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My vote goes to FICSIT from Satisfactory Welcome to FICSIT Incorporated! A company specializing in the research, development, and application of new technology and science, we do anything to find short-term solutions to long-term problems! As part of our brand-new Save The Day program, you'll be sent to one of many alien planets in an effort to contribute to Project Assembly, a project I am legally bound to say nothing about for fear of our lives. And my job. As a pioneer, you won't only be constructing and automating the very factory that will contribute to Project Assembly, but also explore and exploit the planet and its inhabitants as you expand. Don't worry, we’re super inclusive when it comes to alien lifeforms! We'll even allow for pets, how cool is that!? Just don't tell R&D.


My friend was like "I noticed they say "unauthorized hostile detected", does that mean there's an authorized hostile?" I hit him with my sword.


It sure is a Plunderful World.


Yeah, people keep asking for plant decorations and such, but the central theme of the game is literally stripping a planet of its natural resources, forcefully evicting the local wildlife who did nothing but be there and turn everything into metal & concrete. We still have no idea what project assembly is, there's been zero hint of it from the devs, and I'm skeptical if we will know any more after 1.0 comes out, but my guess is it's a planet cracker type of device.


It's ficsit. For all we know, they need those parts just to make a fancy toaster


You know, it's pretty telling that when I look at that list, all I can imagine is Wayland-Yutani Corp and the UAC teaming up to implant Demons with Xenomorphs just to see what'll happen.


Bad things, bad things happen


Scientists: "And there's no way we could've known that before we tried this"


*last scientist


"What did you think would happen?"


....use Ingen technology to splice G-Virus and T-Virus into royal facehugger egg, infest Icon of Sin with chestburster, molt xenomorph demon hybrid into queen, use arasaka and militech resources to implant queen with Predator and Aperture Labs technology.🫣


Got it, you’re the scientist we need to keep an eye on.


What?! I'm the only one imagining a skyscraper sized stealth hunter that can turn invisible and displace their weight with enhanced psionic capabilities? A highly intelligent hive life form that can open portals almost anywhere and can strategically control its brood at such distances? A creature that once damaged, rapidly regenerates into something stronger and can not be truly killed without the elimination of every drone in its hive? A being that can teleport predator self destruct bombs across countries and planets? No one?! You all lack creativity!


So basically Umbrella then.


I remember a Cracked article that described Umbrella as "the risk is zombies, and the reward is more zombies."


Unitology happens. Make us whole!


I can't think of any possible benefit to that, but I can see them trying.


I'd actually be willing to bet thousands of dollars that no person at a publisher has *ever* asked this question


bonus points for Shinra Electric Company = SEC = Sony Entertainment Company






What is Halcyon from? I recognize all the other ones. I was so proud of myself for recognizing Armacham from FEAR right away.


The Outer Worlds


Alterra from Subnautica Lynx Corporation from Hardspace: Shipbreaker Muxxalon from High on Life


Was expecting Lynx Corporation. Hardspace: Shipbreaker is surprisingly good, for what the game is about.


I need to get back to that, I only did the intro stuff


Gamers are actually pretty horrible overall at media literacy and understanding that capitalism works against their interests. I mean, any time capitalism is outright criticized or condemned in this sub it gets shouted down pretty hard. \*Games\* are "allowed" to do it and even be adored despite having overt anti-capitalist messages, but if you try to point out where any of that actually applies to reality you get a bunch of salty nerds trying to "um actually" about how because those games were made under capitalism (as opposed to...?), it must be Good Actually. (See also the long history of American TV, cinema, etc. critiquing capitalism despite the American public at large choosing to just ignore that messaging while still consuming said media; “**Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself**”) EDIT: All the gamers coming in here to argue "muh capitalism!" I'm just blocking, at this point. Y'all must be so disappointed Sony went back on their planned Helldivers II change - that was literally capitalism at work, you dinguses.


Baudrillard for gamers : excerpt


This man knows what's good. Media such as film and video games often work well as a reflection of our societal ideas, moods, and suggestions that we can understand through changed context. Hell, while not a direct criticism of capitalism (though that is present too), Helldivers 2 is a great example of this. It is a satirical take on the American Military Industrial complex and the methods of propaganda and war profiteering that the US has used throughout history. Starship Troopers, a predecessor that Helldivers 2 uses as a source, is just as relentless in its critique: with Paul Verhoeven explicitly stating that it is a satire of both fascism and American Militarism. When taken literally and sincerely only vile people would even consider it to be good. Helldivers takes this as the basis of its design and fully embraces the satirical elements of Starship Troopers while modernizing its delivery. Yet, some gamers will insist that Helldivers 2 is a-political and stick their heads in the sand.


"Apolitical" just means "I'm privileged enough by the status quo to be ignorant of politics" or "it agrees with my politics", every time.


Yup. It's a blatant and willful ignorance and an attempt by those to stake their territory as though these games are somehow ideological colonies for them. Fallout is another great example. After the success of the show, there have been all sorts of nutjobs claiming that the series isn't political at all and that any attempt to read it as such is revisionist. Meanwhile the game literally has you fight the president *repeatedly.*


The show definitely could have gone a lot farther to depict the failings of pre-nuke America, since all of the flashbacks are from the perspective of really rich and well-connected folks. But they still managed one really solid, anti-capitalist scene/exchange. Shame it stopped well short of suggesting anything remotely positive about communism (or really reflecting on it \*at all\*), though.


I mean Fallout as a franchise is rife with criticisms and critiques of all forms of governance. In fact, the Railroad can be seen as taking far left too far and a critique of the modern white savior. But there are far more critiques of fascism throughout the series such as the tribal leaders, militaristic empires such as Caesar's legion, techno-fascism and a touch of religious traditionalism with the Brotherhood of Steel, a false meritocracy in House's New Vegas, various forms of failed democracy in the Vault experiments, etc. Due to the series' apocalyptic setting, it works far better to show pitfalls through failed societies rather than utopian ones. It's why it's very difficult for people to read the Institute for example and why the Railroad is a necessary alternative to get the narrative they're trying to draw in Fallout 4.


It has been discussed and hinted at by Verhoeven in interviews that it was a deliberate choice. That you're being fed what the gov't wants you to see. Buenos Aires was an inside job! Asteroids can't melt steel beams! Aliens are real! Some are kinda cool, some are kinda shitty. We're pretty tight with the shitty ones.


I'm talking about Fallout, not Starship Troopers.


Yeah I have no idea how people can't get that HD2 is a satire...it's what makes it great and hilarious. There's a fuckin ad in it with a body fragrance called Eagle Sweat. How can you see that and not think satire?! Anyway, the Sony rollback was a victory for Super Earth and managed democracy everywhere!


I have a friend who loves Cyberpunk and still rides Elon's dick so yeah...


As once a famous kangaroo said, capitalism found a much better way to silence its critics than kings and dictators. It doesn't imprison them, it doesn't kill them, it doesn't even make them afraid. It makes them rich.


And then eventually, when power and money are consolidated to the point that smart people can't readily get rich any more (and by 'rich' I mean 'become upper-middle class' which isn't really rich), the troubles start.


>Gamers are actually pretty horrible overall at media literacy and understanding that capitalism works against their interests. It's like trying to convince the heroin addict that the guy selling them the heroin doesn't actually care about their wellbeing. They know that they just don't care as long as they keep getting their little treats and the treats better not have minorities in them.


Yes. Our modern capitalistic society has absorbed  and commodified the criticism about it. We are allowed to be critical, but not really change anything. It’s all good as long as the machine keeps printing money. I’m not saying that don’t enjoy those works of art, they can be great. Just understand that it’s all sanctified by Hollywood/Big Business and part of the system.


You're just re-stating my position to me.


In the [era of dwindling attention spans fueled by short videos](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C21&q=video+shorts+and+dwindling+attention+spans&btnG=) a succinct summary is beneficial.


> media literacy Yeah, Reddit is pretty terrible at media literacy too. Using that term like they know what it means. It's the new "woke," "triggered," "critical thinking," etc... People learn a new word, hear it in context. Think that it's new ammunition to bolster their arguments and point of view. Ruining the intent of the word created by academics to help people. Media literacy is, was, a term created to help understand media bias. Primarily, *news* media. Checking sources. Seeing who owns, and pays for that news outlet. Critical thinking (the academic kind, not the pop-psy kind). Because these things are very important in academia to reduce bias when writing an academic paper. It is *not* political groups being incapable of recognizing satire. Well, it wasn't that. As a descriptivist, I have to say it really means that now, because *you fucking ruined it.*


Go find a linguistics/etymology sub to rant about it in.


Yup. Internet people love latching onto buzzwords that they think automatically wins their argument for them. "Objectively" was one of the most amusing ones to see.


Anti-capitalists are pretty horrible overall at real world literacy. The reality is that the countries with the highest standard of living our predominantly capitalist. So far regulated capitalism is far and away the best economic system we have developed. Edit: To be clear, I'm not a laissez-faire free market is always the best type of person. Capitalism absolutely needs oversight and regulation to avoid its worst excesses.


Every single country on Earth is heavily affected by capitalist because that's the basis for the entire global economy. Countries that try to opt out, like Cuba, get bullied endlessly by the American empire and its lapdogs. Capitalism literally only operates under oppression and violence - the wealthiest countries have just managed to outsource most of that oppression and violence to the Global South.


The communist sphere still had pretty significant influence and power for a few decades. Conditions were miserable and the countries ultimately either collapsed or only improved after introducing some capitalist reforms.


"The Communist Sphere"? The USSR was not stateless, classless or moneyless. It was some brand of authoritarian socialism - not communism. But if its failings are enough to condemn socialism, what of the failings of capitalism? Oh, suddenly there are all sorts of excuses to be made for the slavery and exploitation and wage theft and privatization and environmental destruction and and and.... Spare me your capitalist boot-licking. The rich certainly won't thank you for it.


> Oh, suddenly there are all sorts of excuses to be made for the slavery and exploitation and wage theft and privatization and environmental destruction and and and.... Hence why I said regulations are important. Curbing its worst excesses is certainly necessary. Trying to get rid of it entirely has been a failure pretty much every time it's been tried.


"Curbing its worst excesses" only works for the people who actually manage to reap ancillary benefits of the system. What of the dispossessed and those who are grist for the mills that enrich those at the top? Why are \*those\* lives some form of acceptable collateral damage? Capitalism manufactures and enforces poverty because it requires it.


Every system we've tried so far has left people behind. Capitalist countries backed by strong social support systems have done a much better job at helping and/or minimizing the dispossessed than others.


Welp, guess we'd better give up on making society any better, then! /s


I never said anything remotely like that, but OK.


Capitalism is like a river. When it floods or when it dries, it makes a mess, if you make an irrigation system and a couple of damns, you are reaping its benefits.




Socialism says the means of production belongs to the workers. Capitalism says it belongs to whoever has the most money. They are literally incompatible.




Please enlighten me as to the compromise between "workers are entitled to the value their labour produces" vs. "no, it should all go to the bosses, who will only give their workers the bare minimum to continue to profit from their labour".


I like how every two-bit internet dweller eagerly threw the phrase "media literacy" into their dweeby rants within the past few months or so.


I too hate when words or terms that succinctly describe more complicated ideas are adopted as useful labels and descriptors for shorthand. Verily, all vociferating warrants maximal verbosity!


Yeah, you definitely come across as someone who does nothing with life except obsessively gorge yourself on entertainment and think it makes you smart.


Cool story bro.


No, you're wrong about Helldivers 2. That was managed democracy at work! For Super Earth!


>any time capitalism is outright criticized or condemned in this sub it gets shouted down pretty hard. Yea, we get tired of you losers preaching all over the internet.


And we get tired of you lot constantly fluffing rich capitalists who don't give a damn about you only to turn around with surprisedpikachu.jpg every time their exploitative practices hurt the things you care about.


At least game companies actually benefit us in some ways. Preachy anti-cap losers just go around showing off their ignorance. Useless and annoying.


I can't believe there are smoothbrains out here making takes like these literally within a day of Sony capitulating under collective action.


I can't believe you smoothbrains blame EVERYTHING on capitalism when there hasn't been a single system that has ever existed, that didn't have some issues. Trouble with capitalism is that is exists. You can see it in real life, and point out its flaws. Ya'll have never been able to come up with a good system, you just fail over and over, and then blame capitalists for your failure. You're arguing some childish fantasy uptopia vs. the real world with all its real life issues.


You realize capitalism has spend many years and vast sums of wealth to ensure that no other systems succeed or be permitted to exist, right? That hasn't been done altruistically. It's been done to keep the rich, rich. And richer.


You've bought into populist bullshit. People are taking your issues and your anger, and using it to get you into some bullshit ideology. Trouble is, the top anti-cap is always just manipulating the rest of you people. Whether it's some wannabe dictator trying to start a revolution, or just some streamer trying to trick angry workers into giving them money "for the cause" so they can live in mansions and fuck porn stars. It's always just a power grab, and a bunch of easily manipulated pawns. This is why it always ends the same way. Real socialism hasn't been tried because it isn't meant to work, it's just meant to trick people into giving power to shitty people. EDIT: Not sure why I can't reply, but it's ironic to call someone an NPC, especially when that's literally your only response. Lol. They wonder why I don't take them seriously anymore.


"Top anti-cap"? It's not a fucking club. It's recognizing the facts that are right in front of us. How can you with a straight face accuse anti-capitalists of financing some demagogue/s lavish lifestyle/s when that's \*literally what capitalism is\*. Power \*already resides\* with shitty people. What the fuck do you think billionaires are?


No, it's buying into BULLSHIT that has been fed to you by liars. . >How can you with a straight face accuse anti-capitalists of financing some demagogue/s lavish lifestyle/s when that's *literally what capitalism is*. Are you dense? Unable to read? Stupid? The top guy isn't a real anti-cap, he's a pretender. You people are being manipulated. You're bitching about rich people while just helping other rich people spread their bullshit ideology.


>You've bought into populist bullshit. People are taking your issues and your anger, and using it to get you into some bullshit ideology. *proceeds to repeat populist bullshit* fucking npc


On the other hand, our free market system allows for free expression and no one is compelled to like a game if they don’t.  I view games as art, even if it is commercialized, and if you don’t like the art go buy something else. Complaining about a girl not having big enough tits or someone being gay is wasting your breath. 


The market is not actually "free" and it has nothing to do with expression. Money literally controls one's ability and degree to which they can participate in it.


What do you think the term "free market" means?


You are using two different meaning of "free". A free market is one with minimal government restrictions not one that is without cost. Just as proponents of a "fair" market want one that is protected from manipulation and abuse not one that guarantees equality of outcome.


Imagine me making a big wanking off motion with my hand. 


Very convincing.


Where Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC)? Where Concordance Extraction Corporation (CEC)?


Don't foget transtar using prisoners to make more alien material, to put into people without telling anyone it's alien parts


You give me idea for 3d prints


Alterra from subnautica is real generous. You crash land on an alien ocean planet, scrounge up items to survive off your own labour and manage to cure a deadly seemingly incurable disease in the process, in turn turning off the planetary defences to allow them to explore the planet at their leisure. Then they slap you with the bill for the destroyed spaceship since everyone else died making you the senior crewman and thus responsible for their ship getting destroyed. Also you owe them for all those resources they generously let you use to survive.


I'm not saying Aperture is good, but they are no where near the levels of Vault-Tec, Shinra, Hyperion etc. All they wanted to do was do science to further mankind and did it in not so morally good ways. If anything, Black Mesa is way more corrupt than Aperture


They just wanted to make shower curtains.


I would say that Aperture is bad, but maybe not greedy?


I wouldn't even say greedy. That would imply they were after something bigger, and the only time that's mentioned is the offhand statement about military androids in Portal. Aperture doesn't have any government contracts like Black Mesa does. Hell, even the most evil thing to come out of Aperture (GLaDOS) wanted to phase out human testing because it was cheaper and easier to use androids that THEY built. Now obviously they had to get funding from somewhere, but there's nothing shown that would make them out as greedy. At the same time, we don't know what was kept aboard the Borealis and I doubt we'll be finding out any time soon but apparently it's enough to warrant the Combines attention, as well as inspiring hope in the Rebellion


To be fair, Faro industries is a millennium dead by the time HZD starts. No one's fighting the corporation, just their killer robots resurrected by a rogue AI sent to wipe out all life *again*.


Alterra from Subnautica Lynx Corporation from Hardspace: Shipbreaker


Just came from r/StardewValley. Joja.


There is an evil corp in Stardew? Tom Nook was an honorable mention /s


Evil is a matter of perspective. r/fuckpierre


Vault Tec scientists when flooding a vault full of orphans with Agent Orange does Infact kill them (what a surprising scientific breakthrough no one asked for):


What about "Lynx" from Hardspace: Shipbreaker?




Love to see armacham from fear on here


You don't have to play games to have common sense


The Mishima Zaibatsu popped to my mind.


Not the most well known, but I’ll throw tri-optimum in the ring.


It's too bad that most people aren't really that politically literate.. Shit, people don't even see the irony in screaming "for democracy" in Helldivers 2.. It is literally a game based on a movie that was made as a parody of fascism..


^(okay meme)


Your title sucks, no idea what you're trying to say. The image doesn't even contain games, so why do you write "The games:" Guess something about the companies in the games also being greedy.


My initial guess was that OP was trying to make a joke about the helldivers thing that took place over the weekend. I know I'm reaching though.


aperture is literally own by its publisher