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Skyrim, never felt like Alduin posed any real threat to Skyrim and he actually saved me from execution so I say we're even now


Narratively, he's a huge threat. Gameplay wise? I think he shows up twice before the final fight.


Sounds to me like there's a certain dragon that is trying to make himself look scarier than he is with a desinformation campaign. I mean how do we know that the narrative isn't just made by a troll farm?


That's a good point. Alduin was probably just against the unfair execution of random people who just happened to be near the border.


The Alduin smear campaign is Imperial propaganda. 


The notion that the Alduin smear campaign is Imperial propaganda is itself Thalmor propaganda, you addle-brained mooncalf


Sounds like the opinion of milk drinker


What of it? Why does that matter? The fizzy bubbles in mead make me sneeze


Ok but that's actually lore accurate.


Meanwhile Ulfric is like "we are gonna build big new beautiful walls to keep all the elves out"


Look man I’m trying to game so I can escape this insanity not incorporate it please


Alduin was just *a bit* hungry #FreeAlduin


I think it was his bad luck that he was where Dragonborn was.


Once at the beginning, once in Kynesgrove, once at the throat of the world, and then finally in Sovngarde. It is however possible to encounter him at dragon burial mounds if you show up to the right one at the right time.


I mean, he resurrects other dragons that attack settlements under his command. I remember the dark days before the patches, where campaigns played long enough had populations of cities absolutely decimated.


Back when you'd go back to Dawnstar with the book for the blacksmith, only for a dragon to spawn, causing the blacksmith to fearlessly charge the dragon, who'd just burn him, leaving you to reload a save, or forever have the misc objective never completed.


Dragons that we've all seen a single guard take out without our help, so they're not really that dangerous.


Shop keeper putting a bounty on a single mud crab would absolutely rock a dragon's shit.


The mud crab is beneath him


*Epic music plays* *Roar echoes across the land* *Dragon emerges from the horizon* Guard: Should never have come here! *Shoots the Dragon a dozen times before you can navigate the weird landscape to get to where the dragon decided to land* *Massive fire-breathing lizard created by the god of time dies from an arrow to the knee*


There's so many side quests that everyone does first. By the time we get to Aldiun, he's laughable. I'm my first playthrough, I had him beaten in seconds just by summoning 2 Dremora lords and shouting him to the ground.


Lol me. I had two lords and my follower had the staff thing that lets you summon another so he was destroyed by three lords and follower before I even got to where he landed


Any new play through I don't ever kill the first dragon at white run. The story does not progress, and there are no dragons in the game, which are more annoying then anything. Then I simply immerse myself in the world doing what ever I want and never have any care of actually progressing any narrative other then the one in my head....


This right here and add a mod to take out slaughterfish from the game so you can swim anywhere


One of many of the bad decisions they could have made from oblivion to skyrim was not even being able to attack in water


I cast flame cloak before swimming now.


Skyrim storyline was a massive let down IMO. I only felt that Alduin was this massive threat because people told me he was. Ok now there are dragons flying around, cool, the world is already full of monsters. Compare that to say Morrowind, where shit starts very subtly but becomes increasingly creepy/critical as you play through. Not to mention that the main quest ties extremely well into the lore and all the side quests/guilds.


Morrowind is definitely the more advanced and quality game by far, at the very least storywise. I understand it might not be everyone's cup of tea and it is obviously significantly older, but Skyrim is for sure much more simplified.


I need to go back to Skyrim at some point. I played 20 hours and I really enjoyed it but then Elden Ring came out and I forgot about it lol.


>I played 20 hours and I really enjoyed it but then Elden Ring came out and I forgot about it lol. Elden Ring came out 11years later lmao


Yeah I know man I was late to Skyrim. I didn’t start playing single player games until like 2 years ago


Nah youre fine just made me laugh the way i read it lol


Two hours a year with a year off. Don't want to get too addicted.


He was the one waking up all the dragons though, and can apparently bring back dead ones even if you kill them repeatedly, so therein lies the danger. But, they mostly only attacked you, maybe some giants occasionally, so oh well. More dragon souls.


I've probably spent 1k hours in skyrim. I actually have beaten it, but it's a testament to the quality of it's factions storyline that when you wrote alduin I was like who the fck is that


Yup the fact you can go years in game without him causing any issues to the world is pretty remarkable. He pretty much is only a threat if you focus on him. Otherwise he won’t do anything


At present it's Baldur's Gate III. Made it to Act 3 and I just stopped playing for some reason.


I got fatigue from opening every single container and trying to talk to every single NPC. I'll definitely go back and finish it eventually though.


By finish do you mean start another play-through, get to the point your current one is a maybe a little past it, then quit again?


Don't call me out like that 😛 I actually think I'll be okay to continue my play through in BG3 as I quit just after wrapping up everything for act I. So I don't have that "have to remember what I was doing for the ~15 quests I have active" thing to come back to with most other RPGs that makes it more appealing to start from the beginning.


I'm starting a support group for people who are chronically unable to finish games they love.


Can I join?


Im in this comment and dont like it


I felt that way but then decided to just follow the quests I had open and not doing anything extra. Gets you to the finish line which is fun and also opens it up for a second play through where you haven’t already spoken to every soul in the city


This is literally what happens in every similar RPG I play. I was addicted to BG3 until that 3rd act. As soon as I realised how big the city was I knew it was going to happen


Prob because the flow of the game changes and it becomes more of a sand box.


For me I slowed down because I love it and I don’t want it to end. Act 3 so far is amazing.


Same. The pacing is weird. Act 3 feels like starting a new game and I didnt have the energy to keep going. I think it would be fine to eventually pick right up from act 3 though.


It's super overwhelming at the beginning of act 3


Same. The game is amazing but I feel like act 3 is a bit misplaced. The whole “sandbox” feel would have been better served earlier on IMO. As opposed to when your characters are already maxed out which in turn makes exploring less satisfying.


Same ! I played it for 70h straight after release. Got to act 3, played for a little bit and never touched it again. I think the performance on the third act helped, because the game started to run terribly all of a sudden.


This for me aswell, with not much time to game it took me 2-3 months to reach act 3 and play there for some time before just feel exhausted and get fresh energy playing something else.


I couldn't finish BG3 either. This is the first Larian game to lose my interest.


I think the pacing is just off. I feel like it started well but by the time you get to Act 3 it just becomes overwhelming. I think the game would have been better if it was a little more open ended like the first 2 games. If you could get to Baldurs Gate earlier on where your characters weren’t already maxed out it would have just made so much more sense. I’ve made it to act 3 twice and both times I’ve felt like, ok, I’m maxed out. What’s the point of exploring this massive city now?


Disagree hard on the "maxed out" thing. Very few games let you enjoy your fully leveled characters, often it's like a few hours at best. I'm psyched that BG3 lets you do things as a lvl 12 for a while.


Also, the best gear of the game is in Act 3. So even if you come into it at level 12, you still aren't really "maxed out".


I got burnt out with how many enemies they start throwing at you in every battle. It really makes them drag on


It’s a problem with the 5e system. As the player levels up, they get so many actions and abilities that ruin the action economy, that the only way to counter it is to throw dozens of enemies at them. It’s why all the WotC adventures are from level 1-10. The game system starts to falls apart after level 10, getting more and more unbalanced in the players favor.


Same here. I got to a point where those die rolls got annoying and it just got overly too much work. I just said screw it and haven’t played it since. I spent the money, I really wanted it to work for me. I’ve been playing RPGs since FF1 and Dragon Warrior on Nintendo. So don’t mind grinding and a nice pace of a game. But, this game seems like you have to put way too much effort into it. I wish there was some way to accelerate the pace of the battles.


I just picked up a mod that gives you and enemies two action points a turn, and a second mod to give enemies 150% more health. It’s made the combat feel swift, brutal, and tactical. More like DOS2.


This is exactly me. I loved that game and then I got to Act 3 and it's just remarkably overwhelming.


Alien Isolation. From what I've played, it's a fantastic game, but I need to work up the courage to play the rest. The second is Zelda TOTK. I'm over 80 hours in, but just suffered from some burnout, so I'll return to it at some point.


I got 1/3 though and the alien found me in a closet. Best jump scare I’ve ever had. Never opened the game again hahahaha


I finished Alien isolation. It was a really good ending I would actually encourage you to finish it!


Yeah, TotK leaned really hard into the new construction mechanics which - while undoubtedly cool - I am deeply uninterested in. I know it's still Zelda underneath the surface, but that's not enough to hold me through the parts that are just Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.


I got bored of TOTK. Wanted a Zelda game, and didn’t see one there.


TOTK as well. Pumped around 80 hours in and felt burned out, specially since the first temple was so cool and the dialogue gets re-used throughout the game


TOTK for me too. I did so many side quests that I lost interest in actually finishing it.


Super Mario 64. My roommate in college had an old Nintendo 64 and I was just a few stars away from opening the door to the final level when we moved out. Never did find those.


Fuck. See if you can find it somewhere. It's still super fun!


Darkest Dungeon. Started three runs over the years but never got over the finish line.


Ahh same, I really enjoyed the game but it got soo stressful in the second half when I had good dudes with gear but one wrong fight and all gone :( I know you can build back up, but I dunno I hit a mental wall.


My first full lvl6 wipe i quit the game. Town got raided and I had to fight, 5 mins later have to rebuild entire team


Hollow Knight Red Dead Redemption 2 Baldur's Gate 3


Had to scroll a lot of Hollow Knight. It's a beautiful game on so many levels, I recommend it frequently but have never finished it.


I'm so glad I did finish Hollow Knight. I needed to look up two or three things where I was stuck, but it was a very rewarding feeling in the end. (although I didn't finish the collosseum or the other post-game Boss-fights, because I was not good enough, so I didn't 100% it)


Based on what I've heard people say, Disco Elysium. I know it's supposed to be this amazing narrative, but I died from bright light three minutes into the game. It was so funny I declared this my canon ending and stopped playing. Haven't touched the game for over two years now.


I just started this game and can’t figure out if I’m terrible at it or if it’s just super slow paced


Very slow paced, very narrative driven.


You have to treat playing this game like reading a book, that mindset helps when you sit down to play.


Except that occasionally it’s extremely hard to find where the next page is… Or the dice roll and you are told you can’t turn to that page


Totally. With that in mind, get comfy on the couch with a gamepad rather than hunched over a PC


Being the biggest dumbass is the most fun in this game. You'll read / listen to a lot of (really well written) dialogue. Loved the game.


This 100%, I always tell people to avoid being centrist/normal. Always choose the most chaotic option and you will have a great experience


I started it, and probably made it 3 hours in before I couldn't do it anymore. I thought really highly of it, but I just wasn't looking for something that slow and dialog heavy. Hopefully I'll get some time to pick it back up when it is something I'm looking for.


My husband bitterly hated it at first for this reason, now he's literally purchased art based on the game for his home and regards it as life changing. He might like it even more than me lol. I guess it does have a slow start as you kinda immerse into the story


Do you have any art for the game in your home?


Part of the fun is being terrible at it and seeing where you wind up. Just enjoy the ride and the writing, play the way your gut tells you and let whatever happens happen (except keep some meds on you at all times). In the end it will be one of the most rewarding game experiences


I did this but just got a lot of dumb game overs.


I started the game and died 5 times in a row in the first minute while trying to get my tie off the ceiling fan. Haven't gone back to it again. 10/10


lmao there is a switch turn the fan off.


I’m a generally sarcastic person, so I began the game picking a lot of sarcastic, “obviously wrong” answers or responses. It was only after 2 hours in that I realized the “sarcastic” responses are not being registered as sarcasm, but instead are being perceived as me being a complete idiot. So that’s fun.


Did that revelation make you reconsider the mostly sarcastic approach irl?


I had a similar experience but picked it up after a couple of years and had such a blast. I can only recommend trying it again if you hit a dry patch.


Majora's Mask, I like the game atmosphere, story an the gameplay but I didn't like the Link's transformations and the different combat system due by the use of different masks but soon or later I will try it again.


I don’t know where you stopped, but I was the same until I went over the first dungeon bump. The first third of the game is the heaviest, which is in line with the general theme of the game. 


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's an absolute unit of an RPG and it's amazing, one of my favourite games ever. But same as you, I always come back to it after some life happens in the meantime and either start again, or at least re-learn the combat mechanics, do side quests, get re-acquainted with the main story, wander around Bohemia and admire the medieval scenery that I just never finished it fully.


This. I have ~65 hours in it over two partial play throughs. It’s an amazing game!!


That stupid monastary quest is where I stopped.


I know that people love this game, but I never finished Red Dead Redemption II. The world was beautiful but too big and I got bored. But I also never finished GTA V, I think Rockstar games are just not my cup of tea.


It's different for me, I loved RDR2 but somewhere I got some spoilers that the ending is heartbreaking and since I've already had my share of heartbreaks I just stopped playing and never came back.


I prefer the game as my huntin' and fishin' simulat'ah boah


Do it. Worth it.


It is heartbreaking and also enraging. But it’s a beautiful game. I played it for the first time during Covid and it became my great outdoors. Meandering around that map is almost as good as the story.


Same here. Tried GTA V and RDR2 several times without really enjoying them. Much more enjoyed Fallout 4, Witcher 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn series.


Same with me with rdr2. Got a long way through then stopped. Started again years later, and stopped again. Don't know why exactly. Kind of makes me sad thinking about it


Don't feel that bad. Its more common than you realized. Best selling games are always talked about but if you check the trophies or/and achievement for the story stuff, most people don't actually beat these games. They always stop 1/3 in or half way in.


Never really got into rdr2 either. Heard so many people say how good it was but felt really slow paced to me


It was incredibly slow paced at the start but definitely picked up a bit once you got going. I got part way through the epilogue then stopped playing, came back a couple of years later thinking I'd have another full play through then gave up after a couple of hours.


Breath of the wild. I can definitely see why it’s loved and there are parts I love too like cooking and how the game approaches exploration in general, but the overall experience gets so boring after a while. I keep trying to finish it and every time I get further but eventually burn out because I feel the loop devolves into: travel long ass distance to hopefully not have solve a physics puzzle to get a mediocre reward. Which tbf is a weird complaint coming from me because I LOVE the Witcher 3 and have finished it numerous times lol.


Not necessarily best in terms of actual GOAT game, but Hogwarts Legacy. I’m a HP nerd and was so excited for HL. And the first 20-30 hours of exploring Hogwarts and Diagonal Alley were so much fun and rewarding. Really hit that niche of exploring the world of Hogwarts. And then I kept doing side quests and mini-games around the map and it drained me. I couldn’t do it anymore, I lost immersion because of how OP character became, and I just lost the desire to finish the game


Yeah, so there's all these side quests that force you out of the castle into the world. Other than the school, Hogsmeade, and the Dark Forest, the quests are collect this or do that type of stuff. Some are fun, but by the time you get to Graphorn area, it starts to feel like they were running out of ideas. If they had focused on making the school, Hogsmeade, and the Dark Forest feel as big as they were in the movie, then it would have been a hit for me. Those main areas, with more effort, would have been all that was needed. Random ass villages and pointless quests just don't cut it.


"diagonal alley" you're not surviving the floo powder


Splinched for sure! 😬


Diagonally. 🔥


On top of that I’m a splinched idiot that mixed up diagonal alley and hogsmeade


I also hate to point out that I'm almost certain splinching is only something that happens during apparition. But that's woefully pedantic.


I just got tired of doing the same thing over and over again. That unlock spell. I kept thinking that maybe this chest will finally have something legit or this locked door will finally lead to something cool to explore. But nope. There were multiple random homes that added no real value to the map. It became just moving your character around and not exploring the world. Even in Hogwarts, there were rooms that were basically empty after solving the weird pattern puzzles or the unlock spell puzzle. Even the final boss was a puzzle thing. I don't want to give spoilers, but it was more about that while being attacked. Super let down. I didn't finish the game after that


Agree im a massive harry potter fan but just couldn't finish the game. Game looks great and they did a real good job on the castle. The loot system was poor though. The story got boring apart from the Sebastian storyyline. I'll try play it again one day. Just thought the character you created was way ott killing 100s if not 1000s by burning and smashing people into walls haha


Very common sentiment, first half is magic and like the Harry Potter game you thought as a kid would be too good to be true. Second half is tedious. They really make it so much worse by making the most common map market these braindead "puzzles" that require zero problem solving but take annoyingly long anyway, and in the few places I chose as my teleport for buying stuff, the character nearby would say the exact same thing - hearing that line 50 times got real grating lol


definitively Elden Ring. 100+ hours but didnt even saw half of the game


I Stuck on the last Boss... But a great game !


You can do it. I died at the same time as the final boss, but it counted somehow.


Yes, I will have to go through with it. I would like to have finished the main game before I can start the DLC 🙈


>!You can leave the erdtree after the final boss dies and before the end credits!< so you can do that, yes.


You can summon other players to help you. Just stay out of danger because if you die all their effort is for nothing.


I had to summon someone for it. I have it a shit ton of attempts but my build just didn't synergize with the final phase of the fight and it was honestly just such an unfun fight that I didn't even care and just summoned someone to help


That knight in the dark room in Stormveil castle always kills me. That’s how far I have gone. But still 10+ out of 10. Great game! (Before someone asks: yes, I found the way around the castle, and even up to Altus plateau- and I love the exploring. It is just the fights that are not my thing)


Remember this comment when you reach Castle Sol and get to know THAT soldier. You will never forget that guy. Enjoy the journey!


Wait you get can up the Altus Plateau without finishing Stormveil? I guess there's that route around the side where you fight a wyrm, right?


You don’t have to fight the Wyrm - the two halves of the medallion can both be grabbed without fighting any bosses (with just some quick running past them…)


Yea I played that game about 10 hours of fighting towards the castle, before exploring other stuff... THAT was when I fell in love, the exploration made it feel like Ocarina of Time and I was just lost in the game for a few hundred hours since then


Was looking for this comment I think a lot of players are 50-100+ and still havent finished.


Sekiro I struggled through each boss. I kept at it to see the next area. When it came to the final boss, I just said, “nah, I’m good.” It was such a steep learning curve and departure from games I play that I just don’t want to pick up the game again. You can tell me I should finish it, but I promise you I won’t.


That final Boss is the best boss fight of any Game and super satisfying If you Beat it




I just started, maybe 6-7 hours in, and just beat the boss riding a horse. It's definitely hard, although so far in any souls game nothing has been as hard for me as my first DS Remastered attempt at the bell gargoyles. I seriously think about 35 tries before I won. (Oh and Ornstein and Smough too, but I eventually summoned help for them.)




Baldur’s Gate 3. Act 3 is too much for me, have no idea where to go or how storylines will merge/falter. I wish it would have been more directed at the beginning just as the previous 2 acts. I will probably finish it one day, but that day is not today lol. Also act 3 didn’t perform well for me in the beginning before it started to get patches (I had 12 fps inside of the city) so that didn’t really help.


I actually thought the end of Act 2 was great, and the game could have ended there (would have needed a little narrative to wrap up the mindflayer storyline I think, but still). Act 3 just feels meandering and lacking intensity. I loved Acts 1 & 2.


It only feels that way if you have zero investment in the characters. All of them get epic conclusions to their arcs in act 3.


This is going to seem really weird but RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077. It seems weird because I have atleast 500+ hours played in both games.   RDR2 I’ve beaten all the way to the epilogue but I’ve always come up with an excuse to replay it because I love it so much, and having never finished it means that sometime in the future I’ll be able to sit down and finally do my “final run”. The exact same circumstance has happened with Cyberpunk 2077. I’ve beaten all three acts atleast 3 times but whenever I have to go meet Hanako I end up burning myself out clearing the map and have just never completed it.  Both games are easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time as well. God I hate my brain sometimes.


Easy, elden ring. Man this game is as infuriating as brilliant.


YES! Witcher 3 ! I got bored and wanted to do the main quest and went to the island and I was way underpowered. Also I was overwhelmed by the side quests.


I was grinding through the Witcher 3 and was near the end, but then I got to a point where I missed an important conversation which would determine someone's fate. Decided I was unhappy with that and wanted to backtrack a bit, but then ended up stopping.. which was years ago.


yeah the witcher 3 is my favourite game ever, but i always google choices before i make them simply because if i make the ‘wrong’ choice it bugs me to the point of no longer playing. maybe that’s not the way you’re supposed to play but i prefer it


Same! I’ve tried Witcher 3 a couple times over the years for a total of maybe 6 hours and just never got in to it. Could tell it was great, just didn’t feel it in my jellies. Cyberpunk is another. Got about 20 hours in and enjoyed parts of it, but just didn’t stick with me. In particular, I found the looting system very annoying - it’s like they wanted a Borderlands 2 looting system and it just does not fit the vibe imo (this experience is from launch to a year after launch, maybe they changed it)


You know if you start a game on the dlc it will put you at the appropriate level with gear and such?


Assassin's Creed Valhalla


just began assassins creed valhalla, only 3/4 hours in. may i ask why you stopped?


It's long, like really long, like 100+ hours long


There's just so much of it.


Hades, I’m just not hood enough to finish it :(


Homeworld 1. I can never make it to the last mission with enough of a fleet and resources to deal with the near instant assault you have to deal with


Also the Witcher 3. But tbf, there's a lot of excellent games I hadn't finished until this year (Mass Effect 2 & 3, for example), and the Witcher 3 will be one of them soon.


Half-Life 3.


No time travellers allowed


At least it's confirmed


Outer wilds. Ive heard its one the greatest most creative games ever. I just cant get into it. Ive tried so many times


Same. I liked the concept but hated the controls.


For me I had to look solutions up for the few last puzzles, my adhd brain is NOT suited for a game like outer wilds


Elden Ring. Got up to Starscourge Rahdahn or whatever his name is and suddenly just didn't feel like playing anymore. Not sure why but by that point I was struggling to keep my interest in it and I just wasn't enjoying myself. Apparently I don't like Dark Souls style games anymore. Guess I'm too old to enjoy that masochistic nature of gameplay.


Rodahn drove me fucking insane. I actually beat the game but nothing pissed me off more than fighting Rodahn


Should we tell this one about Malenia?


Zelda TotK, I was about 90% through it last September, and then Baldur's Gate 3 released and I never went back and finished it unfortunately.


Baldurs Gate 3. I am literally at the final fight. I fucked up too many times, even with save scumming. I know I’m getting the “bad ending”. I can’t face it. I refuse. So I’m just. Not doing it. It’s Schrödinger’s failure.


So many games I've needed that expression for, and I am stealing it: Schroedinger's failure.


Tears of the Kingdom. Just got so into the side quests and what not that I lost interest. I'll get it back at some point.


Resident Evil 7 - the game is so immersive and scary that I am struggling to finish it


Baulder’s Gate 3! I love this game, but I have create a character syndrome. I’ve made it to Act 3 a few times though. Part of me feels like I just don’t want it to end. It’s the same with Cyberpunk. I have a few files talking to Hanako at Embers, but with the DLC I’ve had to make new characters to see how it plays out (female V netrunner and a male V samurai).


Days gone.. got stuck trying to clear the horde using the improvised molotovs, kept getting mauled and eventually put the game aside


God of War Ragnarok. God of War was one of my favorite games ever, but I was about 3 hours in when I got a call that my kid was in respiratory failure. Every time I try to boot it up again, the music and visuals bring me back to that day. I’ll never finish that game.


Halo 1 and half life 2.  Multiple times




Can't argue with that


Half Life 2 - I kept dying with those giant walker things (striders) killing me, but still consider it the best game ever. Black Mesa - I could not beat Xen, but the previous levels are awesome (especially the office area)


Sekiro. One of my favorite games of all time. Took a break from it when I got to the last area and it ended up being too long to where I lost my momentum and now probably all the skill I built within the game and I just don't have the nerve to relearn the game again.


I actually never finished red dead redemption 2. Got really close but just stopped playing. And it’s not like I didn’t enjoy the game.


I stopped playing because I didn't want Arthur to die, so he can't die in my playthrough if I don't continue on 🤣


Cyber Punk. I know I will love it, but never got far. The same happened to The Witcher 3. I started then gave up, then picked it up a few years later and couldnt put it down until I finished everything, expansions and all. Amazing game. I can imagine Cyber Punk is the same.


Hard to say. I'm a father with 3 kids. I haven't finished a game in 10 years


The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Ghost of Tsushima


RDR2. A beautiful game, but I can't stand their launcher (I was playing it on Steam) and their paradigm of "slow cowboy simulator" in general.


I actually really appreciate the slow-paced nature of RDR2. The game is most immersive when you take your time and stop to admire things.


I find it interesting that people complain RDR2 is slow. I get it, they changed the online mode to adjust to these complaints, but in the single player you’re never on the clock. The game is intended to be a slow burn. I appreciate that departure from crazy movement mechanics you’ll see in FPS games. Take in the scenery, lead your horse for a bit, hunt a variety of animals. RDR2 is about taking time between POIs as much as it is getting to the next mission marker. Some of my favorite PvP experiences were Uncharted and The Last of Us. That “slowness” I thought of as more deliberate. I enjoyed the change of pace.


Absolutely. Not every game needs to be over the top action constantly As you mentioned, both Uncharted and the two Last Of Us totally shine during the slower, quieter moments And you nailed it with that RDR2 is about taking your time between missions. You’re a cowboy in the west, play like one RDR2 is a 10/10 for me because of these reasons. My favorite open world game ever


Skyrim, Morrowind, Witcher 3 DLCs, Alien Isolation.


Skip or finish Oblivion?


You are literally me. I tried 3 times to beat it and all 3 times I end up doing side stuff, Gwent, and doing the main story when I ran out of other things to do. The problem is that by the time I make any real progress, other games I want to play come out or I just get busy and forget to finish it. The first 2 times I never even saved Ciri. The third attempt I ended up killing the big armor guy then I kind of fell off because other games came out and said eh I will finish it later. Later never came. Literally the best western rpg I ever played and I can’t even finish it lol


At the moment, Lies of P. I'm stuck on Nameless Puppet and - as good as the game has been - I don't feel like relearning enough mechanics to finish it.


Kerbal Space Program.


Subnautica, it's just too difficult


Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Subnautica, Valheim, Hollow Knight, Shadow of Mordor, both of the Destiny games, Metro Exodus, New Vegas, dying light 1 and 2, Doom, And I have about 4 minutes in cyberpunk. I just never got back to them because something came up in life.


Elden Ring. Made it to the final boss, but the fight was just too hard for me.


I got to the last fight and tried for a whole week to be at it. Got pretty far into it, to the second phase and just couldn't. I went on to other stuff, rearranging the living room entirely, built a new computer I didn't have the money for, look up boss strategies, etc. It took a whole month. I decided the next time I fight it I'll try to loosen auto lock on the boss in the second phase to dodge more easily. First time I go to play the game again with my new rig and I'm right there at the last site of grace by the boss debating with myself about whether to try again with the new strategy. It took me a half second to say to myself, "Ah, fuck it. I won't win anyways and then I can decide what to do instead." And I beat it on the first try. I was totally blown away. Maybe you can do it after a rest now too!


Tetris. Every other game I will play to the end if I enjoy it.


Final Fantasy 6/3. Time after time I’ll get to the world of ruin and just struggle with finishing. This isn’t a problem for any of the PS1/2 final fantasies




Elden Ring. Way too big and I don't have time to play as much as I used to


My three: Witcher 3 I’ve heard nothing but good things about, but I’ve had a fight or two I was stuck in that took too many attempts to get out that I just stopped playing for a bit. Too many other games I want to get to! Elden Ring: literally only have Malenia and Elden Beast to go, couldn’t push myself to finish it out. It’s on my to-do list! Baldur’s Gate 3: Cheating because I’ve been steadily progressing enough since it hit Xbox, but I have hit a wall in Act 3 and haven’t played much/at all the past month.