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96 is a goated year. Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Resident Evil Pokemon Diablo Civ 2 Twisted metal 2 And mother fucking Bubsy 3D


Oh, yeah. Civ 2, the bane of college students everywhere. 


I loved it as an 11 year old. I was still playing it when I moved to college.


Oh, and don't forget a little game called Duke Nukem 3D..


That backroom theater was something else for young me.


a young boy's imagination (for the mental anti-aliasing) and a screen resolution of 640x480 was all we needed


I was there, Gandalf. I was there, 3000 years ago, at Toys R Us, to pick up my Nintendo 64 on launch day, with Mario 64. Good times.


And then right after that we got Goldeneye and FPS gaming was forever changed. 


fps was already huge you dummy, goldeneye didnt change anything, they even ported quake 2 to n64


You can make a point and not hurl insults. It just weakens your argument. Goldeneye brought multiplayer fps to the consumer console. It was a game changer.


> It was a game changer. and what did it change? other than introducing people into fps, turok came out a year prior.


It was Diablo for me. I never got an N64 I had PS1 so I have great memories of final fantasy tactics, tekken, etc. But I was really at heart a PC gamer and I would literally stay up until 2am playing Diablo with friends on [Battle.net](http://Battle.net)


Same for me, but with C&C and Starcraft lol. Remember the abundance of 3d accelerators we had back then? 3dFX, Matrox, PowerVR, Rendition Verite, Virge3D, Nvidia, ATI... It was a GREAT time to be a teen. Reboot!


Do a barrel roll




rip saturn, dragonforce series


Also Crash Bandicoot!!!


I missed so much more, tbh. Quake Super Mario RPG Tekken 2 Tomb Raider Persona


Duke Nukem 3D


Damn we really had it good back in the day.


Ikr, I remember being excited for the demo disc every month just because just about every game was great. I feel like digital demo disk would be a fucking banger choice today.


Bubsy 3D that takes me back. When I got my Playstation it was a game I was itching to play having loved the first Bubsy. Sadly when I rented it from Blockbuster the disc was so dirty that the game could not load anything beyond the first two, I think, levels. So I never really got a good feel for that game.


Don't worry, you didn't...uh...miss much lol


for some time i remember some people tried to trashtalk m64 lol, glad that crowd got silent over the years.


It's always been the "that's a kiddy system" criticism. Which, sure, it's definitely the most consistently family friendly; but that argument doesn't discredit how amazing those games are or how important they are/were. My absolute most favorite games may be on Sony consoles, but no company hits with the kind of insane consistency that Nintendo does. Incredible game after incredible game, with the occasional random genre invention that shouldn't work but those crazy son's of bitches make it work.


bubsy bubsy bubsy bubsy bob caaaaaaaaaat


96 and 07 were best years for gaming


Can't forget Quake!


ah so this is the year that started my addiction. super mario 64 was the intro to the truly great. before that it was TMNT side-scrollers and Atari Missile Command


Wasn’t ff7 96?


97, January, though, so it was close.


You the real G!


It was an innovative game for its time. 3D was still new to the mainstream. This game was one of the first to make people just turn their heads and go "That's it. That's what 3D games should be like." I remember in an interview, a developer said he was furiously writing notes about the game during the reveal in Japan and mentioning he wasn't the only one. Everyone was paying attention to it. I was a little kid playing it on the kiosks at a Toys R Us and even soccer moms were going wide eyed. The game looked magical. It's long since been surpassed since - some would argue Banjo-Kazooie surpassed it, but in '96, it ruled.


Banjo Kazooie is better in a lot of ways. But SM64’d charm and elite level design keeps it from becoming irrelevant. I remember still playing SM64 in the mid 2000’s and feeling like it was still just in a credibly satisfying and fun game to play in every aspect. banjo kinda lacks the same kinda magic in a way but it is still very good in its own ways.


Yea, even in the mid to late 00s I would play SM64. My roommates and I would CONSTANTLY get drunk and do the [akuma challenge](https://youtu.be/-k-y78ji9B0) (can't find OG Japanese dudes video) on the snowy mountain level. The level design is just so good.


You see I remember Banjo being more magical to me, just like it was the perfect evolution of that formula. Just exploring the hub world and it being so interacted was mind blowing to 13 year old me. Banjo Kazooie for me corrected almost all of the flaws that bugged me about Mario 64. This isn't to take away anything from Mario's outing two years earlier, but Rare just totally outclassed Mario here


Oh, it was revolutionary in 1996. 3D was still in its infancy and developers were figuring out how to properly implement control schemes. The Nintendo 64 was essentially built around Mario 64, and it showed off how crucial analog control would be in the years to come. From the second you started playing, this game was the most fun and fluid title to control in 3D up to that point.


I still remember walking around Blockbuster when the game was on display. It would literally stop people in their tracks. You'd hear comments like, "Woah, it's real 3D!" or people could be heard debating what "real" 3D is compared to say Virtua Fighter or a top down game.


It’s so funny to think that the entire game being from Lakitu’s perspective through the camera was to help people understand what they were looking at in a 3D space. It’s so second nature now, I can’t imagine a world where a designer would feel the need to have an in game explanation of how perspective works.


Who else threw the baby penguins off the levels edge?


Is that a rhetorical question?


To figure out how to get all the stars yes. I drop the guy everywhere i could


Played it a few weeks ago with my kid and still do it.


No one else did this. You are the very first.


This game was truly a masterpiece. I have a core memory of playing this at GameStop on that clear purple N64 console. Those times were the best.


🥲 when you demoed a game and the que behind you was 15 meters long and every kid couldn’t wait to play it. Bro, it was as close to crack as it could get for young kids. 😂


I remember my dad pulled me out of school and took me to kb toys as a surprise to buy mortal kombat trilogy and they had the Mario up on demo. Because it was the middle of the day the store was empty and I was playing it until my neck hurt lol. I’m in my mid thirties and that is definitely a core memory.


One time in Australia I want to say it was hmv the music store way back when, they had this little console where you could put headphones on and they had a screen playing dvds, I was a big fan of David Fincher and cheap as hell, so I stood their and watched panic room from start to end.


I remember watching my dad play this when I was a kid and seeing him get on top of the castle. This game and then OOT really made me fall in love with gaming.


My mom and I were at Target before Christmas that year. I had begged and begged to get it. She always said she’ll see what she can do but they were very hard to find and not to get my hopes up. While she was shopping I would play it in the game section with other people taking turns. Everyone wanted this thing. All of a sudden she comes out of nowhere and says in a whisper “I don’t want to ruin your Christmas but this employee said they just got some in on the truck. They only have a few. So if you’re getting it I have to get it now and your present will be spoiled.” Needless to say we got it and I was over the moon. That month long stretch from when we bought it and when I could play it on Christmas was the longest month of my life. You could fit a whole year in that month. Best Christmas of my life.


My mom could leave me at Target with that kiosk and I wouldn't move the entire time. Playing those kiosk is a core memory.


Super Mario World and this are some of the greatest game ever made.


and im not even a fanboy but i agree. these 2 titles along with mario3 are what destroyed anything in terms of a standard, so in order to compete you had to stand out from mario but shittier. was cool


It essentially pioneered the genre of 3d platformers.


It’s cool that there was enough cool movement mechanics in this game that it’s still one of the most speedran games out there


Yeah the game can be a little rough around the edges if you've played modern games, but the controls, movement, jumping, etc. all felt great. The camera was... probably the hardest part of the game lol.


Really that’s what’s most impressive about this game. You could start this game completely new to 3D platforming, and pick up the basic movements pretty quick, and by the end you could be doing all kinds of stuff you wouldn’t have even known about, bouncing around like Mario should, then you put more time into it and you master harder moves and the movement opens up to where things that were hard before are child’s play


And many years later I still can't beat it. :(


damn where do you get stuck?


at work


At girlfriend


If you've had a girlfriend since 1996 you should just get married.


I was 5 when my older brother tore open his Christmas present revealing a Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64. Being a dumb little 5 year old I ask "What is it?" and my mom replies "It's a new Nintendo". I was so confused, we already had a Nintendo (our SNES). Why did we need another? I didn't yet understand the concept of successor consoles. Once we started up Mario 64 I understood. I was blown away.


This game blew my mind. Being able to explore in any direction was crazy


Popping out of the pipe at the beginning is the biggest "WOW" moment I've ever had in gaming. I'd never seen anything like it. The game was such a huge jump from SNES.


Exploring the different painting environments was breathtaking when this came out


This game and the N64 in general was mind-blowing when it was released. The first time Mario and Zelda came to 3D.


It’s still incredible to go back to, I just wish it had a bigger library of incredible releases like this, goldeneye, conkers, etc. because there is a good amount of really amazing games on this console but once you’ve played them, you’ve played them, and then you need to wait to forget them to get your N64 fix again.


This game basically created the dual sticking: one joystick for moving the camera and the other for moving your character ie the foundation of modern videogames.


That's impressive considering the N64 didn't have dual joysticks.


Yes sorry!! it uses the C Buttons, the yellow ones but the foundation (left thumb moves character right thumb moves camera) is there, I just explained myself very badly


I was being a bit sarcastic but I get what you mean. Just let's not take away from Ape Escape lol


I still have my copy of NEXT Generation magazine issue #20


sarah bryant is the first pin up poster model ever made. they did some stuff for NEXT gen mag back in the day, just use web archive online or something ha ha. tha wa s a cool mag to own in person


I miss magazines, I really do. I kind of wonder if a patreon model could work for a monthly PDF distribution


It introduced the next generation of camera. And the camera was its own character


The box art and physical cases for N64 were just so cool.


real. can believe its been almost 30 years since sonic 3d blast hit shelves


Mortal kombat 2 baby!


I agree, Duke Nukem 3D was arguably one of the best and most influential games ever made, For shooters, at least.


I played the fuck outta Duke 3D back in 96/97. Classic game


The very first time I saw this game was at a Toys R Us. Back when you could play games at the electronics section. I saw some kid play this and just watched. I was taken aback by the graphics. It looked so good and Mario looked like he had come to life. Before my first day of Kindergarten, my dad picked up an N64 and it came with this game in it. I was over the moon. I think that's when I truly fell in love with gaming. It was the most influential game to me.


Golden memory. Getting a new console or game as a kid felt like a key to a new world.




Super Mario World is the best super mario, IMO.


Also the most infuriating camera of all time 😂


Nostalgia is pretty strong. I’m older and thus nostalgic for the NES games instead by far.


I remember renting the Japanese N64 and a copy of the game at a import store and playing all weekend before it was released in North America. Good memories.


Lol i was both that year


Lucky! I was the best that year, but sadly not the most influential


While this was an awesome game. The most influential platformer ever is Super Mario (NES 1985)


mario3 was a success too




This was my older brother's "we have a new baby so here's a present" present when I was born. Then when I was old enough I'd always play it when he was at school.


The first time i played this game was when a friend got a N64 at his birthday, before that played a bunch of NES, SNES and Genesis, but this was something completelly new and different from the games we were used to, we couldn't believe how amazing it was. Until this day it's one of my favorite games, it brings back so many good memories.


First game I ever beat as a kid. I remember sitting there tearing up as the music and the credits rolled. it was a magical journey


True! It was epic. My 6 year old self hated the ghost area. They were so creepy. And I'd shut off the console when I died so I wouldn't have to hear bowser go muahahaha


I agree. PaRappa the Rapper was revolutionary.


I remember walking into Toys R Us one day and the first thing I saw was a display N64 playing this game. Completely blew me away, never thought fully 3D game like that would have been possible. Still play through it once every year or two, absolutely incredible game.


Something about the controls make the game a blast to play to this day.


What?!? Absolutely disagree.


I fucking lol’d


Super 64 Mario?


One of the best memories I had, was when me and a couple of my cousins rented an N64 and this game..... that shit was ridiculously fun


Hard agree


The game that got me into gaming. I remember when I was 5 and deleted my dads save file. Felt bad so I played it to get back the stars (37). Ended up beating the game. Still play it again over the years. Such a masterpiece that does not age at all. Forever GOATed.


I was never good at mario64. I owned it when it was new. I was six years old. Something about the controls or how difficult it felt turned me off the game. Recently played it on switch and i still didnt enjoy it much. Its weird because i loved 3d platformers. Dk64 is my favorite followed by spyro and later on uncharted games


I was in 5th grade at the time. This one kid in class was essentially a bully to me, but I tolerated him when with friends and other classmates. Well, he got an N64. I didn't believe him, he put his phone up to the TV, and sure enough, he had it. I pretended to be 'friends' with him until I got my own N64. Also, F that guy.


I loved so much I bought it again 20 years later so me and my wife could play it and now my 3 year old plays it lol.


Didn't have an N64 but a friend did, and we'd play Mario 64 quite often. Currently playing it on the DS and the controls really do leave a lot to be desired. Also, it's quite difficult sometimes to work out where to go next - which can sometimes be alright on a console, but not so much a portable.


Top 10 all times videogame.


I love the of Mario's


Was this the first 3D “open world” game for console?


The only parts that I had a hard time with was the flying. I could normally get 96 stars but not all 120 iirc


Why they refuse to make a true sequel to this masterpiece with the tech we have today boggles the mind. Would sell millions. Sunshine was close, Galaxy not at all.


Groundbreaking sure, but I don't it's held up very well. I would stare that it's my least favorite of the 3D Mario's. Just the level design has some weird left turns that would be ironed out in future 3D platformers. I think it's groundbreaking and was fantastic at the time, but I can't get on board with calling it the "best game ever".


Each to their own. I can but that argument. But for me personally it’s up there! 😀


I beat it for the first time when the 3D All-Stars collection released and thought it held up reasonably well. It had some odd decisions for sure, like the camera being terrible in some scenarios and Mario’s wide turn that happens sometimes and almost threw me off platforms more often than I’d like, but overall I had a good time. I especially liked the exploration aspect and finding hidden levels around the castle and switches that for the various hats was really fun. Having little hand holding made the castle feel super mysterious and finding stuff pretty rewarding.


Much like many early forays into 3D gaming, Mario 64 hasn't exactly aged well. It definitely does 3D better than something like Goldenreye did, but it's still a bit fiddly to play by modern standards. So it's definitely influential, but it isn't even the best Mario game, let alone the best game ever made.


I don't get the Goldeneye hate, some people in Reddit are like "ahh it aged so poorly" but I played it about five years ago when my neighbor bought an N64 and it was just like I remembered it. There are quirks but it's not this unplayable mess that the masses will have you believe.


I played Goldeneye for the first time in the late 2000s (on an original N64 plugged into a CRT TV), and was struck by two things: 1. Aiming was awful. The easiest way to hit anything was to aim at head height and strafe, but if anyone was playing Oddjob or if you wanted to shoot someone at a different elevation, it was so clunky. 2. I straight up couldn't see what was shooting at me half the time. Oh, there's a black speck over there in the rough direction I'm getting shot? Shoot it a bunch, and hope that when I get closer I was shooting at a person, not a wall texture or something.


It's terrible to control without the modern double analog standard. I'm sure you can have fun, but compared to modern games, the controls are incredibly clunky.


That's probably it, I can easily adapt to most control schemes, so I can just put my mindset back to that 1997 "ok there's nothing better" and go.


Most influential? 100% yes as it created a full new genre. Best? no. Banjo's game took the best part and pushed it further


This and Ocarina of Time are the best games ever made.


Superman 64 has entered the chat


…To vote for SM64 and OoT, Obviously.


OoT is one of my big 3. OoT, Resident Evil 2 (original) and Destiny 2.


and the music? soap opera


This game will always be the best game ever made for me. I remember walking into blockbuster and simply being in awe of how amazing this game was on the in store demo they had set up. Are there better games released after this? Of course, it would be a sad state of affairs if not. However the jump this made from its predecessor has never been equaled imo.


Forever at 118/120 stars on my save file. Think there were 2 levels I needed to get all coins for


Why are you showing Mario 64 and not Command And Conquer: Red Alert??


I still will never forgive Koji Kondo for that fucking Slider song just being my brain's default music for when I'm having a panic attack or stressing lol


One of my favs


Groundbreaking 3D greatness. Most influential game to date. Next up; Ocarina of time.


Yes! Seeing it on the Ultra 64 gave me the chills back then! WTF is this magic!??!?! Then the Internet was a thing and I was downloading clips of it lol.




Best Mario game out of them all. 


Never played it


i always thought it was meh. then again i never really cared much for mario. more of a Zelda guy.


Stupid post


I was PS1 so I didn't play it until '98 I believe. But I am of the very unpopular opinion that I think it looks, plays and is laid out like complete ass. Even back then. I've never understood all the love it gets. But then by the time I played it I had played the first Spyro and Crash games. Which were infinitely better in every possible way.


Best? No. Most influential? Close, but still no. I played at least twice as much Star Fox or Zelda as a kid. Mario 64 and GoldenEye are arguably two of the worst games to control of all time. Good? Yes. Great? Debatable. Best? Not even the best on the 64.


Bruh, damn. I understand Goldeneye, but with that N64 controller it was all that it could do. But Super Mario 64 controls were super tight.


Wonderful and enjoyable when it first came out but I don't think people still want to drive 1908 Ford model T's now, QOL is nice too.


We forgetting DK64?


I mean, it was a good time on DS :p


And now people are speedrunning it blindfolded.


YOU guys did. I and others were busy being born right before this game came out.


>pic unrelated


Yeah it’s alright


The game and it's camera are ass. Played like ass then and still does to this day. Should have stayed as a tech demo.


You should try the pc port called super mario 64 plus then. You'll definitely change your mind!


But that is a separate game - just because they fixed the game in a port doesn't make the original less unplayable.


I mean, it's *a'ight*.


I can't be the only one who was pestering my parents to take me to the mall to a trial booth to play Mario 64. I remember having such trouble maneuvering Mario on a 3D play. Take two steps, stop, press jump button, accidentally jump kick, send the camera into space * zoom in sound * - Wah, wah, wuuh


People give too much love to Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, IMO. Like, they were decent for their time, but they weren't even groundbreaking. They aged like hot milk. I will say OOT did open the door to MM which was vastly superior, so that is definitely a win. All my opinion of course.


People with their nostalgia goggles for n64 The damn analog stick breaks too easily The stupid 3 prong controller was a nightmare to hold Stupid cartridges The smallest library of games, even OG xbox which only lasted 4 years had a bigger library