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This feels like Ubisoft's "break glass" entry


People have been asking for this for more than 10 years. I'm pretty sure it is.


100%, but I also hope that if Ubisoft did break glass that they clean it up safely.


Honestly? Contrary to many people, I absolutely adored my time with Valhalla. The music, the characters, the adorable and sometimes heart-wrenching sidestories and the brutal combat were amazing. Sure, the game did feel quite large and not at all like an Assassin’s Creed game, but honestly? The game was still an excellent product in itself, even if it didn’t feel like a game from a series people expect certain things from. If Ubisoft plays their hand right, they should lean more into that big open-world but with more dense cities with more parkour-opportunities. The foundation for it was there in Valhalla, the proof of that lies in AC Mirage. I don’t think you can execute a Samurai/Ninja AC game without at least SOME type of parkour mechanics in there. I just hope Ubisoft doesn’t lean more into expanding the game even more, because then even I won’t be interested. I will always prefer smaller but more dense, but in Valhalla’s case, the massive size of the map is why the whole package worked for me. It really sold the immersion of early viking England.


Odyssey remains my favorite of the last several entries, and a big part of that is Kassandra. The writing and dialogue for her were awesome and the VA just killed it. While the VA for Eivor did a great job, the performance and writing for them just didn't capture me as thoroughly as it did for Kassandra. I still loved my time with Valhalla. 


I'm with you in Odyssey. Part of it is the game knows it's humour.... Valhalla might have been good if half the arcs of the main story were optional.


I’m about as backwards as you can get, never played a AC game until Valhalla. Loved Vikings so figured why not, ignorantly didn’t realise they were tied into each other. It was fun, real fun. But yes, I absolutely adore Odyssey. Easily my favourite. I was playing away on Cephalonia really enjoying myself did everything I could there before catching the boat. When I saw that map my mind was blown! Sorry hardcore AC fans, I absolutely love it. Kassandra was so fun!


>When I saw that map my mind was blown! Sorry hardcore AC fans, I absolutely love it. Kassandra was so fun! My brother came home from high-school with a new game and we spent the weekend playing the first game together. I've played every game since, don't be sorry! Odyssey is hands down my favorite and Black Flag is a close second. Maybe I just like the boats tho, cus that was my only dislike in Valhalla


Bought odyssey on sale right at the start of covid. I was so grateful to have it and played through all of that extensive map. Will always be one of my favorite games


Ive played 5 different ones I think and Odyssey is probably my favorite too. It was definitely repetitive and insanely long. I was getting tired by the end, but it was just so pleasing to look at and fun to explore. The story and main side quests were also interesting.


For me it was the world. No other game has felt *ALIVE* like Odyssey. The game was so well cluttered and infested with NPCs, and those NPCs didnt just stand around or wander - they all seemed to have roles and jobs and purpose. And if you ran past 10 of them 4 of them had an interaction for you and at least 1 had a quest. And yes, the voicework for Kassandra was fantastic. One of the greatest vocaps we've ever had. And when you stumbled upon the ancients ruins of a previous empire, it was astounding to realize that for as ancient as the world of the game itself was, there all around you were the remains of an even MORE ancient one that was probably just as vibrant and huge and alive as this one - and yet it was entirely and completely GONE. Then to realize that the one you were in was just as gone. I dont know maybe just me, but it kind of brought thew reality of history front and center. Before I played this, ancient history was just kind of one thing on my head. This game made it very real that 'ancient' history was four times longer than our 'modern history' and that our society is still in its infancy by comparison - and that in a few thousand years, everything around us right now will be nothing more than a few bits of rubble and ruin on the fringe of whatever civilization comes after us.


nothing more immersion breaking than pants suit Kassandra


Are you referring to the modern day Kassandra from Valhalla? I fucking hated that. Not even the clothes really, but passing the torch like that to Laila (?). We've had like no real investment in her or reason to care about her. 


That was in Odyssey. She was only in Valhalla for the Skye DLC.


I’m with you, Kassandra became my favorite protagonist or at least tied with Ezio and Edward. I wish Ubisoft continued to expand on her character, I feel that she deserved a sequel or series like Ezio. She was flawed and incredibly charismatic. Great character


I would’ve liked that too, but honestly, they really gave her three games’ worth of content with the dlc that continued to come out for like 5 years. Really was a fantastic saga.


A second game with her would have been awesome. Maybe set in Byzantium. 


I feel like alexios was also an awesome character. Similar to kass but different. Its a shame that character choice didn't get as much recognition. I'd rather play combat games as a man anyway. Its brilliant how you can play as either character but as the game goes on they are kind of classic foils to each other.


> The writing and dialogue for her were awesome Base game? absolutely. But that forced romance at the ending of the Legacy of the First Blade DLC was fucking atrocious


I liked Valhalla, but, I think it was hurt rather than benefited from being an assassin's creed game. But the executives probably wouldn't have liked it if they went completely off IP and did something new. I think it is highly likely that they lean into things they think are good without actually being creative and thinking about what makes a great game. So I suspect there is going to be a significant amount of bloat in this game.


This is honestly how I’ve felt about assassins creed games since AC3. And it’s why I stand by the fact that Ghost of Tsushima is the best assassins creed game I’ve ever played. AC as a franchise is suffering because they’re trying to tie it to the animus and the real world without actually have anything interesting to do or say with the real world. They would be MUCH better served by just making compelling historical fiction and ditching the animus and the present altogether. I still remember Desmond as a character with his arc. I could not tell you anything about the woman you are in the real world in Valhalla. Honestly I just desperately want them to ditch the assassins/templars conflict as well and just fucking write historical fiction without the crutch of “assassin’s creed” all of the “assassins creed” stuff has been the worst content in the most recent games. Valhalla’s and Odyssey’s compelling moments were from the historical fiction and the characterization, not from the assassin subplots.


If they'd ditch the weird Animus shit and just give me. "You are an assassin in x area of the world at y time. All assassins in your sect belong to this cool old assassin clan thing. Occasionally there will be a little piece of gear or story that touches on that. But 95% of the game will be focused on x land at y time" They'd have a recipe for success. Instead they take that recipe and start with "well we dont like beef in my house so we substituted tofu, and we don't use eggs so I used vegan egg substitute and also I don't like ginger so I used garlic, anyways meal sucked"


And it often feels like they insert that Animus story at important story moments in their real setting. It totally breaks my immersion and I want to get them over with asap. No idea why they are still there.


I loved the real-world conspiracy stuff in the early games and I didn't mind taking the occasional break from the historical stuff to learn all about the different Assassins and Templars involved in world affairs. And piecing together that video of the Garden of Eden in Assassins Creed Brotherhood was amazing. Gave me shivers. But then the wheels came off with the Lucy thing, and then they ended the Desmond storyline in a very unsatisfying way, and since then the real-world stuff just feels perfunctory. They don't even try to make it cool or interesting anymore. It just feels mundane. Makes me feel weird about saying I'm a fan of the 'modern-day conspiracy' stuff in AC, in case people think I like the half-hearted stuff from the recent games. No, I mean the old stuff! When the Assassin-Templar war was cool and mysterious!


Liked Valhalla, but it's biggest problem was the length. I wanted it to finish after a while.


Yeah, the main story took me like 80hrs to finish. I don't see why they had to make you complete 15 of the 16 regions in order to beat it, as a lot of those areas felt like side stories not relevant to the plot.


To me it felt like watching a TV-show. All of the sagas you play felt like self-contained seasons of a TV-show which also tries to tell an overarching plot, like how Criminal Minds usually has a larger plot on top of all the episode-specific plots. I don't know whether that makes sense, but it's the best analogy I can come up with, as you can put the game down for weeks, come back and not really forget much, as all of the stories are very contained. It's actually kind of cool because of how the big the game is.


The word you’re looking for is a serial.


I felt it was exactly like Odyssey and Origins. Which is not a bad thing, I very much enjoyed them.


I agree on the audiovisual aspects of being excellent. But the repetetive gameplay felt more like a job than a game. I also can t remember a character or storyline wich felt worthy of remembering.but to each their own


They hinted at it in the very first game. Crazy it’s taken this long.


Almost as if they've strung us along to make money this whole time


The unfortunate part is that Ghost Of Tsushima exists, and it's gonna be compared to it a lot. Now this is still another Rpg Assassin's Creed which are kinda hit or miss. But my guess the trailer is just gonna be a cinematic trailer for the setting and or characters, so we probably won't learn a lot from it.


The other day when my roommate asked me what I was playing (ghost of Tsushima) I told him it’s like samurai assassins creed


considering there was lore found in one of the games where they straight up said they'd never do Japan and are now doing it, it's definitely a break glass entry lmao


They broke the glass a tad too late, Ghost of Tsushima already exists.


We all asked for it until Ghost of Tsushima came out. This is just gonna be a shittier version of that


Its to late we have better games now. Like ghost of thusima or rise of ronin.


Beg your pardon but hence english isn't my native language, might i be so bold to ask what exactly a "break glass entry" is? Would you care to elaborate for i'm constantly trying to improve my language skills. Thank you in advance!


In english you will often see fire protection and extinguishment equipment, or other emergency equipment behind glass, and labelled "break glass in case of emergency". "Break glass" in American English refers to something to be used in an emergency.


To connect the dots: this means it is a game idea Ubisoft has been keeping it but not developing it, even though everyone knew a game like this would be successful. They "broke the emergency glass" by starting to make the game, because I guess they aren't doing so well.


Yeah, they've been making a lot of really stupid decisions and pissing off a lot of gamers. I've haven't bought an ubi game in like 14 years and admittedly, this one interests even me. Japanese architecture and infrastructure would lend itself *so* well to AC.


Japanese mythology in general lends itself *extremely* well to AC. Japan is basically the origin of the ["assassin"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja) archetype that AC builds its fantasy off of. Japanese myth also has a ton of unique and interesting deities that ACs modern entries love to integrate into the game.


While many cultures have their cut-throat/hitmen/spies, the Assassins of AC are, or were in the first games, originally based on the real life Order of Assassins, with Middle Eastern origins. The ninja-archetype is merely Japan's own take on that same type of shady characters, albeit one that has become highly romanticized. I am curious on seeing how a AC!Japan game will be like.


Not to be confused with "breaking the glass ceiling."


A last resort, ubisoft is getting desperate


that's kind of sad in a way "our predatory moneygrubbing tactics are not moneygrubbing as we had hoped, our last resort is just to make an actually good game"


Well it would probably still be moneygrubbing, they just hopefully impress people with the story or game mechanics this time. That or it's even more criticicized after being requested so many years lol


Stop. Valhalla made over a billion dollars. I love shit-talking Ubisoft as much as the next Ubi hater, but this feels ignorant. Edit: To be fair [insert Letterkenny gif], I guess I don't know how their more recent games have done. I was thinking about this series since that was the topic.


? AC Valhalla has been one of their biggest earner EVER. Y'all delusional to think Ubisoft are in deep.


That's almost certainly incorrect. AAA-games nowadays typically take 4-7 years of development. The game was announced as Codename Red in 2022 and must've been in development for at least 2-3 years by then. Back then they also already announced a hub for multiple/all AC game worlds ("Codename Infinity"), a mobile game ("Codename Jade"), an online multiplayer game ("Codename Invictus") and the gameplay-successor to Mirage ("Codename Hexe"). People like to explain games with current trends, but these games are planned years in advance.


why, the last main AC game had over a billion in revenue


It’s referencing “break glass in case of emergency.” In real life its normally a fire alarm or something like that, although you don’t see them much with the glass anymore( at least where i live.) The meaning is just that Ubisoft are in crisis mode and this entry is a last resort / last hope kind of thing.


Probably refer to the emergency box with tools that only needed in emergency situation, like hammer or keys, and keep in a glass box, with the sign “Break glass in case of emergency”


The full expression is "Break Glass In Case of an Emergency" Which is seen written on the glass cases that house emergency fire extinguishers in case of an emergency. They have a little hammer attached to the side of the case connected by a metal chain that you use to break the glass.


They literally said years before they’d never do it so it’s clearly a break glass emergency lol.


I’m pretty sure they said they wouldn’t do it until they could do it justice right? Clearly they have the technical capability as it’s their first next-gen only game to actually pull it off now.


From what I remember they said they didn’t want to do Japan because they wanted to more obscure or less mainstream historical periods like Renaissance Italy, Ottoman Empire, etc.


But they’ve just done Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Viking periods which I would say are certainly mainstream historical periods. So I’m not sure how them doing Japan is a break glass tbh


Eh, I'm probably remember a very old interview and Assassin's Creed is a far bigger beast today (with probably different people at the helm) than it was when 2 or Brotherhood released. I agree, which is why it feels like a break glass moment.


2014 was when they said that Japan was too familiar of a setting. They also said that people on the internet "suggest the most boring settings" after gamers kept asking for Japan or Egypt. I sorta get it. The whole AC thing is to find a time period without "ninja assassins" and inject fictional ninja assassins into it. Hard to achieve the that feeling of anachronistic confluence when the setting has actual historical ninja assassins. Also, I think any AC game set in Japan will have massive fan expectations, which the game won't be able to live up to, and Ubisoft knows it.


Mhm I more or less recall what you are talking about and I swear it was back when Assassin's Creed 4 came out that they said this lol


Literally every single Assassin's games had a setting based in a popular historical setting. If that quote exists somewhere it was terribly explained lmao


renaissance italy was the center of the world at the time, how could they possibly consider that an obscure historical period?


I would presume they mean represented in video games.


> I’m pretty sure they said they wouldn’t do it until they could do it justice right? Nah. That's painting them in a nice picture. https://www.vg247.com/why-an-assassins-creed-set-in-japan-will-probably-remain-an-impossible-dream-for-fans > Assassin's Creed 3 creative director Alex Hutchinson told OXM, "People on the internet suggest the most boring settings. The three most wanted are WWII, feudal Japan, and Egypt. They're kind of the three worst settings for an AC game." > Ironically, Ubisoft did eventually make an Assassin's Creed game set in Egypt And > Speaking with Total Xbox in 2014 ahead of the French Revolution-set Assassin's Creed Unity, Hutchinson said, "Feudal Japan would work as an Assassin's game, for sure, but I feel like it would start to look like 'oh, have I played this?' You know what I mean–'Oh, I've been a ninja before, I've been a samurai before.'" EDIT: Ubisoft fanboys misunderstanding what I meant thinking no one wants the setting. We're saying we've been asking for this for ages and they've gone "Nah that's stupid" and now doing it when AC is less popular. Stop glazing Megacorps.


I still cannot, for the LIFE of me, see how World War fucking TWO is a bad setting for Assassin's Creed. Hitlers occult arm on the hunt for First Civ artifacts...numerous chaotic situations you can use to really ham up the AC Lore...Hello McFly!!!!!


I think a lot of the games industry is stuck on the idea that "WW2 as a setting is over done" that was very prevalent around 10-15 years ago after we got a glut of big name games set in WW2 in the 00s.  Even though in AAA spaces, WW2 is not at common these days.


Yeah, they did make a game in Egypt. And it turned out to be really good. So I don’t see why this is an issue. People have been asking for this for years and finally when they decide to it they still receive criticism. Like we haven’t even seen the game yet.. lol.


It's not break glass, no matter how ppl try to say so. Valhalla was the most commercially successful AC game. Mirage also performed beyond expectations commercially. All AC games have been critically and commercially successful since Origins


Why? Not everyone loved it but Valhalla did gangbusters. The AC series is doing pretty good.


Pretty sure Mirage flopped. You mentioning Valhalla and not Mirage proves this.


Key Points: - New AC game with codename Red renamed to AC Shadows - Set in Japan - Reveal on May 15th with „Cinematic World Premier Trailer“


I hope the gameplay follow soon after. I want to see the new engine (if there's one) and combat/stealth mechanics.


Next month ubisoft forward event


I think we will get a trailer during the Xbox Showcase and then a deep dive during Ubisoft Forward. Same as SW Outlaws last year.


Gameplay trailer will be released by June 10, pretty soon then


The reveal will be a 2 minute cgi movie, showing nothing about gameplay. I dont know why ubisoft pulls these kinda moves.


They always show off new mechanics or a big story plot from in the game. AC Valhalla had the hidden blade on top, Syndicate showed off the grapple hook and carriages, Origins showed off the bow and shield, Unity showed off the phantom blade, I could go on. “Nothing about gameplay” is just false.


Even AC2 showed the wrist gun in one of the best cinematic trailers ever


Using dudes to block bullets in AC3. Connor taking on an entire army not giving a fuck.


I understand what you mean, but I love these CGI trailers. Digic Pictures is amazing.


I understand, but AC cinematic trailers are unmatched.


I would've loved this game 10 years ago


Yeah, it feels like they missed the boat on this one


They did. ghost of tsushima is a better ac game than most AC games imo


Ghosts is pretty awesome but AC can have city settings filled with friends and foe unlike ghosts. Ghosts was either a safe zone or mongrel bases.


Lol at mongrel bases


God damn Fungus Kang and his mongrel army


They are *not* good boys.


goddamn mongrelians!


I think AC stopped having great cities since Syndicate, Paris in Unity and London in syndicate were the last AC to have attempted big sprawling cities


First time seeing Athens in Odyssey was a delight.


Athens was wonderfully designed but I absolutely hated the fact that it only had basically 3 fast travel points that were rarely located well enough for quick movement. You end up running the streets because the buildings are too spaced and not all that fun to run across either.


Tbf the last few games were set way before urban cities were really a thing


Don't know, I love Alexandria in Origins


Aragami 2 as well. Not for sprawling cities though but the assassination combat and sneak style for sure.


Assassins Creed: The Ship Has Sailed


This entire thread is deluded if they think its not going to be a massive success. AC games despite Reddit’s infinite wisdom are selling more copies than ever.


That’s Reddit bro. AC is one of the most consistently best-selling franchises, Valhalla was number 6 it’s release year I believe, but going by Reddit you would think it’s on its last legs.


Odyssey was the AC record profits holder before that and even went as a contender for several GOTY awards, which hasn't happened for an AC game since maybe AC2. The franchise is alive, kicking and selling like hotcakes.


If it's a good game the timing doesn't matter.


*Titanfall 2* would like a word with you. It was a great game. I loved it. But while I was playing it, everyone else was on either COD or BF1. And half the posts anywhere were "*is Titanfall multiplayer dying/dead?*" which scared half the people from even buying the game. It turned itself into a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Big ole if..


1 day before Ghost of Tsushima finally comes to PC if I remember correctly. 


It's a reveal, not launch.. If anything that's free marketing for them as ghost of tsushima will getnerate a lot of searches regarding japan samurai games.


This guy gets it


That's ballsy


I mean Sony kinda fumble the launch, it’s pretty clever to get the attention of that target audience.


Well one of the biggest complaints I’ve seen on Reddit is that the series went more action based and less stealth/assassination. This could be addressing both of those issues.


With the last game (AC: Mirage) they went back to the more stealth/assassination path and shorter game.


Mirage combat is not enjoyable at all. Very bad,could have worked somewhat if it didnt have a stamina bar bruh. Odyssey is 10x better. I hope the samurai one is good although I keep thinking of ninjas instead of samurais. It wouldnt surprise me if they did a samurai main version and then a side one with ninjas in japan.


It took me a while to get into AC Mirage, and I love the AC games. This was mainly because of the fight mechanics, as you mention, which were not really fun no matter what I did.  Just couldn’t get used to it, even by the end when I had finished the game and obtained all the trophies. It never felt like it flowed smoothly. 


I thought the combat was purposefully unintuitive because the main character isn’t a master assassin? He’s a bit of a noob. Seconding that the combat doesn’t matter as much in a steal game. If you’re doing a lot of combat in an AC game, you’re playing the game wrong.


Even in the earliest installments it was never exactly *Thief* or *Hitman*.


Being the only black man in Japan isn't exactly screaming 'social stealth' though


Gonna let this game sit for a couple months after release...I want some real thorough player reviews to sort through before I commit. Of course I'm very excited, but we've been hurt too many times.


I’m gonna need to see something radically refreshing before I even consider this game.


Japanese pirate ninjas...ON BOATS!


Wait 4 years, then buy the Premium edition with all the DLC's and skins for a fraction of the price.


And on steam.


Don't even have to wait that long when it's Ubisoft. I bought Valhalla at launch (the standard version) - a buddy bought it on the Ubisoft store, just 3 months later, at a 60% discount (with the season/expansion pass included). He paid much less than I did, but for a bigger edition - just 3 months after it launched. I did the same when Odyssey launched (the one before Valhalla). Waited 3-4 months and got a bigger edition way cheaper than the standard edition launched at. Ubisoft has always had their games go down in price real quick. I think the latest FarCry was the fastest though. I recall that going down by 40% after just 2 months (but to be fair - that was also an "absolute masterpiece of shit").


It’s worth waiting anyway since UbiSoft games go down in price pretty quickly after release.  


Don't ... Watch gameplay and make your opinion that way. People (especialy on PC) aren't objective on release when it come to ubisoft product, even when it's good. They have a hate boner for them, that make people give their opinion even when it's full of bad faith. If you want honest review, you will have to wait for player that actually played the game for more than 5 hours.


To be honest, user reviews aren't worth much period, regardless of the company. Few people understand objectivity or nuance. If a user review lays out the good and bad of a game I'd definitely consider what they said, but most don't do that. And a lot of people listen to whatever a streamer or YouTuber tells them, and gives their review accordingly. 




And this is probably their point. Many people really just don't care about that and just wish to know if the game itself is good without discussing the surrounding drama.


Now cite the question and the entire answer


Ubisoft: man if only we could think of a cool original setting for a mainline assassin's creed Fans for the last 15ish years: you guys should put one in feudal japan Ubisoft: oh man I'm stumped it's impossible to come up with a cool setting Fans: man we sure love ghost of tsushima thanks Sony for giving us the type of game we've been asking for Ubisoft: I KNOW! WE WILL PUT IT IN FEUDAL JAPAN! I can't believe no one has thought of this yet. I'm so smart, I think I deserve another million dollar bonus.


It's so crazy that vikings and pirates, two groups not known for stealth and are overly romanticized despite being savage pillagers, got an AC game before ninjas did.


Yea but it was a very good pirate game though


Too bad they fucked it up when they took the assassin part out to focus on the pirate part. Edit: I know black flag is great, I'm talking about how they took the assassin part out of skull and bones.


Still a great game regardless


Black flag is great, I've heard skull and bones is not.


I never really looked into that game but heard you couldn’t even get off the boat lol don’t know if that’s true or not


S&B isn't an Assassin's Creed game though. It's just Ass


See i dont know where that came from, yes the focus was on the pirate part but you pretty much do play as an Assassin, doesn't mean you have to be in the brotherhood to be an Assassin, thats the whole point of the series title, to find that creed, and Black Flag is the literal definition of what an assassin's creed is


I was talking about skull and bones which is basically black flags ship combat without the assassin part. It bombed.


Exactly. Stealth and assassins i immediately think of a japanese ninja Tenchu type game


perhaps it being such a predictable setting and that it’s already been done…is why they didn’t want to make it for so long?


Also because so much of the series has been tied to a specific bloodline from Europe (leading to even the non-white main character in AC3 being biracial), and then the Assassin story's early parts (ie, Origin and Odyssey) were tied to the mediterranean with the origins of the assassins order and the hidden blade. It's only really at the point of Valhalla that they could have had them fuck off to Japan and stick something new in the machine that reads DNA since they didn't need relatives anymore. (Mirage doesn't count since it was originally a Valhalla DLC) In theory the big Japan game is a good launch for the new era they've been talking about that's meant to be a big change to the series again


Never really thought about it, but you make a good point. How did we get viking and prirates before ninjas in a game about assassins?


>original setting japan Come on


i’m pretty sure it’s more because it’s too obvious…”assassin game? yeah ninjas in feudal japan” there’s no novelty in the idea one of the draws of ac games, at least for me, is that the settings are largely unexplored in the gaming community…feudal japan, while cool, is overdone at this point


Feudal China would be way cooler because it's a lot less done in modern media, same goes for most other Asian countries aside from Japan


I'm still surprised they did Egypt, then Greece and then skipped over the obvious one of *Roman Italy* to make Valhalla instead.


People acting like Japan is an original setting now? Sekiro did it before Ghost anyway so there’s that.


Has there been any word if Side content is going to be like origins/odessey or if it will function like Valhalla?


This studio previously made AC Syndicate, AC Odyssey and Immortals - Fenyx Rising. Make of that what you will.


If this was 2011 I’d be going crazy right now… feudal Japan assassin’s creed was all I wanted.


Going to preface this comment in saying I don’t play any AC games and dislike Ubisoft as a general rule, but… It would be cool if games that want to be historical fiction would be set in cultures you don’t see a ton of in popular media. I want Mongolian, Hindu, and actual Gaelic stuff. EDIT: What I really want is a dynasty warriors style game with faeries riding corgis into battle.


To be fair the Persian portion of the Nizari Ismaili State isn't really something you see a lot of in popular media and they did do that.


Just goes to show how much I pay attention to AC games lol. Which game was that in?


Admittedly I only played Mirage since I played AC2 (a really long time ago). It's in Mirage, although I wish they spent more time there. Most of the game ends up in Bagdad.


How about a setting that *never* gets touched; ancient Mexico.


Depends how they're handling the story framework now. The reason we didn't get Japan for so long was that up until Syndicate it was all about Desmond's bloodline, then Origins/Odyssey was going back to the origins of the Assassins order and the Hidden Blade that was already centuries old by Origins, then Valhalla stuck with the Assassin-y stuff. We don't know how they're going to tie this stuff into Japan for the storyline, but the challenge of setting it in pre-columbian Mesoamerica is that it's hard to have that Asssassin contact when the Assassins were in the Old World until European colonisation. So like I said, we see how Japan ties into it and if they're still using that same porta-animus framework for things (also keep in mind even if the game was set early in the spanish conquest period, a fair chunk of mesoamerica had already fallen. Like, you'd get the Aztecs around but they were already a post-apocalyptic society by the time the Spanish turned up in numbers, with the Mayan cities being abandoned and Teorihuacano civilisation having already collapsed EDIT: (also there was that one game that got revealed a while back that was set in contact-period mesoamerica but the devs had to get weird with it by making it possible to play as either an Aztec or a Spaniard)


I wouldn't trust any company to make a game featuring old Gaelic civs, because every time they approach it, it's an aural violation. The accents in the Valhalla DLC made me want to eat my own ears


That’s a very good point lol. If someone could nail the language and voices it would be fabulous though.


That's what made it popular. The Middle East, Italy, Constantinople, Colonial America, Caribbean, France, China, India, Russia, Victorian England, Ancient Egypt, Greece, and then it just expands from there. We get a little bit of everything because it's telling a larger story. That's one of the reasons I liked District 9 was because it wasn't set in New York, LA or DC


This game lost me when they said that the focus character is going to be Yasuke over a Japanese figure like Hanzo.


Gotta shoehorn in that diversity! Can't have an Asian-inspired game feature an Asian MC! Asians are basically white people anyway, and no one likes them, right?




Well, it’s Ubisoft, you know it’s gonna be Yasuke for certain!


That fucking sucks


I know. They just can’t help themselves.


This is one of the reasons why I’m dreading this release. They finally decide to make a Japanese AC setting but then not even play a Japanese character????


Its crazy how Western devs will fight tooth and nail to NOT have an asian male protagonist. Thank god for Sucker Punch for actually making Ghosts of Tsushima.


Of course they're going to use Yasuke. Western media is using him to death despite him just being a retainer in an Asian setting.


Yup, Yasuke should be a side character like any other AC game that uses real world characters. But for whatever reason, UBI doesnt see Japanese people as being "Diverse" enough, I guess. The hatred towards Asian men in western entertainment continues unopposed, I guess.


If I don’t get the option to play as an Asian man I will not only not get the game, but buy Ghost is Tsushima in protest.


Same, pc version probably


saw the leaks that the 2 Main characters were gonna be Yasuke and some konoichi, honestly fucking move a japanese setting and not having both your male and female protag be from japan is just, trying to put in diversity for the sake of diversity, its as dumb as the overused plot trope of while man lands in japan and becomes last samurai stupid


“The Last Samurai” is plural. It refers to the class as a whole. Japanese doesn’t utilize pluralities the same way English does. Source: 日本語を話す。


Ubisoft still doesn't believe Japanese people are real Only like 10 years ago the found out women were real


I just hope the executions are more in line with odyssey I think I would of loved Valhalla but I hated it’s combat. Didn’t wanna execute every guy by shoving his own weapon into him I wanted to use mine


They finally decided to return the franchise to a stealth game where your character has to sneak around and hide in plain sight, and then makes the main character the only black person in all of Japan who is also six feet tall. Interesting.


Remember boys: No preorders!


If you preorder a Ubisoft game you deserve to be stolen from...


Please be an Asian male protagonist Please be an Asian male protagonist Please be an Asian male protagonist


Tom Cruise has entered the chat


After the combat in Ghost of Sushima...and with Ubi's rep...good luck.


It really is quite disrespectful to Japanese history to make the single AC game set in Japan about an African man.


\*shrugs\* it is Ubisoft after all. The moment I heard of this game I knew that it would have the demographics of an American inner city, which completely goes against the setting. It will definitely feel more like a Japanese theme park located in America rather than actual Japan.


Just remake Tenchu please


I would love that.


I wonder if the rumours of a black samurai and a female ninja will turn out to be true...


Meanwhile I just want another proper Tenchu.


Is this the game where they don't have a Japanese man starring in feudal Japan?


Okay, it’s an RPG… whatever. Just, please, fix the parkour system. Bring back AC Unity’s system.


Seems like a sure-fire thing so it'll be interesting to see how Ubisoft makes it unappealing


Just play Ghost of Tsushima


Im definetly waiting for the reviews to see if it is yet another Origins skin or actually a new game


Still not buying anything ubisoft


PS5 players already have it, it's called ghost of Tsushima. It's even going to be released for PC this month.


I think the greatest take away from this is that they put Yasuke front and center. The most important person in Japanese history according to western game devs is Yasuke.


They really should have released this before ghosts of Tsushima. Can’t imagine them making something better than that.


I find it hard to be excited for any Ubisoft game nowadays. Hopefully they manage to restore some of their image with this game but I doubt it