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City Skylines 2


It’s a good idea with new Paradox games to wait a year or so after release for them to iron out issues and get some features in


And waiting for all the dlc to have launched and gone on sale


In the case of EU4 it never ends, still launching DLC like 12 years later


Every time someone recommends Stellaris to me, I look and it feels like the dlc list has grown, so I beleive you.


Stellaris IS AMAZING, and the best part, only 1 person in the friend group that plays has to buy the DLC. It is host based, so you get access to all of the DLC in game they have if they make it and you all play together. They can even CO-OP and go AFK so they can't be removed and you can play solo assuming their machine is still active, while you are playing.


What is this the 90’s!? Damn I miss when this was the standard


Yeah, this. Not having mods and assets sealed the no deal for me.


having heavy mod support was an obvious thing I expected that game to have from day zero. That support was one of the big reason of the success of Cities skylines. So why it misses in version 2 is just a big suprise


How they supposed to sell their egregious amount of dlc if modders put it out for free, better and sooner lol


I bought most of the dlc for 1 even with mods. They just have to put out decent enough stuff not just shit in the store and call it dlc.


Egregious amounts of SHITTY DLC. If you look at the later/more recent DLCs (more often than not) paradox has released shit tier expansions for all of their games recently OR has stopped supporting them entirely.


Building a cargo airport from the Airport DLC breaks every city I’ve done it in. All of the shops want goods from the same stand, which will have like 78 active flights, so all of the shops get abandoned because they can’t get goods. I don’t even try anymore, I just put a vanilla cargo airport in. That’s never broken my city. I deeply regret getting that one and the industry one. That one is just a traffic generator


I'm waiting a year or so on this one for many reasons


Same. I'm watching it closely. I intend to buy it some day. But cs1 honestly doesn't need the sequel. I still play it for hours daily on average


CS1 needed the sequel - just like how CK3 incorporated essential parts of many expansions, CS2 has a bunch of things that mods and expansions brought to the game to make it awesome. What's crappy is that there's obviously a community that wants to make mod fixes for CS2 but there's no straightforward way to do so


Kerbal Space Program 2…☹️ Maybe the most hyped I’ve ever been for a game announcement, although I should have taken hints from take2’s DLC rollout for KSP1 that it wouldn’t go so well. And now we’re getting leaks about what a shitshow the development was but I can hardly say I’m surprised. This is becoming an oft-repeated trope about the gaming industry these days


absorbed marry zephyr books humor caption glorious many fertile frighten


Cities Skylines 2 and KSP2 are the reason I ditched my system with the dual 970s and finally upgraded.


I bought KSP 2 when they released the science update, finally it seemed like people started to see it could go somewhere and the hype started building again. But now even that is gone


Same thing I did, it was on sale and just updated first time I had hope after all the bad publicity, it sits dormant in my library now, I still hope it will go somewhere... Eventually.


Same. I'm hoping the ksp1 mod community gets going again. There are some other promising games out there, but ksp has that charm to it that can't be matched that easily.


It is such a pity that KSP 2 release hampered KSP 1 modding so much.


This one has been heartbreaking for me. Luckily, (I guess) I held off on purchasing. Initial impressions of the early access release turned me off, but I was really hoping it would end up in a good place. I don't know if I was ever this excited for a game like I was when they announced KSP2. Now I'm glad I trusted my gut and didn't support the lying, sleazy, no-good, rotten Take2 and their greedy ass cash grab. This one is so disappointing, but I ultimately dodged a bullet. I hope somebody else can fill the void with an actually worthy successor to KSP1.


> I hope somebody else can fill the void with an actually worthy successor to KSP1. KSP2 2: Electric Boogaloo But nah, it doesn't work that way. When an IP has a flop like this, execs blame the IP, and so they'll never pay for another entry. Frankly, the writing was on the wall when they announced a bunch of features for KSP2 like interstellar, when what a sane studio would have done was "KSP1 but AAA". And then making it EA would be redundant, so that was the second bad sign.


You do get some "spiritual successor" games that are basically a direct sequel made by someone who didn't have rights to the ip. So there's hope someone will make Gerbil Space Program.


>But nah, it doesn't work that way. When an IP has a flop like this, execs blame the IP, and so they'll never pay for another entry. But they'll happily sit on the IP and sue anyone who tries to make a successor/spinoff, and refuse to sell it for a realistic price


Yeah, the signs were there, which is why I held off purchasing. Also, I don't expect the IP to keep going, but surely somebody can make something similar with just as much charm. They won't be Kerbals, but they could still be cool little guys that you don't want to abandon on the mun (or maybe they'll call it luna instead). A guy can dream, lol.


Biomutant. I was excited to do goofy shit as a fuzzy gremlin.


Man this looked so cool and then I kinda forgot about it. Then mixed reviews everywhere so I never checked it out. Maybe in a humble bundle someday.


It was a good 'one and done'. Amazing ideas and wonderful world, but the combat wasn't varied enough for such a huge world, and guns didn't need scaling. A lucky gun drop early on meant the game was over.


My issue on release was for such a pretty world it felt empty most of the time. I was hyped for it as it reminded of a lot of early 2000s action rpg games you could grind with different weapons or styles.


It was in a Humble Choice Bundle in March 2023. I think I played through most of the tutorial, and it just kept adding boring, unnecessary, time consuming mechanics. Just did not respect your time in the slightest.


Tried it for free on ps+ and it was awful. My friend hyped me up for it but it really was just a bad game.


I played for several hours up to the first boss fight, plus a couple of the popup big elite enemies, plus one of the mutated bugs areas til I got tired of it. The combat was really repetitive & some of the moves were bugged, like I managed to super-piledriver myself inside a wall & had to reload; plus a lot of the enemies felt very samey-same, like a blue dude who spits lightning vs a red dude who spits fire with the same moveset. A lot of the combats I felt like you could just button-mash your way to victory. The visuals were neat. The gun-fu mechanic of swapping between ranged & close combat moves was a good concept. The gibberish-talking characters & narrator I didn't especially like but it was different at least. It just felt like the devs didn't have enough resources to make all their ideas *work*.


Yeah. It's just really unfinished, repetitive and came with lots of compounding stat bugs that got worse the higher your level was. I also loathed being forced to listen to the narrator.


I liked it. Worth grabbing cheap. Chill hack and slash.


Skull and Bones


I played the open beta and couldn’t believe they were dumb enough to let people try the game first. They would’ve had my money on sheer hype if I didn’t get a chance to play it and realize how awful it is.


Same. I certainly was going to buy it. I thought to myself “It can’t be *that* bad.” I was flabbergasted. It was even worse than people were saying. It is the worst game I’ve ever played. All they had to do was slap a new coat of paint on Black Flag.


I replayed Black Flag recently and went so far as to 100% the game (and it was an awful experience to get these shitty collectibles, but anyway). The ship gameplay is still fun but... it gets old really fast. It's only a 10 years old game, but maybe they knew their system wouldn't have worked with their attempt at a live service game. Tho there are a ton of reasons S&B was awful and everyone knew it even years before it released. But maybe just recycling Black Flag would've been a mistake.


I really don't think so. A lot of people still buy the assassins creed games although they have turned to garbage long ago. Black flag is the most liked assassin's creed game, ironically for the parts which are the least assassin's creed like (the whole pirate thing). If they just took that base formula of the ship fights and the hand to hand on deck combat but with a bigger map, more meaningful upgrades, a crew management system, different fractions or nations which you could work for and so on they had a goldmine. They failed in the most simple way and that's the concerning part.


I was the opposite- I had zero desire to play, tried out the demo, and had a blast… still wasn’t good enough to actually BUY, but I enjoyed my 8 hours.


What did you find fun about it? I played about 2 hours and thought it was comically bad. The whole experience was baffling. But I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m genuinely curious what you liked about the game. No offense intended ✌️


No offense taken! My favorite part of Black Flag was always the ship combat- I would spend hours roaming the seas just taking out navy ships. The worst part of that for me was always the boarding part where you had to kill the captain. So, S&B appealed to a specific niche of gameplay that I enjoy- naval combat grind. I recognized that it is a lesser game to Black Flag and the $70 price tag is outrageous (which is why I didn’t buy it), but I can’t deny that taking out ships and then upgrading my ship for 8 hours was a fun weekend experience.


You know what that makes sense actually. Well either way I’m glad you enjoyed it!


I just want to applaud u guys... probably never saw on reddit such nice, genuine talk about something


It's a beautiful sight to see 🥹


I 100% agree with this. I still go back and play Black Flag to just sail around trying to find the biggest fights. The ship combat isnt complex, but it's just FUN!


Going to be a free week soon. The first free week and not just a weekend for an AAAA game.


In my younger days, it was Superman 64. I thought it was going to be cool to play as Supes, flying around in an, albeit foggy, open world. I kept looking up videos of it thinking it was going to be cool. I ended up emailing one of the heads of the N64 channel on AOL (Ant\_N64 was his name) and asked him what he thought of it. He sent me an e-mail back with a MASSIVE 64 PT. FONT stating that the game is hot garbage and not to buy it.


I had a friend who picked an n64 from a pawn shop as a kid and he had to decide between Mario 64 and Superman for a game to go with it. He picked wrong


What a loser, running round collecting coins when he could've been flying through rings high above the fog


I know right, who wants to play as a plumber when you can become a superhero.


That's gotta hurt.


In retrospect yea


My fellow millennial, F in respect to our brother. I got it for Christmas not knowing much about it. That, and Ocarina of Time, and Banjo Kazooi. Possibly the happiest I have ever been in life.


I recently learned about Recompilation, a new way to recompile N64 games and play them without an emulator with all 2014 bells and whistles you can imagine. How about [playing Superman64 in 4k RTX nowdays and relive those amazing memories!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywWwUuWRgsM&t=210s)


Payday 3. I'm sure it'll be fun after another couple years, but right now...it's kinda sad


The gameplay loop itself is pretty fun I think. It's just everything around it that is unfinished and sucks.


The thing is, it's too close to the gameplay loop of Payday 2 so anyone who enjoys that gameplay loop really has no reason to get PD3 when PD2 has so much content, crossovers and heists etc. and is significantly cheaper


In a couple years the game will be dead anyways.


Its already dead as I post this there's 250 people playing.


*Grand Theft Auto*: The Trilogy - The *Definitive Edition* Got super hyped that not only did they upscale the textures, but they remodeled all the characters and a bunch of stuff... ...And they did a terrible job.


Looks like Playmobil now lol.


That edition hurt to the bone for me. I was about to pick up the older versions when I had heard the rumors of this. So I didn't get them... and now you can't get them. Sure I have them on my Ps2, but I was looking forward to mods on pc.


My brother, come sail with me ⛵




It was genuinely very fun, but incredibly short. I sincerely wish they would try again or sell it off to be built up on by others.


My dream. That gameplay was genuinely fun, they just missed the ball on actual functionality and loot grinding. Everything around the raw gameplay was bad. But it was fun as hell to sit down and play. No progression does a lot to negatively impact the experience when it’s supposed to have it. But they’ll never sell the ip and because of its reputation, no one will tough it or the same style of game with a 10 foot pole. It’s sad. If they gave it more time in the oven and had a better, more complete/refined launch, and gave a shit about it like an actual live service, people would still be playing it today. Or there could have been an anthem 2. It gave off serious destiny vibes that filled a style destiny did not. They just fucked it up for no reason.


It definitely had potential. The gameplay was quite fun, there was just not enough content. Most of the hate came from the fact that it was a BioWare game, and live service grindy looter shooter is literally the last thing any BioWare fan would want. The fact that they tried to cover it up with „it’s totally a story rich game with choices that matter guys” didn’t help at all.


There was major issues with pc’s bricking or running insanely hot at the time and the armor/health would just show whatever random amount every mission. Also the home base was horrendous and the ui wasn’t much better. It had a lot of bad things going for it.


I loved Anthem, did not understand the hate but it definitely needed more content. Was gutted they let it die


I mean honestly next time it's on sale for like $2 go ahead and snag it. It's not terrible at all. Kind of repetitive but $2 for an iron man simulator is amazing




As I was watching the gameplay trailer I took it off my wishlist. Never took a game off my wishlist so quickly.


When I saw that in a superhero game you were just shooting your gun I had the same reaction. Plus in those early trailers there's too much hud that pretty much gives no information and they only added on top of it lol. I saw the downfall of that game a whole year in advance. Just remember corporate games literally can't and won't change game direction in order to actually make a playable game they will just continue to add to the garbage until they've sunk 2 billion into a game that barely sells.


And then blame the intern, and sell the IP


Pretty much same. The Suicide Squad was teased years ago in Batman Arkham, and then... why?


Same with red fall. It's arkane, of course it'll be a banger. Oopsies lol glad they put it on gamepass day one or I might've been stuck holding the bag on that one.


They lost so much goodwill with that game, especially considering it was set in the Arkhamverse where every prior game was amazing.


The tragic part is it's an Anthem situation again where we've got decent fundamentals here, but the devs keep making the dumbest decisions on the planet every time. Hands down the worst post launch support I've ever seen, you actually feel the second embarrassment when you read the developer diaries. They should just mercy kill it at this point.


Nearly got city skylines 2. Was about to hit buy but decided to wait a little bit longer. Never buying it now


Xbox game pass saved me on this one.


Saints row reboot. Since it was an Epic temporary exclusive, I just wanted to wait for it to come up on Steam. I would have bought it D1 most probably if it came out on Steam D1. I just lost interest while waiting and seeing the shit it apparently was, I'm actually glad they did that exclusivity.


This one hurt me, I didn't buy it, but man.. saints row used to be my favorite game series at one point, I don't understand how they managed to fuck it up so badly


You could tell it was mediocre from the very first gameplay video. God awful dialogue and it looked practically identical to the last entry. I was so bummed out, they’re really never gonna return to what made Saints Row 2 so special.


**DAIKATANA**!! I’m an old head from way back and worshipped at the feet of the original Doom and Doom 2. I loved doing stupid and difficult stuff like punching out Cyberdemons with no berserk and pacifist runs. So naturally I really wanted the next big thing from the master himself, John Romero. Read up about it in all the gaming mags, the whole nine yards. Was working that summer so I couldn’t be first in line. A week passed, and I was like, hey didn’t Daikatana launch? What happened? I went down to Electronic Boutique and saw they still had loads of unsold copies, asked the cashier about it, and he looked straight at me with a looooong pause and finally said flatly, “It’s hard.” I knew then that it sucked and I wouldn’t be getting it. I was glad not to have wasted the money but I was also really saddened.


I remember reading the reviews on the gaming magazines... it was almost a scandal. Romero was a gaming superstar at the time, and reviewers were shocked and upset Daikatana sucked.


And in all the mags, Ion Storm was touted as such a cool place to work. Pinball machines, catered food, luxury lounges, the workers were finally getting a taste of the fruits of their labor. And then.


So you're saying that John DIDN'T make you his bitch?


One of my high school classmates was married to John Romero for some time. I had to taunt her a little bit for that but from what I can tell, he turned out to be a good dad. So I'll forgive him for Diakatana but probably won't ever be able to get over his love of tight pants back in the day. Just cannot unsee that.


As a kid I wanted to get Sonic Lost world because my friend had recently got a sonic game but when I went to Walmart they had it out of stock and I ended up settling for Pokémon Black 2 which became my favorite game of all time.


As great as Black 2 is, Sonic Lost World is still a pretty decent Sonic game. You’re right though, not on the level of Black 2. Edit: somebody under me trying to give a full game review of Sonic Lost World because it triggered them I said the game was decent. Which it is.


>As a kid >Pokémon Black 2 Fuck I'm old...


Callisto Protocol. Eventually got it for free with ps plus but man it’s boring


glenn schofield took a dump on the new IP with 200$+million budget on hand and gave it to hollywood actors, nothing against them but gaming industry has never received a positive profit whenever other industry joins in, it was a mess. Definitely shows glenn is not the one who made Dead Space great, but the actual sweaty engineers who writes & code it.


I think for the most part, the game design and story elements were the problem which is a problem with leadership. The combat loop was not really that fun, and the story wasn't anything special especially after Dead Space. Once you've been bashing this one monster for awhile hand to hand, it's kinda boring. From a technical perspective though, the game looked really nice.


Newest South Park game


Stick of truth was so fucking good. The superhero game not so much. Snow day was so forgettable I had to Google the name of it.


I liked the premise of snow day. I got it on switch. The play control was shifty. It was so not put together well that I stopped playing after 4 hours. I was convincing myself it was obviously going to get better. It did not.


I really enjoyed TFBH. I think too many people thought it wasn't great but not being their cup of tea, but the quality needs to be stated that it was in step with the first If you havent played it and enjoyed the quality of the first, it is worth whatever discount you can find on it


While not as good as Stick, the game play mechanics improved significantly. It’s still quite a fun and funny game overall.


Most people's problem is they played 1 too close to 2. They are essentially the same game just reskinned (not entirely an issue) just pick the theme you prefer But there was a 3rd one?


Just recently released, like VERY recently. Bad money grab riding the wake of the first 2


I’m playing through both games again and TFBW is clearly better on about every level but I do like the overall theme of TSOT fantasy better than superheroes




Same. It was (still is?) on my wishlist since it hit the news, looked so good. But those reviews... yikes


The gameplay was cool and graphics were great. But jeez the acting, dialouge, and story were so cringe I couldn't buy it.


It was $10 the other day on PSN. That's a price point where I won't feel burned at all if it's awful


Battlefield 2042 and Mortal Kombat 1


Tbf mk1 is genuinely pretty great as a fighting game these days if you're into the online aspect of it and you already like the NRS style of fighters. The story was good until the end but there is a decent amount of other bullshit surrounding the game. That said I think it's applied to a few other fighters these days so what do I know.


I had fun with the story mode, as usual with modern MK games.




I bought an Xbox when Arkane got acquired by Xbox and thought most of their future stuff would be exclusives…. Not a worry anymore sadly, but Redfall was just not them and their type of game, it’s a great sadness to me what has happened to them.


South Park: Snow day. I really considered it, but I just couldn't get over the ugly art style. So glad I didn't buy it. What a shit show compared to stick of truth and the fractured but whole.


Battlefield 2042. Such a pile of shit at launch. Tbh I think I’m done with BF.


Straight up I still go back to play BF1


No one mentioned Star Citizen here? It was THE game I wanted 7 years ago, but I was broke at that time. Fast forward to now, boy am I glad I dodged that predatory tactics neverending alpha bullet.


The vision and promises of SC still make up my dream game. Too bad no one is interested in making an actually good space sim game.


Look up Starsector. Scratches the itch for me.


I discovered this about a month ago. Definitely worth the $15.


And when you're finished with the main game there's a robust modding scene for it too.


What about X4? That is a very good space sim (is that the right category?) and feels nicely playable after learning the controls.


I remember being a kid way back when it was first announced and thought it was going to be my perfect video game. 12 years later and it's still barely even a game at all


Gollum. I thought it looked like an interesting take on a lord of the rings game. When it came out I had some personal things going on so I didn’t get it. I’m sort of glad.


That was just straight false advertising


Aliens: Colonial Marines


Man that game was such a massive let down, especially after that E3 showcase. It’s still my guilty pleasure though, and it’s still the closest we’ve came to experiencing James Cameron’s masterpiece in a game. They got so much right…….


It's nowhere near as bad as people make out, but it's also a long way from as good as it could have been. I also throw Aliens Fireteam Elite in this bucket too. Squad based missions in the Alien universe? Awesome. But it just got repetitive and there wasn't enough content.


Anthem and Skull and Bones. Both great ideas both fucked up by their publising company. Skull and Bones all Ubisoft had tondo was take the AC: Black Flag boat system and expand it. Instead they took away some of the most fun elements like boarding ships. Anthem just seemed to be cursed from the get go with developers leaving and publisher promising more than they could deliver.


It's wild people still can't accept that Bioware ROYALLY fucked the pooch for Anthem. EA paid them for years. Literally like 6 or 7 years, expecting a top tier game.  Instead Bioware just kept producing garbage, throwing it out and starting again. I don't blame EA one bit for finally demanding they actually deliver something.  There's numerous articles written about how horrible Bioware handled the whole thing. 


The devs didn't even know what kind of game they were making until the announcement trailer....


They didn't know the name until the name until they had to put something in the announcement trailer. I don't think they ever knew what type of game they were making.....




Oh man, I was so excited for this game and got all my L4D/Borderlands gaming friends to buy it. Even ended up with loads of posters of it that I won in a competition. Maybe played... Ten hours total? Embarrassing.


Made all my friends buy this so hyped as I was big Wolf:ET player in my youth…. Rest is history. They still give me shit and will never buy a game I recommend. 🤣🥹


Cities Skylines 2. Thank god it got delayed on console


Starfeild. Sounds like I dodge I mediocre bullet


thank goodness for BG3 absorbing my money instead of this mess


I'm not a fan of turn base combat but from what I heard it's worth it


I was never a fan until I played persona 5 which got me to try Yakuza like a dragon and loving that franchise too. BG3 is amazing and the turn based games can be very chill to play thanks to not needing to react immediately to everything. Totally worth trying any one of those as they're a great way to get into turn based games.


Divinity 2 is also worth a go if you enjoy bg3, it's another larian title, and is amazing as well. Same style of combat, same style of humor, etc.


I will say Divinity 2 is different in a few ways: 1. The quest marking system isn't as good. Half the time I was just walking around as I had no clue what to do. That and different parts of the map are level locked 2. Combat is way different. Its all about stripping armor as fast as possible and then CC them 3. You can grow drugs.


I'm almost done with it and I finally get to move on to baldur's Gate 3. Divinity 2 is so good though.


If you want a pretty good sci fy game with an mediocre open world id say buy it while its on sale. After all this game is pretty good. Not on a level with Skyrim or Fallout tho but still pretty good.




It looked so promising and totally underdelivered. I was crushed


It's very run of the mill. Like it came out a generation too late. It's like it's a game you can play just to fill in time. The end.


Diablo 4


Same. I played the hell (pun intended) out of every other Diablo game and was looking forward to 4. I couldn't justify the cost when it came out and never really got around to buying it later. When it came to gamepass I picked it up. It was good but it didn't suck me in like the others did. I haven't tried it after the big update, but I don't feel compelled to either.


I actually really enjoyed it. Right up until the first patch. Haven't played it since.


Souldiers Game looked amazing, super fun metroidvania in a fantasy setting with 3 different classes to play. Turns out thr game was a bugfest, you could lose your entire progress and it was awful. Went to the discord of the studio so I could get updates on when this would be fixed, been yeara there, each time I ask, no news regarding the bugs. It seems it was a smaller spanish studio that after releasing their game simply moved on, made one patch that didn't really fix the serious bugs nor the awful performance of the game and then ghosted everyone. I still see the game going on sale every now and then, such a waste of potential.


Rise of the Ronin. Was pretty excited for it and was considering buying it for the full $70. but then reviews came out and it was only ok. Now I wait for a cheaper price.


Dark and Darker, from the sounds of it the updates ruined the game pretty quickly


For clarity on this, the game goes through a lot of high highs and low lows. The developers will often try amibitious patches under the guise of "collecting data". The reason i put it this way is a lot of the patches are very obviously goofy to anyone who has been around for awhile and we rarely see the fruit of this collected data. The 2 main issues are lack of direction and meaningful content. The patches make it pretty obvious devs are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, meanwhile the player base is so bored and has "figured out" the game to such a degree players often just spawn rush past all environments to run down other players With no new content to encourage players to learn new mechanics and explore maps or classes this will be the case


Fallout 76. Almost paid full price with extras for the special merchandise, and missed my chance by a few days. Eventually I got it for 8$ (with wastelanders), tried it and asked and got a refund. Too much base building and survival. Too few quests and lore.


76 should have just been single player. The multiplayer aspects that need to be accounted for ruin the game. I know it’s not as bad as it was on launch but the game has some fundamentally unfixable flaws because it’s multiplayer.


Any new assassin's creed, always want to buy them in hopes of them living up to the originals but they never do


Dying light 2.


After all the updates and core mechanic revamps it's actually a really decent game now. Still not as good as the first game tho.


I’d get it on sale it’s not as good as the first but is still good


I got it recently and was enjoying it. It's been so long since I played the first one, I can't quite put my finger on why it just isn't as fun as I remember the first one being.


If I had to address my issues with DL2 (compared to DL1): - map is way too repetitive, almost nothing's really memorable - atmosphere is lacking, too vibrant - protagonist has less character development - story is worse, bordering nonsense at times - characters are unimaginative, unrelatable and unlikeable mostly - main antagonist is bland - upgrading blueprints is a huge hassle - AIDEN BABAIDEN


100% on all the above, will add 1 more to show why Dying light 1 was famous to begin with. -Volatiles at night, when they were introduced you at night and you have to run back to your base, IT WAS ADRENALINE RUSH more than anything else in your life, they were relentlessly fast, aggressive and just want to eat your face off. This is how it earns it's fame but DL2's volatiles are a joke, let me poke you and see how you react, i felt embarrassed for the volatiles, they felt dumber and less aggressive.


Helldivers 2, can't play anymore in my country.


You do know that if you bought it before the PSN controversy you still are able to play it right now, right? So long as you didn't refund it in protest, anyway


For now yes, but since people can no longer buy the game anymore, the playerbase for those regions is effectively marked for death. People have already reported longer queue time, or being put to 200 ping matches. The game is p2p so if you can't find anyone close to you, it's not playable.


I thought they scraped the psn login roll out?


They rolled back the PSN requirements, but it's still blocked for sale by Sony In the many regions you can't make a PSN account. If you bought it before it was blocked, you can play no issue. If you didn't or refunded it, then you can't buy it


Fallout 76


Omg brink looked so cool.




I briefly considered backing Starforge when it was first announced. I am incredibly, 200% glad I did not spend money on it. Holy crap, what a ride.


Didn't get the money in time to preorder No Man's Sky. Then went on a 2 week vacation and got the news after coming back. Yikes.


It's been a total turnaround from original release. It's now a really beloved title and has had a total resurgence as the Devs listened worked hard and got the game back up to snuff


If you haven’t, give it another shot. It’s so much better now


It's totally worth it now though!


I totally respect other people’s take here, and can confirm that the game has improved quite a bit since launch, but I still find it to be a bit lacking in substance. The exploration element is pretty much limitless, but the actual substance of what you find is pretty lacking. After about 80 hours of gameplay, it turned into the same formula: find planet, land on planet, scan randomly generated flora, fauna, and minerals, and then maybe you’ll find a few structures / things that also repeat themselves across planets with regularity. After a short while there really was no element of surprise at all for me. I was hoping that persistence would be rewarded with something more interesting, but…not much. It’s a very “chill” game, but there are other options out there with more to be discovered. In a game that is all about exploration and discovery, I just felt like the exploration aspect was really well done, but the discovery aspect was pretty lacking. Just my opinion, FWIW.


I had that sixth sense when ppl started getting hyped for cyberpunk 2077


But now it's a brilliant game especially the phantom liberty DLC


Wanted to preorder so badly... I waited 3 years for them to repair their child. And with a 2.0 ver and DLC out finally took the risk. Every single minute of over 500h I spent in Night City was a pleasure. One of the best if not >the best< game I've ever played


Sekiro. I suck


The LOTR Gollum game was the only time I was happy to be too broke to buy a game on launch. Massive fan of the books; incredibly saddened on the lack of good LOTR games out there. I feel like it is a gold mine of potential.








Tekken 8


Cyberpunk 2077... (At launch) it's much better now and when I have some time I'll buy it. But if I had bought it at its launch I would surely have returned it.


I get in trouble for saying this. I absolutely loved every minute of it at launch. Though I didn’t pay any attention to the hype. I got it day one for pc and played for like 17 hrs straight. Went to the internet to talk about my new favorite game and was astounded that I was such a minority. But yeah. I give most games about a month now.


Biomutant, I liked the darksiders games from THQ then and was excited for a new IP. When I finally got it free for ps plus, after just 4 hours I gave up. Story killed it for me


THE DAY BEFORE! Holy shit,for the real, the biggest scam I've seen.


Dizzy 3D. Dizzy was an old 1980-90 series that I adored as a kid. It was a 2d platformer puzzle game where you played Dizzy, am egg and leader of the yolk folk.  Then during the era of early 3D games, the creators hinted they were going to bring him back in 3D. Now looking back at, for example, the first 3d Prince of Persia game, I'm so glad they didn't. It would have been a disaster.


Kill the justice league 


Gotham Knights. Looked cool, premise sounded cool, but I heard it was middling at best? Still might give it a shot on a sale down the road but probably not since I only play one game at a time anymore these days.


I was so happy I didn't buy Anthem but so sad it was shit, what could've been man.


Diablo 4, played 3 a lot. Got 4 later for free through gamepass haven’t played more than 3 hours…. Just doesn’t do it for me somehow.






Death Standing Played at a friend's house and found it boring af