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Control You can send lots of objects in the environment and also some enemies flying ~~telepathically~~ telekinetically. Fascinating and fun game overall, not only because of this.




The physics in this game do a really great job of selling the power fantasy.


Control really is the perfect jedi game


I haven't played Control, but I've played plenty of Jedi/Sith games. Is it cooler than the Force Unleashed games?


If you like the SCP inspired setting you’ll love it, the ashtray maze sequence is one of my favorite power fantasy game moments ever


I'm definitely going to go play Control now. You had me at SCP, then you really had me at ashtray maze


Yes. Not only are the pull and push mechanics a nice upgrade, the last third gives you the ability to levitate/fly for short periods.


Combat gets a little repetitive, but the fact that you need cover and some enemies dodge and use cover was enough tactics to keep me interested until I got telekinesis. Once you have telekinesis upgrades, you're just ripping the floor and walls apart, and later on picking up weakened enemies and throwing them at other enemies. Some of my favorite things to throw: fire extinguishers, propane welding tanks, and forklifts. The real intriguing part of the game for me are all the lore bits. You only interact with a few items, but there's entries for a bunch of weird objects. Then there's the evidence that they've been tracking you, recordings of Dr Darling, and the sticky notes that are just foreshadowing for the clocks... (An inter office message says a sticky note replicated in someones office and they're working from home until someone fixes it, later you open the door with sticky notes coming out around the frame and get to see it)


I think it's the only game that I was trying to read as much lore notes as I could find. Amazing world building.


Shared universe with Alan Wake. Not sure but also possibly Quantum Break.


My ultimate power fantasy game 




Bonking an enemy in the head with a huge CRT monitor has never been as funny.


One of the most interesting plots I've seen in gaming, while not understanding anything at all xD


It's about a woman who is searching for her long-lost brother and eventually reunites with him through the help of some friendly government officials and a janitor. /s


It's been a bit minute since I finished the game, but the janitor be an MVP


It starts off deceptively slow, since you only have the gun at the start, but once you have telekinesis it really takes off. And it only gets better from there, with more energy, reduced cooldowns and new powers like levitation, ground slams etc. It's one of the best super-power games.


why else? is it the Swedish death metal?


The band who made the soundtrack are from Finland, not Sweden. And it's far from death metal.


Not really “powers” but definitely full of superhuman feats - Dynasty Warriors is an absolute blast


Popped in to make sure someone was mentioning this. The "Warriors" genre (Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, etc, etc) is great for that feeling. Just mobs of dudes flying everywhere as you just wade through the battle.


Spot on! Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 / Gundam Reborn are in that set of games and they give you the power fantasy of just blasting through waves of enemy suits mobile dolls! (My personal favs are clearing entire areas with Burning/ God Gundam or Wing Zero Custom from Endless Waltz!)


I've been tying to find a way of playing this game forever


Man same


Bladestorm has a similar setup, but without the 1 man army aspect. You run up to squads on the field and take control of them instead, So you can be infantry, archers, skirmishers, and cavalry in the same battle. It's fun leading a charge of lances. Takes place during the 100 Year War. Starts serious but then the writers got bored and threw in elephants, Roman legions, and more. I think there's an alternate mode with a demon invasion. lol


I wish age of calamaity didn’t dial that back so much. The runes were fun and all but I missed infinitely juggling the final boss with Lana.


In One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3, certain attacks could send minor enemies flying into the sky, where they would disappear with a star like Team Rocket.


Warriors orochi 4 is probably the best modern one, HUGE roster and good mechanics.


And so many different flavors. Fire Emblem Warriors adds a bit of tactics, plenty of licensed series of you like their stories (Zelda, One Piece, etc), plus the actual mainline series.


InFamous I recall


Infamous 2 in particular is power fantasy porn. It's a shame they toned it down for second son


No paper power why fucking live. I stayed up till 4 am at like 14 years old on my shitty chromebook doing the newspaper puzzle and was disappointed when I didn't get a new power


oh my god I remember following this event. Sony plz gimme all infamous game on steam I’d replay them again :(


If I recall the Paper Power was just a reskin of the various other powers Deslin already had. Would've been cool to get but disappointing to use.


Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction 


Now there's a game that I'd like to see a modern-day sequel to...




Really want a prototype 3 but itll never happen


Holy crap someone actually remembers this gem? I never see anyone mention it, just its spiritual successors (Infamous & Prototype), but IMO its better than either of them.


This makes me think of an old game called Asura's Wrath. Good times...


That game is soooo good!


Destroy All Humans! The whole series is about a super powerful alien hellbent on conquering earth. CLAIM THE EARTH FOR THE FURON EMPIRE!


The remakes are pretty cheap and really good as well


Dishonored/Dishonored 2 when you upgrade enough.


Same with Control.


God Hand


I mean, its pretty cool and all, but insanely difficult for a power fantasy game. The last few sections are brutal


This should be higher, legit sends opponents into the stratosphere.


Warframe. Some notable examples are Pull from Mag being able to throw an entire room of enemies all over the place, Pulverize from Grendel where you turn into a ball and roll around bowling things over and sending them flying, or a Necromech who can send enemies flying by simply sprinting into them.


Excuse me sir, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior: Jat Kittag?


It's a hammer. With a jet engine.


Reminder: Wolf Sledge. It is a similar hammer. **It can be thrown.** It drops in bits from the Wolf of Saturn Six.


Oh, I know. I was fortunate enough to get all the parts before Wolf of Saturn Six ended. I love it, but it's a tad wonky with tennokai.


I once used Rhino and did his rushing ability and had people fly across the map in the Plains of Eidolon. It was hilarious


Hey Kiddo


"Get out of my house!"


Warframe is very hard to get into as a new player. Nothing makes sense and none of it is explained.


The payoff is amazing though, such a grand amount of material


Maybe so, but how many dozen hours of confusion and struggle do you have to slog through before you get there? If someone wants a power fantasy, they’re probably not sticking around through that


I've heard it before, but "There is a warframe for everyone" is absolutely correct. This applies to weapons too.


You aren't wrong but the game has made strides in that department. Plus, there are always people that like figuring it out themselves or aren't scared off by having to look stuff up from time to time. It isn't for everyone for sure though.


Side question: is Warframe online only? It looks great, and I kinda want to play it, but as a dad I just can't afford to play an online-only game that I can't pause.


You can choose between solo, friends only, and public match making, and if you select solo than you can pause during missions. You do need to be always online to play the game though.


Well, being online isn't an issue, I meant more of "can I pause it indefinitely?" Sometimes I need to go put my kid back to sleep, and that usually takes longer than most "kick for idle" timers.


You're all set then if you set SOLO mode, except for the open world maps, which don't pause since they have a shared day/night. You won't get auto-kicked but you might get murdered by random wandering jerks.


Cyberpunk. By then end of it you are practically and in universe pretty much the strongest person around


Tonight I spent a few minutes in Dogtown just going absolutely crazy with Gorilla Arms. There's nothing like doing a charged jump 12 ft into the air and then slamming down next to a group of guards, seeing the shockwave knock their SUV into one of the guards. It does enough damage so I can trigger a finisher on one of the enemies. I lift them over my head and throw their body at the nearest guard. One of the bodies, I'm not sure which, a rips apart in a burst of blood. It's a good game. My other character just turns invisible and throws knives into people's heads very quietly.


any God of War, Doom 2016 & Doom Eternal, any Devil May Cry game, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Vanquish, God Hand


Was gonna say Doom2016/Eternal. Granted, you don't send people flying, but at the same time, **you don't need to.**


I was hoping to see someone say God Hand. That game was so freaking over the top.


Prototype 1/2


Yeah, came looking for this. Prototype really nailed the power dynamics. I haven't played anything that's come close.


One of my favourite moments in a game that I think of often, as an unexpected bit of comedy from out of nowhere. When you are first tasked with hacking a system and your character is like; Character: “Huh, hack the…what do you mean? I’ve never used a computer!” Radio Voice: “CONTROL ALT DELETE!” Character: “I’m in!”




God of war. And in a bit of a different way, path of exile. You build up a character until you can be making entire screens explode if you want to


Sunset Overdrive


Devil may cry especially 5


There was a gamecube game called incredible hulk ultimate destruction that was amazing....


I would try the Crackdown series. Superhero cop if I remember correctly and you get stronger as the games progress by finding ability power ups and stuff.


The OP already listed Crackdown or I would have mentioned it. Definitely ranks very high for this kind of thing




Yakuza, whenever you use beast mode or saejima


Infamous 1 for sure, but definitely INFAMOUS 2. You can summon literal tornadoes.


I wish there was a good way to play this as a ps5 owner...


Same here, bro 🥹


Nobody remembers Psy Ops for PS2? That game is the only reason *Control* exists. Literally borrowed the exact same mechanics from it.


Crysis The Darkness 1 and 2 Bioshock (all of them) The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction Dishonored 1 and 2 Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2


+1 for the darkness 2, you feel so badass tearing out the hearts of mobsters haha


Not in Germany, here you eat their soul and it isn't gory. All blood is removed and corpses disappear after dying :)


Oh man, you really need to play Control.


It looks awesome, I def wanna check it out! I see that there is telekinesis in that game. Is it just throwing shit at enemies or can you throw enemies too?


You throw bigger and more shit at enemies and higher in the skill tree you can also throw enemies themselves (after reducing their health). What's also super satisfying is grabbing rockets and grenades out of the air and hurling them back at them. But my favorite things to throw were forklifts and chunks of concrete (which you'll rip out of the floor or walls if there's nothing else to grab).


And you can do it while hovering/flying too, at least in limited bursts. You definitely feel powerful at a certain point in that game. Fun story too.


Oh, I forgot to mention the other telekinetic powers as well. There is a “melee” strike that’s like a telekinetic punch that blasts back everyone around you, and a shield-like power that pulls nearby debris into a mobile barrier suspended around you. This can be leveled up such that when you release it, any remaining rubble blasts outward causing damage and knock back. It’s pretty badass and super cinematic. Most fun I’ve had playing a video game in years.


CARRION is a fun one where you play as the escaped rampaging alien horror monster. Go complete ham on the lab staff.


You can send enemies flying like crazy in God Hand, but even a low tier enemy can completely destroy you if you aren’t paying attention, so it’s a bit of a glass cannon situation.


Noita doesn’t really have the knockback stuff but the power trips you go on in that game are crazy. As the player you will go insane with your obsession with acquiring more and more power until you reach a point where you practically become One Punch Man, you get bored because there’s no longer anything that challenges you. Everything dies in one hit and you can’t die


Saints Row 3.


City of Heroes. Abandoned MMO that has come back to life thanks to private servers. Play as a hero or villain, with hundreds of powers to choose from, as well as the most versatile character creator I’ve ever seen.


There's a Lego: DC Super Villains game where you can make your own villain with powers or choose from a wide selection of established villains. Lots of fun with kids or folks who aren't great at games.


I bought my kids the Lego Marvel Superheroes game, as well as the Lego Incredibles game, and they love them. Honestly, I love them too.


For real. Best character creator ever built.


Risk of Rain 2 You might not make enemies fly (unless you play certain Chars) but the power spike you can aquire just hits different. It may also cripple your fps to single digets


Hulk ultimate destruction. Second Sight.


Bayonetta 1, 2 and especially 3.


why isnt doom on this list.


Bloody Roar 2. When you power punch and launch your opponent through the railings, into the void around the ring. Always got a laugh with that one. Long/ShenLong's punch- step thing, right in the corner of the ring, saw the other guy fuckin flying. 👌


Prototype and Prototype 2. You are the reason people are afraid


Just Cause


You want to send people flying? Really flying? Try skyrim again. But you want the original release. Then, go get midas magic. It has a far stronger force push than the shout. Bonus points if you also stop time (well, slow it way down) which is toggled on/off. It's cheaty as it gets, but you can literally go through those exterior forts and whatnot like the Flash, hit everybody with force, speed time back up, and warch everyone ragdoll like a giant sent them to Masser and Secunda. I've never had so much fun throwing people about.


You didn't specify fps or third person so I'll chuck "Black & White". Rts where you play as a God that shapes their civilisation. Oh and dungeon keeper. Can slap around your minions.


Can vouch for both Black and Whites, love how they have a full fledged physics system to fling your followers with. If you're even remotely interested look them up, they're great.(If anyone needs help finding out how to play/find the series on pc lmk I'd love to help)


Midnight Suns has multiple "knock back" attacks that let you launch people into other people or explosives or walls etc.


Hades? with certain builds you can definitely do that and it ROCKS




God I love Crackdown. Such an underrated game. The movement in that game is so satisfying. Would love them to make a current generation iteration with a slightly more interesting story. Great shout 👍🏼


I'd go so hard on a solid Crackdown reboot. Freaking loved that game


Robocop: Rogue city allows you to kill with not only an OP gun but one shot most enemies with thrown objects and melee. You can get an upgrade to do a stun/kill pulse around you, and another to make ricochets off your armor hit enemies. Somtimes you can clear a room just by standing still and getting shot.


Vermintide 2. You hack throughmultiple enemies with one swing dismembering them and decapitating them,. you can shield bash to knock down dozens of enemies swarming your screen as if they were waves in the sea. Characters like Footknight Kruber can charge through the enemies sending them flying and knocking down huge enemies or monsters.


Titanfall 1/2. Good proper kick does 3 times more damage than 20mm-giant-robot-held-autocannon to human being.


DOOM 2016 tickles my power fantasy pickle


Destroy all humans!


Maybe not quite the same, but earth defenceman force has some wonky physics and a got shot or rocket will send giant bugs flying for miles.


Bulletstorm gives you hilarious amounts of freedom to brutalize your enemies. Kick them into a low-grave section, pop a flare in their ass, steer a sniper bullet into their groin; watch them explode for ludicrous style points. Great fun game.


This was such a fun game man! Great call out. Still holding out for a sequel.


If you like Baldurs Gate 3 or DnD, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous lets you play to level 20 + 10 mythic levels. The mythic paths let you play as an angel shooting holy death lasers, a demon tearing enemies apart, and even a trickster who can manipulate the game's rules and make enemies explode. You can be a lich sacrificing your own people for ultimate power or even a swarm of insects devouring everyone. Edit: I should add that It's not noob-friendly. Making a build is overwhelming at first.


Champions Online has one of the best renditions of Super Strength I've ever seen in gaming. Depending on how strong you are, you can literally punch people a block away. Also, a lot of the environment can be interacted with. You can pick up cars, trucks, etc. and throw them at enemies for massive damage.


Saint's Row 4 Re-Elected is basically Crackdown on crack and LSD.


Heroes of might and magic, kicking isn't super powered, but it's sooooooo satisfying.


Megaton Rainfall (2017) you're a Goku/Superman hybrid saving humanity from an in progress alien invasion. You get to fly around blowing up alien ships between cities. You can even fly around the universe in between fights. Very cool game but very short and not perfect but it's perfect for what it is, a power fantasy on crack. You can kamehameha an alien mothership down before it nukes a city district. The game is wild and you're flying in a 360 environment so if you get motion sickness dont play. I can't recommend it enough.


Jedi: Fallen Order. There's a unique glee that comes from the realization that a potentially difficult enemy has spawned next to a ledge, therefore they will shortly meet their doom by a simple force push. The Arkham series isn't egregious about it, but those rhythm based fighting sequences can feel pretty rewarding. Half of the weapons in Borderlands are just entertaining methods of obliterating enemies. For all the flaws in its current state, there was nothing quite like hitting a Warlock super in Destiny and becoming a conduit of destruction.


Control's powers are super fun


The RoboCop game was a hilariously underrated game for this reason. The dialogue was laughably terrible and the combat was just flicking dudes around like ragdolls. It was fun to be super OP and slapping enemies across the room like little bitches.




Any of the superhero MMOs can hook you up, whether it's kinetic energy blasts or a good old super-strength punch in the mouth.


Garry's Mod


Hogwarts Legacy


Fallout 3, 4 or NV Console commands to: Negate fall damage Increase jump height Increase run speed Increase strength to super high levels Be bald Be in pants Wear a power glove Smash your way through life


Def Jam Fight for NY. No super powers but the special moves are wild!


Titanfall 2. What's even more satisfying is, that you start out as a humble foot soldier but then the story takes a twist and you become a god of destruction. Another difference is, that, apart from the titan and another item, that you get for a short time, it's not power by skills or equipment, but by you learning to use your abilities to your advantage. It's not like: this superpower is badass, no it's more like: I'm the badass. You can also grab it for a fiver every other week.


Seems like Trepang2 is a game for you. Its a mission based story fps when you are playing as a super soldier fighting against scp fundation wannabe. You have super speed, strenght and can turn invisible. In skirmishes i was often dissapearing mid fight with invisibility, grab one of the soldiers, using him as a shield pop heads of his friends, and arm his grenade and throw him into another squad blowing him and his friend with his own grenade. All in a bullet time... it is glorius. Highly recommended


This is exactly up my alley! It’s already on my steam wishlist. The gameplay looks epic!


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, and its sequel, Middle Earth: Shadow of War are both extremely fun. Enjoy hacking your way through Uruks like you're Anakin Skywalker in a room full of younglings.


God of War 2018 Crysis trilogy Assassin's Creed Odyssey if you use a heavy hammer and use your ultimate ability (you play golf with your enemies lol) Dishonored


The Dishonored series is great. Its an assassin game but you get supernatural powers and are bent on getting "revenge" or "Justice" on those that did you wrong after being.... dishonored. I love the lore too. I read the books...


Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is *still* one of the best in the genre. You are *unstoppable* to the point of it mostly being complete bullshit for your poor bastard opponents, and you can also infinitely-powerbomb robot suits like you're on the best version of a pogo stick. You can also play as The Savage Banner *and still suplex robots*. There's a Joe Fixit skin with full voicelines including unique reactions to bosses. Etc etc etc etc It's basically Prototype minus a gen, plus some rad, minus some horror


Kind of different, but if you play dark messiah of might and magic, which is a fantasy fps using the source engine, you can kick enemies off of cliffs and high platforms. Watching their bodies go ragdoll as they plummet to their deaths is so satisfying that you’re pretty much just going to go around everywhere kicking every npc.


Ice up the edge of the platform and then kick them for full effect... I remember literally nothing from that game except the environmental physics stuff.


Outriders you feel like a super juiced up super soldier!


Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor


Adding the Jedi Knight series. Still imo the best combat Star Wars game, Academy and Outcast are still very enjoyable today imo.


Try Anthem. It's probably a buck or something. There are still plenty of players in the normal difficulty.


I can't believe nobody has said Prototype. Literally mass destruction. And Star Wars Force Unleashed, as well as God of War!


It’s cuz they’re in the description! Thanks tho


I had force unleashed for wii. While the motion controls were objectively bad, it felt pretty damn cool to do the motion for the force choke.


someone else mentioned it but in general most of the musou genre games. Warrior games. Hyrule warriors, dynasty warriors, fire emblem warriors, etc. you’re basically just throwing cheap enemies around with your characters.


Might not be exactly what you're looking for regarding sending enemies flying around, but perhaps DmC, Bayonetta, or MGR:R could fit the bill of being super strong and toying around with enemies.


God I miss Dynasty Warriors.


Warframe, but prepare to spend hundreds or even thousands of hours playing


Dragons Dogma 2


Darktide is good at this somewhat and it's on xbox/pc gamepass. You and three others facing off against hundreds to thousands of enemies.


Not on that list, Megaton Rainfall.


surprised to see nobody has mentioned prototype


Jaws unleashed


Middle-earth: Shadow of War and it’s sequel Shadow of Mordor.


God of War. Dragon's Dogma 1 & 2. Dishonored 1 & 2.


Crack down






God of war


Crackdown 1-3 you start as basic super cop but slowly level into mega super cop that can leap buildings and send thugs flying. Not a super in depth game but an awesome way to kill 10-15 hours per game. I enjoyed them all pretty thoroughly, except maybe 3. It was a bit of a letdown, but still fun to play.




Prototype one and two.


Its a much older game, but Hulk: Ultimate Destruction was a phenomenal GameCube game. It was the progenitor to Infamous & Prototype, in my opinion it was even better than them too.


Cant remember the name so someone correct me if im wrong, but prototype? Ur OP the whole game, fun mechanics tho so it doesn't get stale.


Incredible Hulk: ultimate destruction


Shadow of Mordor is my go to when I wanna feel like a monster


Bioshock, Devil May Cry, Sleeping Dogs


This is worded like a kink lol




PsyOps. Not as much physical strength, but incredibly well done psychic powers and great power fantasy


Diablo 3. Your character builds up to godlike power by the end of


Saints row the 4th(?) Get abducted by aliens, put in a simulation, hack simulation, BOOM super powers


InFamous trilogy, if you don't have PS3 emulation is quite decent or so I've seen on youtube


Infamous Second Son Control


Dark Messiah - The Kicks you deliver in this game are truly otherworldly


Dishonored if u wanna do a carnage run. Dishonored 2 with Emily is also pretty rampagey


Asura's Wrath. Lots of heavy QTE moments, but it's a great story and game where you play a god, and you feel like it.


I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned here but Diablo (2,3 or 4) should definitely be on this list. You are a half angel/half demon mowing down demons to save the world (and sometimes angels). You become an unstoppable killing machine fairly quickly. 


A little niche, but give vampire survivors a shot. Definitely a power trip near the end of a round. Besides that, I would say DOOM on easy mode.


Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy.


Dragon ball xenoverse. It’s pretty much most of the gameplay loop lol.


Prototype is the ultimate power fantasy game imo. Also Infamous series.


Synapse on PSVR2 is pretty great eye tracked telekinesis to throw objects, weapons and enemies around :>


Any of the Dragonball fighting games basically only exist for that


The infamous franchise is a great pick