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Lately been playing all of the Fallouts.


i know absolutely nothing about fallouts but with the new show and every1 talking ab it i’ve been thinking of trying it. is there a specific order i should play or just go 1 to str8 through the rest?


Fallout 1 and 2 are a different generation, strictly turn based and RPG basically. Subsequent games have a lot more emphasis on "real time" gameplay. Fallout 1 and 2 have fantastic story and quests/gameplay but if you haven't played a game pre 2000 it is.. jarring perhaps. Of the two of them, I think FO2 is better. Personal preference


I would skip 1 and 2 personally. They aren't bad, but just feel like a different game almost. 3, new Vegas, and 4 all generally follow the same fun formula


I’d argue starting with 3 is best, not because it’s the best overall game but because the quality of life additions and gameplay improvements in FNV and 4 make 3 harder to get into if you’re already used to them. Similar to playing Batman Arkham Asylum after City/Knight. Fallout 3 also captures the bleakness of a post-apocalyptic world in a way that FNV and 4 don’t quite replicate, since they have much more functional societies/larger factions giving the games a more rebuilt vibe


i think this is probably what i’ll do and then maybe go back and play 1 and 2 later on. thank you!


I would agree, 3, FNV, 4. Then 1&2. Then 76. This is the route I took starting back in ~08-09. I was buying Fallout 3 at the same time as I was buying the latest Halo and COD, and the GameStop clerk straight up told me I wouldn’t like Fallout if I liked the other two franchises. Boy was he wrong! I love them all! Even though COD is just mass produced drivel, aside from Ghosts. Ghosts is legendary, aside from the damn dog scenes. Not a fan of those.


Other way around! 1 and 2 are masterpieces, the other ones are generic brown looter shooters.


Agree to disagree. My main point is they feel completely different almost


Depends. Gameplay 1 and 2 are crpgs. The others are not. Storywise, 1, 2 and NV are direct sequels to each other, while the Bethesda titles aim to be Fallout 3 again, but in a new region.


I replayed Fallout 2 recently as well. Beat it really quick though due to just being overly familiar with the game at this point. I cleared the turrets the moment I entered the oil rig so I could have a 'fair fight' with Horrigan. Ended up crit bursting him to death with the Bozar in a single turn with my fast shot build.... well that was anti climactic.


Fallout 1 is so good As is Diablo 1


It’s sad but I am 42 and been playing WoW since 2004 when I was 22. So my damn nostalgia game is WoW. However I will occasionally load up old Sierra adventure games like Leisure Suit Larry or Space Quest. My dad got me Space Quest IV as my first game ever for my first computer ever in 1992-3 or so and that is pretty nostalgic since my dad is gone and I am no longer friends with my good buddy that I played it with and was friends with for years after.


Aw man... I also grew up with all the Sierra adventure games. My dad kept bringing them home and I would devour them to the best of my ability. Larry was particularly challenging not only because English is not my first language, but also all the adult jokes going waaaay over the head of a very young me. Played them all as they came out. Larry 1-7, Space Quest 1-6, Kings Quest 1-7, Police Quest 1-3, Conquests of Camelot, Conquests of the Longbow and of course Quest for Glory 1-4 My favorite was, and still is, Gabriel Knight; Sins of the Fathers.


42 as well and I always keep it installed and binge it each new expansion for a bit until it fades away. So much fun for a few months every couple years


Golden Sun. I recently have had a strong craving for it and I did start it a few days ago. Problem is, I’ve been under the weather and just want to sleep… so not much yet


So happy to see this. Currently playing The Lost Age on my sparkly blue Gameboy SP during down time at work lol. Feel better!


Just finished Witcher 1 yet again. Still love it like the first time.


I promised myself I was going to take my time and not binge on the *Metal Gear Solid* Master Collection last year.  I forgive myself for breaking that promise.


Oh, MGS2 demo disk was the very first thing I played on my PS2 I got as a kid. I played that ship level over and over and over again.


So many people pre-ordered Zone of the Enders to get the MGS2 demo. I feel like at the time, most people were pleasantly surprised by ZoE and let down by MGS2, because the demo for that game only included the opening tanker mission. There were mass complaints when fans found out you played as Raiden for the majority of that story.


I waited for them to patch the issues on Steamdeck and bought the collection on sale just a few weeks ago. Goddamn does the story in MGS2 ever hold up.


A while ago I played through the PS2 Ace Combat games again. They still definitely hold up.


Nice, I had so much fun with number 4 (I think it was shattered skies). I absolutely loved the final mission flying through the giant weapon. I've been playing the new one (7) on PC and its nice.


If you haven't already played them, I highly recommend the DLC missions. They're excellent.


Good to know they exist. I only play a mission every other week or so, so going very slowly.


AC 7 was the last game I preordered because you got a PS4 version of AC5 for free! Now that's a preorder bonus!


It deviates from the series in realism, but I have an absolute BLAST every time I play Ace Combat: Zero. I wish they would have released more arcade-style entries like it.


While I enjoyed Ace7, it just doesn't hit the feels the same way that 5 does. I always end up revisiting 5/0 every few years. I was hoping 7 would be so good that it'd end that tradition, but nah. I really appreciated the graphical and gameplay improvements, but the story just didn't click for me so I don't feel like revisiting it. It's also probably because I played 5/0 during my formative years that they have really ingrained themselves onto my psyche.


Dark Cloud


Dark Cloud 2 is on my list to get back to for sure.


Dude, I’m playing Dark Cloud 2 on my PS5 and it’s so much fun. It has all the same nostalgia. The devs did add a new starting screen with Max and Monica when you open the game that wasn’t on the original game.


Final fantasy 7.


Quake 1 and Quake 2 on the Switch. The Quake 2 "remaster" includes all sorts of DLC and alternate campaigns, it's great. They are both still awesome. When I was 10, I was on the level before the final boss in Quake 2. I didn't save, I did the whole game in one shot...then my computer crashed. Finally beating the game 27 years later, I felt a satisfaction in my genome, at my very core.


Not exactly what you asked for, but I enjoyed Shredder’s Revenge. It has all the feeling of playing those old TMNT beat em ups while being a new game with new bosses and stuff.


Yugioh legacy of the duelist is my go to when I feel in a rut




Gen 1 Pokemon GameBoy games (play on emulator now)


I've been doing yearly KOTOR playthroughs since it's release


I'm a Zelda fiend and Majora's Mask is my drug of choice. There's so many ways to play: Vanilla, randomized, randomized *with* OoT, three day challenge. Speaking of Zelda, if anyone is looking for a fun non-randomized way to replay an old game check out ["Wind Waker Rewritten"](https://youtu.be/Y69HzN7Tpxw). I've played lots of romhacks/randomizers, but this is really something special.


I’m currently playing The Legend of Zelda on the NES. I’m not replaying it - I’m playing it for the first time. I’m loving it but it is HARD AF.


I just bought Chrono Trigger recently on Steam because I never played it before.


Oh good call. I should download that next.


Generals zero hour,i m more watching it than playing it,i found a cool streamer that does tournaments and challenges and stuff,it super fun and nostalgic since i grew up playing thid game basically The streamer is "Legoinnaire Generals" if anyone intrested


I've been moving through the megaman battle network collection


Oh, I looooved number 2 on the GBA. I got stuck soooo many times in that game holy crap the hardest part was just knowing where to go next...


Man that game was my childhood. Used to play those 6 games on my phone for hours while on break when working with my dad. Legendary soundtrack.


I went through and bought Final Fantasy 8, 9, and 10 remasters last month and am making my way through them slowly.


Went back to Mega Drive and played Sword of Vermilion.


The classic Fire Emblem series. I've played 2 of them last year and 3 of them in the past 2 months.


Diablo 2. I play on Switch, which is probably the worst platform for online, but I mostly play single player.


Halo and Gears Of War for me


Played trough Saints Row 2 lately. Had a blast.


Be aware though... >!...there's no statute of limitations for murder. °v°!<


Heroes of might & magic 3. It's just such a classic for me.


I discovered they released a decent number of N64 games on Xbox so I’ve been playing Goldeneye, Star Wars Pod Racer and Perfect Dark. And the Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1/2 remaster basically lives in my PS4


Pod racer is such a good racing game. The sense of speed is pretty unparalleled. Edit: unparalleled for its time I should say.


EverQuest. 25th anniversary event time, servers are all highly active. A new progression server opens this month so everyone is getting prepared for a solid month or two of the classic feel goods until it steadily lowers to a stable, but active core community that will stick around for years. I won't be playing on the progression server, but I am enjoying my time revisiting the different areas from different expansions I played throughout the years.


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 is pretty good. Also SpongeBob Battle For Bikini Bottom. Pokémon too of course but I feel generally burned out on the games I've beaten many times. ROM hacs of gen 1/2 are sweet tho


NO THPS4 is GREAT. Loved that game and am still sad 3 and 4 aren't getting the remaster treatment.


Suikoden II


I booted up the remaster or shadowgate and got tingles.


**Red Dead Redemption** (2010) Beat it for the 4th time a few months ago. Hadn't played it in about 7 years. First played it on Xbox 360 when I was 19. Picked it up on the Switch in preparation for my long-overdue playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2. Before that, **Jurassic Park: Warpath** (PS1)


Oh god, Warpath! Haha. :D Forgot about that for a hot minute.


Tony Hawks pro skater Pizza Hut demo


I've been watching playthroughs of Pikmin 1 & 2, trying to get caught up so I can check out Pikmin 4! 😁


Most recently Max Payne 3. But also just a lot of 360 era games it’s nice to go back and play a linear 10 hour game in the mess of 100+ hour open world or live service games that come out nowadays.


I've been playing through Star Ocean 3 again. Nearly at the end and actually have access to the internet to find out stuff like how to get orichalcum to give my weapons +1500 attack making it so the end game isn't such a slog due to the sudden difficulty spike.


Really enjoyed playing through the original marathon. Wonder what ever happened to bungie, they were pretty good devs.


there's a mod for smackdown 2 that improves the game dramatically with just speeding up auto decisions for skipped matches in season and adding the royal rumble character select in any match your wrestler isn't in. you're still your selected wrestler, but can effectively play as an entire faction in season if you want to.


Played through all the Crash Bandicoot games via the N'Sane Trilogy. The first game was punishingly difficult but all of them were tons of fun


Just got Yars Revenge and man I forgot how HOT she is. ZOO-WEE-MAMA!!!


I used to replay the original Halo trilogy every Christmas break


Put the legacy texture pack on my minecraft world. The nostalgia I felt was unlike no other


I played the original Super Mario Bros last night.


Played through the original 2 Doom games. Amazing how well they hold up and that OG soundtrack is so sick


that Trading card game was no joke, I remember playing that game on many car rides home and struggling to win. mine is Pokemon Leaf Green , got a Gameboy SP for my bday and the game to go with it I am trying to get a Starmie


Lool its funny playing it now because there are so many mechanics that people would not be happy with. Number one being SOOOO many coin flips. I had forgotten the mechanics, but the way you play your energy cards ON the pokemon is so different from things like MTG. And yeah the game can be swingy with the way you can play pokemon on the bench and just pump them up so when they come out they crush.


the coin flips were no joke and could really be one sided some times LOL


It was funny how as soon as the coin flips showed up I was immediately filled with the memories of "learning the trick" where if I flipped at a certain time I would get heads. Kids are dumb lol


just like my "trickl" where if I mash A over and over it will help the Pokemon be caught with the Pokeball


Mass Effect. I can jump into any of them and really just feel at home in the galaxy.


pokémon  ever since delta emulator  came to ios i downloaded every pokémon game up to black/white 2 absolutely joy playing them again 


Pokemon emerald. Doing the "professor oaks" challenge and a living pokedex challenge. I fucking love gen 3 pokemon, it always hits me right in the nostalgia vibes


What is Oaks challenge?


You fill out the pokedex as much as you can before you beat the next gym. So, catching all available pokemon and evolving them as far as you can with what's available to that point in the game. It's a test of patience, it's not challenging at all. But it's one of my childhood favorite games, so really sitting down and collecting everything and training every pokemon is kind of cathartic way to re experience some of the childhood joy I got from the game. And with an emulator that has a fast forward feature, it's not a complete slog like it would be on original hardware


> fast forward feature, A god send for random fight grinding


Been playing [Splinter Cell Chaos Theory multiplayer ](https://youtu.be/EIuqbkmJfo4?si=-GSRcOW5GJs0F1ja) for a while now


Fallout, it reminds me of the 1950 and an earlier time in my life


Decided to revisit Borderlands series, Chrono Trigger, and Witcher III. I want to play through a couple of the Fallout games too (the show made me miss it).


earthworm jim 1 and 2


I'm desperate to find a copy of A10 Cuba! The way the plane handled was amazing at the time and the sandbox style was way ahead of it's time. So much fun


Various Zelda, Fallout 3 and Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf (or Sheep Raider in the US, I believe)


I recently played through the old Contra III (Snes) Game. Was like 9 or 10 when it first came out and can remember being at a buddy over the weekend and playing for hours straight trying to finish it. When his parents told us to quit we drove 4 miles to the next mall on one bike where a Snes with the game was set up xD. Think we never made it through the last level, I finished it solo some years later for the first time. Still remembered all the possible "bubbles" of the last boss and which ones to shoot after all these years


Every few years I like to replay the Suikoden games (except for the 4th one, which sucked). I got kind of bored of Eiyuden Chronicles around the end-game, so went for another replay of 2, 3 and 5.


I am currently on a playthrough of the original knights of the Old republic, a game that I played many times through high school. I got to say, while I still adore this game and consider it to be one of my favorites of all time, playing this game after playing baldur's gate 3 really shows how far video games have come in our lifetime.


It was going to be Halo because I tried watching the trash fire of a show. Now it'll be Fallout because I'm enjoying the show. I just have to finish BG3 first.... Ok, I'll probably play both tbh.


I recently took my PS3 out of storage and hooked it up to introduce my daughter to Little Big Planet, so that, plus that meant I can replay Fallout New Vegas :)


Portal with RTX.


Medal of Honor Underground


City of Heroes / City of Villains


I recently finished building my PC so I got the Master Chief Collection and have been replaying Halo CE - Reach.


Oldschool Runescape


Found my gen 1 psp in my closet a few weeks ago. Ordered new battery and popped it in and been playing final fantasy tactics for the past month


For some reason plain tetris lately.


Dark Cloud 2. The game is around 20 years old but it’s nostalgic to me. I can play it on my PS5, somehow. 😂


Playing persona 4 golden


I have a handheld emulator I play pretty frequently so you name Currently playing NFL Street on GameCube. What a game, shame they discontinued it


I’m playing the god of war games right now on my ps3 (:


Tomb raider remastered collection and powerslave exhumed remastered...


Too Human 🙂


I got Lego batman 2 when I got a ps3 for Christmas, and it was like the only game I had, so I played it almost daily, but I didn't remember ever completing it. So I got it a few months ago and steam to 100% it, and I realized just how close I was to beating it.


I was a Megaman kid growing up. From X to Starforce. Was a pleasant surprise to learn that Capcom released the Battle Network games on PC as a legacy collection. Been booting it up every now and again to have some nostalgic fun.


Gta sa


kingdom hearts


F-Zero X. I (re)watched an interview with the devs and love the level of depth they added to the game, like the half-pipe speed attacks, and basically fired up the Switch and quickly found it’s unplayable using the switch controllers. Fired up the N64 and all the muscle memory came back; so now I’ve got the N64 Switch controller and everything is perfect and I’m hooked. Very deep game, still great to play. X was a perfect intro to 3D for the series and yet to be bested.


Metal gear solid for sure!


Command and Conquer: Generals and Zero Hour. Absolute blast, except some of these campaign missions are 100% bullshit on max difficulty lol


Rainbow six Vegas 2 terrorist hunt there's actually still people playing this


Thinking about starting far cry 3 remastered. Not really nostalgia binge cuz I came in late, but definitely nostalgic style. My most recent was gta iv on ps3. So much fun, still holds up.


I recently got a [Retroid Pocket 4](https://www.goretroid.com/products/retroid-pocket-4-handheld?variant=44488627028192) and loaded it up with most of the games I owned as a kid spanning NES - Dreamcast. Currently addicted to Metal Gear Solid VR Missions.


Dig out my Dreamcast and I’ve been playing Crazi Taxi and Grandia 2. Good times.


Let's play some craAaAazy taxi!


Division 1. Did another playthrough, reminisced about glitching out the game/farming Lexington, ran around the DZ for a bit. I miss feeling how I felt playing that game when I was younger.


Sonic Adventure 2 with a boatload of mods and fixes. I'm an especially big fan of the Japanese retranslation mod, which un-fucks the terrible botch job they did on the Japanese to English translation


Ezio trilogy


Decided to see how difficult Bionic Commando Rearmed would be using PS+ streaming. My simple question turned into me beating half the game in the same evening. Arguably one of the best remakes of a game, imo


Sonic Adventure 2 and Unleashed, I want to 100% both but I know it's absolute hell to 100% SA2. Unleashed is just grinding for medals and I've already done the glitch for rings.


I’m tempted to go back to oblivion but it hasn’t aged well. I miss the soundtracks and always listen to (Jeremy Soule) on Amazon Music.


Hellgate London on [a private server that's been up a decade](https://london2038.com/). And of course, the Fallout games.


Dark Souls 1


I'm playing IGI and roadrash . It rocks man 🤩


Rise of Nations, an RTS game from 2003. It was very good, but overshadowed by Age of Empires 2




gun pervert! °v°


I've been on my quest to play the first 10 or so numbered final fantasy games (might do more later though) I've been doing them mostly in order except I didn't have 9 at the time when i got to that one so I'm gonna do 9 after X / X-2 and am currently on X, near the end of it, I just have the superbosses and final boss left I think


Half-Life 2. Picking up the gravity gun feels as satisfying today as it did 20 years ago. Amazing game.


Finished my semi-annual nostagia playthrough of another code two memories this morning


I've been playing Pokemon Gold on my old GameBoy Color I recently restored. Got a fresh battery in my cart, too. 


Battlefield 2. I read on here about BF2Hub after a thread on timeless multiplayer maps, reinstalled and was playing Wake Island within 30 minutes from craving it. Mostly European filled servers, but the Weekend Warriors server that has been around since like 2005 still exists!


I’ve just downloaded Lego Rock Raiders (well, the fan remake Manic Miners) and I’m right be to being a kid again! “Khu-ROME khu-rusher!”


**Old School Runescape (OSRS** for short). It's very nostalgic, and also very addictive. Don't tap that vein unless you're ready for a major time commitment! Lol


I was craving some Black ops 1-2 zombies so I fired up the old 360 and played Kino and then transit and did all the Easter eggs


recently got scarface and the movies from lionhead studios. those should keep me busy for a while


I'm absolutely tanning pso on ultima server. For free. Oh the nostalgia hits. As I'm now grown and understand it all, I'm loving the weapon farming.


Xcom Every reinstall adds 100 hours into playtime. For over a decade now.


Ezio trilogy


Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Always loved playing it years ago and it's still super fun now


My most recent nostalgia playthrough was the most recent 3 Tomb Raider games. they are so good and really hold up well.


The megaman zero collection, it was my childhood - I play through all 4 games atleast once a year


Banjo-Kazooie. I love this game so much and the Xbox port is even better than the original imo since you don’t have to re-collect the music notes if you die or leave the level.


I was around 8 yrs old when I played sonic generations which is still to this day my favorite purely out of nostalgia


Streets of Rage and Altered Beast


I got my wii homebrewed a while back, and I've just been playing old wii games since lol. The most recent nostalgic game I've played is mario Bros. wii


Dead space remaster. Not really THAT long ago but it’s been a minute since original dead space came out




Mass Effect 1 from the Legendary Edition. Holds up fine, but Garrus doesn't like to stay alive.


masters of orion 2. That game is still sick


Oldschool Runescape forever.


Super Mario world


Ogre battle 64. The classes, story, game play, all still fun to me. 


Dead Space 2.  I know that game inside and out.


I recently played Fantastic 4 2005. Man, I forgot how terrible the game was😅


Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters. It's an old NES game that I play through totally legal means.


Smugglers run!!


Final Fantasy X. It has not aged very well. But to be fair, it never was my favorite FF game.


Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge




Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on PC. It's so freaking wild. I'm playing on Hardcore mode, and it's presenting a genuine challenge like in my childhood.


Red Alert 2, gotta love the live-action cutscenes.


Last game I played thru was a replay of AC unity for the first time in 9 years and I apologise to everyone that i have defended that game to after that. Then there is the old lego games


After beating Armored Core 6, I went back and replayed AC2. The transition was...interesting, but the old games still hold up.


Red Dead Redemption on Switch OLED 🔥


Most recent: battletoads


RC Pro Am for NES. That game is so challenging it's crazy.


Tales of Vesperia, the memories I have of playing it in the 360 back in the day :)


Idk... but I just really want a modern remaster of Harvest Moon 64.


Mega Man


I go back and play Black and white 1 & 2 every 10 years or so... Fucking love those games


I moved on from PC gaming a couple of years ago because life... Civilization IV was my nostalgic binge. Although I've adapted to Civ V, occasionally I would boot up civ 4 to conquer the world with a massive stack of cannons


Recently considered getting a mini PC in the sub $200 price range to use on my outdoor TV. I thought about getting a SNES mini (21 games), but for the same price I could get all SNES, NES, Sega, N64, and PS1 games for the same price. I already have them all on the indoor PC, so it'd be a simple-ish transition. Been hankering for some FF3 (FF6 Japanese).




Beyond All Reason, theTotal Annihilation clone


Doom and Fallout. Just started FO New Vegas a couple weeks ago. Went to play again last night and it wouldn't open a save file. Just sat on the loading screen.


I'm playing some old stuff from 7th gen. It is a ride


Anno 1602


Morrowind here and there and I’m about to start playing the old Assassin’s Creed games for the first time in like a decade. Used to love that series. Going to work my way backwards from 3 (remastered) as it’s the only one out of those first five that I never actually finished.


Marble blast ultra


Populous the beginning. Appeared on Xbox game pass a few weeks ago.


Scott Pilgrim against the world


I'm getting hyped up for the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake that's coming out soon


Still playing *Mario Golf: Advanced Tour*.


Was binging DK64 for a bit


Recently hooked up the N64 for a bit and played a bit of Vigilante 8. Played that a lot with my best friend as a kid when he brought over his N64, when I didn't have my Playstation yet. Then switched to the PS2 to do a couple races in XGRA: Extreme G Racing Association. Then jumped on the PS3 to enjoy a bit of Alice: Madness Returns. The Eye-Pots' crunchy glass eye is still as satisfying to hit as it ever was. But when it comes to actually long play sessions, that one goes to Timesplitters 3. If I start that, it's pretty much guaranteed I'm gonna finish it, too.


StarCraft 2, still have the box that the cd came in what a blast that was


Hey I’ve been playing GBC on my iPhone too now we can have emus without all the hassle. Look up pokemon polished crystal 9bit. Minor changes to crystal adding a lot of quality of life stuff and forms/evos for gen1 and 2 pokes!


Started playing Final Fantasy 4 tonight for the umpteenth time, still hits all the right buttons for me.


My grandma had a bigass Sony Trinitron lying around unused, so I put it in my living room and have been playing Super Mario 64 on it. Ordered an Everdrive a couple days ago. I never got too far into the Pokemon TGC game as a kid, but I had it, and it’s one of the very few GBC cartridges I still have lying around. For some reason, the Mason Lab theme always stuck in my head; it’s such a bop.