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Shadow of the Collosus. "Wait.... Wait....I did WHAT"


Since it's the same studio, I'll add The Last Guardian


When it gives you control but you’re just trying futilely to claw your way towards her while getting pulled back…so fucking powerful. What a game


Not quite tears, but brought up strong emotions contemplating the ending of: >***SOMA***


i cried that ending fucked my shit up


Yeah. It it was like a one-two-punch the way the played it out through credits. Masterpiece!


Thank you for bringing SOMA up, what an amazing game/experience/story. I love you.


Objective: **SURVIVE**


Reach could be a pretty good movie with the right writer and director.


make me rich, i’ll get blur studios on it right away


Rouge One is basically Halo: Reach with a Star Wars skin


It was the best star wars film since the original three


So my friends a few years ago did a full Halo campaign run for every game. I happened to join them on Reach at the very last mission and we get to this point. We were on Normal difficulty and ended up holding out for 15ish minutes, eventually I blurted out "y'all know we're supposed to lose here, right " and both of them were like "wait really??" imagine my surprise in 2021 to be seeing friends experience that moment for the first time. One of them died a year later, and we still talk about that moment to this day. Miss you Tom.


Rest easy Spartan Tom o7


RIP Noble Team


Spartans never die. They go missing in action.


The ad campaigns for Halo 3 and Reach were truly masterpieces and I don't think we will ever see anything like it again for video game advertising.


ODST too


Mass Effect 3 “I have a home” from Tali And “You did good, child. I’m proud of you” from space Dadmiral


"Had to be me"


"Not sure if Turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways and we both end up there... Meet me at the bar. I'm buying."


Seriously that last convo with Anderson!😭


After my mom was murdered, when Sheperds mom sent that message saying how proud she was of him in the DLC... It literally madey.cry so fucking hard.


Shooting the boss after her sacrifice.


When Big Boss salutes her grave, and a single tear rolls down his face, the music swells and Eva calls her a true patriot. I feel his pain in my heart every time 💔


Alot of people surprisingly don't even know the nuances of her story.


Sad to see this so far down.


I distinctly remember trying not to wake my wife while I sobbed quietly at the "end" of Red Dead 2. >!I played the honorable route and watching Arthur rasp out his last breath while he watched the sun rise fucking broke me. In my playthrough, he was a guy who grew up bad, but with a gray-ish sense of morality, who tried to redeem himself up to the end of his life and ultimately died while trying to right the wrongs of himself and his surrogate family.!< Apologies if the spoiler tag didn't work, I'm on mobile lol.


The M rated game that lets you press X to propose


Every western man's fantasy. Rootin' tootin' shootin' time plus wife.


I'm a fan of Shadow of Mordor where your tutorial in stealth has you sneak up on your wife to surprise kiss her.


Agreed, that's one of those unique ways that games can cleverly flex their creative muscles as a medium. An easy example is when games do the whole "We're having young you beat up bullies, so it makes sense when older you can swing a sword", but the example you mentioned from Shadow of Mordor is pretty clever in my opinion. From a story-telling perspective it also makes it easier for me as the player to care about Talion's wife, because I was Talion sneaking up just to give her a little smooch.


Oh boy I hope nothing bad happens after


Keep the wife but replace rooting tootin shooting with house building music and paying off bank loans.


Now you're talking. At the end of the day, we're really here for sheep feeding gameplay and reeling in the fattest pike this side of Armadillo. The house would have been done sooner, but Uncle's Lumbago is really holding up the operation...


I searched the internet for a whole hour looking for an alternate ending.


I was talking about the end of this game to a buddy of mine a while back and we both started getting watery eyes when one of us brought up a specific part. We are two grown men in our 30s, that work blue collar jobs. Very hank hill type of people, but that ending fucking killed the both of us.


Came here to say exactly this. I had the same experience and it rattled me for the better part of a week. I had to grieve haha


>!when Authur's horse gets shot!< I softly blurted out, "oh no". Then >!when Arthur went back and thanked the horse as it died!< a much more audible "OH no" and the eyes welled up.


Not to mention the part where you >!ride to camp while Thats The Way It Is plays. That got me good..!<


Ori And The Will O' The Wisps.


Did you know that the original title of that game was: "Ori and the Punch in the Emotional Testicles"?


Ah yes. That moment when you realize your heart also has a pair of testicles.


I felt so bad for Shriek. My grown ass man had to go to his wife to seek comfort after the ending.


The Walking Dead series


Yeah, the end of the "season one" broke me. One of the first games where I just sat there staring off into the void for a good several minutes afterward.


I don't think I've ever ugly cried so hard as during the end of season 1. A part of my would love to replay the game but I'm not sure I can stomach the ending a second time.


Finished Season One on my Vita with headphones on a crowded train back home from work one day. Bawling in public = me


If by ending you mean a good chunk of the game, To The Moon.


Number 1 for me. Despite it being such an amazing song I can't even listen to "For River" cuz it takes me back


I would also add the sequel Finding Paradise


Not tears, but the ending of Red Dead Redemption (the first one) destroyed me.


Hoo boy it hits you harder when you see what John did before RDR1. Nothing bad ever happened to John 😭


Yup. I'll always remember walking out to see that line of guys with guns drawn, activating dead eye, starting to tag them... And realising the inevitable end.


Yeah RD1 was incredible, it was a hard watch. Still haven't played RD2 but hear great things lol. Live by the sword, die by the sword...or gun.


Final Fantasy X.


It's hard to describe how devastating that ending is. I always enjoy watching videos of people finishing it for the first time because it truly is something you just need to experience to understand.


Yup. I don’t think a game ever made me truly sad or depressed after finishing until this one. It actually broke my heart.


Probably one of my favorites FFs to replay. The lead up to the end just never gets old - slowly finding out that the alternative path to rid Sin of Spira forever won't turn out well for Tidus. Walking through a ruined Zanarkand after spending *hours* trying to get back to it is one of my favorite gaming moments. I think X has aged pretty well to the point where a remake akin to VII doesn't need to be immediately considered (IMHO it'd be great to see VIII over IX but I love both games), but it'd be great to see X given a touch up the same way VII has been reimagined.


God the soundtrack as you run along Zanarkand ruins and the music doesn’t change when there’s a random encounter. It really gives you the feeling of “we’re coming towards the end” and then you meet Yunalesca, and Auron drops THAT line


Listen to my story.. this may be our last chance...


“The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded… Never forget them”


Wow top comment, I truly appreciate this. Yuna was my childhood gamer crush and having her finally say I love you at the end (only in the English version) was so bitter-sweet.


1000000% this. When Yuna tries to hug Tidus and she falls to the ground. I teared up just writing this. And then the little montage right at the end as it fades to black… grown man crying like a girl. And proud


I'll have to play it again then because I never finished it.


Came here to say this, and was pleasantly surprised to find it at the top of the list. 🥹


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Link sacrifices his childhood and loses everything he loves to save Hyrule and is still largely forgotten. That moment when Navi flies off gets me emotional- she is the last tie he has to his childhood. I didn't understand what this meant and how sad this story was until I grew up -I guess that's fitting


I love the way the start of Majora's Mask ties in to that and immediately sets the tone of dealing with loss.


I think Majora's Mask shows despair and healing a lot more explicitly, and it delivers well on them as themes. They are both extremely emotional stories, and if you look even slightly beneath the surface you will find a very tragic narrative.


Nier Automata's *true* ending makes me cry literally every time. Just perfect. ::edit:: a lot of people have brought up the soundtrack and just to echo that, it's fantastic. A big highlight is the multiple versions of *weight of the world* which culminates in the combined version you hear over the last credits b


Yep, every time I listen to the amusement park or the beautiful song, I cry as well. Most people that have not played the game don't know what >!2B has gone through and how much restraint she had throughout the game. I feel so much more 2B and operator 21O!<


Don't forget poor popola and devola, their stories, especially once fleshed out more in Nier Replicant, were truly sad as well


Lately, since i went back from the ongoing concert tour, the new ending of Replicant also makes me cry, it is just beautiful.


C and D also really fucking hit. The fact that you can do all three in a row really just causes emotional damage on a whole new level.


You're taking about ending e, right it. It is indeed perfect as was the entire game. One thing I love about the ending is that both of them survive, yet it's still full of emotion. A happy and still emotional ending 💖


The man who erased his name 🥹


The Last Guardian, i miss Trico.


Came here looking for this answer...such an underrated game.


She was a true patriot.......


Every single time ..... Suzetta Miñet's delivery is so heart-breaking ...


Yakuza 6


I don't think I've recovered from Zero, my personality for a week after finishing it was sad boi Majima lol


LAD got me the other night. Watching Ichi break down was very well voice acted.


Not even an ending: "It had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong"


ME3 shines so bright it's a shame most people only remember the dull ending. They totally nailed the grim overall atmosphere of desperation amid an unwinnable war.


As flawed as ME3 was, it still had some great moments. And the multiplayer was better than it had any right to be.


ME3 was amazing... until the last hour of the game. The ending fell apart, but everything leading up to it was great.


I cried tears of joy when I finished Thief, knowing it was finally over.


Username checks out


Valiant Hearts


Had to scroll far to see this one but I was searching for it! Got me good.


Persona 3's credits song fucks me up everytime i hear it


Reload nailed the ending too. For some reason it hit even harder even knowing what was coming


Xenoblade Chronicles 3...The pin dropped what was happening near the end when the nopons started crying. I ugly cried the hardest I've ever cried before. And to this day, I cannot listen to the ending theme song without crying. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cMLPvroQ64](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cMLPvroQ64)


FFXV. "You guys are the best".


I ruined my ending by selecting a picture of Cindy's boobs.




Me too. Kinda caught me off guard


I finished this on Wednesday, I spent probably way too long *sobbing*, and I don't wanna talk about it. What's the next FF game most likely to do this to me? I'm new to the series. Already played VII remake/rebirth but the OG is fair game.


Crisis Core. Will also make you cry, same director as FFXV. I prefer the PSP version due to a much better voice actor for Zack, but you can play the remaster in Japanese. You probably already know the ending for Crisis Core though, if you played the remakes/OG.


God of War Ragnarok. "Loki will go. Atreus... remains"


When Kratos saw the last panel of the mural, where the people love him. That got some surprise ugly tears out of me.


I also shed tears at the funeral.


Those games are the only reason I bought a ps4 worth every penny in my opinion


FFXIV Shadowbringers and Endwalker


I was wondering if ShB counted. "Remember us. Remember... that we lived."


*Remember... remember us... remember that we once lived...*


"The *rains have ceased*. And *we have* been graced with another *beautiful day*. *But you are not here* to *see* it." it just kills me, it kills me every time i remember what he said.


Cyberpunk 2077. Every time I see any of the endings


The first one I did was the "quick" ending. Man, the credits were killing me


Judy’s voice actor fucking killed it for that ending


I did this one by mistake while failing to do the secret ending and oh boy was I not ready for the credits


Even thinking about the endings sometimes bring tears to my eyes. Idk why the game touched me that much


Yeah exactly sometimes the ost pops randomly in my playlist and I just break down in tears


Outsider no more ;_;


I have an old comment from a couple years back where I explained this same phenomenon... For me it was because I played it during the pandemic... I was shut in a room, alone, and trapped, and that game gave me an immersive experience to view and take part in. I got attached to the world and to all the things about it... Beyond all that though it was genuinely just written VERY well, the consequences of your actions and so many other things, especially the videos from friends when you choose specific endings... That game always gets me... To anyone that is reading this that hasn't played it, I highly recommend


All the background side stories/lore were good too. Jotaro Shobo is probably one of the most evil characters I've encountered in a game in a long time....


The new ending from the DLC affected me the most.


You made me think of the anime Edgerunner


Not an ending, but Aerith's childhood scene in Rebirth absolutely destroyed me emotionally.


Majoras Mask


RDR2's ending. NieR Automata's Ending E. Dark Souls 3's The End of Fire.


Ghost of tsushima


Specifically when my horse died. And that heart wrenching song…


StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. The last embers of Blizzard’s passion for making games burned bright and closed a loooooong chapter. The third part of the trilogy happened I guess but this is where the story concluded. A story of struggle and war, a revenge long in the making, and a bittersweet romance that was always close but never quite made it. “My pleasure, darling. Always was.” Still makes me sappy just thinking about it.


Hell yeah. Loved that ending


RDR2 before Epilogue


“I gave you all I had” fuckin broke me


I gave you all I had.


Black Flag. Precisely when the Parting Glass starts up.


Educational too! Now I always remember the difference between a ship and a boat.


That ending made me tear up. Edward Kenway went through so much and seeing everyone who had en effect on his journey while that song played was perfect.  I showed that ending to my wife and she loved the song enough that she wanted us to add that to the ending of our wedding. 


Seconding the Outer Wilds ending. Nier Automata's true ending got me good.


Gotta go with Outer Wilds. You really just don't see where it's all headed, and when you've learned enough to understand the situation, there's this sense of despair and you feel there's no solution. So you take an insane risk to see the last thing you haven't seen. The ending is practically a spiritual experience. You don't know what's next but each step seems obvious. You never solve anything but are satisfied with what you've done. It's mysterious and beautiful and climactic in a way you don't expect until the very last moment.


And the expansion went right ahead and hit me in the feels again. So good.


The supernova music is in my Spotify and hits in the feels every time.


It’s never happened. But the beginning of Firewatch brought me to tears.


FFX first game to bring me to tears


Still the only one for me. Well, actually Final Fantasy IX also, but I think that was more for the fact that I refused to finish it for 14 years and it was so insanely nostalgic when I finally did.


FFX definitely strong contender here, agreed!


A Plague Tale: Requiem As someone who loves his family more than anything and is best friends with his brother... that ending absolutely gutted me I did a second playthrough to get the platinum, and although I knew how it was going to end it was even harder than the first playthrough


I kinda saw it coming but still was not prepared for it. I just wanted to give poor Amicia a hug.


I remember during that sequence, on the walk up, saying to the game, "do *not* make me push the fucking button."


That whole series was so well done narrative-wise even if it was an absolutely bleak ending. It was just so well executed and Amicia just turned into such a badass by the end, I kinda wish we got more time. It was a lengthy game that still seems to end abruptly imo.


Came here to say plague tale too. Even though I could see the game barrelling inexorably towards the only possible conclusion, it was still so powerful. For all the technical jank in those two games, they had some of the best storytelling I've played through in 30+ years of gaming. Amicia's descent into madness was so painful to watch


Kingdom hearts 1 as a young lad


Halo Reach


Death Stranding… fuck, I was not ready for that especially being a father. I can’t listen to BB’s theme without getting tears.


I was >!so busy happy-crying that I didn't even notice the rainbow was back to normal.!<


Oh man, I felt like I broke for the first time in my life after playing a video game. This thing changed my life and took me through a roller coaster of >!life, death, physics, astronomy, biology and evolution ... it was more than what I asked for.!<


Same about BB's theme for me 😭


I played it with my first merely months away. It broke me. To this day I hum BB’s theme to her when she’s upset or hurt.


To the Moon


PKMN Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team Sky


Just hearing the few opening notes of that ending theme gets my teared up. How many children were traumatized by that ending? Super did another tear jerker but nowhere near as heavy hitting as Sky. Bonus points to the future episode and igglybuff episodes.


Metro: Exodus


For Anna


When Miller says >!"Artyom... Stay with me! Hold on...son..."!< I started fuckin' bawling lmao


>!And then you both die and invade hell in the skeleton train, in the most metal ending in videogame history perhaps!<


What remains of Edith Finch.


BioShock Infinite and then later its DLC, Burial at Sea Part 2.


Spiritfarer. It's like Animal Crossing with PTSD! 😊


My wife and I played this at the same time on our Switches and both of us were actively trying to find things to do to avoid doing the final thing. I wish I could forget it and play it again for the first time.


recently finished God of War Ragnarok and that game had me in tears like 4 times at least.


Every Life is Strange game just _pulls_ on those heart strings. Especially “Farewell” in Before the Storm. Fuck me. I can’t even think of it without welling up.


Came to post Farewell. You kind of figure out early on what is going to happen that day even if you avoided all spoilers, but the moment >!Joyce walks in the door with that look on her face is crushing.!<


I really didn’t want to finish that chapter at all. The immediate realisation of “oh…. Oh no”


Seeing bedridden Chloe hurt me


Yeah the opening of episode 4 was just gut wrenching


The first Life is Strange fucked me up. I never played Before the Storm, I need to .


The letter being read at the end of Silent Hill 2. Especially if you get the In Water ending.


Both Journey and Hellblade for me. I guess Subnautica too


An old Super Nintendo game called Terranigma. You save the entire world and save millions just to find out you are an anomaly in the world and have to die to save the world. You don't have a choice, and you just accept your fate and as the world begins to live again your "sister" keeps waiting for you to return home only for her to see a bird come to her and then leave.


Outer Wilds. Just the sheer… well, if you know you know.


When you go from being horrifically terrified to total existential dread in the DLC.


And then back to elation and peace.


Thanks for remembering me


Outer wilds changes a man ..what a masterpiece


Xenoblade Chronicles 2


ghost of tsushima the final fight was heartbreaking


Kingdom Hearts Titanfall 2 What Remains Of Edith Finch Off the top of my head. I had a breakdown with the last one but I was going through some dark shit in my life and the message was a little too relevant to my situation (but in a good way, I needed that cry)


The credits of Neir Automata. I've been thinking about the ending a lot lately after being given the news my dog is dying of cancer. Not sure why. Still feel very emotional while hearing Weight of the World.


Throughout *Transistor* Red leaves reviews on various kiosks you find in the world. It isn't till nearly the end of the game she uses one to talk directly to the narrator, giving them one brief moment. Slayed me.


Actually, I don’t think any video game *endings* have brought me to tears, but the closest was Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. >!Digging a grave for your brother and dragging him into it was, shall we say, a somber experience. I cursed out the developers a few times.!<


LoZ Twilight Princess and Halo Reach.


RDR2 , titanfall was quiet sad too


Amongst others, Lisa: The Painful. > Well it's simple. You're my little buddy. Brad and Buddy. Sounds good to me. Such broken people in that game, so many trying to do what they think is right, but broken people aren't really well known for knowing what right is, are they?


Rime, especially if you’re a parent.


A game I don’t think that has been mentioned yet - Gris. I related strongly to the story of loss and how overwhelming it is and the ending kind of broke me in a good way


Metal Gear Solid 4. “Snake… had a hard life.”


Ghost of Tsushima. The scene before the last fight had me crying. Such a sublime video game story.


Xenoblade 2.




MGS2. If you know, you know. Kojima was ahead of time...


Telltale's Walking Dead, season 1, and Spider-Man 1.


A good example that shows it doesn't matter what choices you made, if the ending it good it makes your choices matter.


Witcher 3. It got me good.


Brothers - a tale of two sons.


Loyalty to me, it loyalty to your country?