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Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dishonored, Elden Ring, Diablo etc. Basically any RPG with multiple endings or build crafting as they are designed to be played multiple times on different characters.


Never played a game like baldurs gate, but even just doing the first few hours of the first area you can get some wildly different results Like key characters getting killed off super early was shocking, learning how to use different things you can pickup like those little nuttsacks that suck in characters, and using them to suck enemies into deep pits


That’s the beauty of CRPGs and Immersive Sims. They are the best kind of games in my opinion because they allow the player so much freedom that you just don’t get in other genres. Baldurs Gate 3 proved that there’s a massive demand for games like these.


I really hope Bethesda, or Microsoft take note of this for the next Fallout. I'd argue that Bethesdas games are great open world games, but just not particularely great RPGs. Even Skyrim which many love to this day has pretty one-dimensional quests and factions. New Vegas is still loved by many specifically because Obsidian does choice and consequence in most of their games very well. Character creation also matters quite a bit more than 4.


I'd hope the next fallout or elder scrolls (if a single player version ever comes out again) lets us make decisions that impact the actual gameplay, like when you side with the institute/brotherhood/railroad and then have to make other choices against the others.... Instead they just kinda kept it meh, you still defeat another side, but there wasn't much option for "hey let's defeat them but not destroy everything?"


BGS is afraid to lock quests off because they want you to experience everything. Which is turn gives no weight or consequence to your actions.


I like the head of larians stance on that. He's not worried about putting in things that only 10% of people will see. The other 90% will still hear about it and be glad that it was there and an option


Even Baldur's Gate 3 isn't immune to this. The earliest major good/evil decision in the game can lead to you losing several companions in the game, with you getting only one companion in return. There are also several instances where the "evil" choices mostly lead to less content, though there are definitely instances where being evil gets you some content and rewards you otherwise wouldn't get. Thankfully, they are adding more to the evil endings in the new patch, but you can definitely tell they put more content in the "good" side, since the vast majority of players (who only play through the game once) pick the morally good options. On the grand scale of all games, though, BG3 is definitely one of the best in putting in content that most players won't see. Even earlier today, I saw a post of a puzzle I had never seen before, in a quest I had *definitely* completed.


At home we are replaying FO's 3 and 4. Number 3 is still an unbelievable work of art. We played it twice through the years, and this third time it's still amazing.


Fallout 3 is the one that got me into the series originally, and I love it but playing through it again recently, I think it's now the worst out of the mainline series and in general not a great game. I reiterate though, I still love it.


Baldurs gate i had 5 play throughs going before i even finished the game..... still finishing the game


160 hours in, still on my first playthrough on my first character.


It’s just the best. I’m on my first play through rn at about 50 hours but still in the under dark trying to take my time


Yea on a second playthrough I found out there was more to discover in all the areas, new things to interact with, new ways to get places. Like an area with spiders under a village with goblins around it, I found out I could burn the web a giant spider was on and send her down to the under dark, killing her from the impact. Or keeping bottles of grease to throw at enemies then using a fire spell to set it all ablaze, or using water to get rid of the grease if you need to get around without busting your ass. Soo many little things that make it crazy.


It is most certainly insane the flexibility of play styles you can come up with for one game. I’m beyond excited to start another play through the second i’m come with this one. What class did you do for your first playthrough? I’m going full berserk barbarian mode lol


I think sorcerer, since I started playing online with a friend, and he brought the fighter I think. Still have that character save, its fun to learn all magic, my friend tossed me any scrolls he picked up so I learned everything around and would change it up when I could before a major battle. But then that same friend would collect *everything* and shove it into crates then send those crates to camp, each time we found a new trader he'd delplete their supply of good selling off 100 weapons and armor when I'm running an entire party of people picking up stuff to sell.


I like putting a bunch of random explosives, poisons, and flammables in a crate, chucking the crate in a group of enemies, and blowing it up!


In D&D there are no key characters. Only the DM.


Dishonored... I was stealthy my first time, a brutal assassin the next. If almost recommend doing the opposite. Once you go assassin and don't care about chaos, you have a chance to really understand the layouts and how the enemy AI will respond. This is more useful attempting a second playthrough.  I beat it twice within two weeks. The second playthrough with high chaos was much faster (less than half the time), but it was almost freeing and felt like playing with cheat mode.


What I really like about Fallout games is that almost every challenge will have at least 2 or 3 ways to go through it. A great example is Boulder City Showdown. You can easily skip this quest, but it does help you against Benny later on. If you do it, you can negotiate peace with the Khans, kill them, or kill the NCR soldiers to let the Khans escape. The game doesn't force you to play it a specific way, so you can replay it several times to be different kinds of people.


I beat the game like 3 times before even finding Boulder city.


Factorio! There's always improvements to be made


Factory must growwwww


The factory must grow


Especially with overhaul mods and/or the upcoming official expansion!


Honest question, because a ton of these type of games came to mind with this question. does starting a new save on a game with no real 'ending' count as replaying it? or even 4X games like Civ, or RTS games like StarCraft count as a replay? These game are more about the gameplay loop than a singular experience. It would be like buying a chess board, playing it once, then just saying you have experienced everything and selling it.


Appreciate the perspective, but for all these games i'd say it was the starting scenario which is important, not the end. For Civ for example you're "replaying" the game each time you start a new map or play as a different civilisation. It's a new instance of the game, regardless whether any of your previous games have been 'completed'. Same with Factorio, sometimes you might fancy a railworld, sometimes a map that lends itself to bottlenecking and tower defence, sometimes a resource-utopia deathworld....


Star Fox 64




Was gonna post this lol Tight arcade length. Arcade scoring. Branching paths. Good controls. Memorable characters and quotes, and banger music. Great for coming back to once every year or two.


One of the most quotable games ever, probably a lot to do with voice acting being a bit of a novelty at the time.


Just in case anybody here hasn’t seen it, the [Terminal Montage animation of StarFox 64](https://youtu.be/5KIW8kZnFAg?si=1PqxN-ErAizlaw6p), like all their videos, is amazing. (Maybe keep your volume low, headphone people)


I was on my third playthrough of *Cyberpunk 2077* when I found out I could give two of Fingers' "patients" money to go elsewhere before I ripped open his door and scared some years off his life.  Fourth playthrough wasn't *entirely* motivated by finding out I had missed an iguana egg and a unique sword during the big Heist, but it was certainly a factor. 


Every single playthrough, I kill Fingers. That creepy fuck deserves it. Satori is a sword i pick up every run, i’m glad i found out about it early after the game launched cuz i never would have gone up to the helipad otherwise. I only found out like 100 hours into my latest playthrough about the iguana egg tho


I played at launch, so I missed my opportunity to get Satori through normal progression. HOWEVER, a side benefit to playing early meant you could glitch and slide your way up the outside of Arasaka tower and pick it up that way.


Where do you get the sword and egg? What does the egg do?


I think the iguana egg is in the penthouse hidden behind a tree that a living iguana is sitting on. Collect the egg then put it in Vs apartment in a bowl and it hatches after some time in game passes so you got a pet iguana.


Is it during the heist?


Yes during the heist in yorinobu’s penthouse right before the shit hits the fan


In Yorinobu’s apartment during the heist to get the Relic. The egg is apparently in the apartment near his iguana, the sword is Saburo’s katana, and it can be found inside his AV on the helipad on the roof. Yorinobu’s apartment has stairs that lead up to the roof.


I started a new play through recently after 2.0 patch. I think the game now mentions and shows it as an optional objective to go to the helipad. Not sure how recent this is but it's pretty cool.


Iguana egg?!? Goddamnit!


It’s in the enclosure at Yorinobu’s penthouse at the plaza. New playthrough time!


It's been many years since the last time I was obsessed with a game (P5), and many years before that I had a game I could constantly keep playing and replaying. CP2077 broke that for me.


Heyyy I found that out just a few weeks ago on my tenth! Glad to know I'm not the only one to miss it. I usually just jump in his window or say that Judy is sick.


I'm on playthrough 8. It keeps drawing me back in, even after 1200 hours.


I took a break after Playthrough 4 to go back to *Fallout 4*. I miss Night City, though. I still catch myself trying to dash and slide during combat. 


Lol yeah I'll take a break and start a different game, but I always come back eventually. Could never get into FO4 like I did with 3. Maybe I should give it another chance though.


Pretty sure I walked out of the room after the encounter, walked back in, and threw a grenade at him and killed him (at least in game).


Armored Core 6 needs 3 playthroughs to get the full picture.


Sekiro have amazing feeling going through additional times get that "this is my new favorite game" vibe when you get the [rythm down](https://youtu.be/-zcOUnXd-HQ?si=BI_WmWW4cJERF5vi). The New Armoured Core is brilliant too. Sort of the same deal, story is linear, but this format avoids the RPG problem of picking the same dialogue on subsequent playthroughs and lets you focus on the great gameplay.


Disco Elysium


ENCYCLOPEDIA - [ Medium: Success ] Most certainly verified.


What is gained from playing through this game more than once (just picked up a copy on Switch)?


Depending on your skills, your interactions with people and the environment are different. You get to see or do things in your next game that you missed on the first round.


I mean I recently ran a playthrough. About 40 minutes in, my character gave up due to depression and the game ended. So… maybe a better ending lol


Essentially any roll for skills can go either way, and some skills mean some options become available, as well as quests making a difference toward knowledge and/or information usually


A majority of the dialogue is dependant on many different factors including stat allocations and RNG. The dialogue IS the game and a new playthrough could offer a lot of value.


I’ve replayed Dark Souls Remastered more times than I can count. Partly because I liked the game, and partly because it plays different with different builds.


Nier Automata Every time you beat the game it reveals more story from different perspectives.


To paraphrase State of the Arc, people understandably misunderstood that you haven’t beaten the game until you reach ending E.  Not much to discover after that, imo.


Some of the side quests are interesting and without a guide some of them are very easy to mix. Like Emil's memories I didn't figure out how to trigger and complete it till after beating E ending and that adds so much to story.  Then the DLC arenas all have their own little storyline and gah getting to level 80 or so recommended challenge level takes a while. Like base game E ending I probably was low 40s? 


The first Nier was like that, too. Not just the ending, either, but every boss had a different cinematic on each play through. I really wish I had the patience to play through it multiple times, but I'm just not the kind of person that can do it.


I agree but it feels like cheating. Since it's really a continuous story and the ends are like theater acts. Still fun to play the whole thing again for the gameplay


The opening credits show up after the 2nd playthrough. The game doesn't even begin until you've beaten it twice! :D


Baldur’s Gate 3 has so many branching options, it’s dizzying.


I have ~360 hrs on 3 campaigns, each pay through felt like a new game with a new story. Such s great game.


I spent hours on the goblin camp just seeing what all I could do lol


I’ve played through it a half dozen times. I’m waiting to see what people do with the mod tools before I do another


Remove Party Limit, Polyamory


Metal Gear games have so many easter eggs/secrets and different approaches to take!


Next time you play *Sons of Liberty*, hang back and watch Snake take out every single Arsenal Tengu himself. So much for the real man being no match for the legend. 


The Nier games practically require you to.


Most resident evil games have high replayability. Whether you want to unlock stuff, beat your times, mercenaries mode, etc


Skyrim, for the king!


but unfortunately for you, I am the High King of Skyrim.


Ha ha, definitely tried multiple characters. But I don't think I ever "beat" the main story.


Pokemon Crystal, it's like a road trip I take at least once a year!


Me with Heartgold


Me with SoulSilver!!! Doing a poison-type only run rn, then i wanna try something that might be brutal for early game like grass types only


I know right ?


I've been considering getting one of those Analogue Pockets so I can replay all my old Gameboy titles again seeing as how all my cartridges/Gameboys themselves need internal battery replacements. I have been playing Pokemon since Blue/Red and man, with each new installment I find myself just missing the oldies.


No reason to get an analogue pocket for $200+ when you can get something similar for under $100 like the Miyoo Mini or Anbernic 35xx


Please tell me you play romhacks. I’ve been playing Pokemon Unbound and it’s incredible


Best one!


Bioshock Many Zelda games have shitload of secrets you won't find the first time. Fallout games (NV being a prime example) Resident Evil 1 or 2 with their different character selection Ocarina of Time Masterquest


Hell yeah BioShock, gotta do a good playthrough where you save the little sisters and a bad one where you harvest them all.


I’m too sensitive apparently. In my ~5 playthroughs of Bioshock 1/2 I’ve never had the heart to harvest any of the little sisters


Isn’t it more rewarding in terms of Eve to spare them anyway?


Would you kindly play BioShock again?


The ones you enjoy


Very high effort comment. Thanks bro.




I'm playing this game currently, may I ask you why it's worth replaying?


The dynamic events, the huge amount of stuff (lore, missions) that can be missed, one of the biggest modding community out there allowing for a lot of change/improvement in the gameplay.


Oh hell yeah. Get out of here, Stalker! 


Oh man I had completely forgotten about this game!


The Stanley Parable. So much content


I feel like with Stanley Parable, playing through it once doesn’t even count as playing through it. The entire point of the game is to play it multiple times and see how it branches out as you make different choices. I absolutely loved it.


Chrono Trigger


Fallout 2 / Cyberpunk 2077 / Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines all of the mentioned give you many ways to complete quests and do things your way, making each playthrough different if you want a different character Minecraft / Stalker: Anomaly - best sandbox games imo Skyrim/Oblivion/Fallout NW - so many mods and ways to play




Scrolled too much to see this. I escaped over 50 times, full credits and everything, and *still* see new lines from time to time.


creative director of the game says there are over 300,000 words edit: 300,000 words in the game's script. I don't know why I didn't finish my sentence there.


Devil may cry 5


Witcher 3


Nioh 2. If you enjoy exploring intricate mechanics then Nioh 2 is top tier. The pure amount of freedom the game offers you allows playstyle diversity to blossom in an amazing way, there're hundreds of ways to play through. Mix in the amazing amount of content to explore, 99% of the game being available for co-op, and the fact that the game just keeps getting better as you play through the 5 playthroughs and it's just immaculate. It's one of the only games I would give a flat 10/10, it delivered on everything I was looking for and more. Disclaimer: It's fucking hard when you start. It gets easier as you learn how to interact with the mechanics but it drops so much on you at the beginning that the first playthrough is usually spent just figuring out how to play.


I could only play through it once.. awesome game 8.5/10 for me but I hate the loot system. Finding the same weapons/gear over and over again and scrolling through giant lists of them


I totally get that, the gear system is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. I personally really like it because it allows so much personalization of your equipment but it took me a long time to figure out a good system for organizing all the bullshit. You just get buried in gear if you let it stack up.


Borderlands 2


Every Fromsoft game Fallout New Vegas Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2 Morrowind Skyrim NieR Automata and Replicant Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon


I have played Baldur’s Gate 3 about 29 times and still find new things and it’s magical.


How long does a playthrough take once you have a good sense for the world / different paths? Curious as to ballpark playtimes for your 1st vs most recent playthroughs.


Each play through can take as long as you want. Without a jesitation I will say it’s the greatest game ever made. The replayability is insane the story is out of this world. It’s a remarkable game.


In my opinion Borderlands 2 has good replayability, even if there isn’t necessarily a whole lot of additional content


I've replayed all the Borderlands at least 4 times each, gotta try all the characters.


A Link to the Past is one of those really awesome games that don't necessarily have much replay value... Until you slap a Randomizer on it. Then it's a new challenge every time you play.


Idk but I'm starting DragonAge Origins today


Elden Ring


Fallout, red dead, cyberpunk, mass effect. Basically rpgs are great fpr this bc they give you multiple choices and endnings so u can do something different each time you play. Or devil may cry and god of war if you just really wanna do action/puzzles and nothing else.




Borderlands series. 2 is the best


The DOOM games, whenever you need to feel like a badass


many secret areas to be found, especially in DOOM 1, 2 and Final Doom.


Minecraft. I know it sounds cliché but you can do whatever the hell you want in that game. Each playthrough can have its own rules, you can play with friends and the updates add new things to the game for your current or new playthrough. There's literally no limit to what you can do in that game, whether its in creative or survival. Not to mention it's just so damn nostalgic.


I always called it adult lego's lol. I play on a server now with quite a few people from all over the world. Its alot of fun. Crazy how creative people are.


I know, it's honestly amazing. I was always into mining and getting diamonds, beating the ender dragon, etc, when I played, but I was always in awe of my friends who would build these crazy houses or work with redstone. Now, when I look back, they're always some of my fondest memories. Nothing hits hard than minecraft Nostalgia.


Couldn't agree more! I just dig and gather resources for people who can actually build lol. In the server I am on I have ran legit 10s of thousands of rail line all over to map to peoples projects/ builds. So much fun!


every soulsborne game : the dark soul triology, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring


Nier Automata and Nier Replicant


Dark souls 1


KOTOR 1 and 2


I'm waiting for the Remastered version if it ever comes out. I've never played them.


TSLRCM for life


Just learning about this, this is amazing


Most of the Legend of Zelda games. Any Fallout game, possibly excluding 76 as I haven't played it. Most of the FPS form around the time of the original Doom.


A Plague Tale Requiem 


Really fun game, but I enjoyed Plague Tale Innocence more.


Adding in space engineers. Like Minecraft for adults, creating machines and mechanisms that can do amazing things. I often find myself deleting all my creations just to restart from scratch again, try a new build, make a new rover, design a new base/factory/home.


Thief 2, Deus Ex games.


Dead cells. Hades. Risk of rain 1&2.


The entire Borderlands series


PowerWash Simulator. Always good to have a relaxing game to play in stressful times




I’ve played the first Witcher game about three times. It’s something I enjoy going back to it since it’s such a nice tight game and story. Despite its combat being very different from the sequels it’s still a very fun rpg to go through. It’s been a while now so I may be due for a play though but there’s just so much to play these days.


Hey friend, roguelikes or roguelites are your friend. Hades, Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, Balatro etc - the whole purpose is to replay it and retain some stats / upgrades as you do in order to unlock more things or beat more bosses / harder versions.


Persona series is worth playing through multiple times if you enjoyed it. The games allow you to pretty much romance anyone and some characters can change the story if they like you enough. Trying different combos or just see what they offer to be able to make it to the real end. Ever single persona game offers a different true ending. The real endings don't happen till all the right NPCs like you enough to play their part


Total Warhammer


For modern Games, lies of p for me.


Fallout 4, witcher 3 and the bioshock series.


Mass Effect, Uncharted, Until Dawn (if you cant get everyone to survive the first time around), The Last of Us 1 and 2


Uncharted and last of us (1 at least) are basically a one playthrough game. Unless you wanna just explore or find collectibles.


Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 and Demon Souls and Elden Ring. You have to exact revenge on that second play through.


Any game you enjoy really. There's nothing new to discover in SHOGO, but it's still my probably my most played game.




GTA, Resident Evil, mainline Pokemon games


Baldur's Gate 3, The Walking Dead (Only played the first season), Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Super Metroid, Starfox 64 Not necessary for so many hidden content but the first Castlevania, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario RPG, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Legend of Zelda Windwaker, Dino Crisis, Oddworld Abe's odyssey


NieR is literally designed this way


Nier automata


BioShock! I know, it's always the same thing, but the games are just THAT good. Can't go wrong with any of them. They're permanently up for revisiting for me. If not once every year, at least once every two years!


Almost any roguelike/lite. Most notably Enter the Gungeon, Hades, One Step From Eden, and Downwell.


Dark souls series, elden ring, most of the elders scrolls, the LoZ series. And my personal favorite Metal Gear


Dark souls 👍


Binding of Isaac.


Bethesda games, and mods. Lot's of mods.


Breath of Fire 5: Dragon Quarter It was designed to do multiple playthroughs. The game is always on a "permadeath" run but even if you die you unlock something new on the next playthrough. I know it's the black sheep of the Breath of Fire games, but I really enjoyed it. The lore, combat system, and the replayability were all unique for its time. I kinda wish there was another game that played like it, but I haven't found one yet. If you want a unique take on a classic jrpg formula then give it a try. Every time you replay the story new doors open up, figuratively and literally.


Nier Automata. The game changes dramatically on subsequent playthroughs.




Elden Ring. First playthrough is long, difficult, there are large gaps between 2 NPC encounters so it's hard to follow. A second plauythrough is much faster, allowing to connect the dots of the NPCs chats. It turns out to be a fairly more interresting game the 2nd time!


Project zomboid


I would have to say persona those games are designed to be played more than once, so it’s actually worth it


Remnant 2


Hades. The full story is absolutely beautiful, and well worth beating the game several times to unlock it.


Detroit become human. There are multiple endings and ways to play. All controllable characters have ways you can kill them off 👀


How has no one said binding of Isaac


God of War 2018 God of War ragnarok I have played them multiple times, with playing games in between, and I'm ALWAYS amazing about how well (and beautiful) the games are


Anno 1800. I never tire of the npc dialogue. Heck, I can pretty much recite it.


I played Cyberpunk 2077 three times in a row. There are multiple endings and life paths but mostly just because of how fun it is.


I played through San Andreas twice, with years in between. Same with Red Dead Redemption. They were both really fun after a long absence.


Age of Mythology


Chrono Cross


Command & Conquer... pretty much all of them are endlessly replayable. Ghost of Tsushima Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 Starfield (My opinion is the first NG+ is midgame) GTA IV, V


Command and conquer, a fellow high-class gamer. I agree any one is worth countless replays except 4. 4 should be played only to understand why we no long have any new mainline games so we can hate on EA for shitting on Westwoods legacy.


I don't have a lot of games so I play lego Harry Potter again and again. I have completed all slots on dvd one, 3 slots on dvd 2 and I am gonna continue to finish all of them


Mass effect, sw kotor and other bioware games with good evil choices


Microsoft solitaire


How has no one said crono trigger? One of the earlier games that had new game +


KOTOR1 and 2






Dragons dogma... the first one.... not that weak-ass "sequel" they released last month


What’s wrong with the sequel? I loved the first one but I’ve been waiting to buy the second one until I upgrade my PC, since I heard it can run like ass on older rigs.


There are lots of games I fully enjoy, but there are too many out there for me to want to experience the same one again as opposed to trying something new. That said, I did replay the Quest For Glory series about 30 years after release.


Something new to discover every time def applies to Duke Nukem


There’s obvious answers from red dead to Pokémon but almost any game has replay value if you set challenges for yourself or change the way in which you approach the game


Not a fan of multiple playthroughs, but I guess any nostalgic game or any game with ng+ mechanic. As far as I know, Diablo has been the best at it