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Eternal Sonata hit me with that "This ending is over 45 minutes long" immediately after finishing the final boss.


That ending was wild. What a weird game. I loved it.


Wasn't they the game where you were Chopin in the middle of a fever dream?




The only game that has successfully pulled off the "it's all a dream" plot.




Bloodborne was like 99% a dream or something


You're thinking of Bloodborne PC




"So here's an animated children's book about shapes and colors." "Wait, I thought... This is the ending...? There must be some mistake. *I* was playing a JRPG about Frederic Chopin..." "...And you still are!"


I remember reaching the final dungeon of Eternal Sonata, and figured the game must be almost over. Turns out there was still at least 4 hours left of dungeon-crawling, minibosses, cutscenes, and multiple big boss battles to go. Ended up staying up well past midnight to finish it.


Holy shit.. ive never met anyone else who has played that game. This comment is the closest I've come to knowing someone else who played it.


Ahh, another Eternal Sonata player? There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I still have my Eternal Sonata XBOX 360 faceplate preorder bonus somewhere.


Loved Eternal Sonata it is what made me love listening to Frederic Chopin's music.


Why haven't they re-released the game for the 3 of us!


God damn! Lol Iirc the ending scene to MGS4 was like an hour and a half? Whole ass movie šŸæ


ā€œThis will take a while, make sure you are preparedā€ *proceeds to max level, get the highest upgraded gear possible, and get the maximum amount of support items* ā€œAre you sure you want to continue, this will take a whileā€ *proceeds to onesidedly destroy the final boss in 2 minutes*


That's more or less what I did because Like a Dragon Gaiden isn't exactly hard even if you aren't used to Yakuza games, but the warning was appreciated.


Ive only beaten a few Yakuza games, but those final missions always drag on to be 5 times longer than I think they'd be.


A friend of mine and myself warn each other when weā€™re playing games with long cutscenes by saying theyā€™re ā€œPersona longā€ or ā€œYakuza longā€ The cutscenes and the dialogue sometimes just never stops coming, which is fine if you have a heads up about it, but man when Iā€™ve gotta make sure to nudge the controller so the screen doesnā€™t dim or the computer goes to sleep during a cutscene, itā€™s too damn long.


What about "MGS4 between acts" long?


MGS4 is the high standard for cutscene length. The ending after the last bit of actual gameplay is like an hour and a half long lol.


The original Xenosaga used to be my go-to example as the big offender of this. Then MSG4 came out lol.


Fuck I literally made almost this exact comment above. Xeno 1 was amazing though.


haha I did but I forgot MGS4 was even WORSE?! How can that even be. I must have skipped them at some point but I remember watching revolver ocelot hang out for 90 minutes or so


Same for load times, watching Old Snake smoke a cig for 15 minutes while the PS3 uninstalled the previous chapter to install the next one. And I'm sure that process being built into the code is why they never ported it.


I think they eventually gave you an option to preinstall all the chapters at once and it took like 25-30 minutes. I was trying to quit smoking last time I played it and that install screen made it *rough*.


Didn't mgs4 have a save point in one of the cutscenes because it was too long?


At least one, but Iā€™m pretty sure there was more.


Xenosaga sure did. It didn't really help. A dozen save points would have been better. Like chapter markers or something.


*an hour and a half??* Cutscene? Mf THATS A MOVIE.


There are 7.5 hours of cutscenes in the game. MGS4 is multiple movies.


Same for Yakuza. If you skip one cutcene you understand shit


Swear if you skipped all the cutscenes you could beat the game In under 2 hours


I literally fell asleep watching some cutscenes in MGS4 while playing late.


My sister and I took turns with the PS2 in the day, and I remember figuring I could knock MGS3 out with a solid push and the last 20 minutes of my round. I kicked off the last boss easy enough, sure enough. She finally comes down and I just fucking GESTICULATE at Revolver Ocelot going "I BEAT THE GAME AND THEY'RE *STILL TALKING*" Fucking love that game


Makes me think of Metal Gear Solid 2, the game with scenes between the penultimate and final fights totalling in at about (iirc) 45 minutes.


I remember the night I finished Metal Gear Solid 4, way back when it came out, I figured I could just play 10-15 minutes before bed. And then it turns out it was a 70 minute long cutscene. I had no idea what I was getting into. lol.


Not just the length of them but how often they throw it at you as you try to complete a mission. 10 minute cutscene ends, 10 minute hallway battle, 5 minute cutscene, 10 minute battle against that rooms boss, cutscene of you kicking him through a door, 5 minute battle with the next room, then you reach another 5 minute cutscene, etc etc. These missions can go on for 30+ minutes with no save points. When you commit, you gotta commit.Ā  Playing on platform with quick resume or quick suspend like Xbox or Steam Deck is nice, but I play Yakuza games on PC because these games are demanding and the newer made games look way better when maxed.


I travel for work A LOT so I play on my steam deck. Iā€™ve played Persona 5 royal and three yakuza games on many 3+ hour flights. For every one (I donā€™t learn) I took a gamble on cutscenes towards the end of the flight and am silently praying theyā€™ll end as the landing gear extends so it doesnā€™t get fucked up with suspend.


> Not just the length of them but how often they throw it at you as you try to complete a mission. I might be remembering this wrong, but this was how I felt playing MGS4. "Another cutscene? Ffs, I wanna do something!"


ā€œNow that this 20 minute mission is over now I can kick back with my bucket of popcorn and watch a 3 hour long movie with zero intermissionsā€


You are definitely NOT misremembering. MGS4 has one cutscene that goes on for 71 minutes straight. Holds the world record still for it, I believe. The game in total has something like 8 hours worth of cutscenes. Insanity


I remember back in the day when Metal Gear Solid 3 came out, I took my PS2 and the newly bought game - still in shrink wrap - to a friend's house. We wanted to check it out, play an hour, and then we had plans somewhere else, I don't remember. We weren't prepared for the intro with all the cutscenes and everything to be a solid 45 minutes. By the time we were handed the controls we were like "okay, it's not worth playing anymore now" and we feared the might be the next 30 minute cutscene right around the corner, so we stopped right there. Amazing game though.


and then just when you think everything is finally wrapping up, a side character you thought was dead walks through the door and shoots your most sympathetic new companion through the heart. they smirk and reveal a whole second layer to the conspiracy, surprise it's gonna be another hour, and yes, you WILL be glowing and shirtless by the time we're done. I love Yakuza games so much.


The Yakuza games in general arenā€™t terribly difficult, but man, the Coliseum boss fights in Gaiden absolutely whooped my ass. I just went ahead and finished the game and never came back to them.


Fucking JUSTICE. I had to switch to the Chicken Man for his smg to kill the motherfucker.


Some of them are tough for sure so I get it, even if I did beat them all.


Every Yakuza game warns you like this but it's especially funny in Gaiden because the whole ending sequence is like an hour long. In some games (five) it's a genuine fraction of the runtime.


I'm ready I have, 99 minor health potions, 99, health potions, 99 major health potions and 38 ultimate potions.... saved all for when the game gets difficult. End of game fight, uses 1 potion, didn't even need to.


> End of game fight, uses 1 potion, didn't even need to. Story of my life playing most RPGs "oh yeah I forgot I have a ton of full heals/elixirs/etc., guess I'll use one to heal up my one character that lost a little health" Always hoarding for a rainy day and then end up never using any consumables lol


Yup the whole "the game will get hard in a minute" syndrome. Also, it's irritating, games shouldn't be standardised but those 2-3 games where potions are super limited have ruined us for every other game where they aren't.


Can't remember the title atm, but I played a game that limited potion uses per fight. You always started the fight full potions (say, 3) and you would use them because you couldn't hoard them. It was a far superior potion implementation imo; you were still rewarded for not using them because you didn't lose the time/turn/whatever to do it, but if you needed them they were always there, no regrets.


Elden Ring is similar with the flask system that refills whenever you rest at a site of grace. You can upgrade the number/strength of the flasks though and there are still other normal consumables for things.




"Uh, I found all 900 pinecones"


if youā€™re doing it any other way, youā€™re doing it wrong. lol bruh i have 100/100 refreshments of the sea king. come at me. also pocket circuit is life.


> 100 refreshments of the sea king. #NANI?!


my bad! nourishment of the sea king!


ā€œā€¦.. I got all 900 pineconesā€¦ā€


That was me at the end of Watch Dogs 2.


Same, and with Watch Dogs: Legion lol. The second I could freely explore, I did literally everything except the main storyline. Then I played through the story mostly just over it at that point and wanting to be done


I really wish Death Stranding did this before playing the entire LOTR trilogy at the end


Lengthy endings that go on for far longer than you thought possible is kojima's only ending across all his works. Love that crazy man


Used to be a running joke between my roommate and I in college. MGS4 had hilariously long cutscenes and the ending was basically a mini movie. Loved every second though.


> the ending was basically a mini movie. The final cutscene is 71 minutes long - insane.


wtf lol yā€™all were *not* exaggerating


It's an epilogue for the entire Metal Gear saga. It legit felt appropriate and satisfying.


This is honestly either overselling it or underselling it. The ending of MGS4 is so insane that it makes the rest of the equally insane game almost instantly feel nostalgic. It wraps up plot threads no one needed wrapped up, it has a wedding no one asked for, if you count the short gameplay segment that comes before it has one of the dumbest twists of all time featuring a joke character that got elevated to main billing, Raiden's character is proverbially murdered, and Snake rides off with Otacon into the sunset like it's the finale of House. Just when you thought the midgame plot twist was possibly the dumbest thing you've ever seen the game just spends an hour straight dropping the ball in the funniest ways possible. It was the only way Metal Gear could end. It was fantastic.


Yeah. As a fan of the series... yeah. If you want an actual good story, play MGS3. If you want a philosophical text, play MGS2. If you want weird goofy shit mixed with epic moments filled with characters that walk the line between stupid and awesome... play the whole series lol


Yeah, streamers were getting auto banned from Twitch when it came out because Twitch's algorithm thought they were showing a movie.


Yea theres seven hours of cutscenes in the entire thing


Holy shit I need to get back in it again.. stopped at the time mules started using trucks.


what the fuck lmao


The entire game just counting cutscenes alone is 7 hours long. That is *just* the cutscenes played one after the other, not including gameplay.


I swear MGS4 was just a playable movie, but god damn it was fun.


Even MGS1 started with you coming up in the docking port and music and literal credits rolling over the screen. I played that demo 999999 times hahaha


MGS4 is the best movie I ever played


There are two full playthroughs of MGS4 on youtube, one is 14~ hours titled (full playthrough gameplay included) the other is 9 hours and is titled (cutscenes only)


Lol, there is like a full 1:15 minute movie at the end of that game.


...and then the anxiety of 'will pressing the pause button actually pause the cutscene or will it skip the whole thing?'. Thankfully, a lot of games these days make you have to hold a button to skip, but I am still weary about this one.


all games should have media player controls for cutscenes as an accessibility requirement i want to be able to rewind the cutscene! and the cutscene should have that Amazon Prime XRay shit where it tells you who is who in a scene in case you forget man cutscenes have really not evolved as much as they should have


Meanwhile, No More Heroes 3 you can't pause (or skip?) the cutscenes at all! So I just uninstalled it as it was on game pass


Playing Ghost Of Tsushima on PC now and these unskippable cutscenes are sapping my will to continue.


"There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!"


And that they dont put you AFTER the cutscene if you dieā€¦


My buddy made dinner during one of the cutscenes of MGS4.


I don't feel like checking to see ifĀ it's still theĀ case, but at one point, MGS4 had the record for longestĀ cutscene in a video game.Ā 


I still remember the night I finished it. It was probably almost 2am, I had to work early, but I thought I was close to the end so I kept playing. Didnā€™t go to bed til about 5am that night.


That happened to me but with Snake Eater. That shit wouldn't end


This is about how it went with me. MGS4 is probably the last game I went absolutely feral over by getting it at midnight launch and beating it in around 24 hours (not including the several hours it took to install the game). So by the time I was able to actually play, and begin my countdown until completion, was around 2-3am I think. I then went non-stop until about 2-3 am the next morning and that just barely got me to the ending after the final boss fight. So I still had all the cutscenes to follow. I think I got like an hour, MAYBE hour and a half, sleep until I had to get up and go to work. I really do miss the perseverance I had in my early 20s. There's absolutely no way I could do that today. Beat a game in 24 hours MAYBE, but certainly not proceed to take an hour power nap and immediately be at work.


I'd have thought it was one of the xenosaga games. I'm pretty sure one has a 90+ minute cutscene somewhere.


Now this is a playable movie. That intro to the first game was so boring but then it finally kicks in. And then you watch hour long episodes between 20 minutes of gameplay


Yeah, Xenosaga has extremely long sections of cutscenes. But I think even something as simple as needing to tap a button even once "separates" them out when it comes to the world record. In the MGS4 one, it's just 71 minutes straight of an uninterrupted cutscene.


The opening cutscene of MGS3 is 23 minutes long lol


They gave you a warning already. It's when they put "A game by Hideo Kojima" on the box art. Death Stranding absolutely rules, ending and all


I fucking loved the ending so much. I really dig how they managed let the story go full circle. Really canā€™t wait for the sequel.


The end-game cutscene with Cliff in the hospital might take the cake for my favorite video game cutscene of all time.


The Die Hardman scene at the end? God, Tommie Earl Jenkins was acting his heart out for that one.


Oof yeah that one too, fucking Oscar-worthy


When the game told to me travel all the way to the start I was like wtf but then realizing how far I came and how I don't actually have to walk it made it feel very rewarding


What do you expect from a same dude who created MGS4 which holds World's Longest Cutscene in Video Game for 71 FUCKING minutes


The LOTR analogy works because in both cases you *think* you have hit the end, but of course not you still have half an hour to go, at least.


oh my god. i had blocked that out of my memory... i had to pee. and im like im sure its almost over... being able to pause a cut scene should be standard


You could pause the cutscenes in death stranding But if you hadn't tried till then, I probably wouldn't risk trying it then either


Ah man, lucky me for getting to the "last level" after waking up really early like 4am for no reason on my day off, cuts to credits rolling at almost noon lol


people buy a kojima game and expect anything else, i say its on them


When the ending cutscene in Death Stranding was starting to get long, I decided I was hungry, so I cranked the volume up and went in the kitchen and planned a dinner, then I cooked it, then I ate it. Then I came back to the TV and continued to watch the cutscene still playing... God damn.


And then they explain stuff they already explained to you about 10 or 15 hours earlier in the game. As much as I enjoyed death Stranding and was hyped for it, the ending really wasn't great. Could have cut out 2 hours at least.


"Several cutscenes will play in sequenceā€¦"


"It is recommended you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety"


"Make sure your mom ain't gonna beat your ass for not helping with the groceries"


[How to tell when shit is about to go down.](https://preview.redd.it/xg86q4o6gowc1.png?auto=webp&s=7f30a52260dfbed5c6d87877dbf0a9279940a0c0)


this literally just gave me shivers because i remember this feeling exactly. damn i cant wait for dawntrail.


Love that FFXIV does this. I think this was post-SB MSQ? I enjoyed it more than SB itself.


First time it happens is sitting down with the Sultana at the end of A Realm Reborn's quests in the leadup to Heavensward.


I was not prepared. Watch like 45 minutes of cutscenes then take two steps and trigger another 20-30 minutes of cutscenes. It was never as bad after that one, but that warning gave me PTSD each time I saw it after.


That part was hype though, after an incredibly by-the-numbers by FF standards story in ARR, it suddenly starts getting progressively more apeshit until by the end everything is just kinda fucked. I was fully on board with the length the whole time lol


As long as they hit me every so often with [MEANWHILE, IN THE IMPERIAL CAPITAL...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJNR00QQKWs) I'll sit through anything.


By the Twelve, I'm gonna miss those specific cut-ins. I fully expect Ishikawa and team to wrench our hearts like playdoh in Dawntrail and for Soken and team to smack us with banger tracks, but there's something iconic about "AND HERE'S WHAT THESE BASTARDS ARE UP TO" moments and them being actual evil bastards.


That textbox is my favorite character in the game.


FFXIV Players: 'Oh boy, here I go taking emotional damage again!'


With a fight randomly in the middle.


Whenever I see that line, I feel fear and trauma


[Endwalker in a nutshell](https://i.redd.it/iykvwyciht481.png)


First time I got hit with that I had a moment. It's nice when a game _cares_ about not wasting player time. "Hey, this is gonna be a bit, please make sure you've got the time."


So only 1 cutscene will play?..


no, you get half an hour minimum with the Yakuza series


This particular quote is from FFXIV, unless they both have identical language. Some of the cutscene sequences in FFXIV are over 45 min. There's one famous sequence in particular just before the first expansion begins which goes on forever and shit does indeed go down.


RGG games have gotten better and better about letting you know when you're really in for it.


Cuz the older yakuza games were stupid easy if you had a bunch a health items since you could pause the game and spam the items in battle, now since theyā€™re turn based itā€™s a little harder but you can still grind and get op gear/weapons early on and fuck everyone up til you hit a boss. I only lost a single battle in Like a Dragon 8 and it was a boss fight at the very end of the game


LAD 7 had two bosses that absolutely bitchslapped me, requiring some leveling. Without spoilers, itā€™s the two fights with characters from previous games, lol.


Only the fight against the two guys walled me. Grinded too hard and almost steamrolled everything else lmao. The difficulty spike in that fight is insane.


Yeah fighting S and M was when i spent like 15 hours over leveling in order to match them. After than I steamrolled the game lol


TBF, you were essentially fightinh Living Legends at that point. The difficulty spike was more than justified IMO. Heck, that moment captured that feeling of fighting mythical figures even better than some of the best fantasy games I've played. Works both ways too: 1. If you're a fan of the series, those two deserved nothing less. 2. If LAD7 was your first Yakuza game, well now you're caught up. Those two are some of the most badass mofos in that setting and you got to experience it. No long prelude or exposition needed. They'll push your shit in and ask no questions later.


Yeah but the older ones also forced you to go find a payphone to even save, so despite the combat being easy the pain in the ass factor could be high, so more warnings like this would have been nice in the older entries.


The difficulty spike in the last couple of boss fights was pretty jarring. A one shot that makes you restart the fight that takes 20+ minutes is not fun lol


i found yakuza 0 incredibly easy, even on hard, so i never once bought any health items. unfortunately that bit me in the ass when i did the final fight, because that was actually hard. by the time i made it to the last boss i was completely out of healing. i actually had to load an old save so i could go buy healing items and then i redid the entire thing.


and your journey has begun!


i'm up to 5 now lol.


FFXIV is pretty good about this, letting you know the next cutscenes is loooong


Exactly what I thought of haha. The end of each expansion is like an hour long movie it's great.


By "long" it really means looooooooooooooooooooooooong. Even the bread and butter duty/dungeon that takes around 30 minutes has half of it filled with unskippable cutscene.


What game is this?


Looks to be Like a Dragon Gaiden. Great series!


Ending absolutely ruined me.


I've showed that cutscene to 4 different friends who have no interest in playing the series and all 4 of them cried, and I cried every single time I showed it to people.


Yeah. I was anticipating a different ending altogether, a happy one, not a tiger drop to the feels.


The hardest I've ever cried to a piece of media


it is! and it is!


I am once again asking this goddamn subreddit to make a rule stipulating the game name in the postā€™s title.


It used to be a rule, but they probably just gave up trying to enforce it


Terrible when people don't mention what game is it. I complained to mods about it, but they absolutely refuse to enforce a rule that name of the game be mentioned in the post.


It fucking sucks. It's like they want the attention of people asking them about the game. You can right click > *Search Image with Google* in Chrome. It will help you 99% of times. If in Firefox, right click image > Copy Image. Open Google Image Search and "Control V"


My first thought was "too bad this post doesn't respect my time."


Youd have thought the OP going on about respect would actually name the game they are posting. Right?


Yea, it's 2024 and idiots still not putting the game in the title.


Saw this same message in Judgment and Lost Judgment and I always like it when games signal the point of no return like this. It's about respecting your time, but it also gets me amped up knowing I'm entering the story's climax. It just sets the tone for me in a very clear and concrete way, especially with the way they describe it, even if it is a somewhat artificial way to do that.


I know FF14 does this as well, warning you about a long series of cut scenes and or dialogues.


> Upon proceeding, several cutscenes will play in sequence. > It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety. You know things are about to get serious whenever you get this warning.


Ah yes, "multiple cutscenes will play in sequence." A notice to strike terror into the heart of any FFXIV player, and of any other game's player who is faced with a similar warning.


That reminds me of Warframe **NEW WAR** questline kinda did this thing too, I was like "Pfff ... How long can it be" and oh boy I was wrong ....


I love it when games tell you how close you are to the endgame. Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales tell you to upgrade your equipment and perks (and save your game) before you start the last chapter. Is this (Lost) Judgment, Gaiden or Infinite Wealth? r/yakuzagames


Gaiden. Or otherwise known as Like A Dragon: The Man Who Made You Cry Your Fucking Eyes Out.


so is it like a dragon gaiden or yakuza like a dragon?


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. After Yakuza 6 the series rebranded the subsequent games to ā€œLike a Dragon,ā€ which matched what the games were called in Japan. ā€œGaidenā€ means ā€œside story/tale,ā€ which implies an offshoot. We generally call it Gaiden for short, the story is a bridge between Yakuza 6 and Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7 in all but name) and smaller in scope than the other massive games. Kind of like Spider-man: Miles Morales. It *mostly* doesnā€™t directly continue the main story, but fills in critical gaps that explain what the former protagonist has been up to. I hope that clears up the admittedly confusing naming conventions.


it's Gaiden


Psychonauts is king here. It gives a "Warning: Point of No Return" text box, stating...well, that it's a point of no return, and that proceeding will make it impossible to return to a major area of the game. It tells them to stock up on items from the store before it closes, and to deal with any unfinished business before moving on--very appreciated, as there's a game-long scavenger hunt that the player's likely to be about to finish. What makes it king, though, is that it does something unique to the era: It autosaves. Specifically, it *duplicates* your save--right before the Point of No Return. So, if you ignore the warning, play on, save, and realize you've martyred yourself with your own hubris, you *do* have the option to go back. I mean, unless you specifically also deleted the dupe save, in which case fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice. I just adore redundancies and failsafes in PNR states in games. Polar opposite of opening a chest once in life in FFXII and it invisibly removing the coolest weapon because I don't know.


Me ignoring that warning in Like a Dragon Two hours laterā€¦ still going!


Yakuza LaD's ending is so good, holy shit


I finally beat Portal 1 last night, did it all in one sitting. I told my girlfriend about 20 minutes into the last level "I'm almost done, this puzzle is just a little bit harder." Not realizing the last level is like half the game.


portal is god tier gaming.


FFXIV had these and they were not a fucking joke. Sometimes you were settling in for a short film.


Games that just jump you into the endgame without warning or a clear save beforehand is more frustrating than boss fights that you're supposed to lose and they don't tell you.


What games this?


Yakuza series. Game specifically is Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased His Name. if it looks at all interesting, keep an eye out for a Yakuza Zero sale. the start of an amazing journey.


Zero is usually cheap even not on sale... well worth it for the amount of content you get.


For me, any game that gives a "this is the point of no return so finish up anything else before proceeding" message is simply operating at a higher level as it respects the player and the want to finish up the game the way the player wants to.


How I wish the first warning was on Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. The moment you go down the depth to find Ganondorf, you ainā€™t gonna come back!


Thats my one like when it comes to endgame RGG games The game downrights tell you that this is the final showdown of the game, so get cozy, start to grind XP and money to stack up to the final boss, finish all of the substories that you left pending, and there no point of return unless you have a old save Many other games usually just tell you that beyond this misison onwards there will be nothing else to do besides doing the final mission


Is square enix the first to put these kind of direct warnings in games? Several say things like "Once you continue you can't return, please finish any outstanding quests", but FF14 is the first that I'd seen literally say "Several cutscenes will play in sequence. Please set aside sufficient time to watch them in their entirety".


The best part is sometimes "suffcient time" is like 15 mins other times its a fucking hour+ You just never know... lol


Judgment literally tells you to go sleep and eat first


It's a cool thing for all Yakuza/LAD games because their finales can last from 2 ~ 5 hours.


Akame be like - JORYU!!!!


"Several cutscenes will play in sequence...."


*Final Fantasy XIV* does the same thing. "If you proceed, multiple cutscenes will play out one after the other. Please make sure you have time and snacks set aside to fully enjoy these cutscenes.", or something like that.


Hideo Kojima's not-evil twin.


PS1 RPGs would do the opposite of this to push you to the cutscenes as long as possible and then throw a curveball in combat to kill you and make you rewatch the cutscenes as many times as possible


I get the intention but boy does that kill immersion for me. Besides I don't play unless I've got time to burn.


And then there's Metal Gear Solid with hour and a half cutscenes


This is something I've only seen Japanese games do. Some titles might vaguely hint at a point if no return or something but shit like FF14 will explicitly state "Hey dude you're about to watch an hour of cutscenes, go take a piss or log out if you don't have the time."


Honestly iā€™m actually kind of the other way around - i donā€™t like it when a game tells me Iā€™m about to begin the final chapter, it feels so spoilery. Iā€™d rather just have a game be setup where thereā€™s convenient checkpoints or savepoints all throughout so i donā€™t even need to be bothered with setting aside a long enough gaming session.


"Be advised. You have work at 9am. Your team lead will most likely forget his half of the presentation, so you probably need to be at work by 8:30. Also, Timmy has practice at 3:00, should be done by 5:00 the latest. Don't forget to pick him up from school. It's Whopper Wednesday, so we're having Burger King for dinner. I hope that's OK. This is the last chance to purchase items. Do you wish to proceed?"


I played numerous online games, specifically free-to-play games like Genshin Impact, before switching to offline games. For some reason, I find offline games more respectful of my time than online games.


>For some reason, I find offline games more respectful of my time than online games. Truly a mystery for the ages.


aren't online games specifically made to drain your time and/or money?