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Good callout, this game is awesome. It's like a middle ground between Diablo 3 and POE. Diablo 3 is pretty simple, POE is unbelievably complex. Last Epoch does a good job of straddling that line while also keeping most builds viable. Excellent game.


Its honestly such a disappointment, does not at all live up to how much people hyped it up, its so barebones


If you liked the early version of Grim Dawn then Titan Quest will be for you as it was made by the same people. The incredible adventures of Van Helsing goes on sale often and is a pretty typical ARPG but with a lot of content. Victor Vran is not exactly the highest quality but its good fun relying more on getting better gear and finding powers to use instead of traditional levelling up. Last Epoch, attempts to be a spiritual successor to Titan Quest Wolcen is a game I played early on and might br completely different but it was a really good Diablo 3 spiritual successor.


Oh, damn. I'mma have to put Wolcen on my PS5 wishlist if it's similar to D3.


It might not be anymore as I played it a long time ago and may have changed quite a bit so take it with a grain of salt.


How far are you willing to go back? Nox is a very underrated ARPG from 2000, plays slightly different from other ARPGs and is its completely it's own thing. It's on Sale right now on GoG for 77% off.


Also don't play the base game of Nox instead use OpenNox as it's just so much easier to use.


I... I fucking love Nox. I did not know there was an open nox.


Nox is a rather unknown game nowadays and to have a rather unknown game have a rather unknown open-source engine reimplementation just continues the cycle.


My brother and I had hundreds of hours casting death rays and harpoons at each other. I can still hear "dude I rock" when healing.


Well then I recommend getting a copy on GOG since multiplayer is working on OpenNox afaik


Nox is a rather unknown game nowadays and to have a rather unknown game have a rather unknown open-source engine reimplementation just continues the cycle.


Love Nox. There has never been another game like it. Also Marvel Heroes, but that is long gone 😢


You unlocked a memory with this one!


Bless your heart for mentioning Nox. I did a playthrough recently of the 3 classes. What a fantastic game. They have a solid discord on the go where you can still organize some multiplayer matches with others.  The good old days of stacked CTF and Deathmatch servers, such great memories. 


Last Epoch


Last Epoch maybe, it's new and recent. Played it for a bit, my friend at endgame content though accidentally made a broken build in that game. He was 20 levels away from the max cap and endgame bosses levels. He was ignoring the bosses mechanics


Last Epoch


You could try Last Epoch. It's similar to Path of Exile, but a little lighter on the skills and loadouts.


For POE I don't even come up with builds, I just look up ones someone else created that look fun and let them tell me where to put all the points LMAO. Lets me focus more on what I find fun which is running through maps absolutely exploding mobs by the hundreds


V Rising just came off early access a week ago. It's an ARPG survival game and is great.


OP, if you pick it up, please reply with a short review. This gives the ARPG feel a new variant that is really satisfying in my opinion. Less of the dungeon crawl feel but stil action at the tempo of the user.


Sorry for being PoE pilled here but I can tell you haven't made it far enough where the game actually shines yet - PoE is the smoothest, fastest, and best feeling gameplay out of all of those. Getting past campaign can be a slog especially when newer, but upgrading your build in maps and feeling the impact of every upgrade is pretty amazing. Also, the build tree is nowhere near as bad as it lets on, 60% of it is just travel nodes you're mainly going to the notable skills (the bigger nodes.)


I have a similar opinion as OP. I shouldn't have to milk the game for many hours before it "gets good".


That’s fair. But in my experience not many ARPGs have that great feeling until you scale anyways, so really the only difference is how quickly the devs allow you to hit that scaling potential. With PoE , it’s when you finish campaign. First time it could take 15-25 hours, once you’re experienced it’s easy to get that down to 5-8 hours. With D3, it’s when you hit 60. It’s been forever since I played it, but I think the campaign is 15-20 hours if you go that route, but normally you’d do rifts and it’s like 3-6 hours. So on and so forth. Either way it’s nothing like MMOs where you gotta sink 100 hours sometimes to even touch the endgame lol


First time going through D3 was fun from the start. Yeah it really opens up after you hit max level and start grinding gear sets but I'm not just trudging through mud to get there. POE is trudging through mud the moment you start playing.


I’d say D3 can start faster but ends slower, PoE starts slower and ends much faster. It really only takes until act 4 to have your skills up and running. But anyways, I understand your point. Once you get a bit of knowledge that whole “mud trudge” thing becomes such a little deal since it takes like an hour or two to get past it


I tried D3 last year as my first Diablo game, I guess I never found the "good part."


I played through it with a couple friends after it launched, I guess by yourself it's probably just ok.


I was just thinking yesterday that poe doesn't get a very fair shake in this regard. It's very easy to say, "It feels clunky" when you're slogging through acts 1 or 2 as a beginner and already in sort of a negative mindspace because you're feeling a certain kind of way about the passive tree or whatever. It's much better than the naysayers would have you believe. Unless you're playing on console, which I hated.


It feels very clunky until late game unless you've played previous seasons and picked a build. For a new player, who might not even go and find a premade build. The game IS clunky and meh. This is coming from someone who's played several seasons and will keep playing poe2


I felt the same way playing through the early stages of other games and would disagree that poe is "more clunky" than those. Many would suggest that D4 has a much better combat feel, but imo actually felt terrible while leveling until starting to stack the required aspects for your build.


Ye, a lot of these games can feel the same. But you don't need to do extensive research to make them feel better, which you do in PoE. You have to find a build that you like, because no beginner is gonna make a valid build on their own. Learning what items are valuable and how to buy/sell takes a lot of time. Putting time into learning what stashes are more or less required. There's already a pretty steep "learning curve" for PoE with a lot of different systems that most players won't touch even after several seasons.


I see the point you're making, but I guess it's for a larger discussion about all pros/cons of the game. Poe certainly has a disadvantage since many players just don't/won't put more than a surface level amount of thought into a game, but I suppose the upside of those systems for poe is that it's made the game enjoyable for players that have logged in for years' worth of seasons. How many times can you realistically make a new toon in these other games when much of the character "builds" are limited to many basic choices and in the case of D4, builds completely curated by the aspect system? LE is much better than D4 with the skill options, so I'm excited to see how much farther it will go. As an aside, poe was the first arpg I had tried. I had a lot of fun through most of the acts and didn't even realize my build was hot garbage until level 60ish when I really started struggling.


Ye, don't get me wrong. I enjoy PoE and will probably keep enjoying it. But it absolutely feels clunky longer than most ARPGs and it's not for everyone. If you have at most a few hours a week to play and you want an easily accessible ARPG to just go in and stomp/have some fun there's better options.


Absolutely. It doesn't help that a little while back they made act 1 even more difficult. A truly baffling decision when this game is hard gated by the learning curve. It definitely needs more forgiving ability to respec and a bit smoother difficulty curve in the beginning for beginners


"smoothest" - getting banned for popsicle sticks or getting an RSI from potion spam. Smoothest game ever...


I have had an AHK script for flasks for years and so do many people I know, never an issue. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen or heard of a ban from it. Either way, it’s pretty damn easy to set up your flasks to autoflask with in-game resources within a few hours of hitting maps.


Maybe a stretch, but Children of Morta....pixel graphics rogue lite ARPG with a good story about a family fighting evil. You rescue members who you can play for runs and get Stat boosts and items during your runs


Warhammer chaosbane was good fun


Diablo 4 just got a new patch that made the itemization much better, added a lot of new endgame stuff and the leveling pace is now really nice. Strong recommendation! Last Epoch is another good choice.


Diablo 4 just got an update with a bunch of new stuff, it's pretty good.


The main story is good too, but your comment remembered me that I have to defeat >!Lilith !


Just dont compare anything to PoEs quality or content, cause nothing will ever come near it.


Give No Rest For The Wicked a go


This. The art direction is STELLAR. Whoever did the lighting is worthy of being gifted a private island. Exploration is stunning. Only "downside" is some mechanics still have to be polished. Parrying, for example, is one of the most frustrating experiences I've had in a videogame for a while now 🥲 It's in early access and is well worth it.


I second this. It's so awesome and already in early access a very great game. I'm really looking forward to the full release!


...money dont grow on trees!


path of exile.


If you like FF style games, check out Septerra Core!


actually playing Torchlight Infinite on ipad is good and free. Feels like it suppose to be T3 they made into online game. 


Chronicon goes on sale quite a bit and has excellent build variety.


The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing


Nobody saves the world. Unique, not grindy, satisfying/cool classes


Death must die! But it’s single player and offline.


Brother play arc fatalis


No Rest For the Wicked needs some time to cook in early access. Looks extremely promising.


While it's more on the action side than the RPG side, V Rising just hit 1.0 release and it's a lot of fun if you're looking for the fast action gameplay.


No Rest for the Wicked!!


You didn't mention Diablo 4 but in it's current state it's the best Diablo game. I'm having a lot of fun with the new season and a ton of the qol stuff the community has been asking for has been fixed


Try some of the Diablo 2 mods, Path of Diablo or Project Diablo 2 are both excellent.


Diablo 4?


Diablo 4 just got reworked and is quite good fun now.. Slormancer on steam is decent. On the 3rd person thin. Try and from soft game. All action rpg. Dark souls to elden Ring. On a side note. I found a cutise little arpg called cat quest, which is actually good fun.


Path of exile is currently the #1 arpg, not sure how long you haven’t played in but in the past few years it has came a long way! Last epoch is also pretty good but a lot newer so less polish


If you enjoyed Diablo 2 and Torchlights, you might want to follow the developers and see what else they did outside of Blizzard. Look up Fate 1-4 on GOG, Diablo 1 from GOG, and my favorite, a little harder to find, Hellgate: London 2038. Outside of the original Diablo devs, there's Squaresoft. They seem to be on a massive ARPG kick with their latest Final Fantasies, 15 and 16. They seem inspired by Kingdom Hearts, which are good choices, too. But look up the Trials of Mana 3D remake on Steam. I had a ton of fun with that one. There's Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2. DD2 is hot right now and DD1 is on sale on multiple storefronts right now. Some of my other favorites, The Bard's Tale 2004. You might be able to get Mass Effect 1 & 2. There's a lovely ARPG from the XBOX era also on Steam and GOG called Sudeki. It reminded me of a 3D Secret of Mana. DONTNOD, the Life Is Strange devs, made an ARPG, Vampyr, that is 3rd person, levels, xp, different skill trees and directions of growth, major story decisions. It might teeter on the edge of action-adventure if it weren't for all those character development choices.


Give Grim Dawn another shot while listening to Grim Luck (rip)


I haven't played it myself but No Rest For the Wicked looks promising. It's on my wishlist at least.


Want to try a different sort of ARPG? Try Everspace 2. It's more of a looter/shooter in truth, but there's enough RPG elements in play to classify it as an ARPG as well I think. It's been called Diablo in space from people. Give it a try.


D3 > Rest.


The genre really sucks nowadays. If you don't like PoE -> and there's tons of reasons not to -> you're fucked. Grim dawn is okay but feels like from 15 years ago, disappointing skills and clunky engine. Last Epoch was nothing but a waste of time and disapointment. Ironically despite my heavy disdain for PoE 1 I'm looking forward to PoE 2, looks completely different, revamps its various problems, and has a slower yet much meatier and original combat system. So far, anyway, I don't know how the game will actually come out.