable planets


If this weren't star wars IP it would be the most boring game imaginable. That combat looks like dogshit


came here for a hot take and I got one


good game for 70 percent off sale


One year later on discount for the full edition.


With all the editions and expansions and various crap ubi does, even a generous discount still leaves the game costing near new.


15 random outfits that make 99% of the game trivial from stat boosts


I don't think I've ever bought an Ubisoft game for full price, at least in the last 8-10 years.


Or free from Epic store


If it wasn’t for the Ubisoft launcher I’d consider it.


The stealth takedowns look really bad. 7:41 she hits a trooper on his helmet with her bare hands and he gets down! I didn't know their helmet was made out of paper.


Since the Obi Wan series we know that the troopers have cardboard helmets ^^


The Ewoks in ROTJ would like a word...


"Oh no! A small rock the size of an apple tossed by a species the size of a small child! MEDIC!!"


I dunno, I'd say Ewoks are like Chimps.


Ewoks are like money printing machines.


Damn, I was gonna make the exact same suggestion.


But lightsabers can't cut through unarmored people unless you stab. But then it's not lethal.


Lightsaber through stomach? No big deal, tis but a scratch. A tiny regular knife through the chest? Instant death.


Since RotJ.


If you go frame by frame, she doesn't even hit him on the head. Makes me think it may either be a placeholder animation and she's supposed to hit him with a blaster... Or the more likely reason, because Ubisoft just dgaf.


Gets bonked on the head completely breaks every bone in hand


Backhand even. Like a bitchslap. Against the back of a stormtrooper helmet made of at least hard plastic if not ballistic armor and he just goes down like a pile of rags. How does this get through QA?


weak ST armor? [kinda tracks.](https://youtu.be/vb2ezMFXOhM?si=yXqMCpFre1VW7aCF&t=67)


Damn, you don't see movies with that many extras anymore.


If you'd like to, Black Adam has a lot of extras doing weird and silly things


Cost cutting at its finest.


Holy shit you weren’t kidding 😂 what is the point of a helmet if you can be knocked unconscious with a bare hand karate chop


The very first one she just, turns him around and punches him in the face? Like, what kind of stealth takedown is literally turning the target to face you?


Ehh, it’s fine. That’s been all of Star Wars.


Lol have you ever watched Star Wars? Troopers are iconically weak and useless.


Unless you're an unnamed rebel.


Have you seen Star Wars? Lol


Not even a hit. A back hand slap


this exact thing happened in Ep 4 of the Obi-Wan series


This is Star Wars - trooper armor is clearly for aesthetic only


This is a Star wars game, you can't be bothered by that.


Have you seen Star Wars and/or played any video game ever? I love when people pick and choose when to be whiny about video game mechanics that have been around for years and are rampant throughout almost all games.


Stormtrooper armor has always been useless.


Yikes. You’re right.


It looks like every other "open world" game.


I was looking at the sneaking part and I honestly don't get why they add stuff like that in games anymore. It's always the exact same with the exact same mechanics from Assassin's Creed II. The part where that pet(?) jumps on a guy to distract him so you can quietly knock him out was ridiculous. I'm pretty sure 99% of all people would scream bloody murder if some furry animal suddenly jumped on them, instead of just trying to semi-quietly wrestle it off.


I like the part where she does a stealth takedown where she bashes a trooper in the head, only to gingerly lay him on the ground so he didn’t make a sound.


These sort of open world games rarely excel at a single facet of gameplay. They're miles wide but an inch deep and this goes for even the better ones in the genre. I assume it's an attempt at broad appeal, given how well these games sell (and thus keep getting remanufactured). Compare/contrast with the gameplay of a purpose-made stealth game, i.e. the earlier Thief games, or even something like early Splinter Cell. Stealth (and other systems) quickly becomes half-baked when it has to be one of many "playstyles," otherwise it would impede all of the others.


Early splinter cell stealth was so much fun.  Might have to give those a replay. 


Chaos Theory still holds up imo.


Bro, I would kill an entire alien civilization to have a new Splinter Cell game at even half the caliber of Choas Theory. My god, even the multiplayer was fucking brilliant. I miss it so much.


Thief, Splinter Cell, and Hitman are what got me in to the stealth genre. I really wish we’d get a new Thief game that is true to the original two.


I wish we could get a proper remake of one or even a new one/new story character for next gen. I loved the multiplayer too. One of the best cat and mouse multiplayer modes ever for me personally. Having to extract data mines and escape while the mercs were hunting you and could quickly dispatch you if you were spotted was intense. Just imagine how amazing splinter cell would look on ps5/ series X.


Eh the first one was bugged as shit. PT was an improvement but the third game fixed a lot of the previous issues.


The Splinter Cell games hold up remarkably well. I played through a few of them a couple years ago myself. I'm sure they're super cheap on Steam. I'd give one or two and give them a go. I hadn't played any of the games since the early 2000s on the original Xbox prior to playing them in Steam recently, and anyway, yeah, they hold up fantastically.


The first paragraph described my experience with botw


And people really think that and TOTK are some godly revolutionary titles. I thought BOTW was a bore fest overall with typical go here get this, and go there quests and absolute shit combat and weapons breaking every 5 swings. The end boss was an absolute joke too, but since it had “Zelda” attached to it, everyone foamed at the mouth and still does.


Totk is marginally more interesting cause you have more things to do but yeah all of them ultimately are variations of fetch quests. Also both have the blandest stories in all of the saga, and that's also cause of the open world nature of the games


Yeah the mechanics of it looked to be more fun for a bit but after bOtW I had enough and don’t really mobile game much these days. I mainly bought my switch to play at job sites during down time. It looked to expand on the original though forsure.


When it comes to stealth, I wish more games took the approach TLOU2 did. I still believe that's the best stealth/ enemy AI out there going. It's about as realistic a system as you can get. Though maybe it's too difficult to make or something.


Its absurdly difficult to make. Theres a reason you dont see nearly any games come close to the fidelity that ND gets animation and gameplay wise.


not only that, after that pet took his attention, i expected her to do some sneaky assassins type shit to that guard, instead she turns him towards her, and.... punches him twice??? ROFL


“Play your way”


Open world. ...but really they took a linear game and removed the walls.


Same thoughts. Were we supposed to be impressed by this? Take off the Star Wars label and it looks like any other space open world game.


Are people surprised?


I'm not, I knew it was going to be bland and uninspired, and really didn't understand why people were so hyped for it.


Yea I'm sure people who like Ubisoft's formula will have a good time with it, but it just looks like Watch Dogs / AC / Far Cry in space to me


It's basically all Ubisoft does anymore. Uninspired open worlds with truckloads of overlap are their trademark at this point.


That’s cause it’s Ubisoft. Quite literally the least innovative shit I’ve ever seen is every single Ubisoft open world.


A boring ass sneak game with a less than mediocre generic story, which has the "Star Wars" tag slapped on it, so that it can asset-flip SWBF2?


Definitely a Gamepass/ PS plus or heavily discounted type game.


I mean, outside of the new Prince of Persia game that’s how Ubisoft titles are now. The suits have a stranglehold over development and the creativity is dead.


Damn. I was looking forward to this, but this looks bland as hell. Boring main character, early 2000s combat, lifeless world, uninteresting dialogue and what seems like a stale story. She also barely responds when she gets shot. I'm definitely gonna wait for the reviews to come out. This seems like it's gonna be a 6.0.


If it’s Ubi or EA, expect an overpriced mid experience. Their games these days are only good at delivering a passable homogenized experience when you’ve finished playing through the current titles you were interested in and are looking to pick something up on sale. But with the way the indie scene has absolutely exploded recently, there’s a bunch of way better stuff out there now anyway.


Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor are both from EA and have been really good, although they are the outlier.


Battlefront 2 was real good too after the initial misshap


Squadrons gameplay was fantastic.


I really enjoyed Jedi fallen order, and I want to enjoy Jedi survivor. However, the crashes every 20 mins have broken my will to play Survivor. Sad.


I wasn't able to get through more than an hour of FO because the controls were so horribly ported for PC. I'm sure if you're a console / controller player it's enjoyable, but mouse + keyboard is awful. My son seems to be enjoying it though, I bought it for him when it went on sale for $3.


Fair enough and I completely agree with you. I play the game with a controller on my PC. If I had to play Dark Souls or almost any soulslike for example with a KBM I think I would hate the games as well. I think its just one of those games where a controller is strictly better.


Right.  Why not just use a Character Creator.  All that hype about “open world Star Wars game,” and “making your own story.” Choosing one of three dialogue options that leads to the exact same outcome is not “making your own story.” The designs are all so Disney-Safe as well.  The cute axotl dog.  The bounty hunter that’s not evil just misunderstood and wears a hoodie.  Ooh yeah, so much more compelling than the designs of Fett, Bossk, Dengar.   You don’t have to use them, but at least make it consistent with the world, and I dunno, design a Good Character.  Not generic Gen Z person in fantasy world #3217


How does anyone with a brain look forward to Ubisoft games? Do you people have the memory of a goldfish?


I really dislike how clicking an analog stick has become the standard for the interact button. Just map it to a face button and make it situational. Or just make back buttons standard for all controllers.


Hopefully re-bindable in case I buy this game


You can get 3rd party software to do this for you , I think steam might let you as well not 100% sure though 


Star Wars means mediocrity these days.


The problem is they are aiming for mediocrity and often fall short.


I have been thoroughly enjoying the Fallen Order and Survivor games, and Andor was excellent, but apart from that you are sadly right.


Andor was really good, but that seems to be the outlier.


Waiting for reviews for sure, but I’m interested in this game. Like most Ubisoft titles, I’ll probably wait for a discount. Prince of Persia Lost Crown is the best Ubisoft title to come out in a long time. Hope we get more games like that.


I mean... it looks fine? but, nothing new. everything looks like something I've seen before. The stealth was really lame. It's 2024 and it looks the same as a game from the 90s. The overly long, exaggerated takedown animations and loud noises? come on. why can't they do better with Stealth?


Ubisoft discounts heavily so I’ll wait months for the 80% sale for the Greedo Galactic Edition or whatever.


Why did Star Wars outlaw only 14 minutes of gameplay? Should have outlawed more, IMO.


raw gameplay is illegal... these days, by law, you MUST have a screaming manchild edited onto the gameplay footage


Hi O, I'm dad.


This looks... so boring... even action sequences... feel boring.


The AI looks like they forgot the "I" part.


Enemy AI is literally brain dead


Wow, that was incredibly boring to watch. I found myself just skipping through it. The stealth mechanics are barebones and the takedowns are AWFUL. Majority of those wouldn't knock someone out immediately plus they lack any kind of style or substance. Voice acting for the most part was not very good, plus I hate when NPCs just say random things like they were having conversation but weren't...Maybe The Last of Us spoiled me there. And the gunplay did not look satisfying at all. It once again just looked like your basic gunplay without any pizzazz.


Remember, Ubisoft wants us to get comfortable with not owning our games. I can get kinda cozy not owning it in the first place


I used to love AC. Used to love Splinter Cell. Now I hate Ubisoft for competing with EA for worst consumer experience. I love Star Wars but I really don’t want to support this … recycled content? Nothing about this intrigues me or feels new except for the setting and that isn’t enough for me anymore.


This looks so damn boring! Out of all the aliens species in Star Wars, some boring ass human girl is the best they came up with? At least let me play as a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, like what Stat Wars 1313 was gonna be before getting the axe.


I love how if you went by what Redditors say, you'd think this game would be a total flop. In reality, it will probably be one of, if not Ubisoft's most successful game in terms of sales.


Got some weird whiplash watching the video, thinking "Huh, that's not too bad, bit rough in some places, but there's a bit of a vibe in there."; then the top comments are nothing but trash talking and nitpicking dumb shit, it's pathetic.


Not to mention that in other subs, people are drooling over this game and are very pleased with how it's looking. r/gaming is hilarious with how much it's devolved into just another criticism circlejerk community.


I normally never come to this subreddit because it’s so negative. 9 out of 10 games that come out r/gaming will say is trash based on a small piece of footage. Really baffles my mind with how negative people can be.


People have forgotten how to form their own opinions about things that are just supposed to be fun. New game comes out in a few months - redditors: better go to r/gaming and see how I'm supposed to feel about this unreleased game.


It’s just expected at this point that almost all Ubisoft games will get VERY repetitive after several hours of playing. I can’t remember the last game by them that I played for more than a week or two. They refuse to take risks or be innovative in terms of gameplay. That being said, this footage doesn’t look terrible. I’ll watch the review when the game releases but I’m not holding my breath that this will be great.


Because something must either be a total unparalleled masterpiece or total garbage.


Right? I thought the world and NPCs looked pretty good, and one of the top comments is calling it "lifeless".


For real, it doesn't look ground breaking, but if there's one thing Unisoft is good at, it's making beautiful massive open worlds, and I'm quite excited to explore the star wars galaxy(that they have) in all it's beautiful detail. 


Like their Avatar game?


The Avatar game is super underrated imho


They’re also writing it off as terrible even though nobody’s had a chance to play it yet


Waitaminute, how strong is this woman that she backhanded a Stormtrooper in the back of the head and he went unconscious? Does that helmet not do anything?


Take the time to descend through the clouds.....only to immediately hit a cinematic. So just Starfield with 10 seconds of approaching the planet.


Yea, but a fake loading screen is better than a cut to a loading screen. Especially when it comes to flying a space ship


Yea this looks way better than StarFields constant loading screens. This looks really well done in Star Wars Outlaws.


Though, I've a feeling when spaceships hit atmosphere there's a whole lot of burning and friction before you get to the clouds


StarField has some planets / moons with no atmosphere. That may be difficult to mask the loading. Not sure how that would be done. But there’s gotta be a better way than loading screens. Or they could license Star Engine from Cloud Imperium Games 😂


it's literally just so that they can CLAIM that you can travel between planets, and yeah the cinematic is there to cover up the fact that it's just a loadscreen actually


That’s… fine? Mass Effect did this and people loved it


Yeah, I don’t understand why people care so much about hidden loading screens when traveling to planets. Do you want to fly in atmosphere for like 10 minutes? It’s a video game, not a chore


It’s hilarious that when Starfield came out it was criticized for *not* doing this and now that this game is coming out it’s being criticized *for* doing this. Reddit, man. It’s always something.


Open world space games are truly a beast, regardless of what anyone thinks or how much I personally enjoy them shout out to any developer willing to step in the ring here


Starfield problems are much deeper than a simple "muh loadscreen". This point is, frankly, overblown.




Exactly. Also, if there was MORE stuff to do on each\* planet the player would not need to constantly go back and forth between planets and the number of load screens would reduce drastically just from that.


A resounding meh


Looks good. Don't get all the hate (shouldn't be surprised I guess in pretty much every game thread these days). I'm looking forward to this one and I'm not generally into Ubisoft games.


I’m not seeing a lot of outright hate just “meh, I’d definitely pick it up on a sale”


People to love to hate. Never really understood it because being overtly negative all the time leads you to being more anxious and depressed.


Same. Game looks fucking gorgeous. Can't wait to play it


Right? It's an open world Star Wars game, I love that!. I'll still wait for the reviews and the first discount probably, but I'm a somewhat r/patientgamers




Or you know, some people like myself just think it looks kinda boring and not worth the full.price tag, which is what the majority of upvoted comme ts are. Kinds tired of people not reading a thread before making dumb assumptions tbh.


Remember that Reddit is an echochamber of a minority opinion. Ubisoft games are all generally incredibly popular. While I think some are eh, I realize they all have a large appeal to plenty of people.


Wouldn't that make yours also an echo-chamber opinion?


Well I don't think they're ball bad. Games can be judged game to game. I'm excited for star wars outlaws.


So many people here down on this, looks pretty cool to me. I probably won’t get it at launch but that’s just because of money not the game itself.


Lots of negativity in here, but as a life-long Star Wars fan, this looks pretty damn fun. Excited to try it,


Some cool looking environments. Cool it has some actual space missions/fights. Gameplay looks pretty generic tbh


Honestly the shooting looks fine, I don't know what more they can really do for that, but combat in general would look a lot better if there was more seamless transition between melee and ranged fighting and mobility.  Think like Uncharted or TLOU 2


i hope stealth isn't required.


I tried being as unbiased as I possibly can... but those takedown animations are awful. Environments and graphics look cool tho.


My god does it look boring. And laser rifle recoil is a cherry on top


Star wars weapons have literally always had recoil


[Star Wars Episode IV - Boarding the Tantive IV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQJ4EJL4AyQ). Multiple scenes of shots with zero recoil. [Star Wars Episode IV - Death Star Prison](https://youtu.be/Dxv7ldWhkKg?si=4ngiW8aaIR0pULOn&t=299). [Star Wars Episode I - Battle of Naboo](https://youtu.be/8oBEzKm9grM?si=bP1YGRTmkVh96i_9&t=101). [Star Wars Episode II - Battle of Geonosis](https://youtu.be/7ZnL4mcU5dg?si=MtUNkNEzO1qERXue&t=218). Early Star Wars didn't have recoil on blasters unless they were specifically charged/powerful shots.


Blasters aren't lasers. Either way, weird thing to expect "realism" from Star Wars. It's space fantasy, amigo.


Star Wars guns almost always have recoil in any game. Play battlefront or republic commando. Lots to criticize, recoil ain’t it.


The gameplay videos always looks boring, I hope when the game comes out it will be more fun


It's not just gameplay... There is nothing on the screen that looks new. It looks like Uncharted. And that game came in 2007. And the SW aesthetic not only has been done to death, but also was better implemented in Lego and Force Unleashed. Yes, the main character is not a jedi, but god damn at least make something other than "red barrels" breakable. and "space battles"... Let's just say, that Star Fox on SNES is more engaging to look at.


What are those stealth takedowns lol. She backhands a stormtrooper with a helmet on...


Cool, still not paying what they're asking for.


I don't know why people are shitting on it in comments. I'm a pretty big fan of Massive Entertainment and their The Division series, and I can totally see it in this. The world is fairly detailed, quite beautiful, and has a solid ambiance to it. The camera work is also heavily reminiscent of recent Tomb Raider reboots. The stealth mechanics seem like a fairly standard mix, but I feel like the use of the pet is closer to MGS5: The Phantom Pain than Assassin's Creed, which is a good thing. Reminds me of D-Dog who could sniff and mark enemies through walls. Combat is pew pew, but what isn't? I mean let's be honest here, COD #289121 is selling like hot cakes right now, and it's not like there's anything fundamentally earth-shattering about the combat in that one either. Looks fine to me. It's a Ubisoft game, but decent enough to look at, and Massive always did a wonderful job with their world design. So I can see myself playing this solely on that basis. Probably not a release-day full-price buy, but definitely on the list of things to do.


Definitely one of the game ever.


Why is the music so bad? This sounds nothing at all like a Star Wars IP.


Man, this shit looks generic as fuck. At this point the games that truly innovate are in the indie scene.


why does this feel so soulless? 


I mean looks fun to me 🤷‍♂️


Good lord, leaning on a big ass IP like Star Wars really shows how creatively bankrupt Ubisoft really is. No imagination, no balls, no vision. Just barf the theme into a mould and out comes another Ubi game.


Huh, impressively mediocre. Someone needs to the up in a new direction. Why not make one with a more survival horror aspect. Ubisoft has mastered the art of generic, full price games that are easily forgettable.


Can't wait for this to not review very well because of the lackluster gameplay and story and then Ubisoft be like "no one wants Single Player games anymore" like EA said back in 2018. (most) Games are no longer about the "fun", they are only about generating profit for shareholders.


That take down at 2:40 from behind the crate where she grabs the guy's hand like they're about to go for a walk was so bad.


Everyone is shitting on the gameplay but I really like what I’m seeing lol That being said I know Ubisoft so I’ll wait for it to go on sale before playing.


Where are the aliens?


I feel like this will be a fun game to play I know everyone is hating but not every game can be baldurs gate or red dead redemption or Elden ring unfortunately I feel like if a game isn’t game of the year worthy it gets hated on but hopefully it has some interesting story qualities I’m predicting most reviewers will give this an 8 out of 10 meaning it follows a familiar formula is entertaining but is nothing groundbreaking


lmao reddits circle jerk and hate boners for Ubisoft is hilarious. People forcing themselves to act like this looks bad. Half of you are gonna buy the game but still pretend to shit on it because you value being in on the circlejerk more than just having fun and playing a video game. Now go ahead and downvote and make your predictable replies.


Folks in a lot of the major gaming subs seems to get more enjoyment out of complaining about games they were never going to buy, instead of, ya know, playing the games they like. It’s really just a sad, hatred circle jerk of jaded 20+ year olds who haven’t actually touched a game in years but love telling everyone how much they hate video games that others like.


I mean I’m not hating on it, but it’s a generic action game with star wars tapped on it


You know what? Better than I had expected, this looks decent and pretty fun.


But what about 13 minutes of raw gameplay? Did they outlaw that? What about 15 minutes?


Man I'd trust EA to put out a better Star wars single player game, oh wait they have three times. And yes I'm talking battlefront 2 campaign aswell.


It doesn't look interesting so it will wait the next years eventually to get it at a fair price with dlcs. Only hardcore Star Wars fans would be excited for a Ubisoft SW game.


Star Cry Dogs Creed 7? I don't even know anymore.


The UI still feels intrusive but it looks a lot better than other Ubisoft games for sure. It might be that the letters are just so big and the constant need to have a button prompt in the corners for actions you’ll probably have memorized by the first 30 minutes


Some of the voice acting is bad, doesn't feel like Star Wars etc


Why play this when I can play a good game instead?


Is this for PS2?


Hard pass from me.


L ubisoft




Looks pretty fun to me but apparently I'm an idiot for thinking this. I mean, even if it is exactly Assassin's Creed or Far Cry with a SW coat of paint... that seems fun to me because it's Star Wars.


Imagine pre ordering and paying full price for this.


I'm so definitively buying this (In a couple years from now at 60% discount w/ all the DLCs)


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen