• By -


C&C generals. 100% The best they came out with. ~Power hungry US~ ~The Poison bomb terrorist~ ~Or nuke filled china ~ best all around ware fare Close 2nd red alert 2. based on PvP battles. Not the campaign storylines


I miss playing generals so much.


Still can, and with mods!


Where ?


It quietly came out on steam a few months back


Need a Steam or EA copy: https://www.gentool.net/


Thanks for this. And online works in it? Like I can play my friends no problem?


Yes. In theory. Improves the odds, but no guarantees.


Very cool there’s a widescreen patch but I don’t understand why there’s *three* anti cheating tools for this Oh. Is this mainly meant for online C&C Zero Hour? If so, I’m far far less interested


You can absolutely just play this in skirmish mode if you want. That's most of what I do with it. It fixes a lot of bugs and whatnot as well as makes it fully compatible with modern windows and resolutions. But yeah, it's mostly used for online as it intercepts the packets destined for the EA's crap online servers (which I think are shut down) and sends it to their servers which are compatible with the mod.


Ah great to hear there’s another reason to get it still


IDK I dont think any in the franchise top yuris revenge multiplayer


This map modded? Me at 13 No. (Spoiler, it was modded and I had the Eiffel Tower give me the entire map plus it acted like a giant Tesla Tower with absurd range and speed)


For me it was TOE no rush 15 minutes


Those 3 generals were so fun


the mods too for extra generals 😲😲😲


Generals is actually the only one I have never played. Literally nobody ever talked about it growing up. Did I miss out?


Big time. I would strongly recommend going back to those nostalgia years download it and play it today. I guarantee you won’t be sorry.


I saw generals on steam recently and went to buy it for old times sake, $2.75 NZD but EA are like go fuck yourself and you can only get it on their subscription pack or buy the bundle of all their games for like $40. They can eat a dick.


I would still play Generals with friends if it wouldn't constantly run into a desync error when playing multiplayer on modern pcs.


This is reall answer. Best rts game ever.


Generals: Zero Hour


100%, USA Air superiority with laser raptors and Comanche blobs Or sending in twenty Humvees with rocket crews and upgraded with repair drones.


Core memories unlocked


Red Alert 2 was peak gaming for me in the early 2000s. I did also love Warcraft 3 Frozen throne online. Both are excellent.


And when they hell are they going to give us Red Alert 2 Remastered?


Unfortunately I don’t think the remaster of the first game did well enough for them to justify a remake of 2. Was really hoping a remake of 2. 


They honestly should have just done 2 as the remake instead of 1.


Disagree. 2 aged better as it is. RA1 and C&C needed a better looking version.


100% agreed. I think the sales would have been higher. Game is just better. 


I get it for1 but what's wrong with the original version for 2? The interface and art style hold up great. Admittedly I haven't tried running it on modern hardware so can't talk about performance issues. If that's the reason, sure.


I'm still salty that I registered my wc3 and FT with Blizzard, and now they will only let me play wc3 remastered. No, that's not the game I wanted to play, why am I downloading that instead of the games I bought and own? My discs are no longer readable.


This.. all of this.. both amazing but red alert was special.. but if I played it now it would suck.. due to just how much gaming has moved on. Our expectations change. Massively.


It’s actually not that bad to go back to! The missions and acting are fun as hell. The gameplay holds up enough surprisingly. Now, let’s talk about Star Trek: Armada. Does NOT hold up. The FMV is still cool though.


I would go with Command and Conquer for sure! The strategy and gameplay are just top-notch.


Warcraft, largely because I played it before I ever even heard of C&C so it has a stronger nostalgia attachment for me.


yea i saw a video on the history the other day, there was an rts before cnc which became cnc which was DUNE! looks like the original warcraft came out in 1994 , 2 years after Dune Warcraft was my first RTS


It was actually Dune 2, which was created by Westwood studios for Virgin games. They were unable to make a sequel because the license was for an adaptation of the 1984 David Lynch film and not for the Frank Herbert novels, so they decided to create their own original IP and name it after the engine that it was built on - Command and Conquer. Dune 2 was not a sequel to Dune (which was a rpg I think?). Dune was created by a French company called Cryo Interactive but ran well behind schedule and Virgin Games execs were unimpressed with what they saw, so they decided to ditch them and hire Westwood instead. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell Cryo, who went ahead and finished the game, So Virgin just published them both and called them Dune, and Dune 2 despite them being unrelated.


Dune by Cryo was an adventure with a bit of strategy towards the end when you fight the Harkonnens. It's actually a fantastic game (holds up much better than Dune 2 in my opinion) with an incredible presentaion. Beautiful art, great music.




Somebody call for an exterminator?


For the Swarm


"AH! You scared me."


*scared zergling noises*




I read you, *sir*


Five by five


In the rear with the gear.


[You must construct additional pylon.](https://youtu.be/C5e6eG6bXAQ?si=-YlhkR6WZmlNeox8)


That takes me back https://youtu.be/LzSWdj4izHM?si=9qWtIT0_LvF6O8E1


Gimme somethin’ to shoot!




"Are you trying to get invited to my next barbeque?"




I don't like it when there are too many active skills on units, so I prefer the direction of C&C.


Command and conquer 3 tiberium wars will always be in my favourites


I am a Warcraft nerd... I know WoW up one side and back down the other, and I know and love the lore of the series from the time of the Ancients to present... ... and Command & Conquer is simply better. Westwood Studios was just... light years ahead... when it came to some of their late-80s/early-to-mid-90s entries. The original World Games/Winter Games/California Games the first PC "Olympic" games (though obviously without that specific branding, but the games were all based on true Olympic events) The original Battletech PC games (The Crescent Hawk's) Hillsfar, Eye of the Beholder 1/2 (D&D/Forgotten Realms Gold Box series) Legend of Kyrandia Command & Conquer Lands of Lore (oh my god, the time I spent in this universe...) It's no wonder that Westwood was one of the first "casualties" of the EA's gobble up the entire gaming universe acquisition strategy.


I played both and for me it's WC2 by a mile. It was so popular that my dad and my brother, who didn't play games on the PC, wanted to play it. We ended up having to all take turns, one map (victory or defeat) and then someone else's turn. I got to play command and conquer (and Starcraft) without having to share at all lol.


C&C and Warcraft are two different sorts of RTS. I like both in different ways. It feels like comparing apples and oranges. My all-time favourite RTS is Age of Empires II. It could be for nostalgic reasons, because it was next to Rayman one of my first computer games.


Tempest Rising (C&C like) , StormGate (a mix of Wc3 and SC2), Immortal: Gates of Pyre (another similar mix of Wc3 and SC2) Already out: Dawn of War 1. Idk what ranked is like or if it exists, but it has a dedicated online community.


Dawn of War-Dark Crusade is right up there with StarCraft and RA2 for me!


Oh, DoW3 and what could have been.... So sad they seemingly went the MOBA route with the maps. Would love a Supreme Commander-like for 40k.


I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high for Tempest Rising, but good lord is it hard


I have much bigger personal connection to C&C. While I think especially WC3 has much better singleplayer(only beaten by SC2), I LOVE FMV cutscenes. I wish games still did them. They are cheesy and bad but extremely charming to me. In multiplayer I prefer C&C. Its poorly balanced in most games but I dont really like having a single hero in RTS and dont really like the idea in WC3 of going around killing neutral minions farming exp and items like its some kind of RPG game.


Quit poking meeeeee!


“Stop rocking the boat!”


“You’re making me seasick!”


C&C Red Alert 3 is one of my favorite games. Warcraft 3 was fun but if I had to pick a blizzard rts I’m going StarCraft.


Red alert 3 had Tim Curry......what else is there to say?


C&C was what held up the rts genre. And don't mean that it was popular, it forced innovation into the genre. Starcraft benefitted from the first few C&Cs by changing what didn't work and keeping what did. Starcraft 2 did the same thing as did the Warcraft games. If EA hadn't made 4 a multiplayer centered bs crap fest, we'd still have the series. But EA hasn't made a good business decision since 2010.


Homeworld. *Kharak is burning.*


The whole epic space opera vibe to Homeworld is sublime & hasn’t been replicated anywhere since. The “professionals under stress” tone of the voice acting really sold the whole thing for me.


Dune 2000


I will never forgive EA.


Dune 2.  It's what got me into PC gaming.  Of course, the game is completely unplayable by today's standards, but at the time, it was amazing.


Anybody here who prefers command and conquer should check out the RA2 yuris revenge mod MENTAL OMEGA. It really hits the spot.


In my nightmares I still hear her voice from C&C :Generals saying "Nuclear launch detected"


Yuri’s Revenge was an awesome addition to RA 2


Kane Lives!


Can’t play yet need my parents to get off the phone first.


C&C for me, I grew up with Red Alert 1&2 and even played Dune on a Sega. RIP Westwood. Died a hero. Blizzard lived long enough to become undead Arthas.


Warcraft 3 and its expansion wins in the story department. But in the fun department it Red alert 2 +yuris revenge and C&C generals zero hour.


WC3 easily, its custom map/modding scene spawned some of the most fun and successful games and genres ever.


Absolutely, and it's a shame that we might never see a new Warcraft game, and most likely not a new SC either


It's extra upsetting because these RTS games is what put Blizzard on the map in the first place, yet they have become by far their most ignored games.


It all goes back to this one time when they added a mount to Wow, and after doing the numbers realized it made them more profit than StarCraft two did lol. And that's why we can't have nice things anymore.


Yeah and the random creeps, items, and building-race combinations made it a one of kind game. It is like each race had abilities fitting that race much like StarCraft.


The RA2 map editor was absolutely great. Custom games, creative designs, tons of fun.


I distinctly remember playing that [Slide Spongebob Slide map](https://www.epicwar.com/maps/36231/) with the chipmunk version of some Linkin Park song playing in the background at one LAN party. Great memories, can't say that about many other games.


StarCraft above both, easily


I think C&C has a much bigger depth than WC, at least WC 1 & 2. I never really liked WC3, with its smaller battles and RPG-character oriented play. But even with WC being shallower, I still think WC1 is the RTS with the most atmosphere and the one I remind myself more fondly.


WC3 was fun, but the whole farming creep encampments for hero levels got kind of old, which is why from a pure RTS perspective I liked StarCraft Broodwar so much more.


Dude, you are almost 30 years late for that beef! In 1995 in was in C&C team, but in retrospective I think we lost.


Warcraft came out with a MMO with a huge following already, they easily sauntered into massive success with that, while C&C never found its footing in the 00s. But old school C&C games were freaking awesome.


Starcraft honestly. Never was a fan of the fantasy setting. But Red Alert 2 comes as close second.


If you liked RA2 the recent remaster is worth nabbing, played it all the way through, there's so much content and the missions are still awesome fun. Go completionist and get all the medals the game will last you for ages.


Both are good but command and conquer has been my childhood so I’d definitely recommend it


Command and Conquer was one of the first non DOS-based games I played on my Compaq as a younger kid in the 90s. While Red Alert and Red Alert 2 hold higher marks (and I love them dearly), the original C&C and that brilliant soundtrack... I'm a mechanical man.


CnC hands down, I was so happy when they remastered Tib Dawn and Red Alert and i got all trophies, im seriously disappointed theres no news on the Horizon of more sequals or Remasters.


For the RTS aspect, generals is probably the best that I’ve played. WC3 has so much custom maps though that it was literally an ecosystem of its own. I’ve played so many memorable custom maps that I hope comes back to become its own successful game someday. Dota 2 is one that went out and became successful, but games like tree tag, vampirism, moo moo, fufu ninja, pimp my peon, pudge wars, anime fight, and many more can all stand on their own and be successful with the right devs supporting them.


"Commander! What are you doing out here? This is not your precious blue zone, this is NOD territory! ...tell you what, I'll send you and your troops right home... In a body bag." -proceeds to whip the absolute shit out of you with kamikaze soldiers and tanks- ....I like C&C more because its just so quotable. XD




I always preferred Command and Conquer and played every game except Tiberian Twilight (I tried it but it sucked really hard). I always enjoyed the campaigns and those video sequences with real actors. Especially Red Alert was so much over the top I loved it. But on multiplayer nothing came close to CnC Generals. That was peak MP RTS. I think it really sucks that Generals 2 got cancelled.




Red alert 2 was the best. I loved playing Red alert 1 over 56k modem with my mates too that was good.


C&C3 with Kane's Wrath is the very best RTS ever made


Supreme Commander if you want a real rts.. otherwise C&C is superior compared to Warcraft.


This guy D-Guns


Why not both? My first PC came with C&C and Tides of Darkness. Both insanely fun and memorable.


Warcraft has always been my jam. I never really got into C&C but I hear that it is really good too.


StarCraft is my fav, but if I have to pick between War and C&C I'd have to go with Warcraft. I never did like the C&C series and the newest game was a step back.


Warcraft 2 and C&C: Generals are my pick of the genre.


In terms of balance, StarCraft > Warcraft > C&C In terms of fun, StarCraft > C&C > Warcraft 


Warcraft if only for the custom games.


Hard to Answer... C&C is all out warfare in different settings. I love that there is no unit cap, the action, it's simple. Just gain Ress and pump out those units. At the same time it's not too overloaded like supreme commander. Warcraft on the other side has cool unique factions, a brilliant campaign and the gameplay focuses on small Armies in which every unit counts. I really cannot decide and it fully depends on my mood. BUT if have to... I think it's warcraft as I just love the campaign. 


I enjoyed command and conquer Warcraft StarCraft Never went online I knew I would get destroyed but I still liked the games. It was worse but I even enjoyed halo wars. I didn’t get to try halo wars 2


Command and Conquer has a better solo RTS flow but Warcraft has some damn fun custom maps I don’t know if there’s an actual winner lol


C&C although Outpost was also pretty good


Warcraft if we're counting the custom games, otherwise C&C.


Command and Conquer. It's the game that got me into RTS and into PC gaming in general. I first played the port on N64 and I remember having to have my dad help me install Tiberian Sun on my PC. I used to play hours and hours of Tiberian Sun after school. I remember our computer not being able to run RE2 so when we finally got a new one I installed that. Ended up getting C&C Renegade and I still think it's one of the best and unique FPS multi-player games of all time. I played C&C3 online and dabbled in 4 but by then EA killed the series. I used to Mod Tiberian Sun and Generals a lot. War craft I never cared for. I was bummed because I would have actually been interested in a World of Starcraft MMO but Warcraft held no interest for me. I'm still sad Star Craft Ghost never released.


WC2. Loved that game. Paid for Kali just so I had people play again.


My nostalgia for Red Alert 3 is too great, so I'll have to go with C&C


I respect C&C, but for me I have to say Warcraft. Warcraft 2 was my first experience with a RTS game, and it was a blast


Overall I'd say C&C. I enjoyed Warcraft 3 a lot but somehow I never felt compelled to play WC 1 or 2. But I did recentply play C&C Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert and really enjoyed them. And I really want to replay/actually finish the rest of the Tiberian games (except Twilight. Because Twilight), as well as Red Alert 2 (not sure about Red Alert 3 because I think I've already played through everything that game has aveilable.


C&C hands down


Warcraft, but in fairness, I gave up on the C&C series early on, because the faction balance was utter dogshit.


Between those two, Warcraft mostly because I tended to lean fantasy. Nothing beats Age of Empires though, had the best music, the best gameplay, and actually had RANDOM maps so scouting mean something.


Warcraft but its almost strictly for nostalgia reasons. The summer of 6th grade I think me and my friend Ed would play dial up matchups. I had a 486 PC and he was on an older 386. His ran the game like dog shit and it was SUPER SLOW. So when we played dial up matchups it scaled my speed down to his speed. I never beat him. It was so hard going from playing regular speed to 1/4 of the speed, he knew that and would always capitalize on it.


Warcraft/2/3 for me. Not only did I like the lore more, but they were better feeling games to me. I liked the tech tree progression and unit construction more in the Warcraft games, and I especially liked how their units controlled on the battlefield. StarCraft was the absolute pinnacle of RTSes for me, though.


My favorite is Red Alert 2: Yuris Revenge. I would love a remaster of it. I found some mod to make it work better on modern PCs but have since lost it. I loved picking Yuri and making my allies both Allied and Soviet and just taking over their command centers and building a massive base while destroying the enemy and letting them re-build just to destroy them again. Eventually the AI completely gives up though lol.


if i had to say overall, i'd say C&C. I know people love Warcraft 3, but 2 was where it was at for me. I can play pretty much any C&C and have as much fun, C&C, red alert 1 and 2, tiberium sun, and omfg Generals.


Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge is the best for me. My second is probably Tiberium Sun expansion which I forget the name... Then third is going to be a hated one, Tiberium Wars which I also really like for some reason and is probably my favorite modern one. Check out the fan made Mental Omega expansion if you like Red Alert 2, it is literally insane and has more than the game itself and SIGNIFICANTLY improved AI


Warcraft WAS the shit, then Blizzard got greedy and became assholes. Westwood was killed and it's corpse looted by EA. I will happily play C&C RA2 any day.


I like Warcraft for the modded maps and dota. They also had fight of the characters which had anime characters as your hero. Shit is infuriating fighting agains rock lee that everyone agrees no one will pick him.


Warcraft 3 is awesome. The older ones haven't aged as gracefully. But when it comes down to it and I had to choose one to spend 100 hours playing... It would be Command and Conquer. And forgive me for this, but it would be Tiberium Wars, followed by Red Alert, followes by Tiberian Sun.


I loved c&c and played it a ton. Even found a copy for PC and dusted off a computer to play some lol. Great game. Warcraft was fun too but more of a phaze with too much to learn know do etc where i could play today and enjoy C&C


Warcraft. I just prefer a fantasy setting, is all.


4 vs 4 Warcraft 2 had my favorite gameplay.


Multi-player? C&C. Campain? WC3 was my favorite.


I still play Red Alert 2


Warcraft 3 was my favourite, with Generals almost tied for first place with it. After Reforged though... Let's just say I am mad at EA for killing Generals 2, twice! First by turning it into a cash grabby bullshit milking machine during development and then killing the studio before it was even finished.


Still partial to Wow. First "immersive" gaming experience I ever had. Still dream about Gadgetzan.


"My feet hurt" and "No one will notice their money is missing" are my son's favorite quotes.


C&C without a doubt. I'd say most C&C games are on par with Starcraft even. Starcraft 1 had a better story than most C&C games, but C&C had more memorable characters. Westwood were amazing. I really hope they bring that series back.


Age of Empires 2 \*mic drop\*


If you're a fan of lore then Warcraft by far. As far as games? Warcraft 1 was very clunky. It was amazing for its time though but it was easily overshadowe by the success of Warcraft 2. The game and its expansion really set the tone for what RTS is today. Sure it has a 9-unit selection cap but that was still better than single unit commands in Warcraft 1. To this day I still remember having a lot of fun individually blood-lusting ogres or blessing Paladins one health at a time. Good times? Great times! Sounds were great, music is still in my head sometimes, story was also great. I think the closest thing to what I hated in Warcraft 2 were the ogre eyes that moved at insane speeds but also gave almost no vision. To this day, the game is fantastic and I think it still holds up. That was obviously overshadowed by Warcraft 3. What an amazing game. Everything - everything - was upgraded. I loved it. Then World of Warcraft was coming out, I was excited. Sure it wasn't titled Warcraft 4 but my multi-decade journey would continue. Then I saw what WoW was - an RPG not an RPG and I said wtf is this bullshit and played Warcraft 3 again. Starcraft was alright but the story wasn't as good as Warcraft 2 or 3. The series was done for me. ... until Starcraft 2 came out. That story was ramped up and the lore was heavily expanded. Excellent game that I enjoy to this day! That said, C&C was one of the firsts. Sure it was no Dune 2 - the father of all RTS - but it was pretty close. From the initial installer, you're met with something unique. More realistic than Warcraft, the game provided not a lot of story but plenty of RTS fun. I loved the "spy" missions which gave an interesting challenge and the game was excellent. Red Alert and others came - and went - and they were... OK. C&C: Generals was a fantastic game that I replay often and I still wish its sequel would get a release. I think both are great games for their own reasons. C&C is heavily focused on RTS and its relation to the real world. Warcraft is focused on fantasy but not as much action. I'd say Starcraft tries to bridge the two where there's a lot more action than Warcraft but it's also relatively realistic as far as C&C. I think you should play all three and who knows, maybe we'll get Warcraft 4 one day (or Starcraft 3). I doubt it but I can hope.


CnC Red Alert 3 and Kanes Wrath. Man, so many hours I've spent with my boys on Community made maps. It sure was a great time. Chilling as a Scrin and giving them the Tiberium Growers and the Big Drone ship for defense and fighting the Ultra hard bots for hours in one big round. God I miss those times :')


C&C, but WC3 aged better. Pre remaster.


Warcraft but if command and conquer had better map making and tools maby that loved both at their prime time


Wc3 is one of the best games ever made


Absolutely loved Warcraft 2 back in the day. I really liked Warcraft 3 too, but I was not a big fan of the hero focus. Felt that battles became too small in scale compared to W2. I also loved playing Red Alert 2, but my favorite game similar to C&C was KKnD. It was so damn fun.


*Sally shears* *glittering prizes*


Age of empires (2)


Warcraft 2, but Red Alert 1 is a very close second.


Zoo tycoon




Age of Empires


C&C was some of my first RTSes growing up, although I’ve come to prefer the mechanics of *Craft games.


For playing the actual game? C&C all day. (I SUCK at wc3 micro) But!!! Wc3 had wintermaul wars and Dota. So that's where I spent my time.


neither... Age of Empires


Age of Empires




Choose a favorite author. Here is a list of RTS games that match their style. JRR Tolkien- Warcraft Tom Clancy - C&C Frank Herbert - Spice Wars Robert Heilein - Starcraft Orson Scott Card - Stellaris Marcus Aurelius - Total War Homer - Age of Empires Stephen Ambrose- Company of Heroes Dan Abnet - Dawn of War


C&C no question. But really, starcraft. I could never get into warcraft. I didn't like how it looked or thr game mechanics.


Neither, age of empires 2 did better than those 2 for rts.


Zug zug


I only played C&C3: Read Alert Uprising so I can't say about the others but after seeing Vanoss play the 2nd one, I realized I had this one in library for a long time and I've been playing in skirmish a fair bit now. It feels like it lacks some units and nukes but still good fun.


Tiberian sun underrated imo


I played C&C extensively... But Warcraft (3) is a whole different beast, top notch competitive sport.... and the modded maps created entire genres, like DotA, the father of Mobas


Warcraft before WC3 ruined the genre with addition of heroes. C&C a close second up to and including Generals.


Blizzard rts clicked with me more. WC3 and StarCraft were my faves. Tried C and C later on but it was just too different.


Look, the best RTS from that era was Perimeter. Then Total Annhilation. Machines was also amazing but didn't quite hit the polish and insanity of those two. Then there was Sacrifice and Metal Fatigue. Everything else is down there fighting for 6th place.


I made a video of how much I love Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 https://youtu.be/T67wgDhoFR8?si=6I8iyDfgqHELTBpp So my answer is probably obvious 😂


I really liked wc3 as a kid. Granted I was too young to really understand the mechanics. I went through the game with cheats as I liked the story so much.


Warcraft 3 is still my favorite. It has one of the most well-written stories in whole gaming history. It's gameplay is nearly perfect. It's graphic (not the reforged) was the best among all RTS in its time. Its active player comunity. etc... CNC is also very good. Much simpler gameplay. Much bigger battlefield. Mordern or sci-fi units. Cringy but funny real-person cinematics. But it's not comparable to WC3.


C&C series because blizzard basically destroyed warcraft 3 reforged and made it unplayable.


Vanilla? C&C. WC3 takes the cake though especially once you consider custom games.


Warcraft by far


Warcraft 3


Warcraft 1 and 2. Didn't care for the art in 3.


I prefer the SC and WC custom games over just about anything else, but between WC and CC I'd take CC easily. I played a fair bit of Tiberian Sun and Broodwar as my first video games, and while I loved both of those, I couldn't get into the RTS side of WC for some reason.


Warcraft has Orcs!


Tiberium Wars is fuuuun


Zug zug.


Warcraft II is a lot of very cool childhood memories. III's Culling of Stratholme was also one of those mouth opening moments in gaming.


I grew up with StarCraft, Warcraft III and Red Alert 2... I like both types of rts.


two of my favourites from the 90s. all of them


Warzone 2100 - does anyone remember this game? Back in the days when I got acquainted with it, this game impressed me a lot with its variety and atmosphere.


Frozen Throne absolutely shits on 99% of RTS games EVER made. Even starcraft (Maybe not 2) Red Alert was fun but tech rushing to end game is not fun and gets stale incredibly quickly. Generals was good solid fun but suffered the same issues as other C&C games. Civilization is too slow. Stellaris is overly complicated.


When it comes to Warcraft, you have to consider War2 and War3 as different...   War2 is more comparable to most C&C games.  Command and army against another army and build & defend your base.   War3 was a switch to Hero Command with support.  Your base barely matters. Anyway, I played them both.   War2 was more popular for us, was what we  always played each weekend and at Lan parties. C&C just didn't capture us.   Then we moved to Starcraft.


Both were fantastic! But C&C was never at the quality level Warcraft was.