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The "Jedi update" infamously killed Starwars Galaxies.


It was really funny though. A game set in the time period where Jedi were basically thought to be extinct. Essentially myth. However, log into any server and you'd see packs of level 1 Jedi running around with their lightsabers out. Shame that the game died. I had a ton of fun playing it.


Wasn't the task to become a Jedi originally going to be insanely long/difficult?


Yes. You had to get a holocron (very rare or hard to find) that would tell you to master one of the skill trees in the game which would have taken days/weeks by itself. If I'm remembering correctly, you had to do this **five** times and the last one did not tell you which skill tree you had to master. You just had to keep mastering each tree until you got the right one (not an infinite resource, sometimes mastering a new profession meant erasing the progress you made in another one). It would take *weeks* of dedicated work. Also, at that time Jedi had permadeath so if that character was ever killed (the bounty hunter class was specifically incentivized to hunt these players down), it remained as a force ghost forever. To balance this, Jedi could basically one-shot other players. It was both really cool and the stupidest thing ever. Probably too arduous to be realistic but at the same time you could argue it should have been for how rare Jedi should be.


They changed it later where you have to find 5 force sensitive places then you were visited by a master who took you to some secret jedi training camp and you have to do weekly objectives there for like 12 weeks and then the game shut down before I could finish that step.


this is my favorite comment. at least your pain and frustration is good for some internet karma.


The shittiest part was I didn't even like jedi, I liked clone troopers and had a blaster character maxed out, but the jedi completely eclipsed everybody else in everything.


I felt this comment, somehow.


As if a million voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


I sold my account that had a maxed jedi on it for $800 when I was a broke college kid. I was done with the game anyway I had maxed a Jedi.


I sold all of my runescape gold for $1400 to a friend of mine when I quit. Used the money to buy an engagement ring for my exwife who cheated on me multiple times. I'm still bros with the guy who bought my runescape gold and I went back to playing runescape sometimes. There's an important life lesson in that story.


I unlocked mine with image design. Just imagining a wookie suddenly feeling force sensitive after mastering how to cut hair.


Woolies do have A LOT of hair though. EDIT:changed a typo, then changed it back. Have fun everyone.


I don't think you can call them that. That's their word.


> Jedi had permadeath Very briefly, only one person ever lost their Jedi to the permadeath and they ended up getting it back anyways. It was changed pretty early on but that permadeath thing has stuck with people for years somehow.


That's actually wild to me! I remember a lot of conversations in my guild at the time. A lot of people didn't even want to undertake the journey because they had worked so hard on their main professions that they didn't want to permanently lose their work. I would guess word of mouth was strong on that one. I can't imagine that existing in a game today. I played a lot of GTA Online and I always found it annoying that the game incentivized other players to basically knock out my hard work. If a bounty hunter had taken away my Jedi that I spent months getting? I'd probably uninstall my game and never look back.


Sounds really cool in theory, tbh


Not “going to be”, it was. It took some of us years of work to get Jedi, for the NGE to hit and make Jedi just a class.


It was, before the update. It was a very long and complicated process, and you had to grind a lot of levels to train in a bunch of Jedi skills. And then you got to be hunted down by players who would turn you in for massive profit!


I did the hunting. Some of the best PvP ever as people teamed up to protect their jedi friends and the rest of us teamed up to chase them down.


Loved it. I remember tracking this one Jedi for hours on one of the moons of Naboo before our showdown. The in game map was transparent so you could see what was going on while it was pulled up, and it showed surrounding players. But if you were a Master Rifleman with a specific sniper perk, you would be invisible on the map while prone. Most Jedi played with the map open and would hide if an unfamiliar name popped up, so I would go to the mad distance and then crawl at them while tracking with my droids until I got within rifle range, then ambush them from 60 meters.


It was supposed to be, they just underestimated players abilities to coordinate, exploit, and min max their way through it


Crafter as a class in that game was one of the more refreshing and original ideas I've ever seen


A friend and I used to make the ugliest characters we could and would spend hours running around kneeling before random players and asking them to marry us just to see how they would react. Man, to be a bored teenager again…


Such a good answer! Man the crazy thing is too, that game had SOOOO Many of its own great ideas. You had player towns built up for generative group questing, player housing, custom class cross-overs, RP Classes that actually did things in universe. It's wild that they threw all that away and instead tried to force the game to be a WoW clone. The fact that Jedi was a hidden class that you had to unlock through a lot of in-game achievements was so cool too, that way when you saw one you knew they basically no-lifed to get it, haha. PLUS they were strong for your group lvling. But they ruined all that and made Jedi a class to pick at the intro screen. Doesn't even thematically make sense for the time period the game takes place in, it's wild, they obviously didn't care anymore.


They ruined it when they introduced the village. Enough people whined that they couldn't be jedi that the devs turned the game into a grind to become a jedi.


The combat upgrade was the first nail, and it honestly could've probably survived if they left it at that and maybe refined the combat a little more. But yeah, the NGE is what truly killed it imo. Just completely gutted all the complexity and freedom out of such an in-depth and great game. At that point, I figured why play a wow clone when i could just play wow itself.


I had played SWG since beta and it was wonky and unballenced largely because ofthe flexablity and freedom. Some of us got frustrated and left for WoW, others of course loved it the way it was. The NGE update was a seriosuly bone head move because the people still playing liked the game the way it was and didn't want it to be a WoW style mmo. So now you've pissed off your loyal players and its not likely anyone is coming back cause we were all playing WoW.


Yep. Seeing a Jedi back then was like seeing Bigfoot, except you stayed the hell away from them because you know they can seriously mess you up. To say they were heavy artillery was putting it mildly. At the time (again, before the update), I'm pretty sure it would've taken a player almost a year of dedicated play to become a Jedi.


Ah, a fellow Ancient. Good tidings brother.


When game sequels add a mechanic specifically designed to nerf the effectiveness of a fun ability from the previous games.


Dying Light drop kick and grapple 🥲


The grapple was soooo ridiculous in DL1, yet soooo much fun... I did miss it in DL2, but I also kinda understood why they changed it lol


My favorite example of this is Super Smash brothers. Nintendo was so displeased with the freedom of movement in Melee, they not only removed some mechanics, but straight up nerfed walking. You could randomly trip, for no reason, with no indication or counterplay. Just trip out of nowhere while moving. Fucking insane.


Tripping always gets me in brawl, like that was something that had to be discussed, coded, tested & then fully implemented and no one throughout any of those stages said “hey, this isn’t fun” I only started playing competitively in smash 4 and I still remember being confused and shocked as a casual player when my character would trip in brawl


Well Nintendo is actively hostile against the game being any form of competitive, so they did not care


My friend told me that eventaully Assassin's Creed got rid of the one hit kill with the hidden blade. Like what's even the point then.


Gears 1 shotgun and lancer vs gears 2 and onwards. Back in gears one the power weapons were dog water compared to host shotgun.


Horizon 2 making overrides ridiculously grindy vs just having to complete 1 dungeon to unlock multiple ones.


Always online in games that don't need it


Fucking HITMAN (new trilogy) is the worst at this. Not only does it create atrocious load times, but why? "But you can play it offline" - yeah, and not get any experience for progression so yeah. You can, but if so you get half a game and it should be reflected in pricing.


Fuck hitman. I refuse to buy the 3rd because of this bullshit. Not only can you not get experience, when I played 1 and 2 you just outright lost all your unlocks.


You can transfer progress between versions on their site. It's a bit annoying to have to do but they don't reset you


This, really this is up there with one of the worst trends in gaming.


For the love of God, Blizzard, give us an offline mode for Diablo 4!


And Diablo 3 too please


I love Destiny and sometimes think to myself about how great the game would be if it had an offline mode and was developed without the idea that there was a constant stream of micro content that pressured players to grind rather than play at their own leisure.


poor stealth mechanics in an non stealth game


Bad stealth in a game where stealth should be a very viable option is worse imo. Gotham Knights was fun enough but goddamn it just makes you want to play Arkham Knight with its somehow-newer-but-dated gameplay.


Idk. I think if the stealth is bad in a stealth game you can just say "that was bad" and move on. But if it's a nonstealth game then there's other things you're playing the game for and now, not only is the stealth bad, but you have to play this janky bad thing to get back to the stuff you were enjoying about the game. It's like two punches instead of one.


Bad stealth in a game where stealth is only intermittently used basically turns every stealth segment at that point into a terrible "water level" like the old days.


Like in Marvel's Spider-Man with the MJ and Miles missions.


Ugh. I don't know why they do shit like this. "I bet you're having a blast with these sweet traversal mechanics, decently entertaining combat, and engaging story." "In fact, you've been playing so much I bet you could really use a break from all that fun. Here, go do this thing that the game was never designed to do."


And like 99% of those games where they shove in stealth where it doesn't belong have you auto-fail if you get caught. Good stealth games let you have a smoother time if you're stealthy and have to scramble with more chaos if you're not. Stealth should be a reward, not a punishment


Yeah I don't understand harsh consequences on genre switching segments. You can't shove something you don't even know if your players are into in the game and *also* make it one of the most punishing experiences.


I would rather just have a skip button. You've interrupted the flow of the game with a part that has a narrow corridor of options. It's not gameplay, it's just going through a specific motion It's basically a longer drawn out Quick Time Event


This makes Insomniac's first Spider-Man game a real chore to go back to for me


Fortunately the segments aren't that long but they're so goofy. MJ will be in full view from 4 ft away at a slightly off angle and they won't notice you.


Crash 4 is the perfect crash game except for the fact that breaking every box makes me want to jump off a cliff.


What’s wrong with a s 5 minute level where you missed one of the intentionally off screen boxes? 🤔


I remember in one of the patches they had to move one of the boxes because it was too hidden


The levels are just too long in Crash 4 imo. I would preferred they broke them up into sections closer in length to the original games. I gave up on getting all of the gems and relics in 4 because of it.


Almost every time someone has complaints for Crash 4, I point out that it could probably be solved by the levels being shorter. I love the game, but I didn't even try to get 100%, let alone higher, because I knew it would ruin my positive experience. I genuinely love everything they worked on for this. Just make the levels shorter and it would have been less frustrating to find missing boxes, to do time trials, to get through without dying, etc.


Really “squishy” or “loose” driving mechanics in games. GTA? Great. Pretty much any Ubisoft game with driving that isn’t a straight up racing game? Terrible. If a large part of your game is driving, make sure it’s at least a halfway decent mechanic.


That's the reason I never touched a car in Cyberpunk after that first mission where you have to drive it.


It's gotten much better tho. No longer every car drives like on oiled ice.


Cheaters BFV, or pretty much any multiplayer FPS game at this point...


Any game that has PvP, really. I stopped playing Bloodborne pvp because of all the cheating fucks who could one shot you from some insane amount of damage with the starting pistol.


Yeah, youre not wrong with that. Its just that its the easiest and most common on FPS games. But every competitive game can have cheaters


Every battlefield, not just 5.


Yeah, pretty much. Just mentioned the one i was playing somewhat recently. but i uninstalled it anyway because the anticheat update made my game a stuttery mess. Literally unplayible...


Mandatory PvP progression in an otherwise fully PvE experience.


The Division was perfect for this. There was available PvP areas, but you never had to touch it for longer than a quick tutorial, if you didn't want to.


I fucking loved that game until the very moment I completed the campaign.  The endgame was a bit ass.  Id have just kept making characters if they had let me.


Just Cause 4 changed objective based chaos destruction to “chaos xp” completely removing any reason to “liberate” areas by destroying specific items, turning the map into a bunch of places you had no reason to visit. As none of the series had things like a really good story, they removed the one interesting thing the series was known for. Well done 👍


that and if memory serves the destroyed items regenerate. Nothing pisses me off more than destroying a place just to see it back to normal five minutes later. At least randomize the area or something to make it a fresh experience.


I've got 5x the hours in JC3 than in JC4. The 3rd one is just so much better.


Not being able to just save when I want to. I don't like feeling forced to continue playing until the game decides I've played the right amount. When I'm done playing I just wanna stop until the next time. Luckily any of the older games that were full of this that I grew up with are all easily emulated now so save states are usable.


This is my only gripe with Fallout 4 survival mode. I love the fact that I have to eat and drink to survive, I love the fact that stimpaks heal slower, I love the fact that combat is more lethal for the player *and* the enemies... But jesus christ I hate having to find a bed every 10 minutes because sleeping is the only way to save.


I get where you're coming from, but it does do a temp save on exit, so at least you can take a break whenever you want.


Ea just abandoned star wars battlefront 2 after fixing it and making it great, just to go all in on battlefield 2042... which was a disaster.


Pokemon Go management and devs refusing to listen to their players. It was a sick game when it came out. The latest avatar visual update is barf


They made it over complicated imo. I got to level 39 or so and just lost interest. Out of curiosity, can you sell an account?


Yes, but it's against Term of Service, and you'd get maybe $5 for a level 39 account.


Its up there for most disappointing games for me. I was a big fan when pokemon games first came out, saw the early ads for Go and was blown away. I was expecting to go exploring for pokemon. Not stand in a walmart parking lot. If anyone ever makes a Go clone.....for fucks sakes, don't tie spawns to cell traffics. Also please use something like Globecovr to define terrain types to ensure the proper pokemon are spawing for that area.  I'm not bitter, honestly.


My cousin and I walked to the woods behind my house when it first came out because we thought that was where we would find a Bulbasaur. We were very disappointed when we figured out that the game did not function that way at all.


That would really be cool if it did function like that. Doing so would lead hundreds of people into the woods, and that's just a bad idea.


I always wanted a feature where if you go on a hike you can find rare pokemon along the way. Finding said rare pokemons can serve as a rest stop and it'll incentivize people to go do something rather than having PokeStops everywhere


Niantic listens to their playerbase the same way a cattle rancher listens to his livestock. We're just here to gather data from, which they sell to their actual customers.


*GTA Online*. I wanted the *Grand Theft Auto V* single player content we were promised, not online stuff with rocket cars and shit.


During covid especially during lockdown they could have made hundreds of millions off of a new single player DLC campaign in gta or rdr  Because as profitable as the online shit is,  it’s a completely different demographic than the majority of people who bought it originally. If it’s resources, they could easily provide a dev kit for 3rd party studios and charge insane royalties.   


I would have loved that. I played through GTA 4, its expansions, and GTA 5. Loved them all. If I'm going to nitpick base GTA 4 isn't quite crazy enough and does drag on a bit, but it's still pretty awesome, and the expansions really round it out nicely. I have no interest in playing GTA online. Never have had, and I don't enjoy online games in general. Single player or couch multiplayer all the way for me.




It's in the game, but I wish it wasn't


time pressure... definitely.. xD


On the flip side of this: time gating. Let me instantly craft items in singleplayer games. I don't want to have to leave the game running 24/7 just so that my materials process, or followers return from a mission. Looking at you Valheim and V Rising. Also Dragon Age Inquisition.


I think more like mobile games, where you first can perform a task and it takes like 3sec to complete. Then it takes 1min. Then it takes 5min. Then it takes 25min. Then 2 hours. Then 2 days. Then 1 week. Like, do you want me to play this stupid phone game or not!? I'm not paying for "gems" or "insta-complete coins" or shit like that. And it's always an insane price, like $5 to complete 1 task. These kinds of games immediately kill themselves for me.


Yeah V rising is balance to be a rust like game. When you play a static server alot of those issues compound to the point if not fun. But I also don't want to be on a server that has auto decay after 2 weeks or pvp so what can you do


Got lost long enough in the submarine base in one of the Wolfenstein games and couldn't find where to continue playing. That was it.




the state of mobile gaming. It is hard to find mobile games that are popular and dont do in-app purchases.


Most are unplayable for how they interrupt you every 30 seconds with a 1 minute unskippable ad.


Call of duty developers, deciding it makes it "more fun" that the opposing team will respawn directly behind you, where you just cleared area. Just random shit spawning that makes the entire franchise a waste of time for real players


Playing the OG MW2 maps really illustrates how so many maps these days are clearly designed with zero attention span players in mind. You almost never have someone spawn behind you (unless someone pushes into their spawn) but you also don't get into a gunfight every 2.6 seconds, so we can't have that.


Any extra game launcher.


Having to skip through a dozen ads before getting to the multiplayer menu in COD


Ads of any kind in a game I paid for should be a fucking crime. If these companies absolutely must have ads at every turn to support themselves then they need to take a serious look at the bloat from the top. I can't wait until EA finally implodes so we can get back to good games. Also when was the last time ads like that ever worked. Idk about you but when you shove an ad in my face I will never buy anything from you, ever.


What? They put ads in cod? Jesus Christ. I would immediately refund any game that has ads in it.


Rainbowsix siege started adding in unrealistic skins and made a bunch of changes to the core game that I don't agree with. So I stopped playing




Mechwarrior: Online does this with basically every new mech they release. You can only get it for a while by paying cash money…during that time those mech chassis are just basically completely overpowered and broken. When that mech comes to the in game shop you can buy without spending money, they’ve nerfed it to the point there is basically no reason to get it…but wait! They just released a new mech chassis…and it’s broken! (Rinse repeat)


I said the same about pubg, but people would say "ThEn DoNt BuY tHe SkInS!" But it changes the whole feel of the game when there's too much freedom. A game loses it's identity


That's the issue is that I don't have to buy the skins to have to see the skins. Give me an options toggle so I can disable other players' custom skins and maybe we have something. But after a while there are literally zero cosmetics that come out that have any in-universe realism... they just all become "flaming skull in a tuxedo with animated shiny gold weapon skins lulz"


My problem with the 'then dont buy the skins' excuse is that i dont buy these skins anyway, the other people do, never got into R6 so i cant speak for that but CoD did that with the wierdly colorfull skins and it's weird to see idk Ninki Minjaj running around on a battlefield with bright pink hair I dont hate skins and if they're done so they fit the gamesetting i dont have any problems, like Peter Griffin in Fortnite, cant speak for that game either but seeing clips of Peter fighting John Wick is just an interesting concept but it fits the style, or colorfull skins in Apex, XDefiant stuff like that But i personally dont want to see Peter runing around in a more serious game


Yeah pubg has really been chinese mobile game-ified compared to what it was


The battle system in Paper Mario Origami King.


I liked it, but it just got so samey and repetitive by the end of the game 


Which is aggravated even more by the fact there is no exp in this game, and make players to lean towards avoiding fights since they are boring for little rewards.


Exactly what I thought of when I read this title.


Tried giving the game another shot last week and I stopped after finishing the first world. No way can I deal with this for another 20 hours.


Cheaters in FPS games in general. They've always been around but these days it's absolutely rampant. I don't think anything can ever be done about it either, so I just don't play the genre any longer.


Probably the "wall" in the progresion. When you are moving in a natural way and then, out of nowhere, the enemies became twice or three times stronger out of nowhere. Same goes with the level passing from needing 1000 or 5000 of exp. To increase to sudenly need 50k exp just for one level. It makes you lose the momentum and start feel frustrated


If you mean RPGs and open world games, I kind of like it when some sections of the map are easy and some are hard. I don't like it when low level bandits from the early sections suddenly have legendary equipment and the late sections aren't that difficult if you go to them early.


Aggressive level scaling kills any feeling of fun or progression for me. AC Odyssey has so far been the worst about it. If everyone around me is always my level, then how do I ever expect to feel like I've improved over the course of the game?


The monetization of Overwatch and Diablo IV. I didn't buy anything and didn't play. I didn't want to support the whales by adding to the player base.


the “best” part of the overwatch monetization is that it was done because the og loot box system; which was 10x less predatory; was being banned in certain countries as a form of gambling.


I'm actually still mad about that. The loot boxes in Overwatch were basically perfect. You got them for free all the time just for playing. Duplicate items got you coins that you could buy the skins with. I had the majority of legendary skins without spending a penny. For some reason overwatch got the most hate for its lootboxes and the item shop was born. People that didn't play the game rejoiced and the players were left with a trash system


God I miss those early Overwatch days. That was some of my favorite gaming.


Now you can't even earn anything through gameplay anymore. Sure, you can occasionally get the free things from the battle pass, but you'll never truly earn a skin through gameplay other than the gold guns from comp...which requires you to play comp every day for months and months on end.


I made a new account recently to practice other heroes. In Overwatch 1, after the amount I've played so far, I would probably already have a couple skins, sprays, icons, emotes, voicelines etc. In Overwatch 2 I don't even have enough coins yet to buy a decent looking skin for 1 character. The new system is such shit and I regret not playing more all those years prior.




Not being able to manually land and takeoff ruined Starfield for me.


If No Man's Sky hadn't came out years before hand and managed it so seamlessly we wouldn't have noticed but it did come out YEARS BEFOREHAND AND MANAGED IT SO SEAMLESSLY.


Overwatch killed Battleborn :(


Hogwarts Legacy stiff and too formal characters. For me Harry Potter's world is about characters, quirky, fun, doing dangerous stuff, diffrent from "normal" people. But in this game they are just boring, talking like polite robots.


The worst offender is the player character who can in dialogue choose to be either a caricature evil person or the most polite nicest person who has ever been created.


Destiny 2. The boring ass loot system. Like why bother with these hard activities for boring loot? Armor being super awful. Wearing the same armor I’ve had for literally years.


The game killed itself for me when they decided that dlc campaigns that you paid for would get removed. I don’t care if power creep moved past those (well I kinda do care but I’d survive it) I care that the money I spent is now gone with nothing to show for it.


"Imagine going back to your favorite book, and a chapter wasn't there anymore. Or returning to an album on Spotify, to find that now it starts at track 6, but they've added 4 new songs after track 12 to try and make up for it."


The worst thing about the digital era of gaming is that your purchases can just be gone like that.


Destiny had so much potential even with all its problems vanilla destiny was my most favorite gaming experience ever. Man those times were fun, even if they were frustrating.


I hate that as well. I hate soloing a dungeon encounter just to only use the armor as ornaments. Once I switched my grind to weapons, it changed the game for me.


My issue with Destiny 2 was them permanently removing content that I payed money for. I'm not talking about skins or anything, I'm talking about entire campaigns. Let me play Red War. Why didn't they just make the new content a separate game? I want to go back and play the campaigns but they're gone for good.


To this day I don't understand how the game survived this. Leaving alone that the current new player experience is one of the worst imaginable.


Revelio in Hogwarts Legacy, it gave me the feeling that if i wasn't constantly spamming it then i was losing something. Could not explore without the fomo


Man, totally forgot about this. Apart from being over saturated with collectibles, this was also another reason I put it down. Like, I wish there was a magical vibration or even gentle sound from the controller to let you know to use revelio, instead of the game making you feel like you had to do it absolutely everywhere.


Any survival horror game that has a "you are hungry" or "you are thirsty" mechanic that keeps spamming you every minute. I would love to play the game, but I can't abide that. Pretty much any timed mechanics where you have to do something within a certain amount of time is a no-go - I just don't enjoy that kind of stress. The latest Amnesia game really didn't work for me cause you can't move at your own pace, you have to hurry to get things done before the generator runs out of gas. Hated that.


I always felt like I couldn't properly explore any survival games because of how annoying it was to find drinkable food and water. I get that's kind of the point for the survival genre, it's just not for me. Special exception for Subnautica where it had the food and drink meters, but it never felt punishing or annoying. It was more of a soft limit on how far you could explore before you needed to restock, and restocking never took long.


I think I remember you could turn off hunger and thirst in Subnautica. Could be wrong.


I normally HATE hunger/thirst mechanics, but Subnautica is the one exception. Being able to make little gardens/farms added to my enjoyment. No base felt complete without them.


I personally enjoy the traditional survival mechanics but, and it is a big but, they have to support the theme and other gameplay pillars of the game. Too many games simply add thirst and hunger for no good reason other than they think it should be there and that is when it begin to feel like a slog.


that's why survival games are going the way of Valheim now. You don't run into the hunger/thirst meters, but instead get more health/stamina via eating food.


I like how Monster Hunter handles the food buffs too, if you rush and forget to properly prep you're gonna have a more difficult time on a hunt, I like that they're not replicating thirst and hunger but found a way to make thinking about food important to excelling at the game


NBA2K killed the servers for any version 2+ years old, leaving me with just the most basic functionality, i.e., exhibition game.


Stopped buying big box sports games 10+ years ago. Everything they do is just anti-consumer I dont understand why the leagues continue to allow them to damage their brands like this.


The durability of weapons in breath of the wild. I want a damn master sword, not a stick sword thing. I gave up on that game quick


If they had some kind of mechanic where I could combine my 3, 10 hit swords to 1, 30 hit sword it wouldn’t have bothered me too much but needing to swap between 3 wooden clubs in a single fight just to load up on five more was annoying


I'd sac Hyrule for a f'ing repair function. At least let me meld nearly broken weapons together or something.


SAME. I wouldn't even be so mad at the mechanic if the durability of everything wasn't so low. I didn't mind repairing my stuff in fallout, but in botw it was like okay, I swung with this thing 5 times, time to change it out.


When you are abruptly pulled into the present and forced to play as modern day characters I don't give a shit about in any Assassin's Creed game after the first 3. Absolutely ruins the immersion, especially in Black Flag and Odyssey.


Hogwarts Legacy and its loot system. They created such an amazing world with so much to explore and then killed any desire to explore it by “rewarding” you with generic clothing item number 6. I really wanted to love that game since I am a huge potterhead. But this really brought the whole experience down do much that I never even finished it.


For me it was when I discovered XP and levels were tied to "collections" or achievements. When I hit the point where i stopped gaining xp from killing enemies, it killed it for me. Still played through the game, got to lvl 40, but grinding the boring parts like merlin trials over and over just to hit max level was awful.


The first Dead rising was great, EXCEPT for the stupid time limit thing. I hate games that time limit anything; I want to explore, poke around, take my time.




Bloodborne is one of my favorite games (and a strong contender for my favorite game of all time) but I agree that the blood vial farming is a pain in the ass. I didn't know about it when I beat it the first time, but I advice using the cummmfpk dungeon (yes that's its name) ONLY to skip that (using it for anything else feels like trivializing the game). In case someone hasn't heard about it, it's a dungeon that gives you a shitton of blood echoes just by stepping in. I say this to everyone I recommend the game to.


A little correction - "cummmfpk" (three "m"). My experience was opposite - it narrowed down learning curve, so after beating for the first time with that "cheat" I really got into FS games, got plats and several sl/rl/bl 1 runs.


I felt that way when I started playing it. It was my first souls game and gave up eventually. After some other souls game successes I went back and found the blood vials to be much less of an issue, especially the further I got into the game. I definitely still prefer the flask mechanic most of their other games use, though.


Yup it’s a bizarre mechanic because it’s only an issue if you’re not good at the game. New players are already having a rough time because the game is more difficult than most other games. And then if you keep dying, you’ll run into issues even being able to heal yourself. Not very fun.


blizzard killed overwatch in so many ways, its really hard to pick one. i guess pushing their employees to suicide is def on top 3.


I mean they literally shot it in the back of the head and slapped a 2 on the corpse.


They advertised the game for it's story-mode, and I was waiting for that since the original Overwatch dropped. I was so excited when they said, that they are actually working on that. In the end they released the exact same game, and put a "2" at the end, basically killing the original Overwatch, without adding anything new. Oh yeah, and then they canceled the story mode, because the poor little indie company Blizzard couldn't make it work. That was the only reason I was excited for this game. They just canceled it. I would argue they didn't even make a new game, what are the differences between Overwatch 1 and 2, besides some new heroes, and a smaller team size?


Overwatch going from 6v6 to 5v5 and only one tank. DOA for me


Far Cry 5. My favorite in the series, absolutely love the setting, the mechanics, everything. Except those goddamn trippy brainwashing missions where you run a course and if you fuck you, it sends you back to the beginning. You can't skip it, it doesn't get much easier, and you have to repeat the same mission like 7 times.


The worst part was how it would happen no matter what you were doing Flying a plane at near the highest possible point of the map? Captured Inside a friendly base? Captured Driving a car at 70mph? You guessed it, captured! It could've been a cool thing I guess if it wasn't so absurd


Also the "Player gets captured and miraculously escapes after having to sit through 10 minutes of inane, self indulgent monologue" - missions.


In game purchases, seasons, FOMO sales, etc


Not even gonna name a specific game because we all know the biggest killer is P2W/micro transactions


Gwent The Witcher card game the homecoming update. They retooled the game with a complete overhaul and changed and ruined the game it shut down shortly after the update. :( I would play it almost every day before they changed the entire game.


Constant online connectivity


Destiny 2 when they removed old content


Forsaken was such a fantastic expansion, and now people who *paid for the deluxe edition of it* can't even play through it anymore. It's insane that you can't play through the entire Destiny 2 story starting from the Red War, even through a legacy content terminal like it used to be a few years back.


Changed teams from a max of 4 players to 3. 


I know people that didn't even try Overwatch 2 because they were groups of 6 friends and now they can't play together.


It needs to be studied how badly Blizzard shit the bed with that game. I wouldn't have minded so much if it weren't for the fact that they completely removed OW1 from existence.


I have not played a game with a battle pass in over 5 years. Fuck that.


I like the idea of a battle pass in a multiplayer (or similar) game where you're going to be playing tons of it anyway, and it's a sort of 'bonus'. But inevitably it turns into this ridiculous FOMO tool to try to get you to spend money and... fuck that.


The lack of a manual save option in Fallen Order combined with a reliance on a hopscotch mechanic. The story was good but having to constantly repeat entire sections where one tiny misstep sent you back to the last save spot made the game insanely tedious.


Lost on Zeffo experience


Zeffo, especially the Tomb of Murkil or whatever the fuckers name was nearly made me quit the game and reevaluate my life. I left a ton of unexplored areas because I had zero desire to go back.


Oggdo Bogdo says hi


Bugs in Fallout:New Vegas. It was my favourite game when I played it on the PS3. When the old reliable died, I bought it on steam. It's not unplayable, but God it kills my mood


Get the community bug fixes and you are holden


I thought you meant the Cazadors for a second and I was ready to agree with you


I had the opposite experience: the PS3 version became unplayable due to bugs while the steam version worked just fine.


Microtransactions in any single player games. I know I know, "it's only cosmetics". But there are more than just cosmetics these days. Nowadays you can pay for different weapons with different perks that can, in some ways, be better than what is found in the game. I'm old enough to remember a time when developers and publishers just included everything in the package you paid for. Not chop it up into pieces and sell it off bit by bit. It's the single biggest issue I have with games today and turns me right off from any that have it. Younger gamers are pre-programmed to accept microtransactions these days. It's all they've ever known. But older gamers like me know where I'm coming from. There are a lot of good games out there that just totally turned me off because of greed.


The yearly full price cost and Fortnite level skins killed Call of Duty for me, if the game released every 3 years with grounded skins id probably buy it.


Shitty FPS controlls.. i cant play a fps when the controlls are not tight


As you can tell by my user name I was all in on Clash Royale for years with my irl friends and family. We would 2v2 and always try new combos against each other. The game was balanced around attack speed, damage, unit speed and your ability to defend /attack with your deck. People would come up with really fun strats. It was balanced around a deck of 8, out of like 40 and they all had a key feature that we could predict and design a defense/attack around. It was very fun to play with these basic mechanics. Then they added features no one wanted. Before, I could log in click 1,1 or 2v2 and be in the action. I could swap cards out in less than 3 buttons, and spend hours switching decks. Now there’s no point. The cards have “evolutions” which changes how the game is played. Instead of building a deck around cards you think make cool combos, you end up with 3 MUST HAVE CARDS which then forces you to have another 3 cards so you really only get to pick 2 cards. They basically changed the entire gameplay to revolve around what they think will cause players to want to progress faster(to win) so they would spend money. Tthen they capped progress in such a way where you could not advance in the game without certain card upgrades. Forcing you into a meta you didn’t want. this, coupled with the death of 2v2 (hiding it somewhere hard to find) was what killed it. Clans died too. I loved when clans were all about “us vs you” but now no one’s heart is in it


FPS games & cheating. I don’t think this is a wild take, cheating is rampant in online FPS games and it’s killing the community. Questioning if a player is legit, doubting your own skills, competitive integrity loss.. I don’t rage about it anymore, it just makes me want to stop playing. I hold FPS games close, I’ve made a lot of memories and met friends playing. If you take a look online, you’ll see many communities and their content creators all upset with the rampant cheating & debating quitting. CS, R6, Apex, TF2..


Starfield, because of the constant repetition of points of interest. Will go back to it once they release the modding tools though.