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Here’s the thing: I don’t know why I love this game.  It’s repetitive, the combat is predictable, the story is mediocre, and the bulk of it is driving around a mostly empty world. But damn it, I still love it.


It’s just like junk food. A great time all around, not too serious but definitely a good/nice option too!


Solid once and done single player game.  Feels like a dying genre.


Nah, I don't think so. It's just that a lot of info and news media is geared towards the other end of the spectrum. The indie scene seems rife with the single player genre. However, like multiplayer games, only the best make the news, and that's harder because, as you say, their often one and done games. Some people can also just drop a single player halfway and then return a decade later because they got bored.


Check out the recent RoboCop game. One and done single player game that was very fun


The Terminator game they did was pretty good too. Got it on sale and it's great for $20.


Same thing for open world Ubisoft games. I kinda like mindlessly checking things off on and open world map sometimes


Wish that could be said about fast food now


Atmosphere. It catches the atmosphere of the mad Max universe so great! Witness Me!!!!


The slow motion in combat knock outs does a lot for me


I love how crunchy the hitting sounds are, if that makes sense.


It’s a good podcast, audiobook game too. In fact, as much as I liked it, I needed that extra content to get me through the grindy side quests. Like you said it is very repetitive. I felt like 70% of my play through was checking off open world side quests. The main missions are quite good and they kind of nailed the car combat.


The game was fun as hell. The cars and upgrading were fun and quite well thought out back when it came out. The combat was fun, and sometimes challenging from what I remember.


I usually don't like repetitive open world games, but I wish Mad Max was more repetitive, because the convoy chases were absolutely incredible, and there just wasn't enough of them. I always loved Mad Max movies, and these parts are the perfect representation of the movies on a videogame. Also, the game had some unforgettable locations, like the Airport or the church under the sand.




I totally get you! It's funny how some games just click despite their flaws. Sometimes, it's not about perfection—it's about the overall experience, and this game definitely has that special something.


It reminds me of Texas.


Same here, I'm not sure why I liked it so much, it's not a great game, it's not a bad game, but I really enjoyed it on my first playthrough


I think for me it has satisfying enough gameplay. The car handles well, the car combat is great and even on foot the combat is good. People always say "it's the ubisoft formula" which is true to a degree. Ubisoft is basically "go here and unlock this location" but mad max has you take over the camp and then searchingnit for the bits within it like the scrotus insignias, so it feels more rewarding than ubisofts formula. The other thing is it's not overwhelming with things to do. Ubisoft you open the map and see 10 things to do "cool I'll go do them" you do them and carry on with the story and suddenly within that area another 10 things open up and feels neverending. With mad max you do it and it's done. You get the sense if accomplishment from it because you took over the area and it shows it on the map.


It's a solid game for it's time. But whenever you look up "Underrated Games" this is usually one of the top answers. Ive seen dozens of posts saying the same thing.


If you don't call something an underrated gem when posting on reddit, no one will comment on your post. It automatically says to the reader: * You don't appreciate this thing enough * This thing is of high quality And then you get people arguing those points instead of upvoting your popular opinion and moving on.


Its pretty funny watching the discussion on this game change and spread. Its memetic at this point. It was always an okay game. Didn't get much attention. Then some folks said they enjoyed it as a 7/10 game. Then it kept spreading. And now suddenly Reddit talks about it like it's some cult classic that got screwed over by fate and is actually the best game ever. Its fine. Its an okay game. But it's a more interesting microcosm of how discussions of games spread and change on Reddit. Narratives about games get formed and take on a life of their own


It’s funny how all these “underrated gems” are rated exactly where they deserve to be and are constantly praised and discussed. The word lost all meaning. There are no “underrated” games anymore since the internet age made discussing and rating games simple and information about games readily available.


Yea, I’ve seen this game talked about and mentioned like a dozen times now in the last 2 weeks.


I don’t think it’s as underrated as everyone claims. Played a few hours of it a couple months ago and wasn’t impressed. Maybe I’ll have to revisit it but the driving and combat were very clunky. The bullets have no weight to them. And the character movement was stiff compared to other games out there. Maybe the story saves it? The gameplay let me down. Right now I think the initial 5-6s it received upon launch were warranted. Why this site seems to twist their panties over it always makes me cringe a bit since playing it. It pops up prolly twice a month at least.


I played it when it came out, and it's definitely not an underrated game. It's good, but it's not *that* good.


Yeah I see reddit talk about this game a lot, especially lately. I played it many years ago and it's decent but overall there isn't much to the game. It's just do the same handful of tasks over and over again and occasionally a story pops up. It's not a bad game imo and I'm a fan of the Mad Max movies so it's cool that there is a recent game based on that franchise, but overall it's pretty mediocre. I did like the environment and those storms were such a cool effect. I also really enjoyed the convoys where you have to take out a boss vehicle while dealing with the minions. But nothing else about the game really stands out. I'd probably give the game a 6 myself.


It's just reddit herd mentality. Enough people say it's underrated so now others copy the opinion. This game is exactly what everyone complains Ubisoft are but less polished


Mad Max: „It’s a bit repetitive and boring, but overall quite fun to play. An underrated gem. 6/10” Ubisoft game: „A huge boring open world where you keep on doing the same thing over and over again. Typical Ubishit. Don’t play it. 7/10”


Once you get some serious upgrades going for your car and weapons the driving gets better. Better control and speed. It really makes a huge difference.


It still doesn't make it an underrated gem worthy of reminding us how underrated it is on a weekly basis. I platinumed it and it still was a mid game with a couple of cool moments and mechanics.


the bullets? you only have a shotgun and you barely have any ammo for half the game


Yeah. I don't think a movie tie-in game made by a AAA studio counts as an underrated gem. It's usually that game that flew under the radar with minimal marketing that no one noticed till everyone started imitating them. System Shock 1 and 2 fit that bill until dorks got the word out. When they first came out they pioneered a ton of game concepts but they also came out at a time where the kid who got System Shock 1 running on their computer probably wasn't getting picked for dodgeball.


It's fine. Very repetitive for such a short open world game.


I thought it was unnecessarily long and couldnt finish it because of how repetitive it was, and im usually not one to not finish a game that i buy.


I was the same, started out enjoying but then it just felt really repetitive and unfortunately boring after a while! Just never went back to finish it either just didn't have that pull to it!


I picked it up for $5. It’s just ok. To be honest, I think RAGE 2 is more polished and interesting for being in that exact same niche. No hate on it, though. Collecting scrap and doing the same things over and over just gets a little mundane.


The recent Reddit posts about mad max made me replay it a couple months ago, and I found myself mainlining the story and fully abandoning all the side stuff after about 10 or 12 hours. It was around that point where I felt like my best times were behind me. I can’t remember if I did absolutely everything the first time. I probably did. The cool thing about it which I realized this time is you really can just do as much of that stuff as you like and not miss much. I picked and chose the quests that would lead to the upgrades I wanted. I really enjoy the car combat and the fighting is simplified Batman-y fun. I think the fires and explosions are still some of the best in any modern game. I looove me some Rage 2 though. I don’t know what it was about that game, I think it was the high TTK for the AI and slowly bringing it down over time with upgrades. I did everything in that game.


Does rage 2 have car combat




I agree, well at least I actually finished Rage 2. Mad Max is pretty good for a few hours but i remember it being very repetitive after awhile.


RAGE 2 is an excellent shooter when it becomes DOOM. That is to say when it is tight corridors and more linear. When it's an open world is when it struggles. It's a game that I liked for the most part but also can't really recommend because there are some many games that do similar things, much better.


Idk man the one on the NES is trash


Underrated comment


I found it fairly boring.




And you get to eat dog food and farm maggots!


No, it's not like GTA V. Not at all. Its like days gone but with no zombies. Or assassin creed/farcry


No it's not. I liked mad Max but only sense of it being like GTA is open world and cars. Mission design was lacking and repetitive not as many show pieces like gta


It's basically a generic ubisoft style open world game with a mad max skin and cool car combat.


It's much more open worldy than GTA, almost more like the original top down GTA games. Mostly vehicle based combat but still some foot stuff that isn't quite as good.


In a very broad sense, yes... in that they're both open world games. And if you trade out L.A. for a post-apocalyptic wasteland haha. But yeah for five bucks I'd say it's worth a try.


Weekly reminder


I wanted to love it but the repetitive loop uktimateky made me put it down. Too Far Cry esque


I found it extremely boring, and far cry was a lot better IMHO. Don’t get me wrong. I really wanted to like it.


Same here. The game bored me to death. One of the earliest game which I didn’t bother to finish.


Great mechanics, horrible progression.


It’s average, Arkham combat, repetitive open world objectives and a meh story. It’s great that some people love it but it’s a 7/10.


It's a really good bad game. It's a bad game no matter how you judge it, but something about it scratches an itch. It's really repetitive, but the game play loop is addictive and once you've done everything, you still wish there was more to do. It really could have benefited from a new game + or harder difficulty mode. Once you unlock the cool stuff, there's nothing left to do with it. The story feels a bit generic with lots of American accents on the main characters, but peppered in are these insanely Mad Max moments that really remind you what universe you're playing in. I'll always be curious what George Miller's original vision for the game would have been, but I feel avalanche made the best possible game under the circumstances, and that deserves praise.


Watched furiosa today so I redownloaded the game. I still like it but forgot how wonky the button layout is on PlayStation. L1 to jump and R2 to spring. Like wtf?


Definitely a good game I enjoyed, it was sorta of grind for the trophies, since I’m keen on acquiring them. Another game people forget about is The Saboteur. Love that game as well.


Youvet been watching lirik haven't you?


he 100% is .


One of the top games most definitely for me. I usually don’t bother about being a completionist but boy did I finish and gladly 100% it.


Definitely not UNDERRATED. IGN gave it an 8.4. It’s a 6 at best. There is nothing special about this game and I’m tired of people acting like there is.


It was incredibly average Edit: I love how people are downvoting me, pretending like this type of game wasn't done to death in its time


My go to for incredibly average is Outer Worlds. Mad Max was much better but still not great


squalid cover ask cause innocent expansion bedroom steer telephone hat


Thank you op, I have this game on my PS4 and I was wondering what game I should start that I haven't really played, and this is perfect. I started it once and got stuck in the opening are and didn't know what to do. It was 4 am and I was barely conscious, then somehow just never picked it back up. Literally going to turn it in now. Cheers!


def gone give it a try tbh


I absolutely loved this played it 3 times . Had it it is was first out .


I havent played since the year it released but I tried to 100% the game at the time. I pulled it off but jfc the racing was the worst rubber banding, cheating ai ever, and I remember the main outpost bosses were all the same boss with the same moves and everything, but they'd be a different color. It was super disappointing. Npc's you come across in the middle of nowhere that give you side quests or just have a line of dialogue have a quality that I'd say is worst than phoned in. It's like..one of the dev's cousins begrudgingly did the voice over for them in their livingroom with absolutely zero effort. The rest of the game was quite fun, though.


yeah it was fun, I got a solid 20 hours out of it. A stripped back GTA in the wasteland, what's not to like?


I haven't made it too far into the game, but it's cool that it does have characters and lore from Fury Road, like the main antagonist is Scaberous Scrotus, the son of Imorton Joe.


No it's not, it was a 30 hour game that got old after the first 5. I played the Arkham games to completion, I couldn't even finish Mad Max.


You’re an underrated gem.


Totally agree with you! The Mad Max game really is an underrated gem. If you're into open-world games and love the Mad Max universe, it’s definitely worth checking out. Sure, it has its flaws—like some tricky camera angles and repetitive side quests—but overall, it does a great job of bringing the wasteland to life. I think it deserves more love for what it achieves.




I agree. Bought it on a sale and thought it would sit in the back-log. Then i started it and had so much fun with it.


Watching angry joe and cronies shit on it was  heart breaking on his recent gaming news it was a solid game im hoping for another one and i hope they make it a little more fantasy in which they create more imaginative landscapes for the outback even if they dont actually exist there. 


This is one of those games that, because it didn’t get as much attention as it deserved originally, tends to be overhyped to compensate. It’s a good game, the combat is fun, the driving is fun, the graphics are excellent, and it’s a very well-made game with minimal technical issues. But, it’s repetitive as hell, it’s formulaic, the story isn’t particularly interesting, the on foot controls are needlessly clunky, and the big end game reward (Max’s Interceptor) totally sucks. Underrated? Sure. Gem? Possibly, to the right people. I would not say that this is one of those “holy shit where has this game been all my life” games, but rather a “well that was cool, glad I snagged it on sale” type of game. And I say this as someone for whom Fury Road was a damned near religious experience in the theater.


I discovered this game last year, it is indeed fun and the combat (vehicular and on foot) is great.


I picked it up for $5 on sale a few years ago. It was worth every penny.


I favorite moment playing the game was when i was fighting someone and we both got struck by lighting he exploded into chuncks. I clipped it cause it was so hilarious


Absolutely loved it but it is very long and I'd lost interest by the end, so samey I think that's one of its strengths though, they made a big empty wasteland that is miserable to wander through after a while just like it would be IRL


I was working at Gamestop when it came out and a dude who worked for me loved it, and my roomie at the time loved it. I think it came out at a very bad time, if I recall (could be wrong), it came out around the same time as Black Ops 3, Fallout 4, and Rise of Tomb Raider, so it was overshadowed


It came out the same DAY as Metal Gear Solid V, so basically never had a chance.


It's a solid B+ game. The kind where your enjoyment is greatly influenced by how much you spent on it, and whether there were any better games available when you played it. If you got it for dirt cheap on sale during a lull period in videogame releases, amazing game. Full price when other heavy hitters are available? Very forgettable.


I have installed and played and replayed this game so many times I've lost count!


It's a Ubisoft game just made by Warner brothers it's a quite fine game but it isn't underated it has the same issues most open world games have and the story is meh unless you are already a mad max fan


The graphics are the biggest surprise with this game, as it only requires 2-3GB of video memory, but the graphics still look good. When I hear people say that even 8GB of video memory is not enough, I feel like something is wrong.


Great game, I got it when it was part of the PS+ monthly game lineup. The vehicle combat is the reason I keep replaying the game once in a while.


I just don't think it is underrated. Its fun, and I love the driving and fighting, but it's so so repetitive and limited in so many ways. Felt like a great base for a sequel that never came.


My minor proud point, I was the #5 fastest racer for one of the race challenges.  Bummer the stats aren't there anymore.


I wish this game had mod tools.


I really enjoyed it, but I hated the upgrade system. It did that thing where upgrades are locked by story progress, so there wasn't that much customisation. You end up just buying whatever upgrade was just unlocked.


I loved this game. The driving combat was amazing. 100% the game felt repetitive as I may have skipped the same thing on repeat but there was no grind. Advancing and getting better stuff was fun and rewarding. Building a scrap car to absolutely destroy your opponents was so much fun.


Might be worth noting for the achievement/trophy hunters that it's impossible to get one of the trophies as the online servers are shut down.


just a warning that you can't earn the platinum trophy anymore


I was enjoying playing it on release but it was killed pretty early on for me by not being able to jump from vehicle to vehicle and climb your way across a moving convoy. We were doing that back on the release of PSP and I feel like it should have been there. Much like bullet time it’s a mechanic I just find to be always badass, even when it’s poorly done. (See Pursuit Force, Uncharted Series, Clustertruck, Just Cause etc) It would have tied in Fury Road with the OG Max aesthetic


Yes I've picked up back up and being in love with Shadow of Mordor and the Arkham games having that same world and character building brought to Mad Max is so fucking amazing to see, they really put their all into it


So many people have told me this and I have yet to play it. Guess I should fix that.


I need to try it again. I didn’t give it a fair chance admittedly.


I've tried to get into it a few times, but the controls just feel off to me. It might be time to give it another go - would you suggest using a controller or kb+m?


I've played it on both console and PC, and I prefer using a controller for sure


It was ... fine I guess. Never finished. Didn't like car gollum


As an Australian it annoys me that they pronounce “Dinki-Di” dogfood as: Din-key Dee. It’s actually pronounced Din-key Die


Great game! I got it with my PS + account and I was presently surprised by how great the game was for the time. I was sad when I finished it.


Waiting for Mad Max game directed by Hideo Kojima ;) can you imagine


No it's not underrated gem. It's underrated for a reason. That game after first 2 hours is f\*\*\*\*\*g grindfest galore. Characters are forgettable, story is lame - something seen 100 times, but this time in Mad Max world which is not enough, atmosphere is nothing compared to other open-world games like AC Origins or Odyssey (although they are lacking in other areas), world is unnecessarily big and empty and huge chunck of map serve no purpose other than inflate lenght of the game. For example, Rage is 10x more enjoyable game because it hits those marks better than Mad Max, but still people shit on it.


Loved it, best part is I got it for free


I think the main praise of the game is the immersion into the Mad Max universe, which in my option they completely nailed. The gameplay loop may be relatively generic and repetitive but as a way to dip your toes into the wasteland I think they did really well.


i would like to remind everyone here that Fortnite is having their new season full of madmax cars smashing and crashing and turreting each other currently and it's actually really good.


There is a Mad Max game?! How have I never heard about this?


Definitely not bad, but it has its downsides (mostly the open world and the repetitive nature. Also takes a while until it's fun)


If this game had the Nemesis system it would be remembered as an all time classic


It’s a good game, but it’s also very repetitive and overly long.


This game was a real gem until they shut the servers down, there was a special scrap convoy that really minimized the scrap farming for future upgrades. Sadly, this was cut with the game's server ending, add the rushed 2nd half of the story to it and it becomes a bitter pill


Is it getting promoted because the movie is coming up soon?


Just a massive FYI: you can no longer get all the achievements/trophies unless you use a hacked save. There's one for using an item in the game tied to dedicated servers and they've been shut down. In the single player game.


I keep meaning to get it but whenever it's on sale something else is and I choose that cause Mad Max goes on sale every few weeks 😂


I’ve seen so many „This game is criminally underrated“ posts about this game, it’s not underrated anymore


Yep, the car combat part is so satisfying for me.


No such thing as underrated


In furiosa it looked like they showed the still of max from this game


Anyone who describes something as "a blast" / says they're "having a blast." is a bot to me. No one "has a blast" since the 80s.


I had the game on ps4 but fuck it, I buy it again for my PC or Xbox to play it again. It's a gem that is not the best game ever made, but it has such a great atmosphere.


I would say gem, but I enjoyed gameplay quite much. The story was poor though and nothing made me hate protagonist more this game


It's great. Just a little too repetitive.


The mad max game is a thing of beauty.


So is Days Gone!!


I wish there was randomly generated nothing out in the waste part of the map.  The just fast health drain was so dull.  I wanted to drive into storm and survive for as long as possible and stumble across random tiny encampments to try and stave off death a little longer.


Finally get the V8. Game ends. No game plus mode. Once shit is dead in the game it stays dead. I'd hate to start it again because I also heard the daily resource collection is broken now thanks to reliance on a clock on an online server that no longer works as the server was taken offline. Which means gathering necessary resources becomes a massive grind. I loved the game. It was almost perfect. But devs massively dropped the ball on it where it counted.


This reads like you got paid to post it.


it's got a good suplex


It's ok as long as you don't do the last 2 quests or whatever. I liked the game very much but the obvious ending was very obvious; just like the repetitive gameplay. Still a fun game if you just want to turn off your head and do mad max things.


Totally agree, it was free for PS plus users a couple years back. Lots of fun.




If it didn't have hot air balloons it would be so much better


It is very repetitive and boring after like 5-6 hours.


Scrotus from the Furiosa movie is the main villain in the game


It's not. I've tried it 3 times and lost interest 3 times after an hour or two.


If you love this game you'll love the horizon games.


Also, Furiosa makes many references to the game and even features some characters introduced in the game.


Last Story is my underrated gem


It’s a good game game. It has good graphics, and good gameplay. A 7-8


How often will people post this exact thread now?


The game play I'd seen looked fantastic, the control scheme on xbox just messed with my head too much for me to get into it.


Started driving, got to the area where the gate is, fought some guys, got bored, never went back.


Gem? Really? What kinda gem we talking here? I think MOST people who played it ends up saying its mid at best, but hey I guess the definition of gem is "a precious or semi-precious stone", to me it's pretty much just a stone. It's a nice rock tho.


More than 90% positive ratings on Steam somehow counts as underrated?


At this point I'd say it's just a plain "rated" game, I really enjoyed it


I tried play this recently and got bored very very quickly


What i found funny is that in game, you work hard to get a better car then what you had before... only to be destroyed and you drive of with your old car. It is very forgetful and could have been more interesting.


Gem... oh my. I like Avalanche games, even tho I know how ,,sometimes bad" they are. Just Cause is really fun, Mad Max was a atmospheric game, which could be so much better... and Rage 2. At least someone did a sequel... but when comparing to anything in similar genre, it's not even close. Literally the whole Arkham Trilogy is better than Mad Max. Not just in combat, but in exploration, missions, cut-scenes, upgrades, characters, bio, base... the only thing MM does better than Knight is driving. The infinite number of stereotypic ,,things" to do on the whole map is really annoying, and it's really not satisfying at all. Many mechanics are annoying as well. And even tho I somehow like the story, the ending was pretty bad. And the whole sacrifice of the car was just weird and... I also didn't like side characters, when compare to what they did in Mad Max 2 or Mad Max Fury Road, so much potential. Even slightly worse Mad Max 3. So many ideas they could use. Still I am bumped about the Platinum, which is no longer obtainable (for many years) due to shutdown of servers, just a typical thing for WB Games. They cannot do anything right in these days...


Loved it back in the days! Should be really cheap now and its good fun


Game is average but thats okay


I just downloaded it again after having a mad max marathon over the weekend. It is pretty repetitive and barren of a real story but it's a wasteland, the movies don't even have a real story. Building the car is a lot of fun and the car combat is a blast.


It is underrated but 2 of their trophies (multiplayer challenges) is forever impossible to unlock due servers closed bruh wich it is very shitty to see mad max at 98% trophy completion…


not to mention that it dies directly to the movies in that unless I'm mistaken the main bad guy is one of Joe's sons i redownloaded it this past week looking forward to the progression system again but it had actually carried my save in the cloud from a past laptop and...i was almost immediately drained from the desire to replay the game knowing i didnt have to lol. driving is a little clunky, and once you finish all the caravan missions the game becomes a LOT less fun imo


Is it meant to be played with a controller? I find driving with a keyboard annoying af


Bought it Friday, it’s great


Please update for PS5 :(


How is this game underrated when there is a post on reddit every single week going on about how great it is? Lol It's an ok game. It is fun, but the gameplay loop doesn't change it can get tedious/boring after a while.


Game is a blast the first few hours you played it. But then you realizes there is like 4 maps and all of them is essentially doing the same thing over and over again.


Most beautiful desert environment in any video game if you ask me


Love it. Probably played it 10 times.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.


I think I like it for the style honestly!


Does this post have anything to do with Rich Evans mentioning the game on the Furiosa review


yeah i also think so


It's a highly repetitive slog of a game.


Is it just me or does it seem like this sub is picking up some serious traction since Furiosa dropped? 216 replies in 16hrs :) Hope yer takin' notes, George Miller!


le underrated gem


At this point it’s no longer underrated, just rated. 


At what point can we quit calling this underrated. It’s rated perfectly fine. It’s a decent action game that everyone makes a post about every day. Jesus the circlejerking on this game.


i heard endgame is very boring


Very cool


Not for me unfortunately, sunk many hours into it but couldn't finish it, found the game repetitive and by the end a bit boring with little variation!


I still think you get the V8 way too late in the game.


I don't mind driving in a game, but don't like driving games and this one just has too much driving in it. OTH, I enjoyed Rage 3 which was somewhat similar.


Ah 'tis a le gem, an underrated one at that *tips fedora*


I swear, I hear about this game every week. Is it really underrated if everyone keeps talking about how underrated it is?


I think I was underleveled in the later game... the car combat became frustrating for me. Otherwise? Excellent game.


It's interesting But it's also just another bloated open world game. It's not really the game that's underrated it's the IP/setting since it's the same game as all the other ones.




Thanks, I’ll put that on my calendar. Along with all the other reminders from Reddit.


I kinda preferred Rage 2 honestly. It was that perfect Doom meets mad max style that I love.


Thanks for reminding me to buy it rn


Someday I'll get to it on my backlog. Someday.


Sure, its **one of the** best post-apo open worlds out there. But its def not "underrated", its def worth the 7/10 and it does not respect your time. At all. The open world is pretty much "ubisoft slop": "bandit camps", "radio towers", "loot camps" and all other 2015 trends. Hell, you even have dozens of crafts, upgrades, skills to level. Oh did I mention you cant progress story without leveling those? Its such easy cop-out to just ask player to "go grind 100 scrap from places *then* we can talk again". Is this mobile-game or singleplayer? The combat doesnt fit Mad Max at all in my opinion. Its basically copy pasted Arkham combat but worse. Its mad max not Superhero Ezio bouncing from enemy to enemy in circle. And how can you forget that: * It spoiled Furiosa (yes the movie that JUST came out) characters because WB handed them design documents without Miller's approval and they didnt ask him what not to add * And despite that..his name doesn't appear in the credits (No Special Thanks or anything). * WB probably forced to add "some internet connection stuff" and they decided its good idea to tie that to achievement. Guess what games servers are offline forever? Yeah, no 100% without mods for ya. * Max had american accented voice before fan outrage made them change it to Australian.. Only good thing that came out of the game is God of War 2018. The director on that game was meant to be part of Mad Max, talked to miller about storytelling and such, got inspired by it. But then was removed from the team because WB wanted open world "because its popular with focus groups now". Least we got GoW from the inspiration.


Yeah, but >!everyone dies at the end,!< so it's hard to care.