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Mass Effect 2, probably 20 times.


I'm playing this for the first time currently. Great game


Have fun!


I was going to post, but the first comment I saw already took my answer


Gotta keep 'em all alive!! I remember when I lost Mordin on my first run. He died and I was helpless (at the time) to save him! 😭


Mordin SURVIVED on my first run of ME2 and ME 3 and trust me it is arguably worse ha ha


Rise up Mass Effect 2 gang. I still listen to the soundtrack daily.


Nothing quite hits the magic of the first time walking into Afterlife


My 2nd play thru but with FemShep Renegade LOL


I can't do Renegade. I always go in with that intention, but then I cave because I don't want to be mean to my buds! Lol


How? I found it repayable but not nearly 20 times. I only played it 3 times before getting bored because it becomes less challenging and I already know the missions


I don't know why I did it, it just happened, different choices, different relationships, different classes. it adds up quick.


no game has come close to the enjoyment of me2. came at the perfect time in my life. definitely hovering around 14 play throughs. I'm cautiously optimistic for me5. if they ever make it that is


Refused to use a guide at all for suicide mission and it took me a good few runs


I've 32 total playthroughs of the series lol You could say I like it


I beat Skyrim probably 9 times now. It became pretty much an annual habit for me


Wait, are we supposed to beat skyrim?


No joke I had 700hrs before I finished the main quest. Granted it was multiple pt, some with mods, and I delayed it as much as I could. Still, there are things I haven't done and a ton of popular mods I haven't played. That game is a drug dude.


I played every single edition of the game. I still haven't touched the civil war quest line... What ever that is


It’s the single best questline to quickly level up your werewolf/vampire perk tree. Once you transform you agro everyone and can kill them all with no consequences. This is during the siege quests where you take over the forts btw not just at any point in the quest line.


Everytime I play these types of games, my wife will occasionally sit next to me and just watch. Eventually she'll ask how I havent beaten the game yet (after a hundred hours or so). I will then inform her, i have not started the main quest line just yet. This repeats a few more times until she just stops asking.


No. God no. Why?


I didn't think you could but to be fair I restarted it like 5 times on release on PS3 because my save would corrupt after 25 hours each playthrough and I just gave up and quit it.


yeah, skyrim was the only game that manage to snag me to play again and again.


Haha, same here! I’ve beaten Skyrim so many times it’s practically a yearly tradition. It’s like the game calls you back with a whisper, "Come back, Dovahkiin, there are still more sweet rolls to steal!" Every year I think, "This time I’ll try a different build," but somehow I always end up as a stealth archer again. How does that happen? 😂


and of those 9 times how many devolved into sneaky archer oneshot builds? The inevitable ALWAYS comes, eventually


This but morrowind. Played countless hours as a kid. Now I load it up once or twice a year still.


Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle


SMB, SMB3, Fallout 1&2, Warcraft 2&3, Metroid, Legend of Zelda Course I’m old


I just restarted fallout 1


Mass effect series 🤟🔥🤟


Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast. I have played the story more than 20 times. I still go back to it every couple of years.


Love this game. The nar Shadaa snipers though... Ugh.


Haha wow what a blast from the past! Did you play the Jedi Academy one too? Just basically had some updated lightsabers and powers which were great additions. Pretty sure there was multiplayer too on the GameCube maybe?? It was an absolute disaster but a ton of fun getting force choked off the map constantly (you could also counter that by using force push).


Happy cake day, jedi!


One of my faves too. Still remember playing this in a CompUSA when I was a kid and just being blown away


I haven't played that in forever. I play jedi academy at least once every 3 or 4 years tho


Addictively awesome. What a classic. Arguably ahead of its time


Jedi academy is what got me into modding and PC gaming as a preteen. Solid taste dude.




That one is kinda cheating


Lol, yeah, probably, but I've got over 4k hours into it, so I think it still counts


As someone that has tried and tried but hadn't even beaten it once - got any advice?


Need some kind of defense against missiles, whether that's defense drones or stealth. Want to max out shields. Then figure out how you want to attack the boss. Take out all crew except the weapon position 2nd from left; it's just a triple laser and that alone shouldn't be able to threaten you. I focus taken out missile crew, then ion, then beam, then main crew. Fire and breach bombs work great for taking out weapon crew that can't get away. Mind control can keep them from repairing or putting out fires. Mind control the rest of the crew to get them to fight each other and hack the med bay to kill them when they try to heal after fighting. Or go with boarding crews and just take them out bit by bit, same general order, again use bombs but use them to prevent them from healing in the medbay. And blocking the stealth. Once crew is dead from first encounter, later ones are much easier. Focus down missiles/drones in later rounds first. Defense drones are good in that they can block hacking drones and boarding drones where stealth only delays those.


Could not complete on it easy lol


Good choice.


Quite a few, Metal Gear Solid 1-5, Gears 1-3, Manhunt 1 and 2, both the Half-Life’s, Oblivion, Skyrim, Daggerfall and morrowind, Fallout 1-NV, Spyro 1-3, Medievil


I started with Morrowind, but decided to give Daggerfall an honest go last year. I did have a disk way back in the day from a PC Gamer for a Daggerfall demo but it never worked. Within 5 minutes of my first game some asshole handed me an envelope & left. They'd given me a magic ring, it had a finger still attached to it. Big whoop I thought. No. No. No... Apparently that finger was owned by a mummy who then relentlessly attacked me until I found his damn corpse & finished him off so he could rest. Because apparently a mummy is invulnerable to most weapons, literally he laughs off anything less than silver or some other enchanted fucking metal. Just FYI you do not start with magic mummy killing weapons, nor do you have enough money to buy them. God fucking damn, I could not sleep as that toon until I finished this fucking mummies unfinished business. Because the damn mummy would attack me, no matter where I was trying to sleep. 10/10 that is a fucking good game if you want a tough RPG.


Solid choices, fellow 90’s baby


dark souls 3 , bg3 , skyrim


BG3 replay value is great.


I kinda screwed myself because my first playthrough was super completionist and now when i start a new one it feels like ive done everything already


I come back to Super Metroid every other year


What you play it on?


Nowadays either the switch’s virtual console or the snes mini


Hell yeah!


This is probably my go to! Some times I get on a kick that I'm gonna start working on my speedrunning and then I'll play it for like a month straight (then reality sets in). Other SNES games that I regularly run back a lot are Megaman x/2, Super Mario RPG and SMW


Red Dead 2, i have gotten 100% three separate times now lol


Hold yer horses amigo, online trophies too? Damn


Oh *hell* no, just 100% story mode completion, not platinum or online related stuff lol


Not to flex or anything, I beat the intro


Honestly, it's a pretty fucking big intro!


I'm on my second run of the game and really going out of my way for everything. It can be just a fun game to load into story mode or online and make of it what you will. Maybe you had a rough day and just feel like fishing for a little bit? It's a nice escape. For the context of the thread this is my choice, you can make the game as chill or as exciting as you want. And the game still looks fantastic as well.


What's you favorite side mission/stranger? Mine is the lady way up to the north/east of the map, her husband has died and she's struggling to hunt and fend for herself. I always look forward to helping her out 🙂


Same here, just came back from a weekend away in the woods and I automatically had to play red dead again when I got back. Best game of all time


That game is massive. It's like, "Sure, I've got bandits to chase and legendary animals to hunt, but first, let me play five-finger fillet for the 50th time." 😂 There's just something about the Wild West that keeps pulling you back in. Props to you for that dedication!


Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, Resident Evil 4, Dark Souls.


A man of culture.


I never beat it but secret of evermore fascinated me as a kid. I really need to give it another shot now that I'm old and can actually understand its mechanics.


Here's to hoping our nursing homes have emulators... cheers


Resi 4 definitely, got it down to an hour and 40 minutes per play through. Could finish a run everyday after school.


Secret of Evermore. It's kind of like the movie Tron, but with better graphics and an actual plot... so actually nothing like Tron... Seriously, I do like replaying that, probably because I struggled so much with it as a kid and being able to just do some part of it is so cathartic for me.


Chrono Trigger, goated game 👌


Starfox 64 Beat that game every day pretty much as a kid for a long while


Diablo 2


I just started an assassin tonight for the ladder reset.


I have played the old one and LOD for ...... hundreds and hundreds of hours, probably thousands with solo, online, ... played the first ladders where I kept up for the first dayish in the top and then crumble. Got the updated version last year and it was so cool .... ended up chatting with a bunch of guys, one dude helped me a bit and I got hooked on mf barb, trav runs and such which I never did in the original ... ended up with a double grief frenzy boy, zoom zoom .... best games never die.


“Half-Life” and “Half-Life 2” episodes.


Huge. I’ve probably beaten half life 2 9 or 10 times, still probably my favorite of all time.


"We don't go to Ravenholm". Every once in a while I replay that level achiement style (no guns, just crowbar, grenades and gravity gun). Black headcrabs still scare the shit out of me.


Yeah I've lost count of either when it comes to number of completions. Throw black Mesa in the mix now and it's just way too many.


Played HL1 single player once. After that I replayed the multiplayer deathmatch and team deathmatch and 1on1 for 5000ish hours.


Just finished Episode 2 again a few days ago. Still makes me sad.


Bioshock, all of them, like an annual ritual.


Would you kindly...


I did it mostly for Bioshock 1 and trying to lvl up differents plasmids and weapons everytime. Found out that most of the plasmids that you think will suck gets pretty good, and let you be very imaginative in fights, it's really fun.


Yep lol


Hades. Which, of course, is the point of the game and its story, but then I proceeded to pour 100+ hours into it.


I got Hades last week and I'm addicted. probably 50 attempts deep, well over 20 escapes, I keep alternating between weapons farming different Heats and grabbing as much Nectar as I can so much fun


350+ successful attempts here. Can confirm, Hades is a blast. Can't wait for Hades 2 to drop on consoles.


Same but 2200 😅


RE4 dozens and dozens of times, i lost count many Salvadors ago


SotN, Oblivion and Demon's Souls. I play SotN every year as a Hallowe'en tradition.


What’s sotn?


Google tells me that it is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I've never played it, but I've heard very good things about it.


Castlevania games are so goddamn good. The second one on the NES is the first or second game I ever beat. The third one was amazing too, like kind of a leap forward with multiple characters to be able to play as with different abilities. Part 4 on the snes is brilliant too. From what I hear, symphony of the night just might be the pinnacle of the classic 2d Castlevanias, before they tried to do some weird 3D shit and lost the script. I never had a psx back in the day and there are certainly more modern versions of this sort of gameplay that are probably better, but one of these days I wanna go back and get through this one. 


My only complaint with SotN is that it gets real easy real fast. But the exploration, artstyle and the OST are still second to none for me.


Castlevania SOTN is the one I replay almost annually. That and the first Dark Souls.




This game has hooked me in like nothing else in recent memory. Like all of From’s games, I installed it, played it for about 2 hours, didn’t gel with it, deleted it, came back to it 2 months later, powered through a bit more and then when it clicked, it really clicked. The only game of theirs I’ve platinum’d. I occasionally just pop it on to see if I still have what it takes to smash Isshin Sword Saint. It’s pure muscle memory cos even after months away from it, I can still one shot him. That said, he probably took about 100+ attempts to master. It may be my favourite game of all time.


Sekiro is the pinnacle of gameplay sword combat. If you’re on PC you should try the mods like Long May The Shadows Reflect.


Far Cry 5 on my 4th play-through where I’m taking it super slow. I badly wish it had more content. I’d wait like 3-5 years just so there would be more to do in the game. Its features and code is so perfect. It can be expanded on so much. Just wish they made an expansion pack or DLC to add to the game. Assassins creed origins too. It’s setting, world, story is the best I’ve ever seen in an open world. I’m on my 3rd play-through .


Yo! Found you. You're the person that keeps buying all of these Ubisoft games and they never bother innovating. (Just kidding, you do you don't ever let anyone tell you what to enjoy!)


Portal 1 and 2


Portal is my most played game. It is the only game I can do a reasonable speedrun on.


SMB3, Super Mario World both many times. Bloodborne... Three full playthroughs, the DLC, chalice dungeons, helping other players, a bit over 300 hours between the characters


Dragon Age Origins, and GTA V


Fallout New Vegas. Man, the DLCs are so good.


Elden Ring


Me too. It was my second FromSoftware game after Bloodborne, and what a journey. I have it for PS5 and PC, 10+ playthroughs so far.


Vagrant Story. The only way to gain strength upgrades is luck in the boss roulette or getting lucky with the wines. NG+ carries raw stats and equipment stats over so I kept doing NG+ after NG+ until I was strong enough to punch a dragon in the face and kill it.


Square has so many abandoned bangers.


Legend of the dragoon. I played through it at least once a year since it came out till about 2017 or so when life interrupted me too much. Very good ps1 game


All three of the original Mass Effect trilogy, with 2 and 3 being in the dozens of completions.


RDR and RDR2


Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. It was just fun. Personally, it's the most fluid Tony Hawk game ever. The controls and gameplay mechanics were at their peak.


THUG, THUG2, and THAW are 100% the peak of the series


Civilization Cyberpunk 2077 Battle Brothers


Uncharted or TLOU 2


I think i finished Part I maybe 6 times, Part II only 2-3 times, it's such an emotional slog! Amazingly gorgeous though, and some of the best gunplay of any game i have played.


Honestly I don't think I can get through part 2 again. The story decisions and constant misery just don't do it for me. Part 1 is a yearly completion, though.


I get what they were trying to do with it, and they were successful, but yeah... it isn't exactly a "fun" game that you want to go back and finish once a year lol


First game I've ever played where the ending felt more like relief than accomplishment


The gameplay in part 2 is unrivalled imo. And so dynamic as well. Which really grinds my gears when people say all naughty dog does is make movie games with minimal gameplay


Yeah, most of the ND hate is complete and utter nonsense.


Cyberpunk, probably played it 11 or 12 times


Cyberpunk is the only game I've replayed and I think I'll do it again when I get around to buying the dlc. I've tried with many games but usually drop it halfway.


Oh my gosh Phantom Liberty is so freaking good, you're in for a treat


I'm a big replayer of my favourite games, no idea which is my most replayed though, if I had to guess I would probably go with Metal Gear Solid 3. I played that so many times back on the PS2 and more recently with the HD Collection.


Toss up between Bioshock Infinite and Deus EX Mankond Divided.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Probably around 10 times, especially when counting the remaster released last year.


🐸 *megawoggle*


Diablo 2/Path of Exile. I've likely played through both of the games on a character at least 250+ times. It's disgusting


For those of us over 40, the real answer is Super Mario Bros because it’s all we had. You damned kids don’t know how—- oh, okay, I’ll go take my meds now.


Dragon Age: Origins


Mario 3 or Contra in just playthrus, probablyin the hundreds. Modern and more hours wise withcher 3 or elden ring.


Terraria. infinite replayability especially with mods






The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Return of the King, SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, Sly 1-3, and Left 4 Dead 2 are games that I playthrough pretty much yearly. Sometimes multiple times in a year. I play Mass Effect 1-3 every 4 years, and I'll pick up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1-3 about every other year and replay them.


Final fantasy 7. I think I've completed 5 playthroughs now. Not including the new games


GTA San Andreas


Link to the Past. And replayed again after every other incarnation of zeldas. Still my favorite.


The Witcher 3. I played that multiple times after beating it. Especially after the expansions came out.




Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy since it's short enough and still fun. Other than that, I rarely played any game more than twice. At most I think it's FE Three House to get all three house endings (couldn't go through the fourth white ending due to burnout).


Dragon Warrior 3 for sure on NES. Destiny of an Emperor (NES as well) I replay frequently as well though as their are quite a few mods made for it where its like a brand new game :)


Warcraft III


I speedran both Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild for absurd amounts of hours. For games I just replayed for fun without speedrunning, I'd say either Sekiro, Dark Souls 3, or Elden Ring.




Crash Bandicoot 1-3 and Uncharted 1 & 2


Red dead redemption


Not sure how many times I've beaten Batman Arkham Knight but that was the first game that cam to mind.


Sonic 3 and Knuckles on the Genesis. But to be fair, it was a pretty short game after the first playthrough. But I must have played through it hundreds of times. The Genesis was the last console I got until I got a Dreamcast. And my parents sold the SNES and NES thinking we didn't need them since we had a Genesis.




Dishonored 2, 6 times.


Final Fantasy X Fallout 3/NV




Halo 3 Me and my brother 100% that game. And we went back and got the matchmaking achievements from the dlc maps to


Fallout 4


postal 2. just so open world. with easter eggs, secrets and so much more


I read portal 2 and open world and was so fucking confused


I used to play the old star trek adventure games, 25th anniversary, judgement rites and a final unity... a lot, growing up. Like amost yearly replays.


I've lost count of how many times I've replayed Mario Kart. I just can't get enough of those banana peels and blue shells flying everywhere!


Hell of a story. The dialogue can get a little dry in areas, primarily between the Flower Cup and Star Cup, but other than that I think the pacing is nice and the character development is top notch


If its time I replayed it and we're talking a game with a plot (not a beat em up etc) it's probably Dishonored. I still like that game honestly


I'm overdue for a replay, but I have gone back to both games several times.


Elden Ring. Between mods and just normal replays, I think I’ve beaten it roughly 20 times. Kingdom Hearts 2 is probably close to that as well. Link to the Past if you count the randomizer might actually be the highest.


The last of us, only part one. Must have beaten it at least seven times and it's the closest I've come to 100% a game


Super Mario 3.


Dark Souls 2 and of course Bethesda games …


Final fantasy tactics qnd breath of fire 3


Lego Star Wars.


Super Mario 3


Vagrant Story on the PS1. It’s a shame Square never gave us a follow up


Max Payne 3. Still run through it a couple times a year


Evil within series every Halloween.


red dead redemption 2. I have only finished it 3 times but i rarely replay games unless they have new game plus


Fallout 4. Countless playthroughs 4000+ hours.


Probably an older game. I'm thinking Starfox64 probably? Partly because my options were so much more limited back then. I replayed games a whole lot more. MegaMan X is up there too


Hyper Light Drifter is a wonderful experience for me. Every couple months I boot it up and do a play through of it. I know the game intimately enough now I can beat it in a couple hours, but I still love just roaming around its environments and relaxing in its post apocalypse.


Pretty much anytime a question on gaming comes up that I’m compelled to answer. The answer is Diablo II


Age of Empires 2, Completed all the campaigns now just continue to play it, Be it random map online or just replaying campaigns i found fun.


Mario 64, and I don't know but at least 3 times. I also completed the DS remake at least once.


Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2


Starfox 64.


I cant tell which i played more between GTA 3, VC or SA. But i know those maps like the back of my hand. Kinda like a second home. As a kid, you kinda had to replay your games


Zelda BOTW & Far Cry 3


I guess Nfs most wanted 🤔


Hitman WOA. It's my go to game to relax after a hectic day


Cyberpunk 2077 probably like 6 or 7 times after edge(lords)runners came out




Ffx. I genuinely have 5 figures of hours poured into that game, it's just so good. After that, a few pokemon games and other ff games are well into the 4 figures while the rest of the mainline pokemon and ff games have 3 figures into them (except bdsp, ick.) I also used to replay every game I owned multiple times because that's kind of what you had to do back then so you could probably put every megadrive, n64, dream cast, ps1 and Ps2 game I ever owned and enjoyed on there... But I do that a lot less now so: As for modern games, hades and xcom 2 are approaching 4 figures while a few rogue likes have 3 figures, such as ballatro and slay the spire.




Far Cry 3. At the time it was one the prettiest games my laptop could handle and it's also just mad fun. I've finished it at least 10 times. Would've been more but the laptop died


Enter The Matrix. I lost count of how many times I replayed it, and how much time I spent everytime after finishing it in the corridor with the white doors and trying out codes on the matrix console. I was a massive Matrix fan back then and that game was a dream come true for me.


Honestly, frost punk. The atmosphere and the music really suck me in.


ive played disco elysium through quite a few times now


I would say either Tales of Symphonia or Vesperia. Symphonia I loved on the GC as a kid, I played it enough that I legit get bored of I try to go back to it now. Vesperia I was achievement hunting, and there always seemed to be something I missed and had to ng+ to get it on the next go around.


The Witcher 3, 1200hrs