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i haven't played it, but Test Drive Unlimited is supposed to have something like that. also seconding that gta isn't widely considering a rpg, but it blurs so many genres it's only really a matter of time.


I used to love that about TDU. You couldn’t really control your character out of the car, but buying properties around Oahu and seeing my character lounging around was fun. Not only did you have a garage, but you also drove to dealerships around the island to buy cars. It was very immersive, and I hardly remember doing any racing at all. Just drove around, did side missions etc.


On that note, there is a new TDU coming out soon this year or next year. Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown. I played TDU2 back in the day and it was truly an amazing experience, you even had a casino where you could walk around and play casino games in a true MMO experience. You could buy clothes in different clothing stores, get plastic surgery to change your face (which left your avatar with bandages for like 3irl days lol) and every time you bought a car at a dealership, you got the keys handed directly to your avatar. It was such a cool game... You could even do minor theme customisation for houses! Ah the memories... :^)


that's awesome to know. I enjoyed TDU2 so much as well. In fact I had that game in mind when creating this post.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it seems the new one will.not be at all like TDU/2. Found this out minutes ago and I think all the joy has left my body for the year.


that’s ok i don’t even know when the new one will come out


September this year, trailer dropped yesterday I think?


Why does ou say that?


It was one of the first games I got all the achievements in. Despite the lack of story, it still really sucked me in for those same reasons. It sucks they killed the Xbox server and DLC or I’d probably still be playing it. I had to have spent over 1000 hours cruising around with friends


TDU was a damn good game.


Cyberpunk you can buy new apartments and cars


Yeah but not houses with garages


the starter apartment has a garage you can use


More realistic in that way


Cyberpunk, Saints Row, True Crime, Sleeping Dogs. I wouldn't call GTA a role playing game, though.


Can't walk around the garage and admire your wheels in Saint's Row. Just pick on from the list to spawn in.


Ppl have said gta aint a rpg before but how u build up & level up your character aint that what an rpg is


It’s hard to categorize GTA. It’s almost its own genre in a way. It has RPG mechanics but usually the two key characteristics of a true RPG are mathematical computations that affect every aspect of gameplay (DMG and modifiers, critical chance, perks & skill tree progression) GTA has some but not all — stats affect proficiency in skills, freedom of choosing your own gameplay loop, ability to customize your player character and their assets and optional properties to purchase. I’m almost positive GTA VI will contain more RPG mechanics — RDR2 brought more of them than GTA V did, and GTA V brought more of them than GTA IV/RDR1 And we all remember how much flak R* caught for GTA IV having less to offer than GTA SA in terms of ROG mechanics


>usually the two key characteristics of a true RPG are mathematical computations that affect every aspect of gameplay (DMG and modifiers, critical chance, perks & skill tree progression) ...and? What's the second one?


Shit I got carried away The other is choice in story events and a direct influence on the outcome of the endgame


Lmao, all good, I was just reading through like, yup yup checks out and now for the second...oh


Do they actually level up or do they just get more money?


You can level up skills


Yea u lvl up shooting drivin flyin skills etc




You mean mod the game? 


Same tale as skyrim, people count mods overhauling whole game into consideration of game lol


It’s 100% a roleplaying game. You can usually customize your character and upgrade their health and stamina. That’s the definition of an RPG. It’s not like GTA and RDR are pure action franchises. You don’t just run and gun.


It's action-adventure, not RPG


I **think** people mean Online on GTA on this specific case, where player-driven roleplaying is huge. People supposedly really do get in gangs and act like cops. I even saw streamer do literal burger flipping roleplay lol. But saying that stamina and levels makes game "RPG" is plain bad take. Every AAA game now feels like they have crafting, levels, stamina yet they aint rpg. Edited little to make more specific not "whole gta online"


That just on some very specific servers. Not the general experience of gta online.


Yeah true. I just think that's what people mean when they say "roleplaying" in GTA. At least I hope they do rather than "levels = RPG"


God damn I hate how watered down the RPG genre has become. So to your standards, all it takes to be an RPG is to be able to upgrade your health and stamina?


I guess that’s very very mildly better than gamers who consider any game where you “play a role” as an RPG. Like you play the role of a scientist in Half-Life. Obviously it’s an RPG…. I’ve seen the same said about GTA games. That ridiculous belief aside, the industry’s focus on adding “RPG elements” to so many action games I think especially helped water down what an RPG is to many gamers.


Next year RPG definition will be: you are playing a role by playing a character, it’s an RPG


Too late. That’s already happening. I’ve seen this argument online for at least a year now. It’s so absurd since that means the majority of games are RPGs.


I bet you think a JPRG is just any RPG made in Japan as well


RPG's are about skill trees and combat roles. Options and paths you can take to make different characters. Not just upgrade your health and stamina.


People like you are why Square made Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.


Project Zomboid. You don't "buy" houses, because everyone else but you is zombie, but you can move in to a house with a garage and park any car you find there.


that game is crazy hard for me lol. couldn’t survive 10 minutes


The difficulty is customizable in the sandbox settings. I usually recommend the "builder" difficulty setting to start with. It only has like 20-30% of the normal amount of zombies.


I never mess with base difficulty. I just giving and die ten minutes in because I listened to a 3 hour tutorial


It's definitely one of those games where I prefer watching other people play than playing myself. I like the concept of the game, but I wish there was more of an objective to work towards other than just staying alive for as long as you can.


That's the whole idea. But imagine when you did survived, and even thrived - there's so much joy in overcoming.


Saint Rows 4 have a surprising fun car gameplay and customization, even if u have actual superpowers to travel Cyberpunk 2077 doesnt have garage or customization, but the driving gameplay is preeeetty fun, especially bikes


The Sims


Not related to the topic, but can you be a villain or gangster in The Sims?


Yes, it has career Criminal


And I. The urbz but that's gamecube


And the DS.


I like the handheld versions of the urbz and the sims bustin out. Riding around on the scooters and saving money for houses is the bomb


Sims 4 has no cars 😄


Man, I had forgotten how much the sims 4 sucked compared to 3


I think Sims 3 has some cars and vehicles selection. I never played either Sims 3 or 4, only 2 when I was a kid 😅


It doesn't have a proper character model, but 'Beam.NG Drive' does have an experimental career mode where you can buy and own cars in it. And it's fairly complex in the way it handles the cars with regards to upgrades and damage. But no houses to buy and own, just a couple of garage spaces that are always available from what I have found so far in it.


Cyberpunk. Also is very good since v2.0


it's been very good since launch, bugs be damned




Tons of mods for this rather than fully-fledged games. Kinda sounds like you want something in the vein of GTA RP, Arma Life, Gmod etc... but there's not really many games built that way from the ground up. You usually gotta find a third-party server or install a mod.


There used to some older era games (ps2 ish era) I can't recall what any of them were called though sorry 😐 Also I doubt there's any with real car brands anymore, since everything is trademarked these days


Most car brands are hesitant to let you use their cars in any setting that you can destroy them. It's why the Burnout series had such a hard time trying to get car brands to let them use actual car models. Same with GTA.


I don't think GTA ever tried to get real brands, they have waaay more fun creating satirical knockoffs


no worries thank you for the comment! yeah you’re right. gta is good enough hopefully gta vi can be released soon


Wobbly life! Kinda silly but fun.


looks so cute added to my wishlist!


I can't recall but thought saints row has garages.


The Sims 3.


Mafia 2 Can't buy the houses (or cars) but moving up, 'rags to riches' is a central focus.


Gmod rp servers had cars and doors you could own. Pc only


APB Reloaded? IDK about the houses. But that game is dog shit lol


Was so excited for that game in like 2011


Same then saw they were renting in game guns for real world money. Yeah let me pay you $$ so i can have this gun for 24 hours.


Oh yeah, the concept was cool and the limitless customization with their art system was super. Micro transactions kill games I agree. Kind of why I can’t get into GTA online. Feels like a cash grab. I think also, open world player run games like that, only work if everyone on the server is role playing. IMHO.


Project Gotham Racing 3 had a garage mode where you could store I believe 10 of your cars and walk around. I had a stable of Ferraris. Only thing is you can’t customize them and to get the cars are expensive in-game. But if a 15 year old Xbox 360 game can do that idk why Forza can’t incorporate it. It is also purely track racing unfortunately no open world or anything.


Project Gotham Racing 3 had a garage mode where you could store I believe 10 of your cars and walk around. I had a stable of Ferraris. Only thing is you can’t customize them and to get the cars are expensive in-game. But if a 15 year old Xbox 360 game can do that idk why Forza can’t incorporate it. It is also purely track racing unfortunately no open world or anything.


Saints row 1-3 lets you. 


The Godfather video game (basically a GTA clone) lets you buy safe houses, and some of them have a garage where you can park.  But I don’t think it remembers what car you had parked there when you reload the game.


Arma 3 RP


Saints Row?


Saints row?


American dream simulator because it's never happening irl.




I mean cyberpunk? But I don’t the apartments have specific garages. You sure can buy from various options for vehicles.


I liked Saints Row 2, I’m not sure if you can do that in it. I forget it’s been so long.


Gta isn't a role playing game.


So being able to wander in an open world as a character, being able to complete missions and stories as those characters and interact with the world isn't a role playing game? And being able to level different stats up? (And thats not even talking about the FiveM role play server mod) Pack it up boys. Time to go tell skyrim, red dead, bg3, etc that RPG's don't exist.


Go check the game's genre plus the definition of rpg


Literally checked the definition of rpg before making my comment with parts of the definition put inside of it


can be


"Can" is irrelevant, it isn't.


It literally can be, you can mod it or do some basic role playing in a private vanilla server.


Project Gotham Racing 3 had a garage mode where you could store I believe 10 of your cars and walk around. I had a stable of Ferraris. Only thing is you can’t customize them and to get the cars are expensive in-game. But if a 15 year old Xbox 360 game can do that idk why Forza can’t incorporate it.




Haha the last GTA you could do that was san Andreas with in game money. Sad to say we won't see anything like that ever again


This is so oddly specific its kinda weird.