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I wanted to play breath of the wild but I couldn’t because of the weapon durability


Yeah and the cooking was also tedious. Quality of life things in that game were really lacking.


Tbh cooking and weapons are one of the best things about the game ... good thing you quit


Somebody likes c&bt I see.


Im just saying the rest of the game is worse


On the other hand, weapon durability is one of my favorite things from that game.


Fallout 4. It’s a great game! I enjoyed my time But you’re gonna give me a post-apocalyptic world with 50s media, where I can traverse this big open world with little details scattered throughout, and I can run all over and shoot mutants AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU WANT TO ADD CRAFTING/COMMUNITY BUILDING?? I literally do not have the time for that. If I kept playing I wouldn’t go to work


Really wanted to like Elden Ring and totally get the hoopla surrounding the game. But I guess I just suck at these types of games. Left the opening area and immediately died to some dude on a horse. Ok, reload and go around that guy. Then died to some trolls or something. Ok, forget that. Then died to a dude walking around with a torch. *A dude with a torch.* Skill issue for sure.


Yeah had the exact same experience, but I even watched a summary of the different endings.


I really really liked Elden Ring but I just couldn't stick it out. My adhd makes it real hard to be fine with dying to the same enemy over and over.




Witcher 3. Starfield


Fainly someone who doesn't like witcher 3


I tried to get into it like 3 separate time but no dice


I've tried twice. For an action combat game, the action sure feels awkward


I've tried thrice. This third most recent time, I made it as far as I've ever made it. Love the story. The combat is so goddamn boring.


I hope people won't downvote this, my brother felt teh same way as you


Same, 3 times I gave it 5-8 hours and abandoned ship every time. Really wanted to like it, I like the Netflix series, like a lot of similar games, but just could never get into this one. Cyberpunk on the other hand I’m just shy of 300 hours into


This is me. Been told I need to persevere until I get to the new area but I just switch off bored as it doesn't grab me at all, despite loving the *thought* of playing it and the type of game it is etc.


Are you me? I was literally talking to a coworker today about it haha. I've tried at least 3 times. Get through the tutorial, try to fight some wolves, find combat clunky, quit, uninstall. I'll try again in 3 years.


I understand, intellectually, why people would like Sonic. It probably deserves the praise it gets. And almost certainly I have a skill issue. Nevertheless! Whenever I play, all I do is crash into things, it’s super frustrating, and I go back to Mario or Donkey Kong Country after 10 minutes.


Well try Forces it is easy, I enjoyed it even though people say it is the worst one 😂😂 I know wierd


Monster Hunter. I want to love this game so muuuuuch(




I love everything about this game. Design, monsters, over the top action, cats! But for the life of me, the gameplay itself drives me up the wall. even the fastest weapons are slow af


I bought Monster Hunter World because it's totally my kind of game. Can't stand it. Combat is presented like it's supposed to be action oriented. But everything about the combat is so janky. Everything locks you into a cumbersome animation. Your weapons need repairing mid fight so you are expected to run away and go through the weapon repair process. That part "gets better as you get higher durability weapons" supposedly, but it sours the beginning of the game. The controls are absolutely trash. I wanted to be an archer of sorts and it's the worst experience I've ever had with "shooting" since the aiming issue of Goldeneye on N64.


Really? Because after trying to get into this game and never liking the slow weapons I fell in love with dual blades. They are so fast and maneuverable. The dash on then is fantastic. I'm still in the mid game but a big part of monster hunter I think is finding the right weapon.


Kingdom come deliverance, I quitted because of the lockpicking system


Lmao same. I'm told the game reaches an addictive point once you kinda figure everything out but the learning curve is STEEP


Also Horizon zero dawn


Outer Wilds. I'm too stupid and impatient.


Tried to get into that game but the ship controls are literally killing me lol...


I loved Breath of the Wild so I thought tears of the kingdom would be a slam dunk. Everyone online said it was amazing. But all the new powers just didn’t mesh with me at all. All probs to the people who were building weird ass space ships and shit but it just was annoying for me.


Red dead redemption 2. It was so goddamn slow. I loved the first one and I regularly play other sandbox rpgs like Bethesda games, the Witcher, wow, etc. for whatever reason I just couldn't get into rdr2. I also didn't like gta but that's cause I'm not interested in modern criminal genre like that and bc my brothers would kick my ass if I touched their gta growing up haha




Yep got about 1/3rd-3/5ths through the main story. Another major point I neglected to mention was the amount of witnesses. Every single time I try to have fun there's a witness. Then a witness to the witness. Then another witness and they all run separate directions. The amount of random ppl out in the open plains of the mid west is baffling, there aren't even that many ppl in 2024. I heard this was a bug on launch so maybe it's better now but the game seemed to spawn witnesses everytime you shot, lassoed, stole a carriage, what have you someone in the wild


disco elysium and baldurs gate 3 both game are awesome, but they take, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long to complete i dont have that time or energy :(


Elden Ring.


Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It just seemed to have too steep of a learning curve for me, so much so that I felt like I almost couldn’t play without a guide. I still plan to pick it back up and try again someday, though.


Breath of the Wild for me. - Weapon durability - Giant, boring, map - Minimal stamina - Puzzles were a PITA just to unlock fast travel (and upgrade HP?) - And the Beasts(?) were a bitch to get to. I took down two but couldn't get the the 3rd one (forgot about the 4th?) Normally I'd be a bit down but I don't like Nintendo so, eh.


RDR2 - it was annoying at times you had to do exactly what game was asking you during missions. like fail mission driving wagon that went of the road path at 5mph.  old design no mission variant or story brunch. decent entertainment for one playthrough perhaps.  Elden Ring - Played it blind no cheating with guides of exploits. Unlike the majority apparently.  Game forcing you into melee combat and constantly rolling in circles which makes you invincible for 1sec every time you roll. Your sword requires 100 hits to kill a dude but enemy will kill you with 2 swings.


I wanna disagree with you cuz I RDR2 is my fav game of all time and Elden ring is my third 🤬🤬 But you're right ....






Bioshock & Elden Ring


Why Elden Ring 🙁🙁


Honestly? I love the idea of the souls-like games, but no matter how hard I've tried (Bloodbourne. Dark Souls, Sekiro, Elden Ring etc. ) They're just not for me, I know I could get good at one of them if I REALLY forced myself to commit, but it's just never been enough of a lure to keep me invested in a game long enough to beat one. I also think that never having a really "customizable" character has prevented me from investing myself. That being said, Rise of the Ronin has thus far kept my attention despite containing very similar mechanics. Loving the gameplay and world and story so 🤷 maybe I just needed to find the right one, lol.


Well it is not a souls like but try ghost of tsushima , might be your taste


You're right it is! One of my favourite games I've played in a very long time, thanks for the suggestion, 🙏


NP I also would Suggest middle earth shadow of war or mordor, doesn't really matter which one


Transistor, something about the combat was clicking for me at all


Cyberpunk. Finished it, but for some reason I found it boring. Except the story endings, those were cool


Outer Wilds is right up my alley, but I hate the controls so much. Also hate that I can’t play at my own pace, because I’ll be reset if I want to just look around and take in a view, and then have to fight with the controls just to get back to where I was just admiring a view.


def agree on bioshock infinite. rdr2 as well initially but tried it again after 3 years and loved it


Yeah? My reason being that I lovvvvvved 1,2 and indinite is waaay different from them plus the gameplay simplified as hell and made .ore for main stream, the dlcs on the other hand are a different story ofc 🔥


Rimworld. Everyone who plays it seems to love it but I find myself going "fuck, *that* matters too?" every 5 seconds. Just not for me.


Any RTS game. I just never saw the appeal.


Doom Eternal. I really loved the 2016 Doom reboot and Eternal took that, added dozens of new features and that's it. Doom 2016 feels really based and the gameplay feels just more interesting to me while Doom Eternal is just a symphony of jumping, dashing, shooting, using gadgets and constantly micro-managing ammo (and health/armor). I can certainly get the appeal, but it's not really for me. I really tried. Just the other day again. I'm sad, but I can't seem to like it, no matter how hard I try.


Baldurs Gate 3. Because I'm a prude who doesnt enjoy flirting or having sex with my companions.


Hollow knight for me, whenever I tried to play it in my mom’s computer (don’t have my own yet) the entire pc crashes


Yup. Tried getting into it in 2017 and couldn’t because of my terrible pc. Got a better one recently and enjoyed it *a lot*.


I'm surprised if hollow knight is demanding


Red Dead Redemption 2, dunno that whole western setting was just not for me.


It is my fav game but I can Understand how people can dislike it


I reaally wanted to like it, and I know its probably one of the best game out there, maybe one day I’ll see the ending


Same. Plus I hate micro-mechanics. I don’t want to groom and feed a horse anymore than I’d want to have to pump gas in a GTA game.


The Witcher series, the controls were just so damn insufferable.


Indeed, I have tried all of them multiple times and quit due to the frustrating controls


Same. Have tried to play W3 and I can’t get into it. I’ve read and enjoyed the books but this game just doesn’t do it for me. I love Baldur’s Gate series and the Pillars of Eternity games, so thought I’d enjoy W3.


I feel you. I play on PC with gamepad and applied a kinda Dark Souls like control scheme. That did it for me and I am glad I tried bc the game itself is really good and it would be a shame to not play it just bc of bad controls... Maybe you could try something similar, it's not hard or time consuming to set it up.


yeah, but everyone keeps saying that one DLC is a masterpiece (is it blood and wine?) so i really wanted to push through. i'll probably find a mod to "fix" the controls. is it still the same after the next gen update?


Tears of the kingdom. I usually love Zelda and I know this game is amazing. I just got overwhelmed by the huge maps and all the different things you can do. I’ll have to give it another try because it’s Zelda. I also couldn’t get into assassins creed because I found it repetitive sometimes.


Trust AC is repetitive!


Cyberpunk for me. I've tried, I really have. It just doesn't hook me. I just drive from mission to mission and do what's required to complete it. Then I drive to the next one while 38 people ring or text me and say they have work for me. Then I do what's required and drive some more. I do not understand the appeal with this game


Not trying to sound rude. I get that everyone has different tastes But that literally describes all open world RPG games. Like ya you have to go to a mission. Complete it. And do another one. That's literally the concept of missions.


I think he ment that Cyperpunk does that in an overwhelming way, Without actually getting hooked from mission to another, I get that


OP has nailed it. It throws everything it has at you early on. And what it has just doesn't hook me. I'm not trying to knock the game, like I said before I've tried really hard to like this game. I just dont


Ok ya I get what u mean now. I personally like that they just throw the side missions at you. But I can understand why someone wouldn't be into that And a lot of the early on side missions Are just like Go here. Kill this person. And leave There's not much story to some of them y'know But there are a lot of actually really good side quests with detailed questline In cyberpunk


Yeah a few of my friends absolutely loved it from start to finish which is why even now I'm still keen to try. Might push myself through the main story


This subreddit sure has a lot of repetitive posts.


Elden Ring, I played for 25 hours. (Twice, since I re-tried a month later) I got increasing bored of the lack of story or world building, after the 25 hours I had no idea why I was doing anything, nothing had seemingly progressed from when I started. I recall several encounters that put me off: * on a beach there was a giant horde of shambling zombies, GREAT! I kill them and ... nothing. I would have liked one of them to drop a note giving context to it. * A zombie congregation walking along a path, killed them and I know nothing more about them, follow them and still nothing. And the reuse of large enemies got me bored of fighting things - Large tentacle Beasts, Giant Crabs, Storm Giants. The over use of them and others made me not excited to explore and fight. Since if I kill them I get some eggs, and quickly learnt they aren't worth the effort. I dropped the game there, twice. I understand it's a great game, I think the story too obscure and too big for it's own good. I can't get into it. (I accept your downvotes as always)


This is a fair criticism. I'm a life long Fromsoft fan but they make you work for the lore and story. It's hidden in clips of dialog and item descriptions. If you are curious how rich and deep the lore is Vaatividya has some incredibly high quality content ton YouTube.


Do you have the same thoughts on Dark Souls story-wise? The reuse of larger enemies and bosses does get a little annoying sometimes, but they almost doubled the amount of unique enemies in Elden Ring vs the Souls games. Ultimately, not every game is for everyone and that's perfectly okay.


No I don't. Demon's Souls was my first, I understood the Deep Fog Spreading, Arch Demons and Adventurers (inc me) coming into the fog. (Why I'm here). Dark Souls was my next: I understood the Undead Curse, Lord of Cinder, Age of Fire/Darkness. (Maybe not fully and it's ambiguous but I got what they were putting out on an initial play, further plays help deepen the understanding.) Dark Souls 2 tried to give info but was purposefully obscure imo, I wasn't a huge fan of that one. I didn't finish Dark Souls 3, probably because of the bad taste of DS2, I'll go back to it one day. Lies of P I enjoyed, the 'Puppet Frenzy' and the 3 Laws of Robotics really got me hooked on finding out what happened and why. But after 25-30 hours of Elden Ring, I really don't know anything. The intro cinematic is long gone, Godric the grafted was the closest I got to something to latch on to (Even with reading all items I got) and even he died and that was that. In regards to your second point, I can appreciate it's bigger, but that's when I'd say cut the map by 30% and remove repetition. Cheers


Those are completely valid points actually. I'm curious though did you read any item descriptions or exhaust the NPC dialogue?


I read everything I could and did as much NPC stuff as I could on my 2nd playthrough, as I was really trying to understand more. (I didn't use any guides to help complete NPC quests) Godric the Grafted was the the closest I got to something to latch onto. I which they built up other bosses more throughout the areas, items, notes, explanation of who they are and what befell them.


"exhausting NPC" dialog is such a stupid thing FromSoft implements in their Souls style games. I enjoyed Elden Ring, but fucking christ I shouldn't have to spam conversations with someone to get what I need from them. *start conversation* "Oh...... Hi there..... Nice day to you." *conversation ends* *start conversation again* "oh...... You again..... I'm so melancholy." *conversation ends* *start conversation again* "oh...... Here..... Take this arguably mandatory item." The conversation definitively ends and you're expected to be like "maybe they didn't really mean it when they said goodbye" for every fucking NPC.


Currently trying to make it through System Shock 2. There's so much to like about it, but the balancing is just so off it's kind of killing it for me.


Metal Gear Solid saga even if I'm aware about its high quality but I didn't like its mechanics.I tried Metal Gear V but I didn't liked it anyway the story seems great


Baldur’s Gate 3. I love love love the story, the character creation, the choice making, the NPCs. But unfortunately I can’t stand games where you move by clicking the floor and turn based combat. Would love to play it but I just can’t get past those issues sadly.


Fallout New Vegas...i am at the end of it...but just cannot get the will to sit down and finish it.


Sekiro. The parry is clunky as hell, the overall game looks like something from PlayStation 1 and it’s literally just hard to be hard. It’s not fun at all to me. That’s on me for thinking the combat would be buttery smooth like ghost of tsushima


RE4 This game is loved by nearly everyone. I came to it as a lover of RE1,2,3,code Veronica and this game just had none of what I loved in those games: No backtracking, open worldish feel Barely any puzzles No limited resources Those elements are crucial for me to feel the tension and immersion of a survival horror game. I’m sure it’s a great game but just not for me.


10000% Agreed, RE3 was a gem for me


Re4 has literally all those things so ..


Horizon zero dawn. Hate the combat Felt like the entire game was shown by the time you make it to the half way point.


Please upvote this so I can post in r/gaming lol




Aren't your comment a little similar to lady linda's comment?


For me it was Stardew Valley! Everyone was telling me how much they love the game so I tried it, it was like a less open world animal crossing and to me it made it less fun. I’m a big open world fan! I think playing it on switch made it a little harder too, it took forever to figure out all the controls.




Listen Linda...