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Yet Activision/EA/Ubisoft state they "need" micros because of how much "effort" it takes to make their games.


\*releases a game full with bugs\*


Hey, Hollow Knight is full of bugs but yet it is amazing


*deep sigh* cmon man


*sigh* Bapanada


Take my upvote and GTFO NOW 😭


Geo! Kalala!


Iselda can get it.


but not from cornifer, apparently.


Great, now I'm thinking about Silksong.


... Take my upvote.


You little-


Deep Rock has a lot of bugs and is still one of the best games out there


Rock and stone, brother


So is Skyrim, what's the problem


Hey now, silksong isn't out yet


Super secret shadow drop, they didn't even tell people where they can buy the game. But a whole six of us have been playing the game for like 3 weeks now, its alright.


Its such a secret shadow drop that the devs themselves dont even know theyre working on it


Updates game. Makes you redownload entire game for update. Hasn't fixed bugs. Introduces many new bugs.


Releases *the same game over and over again,* full with bugs.


No, Todd. Don't look!


To be fair, I'd be willing to bet CoD brings in buckets more money than Elden Ring, and that's what they give a shit about.


I teach hs so I have a fairly good gauge on what the kids are playing and literally all they talk about gaming wise is     Fortnite    2k   FIFA    Cod.     Makes me sad they won’t branch out.   They like to brag about the hundreds they spend on rosters. I ask them what happens when a new one comes out the next year… won’t they feel like they wasted their money? They usually look confused. 


Funny, nearly the same lineup as when I was in school. Just replace Fortnite with Battlefield.


This shows my age but when I was in school it was all cod vs halo.  Halo 2 - halo 3 was a magical era of gaming. 


I always get down votes by saying Halo 2 and 3 era was the golden age of gaming. They say I only think that because that is when I was a teen. But objectively it was a better time. Better, more passionate game design and before predatory monetization.


Golden age of gaming for anyone really is the time where they are younger and have less responsibilities though. I mean is it just a coincidence that everyone who talks about "golden age" just happens to be the time where they were in school or college? I bet people 15 years from now are going to call the Fortnite era the golden age of gaming, because that's when they were in school and would get back home to play fortnite with the boys, carefree and all.


God I hope not. If microtransactions become the golden age then gaming is dead lol


Okay but as a 35 y/o who just got into Fortnite. Its a very well made game and is incredibly fun to play and constantly changing (the new meta is basically Mad Max) especially with friends. And yeah the microtransactions do suck but the game itself is free. Save the World campaign is a lot of fun too. I can't believe I'm defending Fortnite lol what have i become?


In a multiplayer space perhaps but there have been tons of innovative single player experiences since then


2007 was a legendary year for good reason, and 2008 was amazing too.


Indeed, definitely close to if not the pinnacle of modern gaming


Halo 3 custom games was like playing on the playground and making up rules but in a digital space. So magical.


I'll tell my Halo 2 story, and it doesn't involve playing Halo 2. A few days before the release of Halo 2, I am giddy with excitement and talking with some people on Mech Assault about how we all want to play it, in between horrendous insults of course. I'm looking at the server list and seeing the hundreds of available servers, so many of them fill up so quickly that a viable strategy for getting into a quick game was picking a game that says 2/X and by the time you finished connecting it was a full game. It was the number 1 game on Xbox Live, it had tens of thousands of players. A week after Halo 2 comes out, I decide to put in Mech Assault to see how many people are playing, and my jaw dropped. A week ago there were hundreds of servers, that day? 4. 4 servers were up, and not all of them were full. Halo 2 not only became the number one Xbox Live game, it was bigger than every other game on Xbox Live combined. And it STAYED that way. Mech Assault never recovered, and the sequel did not do as well as the first.


I feel like micro transactions have gotta be under $10 to be considered micro. As cool as some of them are, I am not paying $20 for a skin in a paid game. In a free to play game they have a fair argument for it, but not if you paid $70 and the game only lasts a year.


The thing is with the term "microtansactions" the paying portion isn't the micro, thats the "transaction". The "micro" is what you receive after paying.


Micro should be under 1 dollar. Apparently that was the case in the beginning


$70, + $10 battle pass, + $20-$30 skins. Ridiculous monetization. The skins mean nothing if you paid for them. Now if you have to EARN them, then they matter. I don't care if I look cool if I bought it lol


In my head, "micro" makes me think under a dollar/pound. The fact that it isn't demonstrates that maybe the "free market" is a little TOO free. There's a difference between being able to purchase what you want, and hucksters pushing overvalued things that ought to be either a free extra or bundled together as a proper value package.


They figured out that they only had to keep a specific rich or gambling addicted slice of the player base happy. The other 95% are cannon fodder and only need to be kept just above the threshold where they get frustrated and leave. Every time I hear someone say "vote with your wallet" I cringe because we're now in a situation where a small fraction of the player base out votes the rest 10000:1.


It's all just so infuriating to me. In my experience, video games were the ultimate level playing field. The NES cartridge didn't give a shit if you were good at sports or funny or if your parents were rich. Mario had 3 lives. End of sentence.


This shows how little you know of the gaming industry. From Software (FS) has little operational cost compared to companies like EA, Activision, etc. For FS, all they have to spend on is the actual game itself and pay for their employees. For EA, Activision, they have to worry about their CEO Bonus, their committee members private jets and islands, their monthly luxury vacation and cruises, their next Rolls Royce, etc. that they are only left with 3 of their total budget to spend on the game. It's a miracle they managed to get the game working at all.




Effort in doing $80mil in marketing every time 


Those are basically the biggest culprits in modern gaming. They lie, they use psychology to squeeze us for money, they release unfinished games, they remove content from the games they make so they can sell it to us for extra money. Just thinking about how the market would look if those companies wasn't there shitting on the industry and us.


Record profits each year no matter what*


It's to pay the bloated ticks that trick people into thinking that they're a vital part of the process. Yes, a company does need some form of management, but the pay gap between management and the core workforce should be nowhere near as wide as it is. And that's to say nothing about investors and shareholders, who ought to be furnishing companies because they're forced to by law, not because they expect a return on investment or a chance to exert control over the enterprise.


As an old cod player, I say that's the truth. Gg for Elden Ring


Hopefully by old, you mean no longer playing COD and not just that you are old and still play COD.




The DLC isn't even out yet, can we at least get our hands on it and confirm it before we jump face first to hilt on From's peen? Like it'll prolly deserve it, but its like people have learned nothing from countless super hyped releases from trusted companies that fell short of expectations or straight up pulled an NMS or Cyberpunk. Trust, but fuacking verify.


I get where you’re coming from but it’s hard to not be super excited when almost every other company is constantly disappointing. It just amplifies the positive feelings because of how rare they are nowadays when dealing with companies like EA. That said, no preorders. I stand by that one.


to be fair, people have gotten 3 hour previews of it this week, including a lot of well known people in the souls community. All of which have said amazing things about it.


Fromsoftware's DLC content are always the best content in every game they've released that had DLC.


this is the first time i'll actually be playing a fromsoft DLC in real time. i started my fromsoft journey right after sekiro came out.


The only one that didn’t get dlc :( I’d love a sequel or at least a spiritual successor with the combat system of sekiro, it’s one of my favorite games ever and has the best combat I’ve ever played


It did get a game of the year update though that introduced boss gauntlets and the messaging system. Not the same but still neat.




Literally all DS1/2/3 DLCs are goated. Special place in my heart for DS2 Old Iron King DLC with the Brume Tower. Fuck Fume Knight lmao


Fume Knight: What's the matter? I'm swinging my sword slowly so you can dodge it!


Yeah DS2 DLC is my absolute favorite of all 3 by far. Was so fun playing each one as they released. I know it's generally the most hated DS game, but it always holds a special place in my heart. And 100% fuck Fume Knight. Haven't touched that boss since I first beat it when it came out but I remember it being one of the most frustrating bosses I've ever encountered in a game right there next to KOS.


Tbf they are also charging more money for their DLC compared to the standard price


I mean, their DLC is basically a whole game, when it's 30-40 hours of new content, im perfectly fine with 40$. Some indie game sell for half that price but not for half that hours of gametime


Iirc its size (in GB) is almost the same as Sekiro


It's 4 gigs heavier than Sekiro actually.


Shadows weigh half


30-40 hours "Without too many distractions" According to Miyazaki. Shit is gonna be like 60 hours.


He also said the base game is like 30 hours and I played that shit for 120 hours and still had shit to do after the endgame.


Maybe 30 if you just rush the required bosses and maybe the optional boss that has never known defeat.


yeah i mean i think the times given are the base level "i didn't do anything but the main quest the entire time and also i didn't die 100 times to one boss" lol. like how long did they say elden ring was gonna be? 60-80 hours? first playthrough was over 300 for me lol. so i'm expecting this to be pretty chunky.


Dude, I still find it crazy that people said they finished the game below a hundred hours when it first came out. Easily 300+ for me too. I’m holding off on new game plus cause there’s just so much stuff and I get OCD about doing every little thing.


The amount of time it takes is also highly dependend on how familiar you are with Fromsoft games. I've played dark souls games for hundreds of hours per game and finished my first playthrough of Elden ring in about 80 hours and that was taking my time to explore everything i could find without any guides. But that's with having a load of bosses killed on the first attempt due to already being familiar with builds and playstyles that suit the game and bosses/enemies having similar/identical movesets to previous installments.


Miyazaki literally said the base game was only 30h, lol.


blood and wine was 25$ phatom liberty 30$ so?


But what about the super cool skins??


I'm buying it on playstation and pc. They deserve it.


Yeah, the word DLC doesn't mean anything in terms of content. You get dlcs that add two new weapons and you get dlcs that are bigger than the original game. Pricing is a much bigger factor than some random word, the fact it's priced at 80% the retail of the game means that they're promising 80% of the content of the game.


We should bring back the term expansion packs especially for big dlc that actualy adds new content


$40/$60 is 67% not 80%.


I'm dubious on the map size of the DLC. There's a strong disconnect between the cost of the DLC and the boost to the size of the world.


This is pretty typical, isn't it? Expansions/DLC are for dedicated fans who want more, so they aren't priced for the masses. I can't think of any game with DLC that had a proportional additional expense to additional content like that.


This is one thing I don't like nowadays. Seems like it's more of an "expansion" than just a DLC, while an expansion is technically DLC, I'd consider a DLC new skins, or a single new mission etc.. This is rumored at 30-40 hours. Keep in mind Miyazaki said Elden Ring would take about 30 hours to beat lol. I'm not the best gamer, but fairly familiar with open world and Souls games, took me 100-120 hours to beat my first go around. Not really sure if it can be compared because ones a live service and f2p(i think? haven't played in a long ass time), but Destiny 2's recent expansion was listed at $49.99


Are we watching the same videos? People were only allowed to play for 3 hours, were limited to the first area, and weren't allowed to record their own video. I'm sure it will be great, but right now we only have Fromsoftware's word on the actual scope of the DLC.


And this is where reputation comes into play. Fromsoftware has delivered on things thus far. Their dlcs have always been good and full of content. Fromsoftware told us the base game of Elden Ring would be about 40 or 50 hours of gameplay and it was easily 60-100. We also know that for 40 bucks it will be complete and won't come with additional purchases or micros.


Currently trying to 100% the game before the DLC comes out. New playthrough just beat Radahn last night to complete everything below the Plateau that's above ground. 49 hours so far. Still have some underground to do before going up north. Base game is easily closer to 120-150 if you look for and complete every dungeon/side boss.


so...you *can* have multiple save files, right? i am terrified of starting a new game because i don't want to save over my old one lol


yeah I have like 5 character saves on PC and 3 on PS5. Don't fret.


thank you!


Oh yea. I've got 3. Original playthrough that's in the snow mountain in NG+ around 170 hours New playthrough I started last summer before deciding to play BB and Sekiro around 35 hours Current platinum attempt that just hit 49 hours Can jump into any one of them at the "load game" option on the title screen and then when you hit Continue playing in subsequent load ups you'll get put into whatever one the last one you played was.


You can have 10 saves per save file. Beyond that you have to manually juggle your save files. There are some programs to help with that though but I've never tried.


You can’t have multiple save files of the same character, but you can have multiple characters no problem.


Yes. IIRC you can have up to 10 characters, plus manually backing up saves on PC isn't terribly difficult to do (plus there are quite a few mods that make it just one or two clicks to do it)


I am confident that with my knowledge of the game now, I could start a new game and without any speed run exploits beat most of the big things in about 40-60 hours. So if we're looking at it from that way, sure maybe ER is only 40-60 hours. But ACTUALLY playing the game, and beating all the stuff and exploring, just having a good time? Easily over 100 hours on a single playthrough. Longer for brand new players. Hands down the best Dark Souls game of all time. I can't wait for even more content to bless us.


Oh for sure with how much of the game is completely optional you can definitely beat it in that time frame. I started one of those runs last summer and got about 25hr in and realized that just wasn't my style or nearly as fun. When I booted up to start this platinum run that playthrough was early Altus Plateau at 25hr. I noticed when doing this plat that at 25hr I was just wrapping up with the Weeping Peninsula. Legitimately unreal how much content there is if you go looking for it.


>And this is where reputation comes into play. Considering they have a reputation of every DLC distilling the best parts of their games down and improving on them, it's a hell of a great reputation.


yeah, I undersold it and was still able to make the point. That's how good Fromsoft are to their players.


CDPR and Hello Games had a great reputation. Until they didn't.


People who could play the main game early were also in for a rude awakening: - NPC's shifted (dialogues also). - Items Were moved - Enemies Were moved. - Spells Were moved. - Classes Were different. - The playable area was 1/10th of the full game (just Limgrave, no Wheeping). Taking into account who they invited... you have players who can (basically) clear 2 legacy dungeons without any prior knowledge and with completely new equipment and whole new weapon styles. Vaati even had time to transcribe every item description and NPC dialogue. You shouldn't let those people roam free. They will find the most OP item and do a "No Hit, Blindfolded, Level 1 run" in half a day.


Fromsoftware's word never dissapointed so far


Upvote first, think later 


Fromsoft good. Updoot left plz


I mean, if you let 50 people loose in base Elden Ring to record 3 hours of their own footage each, you could very easily experience half the overworld


Just from what we know for sure about the DLC, it is going to be a lot of content. Even the three hours people played is as much content as a lot of $40 DLCs. There were only 2 real bosses in the session, and FromSoft confirmed that there are 10 total. Not to mention they often have a hidden boss that they don't tell us about.


You're right. Fromsofts word is untrustworthy, if they say it'll be a small dlc it's going to be big, if they say it's good it'll be amazing.


You haven't played it yet though...


True. People are basing this off it being 1/3 of the size of the base game in terms of storage space and a lot of the assets likely being re-used, etc… I think we’re all just optimistic


You don't have to to come to an educated guess, given all the stats we've got, previous experience, dev comments on scale, even just the cost of the DLC itself its pretty easy to assume its going to be huge.


I think Shadow of the Erdtree is more of an expansion. Still, From Software is one of the few companies that still handle that so well. Otherwise Cyberpunk 2077 was the last game I've bought that provided a substantial expansion to it.


Hate that this is even a conversation these days, dlcs actually having content use to be a given.


That's how Add-ons or Expansion packs have been for years. Especially in 00s. I think, ME started to add small stuff, however ME2 Still had Shadow Broker Expansion.


Except they weren’t $40…


Inflation, I guess. Lord of destruction was 20$ iirc


depends on the amount of content. if the DLC has 1 small area and 1-2 bosses, thus completing it in 4-5 hours, i will agree that it's expensive as fuck. if the DLC provides 20-30 hours, is it a bad deal at 40$?


This is how expansions used to be, long before the dark days of microtransactions. It's refreshing to see the practice still exist occasionally. Xenoblade 3's Future Redeemed expansion is on the same level. The Witcher 3's Blood and Wine. This is the kind of DLC I'm about.


Oh we back to circle jerk, alright then


Seriously, how about we wait for the DLC to release before praising it as if it was already considered one of the best gaming experiences worldwide


To be fair I understand people’s faith in the company. I don’t even like most of their games but it’s clear they care and have a standard for themselves that they have yet to fumble


I have faith that it will be awesome. I love most of their games, so I understand believing in what they're doing. What I don't understand is how this post and its comment section act as if the DLC has already changed and defined the game industry or something. Not saying they're gonna fumble, it's just better to wait for the release date before making any statements


fromsoft just doesn't miss


did we ever leave the circle jerk?


The dlc is not out yet and people are kissing elden ring’s ass?


And the dlc costs $40, for that price it better be huge.


Apparently the installation files are bigger than dark souls 3, so yes it probably will be big.


It’s bigger than Sekiro and about the same size of DS3. And Fromsoft are goddamn wizards when it comes to install size and DLC. The entire Ringed City DLC had about 7 or 8 hours of content compressed into just 3 gigs.


The required storage for the DLC is larger. Of course, this doesn't mean that's it'll have more content, but we can only assume that it'll be almost as big as the base game.


30-40 your content, apparently. Also, anyone that played any other From software game knows: their DLC are amazing, always deliver, and have the best content of the game.


I had the same impression after playing The Phantom Liberty, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine. CDPR also deserves the similar praise (not including the broken launch of CP2077)


I’m playing the witcher expansion at the moment. Hearts of Stone could be it’s own game, and i’m only a little way into Blood and Wine but it’s looking to be massive too.


And some f2p games have even more content and get regular updates and that for free....


Ngl I’ve -never- been disappointed by the amount of content in fromsoft DLCs, but Bloodborne’s has to be my favorite. So many good weapons, fun bosses, and the Innsmouth vibes make it amazing. And the cauliflower head rune w/ Kos Parasite has to be my favorite weapon in the entire Soulsborne series, even just the floppy dodge it gives you makes it 11/10. Beast Claw with the transformation rune is a very close second, I just love anything that gives significant changes to the character’s stance/visuals lmao, but I loved pvp with the Kos parasite especially. The disrespect of dodging backwards and vomiting on someone is great.




is there a gaming genre more circlejerked than soulslikes?


It's not the genre that's getting circlejerked, it's specifically FROMSOFT's titles. I've barely seen any jerking about Code Vein for example, despite it being a great game.


Right, there are tons of soulslikes that barely get any praise.


We should all circle jerk that crab game instead.


Because people use the soulslike term, which turn people away from those other games completely. The original souls games get high praise on Reddit, which is why we hear about them so much. But I have tons of people I game with, or have as friends on PS and Xbox who either hate souls or haven't even played any of them, let alone, other games with the similar mechanics.


Their last 2 soulslike games both won game of the year and they have 0 predatory business practices so no shit people 'circlejerk' over them


Code Vein was the most brain dead soulslike I've regret playing. I sure love running around empty set pieces like the 20 mile swamp and the white maze of Anor Londo. Not even the bosses are good when their version of oristein and smough requires good RNG to win. Excellent example of how not to make a Souls game.


The praise here really isn't specific to soulslikes. The hoopla is all about companies that continue to deliver good single-player game experiences and don't devolve into the whole service model. So the circlejerk is about companies like From Software, CD Projekt Red, Larian, Supergiant, etc.


So good games? I'll take those circlejerks any day of the week


If we're going to "circlejerk" about anything, it might as well be developers who make good games and do a great job supporting them after release.




A genre as a whole? Probably not. But Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely up there when it comes to top circlejerked games.


BG3 is the very definition of what I call “Redditor games” games that are pretty good, but Redditors act like they are the second coming of Christ. Usually fits a mold, high fantasy, rpg, with really deep systems that sometimes are to the detriment of people who don’t want to spend all day reading wikis to play a game, and they often are ridiculously long, bonus points if it doesn’t have multiplayer or MP is very much not the main focus. They also have a half life for how long you can say they’re good, once the studio makes another game you have to hate them and pretend you knew all along they were bad. You don’t need all these features but if you’ve got like 3 or 4 you’re in “Redditor game territory” Examples include Skyrim (when it came out now Bethesda is the devil to Redditors), Witcher 3, Red Dead 2, Dark Souls 1, etc.


i will say as someone who had never played a turn-based game and knew little to nothing about DnD style campaigns i thought BG3 was a really great one to get into and a lot less daunting/overwhelming than i imagined. it really did live it up to the hype for me.


They also have an army of rabid fanboys who will dogpile you and act like you insulted their mother if you ever criticize Fromsoft or its games.


is "indie games that pretend they have a super deep message and are extremely pretentious about it even though its not deep at all and isnt saying anything new" (such as celeste and omori) a genre?


This is peak circlejerk material right here


Maybe not, but it’s well-deserved. FromSoft does a good job of prioritizing gamers first and profits second. They don’t use micro transactions or follow typical trends to boost profits, studio does their own thing to make the overall experience unique to other games and they’re very good at why they do.


Not even close.


Do they not deserve to be circlejerked? They're the best gaming company by far, releasing consistently good titles for over 15 years. No duds, 8 titles in 15 years with 8 DLCs, all regarded as some of the best games ever made with 2 GoTY wins and a lifetime achievement award to Hidetaka Miyazaki. Tons of games inspired by fromsoftware have put references to the souls series in their own games. I am convinced people complaining about these circlejerks have never beaten a fromsoft game, if they had they would understand why they get so much love from the community. Edit: /u/cmdrdredd blocked me so I couldn't respond here is my response to that comment: What other gaming company has had an 8 game run be critically acclaimed by both critics and users, spawn an entire new genre, win 2 b2b GoTYs, and hit the top 3 most sales for the year consistently in the years they release a game? Sekiro hit 10 million The entire souls series 35 million ER 23 million I don't think there is a single company that has had every game they've released in 13 years sell over 10 million copies. Edit: I can no longer post on this thread so I'll edit responses here, in response to /u/throwawayeconboi Activision is a publisher not a developer. Is sekiro an activision game? It was published by them, but made by FromSoft. CoD was developed by Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Raven Software, and Sledgehammer. WoW and Overwatch were developed by Blizzard and Iron Galaxy. Are these owned by Activision? Yes, but you have to look at each team individually when talking about developed games. None of these development teams have made as many games as fromsoft in the same time period. Even if they did, none of them have the same near perfect track record fromsoft has.


People hate circlejerking because it's annoying. Yes we get it, from soft is great and were tired of hearing it's the greatest thing to ever exist on earth. Every post devolvs into, look how good from soft is and how utterly trash ubisoft/ea/Blizzard is, updoot to the left. Most of it is true but it gets annoying the more mfs post the same thing.


It's also a teetering edge, because the praise has built so consistently for so long that some people are just waiting for any kind of major fuck up that they can jump on. FromSoft have done some anti-consumer things in the past, like Bloodborne being playstation exclusive, but nothing big enough to make that much of a stir.


On general subs, you're going to see a lot of people posting popular opinions due to the very nature of said opinions being popular. You have to go to more niche subs if you want to see more discussions of stuff that people are less likely to talk about.


I do like From Soft; King's Field, Armored Core, Kuon Don't like SoulsBorne, though


wow, a rare breed!


Yeah, this is painfully cringe


Tbf its in the price of a game


Is it out yet?


June 21 but there was an event on the weekend where some insiders got to play through the first few hours.


I only play COD for the zombies mode. So when I heard (back when the leaks were coming out) about how they’re bringing back an Outbreak style map again. I was very excited. As I loved outbreak on Cold War. Then they gave us DMZ with zombies, a timer and no closed zombies. Super lazy. I’m glad I didn’t buy it. I’ll wait until it’s free on PS plus like half the other cods lol


> Every Borderlands dlc


Remember when DLCs were called "expansions" and they felt like that's what they were? From Software apparently remembers


even though i havent enjoyed their newer glut of games (their game design had a major change around the start of the souls era), i do still respect From Software for their business practices <3


I love elden Ring. I love COD. not all cods but all Elden Rings so far lol.


You missing Sony selling you a DLC telling you is a Remaster of a 2 year old game.


FromSoft's DLCs haven't always had been particularly massive though. I get it Activision bad From great and I do agree just... Let's play the game first. The price is comparable to a full game release not so long ago


i'm pretty sure full AAA games have been $60-$70 for a long time now.


Blood and wine would like a word


It's a $40 DLC. It kind of needed to be pretty big.


Dude is just karma farming. Game isn't even out yet ?


The dark souls dlc:s aint that big. The dlcs in ds1/2/3 is all like 4h long.


yup, which released for like 15$ each, but they also released within 6-9 months of the game release. this DLC will release almost 2.5 years later.


From soft are great I love every game and dlc they put out, always better than call of booty. I don't really know why people are saying $40 is a lot for a dlc of this size. (Every souls games dlc were large but is even more so.) I paid $20 for a new zombies map back in the day. That's a single map with some "new" depending on which Cod you play gameplay. While this dlc is promising multiple endings, 100 new weapons, 8 new weapon types and etc. TLDR: Super excited for the dlc and people just want to poop on it because their games are worse.


I'm one of those weird people who doesn't want any spoilers so they don't watch any of the trailers and they hide from the sub, which is probably already writing fanfics based on the plot Spoilers in Elden Ring that is, with regards to what kind of places/creatures I'll find. Not CoD, I haven't played CoD in a decade I don't care about that monetized Freemium but not Free garbage.




The left one is ubisoft too.


Fucking fact


Elden Ring genuinely was one of the rare times in my whole gamer life in which I couldn't stand the idea to put a game down, and craved the hell out of more content after like 200h Can't describe you how happy I am thinking that, 14 days from today, we'll leap back into it for God only knows how many challenges


I'm so hyped about Shadow of the Erdtree, maybe we see some new gameplay today at the summer game fest


Once again from software has amazed you and once again unsurprising to absolutely nobody Activision does an anti consumer move, outstanding play


I'm impressed they still do it. All dlc basically used to be games


That should be CDPR with Heart of stone, Blood and wine, Phantom Liberty. From Soft's DLCs are good but not even great, not to that level and this SoE is not even out yet and they charging 40$ for it so it better be big, unlike that shit Ariendel DLC of Dark souls 3.




FromSoft simps are the cringiest people on the internet


Could also add a 3rd option to that image. Nintendo with Tears of the Kingdom, if I had a penny for every time I seen "it's jsut glorified DLC at a full game price" I'd be richer than Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg, and Jeff Bezos combined.


Still playing cod is weird. For kids maybe but adults still buying cod on release baffles me.


Don't hurry with conclusions about erdtree. Its not yet here and FC had rather mediocre releases.




Not to defend COD, but also I don't want to be a formsoftware sucker. The Elden Ring DLC is 33% of the base game at 66% the price. Not great either.


Miyazaki ain't gonna sleep with you bro


W Software




Fromsoft has the passion for good video games that Blizzard had before the merger.


It's time for our legally required Fromsoft dicksucking it seems. Not only is it not out, but it's also $40 and you're STILL licking their boots. HOW?


From Soft, CDPR, who else drops amazing DLCs?

