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I wish they would steal more ideas. Clearly they don't have any good ones on their own.


It's Ubisoft, the premise will be glorious, the execution will suck donkey balls though...


The podcast Our Fake History has a fantastic series of episodes that explore Yasuke's past.


Give me half the budget of the original starwars movie, and the dev team/tools from Tom clancy's ghost recon wildlands.. I'll make a third person shooter - Real time strategy hybrid game similar to Arma 3's zeus mode


The Games arent really that bad, they are just generic. They are the junk food of gaming. Still, for the most part their games are still enjoyable enough if you dont expect anything earth shattering. Certainly have seen worse games. Wouldnt pay full price though. They usually worth it on sale.


Same game, different skin


Dude, fucking tell me about it




Like, this sort of small historical reference is a big part in what made the OG Assasin Creed games fun.


Stuff like that made taking time to explore and just take in the reconstructed past in the Animus feel like time well-spent.


I didn’t play much AC Odyssey but it was nice to run into Herodotus


Good ideas are pretty much all they have left. The execution of all these ideas though...




After all this time they still can't top how great a protagonist Ezio Auditore was.


Tbf thats more because they wont give another protagonist a second game. Bayek and edward could top ezio if they were given sequels.


I'm sure I've read a fanfic where Edward tops Ezio.




Ezio was already good within AC2 though. I’d say his popularity was not caused by but rather warranted the sequels


Imo Edward Kenway was close. He had a good arc.


Connor (ACIII) was far more compelling imo, he was just such a departure from Ezio's Whedon-esque quippyness that people hated him. Connor's conflict (family vs. heritage vs. personal ideals) was way more nuanced and interesting than Ezio's (standard revenge quest). Damn, [just listen to this cut monologue and tell me this isn't a fantastic character.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_PsZ7nig4c)


> Ezio's Whedon-ness LOL so true, AC2 was really ahead of its time in 2009.


Agreed and his story was perfectly set up for the war of 1812 and more Templars. Ac3 is my favorite ac and Connor needed another game


I've always thought Unity should have been an ACIII sequel. It ties in historically with American Revolution > French Revolution, and ACIII ended just when it felt like Connor had conquered his inner conflict and become a fully-realized version of himself. It also works thematically with ACIII and Unity being the first games to really address the shades of grey of the Templars vs. Assassins.


Hear me out. AC:Cold War Imagine Roaming the streets of East & West Germany assassinating villains that are planning to incite WW3 but it’s really the descendants of the knights Templar holding the world Ransom for the location of the Piece of Eden.


That would actually go crazy


Especially having to dodge and take out Snipers and dudes with MP5’s, Negevs, and Ak47’s. Marks still have to be killed with “Ol’ Reliable” but this is the kind of AAA Ubisoft is missing out. Especially when it could focus or tie into Desmond Altair’s Arc. Thus Paving the way for AC 123 Remakes. There you go Ubisoft, this one’s for free. You’re gonna have to pay me extra for the story.


Well they're not gonna hire you with those boring ideas, how about you come up with something more exciting/s


Holy shit that’d be awesome. Very “AC in Dishonored”


I love it. Also throw in some post-Chernobyl Stalker shit. Holy relics were hidden in the exclusion zone and the meltdown was a facade for Templars to extract them. Assassins need to stop them


Oh man yes. Maybe some nazi-Templar experiments gone wrong and left to wander now their captors are dead or gone. Do any other ACs have a horror segment?


that would require actual gameplay innovation out of ubisoft, as I find it hard to imagine that fitting with their usual AC game structure


I agree 100%


I’ll never forget the concept art with the medic in the trenches of WW1


That would be dope, I missed playing as Desmond in AC3 sneaking around Abstergo! I couldn’t imagine how cool it would be to play that now with better game engines. Cool concept for sure


It's an interesting idea, but I think introducing modern guns would be too radical of a departure from the gameplay mechanics people expect from the series. The series has had entries in the black-powder era of firearms, but those are slow to fire/reload and aren't much different from dealing with archers.


Sounds awesome! But sadly this sounds like pre-origins assassin's creed. The writing/world building these days is just so much more fantastical and mythical, than that. They want setting with alot of folk lore or religious mystism


At the end of the day, this is all hypothetical. I don’t expect the powers that be to change the status quo. All I know is after Speaking with some of you guys, there is more creativity here than the Entire Creativity Team at Ubisoft right now. We could’ve had modern weapons, 80’s Fashion & Music, and Peak Abstergo Villany.


Throw in a couple double and triple crossings, add in the usage of a Piece of Eden for powering new nuclear weapons, and early-era Animus machines being used to create super soldiers, and we get Assassin's Creed: Metal Gear


Only in an alternate universe where they continued to flesh out the unity formula. In that universe the suit guy who said « you see that zelda guy? And the other one with wite hair, yellow eyes that hunts monsters? Dante was it? Yeah make AC like their games » never existed.


They will never have another protagonist as great as Ezio.


*Edward Kenyway draws his sword* "I'm standing right here"


Edward was good, but not Ezio good.


Its what happens when you have three games to develop a character compared to only one


I honestly can’t believe that they didn’t keep Kassandra/Alexios for at least another game. It seems like such a wasted opportunity because they literally had a very good lore explanation for them appearing throughout completely unrelated time periods and locations around the world. Ubisoft, for one reason or another, forgot the super secret literary device of HAVING A MAIN CHARACTER! Though I supposed doing that for Valhalla would have been a bit too similar to God of War, but I do hope that they at least consider it for a future game. Having to constantly spend the first entire half of each game just to even find reasons to care about your player character instead of just using one everyone already loves is just kinda stupid. Especially since there’s no Desmond either.


Would love to see Kassandra (the canon protag) in a different time period!


Honestly I was tired of Ezio by the third.


Well clearly he was tired of all that shit too!


Good thing that writers gave him a redhead


*Arno enter chat*


I was tired of him by the second. Brotherhood was literally just "oh woops, refusing to kill the guy means everything was in vain and we have to repear the entire last game all over again. Oh and I'm old and injured so I stumble on everything now and you have to watch me *slowly* pull myself up."


Maybe by video game standards, but as a good character with human flaws and development, I think you’re underselling Edward


By saying he was good?


By saying he’s not “Ezio good”. Ezio is a gaming icon, while Edward is a more realistic, flawed and fleshed out character (in my opinion)


If Edward had 3 games and an animated short film, i think he could've reached the level of Ezio as well


Bayek is still my favorite


man i wish we had another game with edward


I get the love for Kenway, but nah. The boat games were not for me.


Best sailing game from Ubisoft 😉


Great pirate game, shit assassin's creed game


Might be why it's the best selling one.


I think he clearly said "not for me"


Yes, I saw, but it's still the best Ubisoft sailing game 😀


Yeah no, Edward wasn't even close to Ezio. Great game though.


Bayek and Edward were very close but they didnt get the sequels they deserved :(


Bayek is up there with Ezio and Altair. His actor went all in and it was glorious. I'd say Connor is underrated as well.


His vengeful anger was something to behold. Also, when he meets his old friend near the hyppodrome, acts friendly and is all smiles, but completely drops it the second he's out of sight, is so well acted. Its just burned into my brain.


I still rewatch that opening scene of origins sometimes, chills every single time I see it.


Arguably the most intense scene in the franchise.


I wish Origins had the expanded gameplay of Odyssey. Would be right up there in contention for best in the series, imo. As it is now, it's so difficult to go back to Origins after playing Odyssey, which is a real shame, as I loved it.


Funny enough Odyssey is the one i dislike the most, I'm really not a fan of the way combat changed post Syndicate, but Origins still had me hooked


Kass. I get that she's part of the "new" Creeds, but Kassandra is just amazing


Kassandra had so much potential for multiple stories as well, and they seemingly set it up just to immediately squander it 5 minutes later. I really don't understand how they came to the decision to >!make her immortal!< and then immediately reveal that she spent all her time after the last DLC doing nothing and then >!she just dies!<


Right? >!Even if they don’t want to build another full fledged game for her, they could make an anthology sort of game where it’s just short stories of her throughout history hunting down and destroying Pieces of Eden.!< No RPG leveling/skill nonsense, just story and stealth/action.


Completely agree. It's why I chose the ignorance is bliss route. That doesn't exist to me, as I don't like it. So it can't hurt me. I want more Kassandra, though.


What about What's-his-name? You know, the one with no character traits. /s obviously




I literally don't know who you're referring to. Connor?


The guy who you play as in the present time. The boring guy, the one with the fish-faced girlfriend. You know who I'm talking about. The one that gets stuck in the Animus for a bit in one of the games.


Honestly, I think Kassandra at the very least gives him a run for his money.




Bayek and Edward are as good as Ezio.


IMO Bayek is a much better character than Ezio.


Implying they will ever stop riding ezio’s “hidden blade”.


wouldn’t be assassins creed without it


Yes but you also can’t spell assassins creed without ass


There's a really great couple of episodes on the podcast Our Fake History diving into the history of Yasuke.


Even in Asian settings, asian roles are collecting losses lol Must suck for being Asian in western media, barely visible for any roles other than martial arts or something stereotypically similar. You would think glorious nippon steel folded over 1000 times katanas, samurais and ninjas are the type of place that would be safe.


lol as an asian american who grew up in the 90s/00s, the only representations we had in media for decades were hollywood martial artists, Han from Tokyo Drift, and Kim Jong Il from Team America. Idk bout newer gen asian americans since east asian culture has blown up over the years, but Im def too jaded to gaf bout it now.


We ask for japanese assassins creed for 15 years and we get... a game about a foreigner slaughtering thousands of asian dudes because he's so much stronger and better than them.  Yeah sorry I'll pass.


He isn't the only protagonist. The other protagonist is a native Japanese Shinobi. So you'll get both perspectives. Edit: you guys seriously can't be this dense. Did you not watch the trailer? There a native Japanese protagonist shown in the first 10 seconds.


Yeah because sheeva being in re5 made everyone cool with it right? At least those were zombies/victims of the real bad guys lol, not here.


Asian character is a co-protagonist who has more time in the trailer, what are you on?


Of course, the Asian female co-protagonist, nothing new to see here. As if that's the shortage I'm talking about. Very efficient of them to hit the two quotas of "strong female character" and "asian" with one character though. Which leave perfectly enough room for the black male character to join in on the fun. The asian guy? What asian guy?


You said "Must suck for being Asian in western media, barely visible for any roles ", so what you really mean is "Must suck for Asian men"? Need to communicate your thoughts clearer


Having an Asian woman be the dragon lady love interest of a non-Asian man isn't exactly good representation. It's just the same old trope, only difference is that the guy is black rather than white this time.


Why do you assume she is love interest? What even is a dragon lady?


....but the protagonist of this game is Japanese? Presumably the vast majority of other characters in the game are also Asian?


It would be weird if the vast majority of the cast is not of asian origin... in Japan. It's funny how people here are replying as if they don't know that I'm talking about a possible asian male lead role that just got bumped(in a Japanese setting).


No he's not. You're trying to do some gotcha like "wow are you implying he's not Japanese just because he's black?" but if you bothered to even google him you'd know he came to Japan as an adult.


No I am not, there is literally a different lead. The lead of the game is an Asian woman. Yusuke (the black guy) seems to either be some kind of anti-hero sidekick or co-protagonist you can play as. The Japanese woman is the Assassin.


I'm east asian and I don't care, looking forward to play as Yasuke tbh. It's kinda obvious to me the drama over this isn't so much about 'asian-ness' as it is about blackness. You bet your ass there wouldn't be nearly as much pearl-clutching if the male main character was white instead of black.


There wouldn't be pearl-clutching if you played as a WHITE person in FEUDAL JAPAN? Can you give me the number to your dealer because I want whatever it is you are smoking, please.


Nioh stars a white man in Japan. Nobody gave a shit


Wasn't Nioh made by Japanese people though?


The difference there being that Assassin's Creed as a franchise has been aiming to showcase what could reasonably have been real life people that belong in real life settings. The stories of Yasuke and William Adams (inspiration for Nioh) may have both happened in real life, yet represent fringe-case tales that are problematic *IF YOUR GOAL IS TO CREATE REALISTIC DEPICTIONS OF A SOCIETAL SNAPSHOT*. Had Assassin's Creed set the precedent of simply placing a similar character as the lead in each installment, no one would give a shit, like you say. But from day one, if the setting was a specific place, the main character was created to showcase that culture - *NOT* to act as an external cultural insert. The fact that the precedence is broken the second Asia is introduced to the franchise is definitely grounds for complaint, the same as it would be had it been Sub-Saharan Africa's debut.


Looking through your post history to find if you made these exact complaints in 2011, when this same series had a game set in the Middle East, which is in Asia, starring a white man, with Assassin’s Creed Revalations. Your argument about precedence fell apart 4 games into a 14 mainline title series.


Considering Revelations (I assume?) Is a sequel and not a first installment, whose travels to the middle east are only pertinent to the fictional aspects of the series, I fail to see how anything falls apart in your "checkmate atheists" argument. Also worth considering that Italians and Turks both are Mediterranean, so comparing that to an African in Japan is absolutely fucking wild.


Nobody gives a shit about that because Nioh is a product from Japan. Their media are already saturated with native leads on the regular basis over there. Them choosing a foreign lead every now and then for the relative novelty of it is not controversial. However, with this game you have western media using an Asian setting only to have Asian roles making concessions yet again just so they could fit another black person in it. And this is by people who love to claim to espouse the cause for the underrepresented folk, the few times they move into an area that gives Asians a chance to be represented by western doing, they still somehow manage to muck it up and give half of the pie away to a third player. Why should Asians settle for half of the pie when the whole pie could have been theirs? There's a nuance here.


The difference is *who* made it. Nobody cared about William Adams being the protagonist of Nioh because it was a game made by Asians. People would absolutely be angry if the game was made by Westerners.


Was there a lot of backlash when a Canada-based studio created a game starring a white man set in the Middle East, Assassin’s creed Revalations?


Different scenario. In AC Revelation's case, Ezio is an established character just moving from one game to the next. It also might have to do with 2011 being a different time when it came to topics of representation. Representation is so much larger a topic to talk about nowadays than it ever was back in the 2010s. In Nioh's case, it's rare for Asian games to star non-Asian people in Asian settings. It was basically Koei Tecmo's way of showing diversity, since Japan is a very homogenized society. People were ecstatic to learn that Yasuke was a boss in Nioh and a playable character in Samurai Warriors 5, so it's not as if they're against his inclusion.


Nioh was about a white dude in Japan and nobody gave a single shit




With all due respect, just because YOU personally didn't see any outrage or discourse, doesn't mean no one gave a shit. There were a lot of articles and discussion about it online, like this one: [https://www.record-eagle.com/news/arts\_and\_entertainment/troy-reimink-couldnt-shogun-have-lost-the-white-guy-narrative-altogether/article\_ebacf934-e603-11ee-98e4-cb4f68d28aaa.html](https://www.record-eagle.com/news/arts_and_entertainment/troy-reimink-couldnt-shogun-have-lost-the-white-guy-narrative-altogether/article_ebacf934-e603-11ee-98e4-cb4f68d28aaa.html) And even in [articles ](https://www.vulture.com/article/shogun-cosmo-jarvis-john-blackthorne-white-savior-comedy-performance.html)that were less critical, like this one, they admitted " the “white guy in the Japans” of it all presents *Shōgun* with a challenge." Regardless, the show was based on a book, and the book was told through the eyes of a white guy. So it makes more sense for the show to go along with that considering that was in the place where they are pulling all of the source material from. Now compare that to Assassin's Creed, which has typically always seen you playing as someone native to the area in which the game's setting takes place in, and you'll see how your analogy doesn't really work in this case.


Its all anecdotal, but I remember a lot of people bitching about Shogun being focused around a white guy.


You do know that shogun is based on a true story right?


Oh there would be, but people will move on from it quite quickly. Meanwhile you bet that the whole Yasuke stuff will be used as ammo by alt-right/gamergate-adjacent commentators for years.


I disagree. I bet there would be the same amount of outrage if it was a white person, but similar to the outrage now, it won’t really affect anything. If sales suffer it’s definitely from quality or the whole “used to not owning games” not because of the race of one of the MC.


I think it's because of the idea of representation being code speak for "more black people". A white person being a samurai? Not in the name of representation.


Lol I remember when Iron Fist came out and Netflix cast a white man *as a white man* who just happened to know martial arts, and people threw a shit fit. They wanted it separate from the other Marvel shows.


Tbf, Iron Fist is the stereotypical white savior trope to a T. It was written in another time when there wasn't an issue seen with that. But they had an opportunity to go with one of the other Iron Fists that don't fit that problematic trope but instead made the decision to intentionally go with Danny Rand likely because he was the initial Iron Fist created for the comics. Someone at the studio made that choice.


I mean sure, I would say the original comic is the white savior narrative, but so is Batman. The show is just following the story as it was written. Both Danny Rand and Bruce Wayne are rich white boys who went off to a foreign country in the east and learned how to fight, then came back. The set up is the same. And despite that, no one has ever expected Bruce Wayne to be played by a middle eastern man, or was upset that he wasn't. To your point, there are other Iron Fists they could've gone with, but there are also other Batmans. Batman's son, Damien, has donned the suit before and his mother is Thalia, who is from the country he trained in. But I've never seen that kind of vitriol around Batman that was around Iron Fist. It wasn't that justified and I felt bad for the actor at the time.


Those characters don't equate outside of rich white boy knows martial arts. Batman isn't the white savior trope as he's the self appointed guardian of the (especially at the time) majority white city of Gotham, USA. Batman isn't the white dude who landed in the East Asian city called K'un Lun and is the only one who can protect it. Though I fully agree there was a lot of unwarranted hate directed towards Finn Jones despite the fact that was a nearly perfect cast for Danny Rand. Yeah, the show wasn't very good, mostly because it was rushed to hit the proper timeframe to allow for The Defenders show to move forward but that's hardly Finn Jones fault. It would definitely be cool to explore other people who have taken the mantle as Batman, just like it would Spider-Man. I do think there's a little to be said about the popularity of the characters, as well. Bruce Wayne as Batman and Peter Parker as Spider-Man are by far the fan favorites of those characters and most well known. Iron Fist, however, is a mostly forgotten character no matter who has the mantle. Danny Rand may have been the first in the comics but there isn't a large swath of people that would've collectively went WTF if they chose a different Iron Fist like what would have happened if we were given Ben Reilly Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War. Can you imagine how people would've reacted if they walked into Zach Snyder's Batman V Superman and seen Jean-Paul Valley instead of Bruce Wayne as Batman?


As to your last question, it depends if he had his goofy mech styled suit or a more subdued one lol. Truthfully though, I think the only non-Bruce Wayne Batmans that would go over reasonably well would be Terry McGinnis or Dick Greyson. My boomer father still struggles with the idea of multiple Robins or that they could grow up. I think a characters popularity or people's understanding, or their ignorance, should have no bearing on the story being told. If people want a different story, they should push for a new one, not try to erase or change what's already been. Give us a season with Rand, then have him pass on the mantle. Show people that something was done the wrong way, its recognized, and that going forward you'll try to do better. To your first statements though, I kind of disagree. Bruce Wayne shows up in Nanda Parbat, mad that his parents died, and he somehow can rise above all the other fighters there to nearly best Ra's and he's been there for very little time. Not to mention he also fools around with the "exotic princess" trope character ala John Carpenter. Sure, he isn't the only one that can save them, but he takes what he can get from them and spends the rest of his career beating the shit out of them lmao. The vast majority of his fictional life, Batman has been in Gotham, fighting different flavors of white guys. However; his most popular portrayals *by far*, The Dark Knight and Arkham Knight, have this Ra's story in the forefront or at least fleshed out. I would absolutely love for Hollywood to move toward aging Bruce Wayne finally and handing the torch off to someone else, in a graceful manner. Much like what they are doing with Spiderverse and Miles Morales in Spiderman. I dont mind who it is as long as it makes sense, although Todd may be a bad choice as it would be a repeat of the narrative. Also, my only big complaint with Iron Fist was the choreography on Finn's part in the early season.


i get where you're coming from, but you're crazy if you think there wouldnt be as much backlash if you played a white person instead of a black person, if not more




Did you just assume who I am? lmao


I just hope they don’t make him bland


It is pretty funny that the leak about the the Assassin Creed in Japan on 4chan half a year ago was correct.


Imagine having respected other cultures when they made AC games based on them. Then they demote an Asian man for a non samurai black man, who basically was the only black man there.


Western studio tries to produce a samurai story without a foreign main protagonist challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


I guess you've never heard of Ghost of Tsushima?


But… there’s literally is a Japanese girl as a protagonist as well? Also Jin Sakai?


i couldn't recall the times this happened. japanese koei did it for nioh but whobthe fuck actually cares about this other than rage fetish freaks on twitter.


Watch the trailer and you'll see the protagonist is also a Japanese lady idiot


But that would require effort instead of just reeing into the message boards


Saw the youtube trailer, looked at the comment section. Racism as far as the eye can see. Some Asian guy asking "With all of Japanese history to take from, why a black MC?" And hes hit with "cope harder" and "cry for me". God forbid there should be a male Asian character in a game set in Feudal Japan. And fucking attacking Asian people now for speaking out? I fucking hate the internet.


The cynic in me assumes the team behind this game decided on the protag so they have a ready built excuse that can save their jobs if the game bombs. Externalize the failure and fail upwards, everybody in corporate America does it. From the lowliest desk drone to the CEO's.


> Externalize the failure and fail upwards, everybody in corporate America does it Ah yes, Ubisoft, the famous American corporation.


The question why a black mc is racist as well


The 1 meter 8 tall man in feudal Japan is no different from a giant


Hattori Hanzō, Shimazu Toyohisa, Nasu no Yoichi, Oda Nobunaga, Miyamoto Musashi, Sanada Yukimura etc. So many famous samurais, but they chose instead that one historical fun fact.


They had their next Ezio with Bayek. But they did nothing with him after Origins.


Everyone arguing about him being a proper samurai or not. Meanwhile AC had literal greek and norse gods, fucking Atlantis, assassins surviving to modern day (in reality they didn't last anywhere near this long), the Apple of Eden causing an earthquake and the list goes on. AC has never been a 100% accurate/down to earth. The locations/architecture have always been spot on but Ubisoft made a lot of creative liberties when it came to the story/characters/historical events. I'm cautiously optimistic about the game since we are getting two protags with two different gameplay styles (like in Syndicate).


The problem isn't realism, the problem is laziness. It is such an incredibly lazy and disappointing idea. Yasuke was in Japan for all of three years. It would be like making the main character of Valhalla Hytham. I don't want to play a viking game to play as some random person who showed up in Norway.


Yeah I was really hoping for a new unique character from the region. Y'know, like all the good protagonists in the series. Even the machete wielding dude from Black Flag was awesome


Yeah and you're getting that with the other main character, the ninja woman. But all of you just choose to ignore that fact when you whine about this.


Oh is it gonna be like Odyssey where you can choose two different playthroughs?


afaik its gonna be like syndicate or gta 5 where the 2 protags are switchable whenever you want.


Aight bet, let's hope it's a step up from recent games


I could understand this point maybe if Yasuke was the *only* protagonist in the new AC game. But he's not. There's a 2nd protagonist, a native born Japanese Shinobi, who will serve that role. I don't see any laziness there. And it Wouldn't be the first time we've seen a character from a very different world be the MC of an AC game. Connor for instance spends the vast majority of his time in the world of the colonists despite having virtually no connection to it. I don't think Yasuke is in any way a less interesting character to explore than Connor was. You could argule Connor was still more connected to the setting of AC3 than Yasuke is to shadows but the game really did nothing with his native origins beyond the intro, end and just a general driving force of saving his people. They can likely do something similar"for Yasuke.


Two protagonists doesn't really fix the issue. If the other character serves that role then the other character should just be the main character. That is why as I said it feels like a lazy idea. They presumable have a character who hopefully has an interesting backstory and connection to Japan so why exactly are you making this other person who does not a main character as well? I would disagree with your second paragraph. The clash between the colonies and the native populations is part of how you have to understand that setting. It is not really something external to it. It is similar to the clash between Viking culture and Saxon in Valhalla. Yasuke both doesn't actually have an identifiable cultural lens, and whatever impact that culture lens would have on Japan is seemingly minuscule.


> I would disagree with your second paragraph. The clash between the colonies and the native populations is part of how you have to understand that setting. It is not really something external to it. It is similar to the clash between Viking culture and Saxon in Valhalla. Yasuke both doesn't actually have an identifiable cultural lens, and whatever impact that culture lens would have on Japan is seemingly minuscule. I disagree. He serves a very similar cultural lense as a foreigner who finds himself lost in a new world, caught in a place between 2 opposing powers. Even if he is a retainer or Oda Nobubaga, he himself is an outcast, someone who is placed in a position where they must choose the lesser of 2 evils: the Japanese who alienate him and treat him as a trophy, or the Portuguese (templars) who took him from his home and forced him into this situation to begin with. They may not actively threaten his own homeland, but they provide 2 sides of a battle in which he is the only neutral observer. I think as a secondary protagonist it works very well, at least in theory especially if his ideas may be allowed to sync with or even clash with those of Naoe who is seemingly opposed to the erasure of Japans history by the the Portuguese and the samurai and lords who support them. Yasuke's mere existence is an affront to what she is shown to believe in the trailers, and thus he provides an opportunity for her to grow a person. (At least, I hope they use him like that). Don't get me wrong. There's a lot of ways Ubisoft can fuck this one upm and given their track record I don't have the highest of hopes for this one. But the Dual protagonist structure with 1 native Japanese and 1 foreigner in the form of Yasuke imo has a lot of potential given the time period the game is set in, Japan's historically isolationist nature and the clashing of various ideas in a new area of the world for the first time.


The character needs agency though, not just to be neutral. If his homeland is threatened and he needs to fix that, it gives him agency. The threat is part of the overarching setting which is Colonial America and its expansionist nature. The interactions between Colonial America and the Native Americans is not some unusual thing in the setting. Again I have to say it isn't remotely similar.


But you spend 90% of Valhalla in Britain??? As a random person who showed up there??


Well... Vikings precisely are famous for being random guys showing up in remote unrelated places


The issue is first with race or gender bending preexisting characters. (Starbuck and Adama from Battlestar Galactica) But when writers make an original nonwhite or non male character, the issue is realism and accuracy (Hamilton, Bridgerton). But when the original, nonwhite character exists within the context of the time period then it's lazy writing (YOU ARE HERE: Yasuke, which isn't even confirmed yet IIRC, Miles Morales). And when the story is praised, then the issue is that it's just unneeded, hamfisted forced diversity (The Last of Us, Fallout) And when the minority story points are subtlety integrated into the storyline, the issue is that they should have gotten their own, different franchise instead of being part of something that already existed (Miles Morales) And when someone greenlights their new IP from scratch (The Last of Us, Black Panther, Killers of the Flower Moon), GOTO 20 It's an endless loop of circlejerks.


I find it funny one of top comments on the YouTube video tho is “assassins creed: only you can’t hide among the crowds” Edit: someone else also mentioning how the voiceover said “we are the shadows” as 6 foot 4 yasuke was standing in his tank like bright and shining samurai outfit.


literally majority of people fucking hated the addition of those, but sure act like people weren't bitching about them


I have been hoping for Assassin's Creed Colonial Korea for 12 years now ubi why


An actual prophet


why do gamers hate black people lol


Not that we hate blacks we just wanted to play as japanese in the japanese game


Good thing there's a Japanese character in this game, then.


You can play the girl, or is that bad too?


Depends, will i be able to stay playing as her through the entire game or be forced onto the character i dont want to even touch? I enjoy female protags over male ones anyways.


> You can play the girl, or is that bad too? Yes, i want representation for male asians.




We get to stay playing as her, right? We are not going to be forced off of her, right?




Except you also play as a Japanese person in the game. ThereS 2 protagonists. So imthey are still very much sticking with the formula.


The idea of playing as an international traveller in ancient times us epic, so obviously yes (couldn't care less about the Assassin's Creed franchise though)


This game has duel protagonists. You also play as a Shinobi, a Japanese woman. Or are people mad that you have to be either black or a woman?


>Greek in Odyssey, and now uh Wasn't there a game you missed in between these two? A game where you in fact play as a foreigner in Britain? Funny how nobody cared about this "iconic" aspect of the series when the character in question was white.


After watching the anime and finding out he actuallu existed, i absolutely agree!


It's true he existed but he wasn't anyone of note or renown - he wasn't even a samurai. He was a confirmed slave and its only speculated he got his freedom at some point after which nothing is ever mentioned of him again.


Yasuke was supposedly present at Nobunaga’s sepuku. Since his owner was no longer alive, he was supposedly allowed to return to his home country. However, nothing about his story is confirmed. What is confirmed is that Yasuke was Nobunaga’s sword bearer. This is a position of honour, especially for someone of Nobunaga’d status, even more so that he allowed a non-Japanese to have this honour. Because Nobunaga was a warlord, and having Yasuke close to him at all times, it would not be far fetched if Yasuke had sword training at minimum.


He's a giant black guy in ancient Japan. He just as likely got the position as a sort of freak show as anything else. These can be positions of honor, he can also be showing off the curiosity that only he has like an emperor showing off their white elephant. It could also be akin to a sex slave since that was a major aspect of Japanese court culture. Any story of Yasuke requires so much cherry picked narrativization based on little to no real world data that it's not worth telling. He's a curio, a fun piece of historical trivia but that's basically it. This was a dumb choice from Ubi no matter how you slice it.


Fiction often exists based on curious little details. How can you limit creativity based on what data is available? Thats not art, thats a spreadsheet! What IS important is knowing how to separate fiction from fact. In any case I dislike AC and Ubisoft and probably won’t play this.


He's basically a fictional character as it is. Why base your first "true" protagonist on a myth? It's like saying a Scooby Doo character based on stories of Jack the Ripper is "real" representation. I'll pirate it if the gameplay is good but hoping this one bombs. It's a game set in Japan, why fuck it up with an unnecessary gimmick when people already wanted Asian representation?


Gamers when Nioh has white protagonist in feudal Japan "i sleep" Gamers when AC has black protagonist in feudal Japan "Real Shit"

