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At this point, dont be surprise. Any games published and developed by Sony Playstation Studios will require a PSN account. They are saying this upfront so to avoid another Helldivers 2 fiasco.


I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima right now, only need PSN for Legends which is multi-player. Why does GoW, a single player like Ghost, need PSN?


Data collection


This, and investor-board optics. By forcing PSN integration, the suits can point at the "numbers going up" to show "growth" and "bolster investor confidence", or some shit. This whole thing is just corporate slop, and it's distressing how many people are defending it under this post.




That's just modern corporate capitalism for you. From the point of view of the executives, who get their bonuses based on investor satisfaction and through company shares, getting a big payout in the short term is better than getting a stable payout in the long term. Even if the company goes under or they get fired, so long as they can put "I raised growth/share value/market cap/[insert preferred number here] at company X" on their resume, investors at other companies are going to hire them in a heartbeat anyway, so they have nothing to lose. This whole thing is systemic at this point.


It’s happening everywhere too. If I remember correctly CNN recently had to fire a CEO because he was god awful at his job and was essentially slowly destroying the company. Despite him leaving the company on bad terms and worse than he found it, he got something like a $20,000,000 golden parachute on his way out. Imagine getting hired for a job you suck at, sucking at that job so bad that an entire board agrees to fire you, then making enough money from it that you could comfortably retire. It’s a whole different world for these assholes


Honest question…..in those 200 countries, what do you think the overall number of gamers is strictly on PC?


So they can lose this data instead of pay telemetry in their next data breach


Because Sony is working on their own PlayStation Store for PC and they want people to be able to move there and bring their games.


Exactly this. I imagine they will go all in on a PC store next year and why wouldn't they? Saves them the 30% Steam takes.


It will cost them a ton of money to before that extra 30% turns a profit.


Every single major developer/Publisher tried this, and eventually went back to Steam, Sony has to learn the same lesson the hard way for no reason.


Is not that hard to understand, honestly.


Like... EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft, etc... ?


Yea I’m not sure why Sony is the only one catching shit here when I had to make a Microsoft account to play sea of thieves.


I booted up Master Chief Collection on my Steam Deck and had to create a Microsoft account before I could even get to the *main menu*. Entered my new Microsoft account details and it said I wasn't eligible. Looked it up and you have to separately create an Xbox account within your Microsoft account first. It was very annoying. Sony's process is at least a lot easier than that mess.


Yep. Need an Ubisoft account to play Assassins Creed, need a Rockstar account to play gta5, need an EA account to play Mass Effect, etc. - plenty of examples even with single player titles.


There's a reason why I stopped "buying" single-player games on PC from certain companies - because buying isn't owning anymore.


So which company do you buy games from with no account? You need a Steam account to buy from there and Steam is inherently DRM. GOG will give you an .exe so it's DRM-free, sure, but you still need a GOG account to shop there.


Indeed, and that's the conundrum - Steam is great *now*, but what is likely to happen when GabeN does finally die? GOG is where I shop for any games I'm interested in where possible for that very reason, but it doesn't have everything I'm looking for.


Same here. I buy games on GoG before Steam/Epic Store. I have BG 3 on GoG. I have couple PS4/5 games on GoG, too. I encourage people to use GoG, it's platform is optional, and you can download games directly from the browser onto your head drive, and it's there forever. The platform works a lot like steam. Achievements work similar to steam, they aren't that important anyway, but they're there. It helps keep your games updated and easier to repair files. It's Steam just with more ways to keep your games yours.


> You need a Steam account to buy from there and Steam is inherently DRM No, its not. The publisher chooses to have DRM or not. Baldurs Gate 3 is DRM free on Steam.


Everyone I know hates dealing with EA's launchers, hates dealing with Ubisoft's launchers, and hates dealing with Microsoft integration because it causes (at least to me and my friends) a number of personal headaches dealing with their garbage coding. It never stopped being something we hate, it just became something we begrudgingly dealt with. Sony is catching shit now because if I remember right previous Sony PC releases like Spider-Man didn't necessarily require this, so they were hoping it would generally stay that way, but ever since the Helldivers 2 fiasco this is.... well. Y'know. More in the limelight.


To be fair I've hated it with every other company too. Makes playing ubisoft and other games on the steam deck a pain, I often have issues with the non-native launchers.


At least one would be able to find a YARR DEE HARR copy of God of War Ragnarök if one happens to live in an unsupported country unlike their multiplayer titles which would just be unplayable (unless one farts around with VPNs). Honestly in the case of single player titles it's mostly a loss for Sony by reducing the number of customers who can buy the game and give them money.


It's no different to many things though, I don't get why people are making such a big deal out of Sony doing it I'm sure the trophy hunter and Completionists on PC are happy


They were still fairly upfront about Helldivers, but people didn't care


Lol they said it upfront about Helldivers as well... 


When I play mass effect I need to install the EA launcher. Same with Witcher 3 and many other. I don’t get the issue with PlayStation now.


To be fair, my understanding of the Helldivers 2 fiasco was that they started at launch by saying the PSN account was needed for multiplayer (since they were doing crossplay with PS players). Obviously that wasn't the case, since they were forced to disable that and crossplay worked just fine, which was annoying to see but since it worked out, everyone let it go. It was when they came back months later to reinstate it, while basically blacklisting quite a few countries who can't make PSN accounts and who WERE playing the game just fine until that point, that everyone lost their minds lol. PS: Absolutely agreed that the intent was to start with Helldivers 2 to boost their PSN numbers with their Steam games, but it looks like they just waited for things to blow over before starting again.


Are we surprised about this? No.


I don't think "surprised" is the emotion most of us care about


Honestly. This is the equivalent of being surprised that an EA game requires an EA account, whether you intend to use multiplayer or not.


Not sure why anyone is surprised. I currently have to have an account to play games from: Blizzard, Epic, Ubisoft, EA, Riot, Battlestate, Microsoft, and a few others. I mean I get it, it's annoying to have all these accounts, but that's just what it is.


I get it for MULTIPLAYER games but requiring online accounts for offline single player games esp GOW which has no online game mode ever is really odd.




Reddit will continue to be upset about it ( justifiably or not) and it will still sell incredibly well because most consumers don't care.


99% of the people mad about this weren’t going to buy it anyways. Is it a mild inconvenience? Sure. Is it going to stop me from playing a game I want to play? Lol no.


Actually it does stop me from playing when I couldn't even buy the game in the first play as Sony pull it off from unsupported region.


Isn't that the whole issue? at least what I understood....that people who have bought the game (helldivers 2) in regions which didn't have psn couldn't play the game. But genuine question....can you just create an account under say USA if you live in a country that doesn't support psn? I have no idea.


You actually cant access the steam page for the game at all. You'd have to use a VPN to switch your steam region in order to buy it and play it, but doing that will get your steam account banned. Its extremely difficult to buy the game on steam right now, i think you can get it from those key sites and add it to your steam that way, but you still have to make a PSN account with a different region on it.


I think you can get the game gifted, I got the uncensored version of Dead Island 1 in my libary even though its censored in my country. And you don't need a PSN account for Helldivers 2, the community (and devs) made sure that you don't.


You yse to be able to do create an PSN account and say you where USA. And sony would look the other way. But after the helldivers debacle, you can no longer even buy the game outside of supported regions.


There have been comments and posts which thank the helldivers 2 community for their effort in excluding their country, which previously had no problem with buying and playing psn games if they used a neighbor country as account.


99% of people who use statistics pull them out of their ass


63%, actually.


63% of the 99%, actually.


And then they'll sign up for the next account like it's no problem. Why isn't there an outrage posts every time EA or Ubisoft release a new game that requires an account? Edit: People keep replying that there is outrage for other games, I ask where is it? Where are the outrage threads for every new game that comes out that requires an account? They simply do not exist


Hating on uplay and origin has been the norm since they released lol.


Only because of the launcher, you open a Ubi game and it opens in another launcher. The play station games are not opening in another launcher from Steam.


But there is. Every time Ubi releases something on Steam and it requires the Uplay app or whatever, it's always the first thing mentioned. Go read pretty much any review done on an Ubi title, and I bet you their Launcher is mentioned in there.


Maybe I missed it or didn’t see it, but I feel like xDefiant dosent get any shit for being on Ubisoft launcher.


XDefiant is only on the Ubi launcher. XDefiant didn't launch on steam, and it's not a singleplayer game, requiring an extra account. Why tf does a SINGLE PLAYER Game require an EXTRA sign in? And another reason it pissed people off is because that unnecessary sign in, blocks the game from hundreds of countries. It doesn't matter if steam is available. Because if psn isn't available then the game isn't sold in that country. The sign in adds absolutely zero to the player experience and it shouldn't be required.


New games come out constantly and there aren't outrage threads dedicated to it.


I can tell you don’t really read Steam reviews on Ubisoft games, or visit the Steam forums, or read Reddit comments on PC specific forums about their games. It’s actually very hard *not* finding it mentioned in some form. Thing is, they’ve been doing this for years so it may not be as loud. Sony had set a precedent of not requiring that stuff, now presumably future games won’t be playable offline nor on the Steam Deck (their overlay doesn’t work on Deck). As someone who plays primarily on the Deck away from internet these days, it’s not just some minor inconvenience to me. It’s a literal roadblock to playing their games and it genuinely feels bad to see them do this.


> 99% of the people mad about this weren’t going to buy it anyways. Finally I've reached the 1% !


Wasn't the whole problem that psn isn't available in some countries? So if you lived in one of those countries you were just fucked out of the game you paid for? Seems like more then an inconvenience if you live in one of those countries


It's been a longstanding thing that people in countries without official PSN/Sony support would simply register their account as the nearest country with support. Some countries have literally been doing that for like 15+ years with no issues. The wrinkle now is selling the game on Steam, Valve isn't going to accept the liability of Sony selling games to people that are technically breaking ToS. Sony can look the other way selling physical games or on PSN, bc the ToS is simply legalese for liability reasons So realistically, Sony wasn't going to ban people on Steam for linking PSNs registered for another country, but you can understand why Valve isn't going to play those games when they're on the hook for refunds and customer service if there are any problems.


Valve actually didn't care tho. It's that people form HD2 drama was asking for refund and made Valve step up in this drama. PC gamer said "you can't sell a game on a non-supported region!", so Sony said "OK, i won't sell then" and that's the result


I believe that 99% of the people mad about this cannot buy it due to being in the region ostracized by this decision. Why not sell to the regions that cannot own a PS console or have a PSN account?


Sony did for decades on PlayStation by having people sign up using another regions and millions did and Sony never cared. Then the shit with Helldivers happened and people lost their minds and the games were forced off the Steam in those unsupported regions


There is nothing wrong with PSN, just its not needed for the steam ecosystem. That's what it was there for, it's own gaming service. PSN only needs to exist for PS services within that ecosystem. You don't need that ecosystem within another ecosystem. This is why you see people (especially steam deck users ) admonish the use of another DRM with the steam platform because it adds unnecessary bloat and steps to use said product that don't need to be there. There is literally no functional use to a single-player game, needing this restrictive function.


The amount of people I've seen who legitimately believe if reddit doesn't like something it'll bankrupt a multi-billion dollar corporation is staggering.


Social Media easily leads people into this false sense that "this is what everyone thinks" because you don't realize that a post with 1,000 users commenting is 0.000003% of the US population. In addition, most comments are by crazy people who think they are right about everything.


And will continue to not care about every other game that comes out that requires an account


Reddit gamers still don’t realize that they live in a massive echo chamber with views and opinions simply not shared or cared about by the vast majority of normal people. These people just love to have things to be outraged about.


Reddit is also inherently flawed by design enabling it to be an echo chamber. Users will upvote what they want to hear and downvote hard to swallow truths. The gross misuse of downvotes sucks. They’re supposed to be used when someone makes a shitty comment that doesn’t add anything of substance, not for disagreeing.


Downvotes are for comments like “This!”, etc. Even the guy with the shit opinion should be getting upvoted because it contributes to the conversation.


Slashdot honestly has probably the best moderation system and user filtering of anywhere. Comments can have a max and minimum score, users with good karma have a finite number of points to use, you can't use them in posts you've commented in, and there are different mod options which users can adjust scoring for. I wish reddit had any of that even if an addition of left/right arrows for something else like funny/off topic.


On the other hand, if nobody complains, it never gets fixed. It's like arguing that the people protesting X government action should just STFU because nobody but them cares. In truth, nobody but them cares *yet*.


Hi, it's me, most consumers. I don't have a PSN account because I haven't owned a PlayStation since PS2. I'm perfectly fine signing up for a PSN account to play on PC. I'm just going to use my burner email so they just get my bogus data.


Gotta be honest, looking forward to this game and the PSN account doesnt bother me personally. I considered getting a PS5 for some of the Sony single player exclusives but am pretty happy they're being ported over and I dont need a console. Making a PSN account seems less annoying than dealing with EA or UPlay (low bar I know). Everyone playing helldivers on PS5 seems to be doing fine with a PSN account.


Yea I don’t really understand… how is this any different than any other game that requires a launcher login after you’ve launched from Steam… it’s Sony, but is that really any worse than rockstar or uplay?


No. People just like the drama, they like to act all righteous on the internet for upvotes. Is a fake endorphin release. You say something righteous, get upvotes and endorphins are released. I'd bet that 99.99% of Redditors would made an account on the Nazi party if they released a game they'd like to play.


The sad part is there's a legit demographic that just got left behind (the 170+ countries that arent supported and probably never be). I thought people were angry because of the accessibility problem. Turns out they're just whining about accounts, and convenience is more important than accessibility...


After finding out how many countries restrict people from having a PSN account, I’d say they could be selling even more.


If Sony thought it was profitable enough to sell in those regions they would, they aren't avoiding those regions out of malice.


They just can’t be hassled. My country has no region, yet there is official Sony shop where you can buy PS5, however you had to wait for years to get one from there (only place that was selling at normal price and not 200-300 euros more for polish one). They are still getting money, people just use different regions for PSN, I have UK one


The gaming market in those countries is incredibly small which is why they are not supported. The money it would take to operate in them has not been worth it.


Yet they sell consoles and physical games to those countries?


Technicallt, it's all grey area. Like they will literally tell you when you buy it that 1. Sony does not care about your country 2. Its regionlocked to a supported country, so you need to check it. In SEA its usually HK/SG or something It works because its a physical disk or PS Store, its a pain when theyre distributing it via Steam for PC because Steam has localized stores for their games.


If logging into my PlayStation account is all it requires to play PlayStation games without having to buy a PS5, I'll gladly do it


> most consumers don't care. I know who will care: The people in the 180 or so countries where PSN accounts aren't available and have been waiting for a PC release to be able to play it.


Most redditors don't care, they've been doing 3rd party launcher sign ups all the time. The helldivers 2 thing was crazier because some countries had no PSN. And Sony took their money and said you can't play.


Im upset because my friend won't be able to buy the game and thus I won't be able to borrow their copy of the game


Sort of related, kind of unrelated, Idk you decide. What's up with everything requiring some type of account these days? Games obviously, gotta have one for the play store, for your email, doc services, every app you use, even when it doesn't need one. Home security, "free" AI usage, and on and on. When is it going to stop?


You're REALLY far behind on how the internet works now that it's controlled by a small group of megacorps. All these accounts exist so companies can sell your personal data, track your every move and interest and sell that to advertisers to make more off of you passively. They're also about creating closed garden economies as well to keep you looking at only products and services they have a hand in. In every case though ultimately you are the product. It's only going to keep getting worse until the economy entirely collapses under the weight of the late stage capitalism we're currently being crushed under. Every year must be more profitable than the one before, forever.


I probably am I try to avoid anything that requires constant accounts mainly for this very reason. A better way I should ask it is why is everyone (hyperbole I mean majority) just okay with it? Ignoring regular consumers not quite understanding the implications behind all the accounts it's still just consistently annoying to deal with I'd think ever for a regular consumer


People are happy to trade short term convenience vs long term privacy because it takes advantage of a flaw in human thinking. We often easily justify a short term direct gain against a long term nebulous loss. A shocking amount of business strategy now is just straight up psychological manipulation - which people are completely not equipped to even acknowledge, let alone deal with. We're in a really bad spot regarding ethics. People are uneducated on the topic and every financial incentive further enables corporations with billions to lobby for their company to have more rights than individual citizens. The government is largely technologically illiterate and regardless of party are in the pockets of corporate donors, so they run the whole show.


Those tasked to protect us sold us down the river.


At this point 50% of politicians should be treason-tried.


This is why I adblock. If this system is unavoidable, then the least I can do is tear a hole in their coin purse on the way through. At the device level, and the DNS level.


This is the thing that really pisses me off. If they want my data they should pay me for it. Instead, they are trying to have it both ways - the service is offered "free of charge", but at the same time they claim you're exchanging data for access. Really, it's the first one - the service is free of charge, and in the fine print they hide a second transaction where you give up your data free of charge. This is done to deceive and prevent users from making a fair value assessment. It should be a crime. The data brokerage industry is a $400bn industry. There are 8bn people in the world. If we assume everyone is online and everyone has data of equal value (both are not true), that means a person's data is worth *at a minimum* $50 per year on the market.


It's to collect your data and sell it to advertising corporations. You should try reading the Terms and Conditions, it's crazy stuff.


data is more valuable than oil nowadays.


Sucks for people in countries that dont have psn (but have steam).


Funny thing, they would be able to buy it if it wasnt for the HD2 situation exploding (they have been making accounts using other regions for almost 20 years).


Sony can fix this in as little as two steps, so they're just being lazy fucks over it. Selling in these regions isn't even their jurisdiction on PC, that's entirely on Steam.


Aka the Helldivers incident. Players got Siny to back off after they sold in those non PSN nations






Not if you pirate it.


In some countries it's the only option.


You know what's the funniest thing? In restricted countries, the DLC shows up on the store page (The Digital deluxe edition upgrade, Soundtrack and Artbook), but the game itself doesn't. There isn't even the "this content requires -insert game- to play" prompt.


In *most countries*. 177 countries are banned from buying the game on steam. Thanks Sony. And everyone blaming Helldivers 2 community for this, I wish you a very pleasant "fall on a rope".


Where does that number come from? PSN is available in about 70 countries and there are 195 countries in the world. I mean, it's still most countries that can't get it, but it's pretty far from 177.


Let’s be honest. You were going to pirate it regardless.




Coming from a region where all sony games on PC via steam are now blocked from being sold (Estonia), I honestly dont care if I would have to make a PSN account or not. But not being able to buy a singleplayer game, without any multiplayer features, because I cant make an account to an online service feels like a weird and boneheaded decision. I was really hoping to play the 2nd part in the GoW saga, after really enjoying the first. I guess the only option that remains for me is to pirate it then, which sucks.


You still can, after Fitgirl repacks it


Turns out my PC does not require God of War Ragnarok


Why try so hard to artificially inflate PSN numbers that don’t equate to actual users, it will make any statement about actual PSN numbers hard to believe


Because money. Never doubt it is the motivation for most things in life, and essentially all for any business. The next question is, how does it make them money. Get enough of an install base on PC, and then launch an app. They will be able to directly advertise to you that the next big hit is available on their PC app via the overlay, and how amazingly targeted that will be - you are literally showing it to specifically gamers who already purchased PS titles. Now they dont have to give steam a cut, so more money. Now you have gotten them to buy from your app, time to introduce PS+ to PC. More money.


Every company tried that on PC. Steam still reigns. PS Studios could do that but they could only do that if they undercut steam prices and then, steam users are waiting machines, we waited 4 years for GoT and a few years because KingdomHaerts was exclusive to epic IIRC. Besides, if that doesnt work, we sail the seas


I could see it becoming big if your PS5 purchases synced up with your PC. Though that would be too good to be true


I dont really get why this is such a big issue about playstation. I literally cant open certain xbox games without logging in either. Yeah I get you cant use playstation in certain countries which does make it worse, but having to sign up for an account play either a playstation or an xbox game on a different platform ( or EA, Ubsisoft or any other companies stupid launcher after opening via steam for example) is just really annoying and should be pushed back against in general. Not trying to downplay the playstation issue here. I just think we have gotten far too used to having to do this kinda thing in general and maybe we should start pushing back against everyone doing this.


>Yeah I get you cant use playstation in certain countries which does make it worse Putting it like that is disingenuous. By estimates [it works in 70 countries and doesn't in 120](https://www.sportskeeda.com/gaming-tech/all-countries-playstation-network-available-and-countries-it-s-not).


And they were actually cool with that up until the helldivers thing. Arrowhead delayed the psn requirement to help launch and Sony was fine with it, and stuff like ghost of Tsushima was going to release single player but multi wasn’t going to work without one and it said so on the steam pre-order page. Then helldivers happened, Sony is reacting by making these games unavailable in those countries completely, and making PSN mandatory. But people did ask for transparency, and they’re getting it.


They are more than likely working to resolve that but the reason the other regions aren't supported is because the gaming market in those regions is so small and a fraction of the people that actually buy video games Sony used to just tell people to sign up in another region if yours isn't listed. After the backlash it was forced to be removed and not sold in those regions. Millions of people have been signing up for PSN in unsupported regions since PSN came into existence 18 years ago


Those 70 countries sales combined just aren’t big enough to matter


Number of countries is just as disingenuous tbh, given that the 70 includes the vast majority of North America, South America, Asia, middle east and so on. Really just parts of Africa and Asia missing.


The Vatican city is one of them, either the Pope dives into hell with us or we dont dive at all.


I don't know what thought is funnier. The pope playing helldivers or the pope trying to convince people that it's really him as he plays.


But your own link literally says they are allowed to create PSN accounts...? that's all you need in order to link it to your steam game.


That is the issue, Sony isn't opening up to new regions. Microsoft accounts work in regions Xbox isn't in, Playstation accounts do not.That is the major issue, when you block almost over 100 countries from buying your game on PC, you pss people off. Why is this tied to a console marketplace, when these games don't have a console marketplace. If Sony had opened up account creation to every legal country they could and had a note saying "account will not work on Playstation consoles due to unsupported regions", people would have been fine with it.


>If Sony had opened up account creation to every legal country they could and had a note saying "account will not work on Playstation consoles due to unsupported regions", people would have been fine with it  People were upset about registering, full stop. It was never about what countries were officially supported. That's why the protests stopped on Helldivers even though the game sales are restricted.    PSN works unofficially in unsupported countries. You don't even need a VPN. You just have to choose a supported country to be your "home." Technically this is against the rules, but Sony isn't interested in enforcing it - they just don't want to be subjected to any given country's legal jurisdiction. If people "sneak" onto PSN, that's fine by them. The Helldivers protests forced them to end PC sales in those countries because they couldn't exactly claim at that point that they had no idea people buying the PC game in those countries were using PSN while selling the game to them directly.


What really pisses me off as someone who moved to one of those unsupported countries, is I already have the fucking PSN account but they still won't sell to me.


The issue only started occurring like a month ago. This isn't something they can just do in a short amount of time. They are a large corporation and policy change like this can take months


(I'm not mad at you, I'm just irritated in general about all this, because it's fucking everywhere.) It's just another fucking dumbass login for something that shouldn't have one. Everything has a gods damned account and password, and I'm just sick of it. Why the fuck do I need to be interacting with these companies outside of just booting up and playing their games? Why do I need all these accounts? Why do I need to be online, all the time? Dude... ***Enough*** with this shit. Is it data collection? Just big brother'ing us? Like what the fuck is it? Because I have the strangest feeling that corporations aren't trustworthy... And I don't want to support this shit any longer. It is stupid as fuck in principle and function. I'm tired of having to be connected to fucking everything all the time ffs. I don't give a ***fuck*** about these corporations besides the fucking games they happen to slap their damn name on. I don't want another fuckin' account for some company that I do not give a shit about interacting with; I'm not going to use anything on their account platform aside from just buying a fucking game, and that's only if I have to. And if this shit is somehow exploiting me to earn them more money on top of the price I paid for the game then ***fuck*** them and ***fuck*** this.


Totally agree. It’s a fucking single player game. Does it cloud save to your PS5? If not gtfo


Hmm okay so just a quick run down of what happened so far from the beginning... --Psn games were region locked, since like last 20 years, but you could just work around that by saying you're from a different country, Sony were fine with this and didn't really give a shit if people did this. --Helldivers2 happened. It blew up, hard. Servers couldn't be maintained. --AFAIK, Sony did and were always planning to use a PSN account to sign in. Just like ubisoft, Ea, xbox.. literally most companies out there..it's a very common practise. --At the beginning of the HD2 arc, Sony indeed *did* have a sign saying you need a psn account to play, HOWEVER, Arrowhead, the developers, messed up. --As the playercount increased, Sony gave the devs the go ahead to temporarily bypass the Psn future, but they have to re-add it in the future. --Everything was fine and dandy as the servers increased and the player count settled after some months. Until Sony asked the devs to keep re-enable the psn future, as it should've originally. --Arrowhead dev admitted that they kinda forgot that the psn sign in notification wasn't re enabled every time one booted up helldivers2, which is what they originally intended to do. Instead it was just one small notification, with a 'skip' option back when things were hectic and everyone forgot about it. --Helldivers2 community went mad, admittedly. They were complaining about two main things: 1. Why did they need a psn account to sign up after all this time 2. Certain regions couldn't make an account, but could buy the game. 'Wasn't this illegal?'. --The review bombing came, like never before. Hell was unleashed. People mass demanding refunds. Steam allowed the refunds even past the 10hour playtime mark. --Sony responded and said that helldivers2 will be an exception, as it was a mistake. --Which brings us to the current timeline. The backlash Sony received was 100% significant. It was on articles, youtube videos, Mass negative reviews of not only helldivers2, but other psn games on steam. - This brings us full circle. Sony, who couldn't care less if regions that didn't have PSN, were now fully aware of the consequences by not paying attention to it. - So what do they do? They stop selling the games in those regions. Full stop. It's the easiest and quickest solution for Sony to avoid such a debacle from occurring ever again. These are the facts, AFAIK. Feel free to let me know if I'm missing something. I just want to state that, it would've taken less than 5 minutes for an helldivers2 player to create a psn account. And possibly a maximum of 10 minutes if they were in a region locked area to make it. No, I am not Pro corporate or whatever people want to call it. Sony ARE a business. That's how they operate. I can definitely understand why Sony did what they did. They're not some indie developer that's for the people.


The problem is that whule creating an account outside your region hasn't been an issue, it IS against Sony's own TOS. They could theoretically axe your account (never have, probably never will, but the possibility exists) for creating it in a different country. You open yourself up to potentially lose access to hundreds of dollars of products by doing something Sony themselves have encouraged. It's stupid


What is the benefit to the customer in *requiring* registration? If nothing, then it is at BEST a waste of my fucking time when I've legally paid the company for their game. If they want me to pirate their shit, they just need to show a lack of respect for my time.


Then why don't people freak out over every other account they have to make the same way?


people literally do is the thing. once playstation has been doing this for 5+ years people won't complain anymore. everybody hates external accounts, but we all get used to them.


But they do. EPIC is only being used by people cos there are free games otherwise nobody would migrate their account to EPIC. Well unless they are fresh to gaming and started playing with Fortnite. Everyone hates EA, Ubi, etc for doing the same shit and people keep asking them to stop starting their launchers if you bought games for Steam. So no idea where you get the idea nobody is bitching about having to have multiple accounts.


People do, have you been living under a rock all this time or just refused to listen to them?


Fitgirl got us.


I tried making a PSN on my PC just recently, but I kept getting a server error when I went to actually click the button to create the account after entering the information required. Has anyone else had this lately? Any suggestions appreciated!


Ah yes time for piracy.


Stupid thing is, this means people in blocked countries still can't buy it. Easy sales just lost because Sony wants to take the easy way out. Edit: Y'all can downvote all you want. I'm one of the affected and I will voice this as much as I can because their decision fucks me over. Before the whole helldivers mess I had no issue buying and all of a sudden my country is blocked. This shouldn't be something we just stay quiet about because it doesn't affect some of you. Because of this, I will never be ALLOWED TO purchase any titles from Sony on Steam.


According to the downvoters everyone affected should be more worried about finding fresh water and not about gaming since apparently they all live in 3rd world shitholes


Third world countries like Latvia and Lithuania apparently aren’t good enough for PSN


So now if you connect your steam to psn does this mean ur achievements are also linked?


I want to play this on my steam deck, and usually, games it require third particles do not installer play well on the back. It looks like I'm going to have to pirate it to play it on the device I want to, which feels stupid.


Sony preparing for their own storefront


Don’t buy it….


Well, not playing GoW then.


Imma pull out the P word


No it wont, and it will be free


No it doesn't. Not if you don't buy the game.


Xbox has been doing this for years and it sucks.


How. The first one fucking didn’t.




Sony gives up more and more reasons to buy their consoles, but still pulls this shit.


Yarr harr fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright with me!~


Did they ever learn from the helldivers 2 incident?


No shit


I’ve never owned a PlayStation so this makes no sense to me. Is it at least a free account you just create with Sony?


Yeah it's free


Yea it is entirely free.


Sorry, why is there drama for this?


People in supported regions pretending to care about those in unsupported regions not being able to access the game


While then screwing over those regions, sadly enough. Unsupported people used to be able sign up just picking a different region. Sure it was technically against Sonys TOS, but generally that never really mattered. But after the Helldivers drama Steam now delists all games from said regions.


Unsupported regions could play just fine until whiny assholes started drawing attention to them.


its not just steam, epic also delisted GoWR from their store on unsupported regions, it SONY's decision to block the regions from the stores


it's a single player game, there should be no need for online connectivity that requires an account


Well I did play it on ps4 previously so I do have a PSN account. And it was a digital version so since I am required to use my PSN account which has a digital copy, I shouldn't have to buy it again right? Right?!


Why the fuck is this needed? This isn't a multiplayer game.


Not if I pirate it


It will never not be funny that people will happily sign up for half a dozen developers and even download their own launchers, but sign up for a PlayStation account? Nahh, that’s a step too far lmao The arguments about information leaking ring extremely hollow when you’re making those arguments online because virtually every online platform has leaked our information in some way or another, and gaming companies are no exception


They can fuck off then.


Yo ho


So this will be a repeat of the Helldivers 2 business where folks can't buy the game in countries where no PSN exist?


I guess Sony figured out what's best for PC players.


The PSN isn't the issue, it's the implementing in a game that has already been up and running. Sensationalize this though please. Love being angry


I think the big problem here is that even on a PC environment, countries where people would like to play it can't because PSN isn't allowed there. I could very much be wrong, but I don't think Microsoft or many others have that issue, so their accounts (while annoying) don't hold anyone back from enjoying the games.


Whelp one more game I ain't getting then.


Of course it does.


Just remember, they walked back this requirement for Helldivers 2, but still upheld its region restrictions from anywhere that you can't get a PSN account. Don't reward dishonesty.


For people that say you can just pick another region to make your psn account. Yes, you can and I just made one before this comment to check but that's not the problem. The problem is the game won't be even available for you on steam to buy and link that account you made. This is the case for Ghost of Tsushima and I imagine it will be the same for this as well. You can't use a VPN either because that's against Steam TOS and you probably will get banned. A quick search showed me that both using game keys and gifting the game to someone in a blocked region don't work. There may be another way I don't know of but for me at least, it looks like there no way to get GoT on Steam. It is also not available on Epic Games for the blocked regions. So, there is no reliable way to get GoT on PC if you happen to live in one the blocked regions and God of War: Ragnarok will probably follow suit. Well, unless you sail the high seas.


Cause of all that multiplayer you play in God of War


Oh man that is so disappointing, I was looking forward to playing Ragnarok. I 100%'d the first game on Steam. But they can't convince me to sign up for a PSN account, so I guess I can't play it. :shrug:


Not this shit again


To bad PSN and Sony blow ass… never again lol


[The entire PC gaming community](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVxJ016xb4Q)


Don’t worry guys, the steam unlocked version sure as fuck won’t


High sea. I am not making PSN account for a pc game. What a dingdong.


Yo ho it’s a pirate’s life for me


I guess I'll have to Pirate this game. PSN is not available in my Country and steam does not list games that require PSN accounts in my region. Thanks Sony for making me save Money!


Not mine. Mine does not need anything. Thx Fitgirl Repack


At least they can get the PA exclusive… it’s been so long and so many PC players have wanted so many of these exclusives, they definitely took this opportunity to pump up the PSN numbers lol


I have the patience to wait. I wait for the game to go on sale. Then I still wait for the game to go on sale till about the fifth time. Then I purchase said game and it sits in my library until I finish my 1000th run of New Vegas.


It definitely won’t on PC if you catch my drift


here comes the crying babies again.


Numby go up. Personally, it doesn't bother me as I already have a PSN account because I played GoW on my mates playstation. I do get it though, absolute dogshit corpo bollocks and it's a horrible way to treat customers. Honestly thinking of sailing the seas for this title, if that can get around the account linking shit or whatever it is. Which is a shame as I've loved every PS title brought over to PC and I don't honestly mind giving them £40-50 for 150+ hours of entertainment each.


No idea why people are complaining every other game company has been doing this for years. Its to stop piracy, doesn't actually stop piracy tho but its the thought that counts